Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 20/05078/VC |
Address | Cintre House 54 St Johns Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2HG
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Holm Oak - Fell. |
Validated | 2020-10-28 |
Type | Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2020-12-01 |
Determination Deadline | 2020-12-09 |
Decision | Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED |
Decision Issued | 2020-12-08 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 8 Total: 8 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Map Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
Bristol Tree Forum objects to this application.
This tree is growing in a Conservation Area which gives is a special public, community status over and above the private amenity it may or may not bring to its owner. As such it ought to be managed in the same way that the Council manages the public trees it is responsible for.
Under the Council's Tree Management Policies -
The only reason given for the application is because it is said to be 'due to excessive shading'. No other reason given why the tree should be felled. This is not enough to justify the tree being felled. Other management options can be explored if this is really the case.
The tree is under threat despite its special status, so it should further be protected with a Tree Preservation Order. It is an excellent example of its species with a high public amenity value, being visible not only from nearby houses, but also from both St John's Road and Hurle Crescent.
Public Comments
on 2020-11-26 OBJECT
Bristol Tree Forum objects to this application.
This tree is growing in a Conservation Area which gives is a special public, community status overand above the private amenity it may or may not bring to its owner. As such it ought to bemanaged in the same way that the Council manages the public trees it is responsible for.
Under the Council's Tree Management Policies - the council will not 'prune or remove a council owned tree to improve naturallight in or to a property including solar panels.' The same policy should be applied in this case.
The only reason given for the application is because it is said to be 'due to excessive shading'. Noother reason given why the tree should be felled. This is not enough to justify the tree being felled.Other management options can be explored if this is really the case.
The tree is under threat despite its special status, so it should further be protected with a TreePreservation Order. It is an excellent example of its species with a high public amenity value,being visible not only from nearby houses, but also from both St John's Road and Hurle Crescent.
on 2020-11-26 OBJECT
Along with many neighbours, I object to the felling of this mature Oak tree. We have totake seriously the need to maintain as much tree cover as we can - for the health and wellbeing ofall of us to confront the climate changes already in progress. On St Johns Road a diseased treewas removed earlier this year but it is wrong to remove a healthy one. I am unable to send somephotos that I have taken, which clearly show not only the tree viewed from surrounding roads, butalso how few trees left are in garderns. I understand that residents may wish to improve the lightentering their property and perhaps there is advice the Council may offer in terms of pruning thetree that may achieve lighting improvement to the immediate residents without destroying the longterm benefit of the tree to the community as a whole
on 2020-11-25 OBJECT
Clifton Down Community Association would like to support the objections of severallocal residents on the following grounds:
The felling of this mature tree would run counter to BCC's aims to become carbon neutral,including doubling the tree canopy.
The tree is a long standing natural feature of this conservation area. The loss of established treesrisks altering the nature of this green and pleasant residential area.
The tree provides privacy for neighbours and reduces noise. A replacement sapling would takeyears to replace these functions.
on 2020-11-25 OBJECT
Dear Mr Bennett,I would like to confirm my objection to the felling of this beautiful old oak tree. It provides privacy tosurrounding neighbours and adds to the beauty of the area.
Kind regards,
Susanna Hunt
on 2020-11-24 OBJECT
I would like to object because as i understand itBristol has been declared climate and enviromental emergencies. Felling such an established Oakand replacing it with an ash sapling will only contribute to this emergancy.Bristol is coommited to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. In doing so we should not be condoningthe felling of a long standing tree.Bristol is commited to doubling tree canopy cover by 2046. The grounds for this planningapplication is based on the canopy which contrivence the councils commitment to the public.I would ask that the tree be retained and at should the canopy be such an issue be pruned at themost to reduce the loss of habitat and ecosystem in the area.The adverse knock on environmental impact on biodiversity of removing and existing tree andsimply replacing it far outweighs any short term benefits of the replacement.The tree is visable from the nearby roads and creates good coverage for privacy and a soundbarrier.Many thanks for your consideration
on 2020-11-24 OBJECT
I strongly object to the proposed felling of the grand Oak tree in the garden of 54 StJohn's Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2HG. This is an outstanding tree in the Whiteladies RoadConservation Area in which trees planted in streets and gardens are an integral part of theconservation area.This Holm Oak tree is particularly exceptional and long standing natural feature of theconservation area. As owners and residents of the adjoining house and garden at 10 HurleCrescent we have valued and cherished the presence of this oak tree for a period of 37 years.Bristol Parks & Gardens should protect and retain this outstanding tree in the City and haveresponsibility for any judicious lopping or pruning of this highly valued tree and asset in theconservation area. If necessary appropriate legal action will protect this tree and it's amenity.
on 2020-11-24 OBJECT
I strongly object to the proposed felling of the grand Oak tree in the garden of 54 StJohn's Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2HG. This is an outstanding tree in the Whiteladies RoadConservation Area in which trees planted in streets and gardens are an integral part of theconservation area.This Holm Oak tree is particularly exceptional and long standing natural feature of theconservation area. As owners and residents of the adjoining house and garden at 10 HurleCrescent we have valued and cherished the presence of this oak tree for a period of 37 years.Bristol Parks & Gardens should protect and retain this outstanding tree in the City and haveresponsibility for any judicious lopping or pruning of this highly valued tree and asset in theconservation area. If necessary appropriate legal action will protect this tree and it's amenity.
on 2020-11-23 OBJECT
Dear Mr Bennett,
We are writing to object to the removal of this grand and beautiful oak tree. It provides greatbenefit to the area, and has been there for such a long time. The property is a caring home - whichwe fully support - but the use of these trees provides both privacy and noise barriers to thesurrounding neighbours. It's removal would cause a significant issue.
We therefore hope Bristol Council reject this application and we have contacted our local wardcouncilor in relation to this issue.
Mr Horne