Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/03165/F |
Address | Land To The West Of Ashton Gate Stadium Ashton Road Bristol BS3 2EJ
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Demolition of existing buildings and the phased redevelopment of the site to comprise a sports and convention centre, a hotel, 125 residential units, office accommodation, retail, gym, club museum, multi-storey car park, public realm improvements and landscaping, new internal access routes, new and improved vehicular and pedestrian accesses and infrastructure and other associated works and improvements on land west of Ashton Gate Stadium. (Major). |
Validated | 2021-06-11 |
Type | Full Planning |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2021-07-16 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2022-06-14 |
Determination Deadline | 2021-09-10 |
Decision | GRANTED subject to condition(s) |
Decision Issued | 2023-08-22 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 53 Objectors: 17 Unstated: 6 Total: 76 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
on 2023-08-14 SUPPORT
I would really support this I go to Ashton gate to warch bristol city but would love towatch the flyers but at the moment it is too far but this would be a lot closer it would be a greatopportunity
on 2022-10-04 SUPPORT
This is an amazing opportunity for Bristol in terms of bringing sport to the entire family, itwill be good for the local economy, and it will help to finally put Bristol on the map as a sportingpowerhouse.The Bristol Flyers needs a permanent home and this is a perfect solution as well as providing amulti purpose venue for all.
on 2022-10-04 SUPPORT
In 2015 a "Friends of Ashton Gate Station" committee was formed"To promote and seek the construction of a new rail station at Ashton Gate". I addressed a fullmeeting of Bristol City Council following 5,800 signatures backing our case. The Full committeegave full support to support the concept of a station.
We support the proposed developments at Ashton Gate to create the Basketball arena,convention centre hotels and the Longmoor village. This corner of South Bristol badly needsemployment and enhanced transport facilities.
Returning to new housing since 2015 there has been in the region of 2000 new residents nowliving within walking distance of a new station which should be an aspiration for the future.
on 2022-10-03 SUPPORT
Jobs, huge investment in South Bristol, homes (including some that may be moreaffordable) in a desired location.... pretty much decides itself, doesn't it?
on 2022-10-03 SUPPORT
The planned development will bring significant and much needed investment to SouthBristol, providing social and economic growth in the city and wider region. The proposed locationis in the less affluent side of the city, therefore providing new opportunity across the board. Theability to host a multitude of events, providing jobs, entertainment is second to none, in addition tothe community facilities and activities which it will provide. This will benefit the city as a whole andwill provide the platform to put Bristol truly on the international stage.
I urge the Planning Committee to approve this incredible opportunity.
on 2022-10-02 SUPPORT
Facilitates investment in Bristol Sport, the Flyers pro basketball team to achievefinancial sustainability
on 2022-10-02 SUPPORT
I am writing in support of this application as the development of the Sports andConvention Centre, along with the multi-storey car park, hotel, office space and residentialproperty, will significantly boost Bristol and increase the city's standing when it comes to hostingmajor national and international events. Basketball is an increasingly popular sport in the city - asshown by the Bristol Flyers Development Hubs constantly selling out - and the Bristol Flyersbasketball team are in desperate need of a new home so the new Sporting Quarter will ensure theteam can achieve financial sustainability going forward and meet the clear demand that alreadyexists to watch their games. The Sports and Convention Centre would also enable Bristol to attractprestigious national and international events, with the additional benefit of providing on-siteaccommodation to visitors thanks to the attached four-star hotel. Furthermore, as well as officehub space the Sporting Quarter will deliver, it will also provide much-needed expansion for AshtonGate, Bristol Sport Foundation, Bristol Bears Community Foundation, Bristol Flyers Foundationand the Robins Foundation staff. The charities and local community will benefit massively from thisdevelopment as the Bristol Sport Foundation charity will be able to provide circa 40,000 hours ofaccessible community space for sport for the community, expanding on their brilliant work helpingthose most in need keep active and healthy in Greater Bristol. This development is exactly whatBristol needs and the significant number of benefits it will have are clear for all to see.
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
We back the planned development which will:- Bring significant and much needed investment into South Bristol generating significantconstruction related revenue plus long term operational GVA- Provide much needed housing where under supply is significant- Add to the significant impact Bristol Sport has on the social and economic growth in the cityregion generally but specifically in less affluent South Bristol- Create a major sporting, event and conference hub to add to the attractiveness of Bristol locally,nationally and internationally- Brings a linked an opportunity to add 500+ new homes including affordable homes in an area oflight industrial occupation circled by a ring road bringing regenerating a former landfill site- The ring road maintains a buffer with the green belt between the City and villages of NorthSomerset.
We urge the planning committee to sieze the opprtunity.
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
We back the planned development which will:- Bring significant and much needed investment into South Bristol generating significantconstruction related revenue plus long term operational GVA- Provide much needed housing where under supply is significant- Add to the significant impact Bristol Sport has on the social and economic growth in the cityregion generally but specifically in less affluent South Bristol- Create a major sporting, event and conference hub to add to the attractiveness of Bristol locally,nationally and internationally- Brings an opportunity to add 500+ new homes including affordable homes in an area of lightindustrial occupation circled by a ring road bringing regenerating a former landfill site- The ring road maintains a buffer with the green belt between the City and villages of NorthSomerset
We urge the planning committee to sieze the opportunuity on behlaf of the City region
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
We back the planned development which will:- Bring significant and much needed investment into South Bristol generating significantconstruction related revenue plus long term operational GVA- Provide much needed housing where under supply is significant- Add to the significant impact Bristol Sport has on the social and economic growth in the cityregion generally but specifically in less affluent South Bristol- Create a major sporting, event and conference hub to add to the attractiveness of Bristol locally,nationally and internationally- Brings an opportunity to add 500+ new homes including affordable homes in an area of lightindustrial occupation circled by a ring road bringing regenerating a former landfill site- The ring road maintains a buffer with the green belt between the City and villages of NorthSomerset.
We urge the Planning Committee to sieze the opportunity on behalf of the City region.
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
This being a letter of support
I have a huge interest in this development and have followed the consultation from the start.
The facilitates investment will help for Bristol Sport, the Flyers pro basketball team to achievefinancial sustainability.
The benefit to charities and local community Bristol Sport Foundation charity will be able toprovide circa 40,000 hours of accessible community space for sport for the community.
I believe this will be very positive for Bristol and will help to offer more jobs and bring a financialbenefit.
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
I write as passionate supporter of sport, recreation, physical activity and well-being inthe Bristol community who has followed the consultation process from the start. After thechallenging past 3 years of covid and lockdown it has never been more crucial that the towngrasps an opportunity to build new and exciting sports and recreational facilities. These facilitieswould bring an increase in the sport and recreation on offer at all ages and all levels ofperformance and participation sport, leading to further doors opening to address the challenges ofEquality, Diversity and Inclusion that still exist within the town. Charities and the local communitywill benefit in a host of ways in the form of access and useable activity space whilst the facilitiescould also provide longevity and financial sustainability for existing and new teams and clubs.
on 2022-09-30 SUPPORT
As a Bristol Sport Foundation staff member, I fully support this planning. This newvenue will significantly help our charity grow as a company, plus it will allow us to use the facilitiesfor the critical deliveries we do out in the Greater Bristol areas from Basketball/Netball Hubs, inter-school events and sports holiday camps.
on 2022-09-29 SUPPORT
There is little doubt that this development will benefit the local community and their NHSservices.
As the Director of the Bristol Heath Improvement Team for Active Lives I coordinate the provisionand strategy for physical activity promotion across BNSSG areas. This development is a newchance for more children, young people and adults in Bristol to be healthier and happier. I am alsothe Principle Advisor to the UK's Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for physical activity and this isexactly the type of local provision needed to reduce health inequalities. I am also the Professor forPhysical Activity and Public Health at Bristol University.
It will also act as a hub for future work with children and young people across Bristol. It is certain tome that this development will allow the Bristol Sports Foundation a new focus and hub for activitypromotion for children, young people and adults.
