Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/01585/VC
Address 34 Mariners Drive Bristol BS9 1QG  
Street View
Ward Stoke Bishop
Proposal Western Red Cedar - Fell
Validated 22-03-21
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 26-04-21
Determination Deadline 03-05-21
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 28-04-21
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1    Total: 1
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

I do not think that this is a proper application. It should not have been accepted and then validated.
It is an Application to fell a tree in a Conservation Area.
Trees in Conservation Areas are important - some times a Conservation Area has been made a Conservation Area because of its sylvan characteristics and that is true of the Sneyd Park Conservation Area - its wooded nature is one of its characteristics.
(The only way to prevent a tree in a CA from being felled is to make it the subject of a Tree Preservation Order.)
This Application has not been submitted on a "proper" Application Form - rather an e mail with a sketch plan showing where the tree is growing and allegations that the tree is causing damage to the house and drains.
The standard form for a /VC Application has a very important question - Question No 4 asks about the condition of the tree, and asks specifically if there are suggestions of damage caused by the tree. If there are such allegations then an accompanying engineer's or surveyor's report is requested. There is no Application Form shown on the Portal, and, while that does happen and is sometimes accepted by BCC, there is no report from a qualified person showing that the tree is to blame for any alleged damage. The AO cannot determine this Application properly without such a report as he/she is unlikely to be a qualified surveyor or engineer in addition to the necessary Arboricultural qualifications , so to ask him/her to make that determination is unfair.

Public Comments

on 2021-03-28   OBJECT

I do not think that this is a proper application. It should not have been accepted andthen validated.It is an Application to fell a tree in a Conservation Area.Trees in Conservation Areas are important - some times a Conservation Area has been made aConservation Area because of its sylvan characteristics and that is true of the Sneyd ParkConservation Area - its wooded nature is one of its characteristics.(The only way to prevent a tree in a CA from being felled is to make it the subject of a TreePreservation Order.)This Application has not been submitted on a "proper" Application Form - rather an e mail with asketch plan showing where the tree is growing and allegations that the tree is causing damage tothe house and drains.The standard form for a /VC Application has a very important question - Question No 4 asks aboutthe condition of the tree, and asks specifically if there are suggestions of damage caused by thetree. If there are such allegations then an accompanying engineer's or surveyor's report isrequested. There is no Application Form shown on the Portal, and, while that does happen and issometimes accepted by BCC, there is no report from a qualified person showing that the tree is toblame for any alleged damage. The AO cannot determine this Application properly without such areport as he/she is unlikely to be a qualified surveyor or engineer in addition to the necessaryArboricultural qualifications , so to ask him/her to make that determination is unfair.