Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/00531/P
Address Hengrove Leisure Park Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR  
Street View
Ward Hengrove and Whitchurch Park
Proposal Outline planning application for demolition and residential-led redevelopment comprising up 350no. Use Class C3 dwellings (including affordable dwellings), and up to 1,650sqm of flexible Class E uses, of which 150sqm is also Sui Generis (Hot Food Takeaway), along with cycle accesses, parking, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. Approval sought for Access, with all other matters reserved.
Validated 2021-02-01
Type Outline Planning
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-03-24
Standard Consultation Expiry 2021-04-15
Determination Deadline 2021-05-03
Decision GRANTED subject to condition(s)
Decision Issued 2022-03-14
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 3 Objectors: 60  Unstated: 2  Total: 65
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT


We have submitted our objection to Bristol Planning Authority about the planned development at Hengrove Leisure Park - Bristol Tree Forum Submission - Hengrove Leisure Park.

See also - 20/05651/SCR | Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required.

Public Comments

on 2022-01-04   OBJECT

My concerns are over the removal of the un-managed grassland to the south west ofCineworld, as it contains many plants that are important sources of nectar for many species ofinvertebrates in the area, including some rare species of insects and many species of butterfliesand moths.

Records of the Carrot Mining bee have recently been recorded in the area - wild carrot is animportant food source for this nationally rare insect and there is wild carrot located in this area ofun-managed grassland.

Please also consider the following advice provided by Buglife in regards to the Carrot Mining beefound in this area: Wild carrot needs to be protected from development. Where opportunities arisethrough new planting schemes, development and infrastructure, creation of species rich grasslandin parks and other greenspaces, and sympathetic road verge management. Wild carrot can beplug planted in patches in existing swards, sown in wildflower strips and included in wildflowermixes.

There are also several other plant species within this unmanaged grassland that provide animportant nectar source for a range of invertebrates, these include plants such as teasel, ragwortand yarrow, along with corky fruited water dropwort and several species of orchids.

Any development should enhance and maintain the biodiversity of these vital grassland habitats,

something that the proposed plan does not currently achieve.

on 2021-09-09   OBJECT

I object to any plan to build housing on this site, we see from Bristol city councilswebsite that proposals to build on the northern slopes along Hengrove way will add a substantivenumber of dwellings to an area that already has a large number of building projects approved orstarted!

As a regular user of the cinema and having lived in the area my whole life I would like the planningcommittee to oppose plans and meet publicly with locals to discuss how best use the site for localentertainment and leisure!

I feel that this application has played on using Covid19 and the limited info sent out to the wholeBristol south to push ahead with plans rather than looking toWork with local people who clearly value the site but feel that what is available is expensive orinsufficient! This could be rectified by community working. Failing this I propose the leaseholdersell the lease to a community run group who will manage it for local people!

on 2021-09-09   OBJECT

There are enough non affordable houses going up in the area already, no extra Drsurgeries being built, no extra schools being built, and you are wanting to take away the onlyleisure facilities in the area for young and old, not to mention all the green space that is used mydog walkers, runners, cyclists etc. There is no proposal for extra road infrastructure, publictransport. The whole thing is an absolute joke and I very, very strongly object to these plans.

on 2021-08-19   OBJECT

I write to object in the strongest possible terms to this application which would seeSouth Bristol lose its only cinema. As a long standing DC member I know you must make adecision on the application before you. I am urging you to reject it so the developer can be forcedto come back with something better.

I was on the planning committee that approved the Hengrove Park residential development whichis a huge investment by this administration in a huge number of quality and affordable homes. Oneof the reasons that application was considered sustainable was that it was close to employmentand leisure activities, as both were on the doorstep. If this application is granted one of the keyreasons that the huge Hengrove Park housing development next door was sustainable will begone. I don't like agreeing to something only to find the goalposts have been shifted, and to findnearby facilities we considered essential for the success of the Hengrove Park development nextdoor will, if this developer gets their way, be gone before those homes can be occupied.

Before the elections I requested and attended a virtual presentation on the proposal before you bythe site owner and developer. We were told that the Cineworld Cinema, closed during another lockdown at the time, had closed permanently and would not re-open.

I confirm that is not true.

