Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 22/01000/VC |
Address | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | G2 (3no. chinese photinia) and G7 (8no. elder) as shown on the plan provided. All trees are to be removed to ground level and stumps removed where required. |
Validated | 2022-02-24 |
Type | Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Status | Decided |
Determination Deadline | 2022-04-06 |
Decision | Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED |
Decision Issued | 2022-04-06 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
Here are images of some of the trees growing on site which are visible from Feeder Road -
See also
19/03867/P | Phased development of the following: site wide remediation, including demolition; (Plot 1) outline planning permission with all matters reserved aside from access for up to 23,543m2 GIA of floor space to include offices (B1a), research and development (B1b), non-residential institution (D1) and up to 350m2 GIA floor space for cafe (A3); (Plots 2 and 3) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 371 dwelling houses (C3), offices (B1a), restaurants and cafes (A3); (Plot 4), redevelopment of 'Erecting Sheds 1A and 1B' (full details) to provide offices (B1a); (Plot 5) erection of buildings and redevelopment of 'The Boiler Shop' (full details) to provide a 1,600 pupil secondary school (D1); (Plot 6) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 693 student bed spaces (Sui generis); infrastructure, including a new canal side walkway and associated works. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD
20/20152/CALLIN | Phased development of the following: site wide remediation, including demolition; (Plot 1) outline planning permission with all matters reserved aside from access for up to 23,543m2 GIA of floor space to include offices (B1a), research and development (B1b), non-residential institution (D1) and up to 350m2 GIA floor space for cafe (A3); (Plots 2 and 3) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 371 dwelling houses (C3), offices (B1a), restaurants and cafes (A3); (Plot 4), redevelopment of 'Erecting Sheds 1A and 1B' (full details) to provide offices (B1a); (Plot 5) erection of buildings and redevelopment of 'The Boiler Shop' (full details) to provide a 1,600 pupil secondary school (D1); (Plot 6) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 693 student bed spaces (Sui generis); infrastructure, including a new canal side walkway and associated works. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD
19/03868/LA | Redevelopment of the site for: (Plot 1) Removal of the Shed 4 western gable wall; (Plot 2) Removal of Shed 4 (excluding wall to canal), insertion of opening into boundary wall and lowering/removal of material; (Plot 3) Removal of Shed 3, removal of Sheds 2a-c; (Plot 4) Insertion of pedestrian access opening into the northern boundary wall of shed 1b, alterations to the South wall of Shed 1b/north wall of Shed 2b, Restoration/rebuild of Shed 1a; (Plot 5) Reduction in height of the walls attached to the North Gateway, removal of western Hammer Forge Wall, reduction of Northern Hammer Forge Wall, demolition and rebuild of Eastern Hammer Forge wall. Works to the Boiler Shop, including new openings in the Western gable end, replacement of asbestos cement roof, removal of post-war cladding and glazing between piers, internal works including new floor level; (Plots 2-5) Potential stabilisation to the early 19th century Feeder Canal rubble stone wall. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD
20/20153/CALLIN | Redevelopment of the site for: (Plot 1) Removal of the Shed 4 western gable wall; (Plot 2) Removal of Shed 4 (excluding wall to canal), insertion of opening into boundary wall and lowering/removal of material; (Plot 3) Removal of Shed 3, removal of Sheds 2a-c; (Plot 4) Insertion of pedestrian access opening into the northern boundary wall of shed 1b, alterations to the South wall of Shed 1b/north wall of Shed 2b, Restoration/rebuild of Shed 1a; (Plot 5) Reduction in height of the walls attached to the North Gateway, removal of western Hammer Forge Wall, reduction of Northern Hammer Forge Wall, demolition and rebuild of Eastern Hammer Forge wall. Works to the Boiler Shop, including new openings in the Western gable end, replacement of asbestos cement roof, removal of post-war cladding and glazing between piers, internal works including new floor level; (Plots 2-5) Potential stabilisation to the early 19th century Feeder Canal rubble stone wall. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD