Council Reference Validation date Address Proposal # Comments BTF submission BTF submission date Status Status date
BCC 24/04447/F 2024-12-12 Land To The Rear Of 5 Oakland Road Redland Bristol BS6 6ND Full Planning : Conversion of existing storage unit into 1no. one-bedroom dwelling with associated amenity space. 1 OBJECT Pending consideration 2025-02-06
BCC 24/04652/COND 2024-11-22 St Mary-le-Port Wine Street Bristol BS1 2AN Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 (Phasing Plan) of permission 21/03020/F - Demolition of existing buildings and structures including the office buildings (including basements and sub-structures) known as Bank of England House, Bank House and Norwich Union House, site clearance and erection of three new office buildings (Class E) with flexible basement and ground floor uses (Class E (commercial, business and service uses) and/or as a launderette, public house, wine bar, drinking establishment, drinking establishment with expanded food provision, hot food takeaway and/or cinema), alterations and repairs to St Mary le Port Church tower and ruins, alterations and repairs to High Street vaults, hard and soft landscaping and public realm improvements (including events space), infrastructure, means of access and all associated works (Major). 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION Pending consideration 2025-01-17
BCC 24/04568/F 2024-11-15 68 - 72 Avon Street Bristol BS2 0QH Full Planning : Demolition of existing building and redevelopment for purpose-built student accommodation (sui generis) and flexible commercial space (Class E/Class F.1) with servicing arrangements and associated works. 1 OBJECT Pending consideration 2025-02-14
BCC 24/03316/F 2024-09-18 23 Dundridge Lane Bristol BS5 8SE Full Planning : Erection of one new dwelling and associated parking. 7 OBJECT Pending consideration 2024-11-13
BCC 24/03242/N 2024-08-19 Graphic Packaging Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3SB Prior Notification - Demolition : Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Demolition of Existing Buildings. 3 OBJECT
Prior Approval GIVEN
BCC 24/03091/X 2024-08-08 15 Westfield Road Bristol BS9 3HG Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for variation or removal of conditions 24 (Landscaping (Tree Planting) and 27 (list of plans) for application 23/03160/X (whcih was a variation of 22/01935/F - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 3no. dwellinghouses with parking and associated works (resubmission of application ref. 21/05310/F). Amendments involve the removal of trees and amendment to the parking layout and landscaping. 11 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/02678/X 2024-07-10 Land At Corner Of York Road And St Lukes Road Bedminster Bristol BS3 4AD Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for variation of Condition No 50 (List of approved plans) following grant of planning permission 21/06878/F Mixed-use redevelopment including 221 residential (C3) units and 651 sq.m. of commercial floorspace (Class E) on ground floor, together with a new vehicular access off Mead Street, cycle and car parking provision, private amenity space, servicing arrangements, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. 27 UNDER CONSIDERATION Pending consideration 2024-10-09
BCC 24/02191/F 2024-07-09 Land Adjacent To Teddies Nursey Clanage Road Ashton Bristol BS3 2JX Full Planning : Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of replacement building for indoor recreation use (Class E(d)), with associated car parking (resubmission of 22/06010/F). 5 UNDER CONSIDERATION Pending consideration 2024-09-03
BCC 24/02222/PINS 2024-07-03 87 Queenshill Road Bristol BS4 2XQ Application submitted to PINS under S62A : Erection of a two-storey side extension comprising 1no self-contained dwellinghouse. 0 OBJECT
BCC 24/02254/F 2024-06-25 Certini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX Full Planning : Demolition of existing retail unit and redevelopment to create 47 dwellings (Use Class C3), community space (Use Class E) and replacement retail unit (Use Class E), with associated car parking, landscaping and ancillary development.(Major) 3 UNDER CONSIDERATION Pending consideration 2024-09-24
BCC 24/02234/F 2024-06-21 Holy Cross Church Dean Lane Bristol BS3 1DB Full Planning : Conversion of an existing Church into a children's day nursery. Demolition of the existing Presbytery dwelling and link building; The construction of a new extension and open play area with roof terrace. Two new floors into the retained building for additional accommodation. 4 OBJECT Pending consideration 2024-08-16
BCC 24/01894/FB 2024-06-11 Former Diesel Depot Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS4 3DT Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Common infrastructure works required at Temple Island, comprising new surface water outfall, minor amendments and extension of existing adopted highway leading to Brocks Bridge, and diversion and installation of underground utilities infrastructure. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/02189/COND 2024-06-06 The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Horfield Bristol BS7 0BF Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application for approval of details reserved by condition 11, 12, 13 and 14 of permission 23/03826/F Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls. (Major) 1 NEUTRAL Pending consideration 2024-08-01
BCC 24/01326/F 2024-05-13 Matrix Training Centre, And Land To South East The Crescent Sea Mills Bristol BS9 2JT Full Planning : Demolition of disused Matrix Training Facility, existing dwellings on the Northern Site and Car park on the southern site. The proposal is to create 13 'Tiny Homes' with associated Common House, Family Room, Roundhouse, Anaerobic Digester and growing spaces, landscaping and tree planting. 51 OBJECT Pending consideration 2024-08-12
BCC 24/01850/P 2024-05-13 The Galleries Shopping Centre Broadmead Bristol BS1 3XA Outline Planning : Hybrid planning application for a phased development comprising outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access (part). Full permission is sought for the demolition of existing buildings to ground floor level; detailed highways layout to provide access to the site; change of use of the existing basement to provide flexible leisure space (sui generis nightclub/cinema/live music venue, Class E(d) indoor sport or recreation, Class F1(e) exhibition hall) and ancillary uses (Class C1, Class C3, Class E, sui generis purpose-built student accommodation), car parking, cycle hub and servicing; change of use of Merchant Taylors Almshouses to provide flexible Class E/F1/F2 uses; and outline permission is sought for the redevelopment of the site to create a mixed use development comprising residential floorspace (Class C3), student accommodation (sui generis), offices (Class E), serviced apartments/ hotel use (Class C1), retail/restaurant /cafe/leisure/medical/health uses (Class E), community uses (Class F1/F2), nightclub/cinema/live music venue (sui generis), energy centre, disabled car parking, bicycle hub, public toilets, new streets and public realm within the site, servicing and circulation arrangements, landscaping and associated works. (Major) 55 NEUTRAL Pending consideration 2024-08-12
BCC 24/01818/COND 2024-05-09 The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Horfield Bristol BS7 0BF Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application for approval of details reserved by condition 8 and 10 of permission 23/03826/F Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls. (Major) 1 OBJECT
Condition application decided
BCC 24/01241/P 2024-04-29 114 North Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 1HF Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved - Partial demolition and erection of mixed use site comprising commercial at ground floor front (Use Class E), flats above and to the rear. 1 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/01632/M 2024-04-26 Land Next To River(Land Of Former Post Office Depot) Cattle Market Road Bristol BS1 6QW Reserved Matters : Application for the approval of reserved matters following grant of outline permission - 17/06459/P (Outline application for a new mixed use University Campus (Use Classes A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,B1(a),D1,D2) to comprise of up to 82,395sq m (GIA) of floor space including up to 1,500 students beds with all matters reserved except access. Alterations to Cattle Market Road & provision of an Energy Centre (to consider Access) - For a student accommodation (Sui Generis use) scheme, ancillary Class E uses, and associated works pursuant to outline planning permission 17/06459/P being details of layout, scale, appearance, and landscape. 5 NEUTRAL
Approve details of Reserved Matters
BCC 24/01630/M 2024-04-26 Arnold Laver Brabazon Hangar West Way Bristol BS34 7DU Reserved Matters : Application for approval of reserved matters application for landscaping following grant of outline application 19/05500/P - Hybrid planning application comprising: the demolition of existing ancillary buildings and structures; full details associated with the change of use of, and associated external alterations to, the Brabazon Hangar buildings from Class B8 use to a mixture of Class D1, D2, A1, A3, A4 and B1a uses, along with outline details associated with infrastructure works including: revised vehicular access arrangements; redevelopment and reorganisation of the former aircraft apron to provide parking, servicing and associated infrastructure provision; plus associated landscaping, service infrastructure and other associated works and improvements. 0 NEUTRAL Pending consideration 2024-08-16
BCC 24/01436/FB 2024-04-12 The White Hall Glencoyne Square Bristol BS10 6EU Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Erection of apartment block comprising 23no. residential apartments (Use Class C3) with associated vehicular access and car parking, secure cycle storage, refuse and recycling storage, drainage, landscaping and associated infrastructure (Major). 10 UNDER CONSIDERATION 2024-04-25
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/01356/COND 2024-04-09 Shirehampton Fc Penpole Lane Shirehampton Bristol BS11 0EA Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2, 3, 4 and 5 of permission 21/03673/F Erection of 5 no. floodlighting columns, 50-seater stand and replacement of existing canopy. 1 OBJECT
Condition application decided
BCC 24/00954/F 2024-03-11 Bristol Sewage Treatment Plant Kings Weston Lane Avonmouth Bristol BS11 0YS Full Planning : Application for full planning permission for the construction of a cable bridge for the provision of a secondary power supply, and removal of redundant pipeline with related infrastructure and landscaping. 2 SUPPORT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/00885/F 2024-03-05 The Glebe House 1 Mclaren Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9FE Full Planning : Demolition of The Glebe House and the erection of three townhouses and five self-contained flats (Use Class C3) with associated car parking, cycle storage, refuse storage and private amenity space. 11 UNDER CONSIDERATION Withdrawn
BCC 24/00685/COND 2024-02-21 The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Horfield Bristol BS7 0BF Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 (Contaminated Land Verification) of permission 23/03826/F (Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls) (Major). 1 OBJECT
Condition application decided
BCC 24/00076/VP 2024-01-26 Guinea Street Car Park Guinea Street Bristol BS1 6XT Tree Preservation Order : T1 - Ash - Fell (TPO 1246). 35
BCC 23/04952/F 2024-01-16 Graphic Packaging Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3SB Full Planning : Erection of temporary perimeter hoarding. 1 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 24/00137/F 2024-01-15 David Lloyd Greystoke Avenue Bristol BS10 6AZ Full Planning : Retrospective application for two padel courts, social area, and associated flood lighting. 91 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/04932/X 2023-12-20 Former Car Park College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3HX Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Appliation for the variation of conditions 8, 9 & 17 of permission 21/01999/F Erection of 62 dwellings with associated parking, new vehicular access, and associated infrastructure and landscaping. 26 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/04650/X 2023-11-29 Land At Corner Of York Road And St Lukes Road Bedminster Bristol BS3 4AD Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for variation of Condition Nos. 39 (Landscaping (Tree Planting) works), 45 (Use Class Restriction) and 50 (List of approved plans) following grant of planning permission 21/06878/F Mixed-use redevelopment including 221 residential (C3) units and 651 sq.m. of commercial floorspace (Class E) on ground floor, together with a new vehicular access off Mead Street, cycle and car parking provision, private amenity space, servicing arrangements, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. 39 OBJECT
