Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/00550/P |
Address | Land At Broom Hill (Meadows) Broomhill Road Bristol BS4 4UD
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Outline application for preliminary works to deliver a 'Green Link' between Brislington Meadows and Broomhill Road, including the laying of a pedestrian footpath, ecological enhancements and provision of a temporary construction access and compound within the site to facilitate the preliminary works. |
Validated | '21-02-02 |
Type | Outline Planning |
Status | Pending consideration |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | '21-02-25 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | '21-03-02 |
Determination Deadline | '21-03-30 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 2 Objectors: 2 Unstated: 1 Total: 5 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
In light of a recent announcement by Mayor Marvin Rees on 16/4/21 regardingBrislington Meadows I object to any works involving the disruption of wildlife and trees when it isunclear if the site is to be developed.
The Mayor said that the meadows was too important and in light of the climate emergency themeadows will remain parkland or something to that effect.
There is some confusion on where Homes England (owners) stand and if the development is to goahead. What is clear is the area of the meadows and the area this application applied is anabundance of wildlife and importance to the area. I do not object on making the paths more userfriendly.
Mrs Claire Lynch 19; CONDOVER ROAD BRISTOL on 2021-02-20 SUPPORT
Welcome this being a green link and pathway as we were concerned about a busythrough road or houses on the back of our property.Would hedging or fencing be put in place to support security of our gardens and stop peopleentering our back gardens? Would this be a cost to us?Also would lighting be required so it's not a target for crime?
Mr Andy Christopher 16 CONDOVER ROAD BRISTOL on 2021-02-10 SUPPORT
I would welcome this plan. My reason being that my garden and property backs onto theproposed site. This is a much better idea than putting houses along that area which I wasconcerned about at the beginning.
I would just have one request. For security reasons could a fence be put up in-between ourboundary (Condover Road) and the proposed "Species rich hedgerow" on the new site? Alot ofour gardens are just trees/hedges and would fear that anyone walking along the path could accessour properties very easily.
Your pathway and entrance to site for further buildings will help our area, but thetrees/hedging as been here long before our houses were built......acting as boundary to ourproperties........If in future trees/hedging fell through heavy winds....who will be to the rear of our properties will also be a major problem...easy access forwrong persons.
Mrs jennifer payne 8 CONDOVER ROAD BRISLINGTON BRISTOL on 2021-02-09 OBJECT
we already have a green link from broomhill rd bs4 4ud tobroomhill meadows, between condover rd and regency drive crossing trading units land .Dangerous to people walking through.Opened up in the last few years, after it had been closed for 20 years or more and the residentsdidnt want it open for security and safety reasons, so we dont need another one.its not kept up together and maintained regularly rubbish dumped and not cleared quickly. a muchneeded police station was originally built on some of this land then pulled down expense to therate payers. we need it used to constructive use, like a safe fenced in good quality childrens playarea