Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 20/00017/VC
Address Units A & E Riverside Business Park St Annes Road St Annes Bristol BS4 4ED  
Street View
Ward Brislington East
Proposal T1- Cherry - Reduce from building by 2m and balance crown over road. T2- Cherry - Reduce from building by 2m, balance crown over road and thin by 10%. T3- Cherry - lift to clear building by 2m. G4- Poplar and Ash- Poplar and Ash x 3 closest to building fell and reduce remaining Ash trees off building roof. G5- Group of Poplars, Ash and Birch- cut back Poplars, Ash, Pines and Birch by removing whole limbs to clear building by 2m.
Validated 2020-01-03
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Determination Deadline 2020-02-14
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 2020-02-14
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1  Unstated: 1  Total: 2
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: NEUTRAL

We have sent this query to the Planning Officer:

'We are looking at this application with a view to commenting on it as we are concerned about the proposals to work on this important green corridor along the banks of the river. I note that the trees are growing in a conservation area, but are not protected by TPOs.

I have looked at the Council's asset Register, but the land upon which the trees are growing is not registered as Council land, even though I seem to recall that all the river frontage passing through the city is under the Council's control.

Are you able to identify the owner of the land?

Has the Environment Agency been advised of this application? I believe that they will want to know what is proposed.

Would you and the applicant be willing to visit the site with us to discuss what is proposed before you make any decision?'

We will respond in substance when we have a response.

Public Comments

on 2020-01-22  

On behalf of Bristol Tree Forum I have sent this query to the Planning Officer:

'We are looking at this application with a view to commenting on it as we are concerned about theproposals to work on this important green corridor along the banks of the river. I note that the treesare growing in a conservation area, but are not protected by TPOs.

I have looked at the Council's asset Register, but the land upon which the trees are growing is notregistered as Council land, even though I seem to recall that all the river frontage passing throughthe city is under the Council's control.

Are you able to identify the owner of the land?

Has the Environment Agency been advised of this application? I believe that they will want toknow what is proposed.

Would you and the applicant be willing to visit the site with us to discuss what is proposed beforeyou make any decision?'

We will respond in substance when we have a response.

on 2020-01-22   OBJECT

My reasons for objecting to this application are:1) The Applicant states that he is not the owner of the trees and that the address of the owner isunknown. Council owned land appears to stop just short of the group of trees the Applicant wantsto fell. I understand that whilst it is possible to apply to fell and/or do work on trees one does notown, (even TPO trees) actually doing the work, should permission be granted by the planningauthority, is criminal damage unless the consent of the owner of the trees is obtained. Working ontrees one does not own without such permission from the owner must therefore be risky. Maybethe completion of the Application Form has been done with errors?2) I am not an arboriculturist and must leave decisions about removing limbs from trees forwhatever reason to the experts - The Council's Officers.But I am always unhappy about applications to fell trees where the reasons for doing the work - asin this case - have not been stated in the Application Form.The Applicant has answered "No" to both the questions about possible disease and allegations ofsubsidence. Why then are they to be felled?3)Trees are vitally important. This land is the edge of a river and requires to be kept stable. Treeroots provide that stability. This is a Flood Risk Area (see under Constraints). Bristol has declareda Climate Emergency. We need to keep every tree we have. New trees are wonderful too, but weneed mature trees now and must endeavour to keep every one that does not need to be felled.There must be a good reason to fell a tree - and the owner of the tree should agree as well.4) I have to assume that the answer "Yes" on the Application Form to the trees being the subjectof a TPO is an error, because this is not supported by the Planning Authority under Constraints

and not supported by TPO mapping. But this is a Conservation Area, and please do not forget theusefulness of such designations.