BCC 23/04330/NMA 2023-11-09 West Car Park College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3HX Non-material amendment : Non-material amendment following grant of Planning Permission 21/01999/F Erection of 62 dwellings with associated parking, new vehicular access, and associated infrastructure and landscaping. Nonmaterial amendment sought for the rewording of conditions 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12. 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION
Non material amendment - agreed
BCC 23/04215/X 2023-10-31 Former Railway Depot Clanage Road Bristol BS3 2JX Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for variation of condition 56(List of approved plans and drawings) and condition 25 (energy and sustainability) of permission 20/01655/F - Redevelopment of the site to provide residential apartments including affordable housing (social rented and shared ownership) across nine buildings between 3 - 5 storeys, flexible retail/cafe space (Use Class A1-A5 and D1), public realm, landscaping including ecological mitigation measures, access and associated groundworks. 17 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
NSC 23/P/2185/FU2 2023-10-30 Land SW Of Long Ashton Park And Ride Off Gurney Roundabout (A370) And Colliters Way Long Ashton Full planning permission and EIA : Hybrid planning application (full and outline elements) with Environmental Statement for the construction of new office campus (Use (Class E(g)(i)) with associated external and below ground works. Full application (on a phased basis) comprising three office buildings, culinary building, training centre and auditorium. New accesses from the public highway, internal site roads and footpaths, public realm works, site drainage, landscaping, solar PV field, ancillary plant, servicing and other associated works. Below ground works including ancillary plant, car and cycle parking and geothermal borefield.Outline application comprising two further office buildings (access, layout, scale and landscaping for approval, appearance to be reserved for subsequent approval) [amended description]. 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION Registered
BCC 23/03791/F 2023-10-12 Amerind Grove Nursing Home 124 - 132 Raleigh Road Bristol BS3 1QN Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings, site preparation works, and the development of 106no. new residential dwellings (C3) including the creation of new access arrangements and provision of supporting infrastructure. (Major) 23 OBJECT 2024-12-05
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/03541/F 2023-10-10 David Lloyd Greystoke Avenue Bristol BS10 6AZ Full Planning : Erection of extension to the existing club to extend internal spa facilities and the installation of spa garden which includes a hydro pool, sauna and plant room. 31 UNDER CONSIDERATION Withdrawn
BCC 23/03826/F 2023-10-06 The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Bristol BS7 0AG Full Planning : Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls. 608 NEUTRAL 2023-10-26
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/03638/F 2023-09-18 Windmill Hill City Farm Philip Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 4EA Full Planning : Installation of underground pipework and associated works to form part of district heat network, improvement works comprising new paladin fencing, gates, and path resurfacing, and arboricultural works including the crowning of 25 protected trees and removal of 3 dead trees. 4 OBJECT 2023-10-04
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/03248/F 2023-09-11 Land Adjacent To 31 Ridgehill Bristol BS9 4SB Full Planning : Erection of detached dwelling. 188 OBJECT 2023-10-16 Withdrawn
BCC 23/02915/F 2023-08-10 Green Space Providence Place Bedminster Bristol Full Planning : Installation of underground pipework and associated works to form part of district heat network. 48 OBJECT 2023-08-29
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/03104/P 2023-08-07 Graphic Packaging Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3SB Outline Planning : Outline application for demolition and re-development of the existing factory buildings comprising up to 252 no. Use Class C3 dwellings (including affordable housing) and 190 sqm of Use Class E floorspace, along with cycle accesses, parking, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. Access to be determined with all other matters reserved for future consideration. (Major) 58 OBJECT Pending decision 2023-11-06
BCC 23/03102/F 2023-08-07 513 Stockwood Road Brislington Bristol BS4 5LR Full Planning : Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of 9no.residential dwellings with associated parking. 5 Pending decision 2023-10-02
BCC 23/01412/P 2023-08-04 Land At Rear Of 12 - 28 Ashgrove Avenue Bristol BS7 Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - to construct 3no. 3-bed, 4-person dwellings with associated landscaping works. (Matters to be considered by this application - landscaping, layout and scale only). 50 OBJECT Pending consideration 2023-09-29
BCC 23/02896/VP 2023-07-24 8-10 Station Road Shirehampton Bristol BS11 9TT Tree Preservation Order : T01 - Beech - Fell (TPO 1421). 19 OBJECT
BCC 23/01990/M 2023-07-10 Former School Site New Fosseway Road Bristol BS14 9LN Reserved Matters : Application for approval of Reserved Matters for Phase one of the development for 130 dwellings, following consent granted under application no. 22/01199/PB - Outline application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for the provision of up to 200 residential dwellings (including as extra care facility) (Use Class C3) and up to 250 sqm of flexible Class E, F1 and F2 uses (as part of the extra care facility) along with car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Means of access from New Fosseway Road and Petherton Road (Major). Approval now sought for reserved matters of Appearance, landscaping, layout , and scale. 11 OBJECT 2023-10-04
Approve details of Reserved Matters
BCC 23/01441/F 2023-06-29 The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Bristol BS7 0AG Full Planning : Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium. 1139 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 23/02376/M 2023-06-16 Hengrove Park (Phase 1) Hengrove Way Bristol Reserved Matters : Application for approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, layout, landscaping and scale) following outline approval 19/02632/PB. Approval sought for Phase 1 of the Hengrove Park project involving 209 residential units, an energy centre and a portion of the retained / landscaped park. (Major) 18 OBJECT 2023-12-15
Approve details of Reserved Matters
BCC 23/01212/P 2023-04-27 Keynsham Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - for the demolition of existing buildings, removal of surface parking, and erection of buildings to accommodate 4,765 sq.m of commercial buildings (flexible Use Class E/B2/B8) with associated bins and bike stores. Associated hard and soft landscaping. Vehicular access from the A4 Bath Road. Approval sought for the matters of Access. 11 OBJECT 2023-05-15 Pending consideration 2023-07-27
BCC 23/01288/VP 2023-04-11 Sheep Wood & Land To Rear Of Oakhill Mansions College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7QD Tree Preservation Order : T36 - Sycamore - Fell. T122 - Sycamore - Fell. T124 - Beech - Fell. T125 - Robinia - Fell. T126 - Ash - Fell. (TPO 1091/R) 2 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/00866/F 2023-04-05 31 Granby Hill Bristol BS8 4LT Full Planning : Demolition of existing roof and chimneys within a Conservation area and erection of an additional storey to create one new flat. 40 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 23/00649/P 2023-03-27 171 - 175 Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8BE Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - Erection of 9no. self-contained flats (Use Class C3) with access, and associated cycle parking and bin storage. Approval sought for Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale. With all other matters reserved. 83 OBJECT Pending consideration 2023-05-22
BCC 23/00665/F 2023-02-16 Garage 10 Lying To The South West Of Cossins Road Bristol BS6 7LY Full Planning : Redevelopment of existing garages to provide 6 dwellings with associated parking and landscaping. 51 OBJECT 2023-11-20
BCC 23/00611/FB 2023-02-13 Land Across & Adjacent To Plots 1, 3 & 5 Bedminster Green Development Bedminster Bristol BS3 4DN Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Proposed restoration of a section of the River Malago, including bringing the existing underground river back above ground, replacing some channel walls with vegetated embankments, in-channel improvements, public realm improvements, including construction of new seating and associated landscaping. 28 OBJECT 2023-02-28
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 23/00444/SCO 2023-02-01 Land East Of Brislington P&R Bath Road Brislington Bristol Scoping Opinion : Request for a Scoping Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed development of up to 555 residential dwellings, a local centre including up to 1,000 m2 gross floor area comprising Use Classes E and F.2 (assuming up to 500m2 for local retail and 500m2 for community uses), green infrastructure including sustainable drainage, ecological habitats, childrens play areas and amenity green space, site access works and associated infrastructure (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
Scoping Opinion complete
BCC 23/00151/F 2023-01-19 8 - 10 Station Road Shirehampton Bristol BS11 9TT Full Planning : Redevelopment of the site to include care home with associated facilities, works to include access, parking and landscaping. 27 OBJECT 2023-02-27
BCC 22/05967/F 2023-01-03 8 - 10 Station Road Shirehampton Bristol BS11 9TT Full Planning : Redevelopment of the site to include 14no. houses and 6no. apartments with associated access, parking and landscaping following the demolition of existing floristry buildings and glasshouses (sui generis use). 35 OBJECT 2023-02-27 Pending consideration 2023-04-04
BCC 22/06085/F 2022-12-23 Former Pring & St Hill (Plot 1) Malago Road Bristol BS3 4JQ Full Planning : Redevelopment of the site comprising the erection of three buildings to provide purpose built student accommodation (sui generis) with new vehicular access, disabled parking and servicing arrangements, public realm works and landscaping. (Major) 201 NEUTRAL Pending decision 2023-03-24
BCC 22/05998/F 2022-12-19 Plot 3 Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6EA Full Planning : Construction of 3no. buildings, ranging in height from 6 -10 storeys, comprising 108no. residential build-to-rent apartments (Use Class C3) (including affordable housing), a hotel (Use Class C1) with restaurant and ground floor commercial units (Use Class E), and an extended stay aparthotel (Use Class C1), together with the creation of areas of public realm and open spaces, landscaping, walkway connections, along with the provision of disabled parking bays, cycle stores and waste and recycling stores. 12 OBJECT 2023-07-24
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/05963/F 2022-12-16 Garage To Rear Of 3 Clyde Park Bristol BS6 6RR Full Planning : Demolition of garage and erection of dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). 0 OBJECT Unknown
BCC 22/05943/X 2022-12-15 (Bathurst Basin Bridge Commercial Road) Land Between The A370 Long Ashton Bypass In North Somerset And Cater Road Roundabout Cater Road Bristol Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for the removal of conditions 4, 10 and 13 following grant of planning application 16/05853/X for the variation of condition number 18 - Phase 1. for planning permission - 13/05648/FB. 38 OBJECT 2023-01-27
BCC 22/05628/LDO 2022-12-13 Various Sites Across The City Bristol Local Development Order : Local Development Order relating to District Heating. To provide additional permitted developments rights to allow district heating pipework and small above ground cabinets across the city. 25 OBJECT