I visited the Cineworld Cinema at Hengrove Leisure Park on Monday 16 August and saw a film

"The Suicide Squad" in Screen 5. On the way there I drove past more housing being built alongAirport Road. The potential customer base for the leisure facilities is already growing. As thephotographs I took on the day show, despite two restaurant buildings being dis-used the car parkwas still full and the cinema is open, clean and well kept. To be honest it is in better condition thansome other cinemas in Bristol. I spoke to a member of staff who told me six screens were currentlyin operation but as the pandemic draws to a close and attendance improves, the plan was to openmore screens. Not close the place permanently.

A possible solution for the Hengrove Leisure Park could be a mixed use development ofresidential and leisure use. Done well this could be a new town centre for the wider area, a realdestination for the new and existing residents in the area. That would be out of the question if theapplication before you is approved.

Cineworld have a number of smaller multiplexes with six or so screens where that is moreappropriate. So, if in the long term they no longer need all 14 screens currently at Hengrove, theycould retain some of them, such as the screens along the back of the cinema building and thecentral entrance. One or both blocks either side of the entrance could then be converted intorestaurants or retail on the ground floor and flats above. That would be far more sustainable thanknocking the whole place down now, then someone having to find another site and build a newcinema from scratch at a later date, if at all.

If other tenants also want to stay on the site that should be accommodated and included in theplans. You could have a new pedestrianised boulevard of shops and restaurants with flats abovethem with the cinema at the end of it. The surface car parks could be replaced with a multi-storycar park, cycle parking and bus stops. Bus services currently terminate on the inhospitable laneoutside the bus depot on the other side of of Airport Road. If services terminated in the LeisurePark instead that would be safer for regular passengers and enable people from further afield toget to it without having to drive. Forcing people to travel (and in most cases that means drive) toleisure facilities elsewhere in the city is not sustainable.

For the real potential of this site to be considered this application must be rejected. Otherwisewhen the Hengrove Park development is completed nearby, those residents, and those alreadyliving in the area, will have no-where local to go. I might live in East Bristol but I think the residentsof South Bristol deserve better than to lose their leisure facilities, and their only cinema, just so adeveloper can make a few quid.

I will submit a similar statement to the DC on 22 September 2021

on 2021-07-27   OBJECT

South Bristol needs a cinema and there are plenty of other areas being built on. Leisureneeds to be supported not smashed down.

on 2021-07-08   OBJECT

I am vehemently opposed to the demolition of the park, which serves as a much-neededlocal community hub and source of entertainment for local residents. The cinema alone is the onlyone in reasonable travelling distance for many in the local area and the situation will only beexacerbated once the extortionate CAZ cuts Bristol in two and yet again disadvantages thoseSouth of the river.

on 2021-06-27   OBJECT

There are already thousands of homes being built in the area we don't need anymore!!!There are no extra schools, doctors, amenities being built to accommodate the homes that aregoing up already. We need other leisure facilities like the cinema instead of more box like housesthat people cannot afford.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

My partner lives near this park and we regularly go to the cinema here as after she hashad a long week at work as a support worker it's helpful for her relaxation and mental healthWe walk to the cinema to save using the car on the road which means then we are helping protectthe city.Taking away this leisure park is forcing people to have to spend lots on petrol, parking etc just tohave a chance to go watch a film which everyone should have access too.The area is massively lacking and this would just be another way of killing the area. You areforcing local kids in to more trouble as taking away options to go and enjoy a film along with olderpeople who can't go to bingo.

This is wrong

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

I object to the environmental impact on the local area as well as the destruction of amuch loved leisure area for local families. keep the cinema.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

The demolition of the cinema would be devastating for the local area. We have no otherleisure facilities anywhere near here. The closest cinema would involve driving into the centre oftown or all the way round the ring road. There are already hundreds of houses being built literallyover the road and another load already on another area by the leisure centre. The area cannotsupport another 350!! Where are the schools ? The pubs? The churches? Houses and morehouses is just not sustainable. Where will any of the kids in these new houses play? The airfield isalready being set up for houses so I strongly object to the whole area being turned into the ghettoof South Bristol.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

Stop taking our facilities away. There is nothing in this area

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

It's destroying our community

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

I simply cannot understand why a well used facility is potentially going to be lost tohousing !

South Bristol is severely lacking in facilities as it is, if you take away this leisure park, there will beeven less amenities in the area !

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

There are already 2 new housing estate being built a 5 minute walk from here, neither ofwhich are affordable housing that is needed.The leisure facilities are needed to improve the area for current residents and those moving intothese new complexes.

I travel to the area to use the cinema at least 3 times a week, also shopping and using the foodfacilities in the area each time which I would no longer do if the area was converted to residential.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

The Cineworld building should be left as it is, it is a place where familys can go which isaffordable to all. Many elderly and disbled people go here because it is close to home. Taking thisaway would affect them. Schools and other groups also visit the cinema. I know that if this is takenaway we will have even less to offer residents here in South Bristol. My family and most of myfriends would not be able to travel to another venue, due to cost and disability. . Tbere is enoughland without touching the Cinema. Even building a new building to the right would be goodbecause that area is unused and would link it to the restaurants and hotel. Dont take away theonly Cinema we have here.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

Again more precious jobs to be lost in South Bristol and some very important localamenities.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

The area around the park is already being heavily developed, but it isn't balancing thiswith leisure and community facilities for the influx of people that the area will see once the housingis built. This area should be maintained for this purpose and expansion to bring in new businessesin should be encouraged. It's a prime out of town spot for a larger complex similar to that out atLongwell Green for those who don't want to travel into central Bristol.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

The idea of closing the leisure park and it's facilities is unbelievably short sighted and akick in the teeth for local people and those who need facilities for mental health and physical wellbeing.

The new houses on Airport Road already puts stress on local services. Have those proposing thistried to get a doctor's appointment. Is it part of the legal requirement to provide this.

South Bristol is so devoid of facilities as it is and public transport into town and the CAZ make thiseven more problematic especially in winter and for the more vulnerable.

Has there been a disability impact assessment?!

In addition if this is given over the housing where is the parking for using the already proposeddiminishing park on the old airport facility.

Those of us in this part of Bristol have already been stripped of resources enough while havingadditional housing forced upon us. I strongly object to this

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

The children NEED the play park and cinema. The play park is the biggest for miles andmost able to be used by a large age range of babies and children due to the wide variety of playequipment, its especially essential for local people that do not drive. It also enables parents tomeet in a covid safe outdoor area to boost mental wellbeing.Teens use the bike/scooter park (without things for them to do/places for them to go crime will rise.The surrounding areas do NOT have spaces in schools and GP surgeries to accommodate newresidents ESPECIALLY in the special needs schools which are extremely over subscribed. Thecinema is also one of the very few who screen foreign films for the Asian, Polish and Russiancommunities.Dog owners use the green area along with joggers. There isn't a section of society that doesn'tbenefit from this area. It needs to stay!

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

We have no other sports facilities like the hengrove leisure centre in the area for allages I cannot believe that the council would r en think of demolishing it for more housing! Thegovernment talk about getting everyone to exercise and now I hear you want to demolish afantastic LeisureCentre I'm absolutely appalled

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

South Bristol needs recreational facilities more than houses. Fees like Bristol citycouncil is hell bent on building houses in every possible space. South Bristol requires furtherinvestment to boost the area rather than allowing it to become so densely populated.

on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

My child and myself use this gym on a daily basis and I totally object to having thisdemolished and built on, I really would wish you would stop building new homes on every bit ofland available or not available as so to speak!This gym is widely used by adults, children, schools and swim clubs, physio this is just totallyunacceptable.Think about the on going obesity problems the NHS have to continually fund if places like theseare to be forced to shut.Gyms like these help Mental and physical conditions for the local and wider community'sThis application is absolutely ludicrous.

on 2021-06-25   OBJECT

We do not need more housing.

Hengrove leisure park has provided many jobs over the last 20 years giving people stable workthe site may only currently employ 50-100 people but these business provide great first time jobsthat people not only learn how to be an adult in but learn what work is all about in a safe securefun way. The proposal will remove jobs from the area. New housing will only be temporary work.

South Bristol is already lacking leisure activities removing the Cinema and Bingo will bedetrimental to those that depend on them for social interactions and social health.

We need bigger better schools, Doctor's surgery's and Dentists the current infrastructure is notenough and with all the proposals going on in the area this isn't being done fast enough.

The Hengrove mounds are protected due to a species of crested newt and wildflowers buildinghere will increase footfall on the mounds damaging their eco-system and killing them off.

