Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/01740/VC
Address 15A Carnarvon Road Bristol BS6 7DT  
Street View
Ward Redland
Proposal Sycamore tree - Fell
Validated 2021-03-29
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-04-26
Determination Deadline 2021-05-10
Decision Place a preservation order on the tree
Decision Issued 2021-05-18
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 1 Objectors: 0  Unstated: 1  Total: 2
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

This is a tree in a Conservation Area. Felling of trees in Conservation Areas requires careful consideration as the presence of trees is often a contributing factor in the CA designation.

The only way to "save" a CA tree is to make it the subject of a Tree Preservation Order. I doubt this tree would qualify for such a designation as it is multi-stemmed - although that is not always a disqualifying feature. I have read another comment which says that the Applicant is going to plant a replacement tree, and this is stated in the Application Form as well.

The Applicant has also commented that reduction in the size of the tree is a possible solution to the problems this tree at its present size appears to pose. It will be the AO who decides what is the best course to follow.

Public Comments

on 2021-04-21  

This is a tree in a Conservation Area. Felling of trees in Conservation Areas requirescareful consideration as the presence of trees is often a contributing factor in the CA designation.The only way to "save" a CA tree is to make it the subject of a Tree Preservation Order. I doubtthis tree would qualify for such a designation as it is multi-stemmed - although that is not always adisqualifying feature. I have read another comment which says that the Applicant is going to planta replacement tree, and this is stated in the Application Form as well.The Applicant has also commented that reduction in the size of the tree is a possible solution tothe problems this tree at its present size appears to pose. It will be the AO who decides what is thebest course to follow.

on 2021-04-20   SUPPORT

We hugely welcome this application. We moved to this part of Redland a couple ofyears ago from another part of Bristol and were attracted to it as a tree-lined and green locality.Our street has beautiful trees and as I write the blossom on the one in the street outside our houselifts our spirits daily.

However, this sycamore in our neighbours' not large back garden is vastly out of proportion withany of the other trees round about, either those which the council manages on the streets or thosein people's gardens. No doubt, had this tree appeared on a public street it would have beenmanaged over the years but as it stands now it overshadows everything both metaphorically andactually, blocking sunlight from our garden and shedding leaves and sap extensively. It is sooverlarge that we know it troubles our neighbours on the other side of our house too. It casts itsshadow and consequences over three adjacent properties!

I cannot imagine that it was deliberately planted there and we're really pleased to note ourneighbours' desire to sort out this problem. In particular we applaud their intention (which we'vediscussed with them) to plant a replacement (or more) more in proportion to a suburban and notlarge garden. Indeed we anticipate with enthusiasm their planting other trees which wouldbeautifully enhance the garden and street space round about.

We warmly support this application and hope that your own experts will confirm for you that thishuge tree does not belong in this specific place and should never have been allowed to get so outof hand that it dominates and disrupts in a variety of ways.

Should you wish any further from us, please do get in touch. We'd be happy to have you come tosee from our position how obviously unacceptable it is.