Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/00966/VC
Address 66 Bath Buildings Bristol BS6 5PU  
Street View
Ward Ashley
Proposal Sycamore (T1) Fell.
Validated 2021-02-22
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-03-26
Determination Deadline 2021-04-05
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 2021-04-14
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 1 Objectors: 3    Total: 4
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT


Whilst an application for tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 has been made, this tree does not appear to be protected by a TPO. Given its position alone, and under current legislation, it would probably not justify one.

Nonetheless, no reason is given why the tree should be removed. This alone should justify refusal of this application. Sadly, it will not, given that no reason is required for an application under s211 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the correct part of the Act to use in this context) even though the tree is notionally protected because it is growing in a conservation area.

All this despite the fact that it grows in a built-up urban area with very low tree cover, that the tree already provides both local neighbour visual amenity and, perhaps more importantly, valuable ecoservices within a short distance of one of the most polluting streets in the city.

None of these factors either can nor will have any influence of the eventual decision of the Planning Authority to remove this tree.

Nonetheless, we still object to its removal.

Public Comments

on 2021-04-11   OBJECT

Whilst an application for tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order(TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area under the Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 has been made, this tree does not appear to be protected by a TPO.Given its position alone, and under current legislation, it would probably not justify one.

Nonetheless, no reason is given why the tree should be removed. This alone should justify refusalof this application. Sadly, it will not, given that no reason is required for an application under s211to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the correct part of the Act to use in this context) eventhough the tree is notionally protected because it is growing in a conservation area.

All this despite the fact that it grows in a built-up urban area with very low tree cover, that the treealready provides both local neighbour visual amenity and, perhaps more importantly, valuableecoservices within a short distance of one of the most polluting streets in the city.

None of these factors either can nor will have any influence of the eventual decision of thePlanning Authority to remove this tree.

Nonetheless, we still object to its removal.

on 2021-04-11   OBJECT

I am going to have to stick up for trees!In our crowded busy and harmful cities trees produce oxygen, reduce pollution, ameliorateflooding, provide shade, reduce the "island microclimate warming" effect in a city, which isimportant in this time of global warming. They absorb carbon dioxide, improve mental health, andprovide a visual amenity in what can sometimes be an otherwise drab built landscape no matterwhether old or modern. They reduce the level of noise, act as a windbreak, and provide habitat forbirds and insects so that our trees and plants are pollinated. Their presence on streets has beenshown to slow traffic. People are also less aggressive when they live in a tree filled area.What more could anyone want? Without trees on our planet we would all be dead. We could notthen worry about the acknowledged, but relatively minor, disadvantages of the blocking of light(also known as shade) and the dropping of leaves (which could be cleared and even put back towork as useful compost).They can be expensive to maintain. But they need to be in the right place and this tree may not bein the right place - so much so that it is quite unlikely to be awarded a Preservation Order - theonly way to "save" a tree in a Conservation Area. Trees should be thought about before they arefelled. Their benefits far outweigh any minor disadvantages. We need every tree we have got. Weneed more trees. This one is probably doomed.

on 2021-04-11   OBJECT

This is an important mature tree in a conservation area with one of the poorest levels oftree cover in the whole of Bristol (6.5% compared with Bristol average 18.5%). No reason is givenfor its removal. If we are not going to undermine the policy commitments of Bristol City Council,trees like this need to be retained unless there is a very good reason not to. As one of the fewmature trees in the row of houses,it provides a valuable visual amenity for the area. Trees providea long term resource that may span many decades, and should not be sacrificed on the whim of acurrent property owner without good reason.

on 2021-03-19   SUPPORT

I live on picton lane and this tree blocks out a lot of light to my garden & I would reallyappreciate this tree being cut autumn the tree drops loads of leaves which messes up my garden which is a pain..I am all for this tree being cut down, it's not cared for, it's a weed that's grown into tree..