This type of facility is essential for the local NHS to offer opportunities for their primary care,secondary care, prehabilitation, rehabilitation and social care pathways for their expanding patientlists. This proposal will offer unique community based care pathways for cancer patients, facilitiesfor sports medicine and physiotherapy. Sports medicine training in not currently offered in Bristolor the South West and this facility would be the perfect option for clinics, training and communityrehabilitation.
There is so much to be gained by this proposal and very little at risk.
If you support this development it will impact on those children and young people (currently servedby BSF) but added greater impact through new opportunities to develop physical literacy, activity(and health and happier lives). To not support this plan, will widen inequalities in health, access toNHS health services and prevention - failing our Bristol communities who need the most support.
Please support this development and allow this who need then most to have a chance for ahealthier future.
on 2022-09-28 SUPPORT
I'm someone from North Somerset who went to Nailsea School. I never had the opportunity towatch basketball. The development will inspire future generations to participate in sports thatbefore were not an option, and help them with both physical and mental health benefits.
Having previously worked for Arsenal Football Club, I have seen first hand how the developmentof an area can help the local community and help to reduce juvenile crime, as children are givensomething else to focus their attention on through sport. Arsenal created a sports centre next toEmirates Stadium that became a hub for the community and something the people of the boroughof Islington could be proud of. I have no doubt that this development would generate the samelevel of participation and pride amongst the people of South Bristol and beyond.
I have also been fortunate to visit the campus at Manchester City and have seen how they havetransformed so many lives through the regeneration of derelict warehouses and wasteland tocreate a positive change in their city. This has no doubt helped to put Manchester on the map andyou can see how the city has been transformed in the last 10 years with the investment from othermedia and hospitality firms off the back of the work Manchester City FC has done. The work of thefootball club has led to incremental investment into their city.
I truly believe that this development can be a real game changer for the city. It is something I
haven't seen before in the last 40 years of my life, but something that really excites me, as notonly will it have immediate short term impact in terms of facilities to use, but but also long termbenefits, driving growth into our city and helping to put our city up there with the likes of London,Birmingham and Manchester.
Let's not pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity, lets make it happen for the future generationsof the city of Bristol, the city we all love.
on 2022-09-28 SUPPORT
Letter of Support - Bristol beer Factory
Dear BCC
We at BBF (Bristol Beer Factory) 100% support the planning application to develop Ashton Gateand the building of new homes at Longmore. The entire project will provide much needed housing,jobs and continue the great work Bristol Sport do for the community. Bristol sport are not only ourneighbours but a huge partner to BBF, giving us the opportunity to help grow our brand andsupporting local businesses when they could so easily take more support from national business.The development will give more local businesses the opportunity to work with Bristol Sport onlyenhancing the local economy and securing jobs in South Bristol.SincerelySam BurrowsManaging DirectorBristol Beer Factory & Bristol Conspiracy PubCo
on 2022-09-28 SUPPORT
This is a 'must have' for Bristol. We have lagged behind on sporting facilities comparedwith other UK cities for too long! It will provide jobs, bring visitors into the city for games andconcerts, it will boost the economy. There would also be an opportunity for wheelchair sports touse the venue, this is another area where our lovely city needs to improve its facilities.
on 2022-09-28 OBJECT
ParkingAshton Gate stadium in conjunction with the council should improve the parking situation for localresidents before planning to spend huge sums of money for their own benefit while impacting thelocal community. Southville has a residents parking zone but the rest of the area does not. Everymatch day seriously impacts on residents who don't have an RPZ. There are places fans can parkfor a fee, but many turn up hours before kick-off to park for free. It has got to the point where wedo not move the car on match day. Those that come from elsewhere and park here are notacquainted with the tightness of our road and it makes it difficult to pass if we have had to go out inthe car.
Building a multi-storey car park will not improve this issue. People do not want to pay to park whenthey can take up spaces residents use for free. The traffic will be significantly worse wherever theentrance and exit are. 536 spaces will be nowhere near enough to service the current stadium letalone everything else proposed. The proposed hotel is going to have 232 rooms so if each roombrings a car then the spaces are slashed to 300 for the rest of the development.
I contacted my MP in August about the parking issue and was informed that as of June the councilwas in talks with the stadium over their 'S106 responsibility for funding parking restrictions andother mitigations in the area'. I have not heard anything more and there is still no progress on theparking problems.
BehaviourOf course, with anything there are those in the minority that do not behave appropriately. Everymatch day we have people urinating on the street in clear view of passers-by and also down ouralleyway onto the house. It is vile disgusting behaviour and perhaps some of the money for thedevelopment and council focus should be on managing this situation. Attracting more people tothe area for matches and games will attract more people and that minority who cannot behave willincrease.
GymThe gyms within walking distance are -1. David Lloyd Long Ashton2. Snap fitness ashton Gate3. Workout Bristol North Street4. CrossFit Fort Ashton5. Bristol Kettlebell club6. Empowered fitness7. Opex Bristol8. Various exercise groups in Greville Smyth parkThere is no need for another gym in the local area.
HotelBringing more people to the area will make the already bad traffic worse. There is no need for ahotel in a residential area. It will completely change the feel of the area. There are plenty of hotelsin the city centre within walking distance of most of the attractions. 10 storeys will dominate theskyline and be imposing on people's properties.
Residential unitsParking is an issue already without adding more homes. There is not the infrastructure in the areato cope with more people residing in the area. Where will these people park? Ground floor plus 13storeys will dominate the skyline.
Sport and convention centreWe work hard at trying to reduce our impact on the environment. The development will impact onthe environment and bring more pollution to the area. Residents should not have their air qualityreduced because the stadium wants to expand its footprint.
on 2022-09-28 SUPPORT
This is an exciting proposal, one that this area should embrace! It will offer local peopleemployment & encourage our younger population both local & out of area to visit and maybebecome future sporting achievers.I have lived in the area over 47 years and the redevelopment is much needed, it's anembarrassing neglected area next to an impressive sports stadium.
on 2022-09-27 SUPPORT
This is letter of support for this exciting project which I am following for the number ofyears. And what great location with amazing transport links and after many years FlyersBasketball team could look for their arena.
With many local small shops, restaurants and cafes in the area this Arena, residential building andHotel would bring some tourists to this and would help create new jobs particularly for youngpeople with additional community space there will be more support for the community, this projectit is something to be excited about.
on 2022-09-27 SUPPORT
Bristol has a current unemployment rate of 2.6%. This application for planning onceconfirmed will support the the local people by continuing to grow sport in the communities andmaking a positive difference.Ashton Gate will bring home the Bristol flyers basket team and be able to increase the communitywork they do and it's fan base.Ashton Gate strive to be an Employer of choice in the south west, currently providing permanentjobs to over 150 and over 800 casual roles.Ashton Gate academy grows talent within through apprenticeships, up skilling and full supportthrough an employee life cycle. Providing career opportunities for all and removing any barriersand throughout the hiring process.Ashton Gate / Bristol Sport have an opportunity to make a difference and inspire business throughsport
on 2022-09-26 SUPPORT
This being a letter of support, for the proposed development.You will be aware of our aspiration and plans for the Sporting Quarter Development at AshtonGate since we launched our vision back in 2018. This development will help close the circle on allof our sporting teams playing at Ashton Gate, becoming the home of Bristol Flyers, whilst alsoproviding much needed community facilities, an entertainment and event centre and a Hilton hoteldevelopment. It will also increase our employment numbers at Ashton Gate and support the muchneeded development and focus in South Bristol.Heineken's connection / interest in the development As the Major drinks supplier to Bristol Sports,we are very keen to see everything under one umbrella at Ashton Gate, and feel this is the righttime to bring everything together. It will no doubt improve employment in the Bristol andsurrounding area as well
on 2022-09-26 SUPPORT
I live in Congresbury and support this application. North Somerset has seen hugeswathes of its green and important agricultural fields become housing over recent years. Most ofthe people who are buying these homes work in Bristol, leading to our roads becomingincreasingly congested and the air quality worsen for us and people living along their commute inSouth Bristol. I understand this is a former landfill, it neighbours a park and ride and there arereally good footpaths and cycle ways taking people into Bristol (we'd love to have these), that itwon't overshadow neighbours, it provides a rare opportunity to deliver housing over high riseliving, linked to the stadium it will deliver great social and sporting benefits to the region, and thatit's been earmarked for housing for years. We in North Somerset understand how sensitivebuilding homes is and why people will want to object but surely this would be a great place to liveas well as taking pressure of other less sustainable and more ecologically damaging locations.
on 2022-09-25 SUPPORT
I am a Bristol Flyers Community Coach, I work for The Bristol Sport Foundation Charityproviding sport for the greater Bristol area.Basketball has been growing in popularity for the last decade and I believe it is about to explode!We sell out all of our community sessions and have so much interest and disappointedparticipants when the miss the opportunity to be involved.
We lack coaches and facilities to provide opportunities to more children and adults.
The success of the Bristol Flyers BBL team has also ignited interest in the club. However, theexisting space also does not have capacity to support the growth of interest or financial ability tobe one of the leading competitors in the league. I believe that with the right investment we (theFlyers Community team and BSF, Bristol Flyers and Bristol community) we can build one of thebest basketball programmes in the UK!!!
I am so excited about this build and believe that it will not only build the Flyers Brand and supporttheir ability to financial stability but it has the power to transform and inspire thousands of childrenslives!
This could be one of the most important investments in the city and create opportunities to beinvolved in sport all across the south west of England.
The location is great, close to city centre, public transport.
I cannot wait to be a part of this journey and be part of the development of the sprot i love andbring it to the highest level possible.
on 2022-09-25 SUPPORT
This is an exciting opportunity to put south Bristol on the map and help drive the socialand economic growth south Bristol has been crying out for in years.
A new home for the Bristol Flyers is essential to help the club grow and compete. When youcompare the current venue to others in the league, Newcastle and Leicestershire both come tomind which have had clear positive impacts on their communities, you can see a new venue iscritical for the club's to be sustainable.
The basketball community is a lot different to other sports and is extremely family oriented.
There are quite a few fans who sport both Football and Basketball or Rugby and basketball so onnumerous match days where bothe events are on same day these fans have to travel acrossBristol to get from one game to the other. By having these sports in the same site it can helpreduce some of this traffic as we would no longer need to drive across Bristol.
Not only will this provide a new home for the Bristol Flyers basketball it will also bring numerousbenefits to the community. The planned community facilities on site will help the Bristol sportFoundations expand their programmes for those who most need it in Bristol. Not only a hugebenefit to community but also helps relieve some pressures on local health authorities. I havebenefited from the foundations help which has helped with drastically improving both my physicaland mental health which has meant I have not had to rely on the NHS for help. I have also seen
how much it has also changed many others lives too and know how many others it could help ifthey could expand.
This development will create many new job opportunities and will help attract new customers forlocal businesses e.g North Street.
The plans will also open up the site with the removal of the horrible walls and will open up thebrook, drastically improving the visual appearance of the whole area.
It will also enable to attract exhibitions and events which would otherwise not come to Bristol.There are so many events that end up in Cardiff that many from Bristol have to travel to.
I don't want to see Bristol continue being left behind other cities. If this development doesn't goahead we will only fall further behind.
Surely we want People to talk about what Bristol has to offer rather than what Bristol doesn't have!This is the perfect opportunity to put Bristol back on the map.
on 2022-09-23 SUPPORT
The development of the Sporting Quarter at Ashton Gate Stadium will be a huge assetand benefit to to the wider city.Ashton Gate Stadium has developed in to a world class sporting arena hosting both football andrugby, and in recent years hosting live music events. The knock on beneficial effect of these onthe city cannot be underestimatedThe further development of the area can only benefit and enhance the city offering, creatingemployment opportunities and generating further investment in south Bristol
on 2022-09-23 SUPPORT
I fully support this development. I regularly watch Flyers matches and have beenassociated with Bristol Sport Foundation through voluntary work for a number of years. I have alsoworked professionally on a number of schemes in South Bristol. I consider that this developmentwill bring much needed new employment to South Bristol and the commitments to communitybased projects will be of enormous benefit locally. It will also help to increase the economic growthof the city in being able to attract more events as well as the leisure economy. This project hasbeen a long time in development and look forward to seeing it being realised.
on 2022-09-23 SUPPORT
It is without doubt that I support this project, not only for its design, but its integral part inmaking Bristol the go to capital. Not only do I support Bristol sport as a keen sports fan, but alsofrom a business perspective, encouraging businesses and VIP's to visit the superb hospitalityfacilities. Bristol is seen as one of the major cities of the UK, lets make THE Major city of the UK!Therefore I support this and hope to appreciate the new venture.
on 2022-09-23 SUPPORT
Think this will be fantastic for the area and for future generations and is exactly whatthis area needs.As a local business owner, it can only be a positive.I also believe it will be great for not only the immediate area, but also for the Bristol and NorthSomerset area as a whole.
on 2022-09-23 SUPPORT
After living in the Ashton area for 50 years, the prospect of having such an amazingvenue and additional facilities is invaluable to Bristol.I fully support.
on 2022-09-22 SUPPORT
I am writing to you to support the development of Ashton Gate Sporting Quarter andLongmoor Development on behalf of Visit West.
As the Destination Management Organisation for Bristol, Bath and the West of England area, wedeliver services that develop the visitor economy in the region, providing inspiration to visit throughconsumer channels, through engagement with the professional travel trade and deliveringconvention bureau services that stimulate demand for the business events sector. Through ourDMO work, we engage with more than 600 businesses within the Visitor Economy and offerbusiness advice and support in this specialist area. Pre-pandemic, this is a sector worth more than£2.3bn to the regional economy with almost half into Bristol. Visit West also delivers threebusiness improvement districts (BIDs) in central Bristol.
We have been following the development of the Ashton Gate Sporting Quarter closely as it will actas a catalyst for increasing the value of the visitor economy in the city, especially in the south ofthe city, providing new facilities that are desperately needed for both leisure and business visitors.The proposed facilities will support the elevation of Bristol to a tier one business eventsdestination.
Its location close to the city centre, enables the site to easily connect with existing attractionsensuring that visitors to the arena site will be motivated to stay longer within the city, either at theonsite hotel (essential when bidding for events) or at existing accommodation. While for many this
provides a reasonable walking or cycling route, access to public transport will also be a hugebenefit.
By bringing the Bristol Flyers professional basketball team into the city, the sport and team willundoubtedly have a higher profile, inspiring both star athletes of the future and a healthy, fun,participatory team sport that is accessible to all. Both charities and the local community will benefitwith the Bristol Sport Foundation providing around 40, 000hours of accessible space for sport forthe community.
In addition, we recognise the desperate need for housing being delivered through the Longmoordevelopment.
Visit West
on 2022-09-22 SUPPORT
on 2022-09-22 SUPPORT
on 2022-09-21 SUPPORT
As a sports and music fan i'd love for their to be an arena within Bristol that can hostdifferent sports and shows. Currently there is a lack of big venues in Bristol that a medium sizebands can play. Currently the only options are old and run down (O2 Academy etc), so a newarena would breath a bit of life into the music/show scene.
I imagine it would also just add to the local economy in and around Ashton Gate which I imaginebenefits from Bristol City & Bears, more events would only help local business.
on 2022-09-21 SUPPORT
I am in support of this application. The sporting quarter will incentivise young children totake up sport, sport that currently is not local to them. There will be a huge number of jobs thatcome from the quarter being built. There will be an influx of people coming to the arena to watchgames and gigs, meaning our local businesses will be supported.
on 2022-09-20 SUPPORT
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supercharge Ashton Gate’s position as a major events and sporting hub for the community in Bristol and the South West region. We strongly encourage and support developments that aim to correct historical investment shortfalls in South Bristol; with £126.9 million GVA during its construction and a further £24.5 million operational GVA, this project represents a long-overdue and sustainable redevelopment for this part of our city which should be supported robustly by the Council and other city partners. In addition, given the exceptional and ongoing demand for new homes in our city & region over recent decades – sharply rising house prices have a detrimental impact for the city’s businesses, the well-being of its workforce and the ability for employers to attract and retain new talent – so that the need for high-quality, sustainable and affordable residential and mixed use space in the wider Bristol city region cannot be overstated. We believe that the opportunity to deliver the Longmoor development, creating up to 510 new homes with at least 30% being affordable housing, and at the well-connected land north of the Metrobus Ashton Vale Line and on former landfill land, simply should not be missed. As One City Partners we recognise and support the collective need for the city and its partners to work together, be ambitious and take a long term approach. Given the now extended time period since the application was first submitted a decision not to approve these schemes would send all the wrong negative messages out and so we strongly encourage the planning committee to approve these outline applications at the committee meeting on 5th October 2022. Your sincerely Business West
on 2022-09-16 SUPPORT
The flyers and Bristol need this
on 2022-09-15 SUPPORT
This development will create important employment opportunities for the local area -meaningful, sustainable and well-paid work in the creative, heritage and sports industries, sectorsin which the city already has great strengths. For this reason alone the application shouldsupported.
Extending Bristol Sport's premises in the centre of Bristol will also consolidate the community workthat the Robins Foundation provide for marginalised and deprived social groups in Bristol. Thedevelopment has so many benefits - economic, social and cultural - that will enhance well-beingand opportunities for people in Bristol
on 2022-09-14 SUPPORT
This development will create important employment opportunities for the local area -meaningful, sustainable and well-paid work in the creative, heritage and sports industries, sectorsin which Bristol already has great strengths. For this reason alone the application shouldsupported. Extending Bristol Sport's premises in the centre of Bristol will also consolidate thecommunity work that the Robins Foundation provide for marginalised and deprived social groupsin Bristol too. The development has so many benefits - economic, social and cultural - that willenhance well-being and opportunities for people in Bristol. I offer it my whole-hearted andsteadfast support.
on 2022-07-04 OBJECT
I am a supporter of the proposal and the overall strategic view and policy, however I amvery concerned by the potential effects and pressures to neighbourhood parking. Yes we acceptthe critical snipes about what to expect if you choose to live next door to a stadium, however manyof my neighbours did not expect the rapid increase in activity to this area before they purchasedtheir property.There are two specific issues related to this comment, the first being the disruption brought duringthe construction phase, this will undoubtedly cause issues as the main contractor attempts tocontrol contractor parking, and the second being post development parking. There must beproactive actions and solutions ahead of the proposed development rather than apologies inresponse to complaints. I would implore Bristol Sport and Bristol City Council to regard this withreal duty of care and respond accordingly.
As other commentators have stated there should be provisions for residents parking throughoutthis area, especially if it is to be considered a national leading sports quarter with a happy andengaged community.
on 2022-06-11 SUPPORT
I confirm that I support this application.
on 2022-06-07 SUPPORT
Am absolute no brainier - jobs, entertainment, investment, prestige.Bristol desperately lacks venues / arenas and South Bristol is falling behind north Bristol indevelopments. Basketball is also a hugely diverse and impactful community sport and anincredible entertainment spectacle, currently selling out every game at their current venue that istoo small for purpose.
on 2022-05-28 SUPPORT
This proposed development would provide a very much needed new home to BristolFlyers basketball. Basketball is a rapidly growing sport and the flyers mens team (and some of thejuniors team) have just had their best season yet. It needs greater investment to reach its potentialand this simply cannot be achieved at it's current site. Every single home game sells out. Thejuniors academy numbers are increasing massively too. Young participants in the game learn somuch more than how to play basketball... they learn how to be part of a community, how to be partof a team, and commitment, and build self esteem. This is an opportunity for Bristol to support oneof its minority sports.
on 2022-05-12 SUPPORT
A much needed home for Bristol Flyers, basketball participation in the UK is huge butfunding and facilities are lacking. Flyers are one of the UKs top teams and improving each season.This development will give them a base to entertain many more fans and hopefully take them tothe next level.
on 2022-05-08 SUPPORT
I think this plan will be very beneficial for the area. It is very important to ensure thatbasketball achieves its potential in the city
on 2022-05-07 SUPPORT
I am in full support of the new basketball arena. The Bristol Flyers have worked so hardover the years and deserve the profile of basketball to be raised in the city. The arena would be afantastic addition to the community. I really hope it gets approval.
on 2022-05-07 SUPPORT
Absolutely 110% behind this ! YES YES some many benefits to the city the communityetc ...
on 2022-05-06 OBJECT
The Flyers need that arena!!!
on 2022-05-06 SUPPORT
on 2022-04-01 SUPPORT
I completely support this application.It is vital that the development is easily accessible by public transport. This should includeintegrating the development with a new Ashton Gate railway station, and ensuring that dedicatedbus services are provided for events.
on 2021-10-06 OBJECT
I am writing to raise my concerns regarding the proposed application.This will be significant development, which will have considerable impact on the area, particularlytransport, increasing noise and pollution and these issues need to be addressed before thisdevelopment can go ahead.I support the additional sporting facilities to include basketball courts, which will be the centrepieceof the development, and in favour of introducing professional basketball training, and consider itwill be very popular to a wider more diverse audience, which is good for South Bristol.My concerns centre on the reasons listed below:ParkingThis development will generate a significant increase in traffic, and need for further parking in andaround the stadium in an area that is already crowded, and residents unable to find parking closeto their homes.Parking will be aggravated by the impending Clean Air Zone, and since there is no parkingrestrictions in most of Bedminster residents will receive even more out of town visitors parking upand catching the bus into the Centre.The extra jobs generated by the new development are likely to arrive by car and use the new multistorey that holds up 540 cars.A future rail link at Ashton Gate is essential to enable a sustainable solution to excess parking.Network Rail know this is an issue and I encourage Ashton Gate management to recognise theirresponsibility in finding sustainable solutions to Bedminster's transport issues before thisapplication can be successful.
Tall towersI am pleased to see that the tower block has been reduced by 5 storeys to 14, even so I agreewith the Bristol Civic Society who note ' it will mask the unique topography of the city and harmvalued views.'Also Historic England lists their concern for the Repton designed garden in the grounds of AshtonCourt Mansion who are concerned that the views will be jeopardised by the high rise development.According to the Urban Living Supplementary Planning Document, (SPD) any taller elementsshould not front onto the façades of the buildings, and only be applied to discrete elements, notthe entire block or frontage. This building will dominate and be out of character for the area andshould be avoided.Community involvementThe SPD says that a key success factor in high density developments is early and sustainedcommunity involvement. I would like to see greater commitment to this.
on 2021-10-01 SUPPORT
It can only be good for Bristol
on 2021-10-01 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. Much needed.
on 2021-09-27
an important facility that could offer much improved access to those from outside the area,
including away team supporters.
Access by foot
One way of reducing the number of cars trying to reach the area when there are events is to
encourage use of the Long Ashton Park & Ride for parking. However this would require a much
better pedestrian link from the Park & Ride to the venue. There is an opportunity to provide such a
pedestrian link as part of the associated development of Longmoor Village. In our comments on that
planning application (21/03166/P), we suggest this is sufficiently important that the Longmoor
Village development is not approved unless such a route can be provided.
Public realm surrounding the development
In order to allow a greater proportion of the visitors to the venue to arrive either by walking or by
using public transport, the public realm around the outside of the development needs improvement.
We welcome raised table junctions to the site from Marsh Road, for the hotel access road and for
the crossing of Wedlock Way, but ask that these use Continuous Footway design conventions to
make it clear that pedestrians have priority over road traffic.
The new raised-table crossing on Ashton Road should be made into a zebra crossing, to show that
pedestrians have priority.
We welcome the provision of an 8m wide single-stage Toucan crossing across Winterstoke Road.
Since it is single-stage (as described in 4.82 of the Transport Assessment Part 1), there should be no
central reservation in the middle (as shown in Figure 4.7). However, this crossing also needs
compatible improvements to access on the south-west side of the road to provide better pedestrian
connections to buses, trains (in the future) and the Long Ashton Park & Ride.
Bristol Walking Alliance
27 September 2021
on 2021-09-22 SUPPORT
on 2021-08-17
on 2021-08-05 OBJECT
I am against this planning application, for the following reasons:-
1. The height of the buildings are far too high for this area and will look totally out of place. Thestadium at the moment is a huge eyesore without more high buildings.2. Parking every day in the area is extremely bad without these extra buildings, events, etc.3. Traffic in the area is already at a high volume causing excessive noxious fumes that affect theneighbours without more fumes that this development would cause.4. These facilities would require a large number of staff to run (Hotel staff (232 rooms to clean,receptionists, etc.), Reception staff for conferences, gate staff for Basketball + attendees, peopleto run bars, catering). Where are all of these people going to park?5. 125 Residential units would require a large number of parking spaces, with perhaps 2 parkingspaces wanted per unit?6. Besides the above you could have another 5,202 standing people attending a music event,where a large number of them will use their own transport.7. Although the area has had floodwater improvements since 1968 these buildings (if built) wouldbe on the previous hugely flooded area. With the present climate emergency with sea levels risingand rainwater levels likely to rise, is this wise to build on a low sea level site?8. Have all these facilities adequate ramps, changing place toilets, lifts, parking spaces, etc. forhandicapped people?
on 2021-08-02
We are generally in favour of the development of the sports and conference centre buthave some reservations about the planned residential building and transport issues in particular;
Ashton residence - Building looks too high against the adjoining 2 storey houses
Winterstoke Residence - one single fire escape stair, looks to be not enough. This building alsoappears to be too close to the busy road for sound and pollution issues.
There appears to be no affordable housing planned?
Public transport - extra buses/ routes do not seem to have been considered, only walking andcycling routes?
Sustainablilty - current plans only just me BREEAM excellent standards and as the developmentprogresses and changes need to be made it is unlikely to get better - this is not really aiming highenough.
Not net zero carbon - not good enough in these times
Match day transport - already poor, can only get worse with increased capacity and moreresidential space. Named local rail stations are not close enough for most patrons. The Park and
Ride may also be considered to be too far away as well.
Neighbourhood survey - locals have received publicity but this did not help anyone find the detailson the planning portal as the application numbers were not included, deliberately opaque?
Visual Impact - the view in this area part of the heritage of the location, these must not beobscured.
The opening of the Brook was seen as a positive move but this will need to be cleaned andimproved as part of the works and the water quality tested.
Impact of increased number of residents on water requirements and sewers? These will needfurther review.
on 2021-07-30 OBJECT
I object to the planning application 21/03165/F for the following reasons:-There are too many buildings on the site, some of the buildings are even higher than the newstadium which is so very wrong as the new stadium is too high. It will ruin the skyline i.e. TheSuspension Bridge, Cabot Tower Brandon Hill & Ashton Court etc.
Winterstoke Road can't cope with the traffic as it is now without all the vehicles which will be usedto get to all these new premises, many of these premises will also need workers who will also usetheir cars, even if they live nearby.There will be more traffic needing to get in and out onto Winterstoke Road which will cause evenmore hold ups on Winterstoke Road.There is no decent bus service to get to the site, so people will use their cars to get to events.There will be more pollution which won't help the ozone layer. This could affect the children whoplay nearby in Gores Marsh Park.
When football or other events are on residents living nearby & the surrounding areas have to putup with cars parked everywhere some in a dangerous way & some areas are used as a rat run,driving faster than the 20mph. speed limit with no thought for the safety of local residents.
I am worried with what is planned that there could be not one or two events in a week but twoevents in one day or night. This will cause more noise from the music & the crowds of peopleattending. It is unfair for residents living in the vicinity & on young children trying to get to sleep.
There is no need for a gym, there are already 3 nearby i.e. South Liberty Lane, Winterstoke Road& Bedminster. These already cause extra car parking in the area. The existing Gyms will alsoloose trade with another one in the vicinity.
I feel very sorry for residents who moved in when it was just a football club, not knowing that therewould be so many more events & facilities put there.
I hope you understand my concerns why these plans shouldn't be passed for the sake of residentsliving nearby & in the local area who if will affect.
on 2021-07-27 OBJECT
Comments on Planning Proposal 21/03165/F
Site Address Land to the West of Ashton Gate StadiumAshton RoadBristolBS3 2EL
Description Demolition of existing buildings and the phased redevelopment of the site to comprisea sports and convention centre, a hotel, 125 residential units, office accommodation, retail, gym,club museum, multi-storey car park, public realm improvements and landscaping, new internalaccess routes, new and improved vehicular and pedestrian accesses and infrastructure and otherassociated works and improvements on land west of Ashton Gate Stadium (Major).
I am most familiar with the area in question for the proposed redevelopment.I am unalterably opposed to the proposals here.The boundary itself is surrounded on all sides by road and otherwise by residential,Industrial and office space. Within the boundary, land already belonging to and in use by AshtonGate Stadium is itself bordered to the west by Collier's Brook.
On the proposals in order.
What kind of Sports and Convention centre? How big is the space needed for what sport and howmany people can it or needs to hold? The double unit is already taken up by Dreams and Wickes.How many people can it hold? I would say 5000 at most. The owner of Bristol City also ownsBristol Rugby Club and a Basketball team Bristol Flyers. Now is this intended to be a new groundfor Bristol Flyers? If it proves popular then, easily the space is not enough. Conventions tend to bebig, organised affairs. Several hotels in Bristol can offer this facility and do it well. Given what elseis intended in a relatively small enclosed space. The only way to make room is to build upwards.
A Hotel. I am at a loss as to what need a Hotel serves here. To be fair this is a middle of the tableChampionship side. If BCFC were Premier League promotion hopefuls or dominant in theChampionship. I could see a use for it but otherwise no. There are Hotels and a number of GuestHouses in the surrounding area that can be used.
So 125 residential units. Blocks of Flats surely! Now where I am there are 3 blocks to the east ofAshton Gate Stadium, backing onto it but they have a courtyard of grounds with car parking andgarages. These are 60 flats with the Ground Floor and 10 other floors so 11 storeys. These wouldbe 12 storeys with an extra floor and 2 of them. They as everything else to me has to go west ofCollier's Brook but where? I am certain they would be effectively surrounded by other aspects andagain dominate the skyline for miles. Car Parking as well? I doubt it.
Office accommodation. A joke surely! Given that under related cases there are 7 propertiesincluding 5 buildings that are due to be demolished under these proposals. Including CumberlandHouse and Midas House. Demolish existing then build new with the same use in mind? Again anyCar Parking? What can it offer here that other office buildings cannot? I don't see much of a viewagain being surrounded by all the other buildings that are intended here. It's not as if a Trainstation or even a Bus service is that easily accessible here.
Retail. Utterly pointless given all that has happened since March 2020 and only a semblance ofgetting back to normal from 19th July 2021 yet places are free to keep restrictions. A sector almostwiped out as dependent on footfall from people and mass gatherings. East Street is almost wipedout with the decay and deprivation. North Street is struggling too. Broadmead is almost the sameway as East Street. Why finish them off with a development until 19th July 2021 for 16 months thatpeople weren't allowed to use, go shopping or socialise and gather in any way with a most hostileand unfriendly environment. There is the South Bristol Retail Park next door where the oldWinterstoke Road Bus and Coach depot was and a little further up at a Commercial Block. Therewas Carphone Warehouse but now a Subway.
The local area does well out of the footfall from home fans especially coming into the stadium. TheBon Bon, local shops and food joints, Clarke's Pies.
Adding more Retail is a pointless waste, given it is struggling and for 8 days now has a slightchance of recovery.
Gym. There is already one at the old Blockbuster video where Sainsbury's is at Winterstoke Road.Another is at the old Bedminster Library. Not needed at all!
