Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 20/05368/VC
Address Land And Buildings On The South West Side Of (av42 Gibson Road Bristol  
Street View
Ward Cotham
Proposal T1 - Ash - Fell G1 - Ash, sycamore and buddleia - The trunk diameters of all of these tree is less than 7.5cm they have been included for completeness. G2 - Ash - The trunk diameters of these trees is less than 7.5cm they have been included for completeness.
Validated 2020-11-11
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Determination Deadline 2020-12-23
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 2020-12-09
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1    Total: 1
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT


Bristol Tree Forum objects to this application for the following reasons:

The application is to remove trees growing on land and buildings on the south west side of 42 Gibson Road, Bristol, but the plan submitted shows the trees growing between 31 and 33 Gibson Road. Number 50 Gibson Road is shown on the plan across the street from numbers 31 and 33. It is not opposite number 42 which is much further along the road. This needs to be clarified, but the site appears to be the rear gardens of houses in Sydenham Road - possibly 32 or 34.

This application is clearly a precursor to a more substantial application to develop the site and perhaps, an attempt to avoid the application of the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard (BTRS). It is clear that an arboricultural report has been obtained from Bosky Trees which is making the application as agent for the applicant. This should be disclosed with this application.

Whether or not the trees fall to be replaced under BTRS cannot be ascertained unless the applicant discloses the report they have obtained.

If they decline to do so, then, there being no reason given for why the trees should be removed, this application should be rejected and any future decision about the future of the trees should await the applicant's substantive application to develop the site.

Public Comments

on 2020-11-28   OBJECT

Bristol Tree Forum objects to this application for the following reasons:

The application is to remove trees growing on land and buildings on the south west side of 42Gibson Road, Bristol, but the plan submitted shows the trees growing between 31 and 33 GibsonRoad. Number 50 Gibson Road is shown on the plan across the street from numbers 31 and 33. Itis not opposite number 42 which is much further along the road. This needs to be clarified, but thesite appears to be the rear gardens of houses in Sydenham Road - possibly 32 or 34.

This application is clearly a precursor to a more substantial application to develop the site andperhaps, an attempt to avoid the application of the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard (BTRS). Itis clear that an arboricultural report has been obtained from Bosky Trees which is making theapplication as agent for the applicant. This should be disclosed with this application.

Whether or not the trees fall to be replaced under BTRS cannot be ascertained unless theapplicant discloses the report they have obtained.

If they decline to do so, then, there being no reason given for why the trees should be removed,this application should be rejected and any future decision about the future of the trees shouldawait the applicant's substantive application to develop the site.