Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 22/01000/VC
Address Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD  
Street View
Ward Lawrence Hill
Proposal G2 (3no. chinese photinia) and G7 (8no. elder) as shown on the plan provided. All trees are to be removed to ground level and stumps removed where required.
Validated 2022-02-24
Type Works to Trees in Conservation Areas
Status Decided
Determination Deadline 2022-04-06
Decision Preservation Order NOT REQUIRED
Decision Issued 2022-04-06
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

Here are images of some of the trees growing on site which are visible from Feeder Road -

As far as we can see not formal decision has been made about the future of these trees and, of course, the planning call-ins are still undecided -
We should also point out that the site is not only in a Conservation area, but it is als adjacent to an SNCI - (BC27) the Feeder Canal - so biodiversity evidence should have been provided with the original applications according to the Planning Application Requirements Local List 1st December 2017 - see section 3.
As far as we can see, no Biodiversity survey and report was produced even though it is required. In light of this, nothing should be done which might prejudice any such a survey in order, at the least, to establish the baseline habitats on site.
Looking at the site from Feeder Road, I see that these trees provide substantial visual amenity in the public realm (amongst other things), which would justify giving them TPO protection as these Street View images from September 2020 and March 2021.

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 09.40.11.png

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 09.37.51.png
Looking at the AIA, we see these are just some of the trees on site - nine individual trees and seven in groups.
We have now visited Feeder Road and looked at the trees from there. Here are labelled images of trees 1-5 -
In our view (though we were not able to see them up close to see if there is physical damage to the base of trunks, roots lifting, etc.) they are definitely better than Category C BS 5837:2012 as reported in the AIA. They are all at least Category B (save perhaps for T4) and each is worthy of being protected with a TPO.
We also note that the survey was undertaken on 18 October 2018, nearly three and a half years ago, and so it is now out of date and ought to be repeated.
We have been looking at the original decision in August 2020 and note your report covered the trees here:
Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 07.59.09.png
I am ashamed that we failed to comment at the time. Had we done so, we would have observed that there was no reason why the trees growing along the canal could not be retained and incorporated into the plans.  The drawings I have seen show that, even now,  this is possible. In fact the drawing shows new trees where the current ones now stand!
Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 10.16.59.png
What is more, and as far as we can see, the presence of these trees is not preventing demolition proceeding, always assuming that the SoS allows this. In our view this latest application is precipitate and only made for the convenience of the applicant to try to avoid possible delays caused by the iminent nesting season and on the assumption that they will have a decision in their favour come May - though this cannot be assumed. 
This is what they say in their recent application:
Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 10.19.58.png
We have already commented on the failure of the applicant to produce a Biodiversity survey and report despite the site being adjacent to an SNCI  on the Feeder Canal - another example of the failure of the LPA to police its own rules. In our view, this evidence should have been before the committee when it made its decision. Had it been available, then the outcome might have been different.
As you know, under the Environment Act 2021, developers will be required to show at least 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) in future. Without, at least, the baseline evidence that a Biodiversity report and survey would have provided, it will become impossible to test the developer's detailed future proposals against this requirement. For the trees to be removed (one of the key habitats on the site) as well before this can be rectified will forever deny the LPA (and us) the opportunity to comment on BNG compliance. At the very least the applicant should now be required to produce biodiversity evidence before any trees are removed...if the LPA is minded to allow this.
We have advanced a number of other reasons why this application ought to be refused. Please add these representations to those, Matt and arrange to publish all of them on the planning portal.
If there is the least chance of saving these trees, even at this eleventh hour, we must take it - especially having just witnessed the devastation wrought on the trees at the old Bart Spices site on York Road - a site where there was nothing to prevent the developer removing the trees even though they produced no evidence of their presence on the site when applying for permission to proceed.

See also


19/03867/P | Phased development of the following: site wide remediation, including demolition; (Plot 1) outline planning permission with all matters reserved aside from access for up to 23,543m2 GIA of floor space to include offices (B1a), research and development (B1b), non-residential institution (D1) and up to 350m2 GIA floor space for cafe (A3); (Plots 2 and 3) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 371 dwelling houses (C3), offices (B1a), restaurants and cafes (A3); (Plot 4), redevelopment of 'Erecting Sheds 1A and 1B' (full details) to provide offices (B1a); (Plot 5) erection of buildings and redevelopment of 'The Boiler Shop' (full details) to provide a 1,600 pupil secondary school (D1); (Plot 6) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 693 student bed spaces (Sui generis); infrastructure, including a new canal side walkway and associated works. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD

20/20152/CALLIN | Phased development of the following: site wide remediation, including demolition; (Plot 1) outline planning permission with all matters reserved aside from access for up to 23,543m2 GIA of floor space to include offices (B1a), research and development (B1b), non-residential institution (D1) and up to 350m2 GIA floor space for cafe (A3); (Plots 2 and 3) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 371 dwelling houses (C3), offices (B1a), restaurants and cafes (A3); (Plot 4), redevelopment of 'Erecting Sheds 1A and 1B' (full details) to provide offices (B1a); (Plot 5) erection of buildings and redevelopment of 'The Boiler Shop' (full details) to provide a 1,600 pupil secondary school (D1); (Plot 6) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 693 student bed spaces (Sui generis); infrastructure, including a new canal side walkway and associated works. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD

19/03868/LA | Redevelopment of the site for: (Plot 1) Removal of the Shed 4 western gable wall; (Plot 2) Removal of Shed 4 (excluding wall to canal), insertion of opening into boundary wall and lowering/removal of material; (Plot 3) Removal of Shed 3, removal of Sheds 2a-c; (Plot 4) Insertion of pedestrian access opening into the northern boundary wall of shed 1b, alterations to the South wall of Shed 1b/north wall of Shed 2b, Restoration/rebuild of Shed 1a; (Plot 5) Reduction in height of the walls attached to the North Gateway, removal of western Hammer Forge Wall, reduction of Northern Hammer Forge Wall, demolition and rebuild of Eastern Hammer Forge wall. Works to the Boiler Shop, including new openings in the Western gable end, replacement of asbestos cement roof, removal of post-war cladding and glazing between piers, internal works including new floor level; (Plots 2-5) Potential stabilisation to the early 19th century Feeder Canal rubble stone wall. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD

20/20153/CALLIN | Redevelopment of the site for: (Plot 1) Removal of the Shed 4 western gable wall; (Plot 2) Removal of Shed 4 (excluding wall to canal), insertion of opening into boundary wall and lowering/removal of material; (Plot 3) Removal of Shed 3, removal of Sheds 2a-c; (Plot 4) Insertion of pedestrian access opening into the northern boundary wall of shed 1b, alterations to the South wall of Shed 1b/north wall of Shed 2b, Restoration/rebuild of Shed 1a; (Plot 5) Reduction in height of the walls attached to the North Gateway, removal of western Hammer Forge Wall, reduction of Northern Hammer Forge Wall, demolition and rebuild of Eastern Hammer Forge wall. Works to the Boiler Shop, including new openings in the Western gable end, replacement of asbestos cement roof, removal of post-war cladding and glazing between piers, internal works including new floor level; (Plots 2-5) Potential stabilisation to the early 19th century Feeder Canal rubble stone wall. | Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD