Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/02262/VC
Address 23 Victoria Square Bristol BS8 4ES  
Street View
Ward Clifton
Proposal T1 - Eucalyptus - Fell.We suggest removal and replanting a more suitable specimen.
Validated 2021-04-23
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Withdrawn
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-05-25
Determination Deadline 2021-06-04
Decision Application Withdrawn
Decision Issued 2021-05-28
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 2    Total: 2
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT


At the time of writing, the documents in support of this application were not available, however the location of this tree in the garden facing Merchants Rd, highly visible from the public realm and providing important public amenity, would normally justify protection with a Tree Preservation Order.

The mere fact that the tree is a non-native eucalyptus makes no difference, if the tree is not diseased or dying it should not be removed.

Looking at historic Street View images, it is clear that the tree has been managed historically. There is no reason why this cannot continue.

The tree should be protected with a Tree Preservation Order.

Public Comments

on 2021-05-16   OBJECT

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We wish to appeal against the felling of the eucalyptus tree in the garden of the basement flat of 23 Victoria Square. We live in the flat directly above the garden in question and the tree can be clearly seen and admired from our rear windows. Our reasons for appealing are as follows:We live alongside a very busy road where lorries and buses pass regularly. The copious leaves on this tree help shelter us from the pollution thrown up by vehicles which would otherwise find its way into our lungs.The tree shelters us from the distracting noise of passing traffic which helps in the provision of a quieter home environment and the avoidance of mental health issues.This tree appears in good health and provides an attractive feature. It seems criminal to cut down a living specimen thus eliminating a habitat for bird life in this area

In the past, this tree has been trimmed by a tree surgeon. We would suggest that this would be the best way forward and so avoid the more radical approach We would like to see a Tree Preservation Order placed on the eucalyptus tree.

Yours Faithfully,

Marc and Annie Burnside

on 2021-05-11   OBJECT

At the time of writing, the documents in support of this application were not available,however the location of this tree in the garden facing Merchants Rd, highly visible from the publicrealm and providing important public amenity, would normally justify protection with a TreePreservation Order.

The mere fact that the tree is a non-native eucalyptus makes no difference, if the tree is notdiseased or dying it should not be removed.

Looking at historic Street View images, it is clear that the tree has been managed historically.There is no reason why this cannot continue.

The tree should be protected with a Tree Preservation Order.