Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 20/04037/VP
Address 18 Belmont Road Montpelier Bristol BS6 5AS  
Street View
Ward Ashley
Proposal T1- Beech tree - fell. (Protected by Tree Preservation Order 1403).
Validated 2020-09-11
Type Tree Preservation Order
Status Decided
Determination Deadline 2020-11-06
Decision GRANTED subject to condition(s)
Decision Issued 2020-11-03
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: NEUTRAL

This tree was granted a TPO - TPO 1403 - T1 - as a stopgap measure pending consideration of a plan to fell it. This application was made to continue with felling and was granted.  


The above application was determined on 3 November 2020 under authority delegated by the council. I can advise you that permission is GRANTED for the proposal(s) subject to the following condition; Replacement Tree following felling of TPO Trees. A replacement tree shall be species Sorbus spp. and shall be planted within the first available planting season following the felling of the TPO tree hereby approved.