We need to keep our leisure! We need investment in the site not repurposing, its Leisure for areason!

on 2021-04-20   OBJECT

Car parking on this site provides vital access to nature and the play park. Bus is just notviable for many people- I regularly take 3 under 5s and a dog here and could not manage themthat way. The buses crossing south Bristol are infrequent and slow. There are very few large parksin this area so people do need to travel. Nearby are areas of high childhood obesity anddeprivation so easy access to play is vital. By taking away parking you deny access to nature,exercise and play for hundreds of people. Please consider allowing some public car parking forthis reason.

on 2021-04-12   OBJECT

I object to the proposed plans for the following reasons;1) There is already a considerable amount of houses that have been built or is being built in thearea. One major development will be taking away our much loved and well used airport playingfields. I purchased one of the new builds in Urban Quarter to be close to this field as regularly useit as a running track, to walk the dogs and for the kids to have a run around. I was devastated todiscover the plans to build houses on this land.2) There isn't many amenities in the area for our children/families as it is yet you want to get rid ofthe cinema. This was ideal for those that do not drive and could walk there. The next closest oneis probably avonmeads.3) Extra strain on doctors surgeries and schools. With the amount of houses planned, no one hasconsidered where we will educate all of those extra children let alone the difficulties we face tryingto get a doctors appointment now.

I agree that something needs to be done with the site as there is a lot of unused space, however Ifeel there are better things to build than houses, we do not need more houses. One of the things Ihave noticed we could benefit from is a small convenience store, like a Tesco express,somewhere that the kier development and the future airfield development would benefit from oreven those that are visiting hengrove park with the children and want to grab a bite to eat thatwon't cost the earth and is a little healthier than the fast food options.The closest shop if you need to grab some bread/milk is either belland drive or 24hr garage, oneof which involves crossing a dangerous busy main road and the other would be too far for an

elderly or disabled person to walk.

on 2021-04-11   OBJECT

I oppose the planning application of the demolition of the cinema. Bingo restaurants inthis area.. we already have hundreds of home built all around Whitchurch, hengrove, Knowle..Why do we need more houses when we haven't got the schools doctors to accommodate theresidents that will reside in these properties.. the local schools and doctors already struggle tocope with the amount of residents..Why do the council think that people do not need places to watch a movie play bingo are go to arestaurant for a meal.. a place for teenagers to go to get together.. why do they think that peopledon't like open spaces to walk for exercise.. the football teams and rugby teams have alreadybeen pushed out of Area.. these facilities provide entertainment and leisure time in walkingdistance for my local residents in the surrounding area.. why do the council just want to buildhouses but don't want to provide places for people to socialise and have space..

on 2021-03-25   OBJECT

I am objecting to this development of the demolition of pleasure facilities for yet morehousing. Not only are you taking away places to go especially for the elderly but also the youngergeneration and families who with even more housing will create more people in the area which willwithout nothing to do will create more crime.We already lack Doctors surgery's etc.We already lack Police Stations and offices on the beat so where does this logic lie?

on 2021-03-24   SUPPORT

on 2021-03-22   OBJECT

There is very little social venues in South Bristol and if these are built on you are notproviding sustainable venues for the locality in line with planning for community

on 2021-03-20   OBJECT

You are joking more house,s on hengove park we need more green space forrecreational purposes not house,s &roads , you're already trying to build thousand,s of house's onthe old airport , why not a youth center , NOT MORE HOUSE'S.

on 2021-03-17   SUPPORT

I object to proposed planning for Housing at Hengrove leisure Park has there issubstantial housing developments in the area already and we need leisure facilities such has theCinema and Bingo Hall has there is very little leisure opportunities in the area already and localpeople would lose there jobs, Housing is being done on Hengrove Park already and taking awayValuable Parks and green space for local community and the impact on the environment re noiseand pollution and pressure on resources in the area re Drs.ThankyouPatricia Adams

on 2021-03-16   OBJECT

There has been a substantial loss of green space in this local area with the building ofmany unaffordable houses. If this is going to continue then there must be areas of leisure facilitiesthat this site already has ie, the park, bingo hall and the cinema (which I have used constantly overthe many years of living here) and eateries. If you are to increase the amount of people living inthe area you have to see that there are the amenities to cope with this increase with Drs surgery'sand adequate schools. It is not good that we continue to lose our walkable parks and play areas. Isuppose the problem is that everything in Bristol seems to revolves about money and the views ofthe people who live in the area are always ignored.

