Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 23/01441/F
Address The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Bristol BS7 0AG  
Street View
Ward Bishopston and Ashley Down
Proposal Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium.
Validated 2023-06-29
Type Full Planning
Status Withdrawn
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2023-07-27
Standard Consultation Expiry 2023-08-01
Determination Deadline 2023-08-24
Decision Application Withdrawn
Decision Issued 2023-10-02
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 914 Objectors: 217  Unstated: 8  Total: 1139
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

We have submitted out preliminary comments here -

Public Comments

on 2023-09-29   SUPPORT

on 2023-09-29   SUPPORT

on 2023-09-27   OBJECT

Who decided that hideous blue would be a good idea for the outer shell!!!

It doesn't enhance anything for the fans, isn't visible to the general public. It can only be seen bythe residents!Surely choosing a dark green to blend in with the trees would have been a better choice!

The blue doesn't even match the rest of the stadium, and the rest of the stadium doesn't have blueroofs!!!!

on 2023-09-27   OBJECT

There is a noticeable inconsistency between the claims made in the current planningapplication and the site's planning history (reference 08/00061/F).

The current application claims that the new stand adheres to the parameters of a previouslyapproved plan. However, an examination of the planning history, specifically referring to theapproved drawing number 2645 008(002) from 08/00061/F, reveals a stark contrast. Thepreviously approved stand was actually situated several meters inward from the boundary, roughlyequivalent to the width of the previously proposed vehicular access road around the perimeter ofthe stadium.

In stark contrast, the submitted planning application, particularly drawing number 1663 P 14, andthe drone video available at, clearlydemonstrates that the new stand is built directly on the boundary without any setback or relief.

This discrepancy is of paramount concern as it directly contradicts the information presented in theplanning application. Moreover, it suggests that the new stand could have a substantially greaterimpact on nearby residents compared to the previous planning consent, potentially resulting inelevated noise levels, overshadowing, reduced natural light, and a potential invasion of residents'privacy. It is crucial for the applicant to provide updated evidence that demonstrates theacceptability of this revised arrangement.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that the proposed changes to the access route mayprevent a fire tender from reaching the rear of the stand in case of an emergency. This raisesserious questions about the safety of the proposed arrangement from a fire perspective, and it is

essential to thoroughly assess this aspect of fire safety.

As the upcoming planning committee reviews this application, I strongly urge you to highlight thesecritical discrepancies and concerns. It is imperative that the committee takes into account theprecise placement of the new stand concerning the boundary and its potential repercussions onthe well-being and quality of life of the residents nearby.

on 2023-09-13   OBJECT

I am writing to express my ongoing deep concern regarding recent constructionactivities on site and the media reports surrounding Bristol Rovers' construction of a new stand,seemingly with the blessing of Bristol City Council despite the absence of the necessary planningpermission.

As a real estate professional, I have an appreciation for the importance of adhering to planningregulations and ensuring that all development projects follow the correct procedures. Thisadherence is crucial for preserving the integrity of our local communities and ensuring thatdevelopment proceeds in an equitable and transparent manner.

The situation where Bristol Rovers' construction project continues to advance without the requiredplanning permission raises significant questions about the city council's oversight and itscommitment to the consistent enforcement of planning regulations. It is paramount to uphold theprinciples of fairness and impartiality in the treatment of all developers, irrespective of their statusor reputation. Failing to enforce planning regulations consistently not only erodes the confidence ofdevelopers and residents in the system but also sets an unfavorable precedent for futureenforcement actions. Such inconsistencies can lead to a decline in public trust in the planningprocess, which is a cornerstone of responsible urban development.

It is highly likely that local residents have raised legitimate planning objections that warrant athorough investigation. Necessary adjustments may be needed to bring the scheme in line withplanning policy requirements. However, the ongoing construction of the stand and the pressureexerted by the football club on the authorities hinder this due investigation.

I urge Bristol City Council to conduct a comprehensive inquiry into this matter and take therequisite steps to rectify the situation. This may entail the difficult decision of suspendingconstruction until the necessary planning permissions are obtained or imposing appropriatepenalties or conditions to address the oversight. It is imperative that the emotional significance ofthe football club to its supporters does not outweigh the responsibility to uphold planningprocedures.

I firmly believe that Bristol's development should be guided by the principles of planning law anddue process, and it is the council's responsibility to ensure that these principles are upheld withoutexception.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter, and I trust that Bristol City Council willpromptly and fairly address this concern.

on 2023-09-06   SUPPORT

This is a long overdue development which will see both home and away supportersbetter looked after on a match day with a better sporting experience.

on 2023-09-04   SUPPORT

I support local sport infrastructure improvements football or cricket. Hopefully the designworks for everyone through this process

on 2023-09-01   OBJECT

I object to this application.

The football club which currently occupies the memorial stadium has treated the local communityand the city council with contempt. They have attempted to strong arm the council by starting aproject without the proper permissions, have applied retrospectively, and now the club'ssupporters who don't live locally have been encouraged to support the application.

the local community was never consulted before building work was started.The proposed stadium will add to the capacity of the stadium - this in. turn will add to the trafficcongestion, issues with parking and vehicles being parked in a way the restricts access.The increase in numbers will slo add pressure to the police who have to deal with the trouble thatsometimes follows football fixtures in the local area.From the application it appears that there is no extra provision for access and egress in case ofemergency - with increased numbers this could be dangerous.Please can the local authority consider the local residents and make the club reconsider thisapplication.

on 2023-08-28   SUPPORT

I wish to register my support for Bristol Rovers replacement stand at the South end ofthe stadium. The stadium desperately needs more seating for children, disabled and elderlysupporters who at the moment are often unable to attend a football match due to a lack of seating.As I understand the stand will only bring capacity back to a similar level to 2019, so I would notimagine any change to traffic levels or parking issues.In my opinion if the Memorial Stadium is to remain a sporting venue then improvement to thefacilities is desperately needed.

on 2023-08-27   OBJECT

Bristol Rovers football club have not followed any of the processes that everybody elsehave to follow, the hack e disregarded its neighbours and the impact this development would haveon their lives and showed utter disrespect for the council and it's procedures. CDM regs obviouslynot met and it all seems to be carried out very underhandedly as such this development should notbe approved as it will send out the wrong message to others

on 2023-08-27   OBJECT

Bristol Rovers football club have not followed any of the processes that everybody elsehave to follow, the hack e disregarded its neighbours and the impact this development would haveon their lives and showed utter disrespect for the council and it's procedures. CDM regs obviouslynot met and it all seems to be carried out very underhandedly as such this development should notbe approved as it will send out the wrong message to others

on 2023-08-24   SUPPORT

Once again Bristol city council is taking so long and letting down Bristol Rovers fan.This New Stand is a great opportunity for more local fan to be able to support a club on theirdoorstep. We have be unable to support the club on a number of occasions due to limitedcapacity.We would really like to be able to walk to the ground and be able to sit down and watch a game offootball.

on 2023-08-24   OBJECT

I object to this application.There doesn't seem to have been appropriate local consultation or consideration of the impact tothe local area and neighbours based on the scale of the development compared to the previoususe of the site. These were much smaller temporary stands and the scoreboard so the change issignificant and Rovers should have followed the proper planning process.

It's difficult to tell exactly how much the capacity will increase by as this doesn't seem to beincluded anywhere in the documents, but the old capacity was about 1100 seats and the newcapacity will be approximately 3400. This is a large increase and there should be appropriatestudies included for the impact this would have which don't seem to have been done.

The design and construction decisions seem to have been made to meet Rovers' budget and atight timeline rather than what is best practise, suitable for the site, considerate of neighbours ormeeting regulations. The new stand will be much bigger in scale and height so it will be muchmore visible from outside the site. Light and sound from the stand will have more of an impact onneighbours and there don't seem to have been any mitigations to reduce this impact included inthe design. There don't seem to have been any attempts to soften the appearance to make it morein keeping with the local area or blend in a reduce the impact it would have on neighbours andtheir views and this could be significantly improved with use of some different materials or changein the design. More sustainable construction materials such as timber would be better. There don'tseem to have been any consideration to reduce carbon impact or include sustainable designfeatures such as grey water collection for toilet flushing or solar panels.

It's not clear where the Digital Scoreboard will be relocated to and consequently what impact this

could also have.

There does seem to have been a general disregard for the planning process. There doesn't seemto be any information included about mitigation measures proposed to protect neighbour'sproperties (retaining walls, flooding, light pollution etc) or wildlife, about being considerate duringconstruction in terms of noise, working hours, disruption etc.

There are discrepancies between the application, design statement and documentation providedwith the application.

Old stadium expansion outlines are shown on the elevation plans which are simply not relevantbecause none of the associated mitigation measures associated with that application are includedwith this application.

There is only provision in the new stand for 10 accessible seats whereas the size and scale of theincrease would suggest that this should be over 30. This is probably not the best location in theground for the accessible seats as it is the stand that is furthest away from the main entrance andparking access. Rovers can do better than this in terms of accessible provision in the groundespecially considering the sight lines from the proposed accessible seating in the new stand. Theyshould consider options in the North East corner where sight lines would be better.

on 2023-08-24  

I'd like to ask the council if the correct way to apply for planning is to build the structurefirst before plans are agreed as this seems the way to put pressure on the council to cave in andagree to build , as my daughter who lives on filton ave is in process of doing a large extensionEven though told not to continue with build her neighbours Brfc have continued their build iesetting a president to building applications in Bristol

on 2023-08-22  

19 August 2023


We have also been advised that, when recent development commenced, trees were removed.

Has arboricultural evidence been submitted by the applicant? If not, why has it not been required in accordance with section 23 of the LPA's Planning Application Requirements Local List May 2022?

Paragraph 179b) of the NPPF also requires that 'plans should: ... identify and pursue opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity.

If no biodiversity net gain evidence has been provided, why has the applicant not been

required to do so?

The Bristol Tree Replacement Standard

Given the applicant’s failure to provide any arboricultural evidence, we are unable to undertake the tree replacement calculation required under SDAMP DM17. We reserve or position until this is provided.

19 August 2023


Biodiversity Net Gain

The applicant has failed to provide any biodiversity net gain evidence as required by Paragraph 179b) of the NPPF. In the absence of this, we have undertaken our own analysis of the habitats present of the site using Google Earth images dated May 2023:

Figure 1 The complete site showing the Redline and Blueline Boundaries with baseline habitats.

19 August 2023


Figure 2 Detail showing the baseline habitat areas.

The baseline habitats comprise:

1. 0.1074 ha of onsite Modified grassland (coloured yellow in figures 1 & 2). We have assumed that it is in Good condition and that half - 0.0537 ha - will be retained and.

19 August 2023


2. 0.02086 ha of onsite Other woodland broadleaved1 (coloured orange in figures 1 & 2) growing along the south eastern and south western boundaries. It is in Moderate condition. All of this habitat will be lost.

3. 0.16704 ha of onsite Developed land: sealed surface (the remaining areas within the redline boundary in figures 1 & 2). This has no habitat value.

4. 0.104 has of offsite Other woodland broadleaved along the south eastern boundary.

This is in Moderate condition.

This total onsite area within the redline boundary is 0.2953 ha.

We have assigned a strategic significance of Area/compensation not in local strategy/ no local strategy to all the onsite habitats and Area/compensation not in local strategy/ no local strategy to the offsite habitat.

We have assumed that the applicant will aim to achieve at least a 10% biodiversity net gain.

Using Biodiversity Net Gain Calculator, BNG 4.0, we calculate that the applicant’s plans will result of a net loss of BNG of 60.28%.

However, if, for example, the applicant commits to enhancing the offsite woodland to the south of the development area from Moderate to Good and to planting 21 Small category trees offsite, then it could achieve a net gain of 11.43%.

1 If this habitat has been destroyed, then it will need to be reassigned to ‘Woodland and Forest: Felled’ habitat and the BNG 4.0 calculation will have to be recast – see figure 3 below.

19 August 2023


It maybe that the applicant can provide alternative proposals for offsetting the loss of habitat that will be caused by its plans but, until it provides its own evidence to support this, this is speculation though we accept that other mitigation scenarios can be proposed.

However, if the applicant, by starting work on the site before its application is decided, has destroyed or altered these habitats, then it will still be obliged to assess the damaged or lost habitats in their pre-degradation state (figure 3 below).

Figure 3 BNG 4.0 User Guide, section 6.3

We invite the Local Planning Authority to require the applicant to present this evidence before it is allowed to proceed with its application. In the meantime, we reserve our position until this

evidence is provided.

Note - A copy of our preliminary BNG 4.0 calculation is available on request.

on 2023-08-22   OBJECT

Work has begun for erecting the new seating and it is considerably taller than what waspreviously there.

I am highly concerned about the effect this will have with regards to natural light and noise. Not tomention the crane currently being used which is damaging the trees behind my house!

The construction as I can tell will be made from metal, has any consideration been looked into interms of what it will sound like for the local residents when it rains?Not to mention they're painting it the Bristol rovers blue! the least they could do is paint it green sothat it matches the trees they haven't damaged!

on 2023-08-22   SUPPORT

I wish to support the above application.

The Memorial Ground has been a sports stadium since 1921 so presumably currentneighbourhood residents were aware and accepted this when moving to the locality.

Improving the stadium by redeveloping the South Stand and bringing it up to modern standardsusing current regulations should surely be encouraged. Increased and better seating for home andaway supporters with more accessible seating being provided is long overdue.

This is exactly the right time to improve facilities with the current high interest in the gamefollowing the Women's World Cup. It should encourage more young people to watch games andthen hopefully participate, leading to an increase in their fitness levels.

When the club previously tried to relocate and sell the ground to Sainsburys numerous obstaclesand objections were placed in their way until it fell through. Are the same people also objecting tothis proposal? If this application is similarly blocked I will be left wondering if the decisions arepolitical.

on 2023-08-21   SUPPORT

The proposed development would enhance the surrounding area and improve thefacilities for supporters

on 2023-08-21  

Dear Development Management, We have been looking at this application and note that the applicant has stated that there are no trees on or adjacent to the development site that could influence the development or be important as part of the local landscape character:

We have also been advised that, when recent development commenced, trees were removed.

Has arboricultural evidence been submitted by the applicant? If not, why has it not been required in accordance with section 23 of the LPA's Planning Application Requirements Local List May 2022?

Paragraph 179b) of the NPPF also requires that 'plans should: ... identify and pursue opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity.

If no biodiversity net gain evidence has been provided, why has the applicant not been required to do so? Regards Mark CD Ashdown Chair - Bristol Tree Forum

on 2023-08-21   SUPPORT

The replacement stand is exactly that. Whilst this houses more fans this does not havean impact on any of the residents despite wild acquisitions that is standard in this city. We have tosupport the sport, hospitality and leisure in the city which is struggling from the impact of cost ofliving and brexit. Growth to support jobs for local people and improve the look of an historic venueis clearly a positive thing to look to achieve.

on 2023-08-17   SUPPORT

I am writing in support of the current planning application.The Memorial Ground has been a designated sports stadium for well over 100 years and thehome of Bristol Rovers since 1996.The proposed new south stand will only increase the capacity to the pre covid capacity and shouldbe consented at the earliest possible date.

on 2023-08-16   OBJECT

This Stadium has a negative impact on the residence of Selborne road and Ashleydown. The noise from the stadium alone is loud and keeps my children scared and awake at night.The fans keep my family from accessing our homes and use our neighbourhood as a drunkenparking lot. As a man, I feel threaten by the large scale group of drunken men that go through ourneighbourhood yelling and chanting and throwing trash. We are a neighbourhood of youngchildren and elderly and the noise is awful, the traffic is terrible, the distress on parkingunbearable. I struggle moving children and groceries and this is a big burden. They can move theirgrounds to another place if they want to grow or realize that they are all ready a disruptive andunwelcomed presence to a peaceful neighbourhood.

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

Very much support the development of the new stands at Bristol Rovers memorialstadium. Let's not forget there has been a sports ground at the site for over 100 years. BristolRovers do a lot for the community - so the council, and individual councillors should do what theycan to support the club.

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

I fully support the need for the new stand at the memorial ground. The new structure isonly replacing the outdated tents - It is no larger and will allow fans to sit in comfort and not havewater coming down on them which was the situation with the tents. The away fans - Quite rightlycomment that our ground is a dump and these new temporary stand will improve it for both homeand away supporters. Bristol needs to move with the times - It will only be temporary until the newground is built at the Fruit market - Thats if we ever get planning permission.

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

This application will take the capacity of the stadium back to where it was pre covid. Theextra seating means higher footfall than with its current capacity limit, this will in turn mean moreincome for the surrounding areas on match days.I support this application not only as a football fan, but having friends with businesses near theground that will be happy with having more people visiting them.

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

I fully support the planning application, which will provide benefits to the club, thecommunity, the businesses in the vicinity and the city as a whole.

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

I totally support this application for an upgrade to the current temporary structures thatare at the Memorial Stadium.These new structures will be more in character with the rest of the stadium. The club are doingtheir best to make the supporters experience more enjoyable for both home & away supporters.This will also increase local revenue whilst not affecting local residents as the increase in seatnumbers will only bring the stadium back to pre covid levels.Any improvement on current temporary tent stands can only improve any local residents view ofthe stadium.The club deserves the support of the local neighbourhood in their attempted improvement offacilities

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-15   SUPPORT


on 2023-08-12   OBJECT

I think you should uphold the descicion to not allow the club to build the new stands.They should just get some more tents

on 2023-08-11   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-10   SUPPORT

I feel that the appearance and design of development and materials proposed willgreatly enhance the appearance of the current stands.

on 2023-08-10   SUPPORT

(as a non-football supporter) i fully support this planning as it will be of great benefit tothe local traders and the greater local community, the previous temporary arrangements were outdated and a new stand would only enhance the aesthetics of the ground and the surrounding area.

on 2023-08-10   SUPPORT

People moved near a stadium knowing the risks. It has been done in ashton area aswell. This time 3 months it will be done

on 2023-08-10   SUPPORT

A Season Ticket holder this improvement to the stadium's facilities is much needed. Asothers have observed the development will only bring about a a small increase in overall capacity,to that which was enjoted prior to the outbreak of Covid in 2020. And house customers and thosewith disabilities in for more comfortable, safe and accessible surroundings.

I would also point out that many of the objections seem to be predicated on a mis apprehensionthat building work has already commenced. Having visited the site this week this is clearly not thecase. The temporary structures at the south and south east of the site have been removed on anannual basis, for very many years, and relocated around the country at summer sporting events.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

This new stand needs to go through as the old one has been knocked down and it willhelp in rovers development and there will be more seats in the stadium so more fans can fit in sotherefore rovers will have a higher income so there will be more tax for the local government

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

fully supportive of this.Helps not only Bristol Rovers but also local business.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

Most people objecting to it moved to the area knowing there's a stadium which is pretty'tired'. Therefore it shouldn't be a surprise some sort of redevelopment will happen at some point.It'll bring in more revenue to local area the more capacity is increased

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

As a local, we need to support our football team develop as it will only benefit thecommunity. The area has become dominated by NIMBYs who only serve to hold Bristol back inevery way.

There are plenty of us who support this development being drowned out by an anti-progressgroup.

I've been informed by neighbours that NIMBYs are getting friends to provide 'false objections fromlocals' on online communities like Reddit.

Please continue to allow positive development in Bristol. Anyone still alive living near this stadiumknew exactly what they were signing up for when they moved here. The stadium predates anyonealive.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

I would like to register my support for the Bristol Rovers Football Club planningapplication to replace the existing tented structure stand with a more solid aesthetically pleasingstructure. Anything that contributes a positive to an already run down dilapidated stadium can onlybe regarded as a positive. The stadium will not be 'going away' in the immediate future and theprevious tented structure can only realistically be seen as a blight on the local and indeed the Citylandscape as a whole. The improvements, with only a nominal increase in the overall attendancecapacity of the stadium should be applauded.

Personally I cannot see what impact these changes will have on the local community - parking inthe area on match days is at capacity as things stand - even within an 'increase' in capacity itcannot make it any worse than it already is on the 30 odd days the stadium is in use on a 365 dayyearly cycle.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

Top class sport has been played at the Mem for 100 years or so. This is no greatchange and a natural progression for the ground.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

this will help business and bristol rovers in the community.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

I can't really see any logical reason why this temporary stand should not be allowed.After all, the local residents worked so hard to stop a Sainsbury's being built on the site, it is veryclear they wanted the football stadium to be there and the proposed stand improves what theywished for.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

Having been a previous resident in Downend Road Horfield, I feel I should express mysupport for the replacement stand.I purchased the property in full knowledge in 1976 in full knowledge that I was in close proximity tothe Memorial Ground and in indeed at that time next to a busy milk dairy with early morningdeliveries on milk floats. These features reflected in the purchase price and an acceptance of whatthat entailed. This would apply to those who purchased at the market price for the area.The proposed stand is replacement and will not allow supporters to view the properties behind thestand.The stand will provide first class seating for away fans visiting Bristol for the first time. Bristolneeds to show to be a welcoming city not a city of to be ashamed of.Opportunities like this should not be missed to moved the amazing city of Bristol forward and notstuck In the past.I trust the flimsy objections of a minority of the residents will not stand in the way of this planningapplication

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

I don't believe people who buy a house close to a stadium that has been there for many,many years can't anticipate that this may/ is likely to happen at some stage. From what Iunderstand it won't make a massive impact on the view and there doesn't seem to be that manyhouses it will affect directly. Progress is happening everywhere across the city and the changeswill possibly be more aesthetically pleasing. Games are only played here every other weekendmainly and an occasional week night. I think if people were really that concerned they probablywould have bought a property elsewhere.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

This development is long overdue and will greatly enhance the match day experiencefor everyone, in particular disabled supporters and families, whilst not increasing the capacity byvery much at all.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

Hi - Just wanted to add my own support to this application. It merely replaces what wasthere in the first place, a bit bigger but not much. It will slightly effect the local residents but youhave to put it into perspective. If the local traffic is effected by say 4 hours per game and there aresay 30 games ( over the top but not a bad guess) thats 120 hours in a year, so out of 8760 hoursin a year , that 1 per cent. With planning having already been given to our colleagues across thecity and indeed at the County ground for cricket , who also had local streets to consider then whywould this not be passed. Its only going to be a temporary stand anyway - with another hopefullyapplication on way re another stadium - cannot guarantee that but you will know more than mewhats going on. It makes the ground more viable , add more space for visitors and supporters , wehad already sold out loads last year and just look at the early games this year. Any delay to thisjust adds on more costs and frustration to fans and supporters alike. Please pass this withoutfurther delay so that matters can proceed.

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

It wouldn't mean there will be more people using the street as the entrance is in thestadium, Bristol Rovers need this, it is only Temporary until their new stadium is built

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

as a non-football fan , i think the stand should be approved , this will help the localbusinesses increase their takings on match days , also it will bring the hub of the communitytogether .

on 2023-08-09   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

As a long time supporter of the football club it has been frustrating to see so many otherfootball clubs be able to progress with their infrastructure as we stay still. The owners are actuallytrying to do something positive at the memorial stadium that has needed doing since we havemoved in back in the 90s. Any long resident has had 30 years of ugly boards and temporarystands/tents to look at rather than an actual new permanent structure that may even be if someuse to them as a small community. At least when that's up they will not have to suffer any moreworkers from all the temporary stands etc. I urge you to consider this application as an easy quickdecision to help improve the great city of Bristol, that has a big impact on the even the wider southwest area. UTG

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The proposed stand would only take the Stadium Capacity back to what it was 10yrsago before new regulations altered our capacity. Also the height of the proposed structure cant behigher than the one approved during the last effort to modernise the stadium in 2007 which wasaborted due to the 2008 recession.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

Think it will be good for the football ground

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

This needs to happen

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

This new stand will replace a temporary one which has stood there for around 20 years. Theimpact to the skyline will be little different to previous one and because of Its raised position willnot restrict any "view" as such.The only view it would obstruct is one of the

As it's a better more solid structure it will contain the sound better than the previous, tent. It willprobably deflect it back Into The ground away from the housing, behind it.

This stadium was built and has been used for many years before most local residents would havemoved into their housed and so it seems churlish for local residents to try and spoil the enjoymentof so many people.

Building it will be a great improvement and significantly better for residents than looking at theback of a shabby tent.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers are not just a football club. They are an important part of the localcommunity, helping those that are in need with the various charity events and donations theymake yearly.In recent years the club has worked tirelessly to become a sustainable business to future proof theclub for many generations of gasheads to come. It's not a secret that the Memorial Stadium is tiredand while talks continue over a new stadium for Rovers works must take place at the Mem tomake it fit for purpose and continue the growth of the club.The new South Stand will bring in much needed revenue. The club had new regulations recentlythat stopped a lot of fans being allowed in certain areas so this has had a huge impact on the totalamount of fans in on a match day and a loss in revenue.The new stand would ease that loss of attendance and carry us on in the right direction ofsustainability.The extra attendance would only bring it back to similar levels as previously before the newregulations were introduced so there would be no bigger impact on match days , plus I am surethat all the local businesses in the area would welcome the extra fans being able to attend homegames again and in turn increase their revenue.I understand some of the neighbours concerns and I'm sure the club will be able to speak themdirectly but I am concerned the most of fictitious objections on here. It does appear a lot of Cityfans have jumped on the band wagon leaving objective comments to try and cause as muchtrouble as they can. I just hope the council can see through most of the objective comments forwhat they are and discount them.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

Consider the way in which noise levels will be reduced with the wraparound standwithout gaps.

