Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 21/03227/F
Address Land Adjoining Former Wyevale Garden Centre Site Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD  
Street View
Ward Brislington West
Proposal Temporary change of use of part of Class E storage area to a scaffold storage yard (Sui generis).
Validated 2021-06-10
Type Full Planning
Status Pending consideration
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2021-08-30
Determination Deadline 2021-08-05
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 19  Unstated: 1  Total: 20
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m


Public Comments

Mrs Elizabeth Lynch  7 BARTONIA GROVE BRISTOL  on 2021-09-06   OBJECT

How can this be even considered when the space they are currently using is an areathat has just been refused planning as this is new hardstanding that has been added in the lasttwo years.It does effect the openness of the greenbelt as there is an ugly scaffold storage rack and terriblewhite tarpaulin fence, all of which has been refused planning and been added in the last year.As part of refusal the owner has been told to remove all temporary structures and regrade the landhow can this happen with scaffold storage.I strongly object there are plenty of brown field site on near by trading estate that couldaccommodate this yard so why does it have to be located on greenbelt!This owners of this land cannot be trusted to do the right thing they have continued to dismissplanning and regulations with constant applications. They have not replanted any trees continue touse site even though planning has been refused yet again!!

Mrs Claire Dowling  96 WEST TOWN LANE BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-08-21   OBJECT

This company persists in their applications which have been refused in the past. Theyhave been told to remove structures and put the land back to its original state, which they haven'tdone, so I don't see how they can erect something new. They have proved they cannot be trusted,and have no respect for thesite, or the planning application system.I hope that we can rely on the planning department to visit the site, look behind the screen theyhave erected and ensure that their previous decisions have been complied with.This application should be refused.

  8 BARTONIA GROVE   on 2021-08-19   OBJECT

Miss Sylvia Martin  21 SANDWICH ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-08-14   OBJECT

As a resident of the Brislington West ward the continued abuse of this site by its currentowners concerns me. The site lies adjacent to green belt land, a wildlife corridor and several treeswith preservation orders. The use of this site for storage of scaffolding is not in keeping with itsformer use or position. The owners have also proved themself untrustworthy in keeping to theletter of the law and granting this application could open the floodgates to other unauthorised use.Please refuse this application.

Mr dougal matthews  12 EASTWOOD CRESCENT BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

I really thought you had to get planning permission before you changed a business useor builtsomething. This is not so in the case of the Litt Brothers or whichever name they are using. Thescaffolding business is already using the site. There is a huge scaffolding frame in place. It is sitedon the hard standing that was illegally put down after permission was refused by the planninginspectorate. Unfortunately you can't see very well because of the unsightly white tarpaulin fencingthat stops people seeing what they are burning on their daily fires and the mounds of buildingwaste that has been dumped on the site. How can the supporting statement say there is no impacton the openness of the site?This is again a retrospective planning application and should not be allowed.A plea to council planning officers not to be worn down by the amount of planning applications thiscompany has put in for the site and refuse the application. Please do what is right to save thegreen belt.

Mr dougal matthews  12 EASTWOOD CRESCENT BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-26   OBJECT

I really thought you had to get planning permission before you changed a business useor builtsomething. This is not so in the case of the Litt Brothers or whichever name they are using. Thescaffolding business is already using the site. There is a huge scaffolding frame in place. It is sitedon the hard standing that was illegally put down after permission was refused by the planninginspectorate. Unfortunately you can't see very well because of the unsightly white tarpaulin fencingthat stops people seeing what they are burning on their daily fires and the mounds of buildingwaste that has been dumped on the site. How can the supporting statement say there is no impacton the openness of the site?This is again a retrospective planning application and should not be allowed.A plea to council planning officers not to be worn down by the amount of planning applications thiscompany has put in for the site and refuse the application. Please do what is right to save thegreen belt.


This is greenbelt land The company have already damaged the environment think whatthey would do if they had planning permission.

Miss Kate Leftly  19 EASTWOOD ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

I object to this application. The applicant has shown a complete disregard to theplanning process. This land has been subject to many applications without clarity of the endobjective. I feel the applicant needs to be clear about the final objective for the site and follow dueplanning process.

Mrs April Blackmore   2 HULSE ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

Comment:Can't believe another planning application for this site when there already 5outstanding applications!The application says this will use a car parking area,actually it is located in an area wherehardstanding has been put down without planning permission which has been refused not only bybcc but also planning inspectorate.Application states does not affect look of greenbelt and open space, this is not true at the momentit is covered in ugly high, white tarpaulin fencing, large scaffold storage can be seen from the rdand they burn rubbish daily ( ask allotment holders!).This is already a busy rd and large lorries coming in a NYD out of this depot increases traffic andpollution on this busy rd.This is greenbelt land and you have let these unscrupulous developers put in multipleretrospective applications even after they are refused, you allow the work to continue and theyhave gradually destroyed this land turning it into a brownfield site..This has been going on 2 years and no action has yet been taken even though local councillorsare told it will.I object most strongly to another planning application ( this is now in double figures for the last 18months

Mrs Carla New  30 WINCHESTER ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

The developers of this site keep putting in multiple applications for planning permissionto change the usage of the land, I thought it was supposed to be houses and now it's a secondhand car sale which has no benefit to the community? Its clearly an attempt to wear thecommunity and council down. They have no idea how to make the land profitable and are lookingfor quick ways to make money which is detrimental to the wildlife and the local community andBCC seem absolutely powerless to stop them.