on 2021-03-16   OBJECT

There has been a substantial loss of green space in this local area with the building ofmany unaffordable houses. If this is going to continue then there must be areas of leisure facilitiesthat this site already has ie, the park, bingo hall and the cinema (which I have used constantly overthe many years of living here) and eateries. If you are to increase the amount of people living inthe area you have to see that there are the amenities to cope with this increase with Drs surgery'sand adequate schools. It is not good that we continue to lose our walkable parks and play areas. Isuppose the problem is that everything in Bristol seems to revolves about money and the views ofthe people who live in the area are always ignored.

on 2021-03-03   OBJECT

Ref: Public comment to planning application 21/00531/P

Dear Case Officer,I am writing to raise my concerns with the proposed outline planning application 21/00531/P.Whilst my residence is not located within the official 'neighbour notification list' I use and traversethe site regularly and feel there are a number of opportunities that have not been taken in theproposed development.A primary concern is the loss of leisure facilities and with it employment, and open, public realm toprivate, residential properties. It feels disingenuous for the Design and Access Statement todescribe the existing facilities as "disused" when the cinema and bingo hall (and hotel and pub)sites were operational prior to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent Government-mandatedclosures. The cumulative impact on local job availability with the recent conversion of Parklandand development of other sites is inappropriate and there should be some provision ofreplacement employment opportunities (Bristol Development Framework Core Strategy BCS8).With the cumulative impact of on-going building works at Christopher Brain Street (17/03943/F)and Jessop Park (18/02055/P) and the outline planning consent for over 1,400 new properties atHengrove Park (19/02632/PB), there needs to be due consideration in the cumulative of provisionof and access to employment, medical, educational, retail and leisure facilities and infrastructure,and of public transport and green transport options to places of work (Bristol DevelopmentFramework Core Strategy Policies BCS10, BCS11). Meanwhile with these developments, outdoorpublic realm will be substantially decreased with potential impact to local residents' access to

recreation and wellbeing.The removal of established habitat and interruption of green linkages between sites ofconservation and leisure value is also of concern. The removal of several hundred mature treesfrom the site is in direct opposition to the Council's adoption of the Mayor's Climate EmergencyAction Plan where the City Council pledged to "make the city of Bristol carbon neutral by 2030"and the Bristol Development Framework Core Strategy BCS13, where development should aim tomitigate climate change and reduce carbon emissions. The Hengrove and Whitchurch ParkNeighbourhood Plan (HWP5) indicates the Hengrove Mound SNCI has special designation as a"quiet wild area" with recreational and ecological value. Bristol Development Framework CoreStrategy BCS22 requires development to be sited in such a way it does not impact biodiversity - inparticular I am concerned that residential built development up to 3 storeys in height adjacent tothe Mounds will contribute to noise, light and pollution disturbance to the SCNI. Also the BristolDevelopment Framework Core Strategy BSC9 requires "Where development would have animpact on the Bristol Wildlife Network it should ensure that the integrity of the network ismaintained or strengthened." I do consider the retention of the main pathway through the centre ofthe site from the play area and one perpendicular path from the pub to the Mounds as sufficientlypermeable or attractive to wildlife and recreational users to meet the requirements of the localplans. The cumulative disturbance of habitat during the development and inevitable wait, up to 20years, for tree and habitat maturity from the multiple sites being developed will lead to the isolationof the Hengrove Mounds SNCI and the potential local extinction of key species like bats andbadgers who rely on mature tress and undisturbed corridors. The development must endeavour tolink wider Wildlife and Recreational Corridors (Hengrove and Whitchurch Park NeighbourhoodPlan HWP2).There are other opportunities in developing the site that also seem to have been overlooked, suchas enhancing the children's play area, including Public Art, Creative Industry and HeritagePromotion, and, providing allotments (Hengrove and Whitchurch Park Neighbourhood Plan HWP1,HWP2, HWP3, HWP7).

