Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/02150/VC
Address 106A Cotham Brow Bristol BS6 6AP  
Street View
Ward Cotham
Proposal Eucalyptus - Fell
Validated 2021-04-19
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Determination Deadline 2021-05-31
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 2021-05-14
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1    Total: 1
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

The location of this semi-mature tree in the garden facing Victoria Walk, visible from the public realm and providing public amenity, would normally justify protection with a Tree Preservation Order.

The mere fact that the tree is a non-native eucalyptus makes no difference, if the tree is not diseased or dying it should not be removed.

The tree should be protected with a Tree Preservation Order.

Public Comments

on 2021-05-11   OBJECT

The location of this semi-mature tree in the garden facing Victoria Walk, visible from thepublic realm and providing public amenity, would normally justify protection with a TreePreservation Order.

The mere fact that the tree is a non-native eucalyptus makes no difference, if the tree is notdiseased or dying it should not be removed.

The tree should be protected with a Tree Preservation Order.