Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/02989/VP |
Address | Land To Rear Of Oakhill Mansions College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7QD
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | N.B. Reasons for the work can be found in Assured Trees 'Tree Survey Schedule' (attached with application)(TPO 1091/R). |
Validated | '21-05-27 |
Type | Tree Preservation Order |
Status | Decided |
Determination Deadline | '21-07-22 |
Decision | GRANTED |
Decision Issued | '21-07-26 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 2 Unstated: 2 Total: 4 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
We have now submitted our objections - Here
The applications was granted. There are the reasons:
Observations No consultation undertaken at this time. 3 objections and 1 neutral comment have been received, they can be summaries as the following:
1. The application does not consider the impacts on biodiversity.
2. The proposed tree works are excessive
AO's response:
1. The application does consider biodiversity and suggests that several trees proposed for removal should be retained at monolith height. This would provide habitats and niches for numerous invertebrate and avian species.
2. The tree works are reasonable to ensure the safe access for users of the woodland. The proposed tree works are well specified and considered reasonable. The ash on site has severe ash dieback and these trees should be removed/monolithed to make safe.
The remaining tree works are well specified and complement the natural process of dominance and succession found in a woodland setting.
I do not recommend any replacement trees as the woodland is covered by a Woodland TPO, which covers all trees, regardless of age or stem diameter. Planting replacement trees would not be practicable in this woodland; management and natural succession is the most suitable approach.
The works proposed are acceptable.
Public Comments
on 2021-07-16 OBJECT
CPRE South Gloucestershire/North Bristol District of CPRE Avon and Bristol Branchobjects to this application. While a tree condition assessment has been provided withrecommendations for extensive tree felling, it does not apparently form part of a woodlandmanagement plan which we consider essential for the future maintenance and protection of thisAncient Woodland and Green Corridor within the Conservation Area and without which theapplication cannot be satisfactorily decided.We are not experts on the management of diseased ash and elm trees and therefore request thatthe advice of the Woodland Trust and Forest Research is implemented such that trees are notallowed to be felled un-necessarily. It is also vital that replacement trees of appropriate speciesare planted - the Tree Council in its "Ash Dieback Action Plan Toolkit (summer 2019) contains therecommendation that at least 3 trees are planted for every large ash that is felled.We therefore object to this application until further information is provided on how this importantarea of Ancient Woodland within the city boundaries is to be maintained and protected, and notmerely subject to large scale tree felling and loss of habitat and biodiversity.
on 2021-06-16 OBJECT
This looks very lazy to me, an application proposed by someone with no interest in biodiversity,tackling climate change, or enhancing the quality of the local environment.
Its "I've got a minor potential problem. What's the simplest cheapest solution? Cut downeverything. Problem solved".
Its brainless. The local authority must condition some refinement in the proposals.
on 2021-05-30
This looks like a tree wipe out - but there are a lot of trees here and the report reads asif disease and old-age decay is rampant here.I am puzzled by the address in the report - Ridgeway Gardens is in Whitchurch.
I hope the AO from BCC conditions some replacement planting.Sheep Wood is a very important part of a Green Corridor, one of several mentioned in BCS9"Policy BCS9The integrity and connectivity of the strategic green infrastructure network will bemaintained, protected and enhanced. "so it should not be allowed to dwindle away piecemeal. Replanting as required by TPO regulationwill maintain this important woodland.