Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 21/04389/VC |
Address | 1 - 9 Clifton Close Bristol BS8 3LR
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | G1- Laurel- Fell. |
Validated | '21-08-11 |
Type | Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Status | Decided |
Determination Deadline | '21-09-21 |
Decision | Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED |
Decision Issued | '21-09-08 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 1 Total: 1 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
The application form states that this group has a TPO, but we can see no evidence of on though an Maple is recorded adjacent to it - TPO-ICH07WDNBB000 - 118 - but it no longer seems to exist. I note that another Maple with the same TPO number is shown just to the south, but this too seems to be missing.
Notwithstanding this, no reason is given why this group needs to be removed. The Laurel appears to be in good condition (not contradicted by the application), is visible from the public domain and offers high visual amenity in an otherwise thinly-treed street.
In the circumstances, consideration should be given whether or not this tree should be protected with a Tree Preservation Order.
Public Comments
on 2021-08-27 OBJECT
The application form states that this group has a TPO, but we can see no evidence ofon though an Maple is recorded adjacent to it - TPO-ICH07WDNBB000 - 118 - but it no longerseems to exist. I note that another Maple with the same TPO number is shown just to the south,but this too seems to be missing.
Notwithstanding this, no reason is given why this group needs to be removed. The Laurel appearsto be in good condition (not contradicted by the application), is visible from the public domain andoffers high visual amenity in an otherwise thinly-treed street.
In the circumstances, consideration should be given whether or not this tree should be protectedwith a Tree Preservation Order.