Club Museum. A nice idea. Where would it go? Could it be situated at the existing site at AshtonGate. If there was less development, then it could be a focal point but there is a lot intended to bebuilt on a relatively small and enclosed space. I am surprised that wasn't a consideration when theoriginal improvements on site went ahead in the first place.
Multi-storey car park. A new entrance needed surely for a start and an exit too. How big and howhigh? It can't be the size of the Galleries for instance and that was always a pain to exit with asweeping descending turn to an exit and narrow to get into and around. One lane going in andonly a bus lane coming the other way and so a total gridlock for miles. It held 1200 spaces offhand was only used at 2/3 capacity to avoid dangerous air pollution levels. Gridlock for miles dueto bad layout and vehicles going nowhere for hours what does one expect.
Even at half the size for 600 cars and say 4 people to a vehicle at most that is only 2400 people.Not much. Again for a home game, the vast majority of home fans come in by foot.
How high and again dominating the skyline. Only to be used by fans on matchdays at home or allyear round? For a fee? Again tall, dominate and with road layouts being what they are in Bristol Idoubt the present road layout could handle the vehicles.
Public realm improvements and landscaping. To me that is just works to try and tidy up the messleft by a development. The development in Paxton Drive is a great example of clashing, uglyblocks and straight lines in different proportions. There used to be a sweeping view from AshtonPark up to Ashton Court and beyond, now gone, ruined with all this in the way. Winter andespecially Snow is good, it hides the buildings.
New internal access routes. Well roads and pavements and perhaps overhead enclosedwalkways, even tunnels.
New and improved vehicular and pedestrian accesses and infrastructure and other associatedworks and improvements on land west of Ashton Gate Stadium (Major).
Well to me, more roads and pavements and anything else the developers want to add.
To me this is pointless and wasteful development on the same lines as many others. Almostalways shops, offices, restaurants. Three areas that have almost been wiped out since March
I cannot see all this fitting in this space, especially that Collier's Brook itself forms a natural borderto the west of Ashton Gate already in use. The only way it may fit is upwards and needing moreentrances and exits and where would it fit. A towering dominating area of skyline for miles andagain doubtful the existing road layout, given Bristol City Council's obsession against motortransport of any kind, except buses and always bicycles. The penchant for pedestrianisation, cycleroutes and bus lanes. As always whatever remains for motor vehicles is always in use. Theproposed retail will cause huge harm, if it is ever used, to the surrounding area, as far asBroadmead and East Street. The proposed Sports and Convention centre, too small ultimately tobe usable. The rest not needed. There are two main entrances one in Ashton Road and the otherin Winterstoke Road with pedestrian access available from Raynes Road, not altered in a verylong time. Overall a very tall and dominate development which will dominate the skyline for miles.
Given that Collier's Brook is a natural border to the west of existing land in use. Surely that doesnot mean that John Atyeo's statue will be relocated and that area redeveloped?
The existing area includes Wickes a builders merchants and general hardware. Access to theiryard from Winterstoke Road next door to Ashton Gate is no problem at the moment. Dreams forbeds too but Wickes will be the biggest loss. The loss of two office buildings in Cumberland Houseand Midas House, the loss of 2-3 Marsh Road and land on Marsh Road and Winterstoke Road.There is an existing showroom and former Miles Motor Company building and the old Braby workswith it's building silos and for all outsize constructions of silos, tanks and vessels. The triangle partbetween Marsh Road and Winterstoke Road where the old Cathedral Garage (Art Deco buildings)was for generations now replaced by big blue storage units. Charnwood House opposite that issupposed to stay. I am not sure how long the South Bristol Retail Park will keep going with thisdevelopment. There will be a lot of traffic between Ashton Road, Marsh Road, Smyth Road,Winterstoke Road and Wedlock Way and more so I expect quite the gridlock for miles without vastchanges to road layout in the surrounding area.
Only Fools and Horses was almost entirely filmed in Bristol and around here especially for NelsonMandela House and Boycie's Car Showroom among others. It would be of more use keepingthings as they are, many fans come here on tours.Like any new development. Construction will benefit from it but I find it a pyrrhic victory. I amreminded of WD & HO Wills reminding the architect for the new Wills Tower for the University ofBristol that you are building for permanency.
Once something is redeveloped, whatever was before, is almost never coming back.
For any benefit to Bristol and especially Ashton Gate Stadium. This is completely pointless to me,no useful purpose at all and crippling damage if it does go ahead.
As from the start I remain unalterably opposed to this planning proposal.
on 2021-07-25 OBJECT
It is bad enough trying to find a parking space in Southville on matchdays. There seemsto be no consideration for residents. My husband works shifts and very often has to drive aroundfor an hour waiting for spectators to come back to their cars so he can park. We considerourselves lucky to find a space in Souhville, let alone near our house. Should we find a place inour street we would get a lottery ticket as the chances of a jackpot win is on parr finding a parkingspace on matchday evenings.
on 2021-07-20
19 July 2021.
Bristol Civic Society supports, in principle, the development of the land adjoining Ashton GateStadium which will create a sporting and hospitality hub of benefit to the City and south Bristol inparticular and boost employment opportunities in the area. However, the Society is generallyaverse to tall residential buildings. They are visually intrusive and, unless very well managed,frequently result in poor living conditions for their occupants. We welcome the four storeyreduction in the height of the residential tower but the Society cannot support the impact of thehigh buildings on the topography of the city and valued views.
We urge the developers, Bristol City Council and transport providers to maximise public transportaccessibility, and other measures that could lead to a further reduction in on-site parking in orderto achieve a sustainable development.
Overall View.
The Society has not changed its earlier overall view on the proposed development namely,
"The Society strongly supports the new uses that the Club wishes to introduce. In addition to thecreation of a centre for sporting excellence, the scheme will be a substantial investment of privatemoney in south Bristol. Expansion would considerably increase local employment opportunities foryoung people with modest educational attainments. Aspirations include attracting residentialconferences business to the stadium. The Society supports the introduction of new homes on thesite."
Building heights and impacts on views.
We are however, opposed to the proposed 14 storey tower block. Our concerns over the socialand environmental harm arising from high living were conveyed at length in our February 2019submission to the developers and we are disappointed that such a tall residential building remainspart of the scheme although we acknowledge its reduction from 18 storeys. The location of theresidential tower adjacent to the main road is also not ideal. The Society has considered theverified views submitted with the application and conclude that, contrary to the Urban Living SPD,the proposal would hide or mask the topography of the city and harm valued views from keyvantage points. The following views taken from the application exemplify our concerns:
Views 1 and 2 - These show the proposed buildings breaking the skyline and thus being at oddswith the topography of the city which sits beneath the skyline in these views;View 4 - Similar to views 1 and 2 plus diminishing the significance of Cabot Tower and BrandonHill;View 17 - Looking south across the site the view of the hills near Dundry will be harmed and theskyline broken;View 20 - The buildings are prominent to the point of harming the view towards and across the sitefrom above Ashton Court at Woodmans Cottage.
We would like the new buildings to be no higher than the football stadium stands. If the CityCouncil considers the residential high building acceptable, the Society urges that it is designed toa high standard for market rent or purchase so that its occupants would, on the whole, choose tolive there and it would be well managed.
Transport considerations.
The Society understands that the proposed development will generate a considerable number ofcar journeys and we urge the developers to maximise public transport accessibility and not to giveup on securing a train station at Ashton Gate. We ask the Council to work with the developers andpublic transport providers to ensure a high degree of sustainability minimising road traffic andmaximising public transport access. The Society appreciates that the Portishead line is still someyears from opening to passengers but there is a longer term opportunity to provide an interchange
between the rail line and the metrobus. This would not only improve public transport accessibilityto the stadium but also have wider benefits for those travelling between Bristol and points on thePortishead line. The proposed development could act as a catalyst to bring the necessaryagencies together.