Consider how additional seats bring more family groups to matches and the beneficial aspects ofthis. Our stadium will have a better atmosphere if more family groups can sit together.

Consider the extra accessible seating that is included in the plans. There are more accessibleseats in better positions with the construction of the new stand.

Consider how the stands provide a better experience for away supporters who currently regard theaway area as inadequate. Fans can travel hundreds of miles to watch their teams play in Bristoland deserve better facilities than we have offered in the past, This new stand is long overdue forvisitors.

Consider how Bristol Rovers stadium, without the new stand, has the lowest number of seats inALL of EFL League One. Even with the new stand built only a handful of clubs in the EFL LeagueOne will have less seats.

Consider how 16 of the 24 grounds currently in EFL League One are ALL SEATED. Bristol Roversare simply trying to make a minor improvement.

Consider how the new stands are a replacement for temporary/tented seating which has neededupdating for a number of years.

Consider how the stands will have no windows or openings onto Alton Road. There will be no lossof privacy.

Consider how the South Stand faces North and does not overshadow the housing to the South inAlton Road.

Consider how the height of the new stand is significantly below the previously accepted MemorialStadium development proposals. This new stand is only a few metres higher than the tentedstands it will replace.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

Hardly any difference from the previous stand, a much loved family football club

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The football ground has been there for years, all rovers are doing is bringing it up todate with all health and safety aspects

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I support the building of a new stand to replace the tented structure the new stand willnot affect local houses in fact the noise of a crowd will be projected in wards towards the ground Isupport the new stand

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I am a regular attender at the Memorial Stadium.Many times over the last couple of seasons Bristol Rovers have had attendances larger than thecurrent maximum attendance. Therefore there is a clear need for additional capacity at theMemorial Stadium.

Due to recent reductions in capacity required by the Safety Advisory Group, the proposed newstand will only return the capacity of the Stadium to a similar level as a few years ago, thereforeshould not lead to new issues with parking, noise etc.

The proposal will provide additional seating at the stadium, so improving accessibility for disabledand elderly supporters.

The seating is likely to be more comfortable than the old South Stand, with greater protection fromwind and rain.

The structure of the new stand is likely to reduce noise on matchdays experienced by neighbours,due to it's more enclosed structure and hard roof and the fact that it will extend across the wholewidth of the pitch.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

As a life long supporter of Bristol Rovers it is clear to see that this improvement to thememorial stadium is hugely important to the future of the club.

It is taking the capacity back up to its previous levels so would have no additional impact on thearea, in deed local businesses will benefit. Yes residents who's properties back onto the newstand will also have some impact, but it will be minimal due to their gardens being North facingand they won't be over looked as supporters will be looking the other way. I expect theconstruction materials used will also help reduce any noise pollution incurred on match days.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I am a lifelong Rovers supporter.Recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis.There is not enough seating at the Memorial Stadium and I realise that in time if I wish to continueto go to games I will need to be seated.In time we may get a new stadium,but for now the current stadium needs to be improved for thecomfort of home and away supporters.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

Why would anyone grant planning permission to a proposer that has basically ignoredthe Planning Process and started work before being granted. Bully Boy tactics.

If that was a normal person who started to build without planning permission they would be askedto knock it down as they didn't have planning permission. Why are Bristol Rovers any different.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium has been in place since 1921 & had minimal updates to it'sfacilities over the years. The removal of the flimsy tented areas & installation of a new wraparoundstand will provide much needed seating & toilet facilities for home & away supporters, especiallydisabled fans, children & older supporters. The enclosed stand will have limited impact onneighbouring houses as it will only be a couple of metres higher but will reduce any sound andnoise. Increased capacity will only be brought back to pre-Covid levels so should have minimalaffect on traffic. Plus benefits to local traders who rely on a once a fortnight increase in income tosurvive & improve the local economy.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I am a supporter of Bristol Rovers and had a seat in the SW Stand since it wasconstructed. I am elderly with conditions and enjoyed my seat in that stand. I support the plans forthe new stand and do not believe it will have a negative impact on the surrounding area. It designwill lead to less noise emanating from the ground. Its visual impact will be less intrusive. It willprovide safer and better facilities for fans such as myself who have conditions and special needs.The area for wheelchair users will be much better. It will be a much more inclusive environment.The club has done much to link with the community and has developed a range of strategies toensure it is inclusive and embraces diversity. It leads the way in developing its women's soccerteams. Rejecting the plans for this upgrade of existing buildings will result in many disadvantagedgroups unable to access the stadium and remove their ability to enjoy the game they love, bringingsome happiness into their lives.ThanksDave vizard

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium has been in place since 1921 & had minimal updates to it'sfacilities over the years. The removal of the flimsy tented areas & installation of a new wraparoundstand will provide much needed seating & toilet facilities for home & away supporters, especiallydisabled fans, children & older supporters. The enclosed stand will have limited impact onneighbouring houses as it will only be a couple of metres higher but will reduce any sound andnoise. Increased capacity will only be brought back to pre-Covid levels so should have minimalaffect on traffic. Plus benefits to local traders who rely on a once a fortnight increase in income tosurvive & improve the local economy.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

Whilst I have sympathy with the applicant in wanting to expand capacity of the stadium,I have seen nothing which would improve the extremely basic, some would say sub-standard,facilities at the ground for paying customers;

- Portaloo toilet facilities with up to an additional 2,000 people attending games. Surely that shouldbe catered for in their plans ?

- No additional facilities for disabled people. They have even been forced by Barnsley FC to caterfor their disabled supporters. Surely that aspect should be in their plans ?

- Access and egrees arrangements are not clear and could become a H&S issue.

- No specific plans for underneath the stand. If supporter facilities are to be installed as stated bythe football club such as food/drink concessions etc, then where are the plans for this includingelectrical diagrams etc ?

- Where is the environmental impact assessment ? Have they conducted a full traffic and parkinganalysis to identify any issues which impact on the local area ?

It appears that the club are only interested in expanding the stadium for gain, rather than takinginto account their neighbours and their paying customers.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

This improvement will enhance a valuable community amenity.The design of the planned development is in keeping with the surroundings.The appearance of the development is far superior to the temporary structure that preceded it.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I write in support of the new stand planned at the Memorial Stadium.

A football club plays a big part in a community. It brings people together, brings pride of place andboosts local enconomies.

Bristol Rovers hold such a place in the community.

The upgraded stand, the first to be built in many years will bring the capacity back to the levels wesaw before the pandemic. This capacity was deemed acceptable before and should be seen thatway now. People living around the ground will have bought in the knowledge that there is afootball stadium there. They also, quite likely bought whilst the capacity was higher than currentlimits.

The increase in current levels will allow for more fans to come together, connect and enjoythemselves.

The boost to the local economy will also be very useful to shop owners, publicans and otheroutlets who rely on match day revenue.

Please grant permission for this stand to be built. It will be of great community benefit.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

As a recent resident of a nearby street to the stadium there is a noticeable impact bothfrom a noise and environmental aspect for several hours either side of kick off on matchdays.These would only intensify further with an additional 2,000 people congregating and trying to driveand park cars in narrow neighbourhood streets.There are few shops or businesses directly in the vacinity of the stadium so there would be noadvantage to anyone living nearby in what is already a heavily congested area.It should also be considered that this project commenced without prior planning permission andhas already caused distress to a large number of residents.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

I see only positives in this application. Neighbourhood we will be protected better bothvisibly and audibly, whilst attendees to the ground will be better served. A higher degree ofaccessible seating, in a better environment. The football club is trying to improve circumstancesfor all and to be a better neighbour. 2/3 of the clubs peers in league one already have 100%seated areas. Bristol does seem to be slow compared to most parts of the country with regard tosports and entertainment venues; it is in the councils remit to change this and improve for thebetter a ground that surely needs it.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

The Bristol Rovers' action to proactively encourage their supporters to submit genericletters of support undermines the integrity of consultation exercise, as it blurs the distinctionbetween the genuine views of immediate local residents and the orchestrated endorsements fromsupporters. While it is reasonable for supporters to make their views known, the practice risksdiluting the true impact of community feedback and potentially skewing the decision-makingprocess in favour of a specific agenda. Therefore, it is crucial that the officers' report accuratelyand clearly reflects the unique perspectives of both residents and supporters to ensure a fair andtransparent evaluation. All matters raised by residents and supporters should be clearly set outand responded to with reference to relevant evidence (where necessary).

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The stadium facilities badly need updating and modernization. Decent facilities forHome, Away and Persons with a disability supporters need to be vastly improved which this facilityappears to do. I fully support the club in their efforts to achieve this and I would hope that a fullysupportive forward thinking progressive council would assist the club in achieving this aim.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

As a regular fan and a former resident of Bristol I feel that this would be a good move aswould help the local economy and also help the public view of the city, successful football clubs ina city add a lot to the culture, economy, outlook and view of others, bristol needs all the help it canget.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

They are replacing the stand to make the ground better the crowd would only be thesame as pre covid so wouldnt be any different than before. A lot of these objecting moved into thearea knowing the football ground was there when they moved in so what are they moaning for.The local shops in area benifit when football is on.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there. It will allow the club to devolop and improve the local area

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The new stand will be beneficial to all. That means the residents who will have lessnoise as the stand is wraparound and so the sound should not carry. Also, the top of the stand as Iunderstand it, is not as tall as the old one, so should be better for light purposes. As for the club, itwill provide good cover from the elements and will also increase capacity, which in turn createsincome. I have been a supporter for many years and can see no reason why this cannot goforward.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

Living a stones throw away from the ground I think the way the club are going about thisis disgusting, no consultation with the local residents about this major new construction, and justploughing ahead without the required planning permission or any other building regulations. Theclub seem to think they are above the law and can just do what they want, they've even justsigned a convicted woman beater and have totally glossed over this as well . They need to play bythe rules as everyone else has too.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

The Stadium in Horfield is very much in need of modernisation to support thecommunity in following league football. The proposed development will provide upgradedamenities for the comfort of supporters and also includes provision for disabled persons andcarers to attend and view matches in improved comfort and shelter. The stadium has been subjectto reduced capacity over a number of years limiting the number of persons able to watch games.The proposed development with return the capacity close to that of about 3 years ago. Thedevelopment occupies a site previously housing a similar structure, which though of a similar size,lacked amenities and disabled supporter provision. Overall this is a great proposal that will supportthe public in viewing professional sport within the city of Bristol.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

Why is it Bristol City football club have built a 27000 football stadium in an urbancommunity ?. Gloucestershire cricket have built a 18000 stadium with two giant flats ? . BathRugby have had planning for a 7000 East stand : two huge hospitality boxes: New Stand on NorthTerrace in a world heritage site?. Cardiff city built a new 29000 seater stadium so have SwanseaYeovil etc etc.

The club is asking for a 500 additional to its historical capacity of 12000. Is it because pushymiddle class people are dominating things locally?. The locals who campaigned to stop retail tosafeguard the Memorial stadium . But now wants to stop a very small addition .

Will the councillors allow a small group of locals to yet again dominate local policies at theexpense of local working class Bristolians .?

In relation to other projects this is minimum . It's one of the smallest grounds in the country and byfar considered the worst. Even Bath people smile of the power and victories given to the local BS3task force !.

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

After looking at the proposed new stand it looks like the club have been careful toensure that the construction doesn't impede residents any more than the structure that was therepreviously. It's essential for the football clubs income to provide seating at all sides of the stadiumso the club can survive financially

on 2023-08-08   SUPPORT

If you buy a home near a stadium expect noise and traffic. The stand has been there for20 years, this new stand will be no different. Nothing to complain about.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Need better facilities for families and more people to attend to help the local economy

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

In full support of the new South Stand and progression of a professional football clubwho generate much money for local businesses.

If the locals don't like it, they can move!


on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I want to support the application by Bristol Rovers FC to replace the previous stand witha safer and more amenable structure at the South End of the Memorial Stadium grounds

I have been a Rovers Supporter since 1971 and my whole family are Gasheads We are not askingfor much, just the opportunity of giving visiting fans a reasonable experience worthy of thehospitality Bristol is known for and to allow our fanbase to be accommodated in some comfort forthose who prefer to sit at Football

This development is not much of an addition to what was already there Frankly, those livingnearby who are rubbing their hands together ready for a fight are being hypocritical in the extremeThe Memorial Stadium has been there since 1921 and there cannot be anyone living in thepremises behind the South End who can remember anything other than a sports ground there.Furthermore, if they didn't want to live next to a Sports Stadium why did they buy a house next toone?

We would like to have the same kind of treatment afforded to the other football club in Bristolwhose development sailed through the planning processes, once they decided to redevelop theirground. The unreasonable objections fielded by the "Not In My Back Yard" Party were discountedin order to find a reasonable way to allow them to bring their Stadium into the 21st Century. That iswhat we are trying to do After the debacle of the Sainsburys Proposal, it would be yet anotherdisservice to the Oldest Club in Bristol if we are unable to do the same. The City Planners mustdecide not to pander to the whinging minority

I don't live next door to a Stadium. If I did I wouldn't have the brass neck to object to reasonable

plans to provide entertainment in safety having chosen to live there knowing 12000 people mightturn up and will be a making a bit of noise

Please approve the plans as submitted and give BRFC a chance to progress It is the only fairoutcome

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The development will restore the capacity of the stadium and does not increase thefootfall at the ground beyond the historical norm. I feel that objections to this development areunjustified on this basis and impede the development of the club which is an important communityasset.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Vital for the development of Bristol's oldest football club (established 1883). Will bringenormous investment to the area for the benefit of ALL local community members. Thank you.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Support the regeneration of a great Bristol Football Club Stadium, so desperatelyneeded in order to progress.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Thoroughly support this movement, and no, I'm not a Rovers fan.

As a Bristol City fan, yes, a Bristol City fan, Rovers have been held up for 10's of years due tomany factors, one of them being BCC unwillingness to support the club.

This new TEMPORARY structure makes absolutely no difference to the infamous tent which wasthere before. The club deserve some help from BCC to help the club move forward and having ahalf decent structure will do them the world of good. Rovers are constantly ribbed online for havingone of the worst league grounds around and they need to move away from this.

I can't help but feel, that my City 'mates' are objecting to this build, which isn't fair. In fact I knowthat a lot of the objections have been made by City fans just to thwart Gasheads.

Please support the club and don't give in to bogus objections, or locals who simply do not havevalid grounds to moan.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This would be great for the club, the local economy and the city of Bristol adding morefacilities to a local attraction.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I think the stand will be a great thing improving the stadium and making it look better.wewould attract more away fans with a better stand who will spend money in the area helping localbusinesses.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers are a local club that have been going since 1883. The fans are alwaysrespectful and are only there once a fortnight. Bristol is a big city and should have adequateprovisions for fans to watch their games. At the moment it is very hard to get tickets to gamesunless you are a season ticket holder and it's not possible for everyone to afford one or practical iflike me you work shifts. The people who are objecting paid less for their housing, knowinglymoving next door to a stadium and then object when there is development which is very unfair.This stand anyway only brings capacity up to what it was before and gives more fans the chanceto watch their team sitting down which is safer for all and if the team is going to progress intohigher leagues it is essential that they have more seating like most other stadiums around thecountry

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This stand should get planning permission,the ground in it's present state is not fit forpurpose.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I'm in total support for the new stand being built at the memorial stadium home of Bristolrovers fc I've been a supporter of the rovers for over 55 yrs and everytime the bristol city council orSouth glos council have always put obstacles in the way its about time someone listens to the fans

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol needs decent facilities like stadiums etc and is being left behind by other Cities

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am writing to you to support the application of Bristol rovers you south standFootball is for everyone and with more wheel chair places for home and away fans it shows theclub are committed to the fans from all walks of life the ground has been there for 100 years thestand is different from the tent we had let rovers improve a ground.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Ground needs greater capacity.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The proposed new South Stand at the Memorial Stadium will accommodate over threethousand supporters who in turn will bring much more trade to local shops, public houses andbusiness in general. Also the structure of the proposed new stand will be much more pleasing onthe eye, safer for people and give greater protection from rain, wind etc.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I'm supporting this application as a life long Rovers supporter. The Memorial stadiumhas long been not fit for purpose and in need of modernisation for many years now.The temporary stand that has been installed and removed each season, has always beenunsuitable for the needs of a modern day football club.The creation of the proposed new stand will provide much needed facilities , especially fordisabled user, who have had to suffer embarrassing basic structures and poor viewing location.There is no doubt the new stand, will have some impact on local residents and I'm sure there willbe objections to its construction, but I would have thought, if not visually, there will be benefitsfrom its construction in restricting noise levels and footballs ending up in back gardens etc .From my understanding it will bring the crowd capacity back to pre covid levels, which will notaffect the surrounding areas in much of a way, not already experienced in times gone by.Currently there are tall trees on the boundary of the stadium, which would help to mask the newstand for some of the residents .I hope permission is granted to Bristol Rovers FC who desperately need good facilities, havingsuffered for many years, since leaving Eastville and been , as yet , unsuccessful in their quest foran all seater modern stadium in the city of Bristol.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.Don't let NIMBYism stand in the way of progress.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This is a clear improvement on the previous infrastructure that was in position at thememorial stadium. This will enhance the stadium, as well as the local area, whilst bringing thestadium capacity back to just above its recent capacity.The previous stand/s were both aesthetically poor, from personal experience provided poor viewerexperience and had questionable health and safety approval.This proposal resolves this.

It should be noted the memorial stadium has had almost no notable infrastructural improvementsto it over the last 20 years, meaning the stadium itself has fallen well short of the standardsexpected from both home and away spectators (it should not be forgotten that the stadium itself isa representation of both the local area and Bristol as a whole).

The proposal itself is modest in comparison to both the previous infrastructure in place, as well asagainst most other football league stadia across the country. This results in minimal impact on thelocal residence whilst hugely improving the stadium for all involved.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will lessen noise to the houses behind, and the matches are only on, onaverage, once a week. Would it be preferable to have a large supermarket there, open 24 hours aday?

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The stadium has been there for a lot longer than any of the residents that have livedthere. They should know by now what it is like to live by a stadium and what that means.

Moreover, the ground averages 8,000 people nearly each week. What it does to the local area(especially considering Gloucester Road is pretty much dying) is crucial for small businesses andkeeping the high street abundant.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It is about time Bristol Rovers were allowed to move forward and develop within itscurrent restrictions. It will bring more people to the ground, more jobs, and also enhance theexperience of visiting clubs fans

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium is a community resource not just a football stadium and it's beenaround as such for decades. Anything that improves the experience for those people that use ithas got to be a good thing, particularly those with disabilities and families with small children. Somany people benefit from following their team at the mem despite the fact that the ground lacksquality- the social cohesion it produces is very evident in the local area and a better stand withbetter views of the pitch and comfort can only enhance that.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

How many more years are will going to be let down by the council the traffic conjestionwill not change and the local shops and other amenities will get more revenue why live next to asports ground

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The club needs the support to expand capacity and improve attendee experience.Those living nearby should be listened to, they know however that the ground is a professionalfootball and rugby stadium so should not be surprised by this move to upgrade existing structures.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It will enhance the ambiance at the ground and provide much needed better facilities toall supporters especially the new disabled section.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I'm a Bristol Rovers supporter and my seat is in the new stand I can't see why the newstand can't go ahead

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Cannot understand the negative comments I fully support this new stand - it's replacingsomething existing with much more improved facilities - local residents have chosen to live next toa football ground - we're not building a new wembley stadium here it's a small new stand ! i fullysupport this !

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The football club needs thus stand to happen.It's.only going to be temporarily as we plan to move to a bigger stadium away.Also this is a replacement to something that was already here.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As the structure will enhance the stadium experience for home and away fans and is notthat dissimilar to the original stand I support the planning application. I do not believe that as theclub works well in the local community providing jobs and support that this application obstructsthe local community anymore than it already did. Importantly this is a temporary structure wherethe club plan to move from the area completely in the coming years.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a frequent visitor to the Memorial Stadium, I support this development. It will vastlyenhance the facilities offered to visitors and will modernise the southern end of the ground whilealso maintaining the temporary nature of the ground. The club have publicised their plans to leavethe site in the near future and this development provides a more sustainable stop gap solution,rather than building a permanent structure. It will also offer residents more privacy as the previoustented structure allowed spectators direct views into Alton Road and Downend Road gardensthrough gaps in the back "wall". The new more robust structure will prevent this with the addedbenefit of containing crowd noise better.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The replacement stand will be much more secure and stable in comparison to theprevious structure that stood in its place. It will be a welcoming and safe environment for me to beable to bring my two daughters to watch sporting events. I have been attending sporting events atthe Memorial Stadium since the 1980s and any person residing in a house in the surrounding areamust surely have been aware of the stadium's presence before they chose to move there. Itherefore don't see how they can object to a structure being erected that will not be much differentto the one that preceded it. The structure itself won't dramatically alter the skyline of the stadium(two of the stands on either side will remain taller), and the structure will better contain the noisemade by supporters on match days. The development is an improvement for all parties and willbenefit both supporters and local residents if it is allowed to go ahead.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a 67 year old traveling from the Cornish boarder having plenty of seats is essentialfor me. The new stand is well planned and most fans use public transport

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers football club do a lot of work in the community as well as bringing inadded revenue in the local area on match days. A new stand would only add the the progress ofthe club and local area. Also this would only be temporary as the football club are looking atbuilding a new ground elsewhere.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This new stand will replace a temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will have little impact but will look different to the immediate local housing. Itselevated position will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound much better than thecurrent tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground and away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium has been in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise seeing that thousands of people have been attendingsporting events there over the decades.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support the new stand at BRFC which will replace the temporary stand. Due to itsdesign the sound will be directed towards the pitch and houses behind the stand will not beoverlooked. Football is played there no more than 30 days a year so the impact is for minimaltime.A larger capacity will provide more revenue for local businesses which can only be a good thing inthe current economic climate

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Rovers fans. Get on here and make a comment in favour of the South stand planningapplication. Residents are objecting in numbers and we need help to get it over the line.These were my comments, feel free to copy and paste and add your own but remember thecouncil will need reasons to overcome objections:

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This new stand only takes the capacity back to pre covid levels.The local residents have not been there as long as the stadium and were happy to have theRovers stray instead of a Sainsburys super store..

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support this and believe bristol rovers are doing the right thing for all disabledsupporters please get behind this and do not discriminate against disabled fans

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

For the sake of football in Bristol the Rovers need this stand to move forward.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Why the people of Trubshaw Road are complaining when they bought there house theyknew it back on to a football ground. Bristol Rovers do need a new ground.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Would benefit the club and local area by providing a better stadium facility.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

My girls 9 and 10 love football and always sit in the south stand, they are excited Boutthe upgrade, so do the right thing and approve,Don't know why the residents have issues, probably city fans.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Just think it's good for Bristol and the surrounding area,we are lacking behind othercities because I feel we don't move quickly & get things done like other places

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This stadium was built long before any of the residents currently living next to theground had moved in . These people knew of the potential for improvement or expansion andchose to live next to a stadium . Now they are trying to pre ent club growth after their own inabilityto factor in all possibilities before taking/buying houses .Rovers are already looking into alternative site for new stadium . With many of rovers fans Ipersonally think would prefer to stay at memorial site but it's not an option due to neighbourgroups

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Anything that will benefit the people of Bristol should be supported. Bristol is one of thebiggest cities in the UK, yet has never played Premier League football. The chance to have twoteams pushing each other on, rivalling for top positions can only be realised if both teams havefacilities and money available to them to do so. Without increasing the capacity and facilities atBristol Rovers the club will not be able to compete with those around them. It's is myunderstanding that the club already had a stand in the position that the new stand will be located.As there has already been a stand in place I cannot see how this new structure will affect theresidents in neighbouring streets anymore than it's predecessor.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It is only replacing a stand not a new structure and being permanent it is safer for thosethat use it

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

We need this stand

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a season ticket holder, I use public transport when available. It would be toeveryones advantage if dedicated park and ride sites were open on match days.That said, it is no doubt something of an inconvenience to residents, however it doesn't increasethe capaciity from previous years and is for roughly three hours every two weeks. Considerablyless since Bristol Rugby no longer play there.I suspect the stadium has been there longer than some of the houses and certainly before theresidents and from the plans the new structure doesn't appear to encroach on the neighboursanymore than the previous temporary structure.Further , I believe the new structure would most likely cut down the crowd noise experienced bythe neigbours.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a season ticket holder, I use public transport when available. It would be toeveryones advantage if dedicated park and ride sites were open on match days.That said, it is no doubt something of an inconvenience to residents, however it doesn't increasethe capaciity from previous years and is for roughly three hours every two weeks. Considerablyless since Bristol Rugby no longer play there.I suspect the stadium has been there longer than some of the houses and certainly before theresidents and from the plans the new structure doesn't appear to encroach on the neighboursanymore than the previous temporary structure.Further , I believe the new structure would most likely cut down the crowd noise experienced bythe neigbours.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Rovers really need this stand

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support this application for the benefits it will bring to people attending footballmatches,as I believe having more seats undercover will attract more families and will providebetter facilities for disabled or those less able to stand for 90 minutes.Being fully enclosed there will be less noise pollution,and will only increase capacity to previouslevels

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a season ticket holder, I use public transport when available. It would be toeveryones advantage if dedicated park and ride sites were open on match days.That said, it is no doubt something of an inconvenience to residents, however it doesn't increasethe capaciity from previous years and is for roughly three hours every two weeks. Considerablyless since Bristol Rugby no longer play there.I suspect the stadium has been there longer than some of the houses and certainly before theresidents and from the plans the new structure doesn't appear to encroach on the neighboursanymore than the previous temporary structure.Further , I believe the new structure would most likely cut down the crowd noise experienced bythe neigbours.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers is a family club that needs to expand seating in it's ground to moveforwards. This stand would replace a previous temporary structure so not a completely new idea.Extra revenue from tickets would mean extra help for groups offered by the club that suppourtmembers of local communities including the elderly, those with physical disabilities or specialneeds and children.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Its about time this council realised there are 2 football clubs in this city and allow thesupporters of BRFC to once again be proud of the club and the city.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

There has bern a sports ground here for longer than most residents, Rugby nowFootball, the south stand was already there, although tempory, the new stand is just replacing theold, the club is trying to progress, and do a lot for the local community, there are non league clubswith better grounds than Rovers, come on lets help a decent club.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support the proposed new south stand.After watching football there since the rover's have returned to bristol in previous crowds of 12000plus, I believe that the atmosphere will be improved on match days the local pubs shops and thelocal residents that have gained financially from selling parking on there properties on match dayswill all benefit.Surely in these times of financial hardships anything that can assist in keeping local businesses inbusiness should be supported from those who benefit from them every other day in the year.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This will bring more revenue to the area

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The MEM was left to the people of Bristol so that we could play and watch sport. BristolRovers have largely been residents in North Bristol for 140 years old. A number of the people whoare complaining live in properties built on land previously owned by Bristol Rovers. The club onlywant to reinstate the capacity of the ground to the level it had before the Covid pandemic. It's aninsult to the supporters of Bristol Rovers that BCC appear to want to keep their foot on our throats,make us sit under unsuitable tents, shame on the whole council. Other councils around thecountry openly support their local community clubs. The planning application needs to be fasttracked and approved asap if not then it only goes to show how anti BCC are towards what is oneof the biggest pressure groups in Bristol.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I don't see an email issue with a new stand, we'll over due.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT


This will greatly benefit the area having more fans using shop and public houses

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support the replacement of the stand as this is replacing the original stand and willmake no difference to the houses behind. This ground was given to the people of Horfield tohonour the fallen in the wars. People who have brought their houses knowing that the stand andfootball ground was there

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will not be much bigger than the temporary stand.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

For the good and great of Bristol, this stand must be erected!!!

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I live close by to the Memorial Stadium and am happy to accept the occasionaltraffic/parking problems on match day, in return for having a major sporting facility in the area. Thefacility needs to meet the needs of its growing fan base, to enable more families to enjoy thegame.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a club we don't seem to be getting the break needed to progress. We strugglegetting grounds to build a new stadium and now we are having problems upgrading the one wegot.It feels if city were in this situation they wouldn't be getting the same problems. Bristol City Councilalways seem to be prefer city to Rovers. Now is tge time to prove me wrong.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am fully in support of the redevelopment of the south stand. the temporary tentedstructure there before was never meant to be permanent and yet stayed in place for 20 years orso. As with any building works, there may be temporary disruption for the local residents, but Itrust that the club will have taken this into account and planned accordingly.following on from COVID, if the football club can increase their match day revenue by makingimprovements to their stadium, then there is a better chance of them being sustainable well intothe future. It is a dilapidated stadium well out of date and it's about time it was upgraded.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary 'tents' which have stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will be minimal to the local houses. I am not sure what the current view is butas the new stand is elevated I can't imagine it will restrict any more of the view.

The new stand is a more solid structure so will contain the sound better than the previous tentsand will deflect it back towards the pitch.

The Memorial Stadium was in existence long before all local residents moved into their properties.Parking and noise will not be much worse than it is currently and will only happen for 3-4 hours on23 match days per season.

Looking at the other sports stadium closeby - Gloucester Cricket in Nevil Rd it is interesting to notethat significant development has taken place with some new stands/flats etc. Surely this musthave had some impact on the neighbourhood? But planning was approved and there is now anexcellent stadium which can now accommodate England internationals. Wouldn't be good for thearea to have 2 stadia which are fit for purpose?

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

First off I get the "i dont want this or thar built near me" but we aren't talking of 1000s ofnew houses on a green belt site, we are talking about improving a sporting stadium that has beenon this site for longer than any resident that is apposed to the works being carried out

That being said, this will only bring the stadium capacity up to the levels it once was meaningobjections over increased footfall on the site of a match day are false.

Also the new structure will more than likely improve the sound being sent back into stadium thusso improving the local residents match day experience.

And maybe the council could work with and not against Bristol Rovers (Bristols oldest footballclub) to help improve any forward issues because this is a valuable asset not just for us supportersbut the community as a whole.Just look at the clubs in the community, especially during covid.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand can only be a good thing for Rovers and Bristol, The tents were anembarrassment but all the club are doing is replacing a structure with another structure it's assimple as that , The residents moved in to the surrounding houses knowing there was a footballstadium in there vicinity, The new stand will put the capacity to around 12,500 which it was 3 yearsago so there will be no change , no extra traffic , no extra noise , plus it's only for 3.5 hours on amatch day , The council need to make the right / correct decision asap in giving the go ahead forthe stand ,

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I'd like to support the much needed improvements at the Memorial Stadium, specificallythe new South/South West Stand.The new stand will enhance the matchday experience for many local people and the wider Bristolcommunity and also improve the experience and comfort for the travelling away fans.It is hard to understand why anyone would object to improving facilities in their own city.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The proposal of a Replacement Stand at The Memorial Stadium is crucial in thelongevity of Bristol Rovers Football Club.This will allow extra revenue for the club to keep it sustainable for the near future.The club holds numerous awards for services to the community and numerous other causes.Planning should be granted to the club for the building of the new Stand.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Ashton Gate was near enough totally rebuilt with no objections we want to build a smallstand so out supporters can sit and watch a game without getting wet surely it's not too much toask to be approved

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This application returns the memorial stadium back to the capacity at which it wasregularly used for many years until recent safety and or EFL regulations forced the capacity to bereduced.

I sympathise with the local residents. Nobody likes change on their doorstep. However, thestadium has been in nearly constant use since it was built in 1921. At least in part, most of thecurrent local residents had a choice to live near the stadium. It's unreasonable to expect oldstructures, particularly in 2023 and ones used for professional sports to remain undeveloped fordecades.

I support this application in part because just like Bristol City's failed attempts at moving to a newstadium in Long Ashton and the countless attempts and many millions wasted on a city centrearena. The City of Bristol and thus the council have to encourage forward thinking and permitdevelopments which benefit the many.

For too long the council has made short-term decisions which have benefited the few.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This application should go through, all Rovers are doing are bringing the capacity backup to what it use to be. 15 years ago approval was given to redevelop the whole ground upto 20k.This will not affect the residents as they will still have privacy of there homes. It is time the councilto back the club for once. If Rovers were to ever move this area would be loaded with housing andthe residents would not be happy. Bristol Rovers are simply trying to make a minor improvement.Which will help fans as well. The extra fans would also boost the local economy with them going topubs and cafes. Public transport is not a Rovers issue this is a national problem.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support Bristol Rovers in their application to replace the current south stand with anew structure at the Memorial Stadium.

The construction of a new stand will allow Bristol Rovers to become a safer, more family friendlyand inclusive club by allowing families to sit together and increasing the capacity for disabledsupporters, at a time when Bristol Rovers have just released a new football shirt promotinginclusivity in football and stating how it should be for everyone.

Once completed, this stand will be significantly lower than the accepted and approved MemorialStadium redevelopment plans from a few years ago and will only be slightly higher than the standit is set to replace. This means it should offer no loss of privacy for nearby residents with nowindows or openings at the back of the stand.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

We need this stand so disabled have somewhere to go & watch the gas

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Is a football ground if don't like move on simple been there years

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am in favour of the application, it is just replacing a temporary stand that has been inplace for years and is greatly needed to ensure the continued success of the club, the extracapacity will bring more revenue into the immediate local area and also into Bristol in general

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The proposed development will provide much needed improvements to memorialstadium. The improvements will make a big difference to Bristol Rovers with negligible impact onthe local area.

The new stand will help enclose the ground and reduce noise and increase privacy for surroundinghouses.

My main point of support is around disabled access. I have a son who has cerebral palsy wholoves football. The current disabled facilities at the memorial stadium are very poor. In fact itmakes it near impossible for my son to attend. There are currently very few disabled spaces. Thedevelopment of the new stand with extra seating will enable more provision to be put in place fordisabled supporters and hence help with the inclusion of people with disabilities.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Get it done

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new infrastructure at the memorial stadium is a significant upgrade from the oldone. It will not only improve the stadium, but also benefit the surrounding area, while restoring thestadium capacity to slightly more than before. The old stand/s were unattractive, offered a poorviewing experience and had dubious safety standards, based on my personal observation. Thisproposal addresses these issues.

It is important to note that the memorial stadium has hardly seen any major infrastructuralimprovements in the past 20 years, which has made it fall behind the expectations of both homeand away fans (the stadium also represents the local area and Bristol as a whole).

The proposal is modest compared to both the old infrastructure and most other football leaguestadia in the country. This means that it will have minimal impact on the local residents whilegreatly enhancing the stadium for everyone involved.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new replacement south stand will not be much different to the old temporary standknown as the tent, it's long past it's use by date, it will provide better and safer seating for fansincluding disabled fans which i can only see as a positive. As the south stand is used by the awaysupport, I don't see how this will add to the volume of traffic as many of the away support travel viacoach or train as they are aware of the limited parking, via club statement and information madeavailable by their own supporter's group.I feel a decision against the new stand as unfair as there's not much difference in design from theold temporary stand, and as our neighbouring club, Bristol City FC were given permission toimprove their ground at Aton Gate in a major way which in my opinion did add the the volume oftraffic .I think any football club looking to update their facilities can only be seen as a good thing, anyincrease in fan base can also only be seen as a positive as may away fans book into local hotelsand stay on the next day to see some of our great city, all local shops, restaurants and businessesbenefit in trade on foot ball days,Bristol Rovers are looking to a positive and successful future and needs the backing of Bristol CityCouncil to achieve this! I'm sure Bristol Rovers will continue to work with the local residents aftercompletion of fhe stand.So please Back our Bristol Rovers and be part of of their brighter future and more success ingeneral for our city.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It will be an improvement on the previous stand

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The football club are simply getting the capacity up to approx the level it was beforeCOVID safety changes.

The objections make no sense, the residents will simply be looking at the back of an alternativestand, with identical inconveniences as to before.

The only argument I can see is the noise generated by assembling the new stand, which I believeis swift. It's an ad hoc relatively small stand, not a stadium they are assembling.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

We need to improve on the last stand ,to give everyone the experience of sport

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved intotheir homes, I really cannot see any legitimate reason for an objection, especially when youconsider that the new structure is replacing a temporary one that has been there for years.Sound will be contained better in the new one and there will be virtually no difference to theskyline.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Rovers are trying to improve the experience for fans and and are trying to make it amore successful club. The stand will not be that big to affect the houses that are behind but abetter built stand will lower the noice for the residents

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support the new temporary stand proposed by Bristol Rovers to replace the oldSouth Stand.

The current stand, that has now been removed, was no longer fit for purpose and the newstructure will allow for the club to cater for a wider range of people. There we so many restrictionsdue to the lack of seating and disabled facilities that this new stand addresses.

The Memorial Stadium has been in existence for over 100 years and there will always be a needto update it to fit with modern standards. This is one of those occasions.

Bristol Rovers have already been massively affected by SAG controls that have reduced thecapacity of the ground. This will only bring up back to a level that we have seen in the past, butwith better facilities that will help keep the noise in the stadium.

From looking at the plans I don't see the new structure being dominate in the skyline or that muchhigher than what was in place before.

I really hope the council strongly consider the application and allow Bristol Rovers to put in place astand that will benefit the fan experience at the Memorial Stadium

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC provide a benefit to the local community and the local economy. Alarger south stand is needed to bring the facilities up to date and to increase the benefit to thelocal community. A much larger planning application has been approved previously and thereforethis application should be approved.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This stadium is in desperate need of the additional seats to increase the quality of thestadium and to cater to families and older fans that cant attend. For way too long this club hasbeen held back by the facilities.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

About time the Bristol council got behind Rovers for once and Backed the application

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support this application for a number of reasons, these being.

Once this stand is completed the overall capacity of this ground will be 12,500, only 300 more thanthe previous maximum capacity, which had been reduced during Covid restrictions and thenfurther safety restrictions once the Covid ones were lifted.

There have been adverse comments from some parties regarding the height of the new standbeing excessive, but consider the fact that it is significantly below the previously acceptedMemorial Stadium developments and this new proposed South stand is only a few metres higherthan the previous temporary stands it will replace.

There will be further benefits from the corner being enclosed, so noise during matches will be farmore contained than with the previous temporary stand.

There is also the obvious fact that this stadium has been in existence for over 100 years andgenerally all modern stadia have stands on four sides, so for this to function as a modern stadiumit needs to have four stands with facilities suitable to todays standards.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I believe the stand will increase local businesses revenue and increase the standing ofthe cities facilities in the eyes of those visiting this area to watch their own team. As well asspending money in the local area many use the hotels and city centre as a base and contribute toBristol's tourism. As for the stand itself , it will be safer, more accessible for people who like meare ambulant disabled and better protected against the elements .

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

With the new stand built the capacity of the ground will only be back to what it was priorto the changes that were made by health and safety therefore the amount of cars and spectatorswill be no different and this should not cause any additional problems in the area.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am in total support of this.As a business owner on Gloucester Road the fact that the memorial stadium will be regaining theircapacity they once had or even increasing it will be great for the football club but also the localbusinesses located around the memorial stadium.The fact we are going through one of the worst cost of living crisis in our lifetime what this could dofor the local economy and the community from the extra paying customers at the memorialstadium can only be a good thing.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Support our football teams

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support this as I believe it will create more jobs, and bring more revenue to Bristolas a city.

on 2023-08-07   OBJECT

I hear by think this stand is well needed in a ground that's sub standard now and needsbuilding up for fans of Bristol to enjoy a great day out.Anyone who moans about progression then,should of thought about this before moving next to a stadium.And most houses round there arerented out for bedsits or student flats anyway.Good luck BRFC And hope this idiots moaning don'tput stop to this when clearly their was a stand there anyway??

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Development of a sports ground, that has stood on the site for over 100 years seems tobe a logical decision.

The application appears to seek to return the capacity to a level that was available, until recently.

The more permanent structure that is sought would reduce noise, rather than increase it.

The Stand will provide, within it, Toilet and Food/drink outlets, which until May 2023 only existedoutside of the semi-permanent structure. This, again, will reduce noise, and importantly it willprovide a far more suitable experience for Home and Away supporters.

Bristol City Council have previously approved a far larger application for site development andthus all considerations for travel, noise and environmental impact will already have been made.

In regard to, objections raised over 'inconvenience', Bristol Rovers will play 23 Home, Leaguefixtures, in a calendar year. If you allow for 3 hours parking, per match, that represents less than8% of the total hours in a year, thus over 92% the community are not 'inconvenienced'.

It is also extremely unlikely that every additional supporter would drive a vehicle and/or park, in theMuller Road/Alton Road area.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Not only will it make the area tidy but bring in additional revenue to local businesses.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

A new permanent stand would be a vast improvement on the current structure in place.Noise would be better contained and directed within the stadium by the new strucutre.Safety of the stadium would be enhancement by the new strucutre.This is opinion based, but I would think the new structure would be a improvement visually overthe current structure in place.This is an important development for a major part of sport and recreation within Bristol.Progression and success of the club will provide a huge boast to the surrounding and wider areas.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Fantastic for our local sports clubs to try and increase its size/revenue. With a lot of thatmoney being invested in hopefully another project in the city which will help Bristol to groweconomically. Not sure how anyone (neighbours) can object really, move next to a sports stadiumthere is guaranteed to be noise & renovation work from time to time. Please support this.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand would only put the capacity back to what it was pre covid supportinglocal businesses get back to normal. Only an idiot would reject this application. Do somethingpositive for north Bristol for once

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new temporary stand is detrimental towards the future of the club. In respect of thelocal community who may not know the new stand will only be slightly higher but a little longer onthe structure that has been there these past number of years. The capacity to the stadium willslightly increase but would only bring us back in regards to capacity that it was several years ago.This will in absolute no way change the experience of the local residents and in foresight' shallactually contain more of the matchday noise/chanting or singing.I do get the impression that home owners in the streets behind think that the new stand is going tobe bigger than it actually shall be upon completion.We are not in the process of building an entire new stadium (of which previous planningpermission was granted) but not ever acted upon, but a small stable stand which will be morebeneficial to the club, its supporters but also a better match day experience for the supporters ofvisiting teams.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am in full support of the replacement stand being erected at the Memorial Stadium.This stand, apart from providing seating for supporters both home and away including disabledaccess areas; it will shield the local houses from a direct amount of noise coming from the crowdduring exciting games.


M Turner

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

New stand is needed to enhance the existing stadium. To cater better for all fansincluding disabled fans .

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The Stands provide a better experience for away supporters who currently regard theaway area as inadequate. Fans can travel hundreds of miles to watch their teams play in Bristoland deserve better facilities than we have offered in the past, This new stand is long overdue forvisitors.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The structure is bringing the stadium back to its earlier capacity. It is not increasingit.The stadium has been there for 100 years. Those who object would have been well aware of itbefore choosing to live nearby.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The memorial stadium needs a safer stand built in the South and South West area ofthe stadium for my Childrens sake and the away supporters sake!

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It's time the Council gave Rovers a break There have been too many false dawns inregard to allowing The Gas to make progress This Stadium is becoming not fit for purpose and thealterations planned are designed to allow a few more years use and improved safety and comfortto home and away fans

I find it risible that the Nimbys are at it again, in particular those living back to back with theMemorial Stadium They didn't want the Sainsburys Development and killed it off, and now theywant to do the same with something which will mean an improvement in sound containment. Whybuy a house next to a Sports Stadium and then complain about crowds? It's 102 years since TheMem was established as a War Memorial Sports Field so no one living close by will rememberanything different. Hypocrisy rules it seems ....

Don't give in to the moaners - give the Gas a chance to move forwards The Other Team in Bristolget all the breaks it seems ...

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Stand is needed not just for home but for visiting supporters and to bring much neededrevenue into the club and surrounding businesses

on 2023-08-07  

While I appreciate the desire of Bristol Rovers to maximise the capacity of their stadium,the claim being made by their supporters that this has been a football stadium for 100 years, iswrong.

Bristol Rovers began their occupation of the ground only in 1997. Prior to this date, the site wasused only for Rugby Union, and rarely attracted crowds larger than 3,000. The South End of theground was entirely undeveloped, with only a few spectators standing at ground level around theperimeter of the pitch.

I have sympathy for the long-suffering residents of Alton Road and I believe that in consideringany development of the South End of the ground, the planning committee should take account ofthe way the site is built into a considerable slope and dominates the street below. The mass of anystand should not be any greater than the structure which preceded it.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there. Please also remember that this is a memorial to a lot of localheroes and thus needs to updated in a safe and thoughtful manner. This ground needs apermanent South Stand.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This is vital for the continued lifeblood at Bristol Rovers in addition all the good work thecommunity trust does for people all over the city who benefit from the many helpful resources theyprovide.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Been a sports stadium here for a long time .would be great to move forward with animprovement in conditions. Put bristol on the map .

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I am writing in support of Bristol Rovers FC plans to update their Memorial stadium witha new south stand.I very much hope the plans submitted will be passed as the structure is only replacing the originalone that has been in existence for a very long time. I agree that the new stand will be slightlybigger however this is something that is required to help the football club regain the crowdcapacity it used to have before Covid. The residents that are objecting to the plans do not have avalid point on the parking issue as the ground used to have a higher capacity limit previously andwhy buy a house near a stadium that has been there for decades knowing that it will be usedconstantly by fans during the football season. I very much hope that the plans are passed and thestand is allowed to be built as the football club have had a serious number of setbacks over theyears in there quest to move forward and improve facilities for their supporters so please givethem a break.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

For as long as the Memorial ground has been there, there has always been sportsplayed on this field, and much more. House were built around this existing field with the knowledgethat sport would still be happening as this is what the Memorial ground was.For people to now complain about this place still being used as a sports field screams of hypocrisyand nimbyism.Like many music venues that have unfortunately now closed due to this attitude but thankfully dueto changes in the law, has now changed this, this stadium was here long before the surroundinghouses. It is their decision to live there and for the want of perhaps one day every 2 weeksincovinence (admitted more if cup and midweek games happen), this cannot be allowed to go on!As a sports team with the name Bristol in its title, the team are ambassadors to this City of ours.They cam go out and promote what a great, outward thinking city we are, with excellent sportingfacilities.Please don't stiffle this and prove that we are a progressive city.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Football ground and been there for years , not exactly a high rise flats looking to be builtit will also contain any noise generated by crowd ect

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The removal of the prior stand and the replacement with a new modern stand will onlyimprove the look of the ground from a distance for locals, so can't really see any issue there.

Comments re. increased traffic are also well wide of the mark - the new stand would only returnthe capacity of the Memorial Stadium to what it was pre-Covid; to be exact, it will slightly increasecapacity but only by around 2%. A very, very negligible inrease.

My thoughts are that the impact to locals will be almost zero, and the impact for fans (both localand away fans) on matchday will be significant.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The stadium has been there since the 1920s. local residents move next to a stadiumand then are complaining about the ramifications of said stadium ? the complaints about noise andparking are a null issue as it is bringing capacity back to what it was 10 years ago and there wereno complaints back then. previous planning was also passed to build a much larger stand in thatarea of the ground in the past so why are there issues now. If this isn't passed it will becomeanother stain on Bristol and why no big infrastructure projects ever get passed and will show thecouncil bending to nimbys who CHOSE to live in the proximity of a large sporting facility and thencomplain when it is used for that purpose.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support this application Bristol Rovers need a safe stand for travelling and localsupporters of all age and ableness. Without this lots of groups are discriminated against.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Building a stand back up, where there was already a stand anyway shouldn't be aproblem. It's only returning something that was already there with minimal extension

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I cannot see the issue with this. A previous construction will be replaced with somethingthat will be better. Lots of people who object have chosen to live in an area knowing it was close toa stadium. I understand noise being made while constructing but this is only temporary and theyalready put up with stadium noise in a Saturday and Tuesday night.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The sports ground has been there for over 100 years, and football played there for over25 years .The planned area is only an improvement on what was already there, converting it from tarpaulinto a more solid structure.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This is a much needed small improvement to the ground. It's a temporary stand that'llhelp improve the facilities for those attending.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The south stand is crucial for Bristol Rovers football club. It brings more revenue to theclub and surroundings which will help small business all over BS7. This should go ahead as it willallow more fans to watch the team they support.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

100% for it

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Can't understand the argument against it being the capacity up, it's just bringing it backto where it was pre Covid.We should all be encouraging this sort of development

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support the erection of the stand as it is not much bigger than the one it isreplacing.The ground is in great need of improvement and will greatly improve the spectatorexperiencefor supporters familys and disabled people.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This is a relatively small scale construction that will simply replace what was already inplace.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Coming from a Rovers Family these stands not only benefit us Gasheads, who use tosit in the old stands but the away supporters as well!!

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years.The impact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Itselevated position will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented structure, deflecting it back Into the ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.

The memorial stadium has been there for over 100yrs long before most local residents moved intotheir properties, so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Coming from a Rovers Family these stands not only benefit us Gasheads, who use tosit in the old stands but the away supporters as well!!

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years.The impact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Itselevated position will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented structure, deflecting it back Into the ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.

The memorial stadium has been there for over 100yrs long before most local residents moved intotheir properties, so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Rovers givin 140 years to Bristol,be nice if council helped rovers it improves a venue toBristol all bigger stand attracts more people to Bristol who spend money which secures jobs egbus fares pubs restaurant, employment at stadium....people who live near by it's only once a weekapprox ,not even all year round.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I wish to give my full support to the Bristol Rovers FC proposal to replace the oldtemporary stands with a more permanent structure which has been required for years.

I feel one of the main benefits with the extra seats will be that it will give families more opportunityto bring their children to matches. In addition the improvements will give greater access to thosewho are disabled and cannot at present attend matches which is a major and importantmove.forward.

From a neighbours point of view there is no loss of privacy as the stand has no windows openingin the Alton Road direction and in addition as the new stand will face north this will not cause ashadow on the local houses. It is important to note that the new stand is only very slightly higherthan the old temporary structures so will not cause any issues.

When you travel to other football grounds the facilities for away supporters are often excellent andRovers plans will improve the current poor facilities for those travelling from around the countrywhich is important and gives visitors a good impression of Bristol.

One aim of the development is simply to go back to the previous stadium capacity so there will notbe major affect on the local community.

I urge the Council to approve the Bristol Rovers Planning application.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Dear Conrad Rodzaj

I strongly support Bristol Rovers FC proposals to replace the previous temporary, outdated, andtented sands with an appropriate and modern facility to increase the number of seats within theMemorial Stadium. The planned South Stand will be one continuous structure allowing the club tomake use of the Strathmore Road corner section and will improve the experience, comfort, andsight lines for both home and away supporters.

In the process, the design of the stand minimises noise transference from that section of thestadium, guarantees privacy to residents immediately behind and not does not create anyovershadowing issues to the nearby homes.

It is considered that the scale of the proposed overall development is acceptable as it would resultin only a modest increase in the overall capacity of the stadium from 12,276, (based on the 2018planning consent), to 12,500 in future years.

The proposed development seeks to respond to customer demand for seated tickets in recentyears when crowd numbers have risen, and the seating capacity has been well below demand.This is a particular concern since Bristol Rovers has one of the lowest seats to standing ratios ofsides in the top three divisions in English football.

The provision of the South Stand will assist in providing an improved customer experience both interms of quality, spectator safety and comfort, for both home and away supporters as well as

increasing the total accessible seating provision within the stadium.

The stand construction will result in a very small change in capacity and will not create anysignificant impact on those issues, typically associated with a high-capacity venue, such as trafficgeneration, parking, noise impact and anti-social behaviour.

It should also be noted that the proposed level of development is significantly less than that of thepreviously approved application for the redevelopment of the site which was deemed appropriateand would have resulted in a total capacity of 18,500 seated spaces.

The new South Stand is a significant improvement both in design and visual appearance over theprevious temporary tents and the proposed South Stand fits pleasantly into the form of thespectator facilities that enclose the pitch.

The new stand is not likely to result in any new environmental implications that cannot bemitigated by existing controls. The proposed South Stand does not affect movement and transportconsiderations. These conclusions are drawn taking account of the fact that the capacity change isa modest extra 224 seated spectators.

It is to be expected that that the City Council's Building Control Team will need to carefullyconsider the Building Regulation aspects of the new wraparound stand. The sports ground willrequire a General Safety Certificate which is issued by the authority following guidance from aSafety Advisory Group (SAG). It is almost certain that Arena, the vastly experienced maincontractor responsible for the project, will have ensured that this process has been meticulouslyfollowed in respect of the new South Stand.

Initially, there were some minor deviations from the best practice recommendations in the BristolRovers FC/Arena proposals. These were highlighted and requested to be dealt with duringmeetings held many months ago between Bristol Rovers Football Club, the Safety Advisory Groupand representatives from Building Control, the Planning Department and Arena Group.

The key concerns raised at those meetings were:

The length of certain seating rows, the proposed seat spacing, some specific sight lines, theoverall accessible seating available, and the total holding capacity of the concourse.

These were all considered and satisfactorily addressed at the conclusion of that process.

There do not appear to be any other safety considerations that will not be covered by otherregulatory processes.

I urge you to give consent to the proposed South Stand development.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Rovers fans. Get on here and make a comment in favour of the South stand planningapplication. Residents are objecting in numbers and we need help to get it over the line.

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   OBJECT

Why does a very small football club or any club think they can just forget planningpermission and get away with it

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there. The more capacity the memorial ground has the more money thatgets bought into and spent in the local area in local food and drink places on the Gloucester Roadand local supermarkets on muller road.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The Mem requires a new replacement structure in the south of the stadium thatcompliments the requirements of supporters visiting the ground, whilst limiting the impact that anew structure will have on surrounding houses. I support this application as the plans that havebeen submitted, have duly taken into consideration both the required ground improvements aswell as the impact on neighbouring homes and surrounding areas accordingly .

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The planned improvement to the current stadium will allow the capacity to be close tothat, prior to the pandemic.

The Club have operated at reduced capacity since Covid and will allow more supporters to attendagain.

In addition, facilities will be an improvement from the temporary structures that were in placepreviously.

It is my understanding, that the new stands will have moved further away from local housing too,which again is an improvement from the previous set up.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I currently live within 5 minutes of the stadium and see no justifiable reason for planningpermission to not be issued in this case. From a traffic perspective, all the club are intending to dois restore the capacity of the stadium back to the levels that were previously in place prior to theH&S changes around terraced stands in football stadiums.

I think more pressingly, the club have looked to do this with a keen focus on increasing thecapacity for supporters of both the home and away teams who need proper access to coveredaccessible seating, which is something that is currently lacking. This issue has been increaseddue to the removal of the temporary tented stand and is now impacting the number of accessibleseats available to supporters. This means that the urgency of resolution has increased.

The new facility, in comparison to the stand that is being replaced, will better contain noise fromthis part of the ground as it is fully enclosed to the rear (away from the pitch) and the previousspace between the South and South West stand will no longer be open to the residentialproperties behind these areas.

The increased stand, along with concession stands will increase the number of employmentopportunities in the local area, particularly for 'casual' workers such as the student population whooccupy a lot of the properties that are in the immediate vicinity of the stadium.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Extra seating capacity is very important, not everyone can stand for the length of afootball match!

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Nobody owns the road or right to park outside their homes, however inconvenient orunfair this may appear. (Unless of course you are lucky to own your own private road)

BRFC cannot be held responsible for the policing or restrictions on parking, this is down to BristolCity Council as it was de-criminalised some years ago.

The fans of Bristol Rovers deserve better facilities with improved access for disabled fans, familiesand visiting supporters, along with the benefits to the club that this offers.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Definitely need this stand, the improvements will not only increase the capacity but willalso improve the look of the stadium. The memorial stadium was there before most of theresidents so don't understand how they can complain. It can only help with taking Bristol Roversinto the future. UTG

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The club needs the stand and its only slightly larger than the one that was there before.. Football is for everyone and the days of trouble are long gone ... Lets get behind this club andshow true support.. the stadium has been there for a very long time ... more than any residents imsure..

on 2023-08-07   OBJECT

Further to my previous Neutral comment regarding the history of the site, observing thatany development should not exceed the mass of the previous temporary structure, I now wish tocomment further, this time in objection.

Bristol Rovers have well publicised plans to build a new Stadium at the Fruit Market in St. Phillips,funded by the sale of the Memorial Stadium for housing. It seems unfair on the residents of AltonRoad and other nieghbours, that having been subjected to well documented inconveniencecaused by the clearing of the previous structures at the South end, they should then have to sufferthe disruption of living next to a building project as a stand is shoe-horned into the space, only togo through it all again in a few short years when the stand is demolished to make way for a freshbuilding project.

I think Bristol Rovers should pursue their Fruit Market project and only seek to develop theMemorial Stadium if it is to be their permanent home. I fear that the height of the proposed standmay be used as a precedent to argue for a greater height of building across the whole site thanwould otherwise be allowed.

on 2023-08-07   OBJECT

I live with a few hundred metres of the Memorial Ground . Already it causes greatdisruption with noise from supporters, tannoy announcements litter dropped over our wall, andother nuisances. Also the lack of any provision for supporters cars and the failure to address thisproblem by the council and the club have caused real problems on match days.You will have had many fans supporting this application as they have been dragooned into doingso but I urge you not to just count numbers. The majority of supporters are from outside Horfieldso have no care or consideration of the issues faced by residents. This application will significantlyincrease numbers and in any case is unnecessary as allegedly the club is moving to a new site.We have put up with this long enough. A residential area where few houses have garages is notan appropriate place for a professional football stadium . Please turn down this application, espyas work started before any residents were informed about the application and before theapplication was submitted. This sounds like they think it's cut and dried. Please support our right topeace and quiet and access to our own homes on Saturdays

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Support this great club and get it in the 21st century.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I write in support of the application. As a life long follower of Bristol Rovers and theirstruggles to provide facilities befitting of a club who represent a large swathe of Bristolians andtheir neighbours .I see no logical reason to refuse the application on planning or any othergrounds. The application represents a very modest increase in the overall footprint but asubstantial increase in benefits to those who enjoy attending events at the Memorial stadium withimproved facilities for those visiting from afar as they follow their favourites to our City, improvedexperience for them and for followers of Bristol Rovers regardless of any disability which in turnwill increase the high regard with which Bristol is held nationally leaving an improved impressionand encouraging them to return to Bristol to enjoy its other attractions, boosting the local economyby doing so. There has been sport held at the venue for very many years a fact residents old andnew will be well aware of when moving to the area, in conclusion i say support this applicationmade by an institution which carries the Cities name with pride, the city should return that prideand do all in it's power to help the club prosper.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support the new South Stand at the Mem. The ground was there long before theresidents. The building of the new stand is vital to the clubs survival. We need a ground to beproud of.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I'm all in favour it's replacing a stand that's has been there for many years.If you live next to a football ground or any building you should expect it to have improvements.How many if these residents have have extensions, loft conversions, conservators probably most.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand proposed will actually improve things for the surrounding neighbours interms of noise. It will reduce the noise compared to the old stand.This proposed stand is to replace a temporary one that was already in place.I believe it is actually smaller in development than previous granted planning permission, so all inall, I cannot see the objection to it.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I fully support the new stand being built.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Please let us have a south stand

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support the club who do fantastic work in the community and I hope they can continueto do so with better facilities

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support this new stand due to the fact that it will increase revenue for the club and helpwith the up and coming young talent we have in Bristol. It will also bring in more income to thelocal community due to the fact the capacity will be increased and there will be more travellingaway fans which will visit all bringing money in to Bristol. There will also be possibility that it couldalso create more jobs on match days and events.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

It would be great to see a new stand to replace the old tent , the locals know that theground has been there for years but will object to anything to take the club forward

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Will be a great improvement for sport in north Bristol

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The proposed stand is not a massive one,albeit a stop gap before the club can finallysay goodbye to Horfield and get their new stadium which is on the table.When Rovers leave the Memorial stadium it will be ripped down to allow many houses on this site.Please bare with the club as they are doing their very best to please everyone.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

There is no difference in having the new stand where the old stand was. The stadiumhas been there long before any of the residents. Hopefully it won't be there long anyway as we'rehoping to move into a new stadium very soon. Why shouldn't the club and ground be allowed tobetter themselves in the meantime? Good luck Rovers

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I strongly support the application for improvement of a new stand at Bristol Roversfootball club.The club needs to be able to move with the times and improve the facilities foreveryone.Football is not 24/7 and it is only 9 months of a year when you have a surge of people inthe area.The stadium has been in the area a lot longer than a lot of the residents but it needs tomove forward to be able to improve as a club.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there. the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact tothe skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position willnot restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I support the application because the stadium is in need of much improved facilities thanit is currently. This will give families, disabled fans, local schools and fans alike a much bettermatchday experience.Having more fans able to attend will boost the local economy and in turn give much neededincome to the local businesses. Also, with a higher away capacity, this also means more of thosevisiting will be seeing what Bristol has to offer as a place on the map, when staying in the area.

It has to be said that The Memorial Stadium was already given planning permission, previously, foran 18,500 all seater stadium, with a maximum of future development capped off at 27,000.The Alton Road End would have been a much larger construction of what is currently proposedand holding a higher capacity of fans. Therefore this proposal is not having a larger impact to localresidents, than what was already passed for planning.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers Football Club plays an important part in the lives of so many people inBristol. As with any business (and individuals) coming out of COVID has been tough and reducedcapacity with other ground restrictions have caused financial hardship. So many games were nearsell outs last year and the extra capacity will provide vital income. The new proposed facilities willalso provide a much better provision for Disabled football fans. Overall the new structures are notsignificantly bigger than those they are replacing just more permanent and better for spectators.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The current plans to amend the stadium to provide additional seating is a positive onefor the club and local community. The stand will allow the club to provide better facilities fordiabled and able bodied supporters, providing a safer and more welcoming environment. Inaddition it will brin g further revenue to the club to make it more financially sustainabke, as well asbringing more revenue to the local area, especially Gloucester Rd.

I cannot see that the additional supporters will make enough of a difference to impact the areanegatively and will only provide a smalll % increase in the numbers of vehicles to the area.

In terms of the stand itself, it is only sitting on an area of similar footprint to thee previoustemporary stands and noise pollution will be better proteceted by a more substantial building.

The stand itself, even if slightly larger by volume will only actually directly impact one property(No.20 Alton Rd) and only negligibly as the stand is still some distance from the property. It is alsodifficult to argue if living in Alton Rd that this is a significant difference to what was there beforeand any resident of the street will have purchased or eneted a property in the street in fullknowledge of the stadium and that it may one day increase in size. Any one can buy a property,even with a view, that can at some point have that view altered by furhter development, in thiscase, it isn't as if there was nothing there before and it is being altered to a considerable extent.

I am not a supporter of the club in terms of regular visits nor do I live directly next to the stadiumso am commenting as a partially neytrsal observer to a situation the club and residents areinvolved in. In my opinion, the development should be allowed to proceed base don the benefitsfor a larger number of residents of the city against a smaller number of residents who have always

been aware of the football stadium in close proximity to their homes.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Having sat in the old tent many times, I'm sure a new permanent structure will bequieter, and provide more privacy to the local residents.The improved facilities in this stand will allow all ability's and disabilities, to enjoy this wonderfulclub together.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. The impact to theskyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevated position will notrestrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   OBJECT

The club have run, roughshod over any planing and have gone ahead with works whenplanning had no even been looked at let alone given. Neighbours have lost trees and the wildlife itheld plus the noise pollution Must have been awful, especially for the elderly. This cannot standand the club MUST keep to the rules. Hard to believe that in this age, they can just think they canbuild what they want and not be subject to the same rules the rest of us are. The club need a newstadium and not to desecrate what is a memorial stadium, many forget that this is a memorial tothe war dead.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

I have been a supporter since 1978.

I fully support the long overdue proposed new stand to replace the temporary stands that are notfit for purpose.

The new stand, whilst increasing the number of seats significantly, does not raise the capacityabove pre pandemic levels.

With increased seating brings the opportunity for families to enjoy games together and less able-bodied supporters to enjoy football in comfort. Improved facilities for disabled persons, making thearea more inclusive, is also welcomed.

The stand and associated facilities will also be a more positive experience for visiting supporters.

Noise will be better retained due to enclosure of the sides and this also prevents any overlooking.

The size of the stand is lower than previously approved structures, that were part of a proposedfull-scale redevelopment of the site.

Increasing revenue for the football is essential in the clubs' ultimate aim to have a new stadium.

Increased employment opportunities for local people, particularly in hospitality will exist. Localbusinesses in and around the stadium and further afield will also benefit from increased revenueson matchdays.

It should be remembered that football, with significant crowds, only takes place on the siteapproximately 25-30 times a YEAR.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

This proposal must be supported to enable the football club to progress on and off thepitch. This is only a temporary measure due to the clubs wish to relocate to St Phillips in thefuture. The club is doing fantastic work in the local community and this stand will help fund moregreat initiatives as well as generating extra revenue for on the pitch and off the pitch. The footballclub is celebrating 140 years this year and needs support from the local council to carry on andsecuring the clubs future.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Much needed and overdue upgrade to the stadium, which actually only returns thestadium capacity back to what it was.

really struggling to understand the objections from the locals, nothing of this application is differentto what the stadium would have been when these individuals bought their homes next to aSTADIUM, apart from it looking more pleasing on the eye.

I believe consideration is needed that these same locals have objected to residential/retail andnow stadium expansion on this site so I don't actually understand what they want and need torealise this isn't their land, also any effect this does have on the local community would effect avery very small amount of properties and would argue whether they are actually effected to behonest.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a life long supporter and person that was born within yards of the stadium . I believethat the growth of the stadium and opportunities that it brings... although effect a few in a negativeway on match days will enhance far more in a positive way..also bringing more jobs...enhancebusiness takings locally ..assist in the growth of the club and all that it is doing from a communitystandpoint.We all want a new home which we are trusting the council to assist us in getting swiftly...afterwhich those objecting will hopefully be happy with additional housing around them.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

Having supported the club since the mid 70's it would be nice if the football club actuallygot some assistance from the council in helping a football club try to increase revenue. In the pastfew years Covid has caused everyone a major headache and cost, lost revenue has also besomething that most companies have dealt with and have made significant losses in that timeframe. The club have tried hard to inject cash into the local area since the club returned to Bristoland it is important to ensure that the club can financially support its self with the addition ofadditional seats to provide better facilities to both hone and away fans.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The construction of a new stand will provide significant benefit to the football club andits fans.

The new structure will hardly impact the residents once construction is complete as the differencein size between old and new is negligible.

However, the benefits it will bring the club, it's fans and the city are unmeasurable in comparison.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

The new stand will replace the temporary one which has stood there for years. Theimpact to the skyline will, therefore, be little different to the immediate local housing. Its elevatedposition will not restrict any "view" as such.It being a more substantial, solid structure, means it will contain the sound better than theprevious, tented, structure, deflecting it back Into The ground away from the Immediate housing,behind it.The memorial stadium was in existence long before most local residents moved into theirproperties and so it can hardly be a surprise that thousands of people take pleasure fromattending sporting events there.

on 2023-08-07   SUPPORT

As a ex local resident I'm in support of this application, footfall and traffic will not bedetrimental to the local area as the increased capacity will be know larger than original of thememorial stadium.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Currently limited opportunity to attend matches as require seating. Terrace standing isnot always an option for the elderly that have supported Bristol Rovers over the years. The plansprovide additional seating, as has always proven difficult to get seats without climbing many steps.This will facilitate more frequent attendance and contibute to better well-being which is always apositive benefit.

on 2023-08-06   OBJECT

Struggling to understand the objections here. The stand is much smaller than previousplans that were accepted. The increase in capacity takes the stadium back to it's original capacitybefore the pandemic so the increase in parking is not a valid objection.

It will also increase the diversity of supporters who can attend games that is currently limited dueto the nature of the stadium. Bristol Council, like all councils, supports children and disabledcitizens being involved in a community with it's football club, this stand will allow more peoplewithin the community to feel engaged. It'll also allow the club to do even more than they do in thecommunity as they'll undoubtedly re-connect with fans that may not have been for quite someyears.

The stadium has been there for over 100 years and no resident can expect no updates or changesto take place in 100 years. Not a single resident will have lived there previous to the Memorialstadium being built, so residents must accept that progression os standards are a necessity.

Fingers crossed sense is seen that allows BRFC to return to their former capacity whilst keepingbelow the limits of the previous redevelopment plans. On paper, this really should be a win/win forall.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Struggling to understand the objections here. The stand is much smaller than previousplans that were accepted. The increase in capacity takes the stadium back to it's original capacitybefore the pandemic so the increase in parking is not a valid objection.

It will also increase the diversity of supporters who can attend games that is currently limited dueto the nature of the stadium. Bristol Council, like all councils, supports children and disabledcitizens being involved in a community with it's football club, this stand will allow more peoplewithin the community to feel engaged. It'll also allow the club to do even more than they do in thecommunity as they'll undoubtedly re-connect with fans that may not have been for quite someyears.

The stadium has been there for over 100 years and no resident can expect no updates or changesto take place in 100 years. Not a single resident will have lived there previous to the Memorialstadium being built, so residents must accept that progression os standards are a necessity.

Fingers crossed sense is seen that allows BRFC to return to their former capacity whilst keepingbelow the limits of the previous redevelopment plans. On paper, this really should be a win/win forall.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new stand will bring much needed accessible seating for fans, is not excessivelyhigh and capacity will just return to previous levels. I therefore cannot see any reason forobjection.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new stand will benefit the majority of the people affected by it. Also it may only befor several years until the new ground is completed.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Sport has to be supported in Bristol. The structure is temporary and the increase incapacity is minimal. People coming to the ground to see tents - made the club/Bristol look secondbest.

I fully support the proposal.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support this application. The ground capacity will be very little difference from 3years ago and with a new railway station being build nearby, I believe that less supporters willtravel to games by car and more by public transport.A new structure will look far better for the local residents, compared to the old stand with a canvasroof.It will also be more beneficial for supporters attending games, as there will be more seating in theground, including increased seating capacity for disabled supporters.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium is in desperate need of modernisation and this stand will help. The standwill also assist in allowing more supporters to attend games bringing in more money to the localarea

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This application is a no brainer and should be approved immediately.

A denial of this application would be an embarrassment to the city of Bristol. It's a clearimprovement on the previous stand and introduces only positives.

Objections are full of emotional fluff and not claims of any substance.

One that appears to come up consistently from these lazy objections is that the increased capacitymay cause issues with traffic etc - yet the new stand will only bring the stadium closer to itsprevious higher capacity that has reduced due to covid and safety changes.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers is a vital entertainment for thousands of Bristol people and properfacilities are essential for them to have. This modest stand will go a long way to providing suchfacilities.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers is a vital entertainment for thousands of Bristol people who need properfacilities at the stadium. This modest stand will go a long way to providing such facilities and willbe a vast improvement on what it will replace.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a user of the mem to watch football, I believe the additional seats are an essentialupgrade to the stadium. I and my friends are long standing supporters of Bristol Rovers, and as weget older will need to move to seats to ensure continued enjoyment of what I consider is a socialcommunity activity. The current number of available seats is extremally restricted, and thisdevelopment is therefore in my opinion essential. Furthermore it does not significantly increase thecapacity at the ground.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium is well overdue updating, to provide the sort of facilities expectedin modern stadiums.

This proposal addresses two key issues for supporters of Bristol Rovers and visiting supporters,by providing:- additional seating for people who may not be able to stand up for the full game; and- improved and increased facilities for disabled supporters, to help with inclusivity for a proportionof the public who may not otherwise be able to enjoy attending.

It will also be great to get the potential capacity back to where it was before, so more supporters ofRovers and other teams can attend live events in Bristol.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stand will make a huge overall improvement to the Memorial Stadium which is anexcellent part of the surrounding community. It will provide supporters with an improved match dayexperience and more seats for fans whilst not significantly increasing the previous capacity, sothere'll be no increases in traffic or on street parking on match days. Additionally, as the proposednew south stand is taller and wider than the previous temporary stand it will make the stadiummore enclosed and therefore sound will be more contained.

Bristol Rovers is a key member of the local community, providing sports facilities, event space andsports coaching to people of all ages and backgrounds. Investment in the stadium is an excellentsign that Bristol Rovers wish to improve the experience of the fans and the community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This will improve facilities at one of the few sporting venues in the area and make an oldfashioned stadium a bit more modern and enjoyable for the few (under 30) days a year it is used.The club are not even trying to increase capacity, simply improve and progress what is an integralpart of our community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The construction of this stand will not have any impact or bearing on the traffic aroundthe stadium on a match day as it will simply return the ground to its previous capacity. The newstand will also enhance the experience of disabled supporters by ensuring and providing acomfortable viewing experience, as we all know, football is for everyone.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I would like to add my support to the plans to build a new structure on the south andwest side of the memorial stadium. This is a much needed improved facility that the stadium hasbeen crying out for for years. It will bring the capacity back up to what it was a number of yearsago and it would provide much needed improvement in comfort for families and the less abled whowould find standing for long periods difficult. Also to allow the away support to follow their team toBristol without the threat of standing in pouring rain before a long journey home. This is a must forthe club and more importantly, for its supporters to move forward to something akin to the 21stcentury.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

We desperately need this stand built in order to satisfy the growing fan base. With thegrowing numbers this will not only help the football club to prosper but also the other smallbusiness's that surround the stadium. It is a win win for all.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am in favour over the new stadium

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I feel it will be good for the well-being for a healthy out look to those who are especiallyin need of seating for their needs.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support the replacement of the temporary stands at the Memorial Stadium and cannotsee any real adverse impact on the local community versus the real benefit that will be gained bythe erection of the new permanent stand.

The increased numbers will not materially effect local parking etc but the additional numbersattending the games will benefit local businesses as well as proving a much better experience forboth home and travelling supporters.

The Memorial Stadium has been in place for many years and all this development is doing isbettering the stadium and experience for supporters and local businesses.

I hope the Council can also see the benefits of the development and give its approval at theearliest opportunity.

Thank you

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I think the plans for the south stand are well thought out and designed to have mininumimpact on neighbouring houses. The stand will be just a fraction higher than any stands thatexisted in this spot before. There will be no windows at the back, looking out onto Alton Road. Thisstand will accommodate away supporters, who deserve to watch there sport in comfort, which thenew stand will provide.

The Memorial stadium has the fewest seats in EFL league 1 and the club deserve these newfacilities.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'd like to support the planning application for the new stand, think down the yearsRovers have always tried to do the best for residents and supporters alike, you can't pleaseeveryone!We're a community club that does a lot different things for the local community which seems to beforgotten! The club are the heartbeat of the community! Residents moved close to the ground andseems very unfair to complain as we tried to grow as a club!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Will add extra capacity in a stadium with limited seats to allow those not able to standfor the match. Young children, elderly and those with disabilities will benefit immensely as it willmake visiting the ground more inclusive for all. The stadium has been there for an incredibly longperiod of time will little to no improvements made to it. It is not like the stadium was built withknown of the residents aware. They moved there knowing full well there is a stadium that's hashad full planning to be redeveloped/ full planing to be a supermarket. It is obvious it will needimprovements so why live next to a stadium in the first place. The stadium is only in full use onceor twice in any 2 week period for a few hours and for May to August it isn't used.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am a longstanding Rovers fan in my 80's. Rovers need this upgraded stand to betteraccommodate disabled supporters like myself plus any disabled supporters who come to TheMem to watch their team play. Families will also be able to sit together and Rovers as a realcommunity club have actively welcomed families and local schools.The stand will wrap around more so less noise. It is not overlooking any neighbours.The numbers of fans in total are no more than we were allowed to have in previous years.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The application is for a minor improvement to a football ground that has some of theworst facilities in the whole country. It will take the capacity to only 400 above the previous highestcapacity at the stadium and well below the 18,000 for which previous approval has been given.

