Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 19/02831/COND
Address Redland High School For Girls Redland Court Road Bristol BS6 7EF  
Street View
Ward Redland
Proposal Application to approve details reserved by condition 2 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 6 (Phasing Plan and Programme of Works), 7 (Construction Management Plan or Method Statement), 10 (Method statements - specified work) and 23 (Cotoneaster Method Statement) attached to permission 17/04263/F, which approved the residential conversion, including limited demolition and new build development, to form 44 new dwellings associated car and cycle parking and refuse storage. Internal and external refurbishment to all retained buildings. (Major)
Validated 2019-06-12
Type Approval/Discharge of conditions
Status Decided
Standard Consultation Expiry 2019-08-19
Determination Deadline 2019-08-07
Decision Condition application decided
Decision Issued 2020-07-24
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1  Unstated: 2  Total: 3
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response:

Email to Planning officer dated 25 October 2019:
Further to our recent emails I have now seen the attached Briefing Note dated 25th June 2019. I do not recall seeing this document on the portal until now.
In the light of this, I attach my revised spreadsheet and ask the following questions:
  1. Why are none of the trees identified as being felled for landscaping included in the BTRS calculation?
  2. Why are the trees in Groups G02 and G16 not included in the BTRS calculation?
  3. I have identified a number of multi-stemmed trees in my schedule. Is the stem diameter calculation based on the sum of the DBH values of each stem?
  4. Is tree T21 now to be retained?
  5. Are these calculations still based on the survey undertaken on 17th February 2017, almost three years ago?
  6. If so and given the passage of time since the last survey, is it intended to resurvey the trees to be felled to establish their current stem diameters?
I repeat our assertion that, before any tree is felled or any BTRS calculation approved, this matter ought to go back before the Planning Committee for this unresolved aspect of the planning approval to be considered.

Public Comments

on 2019-07-24   OBJECT

on 2019-07-17