Yours Faithfully,Sam Royston13 Cranwell Grove BS14 9QR

on 2021-03-03  

Page 68 of the DAS states that the green spine will be a "hoggin" which is loose gravelin order to slow down people on bikes. This surface will end up as a muddy puddle during wetweather, preventing anyone from using the path. I'd suggest that a bound material such as asphaltor resin is used. If people on bikes are a concern, they should be sufficiently segregated frompedestrians, as a shared use path is not ideal for both pedestrians and people on bikes. I am alsonot a fan of the "wiggle" on the path, as this increases distances required to walk through the siteunnecessarily and will lead to poor visibility along the spine. Where the green spine crosses theprimary road, there should be priority for those walking and on bikes, so a parallel zebra crossingshould be used.

on 2021-03-03  

Page 68 of the DAS states that the green spine will be a "hoggin" which is loose gravelin order to slow down people on bikes. This surface will end up as a muddy puddle during wetweather, preventing anyone from using the path. I'd suggest that a bound material such as asphaltor resin is used. If people on bikes are a concern, they should be sufficiently segregated frompedestrians, as a shared use path is not ideal for both pedestrians and people on bikes. I am alsonot a fan of the "wiggle" on the path, as this increases distances required to walk through the siteunnecessarily and will lead to poor visibility along the spine. Where the green spine crosses theprimary road, there should be priority for those walking and on bikes, so a parallel zebra crossingshould be used.

on 2021-03-02   OBJECT

InfrastructureThe site was originally developed as infrastructure to support housing.A huge amount of housing development is happening in South Bristol - in this vicinity alonedevelopment is happening at Filwood Park, Airport Road, Hengrove Park. Hartcliffe Campus toname but a few.Whilst affordable houisng is needed, I believe there is a strong case for retaining localinfrastructure, alongside housing, supporting and investing in the existing "infrastructure" in orderto contribute to sustainable communities rather than losing it.Designing out local leisure facilities and amenities is contrary to the principle of sustainability. Asingle new coffee shop does not seem to be the answer.The absence of leisure facilities and amenities in this part of South Bristol, to serve a a rapidlygrowing population, will most likely result in more car journeys across the city at a time whenBristol is trying to reduce emissions. Alternatives are more than 3 miles away and public transportoptions are not sufficiently advanced to meet these needs.

Zero CarbonThe planning statement refers to: "The proposed development will deliver a biodiversity net gainand meet the Council's objectives in terms of energy reducing residual emissions by 20% throughrenewable technology sources" ...I feel that further assurances are needed relating to how this proposal will contribute to the 2030

Zero Carbon target.

on 2021-02-18   OBJECT

I would like to raise my concerns regarding the planning application submitted for Hengrove Leisure Park (application 21/00531/P) and request for it to be rejected.

The initial development of the site was part of Hartcliffe and Withywood's Community Regeneration Plan. The aim of developing the site was to include provisions such as a cinema, the hospital and college that back in the 50's was never established. This proposed development will take away a provision that has been long overdue and employs local people. I understand the concerns expressed by the owners of the site and of the businesses there, but the situation we find ourselves in regarding COVID will change and the wider community, who have supported the businesses over a number of years, will return.

The proposed development will be taking away the provision for local employment in the area. It will also be demolishing the only blockbuster cinema provider in South Bristol. The development has the potential to increase the amount of traffic using adjacent streets and the carriage way. The air quality will have an impact on those residing in the houses once built. Public realm will be limited and mentioning the mounds and woods as potential public spaces isn't enough for an area that will potentially have 2 large housing developments. Both sites have continuous use by residents who reside outside the immediate area.

There is a need for affordable and accessible housing in the area but not at the detriment of loosing leisure facilities in the South of Bristol that have been long over due, valued and supported.

on 2021-02-17   OBJECT

There are not many centres like this left in Bristol people enjoy the open space andparking. Also the loss of the buzz bingo hall will affect a lot of people who do not see anyone apartfrom when they visit to play. There will be a lot of job losses too which this area cannot afford

on 2021-02-17   OBJECT

More people will be driving to town causing more congestion,traffic and pollution as thiswill make limited leisure activities in this area. People won't be able to park there as the parkingspace is being greatly reduced so people will go there less for that reason.People will lose jobsand this plan does nothing to promote jobs in an already deprived area.Other leisure parks arethriving in other areas so more could be invested to improve Hengrove Park. There are alreadygigantic housing developments in South Bristol being done,people need local leisureactivities,local jobs and ample parking which all will be destroyed by such a plan.

on 2021-02-17   OBJECT

We have had no official letter from Council. Why have they not gone out to all localresidents that this will have an impact on.

The figures for the housing submitted will they be deducted from the hengrove Park plans.

All the developments being made in this area and what amenities are being made for the area,housing will be doubled if not tripled in the next few years.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

This area of South Bristol does not need more housing. We have lost Filwood Park to ahousing development. All the grass along Airport Road, being ripped apart for housing. HengrovePark soon to become housing.

