Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/02403/F
Address Land On Kings Road Associated With Clifton Arcade Bristol  
Street View
Ward Clifton
Proposal Construction of a covered bin store for bins associated with Clifton Arcade.
Validated 2021-07-26
Type Full Planning
Status Withdrawn
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-09-15
Standard Consultation Expiry 2021-09-14
Determination Deadline 2021-09-20
Decision Application Withdrawn
Decision Issued 2021-09-13
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1    Total: 1
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

There are four council-owned trees growing on King Street - sitecode:4535366. The stump described appears to be the remains of the Lime tree at plot no: 100001.

Given that the application proposes the removal of this tree (albeit a stump), then the provisions of the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard need to be applied and the applicant be required to replace this.

Our records show that the tree had a stem diameter of 56 cm when last measured, so five replacement trees will have to be funded.

We question whether or not the applicant's plans encroach on Council-owned land.

Public Comments

on 2021-08-16   OBJECT

There are four council-owned trees growing on King Street - sitecode:4535366. Thestump described appears to be the remains of the Lime tree at plot no: 100001.

Given that the application proposes the removal of this tree (albeit a stump), then the provisions ofthe Bristol Tree Replacement Standard need to be applied and the applicant be required toreplace this.

Our records show that the tree had a stem diameter of 56 cm when last measured, so fivereplacement trees will have to be funded.

We question whether or not the applicant's plans encroach on Council-owned land.