BCC 22/05714/FB 2022-11-29 South Bristol Crematorium And Cemetery Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 7AS Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Expansion of existing cemetery and crematorium to provide new burial and memorial plots with associated roads, footpaths, parking, drainage infrastructure, fencing, landscaping and furniture. 123 OBJECT 2023-02-17
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/05707/VP 2022-11-29 Riverside Drive Bristol BS16 2QZ Tree Preservation Order : Application to fell all trees in G5, G9, H1 and T6, T7 and T8. 0
BCC 22/04215/Y 2022-08-31 Adjacent To Redland Grove Park Redland Road Bristol BS6 7EE Prior Notification - Telecommunications : Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed - Installation of 15m high phase 8 street pole mounted on new root foundation, wrap around cabinet built around base of street pole, RBS 6130 equipment cabinet, Bowler cabinet, AC/Transmission cabinet, GPS module to be mounted above antennas at top of pole and associated works. 58
Prior Approval REFUSED
BCC 22/04074/Y 2022-08-19 Telecommunications Opposite Ashley Heights Ashley Down Road Bristol BS7 9DD Prior Notification - Telecommunications : Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed installation of 20.0m high phase 8 street pole mounted on new root foundation, wrap around cabinet built around base of street pole, RBS 6130 equipment cabinet, Bowler cabinet, AC/Transmission cabinet, GPS module to be mounted above antennas at top of pole, and associated ancillary works. 89 UNDER CONSIDERATION
Prior Approval REFUSED
BCC 22/02345/F 2022-08-03 Inns Court Open Space Hartcliffe Way Bristol BS4 1XD Full Planning : Erection of a part single (double height), part two storey building to provide a Class D2 Youth Zone facility with associated disabled and mini bus parking and service access road, 5 a-side (MUGA) pitch, a single storey storage building, and associated boundary treatments and landscaping. Planning for new site access and turning head, amendments to A3029 central reservation, signalling and crossing. 11 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/03387/F 2022-07-14 Southmead Hospital Southmead Road Bristol BS10 5NB Full Planning : Erection of two storey (plus roof plant) Elective Centre building and associated works. 3 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/03309/F 2022-07-01 Open Space Glencoyne Square Bristol BS10 6DE Full Planning : Development of site for up to 187 residential units and a mix of non-residential uses falling within Use Classes E, F1 and F2, together with associated external works and public realm, including a new park layout, cycle routes and central spine. 29 OBJECT 2023-10-27
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/02889/LA 2022-06-13 Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Bristol BS8 3HA Listed Building Consent (Alter/Extend) : Works to listed buildings to facilitate the redevelopment of the site to include 196 residential units (Class C3), community floorspace (Class E, F1 and F2), and open space with associated landscaping, play space, parking, accesses (pedestrian, cycle and vehicular), and infrastructure. Works to listed building including: access-works to the Guthrie Road entrance gates; the conversion of the Entrance Lodge to facilitate community floorspace, the residential conversion of the Giraffe House, and various restoration and refurbishment works to the Aquarium (former Bear Pit), Monkey Temple, and Birds of Prey Aviary to secure their future as part of accessible landscaped gardens. 37 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/02737/F 2022-06-13 Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Bristol BS8 3HA Full Planning : Redevelopment of site to include 196 residential units (Class C3), the provision of community floorspace (Class E, F1 and F2), and open space with associated landscaping, play space, parking, accesses (pedestrian, cycle and vehicular), infrastructure, works to listed buildings, and selective demolition of buildings. (Major) 728 OBJECT 2022-06-29
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/02461/F 2022-05-31 Grassed Area Herkomer Close Bristol BS7 9YQ Full Planning : Redevelopment of the site to provide 40 dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, with vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access gained from Herkomer Close and Thornycroft Close, car parking, landscaping and other associated works. (major) 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/02289/X 2022-05-06 6 Dingle Road Bristol BS9 2LW Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application to vary condition 21 (List of Approved Plans) following consent granted under 19/05047/F - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6no. dwellings with associated works - now proposed wildflower planting, introduction of windows on the flank elevations and inclusion of lower ground floor. 8
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/02238/SCR 2022-05-04 Land East Of Brislington P & R Bath Road Brislington Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the development of up tp 555 residential properties, a local centre to include up to 1,000m2 of Use class E and F.2, site access and associated infrastructure. (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION Withdrawn
BCC 22/01878/P 2022-04-27 Land At Broom Hill/Brislington Meadows Broomhill Road Bristol BS4 4UD Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - Development of up to 260 new residential dwellings (Class C3 use) together with pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access, cycle and car parking, public open space and associated infrastructure. Approval sought for access with all other matters reserved. (Major) 748 OBJECT Unknown
BCC 22/01935/F 2022-04-19 15 Westfield Road Bristol BS9 3HG Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 3no. dwellinghouses with parking and associated works (resubmission of application ref. 21/05310/F). 15 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/01221/F 2022-03-01 St Christophers School Westbury Park Bristol BS6 7JE Full Planning : Proposed development of the site including, internal and external alterations of Listed House building and conversion of lodges fronting Westbury Park; demolition of buildings and the erection of new buildings to provide an integrated Retirement Community (Class C2) for older people; together with landscaping, car parking, refuse and other associated works (major). 1356 OBJECT
BCC 22/01000/VC 2022-02-24 Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : G2 (3no. chinese photinia) and G7 (8no. elder) as shown on the plan provided. All trees are to be removed to ground level and stumps removed where required. 0 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 22/00632/PB 2022-02-08 Bristol City Council Depot Dovercourt Road Bristol BS7 9SH Outline Planning (Regulation 3) : Application for Outline Planning Permission for up to 140 residential dwellings. All matters except means of access to the site reserved. 200 OBJECT 2022-03-28
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 22/00230/F 2022-01-18 9 Abbey Road Bristol BS9 3QN Full Planning : One proposed detached dwelling to the side of No. 9 Abbey Road. 8 UNDER CONSIDERATION
BCC 21/06878/F 2022-01-04 Land At Corner Of York Road And St Lukes Road Bedminster Bristol BS3 4AD Full Planning : Mixed-use redevelopment including 221 residential (C3) units and 651 sq.m. of commercial floorspace (Class E) on ground floor, together with a new vehicular access off Mead Street, cycle and car parking provision, private amenity space, servicing arrangements, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. 403 OBJECT 2022-02-21
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/06762/F 2022-01-04 Public Conveniences Circular Road Sneyd Park Bristol BS9 1ZZ Full Planning : Demolition of existing public toilet block and construction of single storey building comprising caf� (use class E), education booth (use class F1[a]) and replacement public toilets (resubmission of planning permission 18/04727/F). 126 OBJECT 2022-03-17 Pending decision 2022-03-01
BCC 21/06933/F 2021-12-30 1 Passage Street Bristol BS2 0JF Full Planning : Demolition of existing building to facilitate office-led redevelopment, including office floorspace (Class E) and flexible ground floor uses (Class E), along with amenity space, cycle and car access and parking provision, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. 37 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/06617/F 2021-12-16 234 Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8NZ Full Planning : Part single storey, part two storey rear extension and internal alterations to create two self-contained dwellings. 11 OBJECT
BCC 21/06075/F 2021-11-18 23A Swiss Road Bristol BS3 2RU Full Planning : Alterations and extension of No.23A and the erection of 2no. dwelling houses to the rear with associated access, parking, and work. 15 OBJECT 2022-03-01
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/06197/SCR 2021-11-17 Land At York Road/St Lukes Road Bedminster Bristol BS3 4AD Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for mixed-use redevelopment to create up to 700 sq. m. of new commercial (Class E) floorspace on the ground floor and up to 250 new homes on the upper levels, together with associated amenity space and car parking spaces. Includes demolition of the existing buildings and structures (MAJOR) (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 1 UNDER CONSIDERATION 2021-11-24
EIA Not required
BCC 21/05652/F 2021-10-27 Former Filwood Swimming Baths Filwood Broadway Bristol BS4 1JL Full Planning : Proposed 29 dwellings, including infrastructure, landscaping and access (Major application). 88 OBJECT 2022-02-25 Withdrawn
BCC 21/05473/VC 2021-10-18 16 Clyde Road Redland Bristol BS6 6RP Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 (Yew) - Fell. T2 (Magnolia) - Fell.T3 (Cypress) - Fell. T4 (Yew) - Fell. T5 (Yew) - Fell. T6 (Holly) - Fell. T7 (Silver Birch) - thinning the crown by 10% and taking a maxium of 2- 2.5 m off to reduce weight. 15 OBJECT
Split Decision
BCC 21/05580/F 2021-10-15 Waterfront Square Millennium Square Bristol Full Planning : Redevelopment to provide a mixed-use development comprising office (Class E) with ground floor food and beverage uses, retail, non-residential institutions (Class E) and public house, wine bar, drinking establishment, hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking and associated works. (Major). 124 OBJECT 2022-02-14 Pending consideration 2022-01-14
BCC 21/05219/F 2021-10-05 Plot 5 Bedminster Green Hereford Street Clarke Street Whitehouse Lane Bristol BS3 4NA Full Planning : Proposed demolition and redevelopment to provide 3 new buildings (7-11 storeys) comprising 330 residential apartments (Use Class C3) (including affordable housing), ancillary residential areas, commercial space (Use Class E), landscaping, public realm and parking. 268 OBJECT 2022-01-12 Pending consideration 2022-01-04
BCC 21/04837/F 2021-10-04 Public Conveniences High Street Westbury Bristol BS9 3ED Full Planning : Demolition of former public convenience building, felling of existing tree and erection of a mixed-use building (Proposed Ground Floor flexible use for Class E, and one self-contained residential unit Use Class C3 over 2 storey's above ground) and associated works. 0 OBJECT
BCC 21/05164/F 2021-10-01 Land On The West Side Of Novers Hill Bristol Full Planning : Erection of 144 no. dwellings, including 43 no. affordable housing units (30%), along with 2 no. access points from Novers Hill, the provision of play facilities and public open space with associated works. (Major). 771 OBJECT 2021-10-25
BCC 21/04456/SCR 2021-08-13 Land Adjoining Yewtree Farm Bridgwater Road Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a residential development of up to 200 new dwellings (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 21/04389/VC 2021-08-11 1 - 9 Clifton Close Bristol BS8 3LR Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : G1- Laurel- Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/04334/VP 2021-08-09 Former Blackberry Hill Hospital Blackberry Hill Bristol BS16 2EW Tree Preservation Order : Ash (T1) and Ash (T2) - Fell. TPO 1436. 16 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/04328/VP 2021-08-09 Former Blackberry Hill Hospital Blackberry Hill Bristol BS16 2EW Tree Preservation Order : 18 no Ash Trees- Fell TPO 1437. 5 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/04268/CE 2021-08-05 South Bristol Crematorium And Cemetery Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 7AS Certificate of Lawfulness - existing : Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use or operation or activity - Use of land covered in the application was previously designated for cemetery use in sites planning approval 1873P/62 and 1694/69 2 OBJECT 2021-11-01 Withdrawn