The potential of the Long Ashton Park and Ride to reduce the number of car trips to the stadiumand its environs should also be fully explored. We would hope that this would reduce the need foron-site parking. Further reduction of the number of spaces provided on-site would be welcomed bythe Society. We also urge the developers to continue working with the City Council on measuresto keep road traffic bound for the stadium away from the city centre. The proposed multi storey carpark is a dominant feature of the development. The Society urges that its visual prominence isreduced as much as possible.
We note that the proposals include cycling hubs. We urge plentiful provision convenient forentrances and overlooked for enhanced security. The Society hopes that the development teamwill encourage the development of a walking and cycling route alongside Longmoor Brookbetween the Long Ashton Park and Ride and the stadium.
Public Realm.
We welcome the public realm proposals.
on 2021-07-15 SUPPORT
We support the proposal from Bristol City FC, we believe this will further enhance thearea and continue to see the location as a go to place. There seems a sensible balance betweenthe planning elements.
We work well with FC colleagues and hope this continues.
We trust that during the construction period that the highway, parking and customers are notimpacted to TrustFord and surrounding businesses but of course do understand the complicationsof building.
on 2021-07-15 OBJECT
Overall I am not opposed to the redevelopment of the site to the West of Ashton Gate,however I do feel there are some issues which need addressing before I can support thisapplication.
The demolition of number 65 will greatly affect me at number 64 and I am not satisfied with thelack of detail surrounding this:At what height will the back garden wall be left? Will it be secure?The adjoining building sticks out further than the terrace, will a fence be built, or wall be left at thefront?What will the finish be like? Will the bathstone at the frontage be attentively finished?How tall will the planned trees grow, will there be a loss of light into garden? And will their rootsaffect my foundations?I am surprised at the absence of thought that appears to have been given to this considering thehigh attention to intricate details of the new builds. This doesn't bode well feeling like an oversight.
I also am very concerned about parking, it is already impossible to park outside (or anywherenear) our houses on match and event days. With many more events, more staff, more visitors andmore guests the free and unrestricted neighbouring roads will be full on a near daily basis. Aresident's parking zone is needed for the whole area, 7 days a week to allow us to live and work inthe area and have visitors to our homes. This needs to be implemented before any of theredevelopment commences and imposed 24/7.
on 2021-07-15 OBJECT
Bristol City CouncilFAO: Richard Sewell
Dear Mr Sewell,Re: Application No: 21/03165/FSite address: Land To The West Of Ashton Gate Stadium Ashton Road BristolWe are writing to object to the development proposed for the land to the west of Ashton Gate Stadium, comprising a sports and convention centre, a hotel, 125 residential units, office space, retail space, a gym, club museum, multi-storey care park and new access roads and other associated works. We have lived in the immediate vicinity of the site on and off for 35+ years, and bought our home on Smyth Road three years ago. So we are an immediate neighbour of the proposed development and will be directly impacted by it. We would like to object to the development on the following grounds:1. Visual amenity - The proposed development is much higher than other buildings in the area, with the exception of the stadium which is already an eyesore. Another large, bulky development in the area will significantly change the feel of the area which currently benefits being edged by countryside and green spaces at nearby Ashton Court and the Green Belt between the stadium and Long Ashton.2. Traffic - The development would draw much more traffic to an area that already struggles with excess traffic whenever there is an event at the stadium. There are
frequently delays on Winterstoke road. Adding more cars to that mix will significantly worsen the issue. They will also add to local air pollution issues which is already dreadful. Our windows are frequently covered in black, sooty grime. We have a young child, so this is of particular concern to us.3. Parking - The area has a well-known problem with unsafe street parking which is especially bad on match days, due to attendees looking to avoid having to pay for parking. The provision of a multi-storey carpark that attendees must pay for will not address this issue. So anything that attracts additional cars trying to avoid paying for parking will lead to more frequent and more unsafe parking on our local streets. Another issue that is particularly worrying when you have children.4. Noise - We are concerned both about the noise, dust and disruption likely to occur during construction, but also ongoing noise disturbance from more events taking place there and more crowds at the complex.
For these reasons, we would like our objection to the development to be taken into account when the Council is considering the application. And we would urge the Council to reject the proposal in its current form.
Yours sincerely,Lee Walters and Eleanor Wilson
on 2021-07-15
on 2021-07-14 OBJECT
The proposed expansion plans of Ashton Gate should not be allowed to go ahead untilparking plans and restrictions are put into place.
A RPZ needs to be put in place before any redevelopment commences. Parking in theAshton/Bedminster area is a major issue already. Adding additional businesses/residential areaswith little or no parking is unrealistic. Although Ashton Gate say they employee a lot of staff locallythey still drive their cars to the stadium. If people can park for free they will. If they can drive theywill. This is evident on match day events when the security staff arrive at 10am 5hrs before thestart of a game and leave at 5.30-6pm. If this is on a weekday it will be at 3pm when the gamestarts at 7.45pm. They then leave after 10pm. This makes it impossible for any resident returninghome to find anywhere to park. Bar staff arrive shortly after these times and then the numerousticket holders.If Bristol Council are allowing large scale redevelopments without adequate parking then full RPZ'sshould be put in place to stop this. The RPZs should be 24/7 as the staffing requirements at thisredevelopment are 24/7. Such as security and reception type roles.It was made very clear in the consultation meeting that this was a major issue and it needs to beaddressed. Bristol city council have a responsibility to the local community.The stadium has increased the events held here year on year from football to rugby, large scalemusic events, exhibitions and festivals. With the addition of a basketball arena which can be usedfor exhibitions and concerts this could mean there could be a large scale event on everyday. Thelocal community should be able to park and have visitors to their homes without having to
constantly battle with the stadium events.The only way to promote public transport usage is to make it impossible for non local residents topark in the local vicinity of the redevelopment.Other transport options are either expensive or not convient resulting in cars parked in the localarea.
Ashton Gate are promoting this redevelopment as becoming a major employer. These employeesneed to get to work. They are unlikely to be allocated spaces in the new car park as this is anincome generator for the stadium.
The residents of Ashton who sign up to the newsletter were given a weeks notice to a RussellHoward event to be held in the stadium every night for a week, with an additional matineeperformance on the Saturday of up to 2000 people. Where do all these ticket holders park? Wheredo all the security/bar staff park? On the surrounding roads of Ashton Gate!!!!!
The proposed Multi-Storey Car Park will not be offered staff, it is there to make the hotel businessviable.
The life of residents should not be inconvenienced for the total benefit of Bristol Sport.
on 2021-07-05 SUPPORT
This is an important development for the local community and is long overdue. Thecurrent buildings are an eye-sore and add no value to the area.
The new complex will bring a fantastic new energy to Ashton with a full range of sports andevents. The approach to the consultation and iterative design has been impressive and reallypositive to see the addition of much needed sports and leisure facilities on the roof of the arena(which will hopefully be available free or low cost).
on 2021-07-03 OBJECT
We are concerned about the lack of provision for car parking as it is already very difficult for nearby residents to park.
Can the parking zone be extended to cover Ashton Road and the developers plan additional parking at the site
Laura and Nicholas Cory
on 2021-07-01 SUPPORT
Hope this gets approved will create many jobs and be a great enhancement to the area,long needed development.
on 2021-06-30 OBJECT
Concerned about the following (rather bland) statement about anti-social local parkingnot limited to match days or events. There is an element of truth in that, but the volume of theissue increases dramatically on event days which are currently limited to sporting events andconcerts. That number will increase significantly unless that car parking structure is free, which iassume will not be.A residential car parking scheme (that is actually monitored during the events) unlike the schemein Southville which is monitored early in the morning only, thus avoiding any conflicts with illegalevents parking. Has to be in place alongside the developments else it will result in additionaldelays for public transport and emergency services. I am surprised those impacts are notmentioned in the study as these have been widely reported. Also the wording on the RPZagreement eeds to be better worded than the embarrassing version associated with the previousstadium development (a.k.a. when is a crowd of 25k not really 25k)
on 2021-06-30 OBJECT
Please can we have some more clarity on plans for traffic and transport.
