Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 23/01212/P |
Address | Keynsham Garden Centre Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS31 2AD
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - for the demolition of existing buildings, removal of surface parking, and erection of buildings to accommodate 4,765 sq.m of commercial buildings (flexible Use Class E/B2/B8) with associated bins and bike stores. Associated hard and soft landscaping. Vehicular access from the A4 Bath Road. Approval sought for the matters of Access. |
Validated | 2023-04-27 |
Type | Outline Planning |
Status | Pending consideration |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2024-06-25 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2023-12-12 |
Determination Deadline | 2023-07-27 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 9 Unstated: 2 Total: 11 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
Appeal Documents -
Public Comments
Not Available on 2024-08-25 OBJECT
The corruption at the site is absurd.This application cannot be entertained.The site is Green Belt land, which has already had acres destroyed illegally by the owners, andenforcement notices ignored when instructed to return the site to its former state. Protected treeshave been destroyed. Hard standing has been illegally laid. Multiple illegal businesses haveoperated and continue to operate here. Signage erected on the front boundary of the main roadalso has not received permission. The current car wash appears to also not have approval yet ispictured in the applicants own evidence for the site (see landscape and visual appraisal report).The submitted plan highlights the "ecology corridor" and "existing tree boundary" but these are notrepresentative of the site prior to the illegal activities.The plan is evident intention of a future "change of use" application to residential use given thesize and location of each unit with parking spaces directly attached. There is also mention of theDraft Bristol Local Plan mentioning the location is proposed for allocation of "a new residentialneighbourhood", however, these comments should be void given the plan is exactly that a " draft"and government plans continuously change. Where a precedent is set by Bristol to approve thisdevelopment of green belt land, the whole of Bristol will legally have right the develop on GreenBelt. This is further supported by WYVALE HOMES LIMITED Company number 15584061 alreadyexisting on companies house and being directed by a Mr. Litt registered at The Old Dairy, BS83US. The same as this applicants. Furthermore, the nature of the company is "41202 -Construction of domestic buildings". WYEVALE BRISTOL LTD (this applicant) Company number12607335 also directed by another Mr Litt is also for 41202 - Construction of domestic buildings.
Given the garden centre property already exists, the building will be better developed into adoctors and dental surgery to serve the local communities, where the current car park can remainas is. No further expansive development is required and the previous site can still be restored.
Aside from the site being Green Belt land, there is an abundance of wildlife in the surroundingarea which will be impacted by the proposal from increased noise, light and carbon pollution,particularly that of bats which are a protected species.
The natural light required by regulations inside each unit will result in an unreasonable about ofglass being used which will require heating and cooling throughout the year, this isunenvironmentally friendly.
The traffic management proposed will be insufficient for the A4 road given its already congestedstatus. The road is only serviced by buses between Bristol city centre and Bath city and thereforeit is highly likely tenants will be commuting using road vehicles. There is no public transport fromNorth, East, West or South Bristol (excluding Bath Road).The amount of units and parking spaces is extortionate and a gross misuse of the current site. Thewritten document and plan contradict one another regarding parking spaces (47 proposed, yeteach unit has 2-3spaces plus communal spaces around the green areas). Given the size of eachunit, it is unlikely they will be of any use to the local area given small businesses operate fromhome to avoid rental fees, business rates and commuting. The plan states up to 30 persons will beusing 1 unit, though the largest units being only 90sqm in size does not meet the legal workspacerequirements for even an office space let alone other type of business where machinery will takeup floor space.
Further, Brislington, less than 1 mile away, already has multiple industrial estates and industrialbuildings with empty units. This proposal, even if on Brown land, would be an unsuitable use of theland given space already exists in the immediate areas.
There is no refuse and recyling area proposed, there is also not a designated fire safety areaforeseen.
The site owners are also irresponsible and should not be entrusted to ever develop this site. Theyare responsible for properties in the local area (515 Stockwood Road) and have failed to complywith residential planning permissions including health and safety regulations, building regulationsand landscaping plans, and have failed to act against the remedial order by the courts giventimescale. Another example of fire safety ignorance was that where a prohibition notice wasissued, ignored, and the case was heard in the Crown Court. The director/s of Wyevale/KeynshamGarden Centre have no regard for the law, environment or safety of the public. Their continuousdissolving of companies and renaming is taking advantage of the limited company loophole in the
UK.They should better focus their profits made from illegal practices, on remedies to fix the damagethey have caused to the environment and peoples lives.
I strongly object this absurd proposal.