BCC 21/04207/F 2021-08-02 Land At Access 18 & Land North Of Avonmouth Way Avonmouth Bristol BS11 8HT Full Planning : Creation of Ecological Enhancement Areas, comprising new ponds, landscaping and associated works. 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/04145/VC 2021-07-29 191 Cheltenham Road Bristol BS6 5QX Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Sycamore - Fell. Pine - Fell. 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/02403/F 2021-07-26 Land On Kings Road Associated With Clifton Arcade Bristol Full Planning : Construction of a covered bin store for bins associated with Clifton Arcade. 1 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 21/03767/F 2021-07-20 102 Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8BN Full Planning : Construction of 17 apartments following part demolition of building replaced with new build and conversion of existing first floor and loft spaces. Retention of retail at ground floor. (Major). 37 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03634/H 2021-07-13 Woodlands Lodge Church Avenue Stoke Bishop Bristol BS9 1LD Full Planning (Householders) : Two storey rear extension. 1 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03716/VC 2021-07-07 7 Southfield Road Westbury Bristol BS9 3BG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Lawson Cypress- Fell. T2, 3 4,5,6 - Leylandii trees - reduction in height by 30%. 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/03678/VC 2021-07-06 22 Julian Road Bristol BS9 1LB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Holm Oak (T1) - Fell Holly (T2)- Fell. Lawson Cypress (T3-T6) - Fell. Bay (T7) - Remove a single limb leaning out on the N/W side. Crown lift over the pavement to 2.5m. Lawson Cypress (T8-T10) Fell 4 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/03673/F 2021-07-06 Shirehampton FC Penpole Lane Bristol BS11 0EA Full Planning : Erection of 5 no. floodlighting columns, 50-seater stand and replacement of existing canopy. 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03386/X 2021-06-21 Woodlands Church Road Sneyd Park Bristol BS9 1JT Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for the variation of condition No. 10 (List of approved plans) following grant of planning application 17/05145/F for the construction of three storey four bedroom house. 25 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03166/P 2021-06-11 Land West Of Silbury Road Bristol Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission With Some Matters Reserved - for phased residential-led development including affordable homes and commercial/community floorspace (Use Classes E and F.2), amenity green spaces; natural and semi natural greenspace; provision of associated infrastructure including footpaths/cycleways and new vehicular and emergency accesses; and provision of associated engineering and landscaping work including SUDs. Approval sought for access with all other matter reserved. 277 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03165/F 2021-06-11 Land To The West Of Ashton Gate Stadium Ashton Road Bristol BS3 2EJ Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings and the phased redevelopment of the site to comprise a sports and convention centre, a hotel, 125 residential units, office accommodation, retail, gym, club museum, multi-storey car park, public realm improvements and landscaping, new internal access routes, new and improved vehicular and pedestrian accesses and infrastructure and other associated works and improvements on land west of Ashton Gate Stadium. (Major). 76 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03227/F 2021-06-10 Land Adjoining Former Wyevale Garden Centre Site Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Full Planning : Temporary change of use of part of Class E storage area to a scaffold storage yard (Sui generis). 20 UNDER CONSIDERATION Pending consideration 2021-08-05
BCC 21/02976/F 2021-06-09 46 & 47 Coronation Road & Castlemead House St Johns Road, Southville Bristol BS3 1AR Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings, removal of surface parking and erection of a building comprising basement plus up to 5 storeys to accommodate 44no. residential units and associated bin and bike store, as well as the erection of 2no. 2 storey dwellinghouses. Associated hard and soft landscaping. Vehicular layby on St Johns Road and vehicular access from Coronation Road. (Major) 11 OBJECT 2022-04-25
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/03020/F 2021-05-28 St Mary-le-Port Wine Street Bristol BS1 2AN Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings and structures including the office buildings (including basements and sub-structures) known as Bank of England House, Bank House and Norwich Union House, site clearance and erection of three new office buildings (Class E) with flexible basement and ground floor uses (Class E (commercial, business and service uses) and/or as a launderette, public house, wine bar, drinking establishment, drinking establishment with expanded food provision, hot food takeaway and/or cinema), alterations and repairs to St Mary le Port Church tower and ruins, alterations and repairs to High Street vaults, hard and soft landscaping and public realm improvements (including events space), infrastructure, means of access and all associated works (Major). 53 OBJECT 2021-08-06
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/02990/Y 2021-05-27 Telecoms Equipment Edge Of Green Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol BS9 2EQ Prior Notification - Telecommunications : Application to determine if prior approval is required - Proposed 15.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrap around Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. 461 OBJECT
Prior Approval REFUSED
BCC 21/02989/VP 2021-05-27 Land To Rear Of Oakhill Mansions College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7QD Tree Preservation Order : N.B. Reasons for the work can be found in Assured Trees 'Tree Survey Schedule' (attached with application)(TPO 1091/R). 4 OBJECT 2021-06-02
BCC 21/02630/VC 2021-05-10 Ground Floor Flat 15 Caledonia Place Bristol BS8 4DJ Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Judas tree) - Fell. T2 Hawthorn - Fell. T3 Rowan - Fell. T4 Corkscrew Willow - Reduce overall crown by approximately 1m. 2 UNDER CONSIDERATION
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/02420/VC 2021-04-30 Casa Mia Bramble Lane Bristol BS9 1RD Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : To remove: T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26, G28, T29, T30, G31, T32, G33, T34, T37, T38, T40, T81, T82, T96 - As identified within the accompanying Arb Impact Assessment document. 14 OBJECT
Place a preservation order on the tree
BCC 21/02381/VC 2021-04-29 9 Brookleaze Bristol BS9 2ET Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Sycamore - Fell. 1 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/02301/H 2021-04-26 1 Shaplands Bristol BS9 1AY Full Planning (Householders) : Proposed construction of detached side garage. 1 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/02262/VC 2021-04-23 23 Victoria Square Bristol BS8 4ES Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Eucalyptus - Fell.We suggest removal and replanting a more suitable specimen. 2 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 21/02002/F 2021-04-21 334 Canford Lane Bristol BS9 3PW Full Planning : Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of proposed 2No dwelling Houses. (Self Build). 23 OBJECT
BCC 21/02150/VC 2021-04-19 106A Cotham Brow Bristol BS6 6AP Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Eucalyptus - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/02174/VP 2021-04-19 Land Adjacent To 20 Scandrett Close Bristol Tree Preservation Order : 2 Limes - Fell. 2 OBJECT
BCC 21/02159/VC 2021-04-19 35 Durdham Park Bristol BS6 6XF Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Lime (C on plan) - Fell. 1 OBJECT 2021-05-19
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/01331/F 2021-04-09 Caravan Club Cumberland Road Bristol BS1 6XG Full Planning : Erection of residential dwellings (166), commercial floorspace, integrated car and bicycle parking, refuse storage, landscaping and associated infrastructure and services. 603 OBJECT 2021-05-01 Pending decision 2021-07-09
BCC 21/01994/VP 2021-04-09 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Tree Preservation Order : G01 and G08- Hybrid Black Poplars- Fell TPO 1372. 81 OBJECT 2021-04-20
BCC 21/01995/VP 2021-04-09 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Tree Preservation Order : T02-Cherry T03-White Birch G04-Mixed Species group T05-Wild Cherry T06-Wild Cherry T07-Cherry Laurel - Fell. 62 OBJECT 2021-04-20
Split Decision
BCC 21/01999/F 2021-04-09 Former Car Park College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3HX Full Planning : Erection of 62 dwellings with associated parking, new vehicular access, and associated infrastructure and landscaping. 563 OBJECT 2021-06-11
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/01856/VC 2021-04-01 Land At Rear Of 64 To 74 Cranbrook Road Bristol BS6 7BU Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Sycamore (12m) - Fell. 26 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/01795/VP 2021-03-30 6 Cedar Court Grove Road Coombe Dingle Bristol BS9 2RE Tree Preservation Order : T1 - Cypress - Fell to ground level. Tree is in heavy decline.(TPO 046) 1 OBJECT
BCC 21/01789/VP 2021-03-30 Public Conveniences High Street Westbury Bristol BS9 3ED Tree Preservation Order : T1 Yew - Fell TPO 1406. 3 OBJECT
BCC 21/01740/VC 2021-03-29 15A Carnarvon Road Bristol BS6 7DT Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Sycamore tree - Fell 2 OBJECT
Place a preservation order on the tree
BCC 21/01585/VC 2021-03-22 34 Mariners Drive Bristol BS9 1QG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Western Red Cedar - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/01509/VP 2021-03-17 Stoke Lodge Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol BS9 1BN Tree Preservation Order : T8 Ash - Sympathetic Excavation of the trench and removal of stumps supervised by an Arboricultural Consultant. Installation of path for disabled access. All works including potential root pruning in line with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction -Recommendations and Industry best practice. The application addresses the worst case scenario as the client is exploring the possibilities of repair work requiring only minor excavations. 29 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/01390/VP 2021-03-15 Stoke Lodge Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol BS9 1BN Tree Preservation Order : Please see attached Ross Consulting ALMS Method Statement TPO1192 0 NEUTRAL Withdrawn
BCC 21/01338/VP 2021-03-11 32 Greenacres Rayleigh Road Bristol BS9 2AX Tree Preservation Order : T8 - Oak, T9 Oak - Fell 4 OBJECT Pending consideration 2021-05-06
BCC 21/01267/REQU 2021-03-08 Hinkley Point C Connection Project Severn Road Avonmouth Bristol Requirement for Development Order : The National Grid (Hinkley Point C Connection Project) Order 2016 (As amended) Formal Submission to discharge of Requirement 6(1)(i) - Tree and Hedgerow Protection Strategy and Requirement 12 - Retention and protection of existing trees and hedgerows for Stage 10.1 of the authorised development 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION Unknown
BCC 21/01240/VC 2021-03-05 20 Julian Road Bristol BS9 1LB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Hornbeam - Fell 8 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 21/01040/VC 2021-02-25 129 Ashley Road Bristol BS6 5NU Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1-Sycamore - Fell. 8 OBJECT
Place a preservation order on the tree
BCC 21/00843/F 2021-02-24 149/149A & Land To Rear Of Marksbury Road Bristol BS3 5LD Full Planning : Demolition of 149A Marksbury Road and erection of 5no. single storey dwellings on land to the rear. 82 OBJECT
BCC 21/00478/F 2021-02-24 329 Canford Lane Bristol BS9 3PH Full Planning : Proposed new detached 6 bedroom dwelling with garden amenity space, driveway, parking and turning area on site, using existing access and pavement crossing from Canford Lane private road. 12 OBJECT