It is not a high density application like the one previously approved to include blocks of studentaccommodation and will have little negative impact upon the neighbourhood but give a massiveboost to the comfort of football fans of Bristol Rovers and visitors to the city from elsewhere, mostof whom who support local businesses on match days.

The current state of the stadium reflects badly on the football club and will reflect badly also on thecity if it cannot be improved.

The football club has stated it will seek approval to build a more modern facility elsewhere in thecity as an ideal and if so the Memorial Stadium site will be subject to planning for other uses in duecourse and indeed has had planning permission granted for far more intrusive uses in the past aspart of the plan for the football club to relocate.

The more obstacles that the football club encounters in improving facilities for people at its currentsite the more imperative it will become to sell the site for a completely different type ofdevelopment.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Absolutely necessary. Old standard was not suitable for the 21st century. Really hope Ican start taking my partner once there are more suitable seating.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

We had a similar group of residents campaign to try & stop Gloucestershire CC installfloodlights at the County ground, but common sense prevailed & now the people of Bristol £ thesurrounding area are able to watch international & county evening cricket matches & bring in muchneeded revenue to the cricket club.I hope the same common sense is administered to allow Bristol Rovers Football Club to install thenew south/ southwest stand so able & disabled fans of this great city, can watch football in a safe& comfortable environment.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I wish to support this project on the grounds as it is an important step to make BristolRovers and the City of Bristol a thriving going concern, with the amount of income spending byincreased visiting supporters can only be a positive thing for the shops and pubs around the areaof BS7.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

echoing other comments that this development is highly important for the comfort ofsupporters and the growth of a local football club.Isn't this only bringing the capacity back to near what it was? With the greatest of respect if youmove next to a sports ground then there will always be a chance this could happen!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe the replacement of the south stand would have a huge benefit to the localcommunity as it allows better facilities for young and disabled fans to attend more games,providing more opportunities to fulfill their needs.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

A proud Bristol boy - exiled in Merseyside.Rovers need any improvement to their ground to compete.It has been a sports ground for many a year, if you move next to ground, you have to accept somenoise. They will be banning Church bells next.Please don't allow the memorial Ground to become an eyesore.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC is a very important asset to our community and the City in general, itis vitally important for the club and the fan base that we have this application passed as soon aspossible, the improved facilities are vital to the club and supporters to bring the club further inlinewith the standards and facilities found at most other football clubs in the UK. It should not beforgotten that Bristol Rovers FC attract many away supporters from towns & cities all over the UK,these new facilities will make a positive impression on Bristol over all which will increase not onlythe football club but the cities reputation and standing.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I have to come a long way now I have moved from Filton to support my team. Thisreplacement facility will only assist to bring the capacity back to it's past capacity. Please can wehave approval for this much needed stand.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I would like to register my support for the replacement stand at the Alton Road end ofthe Memorial Stadium. I think improvement is needed and it will only be bringing the capacity backto its level pre Covid. It would be nice to have sporting facilities that other Cities much smaller thanBristol have and this might just be a small improvement towards that.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am writing to support the application for a new south and south west stand at theMemorial Sradium, Horfield. In its present condition the stadium is an embarrassment and doesn'tshow the area or the wider city in a good light and is the source of much amusement and derisionfor those visiting the ground from other areas of the country.

Over the last couple of years the capacity of the stadium has been steadily reduced at the dictat ofthe Safety Advisory Group, meaning the capacity is several thousands below the 12000 prior tothe reductions. This has had a negative impact of the football club as a result of the reduction inincome stream, together with an adverse effect on the many businesses and hosteleries on theGloucester Road and adjoining roads which benefit greatly from the increased footfall generatedon a Saturday afternoon or mid week evening when the football club are playing at home.

Therefore the increased capacity over the present limited numbers will only bring the s5adiumcapacity to what it was before the SAG reductions were implemented. This in turn means there willbe no additional congestion around the stadium for a few hours on Matchday than there wasbefore the reduction. I am also not aware that there are any incidents of anti-social behaviour inthe streets during the matchday period, as evidenced by the fact that most football matches arenow almost entirely Police-free events.

I would now like to comment on the proposed structure. It is intended to replace a couple of flimsy,temporary tented stands that were rudimentary in the extreme, and afforded minimal facilities forthe spectators using them. There was basic provision for disabled customers and no provision forrefreshments and rudimentary toilet facilities. I mentioned earlier that these arrangements were aconstant source of embarrassment to the Hoefield area and the wider city.

With regard to the proposed structure, I would make the following comments. The stand backsonto the rear gardens of the houses on Alton Road. The houses are some distance from theproposed stand which will be sited to their north, and as a result of that orientation the houses willsuffer little if any loss of natural light. The now removed temporary stand did not run the entirewidth of the pitch. This meant that the people sitting in the East stand had a clear andunobstructed view into the rear gardens of the houses. I can vouch for this as I am a season ticketholder in that stand. The proposed new structure, apart from looking much cleaner, tidier andprofessional, will afford those houses and their gardens with enhanced privacy and security as itwill screen those houses and gardens from easy view of the spectators in the rest of the stadium.The proposed structure will provide vastly improved facilities for the customers and an enhancedexperience for a greater number of disabled people.

The Memorial stadium has been in existence for many years. It will predate any of the peopleliving in houses in the vicinity, which means they would have accepted living near a sports stadiumwhen they chose to move there. Implicit in that scenario must be the fact those residents wouldaccept there would, from time to time be improvements made to the facility, in just the same wayas many of those houses have had new kitchens, bathrooms, double glazing, side of house androof extensions added.

Bristol Rove4s are one of the oldest institutions in the City of Bristol and will celebrate their 140thanniversary this year. The football club should be an immense source of pride for the city, itprojects the name of Bristol throughout the country and is a tremendous source of revenuegeneration for local businesses.

I wholeheartedly support this application.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new stand will offer better facilities for home and away fans. It will also be better forlocal residents as it will not be overlooking the streets and houses behind. It will keep the noisemore inside the stadium doe to the design and construction.It can encourage more family members so they can sit together making it far more user friendly.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a proud Bristolian. I think it is important to support our local sports amenities . BristolRovers are replacing what was meant to be temporary seating for supporters with a morepermanent structure with improved facilities for people to enjoy . I would like to make the point thestadium has been a fixed site since 1921 Over 102 years i hope the planning department areaware of the history and an asset to the local community the stadium is

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This will enhance the experience of visitors, young and old.The current facilities are not up to modern day standards, crowds will be no more than they were afew years ago.Football clubs need all the help they can get to make them sustainable and local business's willbenefit too

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed construction will simply bring the ground back to its original capacitywhich has been agreed over a number of years. The height of the proposed new stand is alsolower than that of a previously proposed redevelopment of the entire stadium which was grantedplanning permission.The new stand wraps around the corner of the ground so logically would keep more of the noiseinside the stadium compared to the previous stands which were separate.This development will benefit thousands of the local Bristol community whilst also providing muchneeded better facilities for visiting and home supporters alike.I urge the council the support this application

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is a really important development for the club and the local area, they are seekingto return the capacity to pre Covid levels so complaints about increased traffic surely can't bevalid.

Concerns about being overshadowed are also unfair when considering that the previous approvedredevelopment was much larger than the latest proposal.

If you buy a property next to a stadium that has been there for 100 years then complain about itbeing potentially returned to full capacity after a Covid enforced reduction I don't feel yourcomplaint has merit.

This development will be a positive thing for the club as well as the local businesses that willbenefit from the return of larger matchday crowds.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Fully support this development that will provide Bristol Rovers with more modernfacilities which will bring more money to the local economy . Will provide much better facilities sothat family's can take their children to matches as there aren't currently enough seats . Also forelderly or people with medical conditions who can't stand up all game .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I wholeheartedly support the planning application. The new stand would only bereplacing what was allready there. The club need these facilities to provide better conditions forsupporters, home and away, this new stand will provde better and modern facilities for people withdisabilities.

Bristol Rovers is a community asset, and the Community trust does a lot of great work in thecommunity.

I currently live and work in Devon but regularly travel to the Stadium to watch Rovers.

I was born and spent most of my life in Bristol and will return in the next couple of years, hopefullythere will still be a Rovers for us all to see. Bristol Rovers is a big part of Bristol history and is onlytrying to replace what was allready there.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This construction will benefit not only the football club by restoring the capacity to itspre-covid level, but will greatly help in containing sound within the stadium. This will be a positiveoutcome for the local residents.

It will also allow better facilities for less abled people to enjoy what most of us take for granted.

Who on earth could object to that?

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Greatly needed disabled persons facilities, and an improved spectator experience for acommunity asset. The more improvements to the Memorial Stadium the better the chances that itwill remain as it was first intended.If the football team relocates as did the Rugby club what then for this historic and much loved partof my home town of Bristol.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I totally support this application by BRFC. The stadium itself is not in good shapeaesthetically and the removal of the tented structures and replaced with a more suitable structurecan only be welcomed. I'm sure this new structure will go a long way to reduce 'noise pollution' inthe immediate area during match days - the previous tented structure can only be described as ablight on the local area and indeed the City of Bristol as a whole.Surely comparisons can be drawn with the County Ground Stadium where great strides have beenmade over the years to improve the facilities for both spectators and residents alike. Cricketmatches last a lot longer than just the 4/5 hours of football game time over circa 23 matches in arolling 12 month period.I'm genuinely struggling to understand why anyone would wish to object to this PlanningApplication.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I have been a supporter of the club for over 55 years and completely support thisapplication. The design of the stand has been planned to reduce as much noise as possible, beingan enclosed structure with a concourse beneath. It has also been designed not to impact light toneighbouring houses, and once completed it will be a valuable asset to the community.

Having read the planning documents I have no doubt this new stand will be of great benefit to theclub, improving the matchday experience and bringing a larger footfall to the club, therebyimproving the economy of local shops and public houses in the area.

I support this application wholeheartedly.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Fans have had to put up with sub standard facilities including lack of seating andtemporary tent structures for years. The proposed new South Stand will simply provide anopportunity for those that wish to be seated in something a little more comfortable and will onlybring the maximum attendance up to what it was in previous years.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I strongly support the new stand being proposed at the Memorial Stadium. It will be avaluable local community resource as well as for the wider locality. It will provide badly neededupdated facilities for the football club and also for all the local sporting groups that utilise thestadium. It will benefit many people. Therefore, I strongly advocate for this development beinggiven approval.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I think that the proposed stand will be a long overdue improvement to the stadium.Additional seats will be greatly appriciated by my self and many more like me. My wife and I usedto attend matches regularly but she has now stopped going as the terracing facilities are poor andnot comfortable to stand for over 2 hours.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I think improving the facilities for home/away and extra facilities for those with mobilityissues is important for this venue. As this structure will be replacing an existing one there will be alimited impact on local area and due to structural differences from the old one it should minimisethe noise from that area of the site.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I can understand residents being concerned but when you see the some of them on thelocal news saying that their housemates are in a band and need to practice and the work going onat the ground is causing issues for them then god help us all if that is one of their excuses formoaning about the work being carried out. Surely they knew it was a football stadium when theymoved in or are they too busy trying to learn to play the 'A major' on the banjo?? Maybe the bandmembers can be invited to the stadium to perform a half-time set once they have mastered it.People like this is the reason Bristol has been over taken by smaller cities!!!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I welcome a new stand as my dad who is 84 has terminal cancer still loves watchingfootball at the memorial stadium and he's going to miss it with no stand manny thanks

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Fully support this proposal the capacity of the stadium will only be returned to previousnumbers.The stadium has been there long before any current residents who can't expect things tostay the same , they complained when it was going to be a supermarket, they complain about anydevelopment of the stadium and will no doubt complain when the club move on and it becomes ahousing estate

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I have been a Bristol Rovers fan for many years and welcome the proposal for a newSouth/South West stand to be erected. Not only will it provide more seating for families andchildren, but it should create more accessible seating for both home and away supporters. Roverscurrently offer the fewest number of seats of any club in League One, so this upgrade is simply aminor improvement to improve the experience of supporters. This would include Bristolians andothers from the local area, as well as visitors from other towns and cities from across the countrywho travel for hours to watch their football team and deserve the option of being dry and protectedfrom the elements.

Beyond this, the new stand with wraparound sides should keep noise within the stand, thusreducing noise levels externally to the benefit of residents.

The improvement would actually help to restore the capacity closer to its previous level, ratherthan adding several thousand more than the stadium as ever accommodated.

Thank you.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a Bristol Rovers supporter of 50 years plus I am sadly unable to attend games atpresent due to disability as I need to be in a seated area but there are none available at presentfor nearly all games at the Memorial Stadium.This new small seated stand that is seeking planningpermission will be a godsend for me (and my grandson who will be able to come and help escortme to and from the stadium) and I will be able to get back to supporting BRFC financially andvocally.Please back this planning proposal as I am certain there will be many others in similarcircumstances to myself that will find going back to watch live games again will be of huge benefitmentally and socially as it is something,like myself,that has been missed hugely in recent timeswhere seating capacity availability is way to low for modern day professional football.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support this application, without it I am unable to bring my children to games. Beingyoung they are unable to stand for 90+ minutes. The stadium has so few seats that you cannotobtain seated tickets without spending hundreds of pounds on a season ticket. In 2023 we shouldhave these facilities in Bristol for all to enjoy. Providing these seats would bring the stadium backto its historical capacity and allow more families to attend.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The permanent stand replaces a temporary stand of similar size which was approved.Itis part of a memorial to men who died fighting for the present, including those who oppose thebuild in their own selfishness.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Its time the very tired Memorial Ground has some modern updates done on it. It is aWar Memorial as well as a football ground and should be viewed on as such.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It is very clear the club needs this improvement. The main issue is the improvedfacilities it will provide for disabled supporters. At the moment this is an area clearly lacking. Thefacilities will also benefit the local community as it will provide a better viewing experience.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Increasing the capacity of the Mem stadium will significantly improve the financial wellbeing of both the club and the city by attracting more people to the city from both in and esp out ofthe area.It should enable the club to raise its,and the citys profile.Expanding any facilities is progressive astance you,our council should support wholeheartedly ignoring nimbyism

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed new south stand brings great benefits compared to the previous standwhich has been removed. The overall capacity which would apply is essentially the same as thehistoric capacity at the stadium so brings no 'additional' spectators. The stand will be used tolargely accommodate more away supporters who typically travel by coach or train so not creatingadditional parking issues.

The impact of the new stand on local residents, particularly those on alton Road should bedeemed positive. The solid roof construction of the stand will reduce noise travelling compared tothe canvas roof in force previously. The larger stand will also reduce light pollution from thefloodlights into surrounding properties so again a big win for residents. There is a solid back to thestand so residents privacy is not compromised.

I fail to see any negatives to local residents, the stand will benefit thousands of local and travellingfans plus creating additional employment opportunities through the increased food and beverageoutlets within the stand.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I have been a supporter of Bristol Rovers or over 50 years from the days when I livedand worked in north Bristol. Indeed for most of my working life I worked in Bristol.I have read many of the objections to this planning application and valid points are being made ifthe club was asking for a big increase incapacity but really we are only trying to return capacity towhat we enjoyed before covid. As an older supporter I welcome the increase in seating and betterfacilities for us old un's and particularly for disabled supporters. The other point I'd like to makethat the impact of traffic and parking was halved when Bristol Rugby moved to Ashton Gate 8years ago. The stadium has been in existence on the present site since earlier in the last centuryand the present local residents moved into their present residences in full knowledge of thestadium. It is a community asset. It's a pity that the application has been dragged into the politicaldomain by those wishing to make political capital out of the planning application. I fully support theplanning for the new stand.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support this construction which has long been overdue, the added benefit of havingdisabled facilities upgraded for comfort and accessibility is something that is needed urgently, wecannot provide any seats or disable facilities for away fans which should be addressed as soon aspossible, delaying work on a stadium which has been there a 100 years is shocking

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support the application by Bristol Rovers FC to erect a stand at the South end ofthe Memorial Stadium. I have supported the club since my first game at Eastville in 1960 and wehave always had second class facilities. This submission, while still very modest, will return theground capacity to that prior to the Covid pandemic and provide better facilities for awaysupporters, as well as some home fans when not fully occupied by away fans. The disruption forthe few people living locally will be no more than than it has been historically on one day per twoweek period. The new stand should shield noise more effectively than the current arrangement ofa tent across approximately half of the south end of the ground.The longer term aim is to move to a purpose built stadium at an alternative site in Bristol; and itshould be remembered that the football/rugby ground was in place well before the residentspurchased houses in close proximity to the ground.I implore you to pass this application.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Crucial to the sustainability of the club and local economy. The true locals of this city willnot be objecting to this. This is another example of local Bristolians (working class) beingpunished. Without upgrades to the stadium it will turn into a state of disrepair and again the localBristolians will be forced to move out of yet another area.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe all this aggressive behaviour by the people opposing this very small expansionto a very small sports ground to be very bulling to the minority and the council should allow allplaning permission and help the sports fan's to increase the health of the community rather thansitting on their laptops or mobile phones and putting down people who are prepared to be activeand save the NHS money

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new, proposed, south stand would benefit home and away supporters on amatchday - it's vital for the club on a short to medium term basis to have this structure in place tohelp provide appropriate access for disabled fans, increase the club's revenue by adding moreseats for home and away fans and to provide a better matchday experience for fans in that end ofthe ground than in previous years.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers is a key part of the Bristol community, in particular in Horfield. Increasingthe stand size will increase the amount of visitors to the stadium, therefore increasing income,providing a vital boost to the local economy.

The structure will contain the sound much better, meaning less impact for neighbours than before.

This will push the club forward which is of the benefit to the city as a whole.

By their nature, stadiums require refurbishment during their lifetime and so such upgrades to thememorial stadium are to be expected and also encouraged, due to the vital part they will play notonly for the economy but for the enjoyment of supporters who will use the upgraded facilities.

Progress and positivity should be welcomed, which is exactly what this development will provide.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Though not living in the Horfield area, as someone who has visited the majority offootball grounds in the country, it is clear the memorial stadium falls well below the expectedstandard for home and away fans in this modern day. These modest changes are a step in theright direction providing a safe and professional environment for able and disabled supporters. Thechanges only bring the ground capacity back to where it was approved at for years, so there areno valid concerns over transport or noise. If Bristol wants to be taken seriously changes should beallowed and fast tracked.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As someone who travels to Bristol for home games from my home in London, I knowhow important the influx of away fans spending money in Bristol is for both local business and thefootball club. I regularly talk to away fans and they all agree, at the moment our facilities for awaysupporters are inadequate, and the crowd noise is not contained by the open backed temporarystand. Add this to the fact that a new stand would not have a bigger structural presence and wouldbe relatively simple to build, and I have to say it sounds like the best idea for the community, theclub and the visitors to our city.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers need a decent stadium fit for the 21st century not something from the 80s.They need decent facilities to attract families in a safe and comfortable environment.Surely the ground will be more enclosed,keeping the noise in which is good for the localcommunity,something rovers are a huge part of.The stand vital to rovers future and will be better on the eye than the previous horrible tentsflapping in the wind 24/I throughly support this build.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is a long overdue upgrade to the South and South West stand at the MemorialStadium that will significantly improve the experience for fans (many of whom are local BS7residents).

The previous structure was an eyesore, and the new vision from the club will be an aestheticimprovement. As well as the benefits to the club, and fan base.

As a city, we have spent far too long listening to NIMBY-esque views. Let's not lose sight thatBristol Rovers have roughly 25 home games per year, with each event having significant footfallfor four to five hours offering minimal disruption to local residents.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am writing in support of the proposed new stand at the South end of the MemorialStadium. These are additional comments to go along with my original comments.There are a number of factors to consider when assessing the impact of the proposed stand.Noise levels will be reduced with the proposed wraparound stand, without gaps. Plus the currenttent doesn't cover the whole end of the ground thus a wider stand will also block noise from otherparts of the ground.Additional seats will bring more family groups to matches and the beneficial aspects of this. Thestadium will have a better atmosphere if more family groups can sit together, this is turn will lead tobetter behaviour.There will be more accessible seats, in better positions, with the construction of the new stand.This will benefit supporters with disabilities.The prosed new stand will provide a better experience for away supporters who currently regardthe away area as inadequate. Fans travel hundreds of miles to watch their teams play in Bristoland deserve better facilities than we have offered in the past, This new stand is long overdue forvisitors.Bristol Rovers stadium, without the new stand, has the lowest number of seats in ALL of EFLLeague One. Even with the new stand built only a handful of clubs in the EFL League One willhave less seats.16 of the 24 grounds currently in EFL League One are ALL SEATED. Bristol Rovers are simplytrying to make a minor improvement, for temporary/tented seating which has needed updating fora number of years.As the stands will have no windows or openings onto Alton Road. There will be no loss of privacyfor residents of Alton Road, in fact privacy and shielding from stadium noise should be significantlyimproved

The height of the new stand is significantly below the previously accepted Memorial Stadiumdevelopment proposals. This new stand is only a few metres higher than the tented stands it willreplace.I strongly support the submitted plans, and request that they are passed.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I live in Horfield close to the ground and have friends in Alton Road, we find itastonishing that anyone is objecting to this new stand, the 'temporary' tent structures were terrible,the new stand will be more enclosed, keep the noise in by reflecting back into the stadium and asthere are no rear windows no one will be overlooked. I also understand the the overall capacity ofthe stadium will not increase much more than what is was before covid, just exchanging standingspaces for seats which is much more family friendly. Whilst there will be disruption and noise for ashort period of time during the construction the benefits far out weigh any negatives. Therefore Iwholeheartedly support this improvement

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm writing to register my support for the new temporary stand at the Memorial Stadium.As a parent with young children wishing them to watch football in a dry, seated environment, thenew stand is essential as previously getting tickets for them was very difficult. With local residentsgroups having opposed the Sainsbury's development and managed to get the stadium listed as asports venue, I'd like to play my part and support the local businesses with my custom everyfortnight as well as setting up the next generation to follow to do so. In order for this to happen,bringing the capacity slightly higher almost in line with the league Rovers are in, plus increasingthe seating to a level still way below the norm for the division, seems like common sense. Impacton traffic and parking would be minimal. The stand is slightly higher but having studied thedrawings I can see very little impact this would have on local residents. It seems the new standwould be a positive for the club, supporters - particularly families and those with disabilities, pluslocal residents groups who were very keen the facility remain a football stadium, as it cannotremain a fit for purpose stadium in its current guise. Alternatively, if a new stand can't be built, itmay be worth selling the stadium to a national level supermarket and building a new oneelsewhere in the city

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was opened in 1921. Someone who came of age and purchaseda property in the area not expecting a Sports stadium in the vicinity would have to be more than120 years old. Indeed some neighbours, like those in Trubshaw Close would not have propertiesto live in if the Sports Stadium owners had not sold off land they deemed to be surplus to theirrequirements. I am sure many local residents have improved their properties in the 102 yearssince the stadium came into being, often taking advantage of advances in building practices forcomfort and practicality or to remain compliant with building regulations and safety requirements.Football stadiums have similar considerations to accommodate, standards are imposed by variousauthorities and levels of quality and quantity have to be addressed to meet both those standardsand regulations and the demand for the activities facilitated in the stadium. Choosing to live withinthe environs of a sports facility means you accept that the circumstances exist that will require thatfacility to make changes some of which will include the temporary inconvenience that buildingwork entails.

Noise and light pollution are oft quoted concerns of local residents but whilst the temporarystructures previously in place could be susceptible, utilising modern building materials and designwill actually reduce what the residents previously experienced. Indeed whilst there is a game inprogress the floodlighting will negate any impact the stand lighting would have had. Privacy hasalso been raised as a concern yet whilst the previous stand had material that could be pulled asidethe current proposal is a rigid structure with no views to the rear, even if the fare to the front of thestand is not gripping the occupants attention.

There appears to be a perception that the current South/South-West stand improvement buildingwork has jumped the gun. However, taking down the temporary structures that were in situ has

been performed in several previous years for them to be used at other sporting events elsewherein the country. To my knowledge these previous instances of deconstruction were not objected to.Once the structures were not in place then ground preparations and removal of trees andvegetation on-site is still not building anything new and as none of the flora or fauna within thegrounds of the stadium were rare or endangered then the removal of them is at the discretion ofthe owners and not in itself an issue for objection.

There also appears to be apoplexy over the increased capacity the stand proposal will entail yet tomy mind this is out of all proportion. Only if the football club were monumentally successful wouldthe circa 2,000 extra places be filled in the majority of the games at the stadium. A regular seasonis 23 league games and 4 cup or play off games, in a good season then maybe another 5 gamesmay occur. So if we say there are 30 games a year, perhaps ten of those would actually have anattendance more than a thousand greater than we've seen in the recent covid restricted capacityyears. Is that really an impact to be concerning given that the introduction of the Bristol ULEZ andintended public transport improvements should address at least part of the anticipated increase?Imagine Bristol Aerospace building a replica Brabazon, the SS Great Britain or camera obscuraand Clifton suspension bridge developing a special exhibit or Bristol Zoo taking a rare species onloan, all designed to increase tourist and local interest and attendance by 2,000 footfall for morethan 30 days in a calendar year...would anyone in Bristol really be objecting to the increased trafficthat those activities would entail? Well each of them would have a greater and more probableimpact than the possible impact of a few extra seats in a north Bristol sports facility!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm writing in support of the proposed development to replace the South and SouthWest stands at the Memorial Stadium as a vital enhancement to an important facility in Bristol.