Winterstoke road, in particular the messy road junctions by the new storage place are a nightmare.What on earth will they be like with all the extra traffic for the car park, homes, offices, gyms,shops, sport etc.
How is there not a major focus on public transport. What about buses, trains, park and ride. Weneed to have details of this rather than a 'hope' that you might use the park and ride.
Surrounding roads are already a nightmare for parking and people using as cut throughs.
How have we not had yellow lines painted already to stop match days parking in dangerous (andeven bus blocking) spots.
on 2021-06-30 OBJECT
I think one football stadium is enough in Ashton they are cramming all this in on a mainRd building multi story car park attracting thousands more people who will drive making even moreair pollution and that's with out the thousands who will be living in the new houses they arebuilding
on 2021-06-25
I think (but might be wrong!) that there are a couple of small errors/omissions with planning application 21/03165/F for the new Ashton Gate Arena:
Firstly, the 'Properties' list under 'Related Cases' does not include 65 Ashton Road, which is set for demolition and I would have expected to see it listed here.
Secondly, under 'Constraints' you seem to have Ashton Road classed as an 'A' road, and I can't find any evidence that it is actually an A road. Is this an error?
on 2021-06-21 OBJECT
As submitted my main concern is parking.The car parking plans in the Transport Assessment Part 1 are somewhat optimistic but alsohighlight some existing issues which the proposal will simply compound:- S5.25 uses 2.7 persons per vehicle for music events when industry standard appears to be 2.4 -meaning an additional 120 spaces would be required- S5.29 acknowledging that the plans cannot accommodate the required parking (based on theiroptimistic numbers) and simply stating a travel plan will be needed to promote off site parkingwithout specifying where does not provide a viable answer- The residential developments (S5.39 & S5.44) propose 64 car parking spaces, against the BristolLocal Plan standards (S2.28 ) of 187 spaces. Expecting the shortfall to taken up by publictransport is wishful thinking. This will simply move the problem on to the local area.- The expectation that people will pay for parking in the MSCP when "free" parking is available onthe streets- The plan that the applicant will try not to run events in both the Stadium and the SCC at the sametime rather than a clear commitment not to (S5.58)- Looking forward and the wider governmental plans to promote electric car ownership offpetrol/diesel the provision of charging points is inadequate- The use of Ashton Road as a coach/bus parking area (S4.57) - this issue was most recentlyhighlighted in the Hartlepool-Torquay match on 20th June 2021 when Ashton Rd had to be closedby the police after traffic congestion due to coaches parking up here from two hours before kickoff.
Based on my experience of living here for 20 years and the growth in the usage of the ground(which does bring benefits) the Stadium is unable to provide adequate parking facilities as thingsstand for match days and this is exacerbated by concerts and building works, where security andcontractors park on the local roads.Over the last 20 years the size and usage of the main stadium has increased - the football seasonis longer; we have had rugby added and large-scale music events. The plans now propose moreto add more events with increased noise - not just from the events but from customers arriving andleaving, service vehicles etc. The cumulative impact of the ever-increasing amounts of events andrelated noise need to be considered.My about comments concern parking but the cumulative impact of more events on noise pollutionshould not be ignored. For the most part this is on days of events and as such I will leave thatmatter for any future licensing applications.In order to allay some of these issues it is therefore imperative that Residents Parking Zones areintroduced in the local area immediately covering 9am - 9pm, 7 days a week before any buildingwork commences and that the residential developments in the plans are classified as "low cardevelopments".The development would, overall, bring a number of benefits to the area and I am not opposed to itin principle. However, as things stand the impact of traffic, parking and noise on the local area willhave a significant negative effect on the area and the residents, creating public nuisance and I cannot support this development at this time.
on 2021-06-18 OBJECT
Despite much of this proposal being very much welcome, this an objection for thefollowing reasons. I may write more in another comment later.
Residents need parking control:
The applicant's response to parking concerns in the 'Statement of Community Involvement' iswoefully inadequate. The endless focus on 'Matchday parking' which they're happy to persist, isdisguising the real problem that is present daily now for the nearest neighbours, and will spread tothe whole Ashton area once these new facilites are built. The local community is yet to wake up tothe reality that this is a major regional employment hub and events venue with poor publictransport links, and that we live in nearby streets with absolutely no parking control. Near-dailyevents will mean near-daily 'matchday' parking demand.
Every event sees Ashton Road turned into a scramble for staff parking, with staff sometimesparking dangerously, and sometimes reserving roadside space for others. I have photographs andfootage documenting this. With even more proposed event space, and more events, more staffand visitors will park in the free and unrestricted streets nearby - Ashton Road, Bower AshtonTerrace, Raynes Road, Gerald Road, Baynes Road, Smyth Road, Duckmoor Road etc. And let'sbe clear, the proposed Multi-Storey Car Park will not be offered staff, it is there to make the hotelbusiness viable, and to most the cost will be prohibitive.
125 new residential units are proposed, with only 33 parking spaces. The BCC policy tounderprovide for parking is designed to discourage car use, but it fails to discourage carownership. Their cars or course will be parked in the free and unrestricted streets nearby - AshtonRoad, Bower Ashton Terrace, Raynes Road, Gerald Road, Baynes Road, Smyth Road, DuckmoorRoad etc.
10 floors of office space are proposed with potentially hundreds of workers on site every day.Many will drive to work, and of course they will park in the free and unrestricted streets nearby -Ashton Road, Bower Ashton Terrace, Raynes Road, Gerald Road, Baynes Road, Smyth Road,Duckmoor Road etc.
The hotel will need a daily team of staff of perhaps about 50 people. Many will drive to work. Theywill of course park in the free and unrestricted streets nearby - Ashton Road, Bower AshtonTerrace, Raynes Road, Gerald Road, Baynes Road, Smyth Road, Duckmoor Road etc.
Several evening events per week could be held at the new arena. Many visitors will park in thefree and unrestricted streets nearby - Ashton Road, Bower Ashton Terrace, Raynes Road, GeraldRoad, Baynes Road, Smyth Road, Duckmoor Road etc.
Every evening in Ashton could be like 'match day'. As long as there is free unrestricted parkingoutside in the streets then staff, crew and visitors will use it. It is laughable that such a largeemployment centre and draw for visitors has no parking control in neighbouring streets. RPS/RPZfor the whole area, 7 days a week, is needed to protect residents' amenity, and allow GrevilleSmyth Park visitors to park their cars short-term. Also, the development needs to be properlyclassified as a 'low car development', to ensure that residents of the flats cannot secure parkingpermits.
In 2015 the stadium transformed from a relatively sleepy football stadium to "The South West'slargest events venue", and the council then failed to consider the impact on neighbours. Now isthe time protect us from this, instead of throwing us to the wolves. It is not the applicant'sresponsibility to install an RPS/RPZ for the area, it is the Council's. Until it is installed in thisneighbourhood I cannot support this development at all.
Demolition of number 65 Ashton Road:There is too little detail about the demolition of this property and how the newly-exposed end wallof number 64 will be treated. It is not a simple job, and correct finishing of bathstone will berequired to the frontage of number 64. The proposal to landscape this patch is welcome but thetrees proposed immediately next to 64 could grow to 25 metres in the future and I am concernedthat light could be lost and damage could be caused by roots. Could different types of tree be
considered? Has anyone considered these issues?
Service yard noise:By far the most disruptive noise for near neighbours is not the events, but the moving of andremoval of waste around and from the site, due to it's volume and frequency. I hope the proposedservice yard will replace the current setup of skips and negate the need to have trolleys, cages,carts and skip lorries running behind our houses, often outside of licensed hours. I am concernedby one of the noise illustrations showing the new service yard in use at night and the noise levelsthis would produce. I would hope that the service yard is rarely in use at night as the noise levelsillustrated would be unacceptable to residents of Plot 6 and my end of Ashton Road.
Building services noise:It's not clear to me where the building services (extraction, aircon, power etc) is on the new SCCbuilding, and I can't see any noise study for it. These kind of installations can be very disruptiveespecially at night, and the omission of it, or my failure to find it, is of concern.