BCC 21/00966/VC 2021-02-22 66 Bath Buildings Bristol BS6 5PU Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Sycamore (T1) Fell. 4 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00895/VC 2021-02-17 25 Shaplands Bristol BS9 1AY Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 and T2 Silver Birch - Crown reduce 1.5m. T3 Silver Birch - Fell. 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00824/FB 2021-02-16 Open Space Kingswear Road Bristol BS3 5JF Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Redevelopment of site to provide 34no residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated landscaping, parking, and refuse and recycling storage. 15 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/00235/H 2021-02-12 38 Church Road Sneyd Park Bristol BS9 1QT Full Planning (Householders) : Side annexe to be demolished. Double storey side extension. Double storey rear extension with balcony. New Pool area to be built to replace existing one. 2 X Silver Birch to be felled. 6 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 21/00893/VP 2021-02-02 31 Mariners Drive Bristol BS9 1QG Tree Preservation Order : Horse Chestnut - Fell. TPO 198 1 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/00550/P 2021-02-02 Land At Broom Hill (Meadows) Broomhill Road Bristol BS4 4UD Outline Planning : Outline application for preliminary works to deliver a 'Green Link' between Brislington Meadows and Broomhill Road, including the laying of a pedestrian footpath, ecological enhancements and provision of a temporary construction access and compound within the site to facilitate the preliminary works. 5 UNDER CONSIDERATION Withdrawn
BCC 21/00531/P 2021-02-01 Hengrove Leisure Park Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR Outline Planning : Outline planning application for demolition and residential-led redevelopment comprising up 350no. Use Class C3 dwellings (including affordable dwellings), and up to 1,650sqm of flexible Class E uses, of which 150sqm is also Sui Generis (Hot Food Takeaway), along with cycle accesses, parking, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. Approval sought for Access, with all other matters reserved. 65 OBJECT 2021-02-22
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/00275/F 2021-01-26 Former Public Conveniences Lawrence Hill Bristol BS5 0BT Full Planning : Development of a 4-storey building comprising a ground floor commercial unit and 2no. HMOs on the upper floors with associated refuse and cycle storage. 4 SUPPORT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/00391/VP 2021-01-26 66 Coombe Lane Bristol BS9 2AY Tree Preservation Order : T1 - Manna Ash - Fell TPO 240. 1 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 21/00389/VC 2021-01-26 148 Westbury Road Bristol BS9 3AL Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Sycamore to Fell. 7 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00380/CP 2021-01-26 129 Northover Road Bristol BS9 3LG Certificate of Lawfulness - proposed : Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development - A hip-to-gable roof extension/loft conversion to include rear dormer - 3x roof lights, Juliet Balcony & window. The erection of a double garage/outbuilding to include - garage door, single door & window. 3 NEUTRAL
Certificate of Lawfulness BE ISSUED
BCC 21/00347/VP 2021-01-22 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Tree Preservation Order : T02 - Cherry Fell. T05 - Wild Cherry- Fell. T06 - Wild Cherry- Fell. T07 - Cherry Laurel - Fell. To Create Storage Area. Replacement Planting Will Be Undertaken Elsewhere on site. TPO 1372. 36 OBJECT 2021-01-28 Withdrawn
BCC 21/00346/VC 2021-01-22 94 Fir Tree Lane Bristol BS5 8BJ Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Hawthorn (T1). 3m crown height reduction. Re-shape crown. Hawthorn (T2). 2m crown height reduction. Re-shape crown. 3 no. Damson (G3). Fell Ash (T4). Fell. 2 No. Hawthorn (G5). 2m crown height reduction. Re-shape crown. Blackthorn (T6). Re-coppice. Dogwood (T7). Remove due to low amenity value. Sycamore (T8). Fell. Hawthorn (T9).Fell. Sycamore (T10). Fell. Plum (T11). Fell Plum (T12). Fell. Sycamore (T13). Crown clean. 20% crown thin. 2m Crown reduction. awthorn (T14). Fell' Plum (T15). Fell Ash (T16). Fell. Cherry (T17). 3m crown height reduction. Re-shape crown, Crown clean. 22 OBJECT 2021-02-02
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00190/VC 2021-01-15 Jhoots Pharmacy Westbury On Trym Primary Care Centre Westbury Hill Bristol BS9 3AA Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Fraxinus excelsior - Fell. 3 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00200/SCR 2021-01-15 Land On The West Side Of Novers Hill Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed development of 157no. dwellings with 2no. accesses from Novers Hill and associated works (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore, we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 21/00069/VC 2021-01-12 Bristol Lawn Tennis And Squash Centre Redland Green Road Bristol BS6 7HF Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Silver Maple, (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) - Remove overhanging branches over tennis courts. Sycamore, (T7) - Fell. Sycamore, (T8) - Remove stem growing into tennis courts fence. 1 UNDER CONSIDERATION
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00018/F 2021-01-11 1 Whytes Close Bristol BS9 3HU Full Planning : Construction of a new two storey four bedroom detached dwelling with on site parking and associated works. 24 NEUTRAL Withdrawn
BCC 20/05652/H 2021-01-06 10 Southfield Road Westbury Bristol BS9 3BH Full Planning (Householders) : Erection of a timber, single storey granny annexe, for ancillary use to the main dwelling and demolition of garage canopy. 2 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/06277/VC 2021-01-06 Basement Flat 71 Redland Road Bristol BS6 6AQ Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Norwegian spruce. - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 21/00006/VC 2021-01-04 8 Cambridge Park Bristol BS6 6XN Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Weeping Ash - Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/06297/VC 2020-12-29 64A Coronation Road Bristol BS3 1AR Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Ash - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/06226/F 2020-12-23 Garage To Rear Of 3 Clyde Park Bristol BS6 6RR Full Planning : Demolition of single storey double garage and construction of a two storey two bed house. 45 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 20/06202/VC 2020-12-22 Clifton High School College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3JD Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T10 - Holly-Fell. T12- Bay- Coppice. T20- Cherry- Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/06130/F 2020-12-18 Land And Buildings On The South West Side, Between 31 And 33 Gibson Road Bristol Full Planning : Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area - demolition of garages. 2 NEUTRAL Withdrawn
BCC 20/06131/VP 2020-12-18 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Tree Preservation Order : T02-Cherry T03-White Birch G04-Mixed Species group T05-Wild Cherry T06-Wild Cherry T07-Cherry Laurel - Fell. 96 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 20/06102/VC 2020-12-17 4 Blackberry Hill Bristol BS16 1DB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Lawson Cypress - Reduce by a third. T2 Macracarpa - Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05994/VP 2020-12-17 7 Cooks Folly Road Bristol BS9 1PL Tree Preservation Order : G1 - Row of Thuja and Leylandii - Fell 2 leylandii trees. Remove all lateral branches of Thuja growing to NW aspect and growing over neighbouring garages and property. TPO 367 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION
BCC 20/06077/VC 2020-12-16 82 Cobourg Road Bristol BS6 5HX Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Yew (T1) - Fell. Bay (T2) - Fell. Hazel (T3) - Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/06021/VC 2020-12-14 24 Ashley Hill Bristol BS6 5JG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1-Dead Eucalyptus - Fell. T2-Sycamore - Fell T3-Bay tree - Reduce height by 3m. T4-Apple tree - Reduce crown by 2m. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/06013/VC 2020-12-14 70 Princess Victoria Street Bristol BS8 4DD Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Fraxinus excelsior - Fell due to extensive Ash dieback 2 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05549/H 2020-12-10 Woodlands Lodge Church Avenue Stoke Bishop Bristol BS9 1LD Full Planning (Householders) : Proposed two storey rear extension. 3 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 20/05935/VP 2020-12-09 Prabhu Krupa Villa Passage Road Henbury Bristol BS10 7FE Tree Preservation Order : T1 Ash - Fell. T4 Ash - Dangerous Fell. T5 & T6 Ash - Fell. T7 & T8 Ash - Fell. T9 Ash - Fell T10 Ash - Fell. T12 Sweet Chestnut - Reduce lateral limbs of lower canopy by up to 2.5 metres on all aspects TPO 184. 2 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05953/VC 2020-12-09 Prabhu Krupa Villa Passage Road Henbury Bristol BS10 7FE Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T2 Ash - Fell. T3 Young Sycamore - Fell. G1 2 Sycamore - Reduce lateral branches growing over carriageway by 2-3. G2 2 Young Ash & 2 young Sycamore leaning on wall - Fell. T11 Sycamore - Reduce lateral branches growing over carriageway by 2-3m. 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05518/H 2020-12-07 Radnor House Radnor Road Bristol BS9 4DX Full Planning (Householders) : Widen existing driveway by demolishing existing rockery, fence, tree, gate post and gates. Block pave drive and with vehicular access. 6 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05875/VP 2020-12-07 52 Grove Road Coombe Dingle Bristol BS9 2RR Tree Preservation Order : T3 - Willow, reduce by roughly 3.0m to previous pollard point. T4+5 - Lombardy Poplars - Fell TPO 1135/R. 1 OBJECT
Split Decision
BCC 20/05866/VC 2020-12-07 Muller House 7 Cotham Park Bristol BS6 6DA Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Ash (T1) - Fell. 1 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05829/VC 2020-12-03 5 Christmas Steps Bristol BS1 5BS Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Sycamore - Fell 3 SUPPORT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05811/F 2020-12-02 Plot 3 Dalby Avenue And Whitehouse Lane Bristol Full Planning : Proposed redevelopment of the site, including demolition works, to provide mixed use development comprising student accommodation (up to 82 cluster units and amenity spaces) and ground floor business space (628sqm GIA) together with associated parking and vehicle servicing arrangements, public realm and landscaping, and associated works. (Major) 172 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05776/VP 2020-12-01 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol BS9 1BN Tree Preservation Order : See attached document; Stoke Lodge TPO application identification of trees and description of works TPO 451, 1192, 1236. 6 SUPPORT 2020-12-09
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05713/VC 2020-11-27 Wills Hall Parrys Lane Bristol BS9 1AE Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Lawsons Cypress (T1) - Fell Silver Birch (T2) - Crown lift to 5m to provide clearance with Glass House. Lombardy Cherry (T3) - Fell 1 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05710/VC 2020-11-27 10 Southfield Road Westbury Bristol BS9 3BH Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Bay - Fell. Willow, Viburnum and Pittosporum - Crown Raise by 3m Willow - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05675/SCR 2020-11-25 Land At Broom Hill (Brislington Meadows) Broomhill Road Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a residential development comprising up to 300 homes. 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 20/05668/VP 2020-11-25 1 Julian Close Bristol BS9 1JX Tree Preservation Order : Sycamore (T5) Fell TPO 1060. 1 OBJECT
BCC 20/05651/SCR 2020-11-24 Hengrove Leisure Park Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the demolition and re-development of the existing leisure park to provide approximately 300-350 residential units comprising apartments and townhouses (including affordable housing), along with provision for uses within Class E. (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 OBJECT
EIA Not required
BCC 20/05637/CP 2020-11-24 10 Southfield Road Westbury Bristol BS9 3BH Certificate of Lawfulness - proposed : Application for a Certificate of Proposed Development - use of land for siting a mobile home, for ancillary use to the main dwelling. 2 NEUTRAL
Certificate of Lawfulness BE ISSUED
