Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/03678/VC |
Address | 22 Julian Road Bristol BS9 1LB
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Holm Oak (T1) - Fell Holly (T2)- Fell. Lawson Cypress (T3-T6) - Fell. Bay (T7) - Remove a single limb leaning out on the N/W side. Crown lift over the pavement to 2.5m. Lawson Cypress (T8-T10) Fell |
Validated | 2021-07-06 |
Type | Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2021-08-09 |
Determination Deadline | 2021-08-16 |
Decision | Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED |
Decision Issued | 2021-08-10 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 4 Total: 4 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
This is the proposed wipe out of almost every tree in the front garden, apart from a Bay Tree.
It should not happen in a Conservation Area with what are effectively street trees providing local visual and environmental amenity. The whole area here - which is a busy road, at a road junction and a bus stop - would be greatly altered in appearance and amenity severely affected by the loss of all of these trees.
For one thing they provide a great deal of shade to the pavement - and some privacy from the bus queue and the oncoming traffic at the junction for the householder.
The trees do appear rather neglected and would benefit from some work. This is expensive, but so is felling trees. There are branches that have either broken off or have been sawn off heaped amongst the tree trunks. There are higher broken branches. One tree appears ¾ dead.
Please reconsider and perhaps have some tree maintenance done instead, but keep the trees that are alive in a healthier "new" condition for the benefit of all. Trees in a Conservation Area are important. Trees absolutely anywhere are important in our environmental climate emergency.
Public Comments
on 2021-08-08 OBJECT
The application is in effect to remove all the trees in the garden. From a personalperspective as adjacent neighbours, these help to block the noise and emissions from the busstop. This is particularly important in tackling emissions and air pollution. The buses on this routeare largely old and noisy. The trees are also vital in providing privacy from the bus shelter.Wholesale removal of the trees is unnecessary and will drastically impact both the beauty andamenity of the road as well as removing habitat for a wide variety of wildlife.Having said that, it is clear that the trees have become overgrown and need attention. It may be asothers have identified that one or two of the faster growing firs need removal. However, I stronglyobject to the felling of all the trees to achieve this. The holm oak is a well known tree in the areaand provides year round coverage.The trees also provide a beautiful screen which is privacy for a child's bedroom.
on 2021-08-08 OBJECT
This application relates to the felling of 8 trees, of which one is justified by virtue ofdieback( Holly T? ) in our view , additionally we would support the reduction in size of the baytreeto prevent overhanging of the bus shelter.We cannot comment on the 3 trees in the back garden, but we have carefully considered the treesin the front of the house, including those adjacent to the no4 bus shelter.These are mature trees and appear to be healthy, but not well maintained.We face the property on the other side of Julian road.We cannot support the parts of theapplication which recommend "fell" in the first instance. This is not in keeping with centralgovernment policy on climate change , nor City Council policy at local level. The trees in questionprovide green background cover to the amenity of the road, whilst blocking noise and fumes fromold no 4 buses. We think that the trees around the bus shelter should be cut back and checked ona regular basis.We feel that for all these trees what is necessary is regular maintenance, andtrimming back of growth following years of neglect. After all the trees were here before anymodern houses were built, as old maps of the Conservation area demonstrate.
on 2021-08-01 OBJECT
I am vice chair of Sneyd park Residents association ( SPRA) and have been involved inplanning applications and conservation of the beauty of Sneyd park for over 15 years. Previouslythere has been many inappropriate applications made for tree works which has caused a greatdeal of denudation of the landscape in what is a well recognised conservation area. The smartmoney is allowing tree works which enhance the area and allow householders to manage theirproperties, as they are entitled to do as opposed to allowing tree works which destroy the treasurethat is Sneyd park.I have visited the property subject of this application and immediately recognise a garden full oftrees which have been poorly managed previously, have clearly been allowed to root block eachother and has resulted in a poor growth and over crowding. This although providing much neededscreening from a busyish Julian road appears unattractive, messy and is not sustainable becausetrees will before long die.I notice that the application is for most trees subject to be felled. Although I would promote anurgent intervention to better manage the trees subject I cannot agree with wholesale felling. TheLawson Cypress whilst being a Brilliant fast growing screen does have a tendency to consumeother slower growth and prevent diversity in a garden. I agree that some of these need to be felledto lighten the canopy and enhance other growth. The other trees however I believe aresalvageable and should be considerately reduced but not felled. Julian road like all of the roads inSneyd park contains some superb tree and plant species which add to the aesthetic beauty of thearea. This is dependant upon properly considered tree applications to maintain the abundance ofhabitat. If this application is approved there will appear a large gap in the Julian road canopy whichwill look unsightly and reduce the nature of the road and area.I ask for a more considered approach to manage these trees but not totally destroy the look and
nature of the road.
on 2021-07-26 OBJECT
This is the proposed wipe out of almost every tree in the front garden, apart from a BayTree.It should not happen in a Conservation Area with what are effectively street trees providing localvisual and environmental amenity. The whole area here - which is a busy road, at a road junctionand a bus stop - would be greatly altered in appearance and amenity severely affected by the lossof all of these trees.For one thing they provide a great deal of shade to the pavement - and some privacy from the busqueue and the oncoming traffic at the junction for the householder.The trees do appear rather neglected and would benefit from some work. This is expensive, but sois felling trees. There are branches that have either broken off or have been sawn off heapedamongst the tree trunks. There are higher broken branches. One tree appears ¾ dead.Please reconsider and perhaps have some tree maintenance done instead, but keep the trees thatare alive in a healthier "new" condition for the benefit of all. Trees in a Conservation Area areimportant. Trees absolutely anywhere are important in our environmental climate emergency.