Whilst the Memorial Stadium has hosted sporting entertainment to the people of Bristol and ourvisitors for over 100 years, its current facilities are outdated, inadequate and do not reflectpositively on the club or the city of Bristol. This proposal for improved temporary facilitiesaddresses these inadequacies in part, whilst options for development of a new stadium take place.

As well as increasing the seating capacity for both home and away supporters, in line with therecommendations of the Taylor report and subsequent reports on spectator safety, the proposalseeks to improve access for a greater number of disabled spectators. Beyond the number ofplaces available, this disabled access is to be much improved from the previous provision, with fullcover and improved sightlines. Increased seating within the stadium will provide a more conduciveenvironment for young spectators and family groups as will the inclusion of concourse food anddrink outlets.

I believe concerns regarding noise and light intrusion are unfounded. The cladding enclosing theproposed stand will block more sound and prevent unwanted light intrusion to neighbouringproperties than the previous tented stands. In addition, the proposed structure will eliminate thepossibility of any spectators overlooking nearby properties, hence improving privacy of residents.As the proposed development is to the north of the neighbouring properties in Alton Road,Downend Road and Stathmore Road, it will also not impact on sunlight to these properties.Considering the construction phase, the modular and prefabricated nature of the proposed standdevelopment minimises the time for installation and negates the potential for excessive noise,

vibration or dust during construction.

As well documented, the proposed developments will not increase the usable capacity of thestadium. Instead, the proposal will only bringing capacity back toward previous levels consideringthe recent reductions in ground capacity through the Football club's engagement with the SafetyAdvisory Group. Even with the proposed stand in place, capacity will be set through the decisionsof the SAG, considering the safety of all spectators and their safe access and egress. Noting thatthere has already been close engagement with the SAG on the proposed development. Inaddition, the club have reiterated advice to spectators to use public transport where possible andencouraged walking and cycling to matches. Further discourse to reduce the impact from matchday spectators travelling to the ground on local residents should be encouraged, but as thisproposal does not exceed recent capacity, this should not impede this temporary development.

As a result of the above, I would strongly recommend that you approve this planning application.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This would upgrade the experience for fans that go to games and the club are onlyreplacing something that was already there. The stand will also generate revenue for the club andmatch day experience for supporters

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium needs updating it's been there a long time , it's not a big change .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

People like my dad 88 years old and having followed rovers all his life can no longer gobecause he can no longer stand up for the length of time required andthere is not enough seating at gound at present

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support all that the football club are trying to do to improve the match day experiencefor young supporters.

I regularly attend matches with my 10 and 7 year old children and the new South Stand will offer avastly improved view for them to enjoy the game.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The height of the proposed new stand is significantly below the previously acceptedMemorial Stadium development proposals. The proposed new stand is only a few metres higherthan the tented stands it will replace. Due to design, existing properties close to the stadium willnot be visible to supporters.

The proposed new stand is required to upgrade the experience for away supporters which is poorat present.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support the new stand simply because there are not enough seated areas at thestadium currently and it gives me a chance to bring my grand children along with me and have anunrestricted view.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Much needed building to cater for family and disabled familiesVery little difference to previous foot fall in the stadium of years ago.It has been a stadium a long time before 90% at least of the residents moved thereLet's move sporting facilities in Bristol forward and not sideways or backwards!!!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support this application. Modernisation at the stadium is a must for the safety andcomfort of fans both home and visiting.

The proposed new attendance the stand willprovide is not exceeding any previous attendance limits pre covid era. Bringing the attendanceback up to this level can only be a bonus to the local businesses.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The memorial stadium is one of the most important community facilities in north Bristol.For a city the size of Bristol the current standard of facilities for supporters is appalling. The clubare simply trying to make a minor upgrade to allow supporters the chance to enjoy watching agame of football in more comfortable and hospitable surroundings.The previous tents erected for supporters at that end of the stadium simply wasn't fit for purpose.This new stand will most importantly allow adequate facilities for disabled supporters of both homeand away fans to access the stadium and enjoy the match in relative comfort which they areunable to do with current facilities.

The capacity will not be increasing above what it was pre COVID. The long term future for the clubis to move away from the memorial stadium so the new stand will only be temporary and will alsooffer much better acoustic protection for neighbouring streets keeping the crowd noise and soundsinside the stadium. The solid rear to the stand will not allow for any overlooking into neighbouringproperties. At present with no stand there full views are Gained Into the neighbouring gardens.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm in support of the new stand as I enjoy taking my son and soon my grandson towatch rovers play but struggle to get seated tickets regularly, this new stand will make theexperience a more enjoyable day out and increase the offering the club can give fans like myselfwho rather sit than stand,

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I have been a fan and follower of Bristol Rovers for 70 years, since they played at theold Eastville Stadium.It's about time that football clubs in Bristol were the envy of other Cities. Bristol seems to be abackwater for sports, other councils are proud of their sports teams. It seems that progress inBristol is hampered at every move by organised protesters who disrupt everything for the pleasureof being disruptive.They bring everything from traffic to sports events and hinder people trying to do an honest dayswork from carrying it out. People need to stand strong against this pressure and look at thebenefits that the great City of Bristol deserve

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe that the plans I have seen will enhance the area and that for the local residentsit will be better having a permanent structure than that current. The club are an important part ofboth Bristols heritage and future and should be supported in wanting to offer better fasciitis tovisiting supporters.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Capacity will be no more than pre-covid and so not extra noise or traffic.Stand needed for the support of BRFC

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support the club making these improvements to give fans (including disabledsupporters) better accommodation. They are after all only replacing what was already there with amore permanent structure. This must be given the go ahead.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It seems the planned height of the new stand is the same as the previous structure, soloss of light.The large screen has been removed giving more light.The overall capacity of the ground will only be reverted back to pre covid.So no more traffic than 2 years seems the club is doing everything to grow sustainably, thisincludes ground improvements when required.It can only be a good going for the local shops/economy.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I wish to offer my support to Bristol Rovers for their proposed South standredevelopment. The Memorial Stadium is in serious need of investment to bring it up to thestandards fitting of a professional league club. The proposals will provide much needed match dayimprovements for all supporters including disabled visitors. As I understand it the new stand willnot increase capacity beyond the pre COVID levels so there should be no issue with increasedtraffic / footfall / noise. You could even argue that with the new stand being a permanent structure(as opposed to the previous temporary tented structure) the crowd noise will be contained betterwithin the stadium reducing the level of breakout noise. With the stand being of a modest heightand located to the north of the immediate neighbouring properties there should be no concernsregarding right to light / shadowing from the structure.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This new stand will provide accessible seating & help so many Inc families & Elderly.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, in memory of thefallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground. Now they protestagainst the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. The fallen sportsmen ofHorfield would want a ground to be proud of, where their decendents can view the efforts of thelocal sportsmen who play in in their name. Those who protest against this sully and devalue thesacrifice of the fallen.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a regular attendee of the Memorial Stadium for many years it's fantastic to see someinvestment into facilities. There has been a South Stand for a very long time, so the newdevelopment is not really introducing anything new, just improving what was already there. Thefootball club needs to make a certain number of seats available for away supporters and so it'svital that these improvements are completed. I understand that total capacity won't be any differentto what is has been in the past, so there doesn't really seem to be any valid reason for stoppingthis development.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium has been in its position far longer than many of the houses . The newstand will not be much bigger than the existing one so won't block out the residences light etcanymore than it does now . It would be great if Bristol Council supported the club for once and notplace obstacles in our way

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It will create more jobs and bring more revenue into our club .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stand needed replacing and although slightly bigger is much better and userfriendly with the addition of disabled facilities.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stand will be good for the club and local businesses that will undoubtedly increasetrade with more people attending the games.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Will improve the facilities no end

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This new stand will only have a positive effect on the local area. The extra number ofsupporters will add extra footfall in the area and can encourage away supporters into the area,who we know spend money in the local area on match days. As Bristol rovers increase supportduring match days, it will improve the area around the ground outside of football. This new standmust be approved.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

There is no increase in the number that went before Covid-19 so why all the objectionsthis should be allowed to proceed not only for the local business around but also for the good ofBristol

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stand is very much needed for the continuous progress of Bristol Rovers FootballClub.Unfortunately living next to a Football ground you have to expect improvement.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Please allow stadium rebuilding. It's very important for the community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The football club appears to want to improve the stadium with as little disruption to theneighbours. However the neighbours appear to want to distrupt any plan the football club has forthe stadium..The proposed stand doesn't appear to be any bigger than what was originally there, only that it isa more permanent feature..Wasn't the stadium there before the houses?I Feel sorry for the club, they tried to move to another area, but the locals stopped thatdevelopment to....

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

My understanding is that the new stand will be no higher than the one it replaces andtherefore will have no detrimental effect on local residents. As to the potential increase of capacityit is also my understanding that the new stand will only return numbers back to pre covid levelsand again will not be of a adverse nature to locals. If is vital that to enable BRFC to grow andreach its potential that the development of the South stand is allowed to progress

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This will only improve the club and its plans for future development. Rovers benefitsmeans the local community will benefit. More income into the local economy. Please approve theapplication.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As there was a stand there in the first place I can't see what the problem is if you livenear a football stadium you expect some ground improvements

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support Bristol Rovers application for a new South stand . I believe it would benefit allsupporters and make it a better and safer experience for all

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am not a football fan, however, it goes without saying this is a positive for the area,redevelopment and a massive boost for sport in North Bristol.It would be a shame if the council pander to the few residents who complain, who will mostprobably move on within a couple of years.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I've been a bristol rovers supporter all my life and used 2 live in bristol been watchingthe gas all my life went to my 1st game In 1986 and been a season ticket holder sence i was 4 in1988 think we should get our new stand it may come useful for other events in the future as well

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, in memory of thefallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground. Now they protestagainst the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. The fallen sportsmen ofHorfield would want a ground to be proud of, where their decendents can view the efforts of thelocal sportsmen who play in in their name. Those who protest against this sully and devalue thesacrifice of the fallen.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a supporter with young children, I am keen that the project goes ahead. The facilitiesfor young children aren't the best with the stadium in its current state and I am really lookingforward to the benefits that a new seated stand will bring.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stadium has been here for a 100 years, anyone who lives near a sporting venueknows there's going to be some inconvenience it's important that home and away supporters getto experience football in safe comfortable conditions, but also being respectful to the surroundingneighbours

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is imperative to Bristol Rovers FC, for the club to expand in way this is needed thisplanning permission has to be approved, failure to do this would be as a holdback to the club, thecouncil needs to support more of both Bristol sides as the amount of economy it would raise to thecity to have two sides at top of the period would reap benefits to the city as a whole

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Improvement on the previous tent

on 2023-08-06  

Stand is essential for the future well-being of the club and staff employed. It only adds arelatively small number to to the capacity which is only reached on average once every 3-4 weeks.Traffic movements for an alternative development be it housing or supermarket are most likely toexceed this daily.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

We need the planning to keep the club alive.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This new stand will improve amenities for families to attend the memorial stadium. It'sworth noting that this stand is notably smaller than the stand that had agreed planning permissionpreviously. Also worth noting that the stand does affect the lighting on Alton Rd as it's behind thesouth facing aspect.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

There is no reason for it to be an objection it's already a football ground it's not amassive structure and it won't be much different from what was in place before the south standwas taken down.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support this development of the memorial stadium, as it will enorage more people towatch football in the local area and improve facilities for those who already attend matches.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stand being built is massively important to the local community. It will allow morepeople to be able to watch local football, inspiring young people. It provides support for localbusinesses such as pubs, restaurants, cafes. It will allow people who can't stand to be able to goand watch football. That stadium has been there far longer than any of the surrounding houses.They bought into the area knowing what comes with that. The stand isn't just for the home fans butalways fans as well. This being more people to the city of Bristol.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm in favour of the new stand it will bring a lot of revenue into the community. Also theclub need to move forward on & off the pitch

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I think the new South stand would vastly improve facilities at the Memorial Stadiumincluding wheelchair and invalid access with minimal disruption to local residents.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This football club need the support of the council regarding this plan, they need to beable to redevelop the ground and move forward as a club bringing employment and helping keeplocal business going ie pubs food shops all of whom require the additional support given bysupporters on math days , this ground is not huge it never will be however the extra seating willallow supporters to sit comfortably and allow extra support into the ground, I live reasonably locallyand fully support the granting of permission to build this stand .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe it will benefit Bristol to have additional seating for Bristol Rovers FC. Theexisting structure was unfit for purpose and a new stand was the best way to go forward

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers Football club have been in existence since 1883 and are a big part ofBristols sporting scene .The clubs fans have been through many hardships over the past 60 years and had to endureground changes on numerous occasions including moving the club playing in Bath with thanks toBath City FC .

We now have some security from investment and have met and passed every obstacle placed inour way .

Facilities at the ground drastically need improving and this construction will be a big plus for theclub and supporters who are from Bristol and the surrounding areas .

I have watched the Rovers since Jan 1969 and I am now well into my 60's , having been throughthe hardships with the club I feel that this development should be allowed .



on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

My first bristol rovers match was in 1968. The club has existed for much longer thanthis, as has the memorial stadium. I would comment that the must be an inherent risk in buying aproperty in the vicinity of any live stadium and I would ague that developments must be expectedfrom time to time. The proposed new stand is on the site of the previous tented structure. Theproposal is in keeping with a reasonable improvement to the existingbstructure and will be of greatbenefit to supporters of not only bristol rovers but also visiting fans. My understanding is that therewill be added benefits to less abled fans with improved and safer viewing positions and entry exitfacilities will also be improved. My understanding is the objections were submitted at the prospectof Sainburys acquiring the site and the conclusion is that objectors do not want any changes to theinfrasture surrounding the stadium. Rather nieve, if you think about it. I would suggest that thestadium was in situ long before a lot of the objectors were even born let alone moved in. Thesechanges are for the benefit for many many supporters and is the way forward.

on 2023-08-06   OBJECT

Well it begs the question why on earth would you buy/rent a house next to a footballstadium that's been there much much much longer than any of the residents ever have andcomplain when said stadium will make inevitable upgrades?! Half of the houses along the roadhave all kinds of weird and wonderful extensions on them and they certainly didn't complain whengetting planning permission for that signed off. Also most of the "residents" there are Uni studentsdown on mummy and daddy's money that will soon be going back to wherever they came from.Simple solution is don't have a house next to a football stadium then complain about it, absolutelybizarre. Also you cannot complain about parking because it will virtually bring capacity back up towhat it was like before covid ...

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Please let building work commence on the temporary stand , I can only see reasons forthis being a benefit for both the football club and the local community, In fairness the football clubwas here long before the residents were , who might i add were against the sale of the mem tosainsburys as it was a place for sport ( in their words ) now it's still being used for sports and theyare unhappy ? It seems to me that the objections to this are a bit disingenuous.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Mem has been a very well respected sporting ground well before the residentsmoved in. Like everything, an upgrade is required from time to time. This must be expected if youare lucky enough to live near a ground. Rovers capacity will still be 12.5k and the new stand willdeflect noise away from the residential area as opposed to the tents that have been therepreviously. A lot of fuss about nothing in my opinion. I presume they all complained aboutTruespeed digging up all the pavements as well? Or was that ok as it gave them another reason tosit on their backsides moaning about a bit of progress in their local area, ironically, with a bit ofprogress in their area.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Brilliant for sport within the local area.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Please support this application. BRFC have an award winning community departmentlargely run through volunteers via a port aka bin in the car park. This development will allowgreater access for disabled fans and allow families to sit together.In the 27 years BRFC have been at the stadium there have been only nominal changes to thefootprint. The stadium is way behind the majority in the football league and non league and iscrying out for improvement. It's embarrassing for Bristol when people visit our city and openlylaugh out loud at the facilities that await them.This improvement is only nominally larger than the previous temporary structure and its designshould avoid any additional noise , shadow and view issues for residents in Alton Road. Theoverarching capacity will only return to what it has previously been.The football club brings tens of thousands of pounds to the local community it's time that theywere supported by the city of Bristol to remain a fantastic ambassador for the City and such minorimprovements should be approved without any inordinate delay.Please support this application

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers are an integral part of the local community and their continues existencerequires the ability to increase the grounds capacity. There will be no increase in traffic as this onlygoes some way to bring our capacity to what it was a few years ago.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium has been there many years and is a wonderful facility, adding much to thelocal community over the years. The arguments about increased capacity are unfounded as thenew stand would not take us far past where we were before the capacity was lowered. Theargument about additional traffic is also largely unfounded as most away supporters will come bycoach. Football is a way of life for many and a source of income for many individuals as well asthe local community. We are a proud footballing city and deserve a Stadium to be proud of.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

All this will do is improve the stadium back to a capacity that it was before .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Think of the extra money these additional supporters will bring to the local area for localbusinesses which is surely needed during these difficult times.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Put the new stand up as soon as possible let's make Bristol Rovers a club to be proudof in Bristol

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support this application as this new stadium will help reduce noise and provide betteraesthetics for the neighbours as well as providing better facilities for the club allowing it to be evenmore inclusive.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Think the residents need to make up there mind what they want,,When Rovers had thechance to move out and Sainsbury's were going to buy the ground to redevelop they objected tothat and wanted it kept as a sports ground. They've had a south stand of sorts there for along timeand even though the new one will be slightly bigger it will be not such an eye sore as I'm sure thetrees will still hide most of it and the structure will be more solid, Parking won't be an issue either.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

First of all I hope that these comments are scrutinized, with the addresses given to betaken into serious consideration. There seems to be alot of neighbours.

I am Rovers supporter first of all, so purely from that point I have friends and family that used theold tent that was dismantled. It was not fit for purpose; cold, wet and no room for disabledsupporters. It was also an eye sore.

I do not live on the doorstep of the ground, but what I do know is that new proposed stand is onlybringing the capacity back toward what it was pre COVID.

You have previously approved an 18,000 seated stadium for the site. This project most importantlyimproves facilities, so that Bristol Rovers fans and surrounding area can be more proud of, butcapacity is not increasing beyond what it has been historically.

I don't see how it affects the neighbours in any way, is there much difference in the height, the treeline looks like it hides the stand still. The stand also faces towards the pitch's so how does privacycome into it.

Arguments about policing also seem null and void. Games are rarely policed, there is also minimaltrouble, before, during and after the majority of football matches. It is dated argument, that footballmatches result in violence, this is not the 80s.

The slight increase in capacity back to pre COVID number, also is likely a welcome boost to thestruggling economy and business in the area.

The stand and improved facility should be something the City encourage, it reflects better on theCity, it also encourages inclusiveness.

Could go on, but this should be approved, based on you have approved much bigger stadiumprojects for the site before and would be questionable why this should ever be blocked.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Whether you like Rovers or not, whether you like football or not we are all passingthrough and at some stage will be gone. BRFC is 140 years old and it's our duty to support ourarea long after we have gone. Sport especially our local professional teams need support to growand survive and its for this I am supportive of the stadium enhancements. The capacity will bebelow what the site has accommodated previously so very little argument IMO.

It's time Bristolians stood up and supported beneficial initiatives foe our area, our families are likelyto be here in years to come and its as.juch for them as for those who benefit today.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Great idea and great for the local area to have a football club to get behind and supportand bring better facilities for kids in the local area

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I think this is a brilliant idea for Bristol making it a great Stadium for visitors

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC do a tremendous amount for the community and the surroundingareas. I think it would be extremely beneficial to continue to support the growth of the stadiumwhich will lead to increase revenue in the area and help and support the team to achieve top flightstatus and put Bristol back on the map for sporting occasions. It only takes looking back at therecent promotion and last game of the season again Scunthorpe to understand the joys BRFCbrings to the community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium is just that, a stadium. It was built for this purpose. The problemwe have is that the stadium is in dire need f restoration and revamping which is what is trying to beachieved. That tent we had at the end definitely shouldn't of been there as long as it was. More soon a safety aspect more than anything. Change is needed and that is what this stand will do forthe club. Residents that move next door to a football stadium shouldn't be surprised that one day,it might need work. We couldn't sell it because they were not happy with that. We now can'trevamp it? It all seems very one sided to me. I support the new stand

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

My comments: "The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, inmemory of the fallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground.Now they protest against the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. The fallensportsmen of Horfield would want a ground to be proud of, where their decendents can view theefforts of the local sportsmen who play in in their name. Those who protest against this sully anddevalue the sacrifice of the fallen."

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is needed for the local community

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium has been in place for over 100 years and extremely important asa sporting venue in the City. Many of the residents have moved to the area fully knowing they hada football stadium next to them. The existing South Stand has been in place for years and thisproposed replacement stand will cause no more issues for residents that the stand that wasremoved recently.

Bristol must embrace and support development of sporting venues by its local teams or risk beingleft behind even more in terms of a place people want to visit.

The replacement stand will increase capacity and bring much needed revenue for Bristol Roversand to the local area on match days, which is clearly needed if local businesses are able to thrive.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This would be a small step in improving the amenities of watching sport at this stadium.It goe's nowhere near the size required for this stadium. If anything it should be bigger to holdmore people to enjoy sport at this location.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium has been there before all the resident rejecting it. They chose to live near afootball ground. They objected to the sell of the ground to sainsburys years ago but now will notsupport a small improvement to the ground.The crowds have dropped over the years due to standing regulations therefore the increasedcapacity this stand will bring will only put it back up to the levels pre covid so not drasticallyincreasing traffic in the area.The football club needa the support of the council to improve and grow. This will help the team getpromotions which will the get more eyes on the city of bristol.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It will create jobs for more people in the local area. Also will progress the football cluband bring more money to the football club and the local area as a whole.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support the new stand to help to improve the facilities at the stadium and thereforethe match day experience

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It's only a temporary stand it's no more fans then we usually get

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am 72 years old and have been a Rovers Fan along with my 3 brothers who are alsoin our late 60's and 70's. We have been trying to get seats together for several years without anysucess. My son and 2 young grandsons have become season ticket holders and have all boughtseason tickets together in the South stand. As you can understand the disapointment of the standnot being ready for the season start. Much worse that it may not hapen at all.I can't understand in this day and age why this application for the new stand should be in jepordy.Please consider that this should go ahead and that our family could enjoy sitting to watch ourbeloved team in a little comfort. I'm fed up with having to stand and watch.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support the building of a new stand at the Memorial Stadium.The new stand will bring more supporters to the area and will enable a bigger away crowd which inturn brings more revenue for local businesses.The new stand will also be more suitable for people with disabilities and will help them enjoyfootball with new facilities for them.Everyone in the community will benefit from this.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers need this to survive, there was a stand there before so it isn't going tomake much difference to the landscape, if the fruit market goes ahead then it will only be atemporary measure. We have been looking to improve ever since we left Eastville and are alwaysknocked back, hopefully on this occasion the council will see sense. Kind regards Nick Marsh

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

In support 100% this will be good for the club but also for the community and smallbusinesses around the area

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

My comments: "The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, inmemory of the fallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground.Now they protest against the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. This cityneeds two football clubs this has to be supported. For years rovers have tried to build a newstadium and now this.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stand will provide more opportunity for people that cannot stand to attend games.The capacity will only go back up to what it was before pre covid so extra traffic is not a validobjection.Also, it enables more fans to attend and will help local businesses in the area.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am in support of the new stand as we need this to move the club forward

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe in supporting this application because not only will it give the stadium morecapacity it will provide more disabled spaces .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new stand at the memorial stadium should be allowed as it is replacing a temporarystructure to bring the stadium capacity back up to pre covid capacity, so no change. It will be saferfor fans and give additional facilities. It will not block anymore light than the old temporarystructure, will not create any additional noise, will be safer, will not create anymore traffic, willdefinitely not create a flood risk and therefore will have no additional impact on local residents.The pre covid level of spectators will also bring back the lost level of income to local businessesand therefore help them to survive and benefit the local community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The people who object to the building of the replacement stand are in the minority, theypurchased their property in the full knowledge of the location of the sports stadium and all theperceived inconvenience !.The small minority against should not be allowed to effect what is the replacement of a structurewhich already had planning permission.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rivers needs this planning application approved and so does Gloucester Roadwithout the football club there who would support all the bars and shops there, it's long time Bristolcity council got behind this club and give permission for this to go ahead

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers and Bristol City Football clubs generates much neededrevenue for theCity of Bristol and also supports the Bristol community. We need these stadiums to generate workand pleasure.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Fully support. Not sure how it actually effects the residents with being a similar stand inthe same place. Backward step for Bristol if this gets rejected.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Much needed improvements needed to a sports and entertainment venue in Bristolwhich has had previous planning permission for a larger ground development and capacity. Thisentertainment venue has been here years

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I really do worry about Bristol as a city, I'm not a Rovers supporter, but Bristol neverseems to get things done, the objections are ridiculous in that they have taken down a structure toprovide something better, so will have no impact whatsoever on the people who live there, andremember the football ground was there before the residents. It will also allow for more jobs and abetter revenue for Bristol Rovers. Let's do the correct thing, and give them the permission theyneed

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers need this stand to move forward as a club and as it is a temporary stand Ican't see no problem to support this. Do the right thing bcc

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stand will take the stadiums capacity back to what it was prior to COVID and thevoluntary capacity reduction the club took on the advice of the safety advisory group. Furthermoreit will provide the club with better amenities for visiting and home supporters as well as disabledand less mobile patrons

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Fully support the erection of the new south stand at the memorial ground and the homeof Bristol rovers football club

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposal will help bring the stadium up to a sustainable level. Residents did notwant the stadium to be sold and wanted it to be maintained as a sports stadium - it will still be astadium as per their wishes. However a stadium does need to be sustainable and the capacity willstill be very modest even after the improvements.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Having supported Rovers for over 55 years, the facilities for the fans during that timehave always been extremely poor. In 2023 our stadium is an embarrassment to Bristol . . the nextgeneration deserve much, much better and that improvement (which will only be temporary untilwe move to a new location) must start right now with the new stand.

