Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/04145/VC |
Address | 191 Cheltenham Road Bristol BS6 5QX
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Sycamore - Fell. Pine - Fell. |
Validated | 2021-07-29 |
Type | Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2021-09-03 |
Determination Deadline | 2021-09-08 |
Decision | Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED |
Decision Issued | 2021-09-07 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 2 Total: 2 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
No reasons are given why these trees need to be felled. In the absence of a good reason, this application should be refused.
The trees are visible from the public domain - Brookfield Road and Lane - and add to the amenity of the public space. They should be protected with TPOs.
Public Comments
on 2021-08-26 OBJECT
Both trees screen the garden at 193 from the new residential development built on thesite of the old library and the permitted development conversion of the old Bola workshop toresidential at 6 Brookfield Road. The library conversion provides no planted screening to preventover looking the garden and the first floor bedrooms at 193. If these trees are removed there willbe direct overlooking. Please note the planning drawings indicated tree planting along theboundary to prevent this however no trees were planted! The windows were also not obscured aswas indicated on the planning drawings. In particular the sycamore tree when in leaf screenssome of the garden and first floor bedrooms to 193 from the first floor windows of the newdevelopment at 6 Brookfield Road. Their removal will unless new trees are replanted will causeloss of privacy and amenity.Further their is no reason given on the application for their removal. There has been noconsultation from the owners Homes for People with their neighbours.
on 2021-08-16 OBJECT
No reasons are given why these trees need to be felled. In the absence of a goodreason, this application should be refused.
The trees are visible from the public domain - Brookfield Road and Lane - and add to the amenityof the public space. They should be protected with TPOs.