Not Available on 2024-05-26 OBJECT
I object to this application on the basis that the site is currently being used illegally as acar wash as well as the placing of mobile homes for people on the site. This is not permitted. Theowners also illegally felled trees on the site that were protected. They have large bonfires so thatthe fire brigade have to be called out. The owners are constantly acting illegally on this site andcannot be trusted. The traffic that this development will cause on the Bath Road which is alreadycongested is unacceptable. Currently cars from the car wash are illegally turning right across fourlanes onto the Bath Road. The bollards in the middle of the road are constantly being hit. Cars arealso turning right using a left hand lane, into the site crossing two lanes, also illegal.There will be an accident soon, this site could be used for more allotments which are needed inthe area.
Not Available on 2024-04-16 OBJECT
I object to the over development of this site. The works units will increase the traffic onan already busy road (A4 Bath Road).
I see no road improvements to the site to cope with the increase in traffic. So this congested roadwill get even more congested with vehicles.Currently car users are turning right into the site, using the turning for Iron mould Lane. They arecrossing two lanes and there has already been an accident with the bollards smashed. We alsoget cars from the illegal car wash (no permission) turning right out of the site, this use to be a "noright turn", This is also dangerous and could cause a serious accident as they cross over twolanes.As for the trees, they have already acted illegally and chopped down trees on the site that hadTPO's. They cannot be trusted to do the same again with the trees on the boundary.This site is constantly having fires and have called out the Fire Brigade on two occasions so far(Bonfire Night). Both times it was the owners fault.I object to this planning application due to the congestion it will cause, the over development andthe illegal actions that have been conducted on this site already e.g. chopping down trees withTPO's.
Not Available on 2023-06-26 OBJECT
The ruin of green belt is apparently rife in BCC.We have loads of brown field sites on Brislington trading estate that are empty,I'm sure anyrequirements regarding the application could be accommodated there. The area needs its greenspaces due to the amount of traffic already using the A4 ,with existing planning already set toincrease pollution in the area i find this proposal hypocritical and offensive to the tax payers ofBrislington and nearby areas regarding Bristols so say clean air and green policies.
Not Available on 2023-06-26
I find this proposal ridiculous due to the already empty properties at Brislington tradingestate.I'm positive that the empty properties could engulf the plans proposed.Brislington residents have already had to put up with existing plans in the area with removal ofgreen spaces adding more pollution with increased traffic into the area.Any further encroachment or removal of the green belt make Bristol City council hypocriticalregarding their policies of green areas and clear air zones and I strongly object to more losses togreen spaces the Brislington and other areas of Bristol
Not Available on 2023-05-15 OBJECT
I object strongly to the building on Brislington green belt land. The owners of thewyevale site have blatantly disregarded the planning laws in regard to felling trees without relevantpermission and clearing the land before consent had been given. In Brislington we have manybrown sites that are unused and a complete eye sore where buildings have been left empty. Whybuild new ones on green belt when these could be reused easily. I am sick of our fields and wildlifebeing destroyed to satisfy the greed of these developers.
Not Available on 2023-05-14 OBJECT
In the absence of any evidence about Biodiversity Net Gain from the applicant, we havebeen obliged to prepare our own, interim calculation:
This is based on our analysis of the now out of date 12 March 2020 tree survey:
Here is our interim BNG 4.0 calculation:
As far as we can establish at this stage, these proposals will result in a net loss of at least 31.02%of biodiversity. This figure is probably an underestimation.
We reserve the right to amend these reports when more evidence is available.
Not Available on 2023-05-13 OBJECT
This green field site area is a significant nature lane between stockwood open spaceand the wider green belt.There appears to be little business case to generate more business units considering the state ofdereliction on the brislington trading estate.The traffic here is already a problem throughout rush hour.I would support a change of use for the existing buildings but new ones appear to be for pursuit ofindividual profit to the detriment not benefit of the local area.
Not Available on 2023-05-12 OBJECT
As an allotment holder next door,I'm greatly disturbed by what has been going on inthere. They have ignored all protocol when it comes to getting any planning permission that hasn'tsuited them and not corrected anything they've been told to do. If this gets approved it will bedownward spiral for the environment, wildlife and us. Which they have already greatly destroyedand ruined. I wish the council would put an end to this company's blatant disregard for anythingthat doesn't suit or profit them. It's outrageous what they've got away with so far
Not Available on 2023-05-12 OBJECT
This land should be treated as suitable for its green belt status. The land should bebrought back to its previous use and woodland reinstated.