With all this extra housing it stands to reason more leisure facilities will be needed to serve boththe existing residents of Knowle, Knowle West, Whitchurch, Hengrove and Hartcliffe - all of whichhave had major housing developments forced upon them in recent months bringing thousands ofnew residents.

As well as recreational facilities - more needs to be done to tackle the infrastructure of said areas.These areas are already lacking in decent amenities, schools, health care, green space, leisurefacilities and jobs.

More needs to be done to retain and invest further into leisure facilities, to create employment andprovide for the residents of these areas as the population is rising.

There is enough housing now in this already overstretched area - it's time to look beyond moneymaking and think about the quality of lives of those that reside there. We need recreationalactivities, leisure facilities, places to eat, play and socialise - not another cheap looking, poorlybuilt, run down housing estate.

on 2021-02-16   SUPPORT

The children of Knowle enjoy going to Hengrove Park it's beautiful for children to play inyour taking ever bit of ground for housing it's asham to take something that children enjoy

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

There is far to much traffic this side of town without more house being built , this areacannot cope with this amount of volume of houses and more people with the small about ofdoctors , schools , shops etc !! we have had enough of you taking all our green space and shop !Go and built else where !!!!!!!

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

I object to this application on the following grounds:

Noise and traffic - will be greatly increased in the area which will have a negative impact on thequality of life for local residents.

Tourism will also be affected as it stands at the moments local residents and residents from furtherafield in Bristol enjoy a night out to the restaurants, Buzz Bingo and Cineworld. If these premiseswere to be removed then there would be no other options available to people in South Bristol toenjoy a night or day out.

I also have concerns to local residents on the building of new accommodation as has it stands atthe moment places are very limited for schools and doctors surgeries.

Parking may also be a concern as this would be reduced for parents and carers visiting HengroveLeisure Park.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT


on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

Don't take away any more from us.Invest in buildings we already have.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

I understand the need for more homes.However, it seems the whole of this area is becoming a giant housing estate. There will be nogreen space left, no real facilities to cope with the influx of people. Are we to get extra doctorssurgery's and police? We all need space to live and breath and this development is a hugedestruction of more open spaces. All along the Airport Road there are houses being built.Has anyone actually been up here to see what an asset this green space is to us? We have nohuge parks here. The play park that is here isn't that big. We need to have places to go forentertainment. We'd have to go to Bedminster for swimming and into town for the cinema. Moretraffic on the roads, more pollution. Please reconsider and think about the people who will have tolive here.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

There is hardly any green space left for are children as is it and you want to take awaythe main one in south Bristol it's good making new homes but not at the expense of our childrenand future children

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

I object to this planning proposal as the leaseholders have not properly consulted orworked with the local community.There are no local facilities for entertainment in the area. Covid19 is temporary, but the lack ofinvestment in the area is not.Transport links are poor (this is something we are trying to improve in the area) but the councilhousing project in Hengrove will already put it under strain.The few jobs in the area mean that a lot of commuting would be required- is this acknowledged inthe the bid?

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

So more houses to be built what about us pensioners who,like to have a bit of asocial,life what happens if they pull the cinema down, Bingo etc what have we got in south bristolnothing whatsoever don't these planning officers think about anything but making money moneymoney totally disgraceful, please re think on this idea and have a bit of compassion for those of acertain age who arnt quite ready for the scrap,heap

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

We need more parks and open spaces rather than less. Build on brown land there isenough about in Bristol. We have enough unused business units that aren't used. Use that land.Leave the old airfield alone.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

With the 1000+ homes already planned for the airfield the hengrove site would be bestused as a social space or even best used as infrastructure site/well needed community space.

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

There is massive amounts of housing being built in the area and scarce services to cope with thatamount of new families living in the community. Covid has hit the pocket of those renting privatelyand first time buyers so unless these new proposed houses are council housing then they are notaffordable to enough people to make them desirable. The land should be used for recreation inwhatever means necessary, Children should be able to play outdoors in a safe environment andtheir families need to socialise just as much. The proposal is not about liveable neighbourhoodsand developing the area in a progressive way. We need mixed, balanced communities and notconcrete jungles. The proposal is very poor and not dynamic. Please consider all the people livingnear by the area. There is a desperate need for more recreation facilities particularly for youngpeople. This proposal will not enhance the area but will make a profit for the developers. Thanksfor reading .