I object to this application of turning the Wyevale site into temporary storage forscaffolding. This is a totally inappropriate use of this area. This site is in a greenbelt area and theaddition of more hardstanding, for the storage of bulk metal would be detrimental to the existingwildlife in this area.There has already been illegal removal.of important trees and hedging at the rear of this site, withdevastating loss of habitat to local wildlife, and I believe more habitats will be list with thisproposed construction.

I strongly urge council representatives to visit the site, for a full unannounced inspection, to reviewwhat has happened at this site in the past year, and to take the concerns of the communityseriously.


I really thought you had to get planning permission before you changed a business use or builtsomething. This is not so in the case of the Litt Brothers or whichever name they are using. Thescaffolding business is already using the site. There is a huge scaffolding frame in place. It is sitedon the hard standing that was illegally put down after permission was refused by the planninginspectorate. Unfortunately you can't see very well because of the unsightly white tarpaulin fencingthat stops people seeing what they are burning on their daily fires and the mounds of buildingwaste that has been dumped on the site. How can the supporting statement say there is no impacton the openness of the site?This is again a retrospective planning application and should not be allowed.A plea to council planning officers not to be worn down by the amount of planning applications thiscompany has put in for the site and refuse the application. Please do what is right to save thegreen belt.

Mrs Annie Mowling   164 HUNGERFORD RD BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

The owners have decimated this site. It is full of buried hard core and building rubbish.They tore down trees on what was green belt land and a wildlife haven.It is now a desolate landscape concealed by a metal fence as they are obviously trying to hidesomething.There are constantly fires burning and a toxic smell so ?? Burning rubber?Not one person on the council is bothered that they have done all this without ANY planningpermission. Living locally I object strongly to the constant disregard for our local community thatthe owners are showing and the lack of action from a council that is clearly not bothered.Please act now before these cowboys decimate more green belt land.

Mr Pete Yeates  ARLINGTON ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19  

As with previous applications, why is a company who's 'Nature of Business' is for the'Construction of Domestic Buildings' making an application for a Temporary change of use forbuilder's yard, car sales and in this case, a scaffold storage yard?

If said company is in the house building business, do they have alternative plans, yet to berevealed, to build houses on this site instead?

I note that on this application, the applicants address is shown as Albion Dockside Building,Hanover Place Bristol.Companies House shows the registered address at Weston Road, Failand, Bristol. BS8 3US.


I dont understand why in a greenbelt area this is allowed to happen ?Perhaps someone could explain please ?

Miss Samantha Moore  FLAT 3, 40 WICK CRESCENT BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

No we do not want a scaffold yard on our greenbelt. We also don't want daily firesburning illegally. No we don't want these cowboys ignoring planning permission over and over. Donot let them slowly destroy this land. This land is protected and they have been removing treesand despite being asked to replant have done no such thing. BCC please put a stop order onthese people!

Mr David Kotlyar  FLAT 3, 40 WICK CRESCENT BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

I object. This is an outrage and shouldn't be allowed.

Miss Vicki Lynch  10 MARLING ROAD BRISTOL  on 2021-06-19   OBJECT

I really thought you had to get planning permission before you changed a business useor builtsomething. This is not so in the case of the Litt Brothers or whichever name they are using. Thescaffolding business is already using the site. There is a huge scaffolding frame in place. It is sitedon the hard standing that was illegally put down after permission was refused by the planninginspectorate. Unfortunately you can't see very well because of the unsightly white tarpaulin fencingthat stops people seeing what they are burning on their daily fires and the mounds of buildingwaste that has been dumped on the site. How can the supporting statement say there is no impacton the openness of the site?This is again a retrospective planning application and should not be allowed.A plea to council planning officers not to be worn down by the amount of planning applications thiscompany has put in for the site and refuse the application. Please do what is right to save thegreen belt.

Mrs Elizabeth Lynch  7 BARTONIA GROVE BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-18   OBJECT

Can't believe another planning application for this site when there already 5 outstandingapplications!The application says this will use a car parking area,actually it is located in an area wherehardstanding has been put down without planning permission which has been refused not only bybcc but also planning inspectorate.Application states does not affect look of greenbelt and open space, this is not true at the momentit is covered in ugly high, white tarpaulin fencing, large scaffold storage can be seen from the rdand they burn rubbish daily ( ask allotment holders!).This is already a busy rd and large lorries coming in a NYD out of this depot increases traffic andpollution on this busy rd.This is greenbelt land and you have let these unscrupulous developers put in multipleretrospective applications even after they are refused, you allow the work to continue and theyhave gradually destroyed this land turning it into a brownfield site..This has been going on 2 years and no action has yet been taken even though local councillorsare told it will.I object most strongly to another planning application ( this is now in double figures for the last 18months)

Mr Ian Broadbent  107E REPTON RD BRISLINGTON BRISTOL  on 2021-06-18   OBJECT

A shambles ..constant retrospective planning no oversight no prosecution werenecessary or appropriate.A green field site ..trees felled without permission local residents ignored ...follow the rules !