BCC 20/05648/VC 2020-11-24 St Marys Vicarage Mariners Drive Bristol BS9 1QJ Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Horse Chestnut - Fell. G1 2 Maple and 1 Elder - Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05601/VP 2020-11-23 The Pines Hazelwood Road Bristol BS9 1QD Tree Preservation Order : Holm Oak (T2) Crown reduce by 2m-2.5 back to the previous pruning points. Crown lift to 4m. Deodar Cedar (T3) Fell. TPO 1080/R 1 SUPPORT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05473/VP 2020-11-16 9 Pyecroft Avenue Bristol BS9 4NL Tree Preservation Order : Horse Chestnut - Reduce by 50% TPO 1166/R. 3 OBJECT
BCC 20/05418/VC 2020-11-13 3 Downfield Road Bristol BS8 2TG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Magnolia - Fell. Ash - Fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05397/VC 2020-11-12 6 Clifton Vale Bristol BS8 4PT Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Lawson Cypress - Fell. 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05368/VC 2020-11-11 Land And Buildings On The South West Side Of (av42 Gibson Road Bristol Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Ash - Fell G1 - Ash, sycamore and buddleia - The trunk diameters of all of these tree is less than 7.5cm they have been included for completeness. G2 - Ash - The trunk diameters of these trees is less than 7.5cm they have been included for completeness. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05387/VP 2020-11-11 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Tree Preservation Order : T11 Oak - Fell dead tree. TPO 1192 17 SUPPORT
BCC 20/05329/SCO 2020-11-06 St Mary-le-Port Wine Street Bristol Scoping Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Site for an office-led scheme with commercial ground floor flexible uses (including retail), in addition to improvements to the public realm, landscaping elements around the St Mary-le-Port Tower and ruins and alongside the Floating Harbour and other infrastructure. (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
Scoping Opinion complete
BCC 20/05078/VC 2020-10-28 Cintre House 54 St Johns Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2HG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Holm Oak - Fell. 8 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/05068/VP 2020-10-23 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Tree Preservation Order : Beech (B) - Light crown-lift and reduction (2m maximum) of the NE lower face of crown (lower 4m North East quadrant of crown and no higher). 13 OBJECT 2020-11-08
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/05014/VC 2020-10-22 2 - 4 Tyndalls Park Road Bristol BS8 1PG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 Horse Chestnut - Pollard to previous points. 7 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04903/X 2020-10-16 Land Adjacent To 24 Canford Lane Bristol Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application to vary condition 15 (list of approved drawings) and to remove conditions 4 (tree maintenance), 5 (large scale detail) and 11 (Implementation/installation of tree planting) attached to permission 18/01087/F, which approved the erection of 2 no. semi-detached dwellinghouses - now proposed amendment to refuse/recycling storage and cycle storage and approval of detail of boundary treatment. 11 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/04585/VC 2020-10-02 Junction Of Gefle Close Mardyke Ferry Road Bristol Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Maple (T2) (Change of specification agreed with agent) Crown reduce by 30% back to previous reduction points. 6 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/03989/H 2020-10-02 43 Old Sneed Road Bristol BS9 1ES Full Planning (Householders) : Proposed single storey side and rear extension and new 2.0 high wall to replace existing timber fence to Old Sneed Park and Mariners Drive boundaries. 5 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/04559/VC 2020-10-01 3A Glenavon Park Bristol BS9 1RS Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Blue Lawson Cypress - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04536/F 2020-09-30 16 Hadrian Close Bristol BS9 1DZ Full Planning : Demolition of existing building (Use Class C3) and erection of a detached single storey 2 bedroom (4 bedspace) residential dwelling (Use Class C3) with secure bicycle store and Air Source Heat Pump. (Self Build). 2 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/04420/H 2020-09-24 23 Woodland Grove Bristol BS9 2BD Full Planning (Householders) : Erection of single storey rear extension and external canopy. 1 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 20/03625/VC 2020-09-21 28 Zetland Road Bristol BS6 7AB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 = Ash tree to be felled 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04334/F 2020-09-21 1 Druid Road Bristol BS9 1LJ Full Planning : Excavation and alteration of existing garden to facilitate the erection of a new detached 2 storey (4 bedroom 7 bedspace) dwelling to the rear of 1 Druid Road. 44 OBJECT
BCC 20/04362/VC 2020-09-21 12B North View Bristol BS6 7QB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1 - Willow, Fell to ground level. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04249/VC 2020-09-14 Clack Mills Bell Barn Road Bristol Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T2 Ash - Crown Riase to 6m above ground level. 0 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04037/VP 2020-09-11 18 Belmont Road Montpelier Bristol BS6 5AS Tree Preservation Order : T1- Beech tree - fell. (Protected by Tree Preservation Order 1403). 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/04082/VP 2020-09-11 Land To The Rear Of Oakhill Mansions College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7QD Tree Preservation Order : G1 - Various species, reduce back to boundary by 0.5-1m. TPO 1091/R 2 OBJECT
BCC 20/04139/VC 2020-09-09 Turnpike Lodge 3A Stoke Hill Bristol BS9 1JL Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1: Fell Holly. T2: Fell Silver Birch T3: Fell Goat Willow 2 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/04158/VP 2020-09-09 41 Stoke Hill Bristol BS9 1LQ Tree Preservation Order : Ash - Fell. TPO 438. 3 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/03697/VD 2020-08-13 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Dead/Dying/Dangerous trees : T3 - English Oak - Reduce storm damaged limb. (See Associated Photograph) TPO 1192 1 SUPPORT
BCC 20/03538/VC 2020-08-06 161 Ashley Down Road Bristol BS7 9JT Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Twin stem Beech tree to deadwood, reduce by 4m and thin canopy due to excessive shading of, and proximity to neighbouring property. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/03343/H 2020-07-27 1 Stoke Park Road Bristol BS9 1LE Full Planning (Householders) : Two storey side extension, to include double garage and first floor accommodation. 1 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/03328/VC 2020-07-27 Manor Farm Afc Portway Bristol BS9 2HS Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Willows to fell line to facilitate the de-commissioning of the mobile mast site. 117 OBJECT 2020-08-24
Place a preservation order on the tree
BCC 20/02624/F 2020-07-24 1 Whytes Close Bristol BS9 3HU Full Planning : Construction of a new two storey four bedroom attached dwelling with on site parking and associated works. 19 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/03351/VP 2020-07-24 Woodland Court Bishops Knoll Bristol BS9 1NR Tree Preservation Order : T1 Holm Oak - Crown raise to 5m. TPO 056 1 OBJECT
BCC 20/03348/VC 2020-07-24 Woodland Court Bishops Knoll Bristol BS9 1NR Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T2 & T3 Ash - Fell 0 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/03288/VP 2020-07-23 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Tree Preservation Order : Ash (T8 on plan, part of G7 on TPO 1192) Crown lift to 8m on the Pavilion side . Remove the basal shoot and any hanging branches or deadwood in the crown. Remove the three lowest limbs that overhang the footpath outside of the playing fields. 109 OBJECT 2020-07-31
BCC 20/02903/P 2020-07-03 Land At Access 18 Access 18 Bristol BS11 8HT Outline Planning : Hybrid planning application comprising a mixed commercial/ industrial development for A1, A3, A5, C1, D1, D2, B2 and B8 use classes over seven plots (Area A-G). Full planning permission is sought for the development of a hotel within Area F, access works to the site and to the identified proposed development plots, earthworks, ecological enhancements, the diversion of the existing public right of way, landscaping works across the whole site and other infrastructure works to support the proposed development.Outline planning permission is sought for the principle of employment development at Areas A, B, C, D, E and G and the principle of retail, non-residential institutions and assembly and leisure uses at Area F. EIA Development & Departure. 4 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02647/FB 2020-06-30 Little Paradise Public Car Park Little Paradise Bristol BS3 4DY Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Proposed development of a new public car park on the existing Little Paradise car park site. 126 OBJECT 2020-11-09
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02800/FB 2020-06-29 Former Brunel Ford Muller Road Bristol BS7 9ND Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Redevelopment of site to provide 32no residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated car and cycle parking, landscaping and refuse storage (Major Application). 8 OBJECT 2020-08-14
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02730/VC 2020-06-24 31 St Edyths Road Bristol BS9 2EP Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1- Silver Birch-fell. 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/02705/SCR 2020-06-23 Land To South Of V Shed Millennium Square Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a mixed-use development to provide offices, a hotel and ground-floor food and beverage uses. (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 20/02621/VP 2020-06-18 21A Stoke Hill Bristol BS9 1JN Tree Preservation Order : T10, T13, T14 & T19 Yew Crown lift to 3.5m (TPO 402); T11 Sycamore Fell (not protected by TPO) 2 OBJECT
BCC 20/02482/VC 2020-06-17 Atherton House Hollybush Lane Bristol BS9 1JB Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Sycamore T1 & T2 - Fell 1 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/02457/VC 2020-06-16 Flat 1 Tamarillo House 62 - 64 Whiteladies Road Bristol BS8 2QA Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Ash Tree - Fell. 5 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/02523/FB 2020-06-12 Land On South Side Of Bonnington Walk Bristol Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Redevelopment of site to provide 185no residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with vehicular access from Bonnington Walk and Landseer Avenue. Provision of community space/sales suite, car and cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, hard and soft landscaping together with new and enhanced areas of public open space, children's play space and allotment provision. 144 OBJECT 2020-07-17
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02383/H 2020-06-05 23 Cobourg Road Bristol BS6 5HT Full Planning (Householders) : Single storey rear extension and alterations to lower ground floor front window. 1 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02348/VC 2020-06-03 Public Conveniences High Street Westbury Bristol BS9 3ED Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Conifer - Fell. To allow scaffolding and the erection of other site equipment, in facilitating the re-development of the site. 4 OBJECT
Place a preservation order on the tree
BCC 20/02155/FB 2020-05-28 Land At Branwhite Close Bristol BS7 9XJ Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Proposed mixed-use regeneration around Branwhite Close and Gainsborough Square comprising 47 dwellings (use class C3) and 1 commercial unit fronting Gainsborough Square (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4). A new access road will be created from Branwhite Close to Gainsborough Square along with pedestrian access to Nash Drive. The proposals will include associated parking provision, landscaping and amenity areas. 1 UNDER CONSIDERATION
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/02228/VP 2020-05-28 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Tree Preservation Order : Norway Maple "Crimson King" (NW1) Norway Maple (NW2) -light crown-lift and reduction (2m maximum) of the NE lower face of crown. TPO 1192. 26 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/01930/F 2020-05-19 Police Dog & Horse Training Centre Clanage Road Bristol BS3 2JY Full Planning : Proposed change of use from training centre (Use Class D1) to touring caravan site (Use Class D2), consisting of 62 pitches and associated buildings and works. 50 OBJECT
Refer to the Secretary of State
BCC 20/02002/F 2020-05-15 334 Canford Lane Bristol BS9 3PW Full Planning : Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Erection of two new 3 storey (plus basement excavation) 8 bedroom, 16 bedspace dwellings including attached garages, roof terraces and revised access. 22 OBJECT
BCC 20/01826/F 2020-04-30 Stoke Lodge Sports Ground Shirehampton Road Sea Mills Bristol Full Planning : Works are to install a CCTV pole and camera adjacent to the gate behind the neighbouring Stoke Lodge Adult Learning Centre. 292 NEUTRAL
BCC 20/01812/VD 2020-04-28 Norland House 33 Canynge Road Bristol BS8 3LD Dead/Dying/Dangerous trees : Copper Beech - Fell 0 SUPPORT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/01655/F 2020-04-14 Former Railway Depot Clanage Road Bristol Full Planning : Redevelopment of the site to provide residential apartments including affordable housing (social rented and shared ownership) across nine buildings between 3 - 5 storeys, flexible retail/cafe space (Use Class A1-A5 and D1), public realm, landscaping including ecological mitigation measures, access and associated groundworks. 370 OBJECT 2021-01-20
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/01665/SCR 2020-04-14 Caravan Club Cumberland Road Bristol BS1 6XG Screening Opinion : Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for demolition of existing buildings and structures and the construction of up to 190 residential units, up to 750sqm of commercial floorspace, parking, landscaping and ancillary uses. - (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 20/01535/F 2020-04-06 Yard Woodland Terrace Bristol BS6 9UD Full Planning : Demolition of existing garages and proposed one-half storey dwelling with parking and a rear garden. 34 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/00803/F 2020-03-30 86 Bedminster Parade Bristol BS3 4HL Full Planning : Erection of 8 self-contained flats. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/00973/F 2020-03-02 Land At Hengrove Park/West Of Christopher Brain Street Bristol Full Planning : Partial replan of previously approved development (LPA ref 17/03943/F) to provide revised layout and mix of homes, comprising 70 number 2, 3 and 4 bed homes, highways, drainage, services, landscaping and associated works. 0 UNDER CONSIDERATION Withdrawn
BCC 20/00542/P 2020-02-12 Land At Home Gardens Redland Hill Bristol BS6 6UR Outline Planning : Outline planning application for the redevelopment of the site comprising demolition of existing buildings (1-4 Home Gardens, 1-2 The Bungalows and associated garages and outbuildings) and the erection of two new buildings to provide up to 60 residential units (Class C3) (including 20% affordable housing) and up to 262sqm of flexible office space (Class E) to Whiteladies Road frontage and associated works. Permission sought for Access, Scale and Layout). 95
BCC 20/00574/F 2020-02-07 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Full Planning : Creation of hardstanding for the purpose of ancillary storage. 0 NEUTRAL
BCC 20/00261/F 2020-02-06 Whiteladies Residential Home 22 Redland Park Bristol BS6 6SD Full Planning : Proposed demolition of coach house and conversion of Nursing Home into three 2 bedroom (3 bed space) flats, two 2 bedroom (4 bed space) flats, two 3 bedroom (6 bed space) flats and the rebuilding of the two storey coach house to form a new 2 bedroom (4 bed space) cottage, with associated bin and cycle storage and parking. 9 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/00433/F 2020-01-30 The Hawthorns Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UQ Full Planning : Demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of the site to accommodate a new University of Bristol Library to include archive and collections space, a cultural collections centre, research facility, working and study spaces, exhibition and events spaces and cafe. The creation of an enhanced public realm within the surrounding area between Woodland Road junction with Tyndall Avenue, Elton Road and St Michael's Park; with associated works (Major Application). 381
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/00232/N 2020-01-20 31 - 45 Lower Ashley Road St Pauls Bristol BS2 9PZ Prior Notification - Demolition : Application for prior notification of proposed demolition of the main building. 191
Prior Approval NOT REQUIRED
BCC 20/00189/VP 2020-01-15 30 Old Sneed Park Bristol BS9 1RF Tree Preservation Order : T2 Beech - Fell TPO 317 2 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 20/00075/VP 2020-01-09 Westmorland House Durdham Park Bristol BS6 6XH Tree Preservation Order : See attached PDF report.(TPO1074/R). 0
BCC 20/00017/VC 2020-01-03 Units A & E Riverside Business Park St Annes Road St Annes Bristol BS4 4ED Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : T1- Cherry - Reduce from building by 2m and balance crown over road. T2- Cherry - Reduce from building by 2m, balance crown over road and thin by 10%. T3- Cherry - lift to clear building by 2m. G4- Poplar and Ash- Poplar and Ash x 3 closest to building fell and reduce remaining Ash trees off building roof. G5- Group of Poplars, Ash and Birch- cut back Poplars, Ash, Pines and Birch by removing whole limbs to clear building by 2m. 2 NEUTRAL
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 19/06099/F 2019-12-23 45 Shirehampton Road Stoke Bishop Bristol BS9 2DN Full Planning : Proposed new 4 Bed dwelling on land adjacent 45 Shirehampton Road (Self Build). 1 NEUTRAL Withdrawn
BCC 19/06107/F 2019-12-17 Paynes Shipyard And Vauxhall House Coronation Road Bristol BS3 1RP Full Planning : Demolition and redevelopment for residential together with associated car parking, landscaping, access, infrastructure and riverside pedestrian walkway, with up to 154 residential units. 46 OBJECT 2020-11-08
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/06014/X 2019-12-12 Redland High School For Girls Redland Court Road Bristol BS6 7EF Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application to vary condition No. 29 (Climate Change) 44 (Landscape) 45 (List of approved plans and drawings) attached to planning permission 17/04263/F. 4 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/05514/F 2019-12-02 Arnold Laver Brabazon Hangar Railway Bridge West Way Bristol BS34 7DU Full Planning : Construction of a new pedestrian bridge linking the former Filton Airfield and the Brabazon Hangar site over the Henbury Loop railway line, including associated demolition, earthworks and landscaping. 5 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/05500/P 2019-12-02 Arnold Laver Brabazon Hangar & Surrounding Land West Way Bristol BS34 7DU Outline Planning : Hybrid planning application comprising: the demolition of existing ancillary buildings and structures; full details associated with the change of use of, and associated external alterations to, the Brabazon Hangar buildings from Class B8 use to a mixture of Class D1, D2, A1, A3, A4 and B1a uses, along with outline details associated with infrastructure works including: revised vehicular access arrangements; redevelopment and reorganisation of the former aircraft apron to provide parking, servicing and associated infrastructure provision; plus associated landscaping, service infrastructure and other associated works and improvements. 144 OBJECT
Refer to the Secretary of State
BCC 19/05699/VD 2019-11-26 Muller House Ashley Down Road Bristol Dead/Dying/Dangerous trees : Two large limbs to potentially fall. Fell tree. TPO 667 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/05705/VP 2019-11-25 Coombe Rocke West Rocke Avenue Bristol BS9 2AN Tree Preservation Order : T1 Wellingtonia Giant Redwood - Fell TPO 1083/R 20 OBJECT
BCC 19/05204/F 2019-10-30 83 Hartcliffe Way Bristol BS3 5RN Full Planning : Construction and operation of a split level Household Recycling (with Canopy) and Re-Use Centre, with demolition of some existing structures and retention of existing office and welfare facilities; vehicle parking and manoeuvring area; drainage and water management system, perimeter fencing, lighting, retaining walls, tree planting, 2no new vehicle bridges, separate pedestrian access, temporary construction haul road with ancillary off-site highway improvement works to facilitate new access and egress points at 83 Hartcliffe Way. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/05047/F 2019-10-16 6 Dingle Road Bristol BS9 2LW Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6no. dwellings with associated works. 20 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/05003/COND 2019-10-14 Land Southwest Of Stoke Park Primary School Romney Avenue Bristol BS7 9SX Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application to approve details in relation to condition 6(cmp & emp) , 7(ecological report) ,8( wessex ecological report) and 9 (site.vegetation clearance) of perrmission 19/01927/FB Demolition of vacant caretakers house and construction of educational facility for 1,220 pupils with Sports Hall facility.. 0 NEUTRAL
Condition application decided
BCC 19/04707/F 2019-10-03 Garage To Rear Of 79 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3DN Full Planning : Proposal to replace the garages to the rear of 79 Pembroke Road with a 2 bed detached dwelling (Self Build). 39 OBJECT
BCC 19/04705/F 2019-09-26 Open Space Glencoyne Square Bristol BS10 6DE Full Planning : Development of site for up to 120 residential units, a health centre, library, live-work accommodation and other uses potentially including offices, activity space and a launderette, together with associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure. 41 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/04529/VC 2019-09-17 Frances Greeves House Henbury Road Henbury Bristol BS10 7FG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Ash (T1) - Fell : Tree has a significant lean towards building. Pruning back to clear buildings of 4 meters would leave a poor specimen. Group of mixed species - Reduce away from end wall of Francis Greeves House to give clearance of 4 metres. 3 OBJECT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 19/03648/NMA 2019-07-26 Former Police Station Southmead Road Bristol BS10 5DW Non-material amendment : Application for a non material amendment of permission following consent granted under 15/06605/F - Demolition of the existing police station and redevelopment of site to provide a care home - now proposed new landscape plan, revised bat boxes and extract terminal on roof. 0
Non material amendment - agreed
BCC 19/03535/SCR 2019-07-17 Land On South Side Of Bonnington Walk Bristol Screening Opinion : Request for a screening opinion as to whether an environmental impact assessment is required for the erection of up 245 dwellings with associated access. (Please note that this is not a plananing application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL
EIA Not required
BCC 19/03401/VP 2019-07-11 Stokeleigh Lodge 3 Downs Park West Bristol BS6 7QQ Tree Preservation Order : Copper Birch - fell as causing damage to neighbouring property.TPO 1002/R 1 OBJECT
BCC 19/02831/COND 2019-06-12 Redland High School For Girls Redland Court Road Bristol BS6 7EF Approval/Discharge of conditions : Application to approve details reserved by condition 2 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 6 (Phasing Plan and Programme of Works), 7 (Construction Management Plan or Method Statement), 10 (Method statements - specified work) and 23 (Cotoneaster Method Statement) attached to permission 17/04263/F, which approved the residential conversion, including limited demolition and new build development, to form 44 new dwellings associated car and cycle parking and refuse storage. Internal and external refurbishment to all retained buildings. (Major) 3
Condition application decided