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

Yes this area needs some attention but more housing is not the answer.The local community and wider area NEED leisure facilities and restaurants. We don't alwayswant to travel miles to get to the cinema or have to go to Cabot circus for a meal.This area with good facilities will bring investments and jobs to an already struggling part of thecity......please let's not become forgotten....

on 2021-02-16   OBJECT

There won't be enough local amenities for residents if these dwellings are built. It wouldbe best to redevelop the area and encourage more leisure facilities such as restaurants, gyms etcfor the residents of south Bristol.

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

I object to this planning proposal as the leaseholders have not properly consulted orworked with the local community who have vocally objected to plans for more housing on top ofthe 1400 we have being built on the old airfield in an already over subscribed area of building! Wehave literally no local facilities for entertainment and the fact that the leaseholders havnt investedany money into the area and are using the financial situation of Covid19 and tennents leaving thesite to push through housing is a disgrace! We have very little local jobs and our transportinfrastructure is struggling as it is with the existing plans with Hengrove airport!The leaseholders have made their arguments to a small group of people yet havnt listened orlooked at the surrounding areas of knowle west fillwood hartcliffe all of which are growing and thenthe proposed plans around Bristol south's boarders by BANEs and N,Somerset For large scalebuilds which would impact on bristol and the need to provide social and leisure outlets. Thisproposed plan is shortsighted and if the leaseholders cannot support what local people want thenthey should forfeit their lease and allow the city and its people develop it for the communities notprofit!

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

Can you confirm adequate provision is included for access to police officers, education,access to Dr's and hospitals? There is a large amount of building happening within this local areabut other services do not appear to have been considered or provided for in these plans. Where isemployment coming from to support new residents to the area? It's not enough any longer to justbe building houses in this area. Can I have a breakdown on what "affordable housing" looks like inthis site? What are proposed selling or rental costs? What sized homes will be set aside for theaffordable quota?

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

The ongoing changes to the face of Whitchurch, Hengrove, Hartcliffe and even Knowleare showing an already agreed massive development of homes on sites adjacent to this leisurefacility. The impact of the loss of a cinema, bingo hall and potential for further leisure development- a bowling alley would be ideal for this - means that you are creating a whole new community withno where to go and nothing to do. Infrastructure is vital for the success of any area and whatneeds to happen is for this area to be supported and invested in for the purpose it was intended. Itis not enough to simply build and build again. Please protect the future of South Bristol byensuring it has facilities to serve its residents. We have accepted every development withunderstandable reluctance. The gym and hospital meant loss of extensive parts of our playingfields. Enough is enough. This land is for commercial use - allow us the opportunity to enjoy thisspace. Invest in it. Build the bowling alley.As a resident, parent and teacher of the local area I am all too aware of the need for affordableleisure that can be reached within walking distance.

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

There are already plans for housing on the old airport with no thought to how the currentinfrastructure of schools, Drs, shops and roads will take the increase in population. There is littlegreen space in this area at present and not a lot to do socially. Removing this park with thecinema, restaurants, bingo and such will just ensure that there is even less to do and will lead tomore anti social behaviour.. Houses are also being built along Airport Road so why do we needmore??

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

Too much housing, too much traffic, not enough schools/doctors/secondary schools!

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

This park is a great area for kids to play for all ages clean & tidy with eating areas nearby it needs to stay open for somewhere for kids to go

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

There are already massive amounts of housing being built in the area and no amenitiesto cope with that amount of new families living in the community. Covid has hit the pocket of thoserenting privately and first time buyers so unless these new proposed houses are council housingthen they are not affordable to enough people to make them desirable. The land should be usedfor recreation in whatever means necessary, Children should be able to play outdoors in a safeenvironment and their families need to socialise just as much. Mental health issues are on the riseand unaffordable and undesirable housing alone will not solve it. Youth provision is so desperatelyneeded in South Bristol and especially the wards surrounding this site, give the next generationsomething to look forward to, a space they can call their own. We need mixed, balancedcommunities and not concrete jungles.

on 2021-02-15   OBJECT

Enough is enough now our area can't take anymore loss of public amenities and publicspace. We are going to be literally trapped in our homes surrounded by housing developmentsand the only thing I can see being is given to the area is a double sized new school. We aresaturated with building of houses already in this area and we have gad enough.