Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 19/05699/VD
Address Muller House Ashley Down Road Bristol  
Street View
Ward Bishopston and Ashley Down
Proposal Two large limbs to potentially fall. Fell tree. TPO 667
Validated '19-11-26
Type Dead/Dying/Dangerous trees
Status Decided
Determination Deadline '19-12-01
Decision GRANTED subject to condition(s)
Decision Issued '19-11-26
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: NEUTRAL


Conditions required for planting a replacement tree are a model which should be used in other similar cases

“…In this instance, a replacement tree is required.

A replacement tree shall be species Cherry (Prunus avium) and shall be planted within the first available planting season following the felling of the TPO tree hereby approved. The tree should be a minimum 12-14cm girth, and shall be planted in a suitable position within five metres of the original position of the removed tree in order to provide suitable replacement amenity value for the surrounding areas. The tree is to be suitably protected, maintained and watered to ensure successful establishment. Photographic evidence of the planting to be submitted to Bristol City Council Planning Department via email to: clearly stating application No 19/05699/VD.

If the newly planted tree dies or fails to establish it will be replaced with a tree of the same species and specification until it is properly established and reaches a girth of 30cm's.

Reason - To ensure the character of the conservation area is retained and that trees of value, which contribute to the character of the area, are successfully established.”