BCC 19/02632/PB 2019-06-06 Hengrove Park Hengrove Way Bristol Outline Planning (Regulation 3) : Outline application for the demolition of existing buildings on site and regeneration of 49ha of land comprising residential development of up to 1,435 dwellings (Class C3); up to 4,515sqm of office accommodation (Class B1a); up to 4,500sqm of education floor space to enable the expansion of City of Bristol College Skills Academy (Class D2); 790sqm community building (Classes D1/D2); sports pavilion of up to 420sqm (Class D2); scout hut building of up to 200sqm (Class D2); up to 2,440sqm of commercial floor space (Classes A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/D1 - provision of A1 floor space not to exceed 800sqm and total A1-A5 space to be capped at 1,499sqm); and provision of energy centre for communal heat and power. Provision of new park of approximately 22.2ha, areas of formal and informal open space totalling 4.4ha. Transport infrastructure comprising connections to Hengrove Way, Bamfield, Hengrove Promenade and The Boulevard, and creation of new footways and cycleways. Access and strategic landscaping to be determined with all other matters reserved. 127 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/02739/VC 2019-06-06 Land At Junction Of Avon Way And Old Sneed Road Bristol Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Ash trees - T1 to T11 - Fell. 0 OBJECT
Split Decision
BCC 19/02386/H 2019-05-22 7 Red House Lane Bristol BS9 3RY Full Planning (Householders) : Single storey rear extension, internal and external remodel. Including side roof extension, and pitched roof to front porch. Widening of driveway to accommodate two vehicles. 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/02157/F 2019-05-16 31 - 45 Lower Ashley Road St Pauls Bristol BS2 9PZ Full Planning : Construction of a 4-storey block of flats to provide 28 units of residential accommodation including affordable housing, cycle parking, refuse storage and amenity space. 436 OBJECT 2019-07-23 Withdrawn
BCC 19/01927/FB 2019-04-25 Land Southwest Of Stoke Park Primary School Romney Avenue Bristol BS7 9SX Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Demolition of vacant caretakers house and construction of educational facility for 1,220 pupils with Sports Hall facility; Artificial Sports Pitch; Multi-Use Games Area; car, minibus and cycle parking; landscaping, access and associated highway works in Romney Avenue, Constable Road, Brangwyn Grove and Cotman Walk. 0 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/01721/N 2019-04-11 Lockleaze Day Centre Gainsborough Square Bristol BS7 9XA Prior Notification - Demolition : Prior approval application for demolition - single storey former day care centre, with glazed panels and flat roof. 0 NEUTRAL
Prior Approval GIVEN
BCC 19/01794/SCO 2019-04-10 Land West Of Silbury Road Bristol Scoping Opinion : Request for a Scoping Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the redevelopment of land North of Metrobus for residential use (up to 520 dwellings). (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage). 0 NEUTRAL Unknown
BCC 19/01354/VC 2019-03-19 Trafalgar House Clifton Down Bristol BS8 3NG Works to Trees in Conservation Areas : Monkey Puzzle (Araucaria araucana) - Fell, because the tree is failing/dying. No remedial pruning recommendations suitable. 0 SUPPORT
Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
BCC 19/01381/F 2019-03-19 Wyevale Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD Full Planning : Temporary change of use of western section of garden centre car park to car sales. 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/01252/H 2019-03-13 67 Northover Road Bristol BS9 3LQ Full Planning (Householders) : Erection of single storey and two storey side extension. Garage conversion to habitable room. Erect garden office. Modify and replace windows and doors. 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/01255/F 2019-03-12 Avon Fire And Rescue Service Headquarters Temple Back Bristol BS1 6EU Full Planning : Demolition of existing buildings to facilitate mixed use office (Use class B 1) and residential (297 Units Use class C3) redevelopment to be carried out in phases including amenity space and cycle and car provision, with vehicular access, servicing arrangements, public realm works and landscaping (Major Application). 99 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/01213/FB 2019-03-11 Stoke Park Park Road Stapleton Bristol Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Proposed development of a formal access route through Stoke Park estate from Sir Johns Lane (Bristol) to Jellicoe Avenue (South Gloucestershire) including access works at Stanfield Close, Romney Avenue and Long Wood Meadows, following historic route and former carriage ride, comprising self-binding gravel surfaced path and associated works. 83 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 19/01050/F 2019-03-04 Floating Pontoon Between Bristol Temple Quay And Cattle Market Road Bristol BS1 6DG Full Planning : The proposed development is a new floating pontoon walkway along the southern bank of the Floating Harbour, to provide shared pedestrian and cycle way between Temple Meads ferry landing and Cattle Market Road. The walkway will be constructed under Temple Meads viaduct, considered curtilage listed as associated with Temple Meads Railway Station Grade I listed building. The application site is currently river and river bank. 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 18/06624/F 2019-01-17 Casa Mia Bramble Lane Bristol BS9 1RD Full Planning : Demolition of existing dwelling (Casa Mia) and erection of four detached residential dwellings with associated garages, refuse storage, internal access road and landscaping (resubmission of application 17/07096/F). 0 NEUTRAL Unknown
BCC 18/06646/F 2019-01-02 YardArts 17 - 29 Lower Ashley Road St Pauls Bristol BS2 9QA Full Planning : Construction of a 4 storey block of flats to provide 31no. units (11no. 1bedoom, 2 bedspace units; 13no. 2 bedroom, 3 bedspace units; 6no. 2bedroom, 4bedspace units; 1no, 3bedroom 4 bedspace unit), including affordable housing, with associated parking and amenity space (Major). 11 OBJECT 2019-07-09
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 18/06659/F 2019-01-02 Redcliffe Wharf Redcliffe Way Bristol BS1 6SR Full Planning : Proposed demolition of existing buildings and reconstruction of buildings C and D to provide a mixed use scheme incorporating public realm, business use (Class B 1 a), residential dwellings (Class C3), retail space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3 as flexible permission) and retail/business space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, B1a, B1b, B1c as a flexible permission), associated car and cycle parking, landscaping, boat moorings, pedestrian and cycle link to Quaker Garden and associated alterations and rebuilding of boundary walls, and repairs to the harbour wall. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 18/05702/X 2018-10-29 Land To The South Of Morris Road And West Of Shaldon Road Morris Road Bristol Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application to vary condition No.10, 11, 24, 37 attached to planning permission 17/01920/F. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 18/04306/X 2018-08-13 (Bathurst Basin Bridge Commercial Rd) Land Between The A370 Long Ashton Bypass In North Somerset And Cater Road Roundabout Cater Road Bristol Variation/Deletion of a Condition : Application for variation of condition No. 4 (Submission and approval of replacement tree planting scheme) following grant of planning permission 16/05853/X 8 OBJECT Withdrawn
BCC 18/01985/VP 2018-04-13 Bank Of Scotland Group Trinity Quay Avon Street Bristol BS2 0PT Tree Preservation Order : Removal of 7no. Trees of Heaven (T1-T7) Replant 6no. Root pruning to T11 & T12 (no roots above 20mm to be severed) TPO 1325 0 NEUTRAL
BCC 18/01087/F 2018-03-22 Land Adjacent To 24 Canford Lane Bristol Full Planning : Erection of 2no. semi-detached dwelling houses on land adjacent to 24 Canford Lane, including soft and hard landscaping. 0 OBJECT
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 18/00861/F 2018-02-26 Senate House Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS8 1TH Full Planning : Construction of double storey infill extension to Senate House. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 17/06665/F 2017-12-01 Stoke Lodge Playing Fields Shirehampton Road Bristol BS9 1BN Full Planning : Erection of new changing room building and associated works to replace existing building. 0 NEUTRAL
BCC 17/06559/FB 2017-11-30 Land To Rear Of Silbury Road(Ashton Rise) Alderman Moores Bristol Full Planning (Regulation 3) : Erection of 133no. dwellings with associated access, landscaping and services (Major Application). 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 17/06049/M 2017-11-10 Land And Building Ashley Grove Road Bristol Reserved Matters : Approval of Reserved Matters sought for appearance, layout, scale and landscaping following the grant of Outline planning permission ref 17/07013/X relating to the redevelopment of former commercial laundry site to provide up to 105 residential units (105 units proposed), commercial/community space (B1/D1), enlargement of Mina Road Park, retention of the central chimney stack, and associated infrastructure improvements. (Major Application). 0 NEUTRAL
Approve details of Reserved Matters
BCC 17/05064/NMA 2017-10-20 Southmead Police Station Southmead Road Bristol BS10 5DW Non-material amendment : Application for non-material amendment following the appeal decision APP/Z0116/W16/3151831, (BCC Ref. 15/00665/F), for the demolition of the police station buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a care home (Use Class C2), associated access, car parking and landscaping and the conversion of an existing building fronting Southmead Road to provide a single dwelling (Use Class C3) - now proposed roof altered to flat roof (to omit drainage), alteration to front elevation, bin store, windows/doors, staircase and eaves. 0 NEUTRAL
Non material amendment - agreed
BCC 17/05346/VP 2017-09-25 Southmead Police Station Southmead Road Bristol BS10 5DW Tree Preservation Order : T1, Atlas Cedar - fell. TPO 264. 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 17/04263/F 2017-08-07 Redland High School Redland Court Road Bristol BS6 7EF Full Planning : Residential conversion, including limited demolition and new build development, to form 44 new dwellings associated car and cycle parking and refuse storage. Internal and external refurbishment to all retained buildings. 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 17/01920/F 2017-05-17 Land To The South Of Morris Road Morris Road Bristol Full Planning : Mixed tenure, sustainable community development of 49 dwellings and two common houses (major application). 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 17/00684/M 2017-02-08 Filwood Park Hengrove Way Bristol Reserved Matters : Reserved matters application following outline approval 12/00352/P for the erection of 150no. Residential units and a new park with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered. (Major application). 0 NEUTRAL
Approve details of Reserved Matters
BCC 15/06475/P 2015-12-16 Land And Buildings At Ashley Grove Road Bristol Outline Planning : Application for Outline Planning Permission - Redevelopment of former commercial laundry site to provide 102 residential units, commercial/community space (B1/D1), enlargement of Mina Road Park and associate infrastructure improvements. (Major Application). 0
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 15/05530/P 2015-10-28 31-45 Lower Ashley Road St Pauls Bristol BS2 9PZ Outline Planning : Outline planning application for proposed removal of existing single storey office building and provision of four storey mixed used development, comprising office areas to ground floor and student accommodation above. (Major application) 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 13/04991/F 2013-11-05 City Of Bristol College Bedminster Centre Marksbury Road Bristol BS3 5JL Full Planning : Proposed 2-form entry Primary School with additional SEN provision, designed for 480 pupils aged between 4 & 11 years old. (Major application). 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 13/04196/F 2013-09-02 Land At Torpoint Road, Kingswear Road And Haldon Close Knowle West Bristol Full Planning : Hybrid planning application. Full planning permission for laying out public open space, demolition of five existing residential buildings at Torpoint Road and construction of 71 residential units. Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for construction of approximately 40 residential units on land uphill of Kingswear Road and for construction of approximately 20 residential units on land adjacent to Haldon Close. (Major Application) 0 NEUTRAL
GRANTED subject to condition(s)
BCC 10/02438/M 2010-06-04 Hewlett Packard (Land Adjacent To Romney House) Romney Avenue Bristol BS7 9ST Reserved Matters : Reserved matters application - Proposed residential development of 253 units comprising 1 and 2 bedroom apartments 2-6 bedroom houses. 0 NEUTRAL
Approve details of Reserved Matters