Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 22/02345/F
Address Inns Court Open Space Hartcliffe Way Bristol BS4 1XD  
Street View
Ward Filwood
Proposal Erection of a part single (double height), part two storey building to provide a Class D2 Youth Zone facility with associated disabled and mini bus parking and service access road, 5 a-side (MUGA) pitch, a single storey storage building, and associated boundary treatments and landscaping. Planning for new site access and turning head, amendments to A3029 central reservation, signalling and crossing.
Validated '22-08-03
Type Full Planning
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry '22-09-20
Standard Consultation Expiry '23-05-17
Determination Deadline '22-11-02
Decision GRANTED subject to condition(s)
Decision Issued '23-06-22
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 1 Objectors: 10    Total: 11
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m


Public Comments

on 2023-03-30   OBJECT

As an ex-resident of Bristol (I left 3 years ago), I am concerned that not enough peoplewill comment on how incredibly ugly the mockup is.

There never was an excuse for such ugliness in buildings and in the days of Dall-E, it is even lessjustifiable.

There are plenty of other cubic building designs in the world that you can just change a few bitsand copy. I posted such a design underneath my main comment here:

on 2023-02-22   OBJECT

This is the wrong site for a youth facility.This is a green space that contributes the the city's climate and ecology goals.

The building design is obtrusive to nearby housing and does not leave enough of a green space a'wildlife corridor' along the road. It should be moved to another location.

If it must be on this site there needs to be more consideration to wildlife. The building should moveback from the main road, leaving a wider space of trees so that wildlife can move throughundisturbed. There should be more trees and planting to hide the huge building from the housingwhich is very close to it.

The drop off point for cars is a really bad idea. It breaks the green corridor and will massivelyincrease polluting vehicles on an already very busy junction into Imperial Park. This is very unfairto the residents in housing nearby. You should insist that parking/drop off happens over the roadin the large car parks. There are adequate pedestrian crossings at the junctions to ensure safemovements across the roads.

This is the wrong location, and local people have not been given the chance to pick a location.This is imposed without engaging with local people. It's a really aggressive and disrespectfulapproach.

on 2022-09-20   OBJECT

Dear Development Management

I strongly object to the purposed plans for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the land offers excellent natural green space which is constantly decreasing into todaysclimate. Local wildlife are loosing their environment at an alarming rate. Especially with this localarea having healthy trees constantly cut down to make room for ridiculous unnecessary pathways.

Secondly the area offers an excellent dog walking and communal area for local residents. I myselfspeak with many fellow dog walkers daily who enjoy the safety and size of the green space.This in some cases is the only enjoyment residents may have.

More so if you go ahead with the build this undoubtedly will lead to increased traffic, noise, litterand no doubt vandalism and a crime increase in this area. Already areas which local authoritiesare already too stretched to handle.

I hope you take my concerns seriously. Fundamentally, my concern is for the green space toremain just that, a green space. Healthy and peaceful for all.


Ray Leathen

on 2022-09-20   OBJECT

I work in the area and have always visited this open green space when I can.

I take my dog to work and it's a great little space to walk him on.

Also its nice to see some green spaces still left as they have been rapidly disappearing in Bristol.

I only work along Hartcliffe Way so I also worry what affect this new building will have on thealready busy road which is already struggling.

Not to mention the increased litter, noise and vandalism to the area.

Plus I visit Inns Court as I have friends there. Over the years I have noticed that this area is wellused and a great communal area for the local residents.There has been a massive increase in cutting down trees in the area and it will be a shame todecrease them even further.

Please leave this slope for the residents as one of the only green areas left.

on 2022-09-20   OBJECT


I very strongly object to your plans!

The green space is an excellent safe area which my two children enjoy playing, exercising andlooking at the local wildlife. Such as foxes, hedgehogs, birds and occasionally, deer.

This is very healthy for them both physically and mentally.

Outdoor green spaces such as those fields are few and far between in these times. Especially withtrees being cut down at the back of my home.

It's helpful that the fields are so close to my house for my children as we regularly enjoy our timesthere as a family and also with others such as the local dog walkers, which are many.This means we don't have to travel and spend so much time in traffic populating the localenvironment.

Further more I believe your proposal would attract further crime into the area which as a singlemother I'm sure you can understand is very worrying for me.

I know my neighbours also share my above concerns.

Please take my points of view seriously and reconsider.

on 2022-09-02   OBJECT

We completely object to this happening in this location, the area is mixed properties withelderly people living adjacent to this location. The proposed times are completely inconsiderate topeople living locally to it and will only add to ongoing issues in the area of vehicles constantlybeing vandalised and property being damaged. Along with this we are struggling to keep our greenspaces which are rife with wildlife etc. I can't believe this council feel the need to constantly buildon our green spaces when brown land and properties remain derelict. I would love to know howthis is going to be policed correctly given ongoing problems that don't get dealt with in timelymanners. D

on 2022-09-01   SUPPORT

on 2022-09-01   OBJECT

I have been involved more than once in the objections of this site.I do not see any write up of my objections on this.My home is one of only two directly facing this site.I bought my home for myself and husband to bring up our family, now four children.We do not object to the idea just the location.I can almost guarantee anyone who had the current view from my home say yes please comebuild outside my gate, 30m.I had already discussed the light pollution, noise pollution, lack of parking, poor location destroyingthe field which has wildlife on. The fact that not all animals are protected means its ok to destroytheir homes? Owls, foxes even deer?The extent of building works alone will be detrimental to our lives, even mental health. We have allfour children here with us, one being disabled. Our pets will also suffer due to building works andnoise.Why was it not acceptable to build on this land years ago but now it is? There has been nocompensation offered to myself or others close by. The building works alone were estimated at 18months, the mess the noise is enough to send anyone mad. Our home may be devalued and 30 mfrom my gate really isnt that far. We all know that these things are not always black and white butmyself and my neighbour are 100% the most affected. This building will also encroach on myprivacy, view and walking space . I am guessing my voice means nothing as money appears totalk more than peoples lives and feelings.

on 2022-09-01   OBJECT

I went to a meeting about this where we were told everyone they spoke to thought itwas a good idea . I can assure you the residents of Inns Court estate were not consulted . My 83year old mother lives in campian walk right next to proposed building where youths will be around365 days of the year up till 10.00 pm every night .Its not the ideal place for this sort of thing . Wewill also lose a lot of green space and wildlife will also be badly affected. I and all my neighbour'sdo not want this on our doorstep !! Could you not put it on the downs ? Massive open space there .

on 2022-08-31   OBJECT

Please come and speak to all the inns court residence door to door who this is going todirectly affect. The surveys that were done do not reflect the locals opinions or the impact on ourlives and mental well-being what's so ever.We have not been appropriately approached to discuss any of this plan when we are the oneswho live here and have paid for our houses to live in this area specifically for the green space, andthe off road walks for keeping our children safe. As a mother with children having additional needsI am very concerned of the impact this is going to have on my children from the construction to thelife long chaos this building is going to bring.

on 2022-08-25   OBJECT

You do all these buildings and never upgrade any infrastructure like bigger sewagepipes no water holding tanks . This is going on all over bristol and the people of Bristol need toobject to all buiding work in bristol until infrastructure is forth coming we already have climatechange and water shortage through lack of water storage