Whilst I fully appreciate the wider environment and the potential impact on our neighbours, thenew development is only a slight variation on what was already in place, and is also a much moreaesthetically pleasing structure.

Please support the provision of a much improved facility for the young fans of BRFC and (onmatch days) for the positive commercial impact on businesses in Bishopston generally and grantplanning permission. Thank you.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It's a sports ground , previously a rugby club and now a football club . The planning isbarely bigger than what was existing

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Will benefit both the football club and the community in general

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC should be getting full support on this project from the council, thecapacity is not increasing on previous years capacity just amended as you know due to safetyconcerns.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stadium is a community asset and represents our area, the longer the stadiumremains unfinished and under-developed the worse it is for our community. The economic andsocial benefits that an improved stadium will bring vastly outweigh any perceived negatives.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is needed for the future for the football club, bring in more revenue for the club aftersurvival during covid

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Things need to move forward, and progress. The old stand was an eyesore and neededupgrading. This new stand is still within reason, and will help the club and neighbourhood goforward. For those against - the club are looking for a long term solution in their pursuit of a newmodern ground, and hopefully this will happen in the not to distant future. I wonder if they willcomplain about new housing/social housing etc. At the end of the day, anybody who moves in nextto a sport stadium must expect that over the course of time upgrades and renewals of stands etcare bound to happen it's called progress.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium needs to improve their facilities and by building this stand whichwill not impact neighbours, will bring lots more value to the local community. I fully support thebuilding of this new stand & hope that the local residents see that it will improve for all concerned.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Good afternoon,There is a peculiar Groundhog Day about Nimbys in this area objecting for the sake of objecting -whatever the proposal, there will be moans and groans on the basis of nothing.The ground has been there for a long time - much longer than any of the neighbouring residents.The new stand is absolutely much needed for their stadium with us rundown and dated. It willbring capacity levels back up to roughly the pre-covid level of 11.5k again, so any objection onnoise and traffic is null and void - just another excuse with no substance to object for the sake of it,as usual.These small minded people have always held Bristol back - please don't let them do it!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a Bristol born and bred man who now lives in Wales, I whole heartedly support thisapplication. I have family in the area, including a nephew who plays for the Bristol RoversSupporters Club junior sides. I travel to most home games and many away ones, and am struckby the better facilities I enjoy as a visiting supporter elsewhere than those the club have previouslyoffered.

A better facility reflects on Bristol as a wider whole, as well as a view of the future, should any newground be forthcoming.

The proposal appears to offer improvements that will benefit local residents too, without addingany new features that will adversely effect them.

Please allow this application, it is for the benefit of Bristol.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This development will have very little bearing on the local residents. It will take thestadium back up to its capacity pre covid so its not like its adding thousands more onto thecapacity adding problems. The current set up is an eye sore also so will improve the look of thelocal area also providing the local area with more commerce on matchdays due to the increasedcapacity

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm for the new temporary stand

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a supporter of the football club since 1986 and being disabled since 1992 I havefound life supporting the club a bitter sweet experience.

Being part of the club has proven to be a life line over 35 years, it helps immeasurably with mymental health.

For many years I've had problems getting to games as I can only sit to watch a game.

Seats at the Memorial Stadium are at a real premium.

The building of the South Stand would allow me ro purchase a season ticket and attend again.

The thought of which helps so much mentally being at games while the remainder of life ischallenging physically.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

North Bristol needs a stadium that is fit for purpose.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The ground has been there well before any residents moved in, and will be there longafter they have left. Tall trees are already directly behind where the stand is to be built, so wont beseen from the residential point of view.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I love bringing my daughter to come and watch. She plays football for a local team andreally enjoys watching Rovers. We have to come really early to get a standing spot, would love tobe able to bring her to a match in available seats.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed new douth stand at the Memorial Stadium is vital for Rovers.It wouldbring the stadium capacity up to about 12,500.Rovers Care in the Community programmes hasdone so much for North East Bristol and if Rovers are to continue their steady progress in theEnglish Football League a 12,500 stadium is a vital.It would after all only put the capacity back towhat it was a few years ago.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This new enclosure will provide seating for home and away supporters with disabilitieswhich is very much needed. It will also bring the capacity of the stadium back to pre-covid levels.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

A new stand is needed to help the football club progress.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support the building of the new south stand

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I believe this is very much needed.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is well within previous planning permissions to rebuild a stadium, and should beallowed to proceed on this basis alone.

It should also add to the quality of residents lives by screening the activity within the stadium forthose who dont like it.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Good for this local comunity, ie sport, young generation needs this, with all the sportfacilities deminishing

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

We need to modernised the stadium

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The memorial ground has always been there. Not enough sporting facilities in the northof Bristol to hold events

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This development is critical for the sustainability of BRFC, a football club rooted in thelocal community that brings value to thousands. Previous planning permission was granted for anew stadium development do this application is nothing in comparison. Not only this but the clubhas the ambition and a plan to move to a new purpose built stadium in the medium term whichwould mean this is only a temporary measure. Please choose the sensible option and approve thisrequest

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed structure is replacing an existing one. Having viewed the plans I cannotsee how rhe new scheme could be said to cause any significant physical impact (overbearing oroppressive)over and above the current stand such as would justify refusal.In terms of noise, there would be more supporters than at present however there are just 23 homegames of 90 mins or so plus a few cup games in a calendar year. From May to start of August theground is empty. I do not think this is grounds for refusal. I am aware of a lot of good works theclub does in the community. Please approve the application and support local sport.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

My family match day experience would be much more inclusive with the new stand. It'lloffer more seats for families with young children, and allow them to enjoy the game just as well aseveryone else.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I fully support the plans to erect a new South Stand at the Memorial Stadium. This willrestore the capacity to previous levels and will help to generate additional business for localtraders. The design is sympathetic to local residents.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed stand will benefit many in the local and wider communities. It willencourage and allow more people to enjoy football.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, in memory of thefallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground. Now they protestagainst the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. The fallen sportsmen ofHorfield would want a ground to be proud of, where their decendents can view the efforts of thelocal sportsmen who play in in their name. Those who protest against this sully and devalue thesacrifice of the fallen.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support the stand this stadium has been here alot longer than the moaning idiots everhave, if wasn't happy with a stadium why move into the property just want something to moanabout sad pathetic people

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The mem has been there for decades, with both the Rugby and now BRFC. We needthe new stand to progress to our next level, which possibly may not be based at the memorialground. Replacing an existing stand with a marginally larger structure is a no brainer? Supportyour local club or don't live next to a sports stadium.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I feel that this development will enhance and benefit the community as it is reallyimportant to have a successful team in the city. Sure there will be short disruption whilst thebuilding works take place but once finished it won't be any different to when the old stand was inuse. If people objected they should have known about potential ground developments andassociated noise etc when they moved to the area. The ground has been there for a very longtime and is an important part of Bristol and it's culture.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Planning has previously been granted for an upgrade of the existing ground and theproposed is not as large as the previous plans. The larger seating area will provide better facilitiesfor fans especially those with disabilities. The overall capacity will not exceed what the groundpreviously held so should not affect the traffic around the stadium on match days

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Dear Bristol City Council,

I am thrilled to express my utmost support for the proposed planning application that aims to bringa myriad of benefits to both the local businesses in Bristol and the beloved Bristol Rovers FootballClub. As a passionate supporter of the club and a dedicated member of the community, I firmlybelieve that this development will be an absolute game-changer for everyone involved.

First and foremost, the positive impact on local businesses cannot be overstated. By attractingmore visitors and fans to the area, the proposed plan will undoubtedly inject a much-needed boostto the local economy. Increased footfall will create a vibrant atmosphere, fostering a thrivingenvironment for existing businesses while also attracting new ventures to the area. The rippleeffect of this economic growth will be felt throughout Bristol, enhancing the overall prosperity of thecommunity.

Furthermore, the revenue generated from this development holds immense potential for thesustainability and future success of Bristol Rovers Football Club. By expanding their revenuestreams, the club will have the means to invest in improving the playing squad, thereby enhancingthe on-field performance and bringing more excitement to the loyal fans. Additionally, the club'sfacilities can be upgraded to provide a top-notch experience for supporters, players, and staffalike. This will undoubtedly solidify Bristol Rovers' position as a leading football club and a sourceof immense pride for the community.

As a passionate supporter, I wholeheartedly encourage the local authorities to give their fullsupport to this planning application. The positive impact it will have on the community, local

businesses, and the future of Bristol Rovers cannot be understated. By approving thisdevelopment, we are not only securing the club's sustainability but also paving the way for abrighter future for Bristol as a whole.

Let us come together and support this visionary plan that promises to create a thriving localeconomy, bolster Bristol Rovers' success, and uplift the spirits of the entire community. Thebenefits are undeniable, and I sincerely hope that the planning goes through without delay.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stand is replacing old one that was in place, and is a much needed replacement.Residents bought houses knowing there was a stadium there, so no argument in my view

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The south stand has always been there so the construction of a newer fixed stand willmake no difference in terms of footfall. The football stadium has been there since 1921 surpassingmost of the residents in the area. There has also been substantial new build housing estates in thearea which I would argue generate greater traffic and parking issues than the occasional footballmatch.

Bristol rovers generates interest in the local community, brings in tourism/ income, jobs and withthe support will only generate more of this.

The current make shift stand was not fit for purpose and this stand is greatly needed to continueimproving the club and all the work they do for the community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I don't really understand the objections here. The proposed stand is smaller thanprevious plans that were accepted, whilst the "increase" in capacity will actually merely restore thestadium back to its original capacity before the pandemic. Hence the assumed "increase inparking" is not a valid objection.The stadium has been in place for over 100 years and I believe it is unreasonable for any residentto expect that no upgrades, extensions or improvements should or would be carried out during thattime. Not one single current resident will have lived there prior to the Memorial stadium being built,so residents must accept that improving standards are a necessity.I understand that Bristol Council, like all councils, supports children and disabled citizens beinginvolved in their community and it's football club; due to the increased number of seats, this standwill allow that involvement and promote the inclusion of more children and disabled supporters.Further, from what I have seen of the plans, there will be no windows or skylights overlookingAlton Road so no residents' security or privacy will be infringed upon.Finally, I fail to see how restoring the capacity to its pre-pandemic level will infringe on the ability ofany residents to go to the shops on Gloucester Road, bearing in mind that football matches takeup only approx 6 hours, once a fortnight, on a Saturday afternoon.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This football club does a lot for local people via The Community Trust and brings lots ofrevenue to local businesses.... To operate to its maximum capacity the building of a new stand isvital and I totally support the clubs planning application.RegardsSally Durcan

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was bequeathed to the residents of Horfield, in memory of thefallen sportsmen of the area. Residents protested against the sale of the ground. Now they protestagainst the use of the ground for the very purpose it was bequeathed. The fallen sportsmen ofHorfield would want a ground to be proud of, where their decendents can view the efforts of thelocal sportsmen who play in their name. Those who protest against this sully and devalue thesacrifice of the fallen."

on 2023-08-06   OBJECT

This would be good for the community will bring in sum revenue for local businesses

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support the proposal for a new stand at Bristol Rovers FC at the Memorial groundBristol

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This new seated stand will help older fans and fans with disabilities to attend as notmany seated ares at the moment and there's not much increase in capacity as it has beenreduced in recent years so will take the capacity back to where it was so no increase in traffic ,

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Having been a fan of Bristol Rovers for over 25 years & a season ticket holder for 20years, I know how much it means to the club to be able to offer supporters a permanent stand. Notonly would it benefit home supporters, but also visiting fans from opposing teams. Mostimportantly it would create space for disabled fans. As a family club who are mindful of all beingwelcome to enjoy a sport, this is hugely important for all to feel included.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

What a great chance for a sporting organisation to provide facilities which could be usedby everyone, including the local residents.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Support a great Bristol team move forward. At the end of the day, this new stand will betemporary as the club eventually moves to their new stadium. Let's be sensible and grant planningpermission

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Improved facilities, particularly for the elderly and families, along with better provision fordisabled spectators are much needed in the stadium, and the new stand would be a significantstep in providing these, benefitting the local and wider Bristol community.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Can't see any reason why the new stand shouldn't be built as it is only replacing theoriginal stand which has been in place for a very long time. Anyone buying a house in this areawas fully aware that the stand was there.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

A new stand bring more jobs and and more people to the area for the local businesses

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I find it ironic local residents are objecting, they also objected when the stadium was atone point earmarked for housing and when plans have been previously passed for a bigger stand!

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers has been a stable in the Bristol Community since 1883, and providesthousands of fans a break from the current state of affairs in the country, with an amazing club thatplays entertaining football and brings hundreds of away fans to the city, to not only support theirown club, but also bring commerce to the City of Bristol. Bristol Rovers' aims are to push up thefootball leagues, to aim to be in the same or even a better position than that of its rivals BristolCity, and to do that, the expansion of the current ground and the creation of a more permanentstructure is absolutely necessary. The Memorial Stadium is an important part of the community,with it holding Remembrance Day parades for the community every year, as well as providingconferencing facilities to outside investors.

As you can tell by my address, I may no longer live in Bristol, but I was born in Bristol, and BristolRovers is one of the most important things in my life. I hope that the planning permission for ournew stand goes through, as the more fans that can attend the games, the more commerce can beachieved.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The potential redevelopment is essential to maintain standard to modern footballstadium standardsIt will provide badly needed additional safe seating areas for families to enjoy watching the oldestfootball club in Bristol.The stand will fit in far more than the previous temporary tent which with increasing inclementweather and strong winds was becoming unsustainable in todays safety conscious worldIt does not increase capacity , provides a safer and more robust seating arrangement withpotential improvement to acoustic outbreak from the ground with improved aesthetic appearance .We need modern safe entertainment facilities to ensure Bristol continues to compete with othermajor south west cities. Do not let us fall behind interms of our local facilities which will reducetourism income which is so important to our local economy

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

These plans are required for the sustainability of Brfc it's a minimum upgrade for a fewyears before relocating.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The proposed stand is replacing one that was already there. It is not a new feature

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This stand is needed to increase the diversity of fans attending. There are currentlylimited number of seats available with mostly standing available to supporters. Having 2 disabledchildren i struggle to have them attend with me with lack of seating. This stand would allow me totake my children to my childhood club and continue my family tradition of supporting BristolRovers. This adds to becoming an increasingly inclusive club continuing it's status as a pillar of thecommunity.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Hi just like to say I can't understand why there are any complaints about a temporarystand going up there always been a stand there when people start coming to the rovers from otherparts of the country it brings money into the local economy which stops the area from loosing theirlocal shops which is beneficial to all .

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I feel this is so important for the Football Club, as for extra traffic that would not be muchmore than it is now, the new stand would not be much taller than the old one, and would onlyaffect the residents if they wanted to try and see the game, the ground has been there a long timeand the residents new a sports ground was there when they moved in.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

For the club to survive additional revenue has to be raised, this has to be compleatedasap.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I am in full support of the construction of a new south stand by Bristol Rovers FootballClub.

The site has been a sports ground for over 100 years and over this period under the former tenureof Bristol Rugby and the current tenure Bristol Rovers it has become an established cornerstone ofthe local and wider community, bringing business into the local economy as well as supporting andhosting initiatives that support disabled, vulnerable and elderly locals. The importance of theground to local residents was demonstrated when in 2015, The Bishopston Society, successfullypetitioned Bristol City Council to grant the Memorial Stadium as an Asset of Community Value.

To help ensure the viability of the Football Club and secure a future for the Memorial Stadium, theaging infrastructure needs to be upgraded. The current facilities are severely lacking in their abilityto support the requirements of those with disabilities and supporters that require seats to enjoy thematch day experience. Without the support of those of all ages, abilities and future generations,the football club and ultimately the stadium will be unable to serve the community to the degreethat it currently does.

During the COVID-19 pandemic the maximum capacity of the stadium was reduced from over12,000 to 9,832 to ensure the safety of the supporters. Any increase in capacity will only serve toreturn the stadium to its original capacity.

Permission to develop the site was previously granted that allowed for the construction for a muchlarger stadium, although this has now lapsed, there has been no changes in the local area thatwould have a negative effect to the ability of the area to support a such development let alone that

of a single smaller stand.

The proposed stand, by the nature of its enclosed design will better contain noise within thestadium and close off some of the sight lines that exist into neighbouring properties, reducingdisruption to residents during match days.

In recent years the improvements to the public transport in Bristol as part of the MetroBus andMetroWest projects have made it easier for both home and away supporters to travel to theMemorial Stadium without the use of a car. With the future addition of Ashley Down train stationthis will only become easier. From 1996 to 2014 the stadium was home to both Bristol Rugby andBristol Rovers with approximately 40 fixtures held per year demonstrating the local residents andinfrastructure are capable of supporting the impact this has on the area.

The construction of a new south stand will not only improve the match day experience forsupporters, it will do so with little to no additional negative impact to the local residents whilstensuring that the ability for Bristol Rovers Football Club to give back to the community for yearsinto the future is preserved.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Some people would moan there wasnt enough facilities for all fan types but when theclub tries to address that and give all fans and all walks of life a better matchday experiencepeople object to it.. this stand needs to go ahead.. if the club secures a site for a bew stadium tobe built then these residents will have more people attend the site over a course of a week if madei to sonething like a supermarket which is what normally happens, than what happens on 1 matchday not wven every week.. if made into housing development then the traffic would be even worserhan what they experience now.. so my questions is what are they objecting too.?? Please useyour common sense and allow this stand to go ahead.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Objections based on increasing capacity are relatively flawed. The new stand will beingthe ground capacity more or less in line with the capacity before restriction due to covid, so theimpact of the build for rationales linked to capacity are null and void.

The stand is also not that significantly bigger than the previous tent that was in situ so how muchof an impact will it really have in the environment, animals, insects etc.

By improving facilities, there is a natural attraction for people to come to the ground and should theclub achieve maximum capacity every other week, the economy around it would thrive more in atime where SMEs and local businesses are being strangled financially as a byproduct of the last 3years.

It would be a great addition to the ground, developing the club on the hole and provide a newfacility in what can only be described as a worn out and tired facility.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

For the club to succeed they need to modernise the stadium and this stand is key tothat, this does not add more numbers than pre Covid but does provide a better experience whichis essential for the future of the club. The stadium has been there longer than any neighbours andis used less than most businesses in comparison - would much rather live next to a footballstadium that the car garage I live by which is used 7days a week

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The new stand will not be much higher than the previous structure but by being anenclosed full length stand there will be less noise. Bristol Rovers have poor facilities for home andaway supporters so this new stand would provide more seating and facilities for families, theelderly and disabled especially. The ground has one of the fewest amount of seats in the wholedivision so an improved stand would benefit both home supporters and away supporters whosometimes travel 100's of miles to sit in a temporary tent stand. Better facilities would be good forthe image that Bristol portrays to the wider public. There won't be any more disruption to localresidents as the capacity will only be back to the capacity of a few years ago. Please support themodernisation of the memorial stadium.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I'm in support of improvements to facilities at the stadium for the benefit of the localarea, residents and visitors. Improving facilities provides a safer and more accepting venue fordisabled visitors and will provide a quieter impact for nearby residents due to the design of thestructure.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

We need to improve the stadium

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I would like the proposal of a purpose built stand to replace the odd tents at the groundto assist with the completion of the stadium for both fans and residents alike. It will also be part ofa stadium suitable for community use in the future

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This football club is an important part of the local community and the stand

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

we had the go ahead for 18500 all seater before when Bristol rugby were there they hadpermission for a 7000 seater stand going from the east side going around to the south that wouldhave put the capacity of the mem to just over 20000 before restrictions so we'll short on the 12500we asked for that's only 500 more than a couple years ago plus with the new stand it would reducethe noise away from the houses and on to the pitch so can't see the argument in traffic and noise.The other argument was that the stand would block the sunlight on there gardens there is actuallyno law that says you must have sunlight in your back garden anyway if they are so concernedabout there sunlight maybe they should cut down the 50ft tree currently in there gardens or on theother hand we could always just leave that end empty.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I wholeheartedly support this project. It will help the club with extra revenue which inturn will also help the club in its support of the community which it already does

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers bring a lot of revenue into the local area. I understand locals concernsbut they have bought or rented house right next to an existing ground which at one point wasgoing to be sold and many flats built would they prefer this? I also am aware many Bristol city fanshave maliciously added objections to this page. Many of these are not local people

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Please approve this to increase ground capacity

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

I support this application, being a an adopted Bristolian and wanting to take my son andtwo daughters to watch our local team in a stadium that is fit for the modern 21st century withseats for them to sit in and adequate facilities to watch a match from. Bristol needs to startcompeting with other cities across the uk for sporting stadia and this development is the first stepin the right direction in doing this.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This development will improve facilities at the ground and bring the capacity to pre covidlevels

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The Memorial Stadium was first built for the purpose of sports in the memory of fallenwar heroes. They would be turning in their grave to see the state of the current 'stadium' and withthe situation as it stands it may impact further- the postponement of sports fixtures due to thestadium being inadequate for this - the sole reason it was first built.

My second point is that the stadium has already had planning permission in the past accepted,which by all accounts was higher capacity wise than the current proposal.

Not only this, the current owners of the stadium Bristol Rovers FC will, during this process, bedrastically affected financially. Losing precious revenue, affecting the clubs FFP which will alsohold the club back with making progress it and Bristol itself has longed for, for many years.

By losing the revenue from ticket sales it will affect both the local community and local charities itsupports due to inevitable budget cuts.

Disabled access for away supporters has been removed and will cause issues of discriminationdown the line. This is due to local residents not wanting to be inclusive, which BRFC strive to be.

I believe this decision must be made to the benefit of the local economy aswell as the potentialharmful impact it could make to BRFC and all the community work and charity support it does.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The stand need to be done what do they think when you live next to a football stadiumonly goin to improve the ground and area

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The fans of Bristol Rovers require improved facilities, especially the older and less ablebodied, the proposed stand replaces a not fit for purpose structure that has been past its sell bydate by 15 years.

Progress is the least we should accept within the match day experience. Away fans deserve betterfacilities.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a 77 year old I now need to be able to sit in a stand that does not require me to climbnumerous flights of steps.I would also point out this sports ground has been in existence at thislocation prior to any of us being born.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

The memorial stadium had the go ahead to redevelop stadium on that site which meansthere should be no reason for this stand to be erected. Had a new stadium been built, it would'vehad a larger stand than currently requested. The memorial stadium was there way before thehouses so there should be no objection to the south stand being erected. I support this schemewhole heartedly.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Need more room as we have a few supporters that can't make it due to not havingenough room

Also the stadium was build in honor and in memory of players

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

As a life long supporter now living in Scotland I feel the need to add my support to thisworthwhile application to build this much needed and improved stand at the Memorial Stadium. Itwill give the supporters a much needed and improved matchday experience and will bring thecapacity back to what it was pre pandemic. In reality there will be no increase in matchday trafficdue to just bringing the capacity back up to what residents were used to in the past. I hopepermission is given to help bring BRFC into the modern world and be able to offer the payingpublic what is now expected as the norm at a football match....somewhere comfortable withimproved amenities.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

It's a 'Memorial Stadium'... built BEFORE the houses & their residents. It should be aprolific focal point for Bristols oldest football club & improved for future success & development ofBristol Rovers fc

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

This is not a new stadium or a stadium rebuild. It is a revamping of a temporary standwhich is totally inadequate for the needs of Bristol Rovers.

Disabled facilities will be improved, which have been inadequate in recent years.The revised post-build stadium capacity will be no higher than that the ground has been granted inrecent years.The modest increase in capacity takes account of capacity restrictions imposed by recent EFLregulations.Local residents should not be unduly affected by an enhanced stand. It is little higher than theexisting structure and below that approved in 2008 plans. There will be no new direct access fromany surrounding residential areas.The new stand will not affect light or sunshine levels in Alton Road and other nearby roads, beingnorth facing.

on 2023-08-06   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers are replacing a stand at a stadium that has been there for a very longtime. For local residents to object is a waste of time for all. This club desperately needs to improvefacilities and this delay is such a waste of time.

on 2023-08-05   SUPPORT

A much needed improvement in facilities for fans, especially disabled supporters.Please approve ASAP!

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

Planning permission was already granted for a much larger development on the site,after a lengthy consultation. This should not need any further consideration at council tax payers'expense.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

Permission for this work should be granted as any delay will cause real inconvenienceand monetaryloss to loyal fans and season ticket holders.The club and traveling away fans deserve decent modern facilities to facilitate and enjoy the gamecomfortably and be able to stay dry under cover which is not the case at present.From a health and safety point of view, it also would make sense to allow this development.

on 2023-08-04   OBJECT

No consultation with local residents about the consequences of the new construction.Also, the fact that the club began construction before recieving planning permission shows ablatant disregard over any public concerns.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

This is replacing a temporary structure and will bring the capacity back to the agreedfigure pre covid. This will have no additional impact as effectively nothing is changing apart from apermanent stand that will provide better facilities for the spectators.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

The planned changes to the stadium will provide additional seats and bring the stadiumback up to the original capacity opposed to increasing significantly.

Additional seating will also provide access for disabled individuals and provide an area suitable forthose with disabilities / mobility issues and enable them to watch their beloved team play withoutbeing in pain or discomfort, delaying this build means that the above will not be able to attendmatches or will do so at the risk of their health and wellbeing.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

Bristol is a big city and if we hope to match our competitors in the sport then we need toimprove facilities and move forward. I don't believe this stand will have any major impact on thelocal residents bearing in mind the stadium was probably there before most of them.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

Hello.I live in the shadow of the revamped ashton gate stadium. The work done there has enabled amuch improved match day experience for supporters - which encourages people / families whopreviously would not have felt comfortable.It has also allowed Bristol city fc to generate increased revenue and has allowed bands to play inBristol who otherwise could not have.Bristol rovers facilities are quite poor in comparison. This prevents people / families fromattending. Rovers are trying to survive as a viable business and trying to enable more of the localcommunity the opportunity attend matchday.Rovers have been part of working class culture in Bristol for 140 years. They are a unique cluband very much part of Bristol's working class history - and as such the council should surely notobstruct a safe and planned extension to the facilities.I understand the concerns of some residents but the increase in capacity (and hence the potentialfor crowds on match day) only takes the capacity back towards where it was - 12500 - before thereduction to around 10000 last year.The capacity and the impact on neighbours will be far less than the rebuild agreed back in the2000s. I understand the concerns of the residents of alton rd but as the development is north ofthe houses it won't affect sunlight.I'm sure plenty of others will have observed that the people who live near the ground will haveunderstood they live by a sport stadium when they moved in; and the development planned is arelatively modest increase in footprint.

on 2023-08-04   SUPPORT

I shall outline some issues raised and provide information to why these counterarguments are weak and flawed.

1) Parking will worsen and traffic around the Filton area will increase. Firstly the increase incapacity will not exceed pre-Covid attendance. Therefore the number of supporters will be nomore than before. Furthermore, public transport is more readily available and accessible than itwas pre covid times - many supporters such as myself will utilise improve bus services as analternative mode of transport.

2) the Stand will be higher and more imposing on residents. This is simply an inaccurate and falseargument. Bristol Rovers FC have made adjustments such as moving the pitch closer to the Northstand in order to allow for any extra space needed for the new stand. The stand will not beimposing on the residents behind any more the original tented structure.

I will now outline some areas of strong support I have for the new south/southwest stand.

1) The new stand will be far more inclusive for supports needs. It allows fans that could notpreviously attend matches the ability to become involved and be apart of the Bristol Roverscommunity. There will be more and much improved disabled access for supporters withdisabilities. This includes priority seating for wheelchair users. I have family who because of thenew south/southwest stand will now be able to attend matches and socialise with family andfriends, that they were not able to do before.

2) the new stand also provides better facilities for families and elderly people who wish to attend

games. The new stand will keep the elements at bay far better than the previous stand thereforeposes many advantages such as supporters being able to watch the game without being freezingcold or soaking wet.

3) The new stand will provide revenue to the historic Football club that is 140 years old this yearand a proud and valuable asset to the city of Bristol. How could anyone turn down the opportunityto aid and support local people and local communities?

To summarise I feel the objections to the new stand are disproportionate and weak. Pure andsimple, some people can't handle change. Let's not be a backward city that is stuck in the pastand let's modernise and improve our cities assesses and move with the times. Let's focused onthe positives that the new stand will bring to the community. I genuinely feel the positivessubstantially outweigh the negatives. In conclusion, how would it be fair to deny Bristol Rovers FCa small but valuable upgrade on a single stand when a few years ago Bristol City FC were grantedplanning permission to completely rebuild and redevelop their own stadium.

I hope you come to the correct decision and don't let the people of Bristol down!

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The memorial stadium has had very little money spent on its upkeep, in the past twentyyears or so. It is Bristol Rovers intention to move to a new stadium at a different location in thecoming years. To remove what was a temporary structure and replace with a permanent structureshows Bristol Rovers commitment to enhancing match day facilities to the paying public. Moreoverthis new structure also takes due cogniscence of people with disabilities, that is a huge stepforward. I do not understand why anyone would object they are not proposing a twenty metre highstructure. Anyone who lives in the area would have known they had a football stadium on theirdoorstep before moving, so if you don't like it don't move there. Simple. Up The Gas

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

This is an essential addition to the football ground and will help us realise ambitions inthe future

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The new temporary stand will take the stadium capacity back up to its original capacitypre covid, therefore will not have bringing extra traffic than there already was up until 2 years ago.The new temporary stand will actually give residents more privacy than ever before & will trap thenoise inside the stadium better than it ever has.Work hasn't started on the new stand as some have suggested apart from the old temporarystands being taken down.I honestly can't believe the club get held back on every project they have ever tried to uptake eversince I've been a supporter, that's 40 years.Seems Bristol to not want sporting success, extra visitors, extra revenue. Bristol is constantlybeing left behind in sporting terms where as some small towns reap the benefits to their townswhere they have full backing of their councils & residents.After reading through all the objections I can't see any real reason to stop this temporary standbeing built. It will make a be greatly beneficial to Bristol Rovers and also to the local area as wellas Bristol as a whole.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

This improvement to the south stand will be aesthetically more pleasing and improvesafety for fans . And also retain the sounds within the stadium .

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT

No consideration for neighbours

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I welcome an expansion to the stadium. There will be no impact on the environment, wewill simply go back to the levels of disputation pre Covid which we manageable. It will bring extrabusiness to the local area also which is very important.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT

No thought or consultation with local residents.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The new south stand will bring the capacity to what it was before, therefore having nogreater impact as it is already known the surrounding area can cope with this number ofsupporters.

The new stand will increase safety, disabled access and look better than the previous stand.

No work has been carried out on redevelopment like this for many many years and living next to astadium the residents surely would know there is a possibility of works being carried out.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT

When I moved to filton avenue I was excited to live close to a football ground. A gamethat I have loved since I was a young boy. To soak in the atmosphere on game day and feel theexcitement in the air, as family's attend their local club together in support. I regularly attendgames when possible.

However, the strip of filton avenue where the ground sits is not fit for expansion. The road has carsparked on both sides (especially on game days). This restricts car flow on the roads. Bussesstruggle to get through and I would dread to think what would happen in an emergency. Increasingthe capacity of the ground will only relate to more traffic, more cars illegally parked, and hence theissue worsening.

When they took down the stand. The work vehicles used blocked the road, this resulted in trafficbuilding further up filton avenue. This issue would be constant if work was granted.

Being a bit older now, I like to walk around with my family to Gloucester Road and support theindependent bars, restaurants and shops. The increase in footfall will make this difficult andpotentially result in an increase of other issues. Litter, drunken antics, abuse and violence. Myquestion would be, can the police handle all this? I don't think so and hence I would be against theexpansion.

Thank you.

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT


on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT

The impact on the environment, neighbours, traffic, wildlife and visuals for the area faroutweighs the benefits. They are planning to build a new stadium anyway so why waste resourcesfor a temporary fix?

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The new stand will allow disabled people to watch football games in comfort and allowthem to feel safe. There has never been enough capacity at the ground for the extremely large fanbase. Supporters enjoy bringing their children along for a day out and the club is struggling toaccommodate the growing numbers.As a fan and season ticket holder i travel up from Devon along with my husband but there is veryfew tickets available for other members of our family if they are able to join us.It's very disappointing that the club should have to suffer in this way and we feel that the councilhad held them back for years.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I wish to support the application as it's long overdue to have a ground fit for t 22stcentury. I am not alway able to attend marches but am a loyal supporter of the club and have beenfor over 55 years as has members of my family

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Improvements to the stadium will assist the football club in competing in the footballleague and bring good publicity to the city of Bristol.The new structure will be much more pleasing to the eye than the previous ramshackle tentedstructure that was derided by both home and away supporters. The enclosed nature of thestructure with result in less noise reaching the nearby properties. The increase in stadium capacitywill only return it to the level of a few years ago so should not have additional impact on carparking. Improvements to the local bus service will result in more supporters using publictransport; personally, I now travel from Bath to attend games by bus whereas I used to travel bycar.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The Improvement of facilities at the Memorial Stadium is much needed, both in terms ofseating and disabled seating for home and away supporters, but also in terms of supporterfacilities.

It would be an embarrassment to the Council to deny the development of safer viewing areas andmore family friendly facilities for all to enjoy at a sporting venue.

Top class sporting venues and facilities in the Bristol area are seriously lacking and a sadindictment of a Council purporting to supporting our sporting establishments but lacking with anytangible assistance - we are still patiently awaiting the Council's outcome after announcing thatthey are 'actively pursuing an alternative site for a new (Bristol Rovers) stadium' many, manyyears ago.

No doubt the Council will proudly voice their support, and dignatories will be tripping over eachother to encourage their association with the team, and 'how great it is for the whole of the city'etc., etc., joining in the the team victory tour culminating with celebrations at the Council House!

To treat this planning application as just any other is ridiculous. This should have been a priority,and as the reduced attendance and facilities are announced each coming week, the whole nationwill see 'Bristol City' Council as incapable of delivering a single simple structure.

There has been ample time for the planning process to have taken its course and been dealt with,knowing the particular time constraints that the football season presents.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted support for the memorial grounds planningapplication currently under consideration. The proposed project holds great significance and is anoble endeavor that will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the community and futuregenerations.

Memorial grounds serve as essential spaces for reflection, remembrance, and healing. They offera place to honor the memory of individuals or events that have shaped our history and touched thelives of many. By establishing a dedicated memorial site, we create a lasting tribute that will standas a symbol of respect, unity, and resilience.

I firmly believe that the proposed memorial grounds will become an invaluable asset to ourcommunity. It will provide an opportunity for people to gather, pay their respects, and learn aboutthe historical significance behind the memorial. Such spaces encourage dialogue, fosterunderstanding, and promote empathy among community members.

Furthermore, the planning and design of the memorial grounds should be approached withsensitivity and inclusivity. Ensuring that the space is accessible to all, regardless of age or ability,will enhance its impact and relevance. Additionally, involving diverse voices in the planningprocess will enrich the memorial's narrative and meaning, fostering a sense of shared ownershipand pride.

I am confident that the dedicated efforts of the Memorial Grounds Planning Committee, alongsidecommunity input, will result in a well-thought-out and thoughtfully designed space. A place that not

only honors the past but also serves as a beacon of hope and unity for future generations.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the memorial grounds planning application and urge thecommittee to proceed with the project. The potential positive impact on our community isimmeasurable, and this memorial will serve as a reminder of our shared history, resilience, andcompassion.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Take this great traditional club forward please

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The disruption that Bristol Rovers causes on a matchday was wholly expected when Imoved in to my current property. It is a temporary disruption that lasts a few hours.

Despite this disruption, I am wholly in support of Bristol Rovers' new stand. This is because Irecognise the benefits that they bring to this rather less popular end of Gloucester road.

With a greater capacity, shops and pubs will earn extra trade which is especially important in theseextremely trying times. Local livelihoods depend heavily on these places staying afloat andanything that boots cashflow to local businesses during a cost of living crisis must be paid seriousattention.

Despite not being local myself, I also recognise how galvanizing a local football team can be -especially one that is playing well. The feel-good factor is a measurable thing and local peopledeserve a successful football team. If it is deemed that increasing the capacity will improve thechances of a successful North Bristol team, then the morale of this part of the city will improve.Again, absolutely vital at this time of financial worry.

Another point is I believe that this a return to the previous capacity. A capacity that had stayed thesame for many years until (I believe), health regulations impacted it. The fact that this is not anexpansion but simply a reversion to what capacity was only a short while ago is a salient pointindeed.

To confirm, I may not be a supporter of Bristol Rovers but I am a neighbor of the club and Icompletely support its plans.

Kind regards,


on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I am Bristol born and bred and lived as a child in Horfield, just 10 minutes walk from theMemorial Stadium. I have wached rugby matces there, attended the fairs that used to be held onthe car park and attended Rovers matches. There has been a stadium there throughout mylifetimes and the capacity of the ground has varied from ca 15000 to ca 10000 during that time,with reductions due to improvements to safety requirements. The proposed new stand will onlyincrease the capacity attendance to historic levels, which were tolerable to residents at the time.Every home owner in the area has known there is a stadium there and has chosen to live next tone, so the objections are not warranted. The club should be allowed to improve the facilities andmatchday experience for spectators by improving disabled access and ground capacity. I havebeen a Rovers supporter for more than 50 years and look forward to an increase in the groundcapacity and availability of tickets for home games.

on 2023-08-03   OBJECT

Object. Traffic is a nightmare as it is let along when more people attend. Cars illegallypark on the pavement. Streets full of litter and beer bottles.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Would be advantageous to the surrounding areaExtra people more income.for shops and bars

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The building of a new stand should be granted, because a stand was already inexistence for a long period of time. This was as far as I am aware without resistence.We need better facilites for Bristol Rovers football club which provides much entertainment fordisabled, young and old people alike and for the welfare and emploment of the city.Bristol Rovers are a responsible club that always adhere to rules set out by Bristol planningdepartment and the police and I'm sure will continue to do so for the future.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I support the new stand. The capacity will only rise to what it was before the pandemicand the club is desperate for more seats and new areas for disabled fans, plus more refreshmentareas and toilets and it's long overdue for some investment in the Memorial Stadium which canonly be a positive for Bristol.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers desperately need a new ground to survive and progress as a club

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

the ground is in bad need of updating tbh,Bristol is sadly lacking in top class sportingarenas ,plus you can hardly see it through the trees from our back garden anyway,

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Much needed development bringing more jobs to this part of Bristol and supporting abigger footfall for local Businesses

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I am sure this will have little impact on a very small number of afternoons and eveningsthroughout the football season. From what I can see Bristol Rovers are an important part of theNorth East area of Bristol where sports facilities are very poor generally. I do know Bristol Roversand their fans contribute to the local community especially pubs, cafes & restaurants on matchdays so it seems fair that they are given this permission for what appears a relatively small stand.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

As a life long supporter of bristol rovers i feel the new stand will go a long way to theoverall matchday experience for both home and away fans and a more modern permenantstructure, match days numbers will be on par with pre covid numbers

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

There is no other option but to approve this. Otherwise, yet again Bristol city council arestepping in the way of progression for the club.

Without the extra revenue received from increased ticket sales, and food and drink takings for the2500 extra tickets per match, the club has not got the ability to challenge at the top end of leagueone. Therefore, if this isn't supported the council are effectively standing in the way of a club fromthe city fulfilling their potential.

The increase in attendance also means greater job opportunity for locals and also ensures greatlocal trade up and down Gloucester Road.

People who object say it will affect their kids sleep due to the light and noise. I don't think 2500 willadd greatly to most of this, largely because the majority of the stand will include either Away fans(less usually attend night matches) and the floodlights will go on regardless. In addition, themajority of these people knew there would be noise coming from the stadium when theypurchased their house, plus the capacity was at 12,500 only going back a few years.

In addition, there would be no need for the extension if the council 'safety officer' didn't restrictattendances at the start of last season. Apparently no standing is allowed at the front of terracesanymore which has reduced the capacity of the North Terrace- how can Forest Green Rovers andCheltenham Town have seats literally on the pitch without even advertising to separate the seatsfrom the pitch?

Being honest, the club is also the pride and joy of a large bunch of Bristolians and not approving

this planning permission will make 400 season ticket holders unable to watch the matches. I'msure their mental well-being should be considered as a lot of people live their lives dependant onwatching the gas on a fortnightly basis.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Please get your fingers out and sort this out the club are trying hard to update disabledfacilities and you are holding things up yet again disabled discrimination not good enough bcc

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I fully support the new stand proposal. It will have improved facilities for both disabledand able bodied supporters of the club. It will ensure the privacy of local residents as theirproperties will not be overlooked from other parts of the ground and prevent the funnelling of noisein that direction. The erection of the stand will increase numbers back to pre-covid times and alllocal retailers will benefit as a result. It will benefit the whole community and not a small minority ofNIMBYs who must have known if you live near a stadium improved developments are alwaysgoing to be considered. Even more so if the team has success and the proposals are quiterestrained up to what could have been planned.In fact it could be a benefit to the community to approve the planning consent now than face abigger development later.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

Make s sense to put better stand and increase support, stadium has been here longerthan residents and is the heart of the community

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I very much support the proposed application of a new South Stand.More capacity for fans, as well as disabled fans, is a bonus which will bring the stadium capacity toits previous level before the restrictions caused by the Covid outbreak.Also, more fans will bring more spending to the local businesses.I'm afraid I have to disagree with the argument regarding the stand obstructing neighbour's views.The previous tall trees were taller than the proposed stand. And anyway, the new stand is only alittle taller than the last temporary stand.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

This proposed new stand will only increase the seating capacity at the ground, back to afigure nearer pre covid attendance. It is no bigger than the "temporary " stand it is replacing. Willhelp BRFC with more gate receipts and, hopefully, when a new stadium is confirmed, theMemorial stadium footprint will inevitably change anyway.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

I support the application to increase the capacity of the memorial stadium in order tobenefit Bristol Rovers Football Club, it's staff and fans who have waited a long time for thisplanning permission to be granted and for development to take place on their old and outdatedground.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

As a supporter of Bristol Rovers; a person born and raised in Bristol and thesurroundings, I fully support the application to construct a new stand that will be fit for purpose,accessible and sustainable at the south end of the stadium.

The previous stand was a temporary structure and put in on an interim basis. With the club movingforward [with a longer term ambition to relocate] and requiring larger capacity [closer to the historiccapacity of approx 12500], which is compliant with the most recent health and safetyrequirements, is functional post-pandemic and allows all supporters to be able to access thespace, the new stand offers this capability.

The South End of the ground has always had some form of spectator space - the steps from AltonRoad - though not used - bear witness to this.

Largely the stadium has very low impact on residents near the stadiumm but has massive impactfor the wider supporter stakeholder body, as well as visiting supporters who should be able to sit towatch if required.

The new stand would also give the club further commercial flexibility by allowing increased ordecreased home and away attendances on game-by-game basis, allowing the club to maximiserevenues.

It is worth noting that multiple residences around the southern end of the ground have beenpermitted planning consent for extensions or similar over the last decade, primarily as they 'back-on' to the perimeter of the ground. If this sort of development is approved, then surely changes to

the stadium [which likely predates all local residents] should be given a green light.

The club need to be allowed to maximise matchday revenues using the space available in themost optimal manner - the new stand allows them to do this and should be approved at thesoonest point possible.

on 2023-08-03   SUPPORT

The proposed stand shall improve nearby residents amenity as it shall:1. Provide an illuminated surface for the sun to reflect light into nearby homes, especially if thesurface is light in colour;2. It may be expected to contain noise from goal celebrations.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I support this as it will increase the ground size and thus revenue for supportingbusinesses in the local area surrounding the ground with more visitors per match day

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

These plans should be granted. End of. The stadium has been in tatters for years andthis is an opportunity to improve the area. The whole stadium is an eye sore. So why localresidents and councils are objecting to the works is unbelievable. Get it done for goodness sake.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

A football club is the heart of a community.

This only restores capacity of the stadium to what is was pre-Covid so residence cannot be thatupset about the slightly increased traffic as this would have been the same for the majority ofresidents when they moved in.

This is important for the growth of the football club which should be seen as a positive for the area

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Just let it happen, as a citizen of Bristol I believe that your role should be to allow Bristolto grow within the sporting environment, therefore to deny the request of the south stand would beabsurd.Bristol needs to be considered as one of the sporting capitals in England and to allow growth youwill need to let Bristol rovers expand there stadium.There was also a stand there before and to put a bigger stand in would show that Bristol is readyto become a sporting giant.The club is trying to expand and give Bristol a name whilst you lot are against it.Get better and give Bristol rovers the stand and publicity they deserve.DO BETTER AND GIVE BRISTOL A NAME.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This will improve facilities for the people of Bristol. It is said that Rovers will move soon,if they do I'm sure there will be plenty more planning consultations re. Potential other uses for thecurrent site. Basically this is a short term thing and anyone would say an improvement over thosetents! Those tents brought shame on the people of Bristol for many years. We should have nothingthere?(shame on Bristol for many years) You could have tents? (Shame on good Bristolians formany years) or you could allow a shiny new stand(pride restored to the good people of Bristol)

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Support for more seating is needed for fans with family to enjoy a game of football.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

There has been a stand at that end of the ground for ages. The stadium used to operateat around 12k capacity so it makes no difference. Extra fans means extra support for localbusinesses around the area and more money into Bristol as well. I also don't understand why citycan get planning approval so much more easily than rovers can.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Hi, this should be a 'no brainer'. Improving facilities to encourage more families anddisabled supporters to watch live football. It brings communities together and will be a great stepforward for this club.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

It's temporary and not much bigger than the old temporary stand . A lot of investment iscoming into this club so surely the council and the club should be working closely together . This isprogress whilst we look for a new home and it will generate much needed revenue. Realistically isthere going to be a big impact on the area as there has been bigger crowds attending the stadiumover the years. Thanks for considering

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers need something for once. cricket has no problem improving so why notfootball

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The stadium has been at around 12k capacity before and this would return it to that.More supporters = more money into the local area for all the pubs, cafes, retail shops etc whichcan only be a benefit for them. I don't think parking will be an issue as fans around the groundhave managed before when at the same capacity or even more. I strongly support this.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

As a boy my family was living in the vicinity of the Bristol Rovers Football Club.Approximately 70 years later, although I live outside of Bristol, I still have a season ticket andmake the round trip from London to Bristol regularly to watch matches. I spend money in the areaand thus add to the Bristol economy.

It appears to me that this should be an easy decision for planners to make. Most of the objectionson this site appear to be based on ignorance of the facts.

For example, a lot is made of the adverse effects of an increased capacity. In fact this build onlybrings the capacity back to approximately the same capacity that it was before it was reduced forsafety concerns. Hence comments about increased traffic and noise are not relevant. In fact noisefor local residents should be reduced by the type of materials used in the new stand.

The new structure is also better for spectator safety than the old structure. Delays in grantingpermission have an adverse effect on the ability of the club to act within the existing EFLregulations and will bring the City of Bristol into disprepute. It is also meaning less visiting fans,again with a loss of income.

I urge you to approve this application without delay.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers really needs this improvement!!!!Bristol Rovers is a fantastic family friendly club!!When it come to football and Bristol all clubs are lacking and needs this investment.

Lots of elderly people come to the games week in week out, they need seats ect


Martyn Nicholls

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

There are a lot of fans who are disappointed with the fact that planning permissionwasn't sought before now. I am a supporter in my late 70s and have supported the club for manyyears. My friend and I are unable to stand for any length of time and hope this difficult situationcan be resolved as soon as possible.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The stand improves the current scenes of Glastonbury in horfield and gives a bettermatch day experience for all to see with 3 points Saturdays back with a bang!!

Anyone who objects clearly doesn't know what there doing and is either a city fan or a vegan.


on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

There has been a stadium on this site for generations, it would be total nonsense for notto allow this vital community facility to be upgraded.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Live relatively local and a supporter of the club. We are only talking about a relativelyminor alteration to the ground and the capacity. This is not a complete redevelopment as wasaccepted before and the capacity nowhere near previous application. The effect on traffic will beminimal. Myself have never driven to ground not even owned a car most the years been there.The ground was there when anyone living local moved in so what is the big problem?Eventually it seems Rovers will be moving so it's not going to be forever. Whatever goes in itsplace may not have the small window of intensity of traffic and people but it will certainly be everyday not just 23 days plus a few cup gamesObviously the stand will have to confirm to laid down planning conditions but sure that can easilybe sorted if any problem.Don't hold Bristol back. Football clubs are part of the local culture.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Very beneficial for the city and club in question to progress within the football industry.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I believe that the planning permission should be granted, the new stand will not affectthe light into their properties. The trees that are already there will hide the majority of the building.It is crucial for Bristol Rovers to increase the capacity of the stadium, so that they can increase therevenue on a match day,so that they can keep moving the club forward. The club does so manygreat things in the community, so the more loyal supporters can come to watch the team thebetter.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

As a fan of Bristol Rovers I feel like this would benefit the club and the fans as it wouldgive me people the opportunity to see live football matches.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Planning request would seem entirely reasonable and in-keeping with relatively simpleupgrading of a longstanding stadium facility (with no increasing of traditional capacity) which is indrastic need of modernisation if it is going to meet it's intended purpose in the 21st rather than20th century.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This stadium has been here for 100 years, whenever BRFC try to improve on betteringthemselves someone always has to reject best of luck if they build a supermarket and not just asingle stand for us to increase finances at a club I have supported for 55 years

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The proposed changes only takes the ground capacity back to a previous level (approx12,500). Therefore there is no impact on match days in terms of traffic and volume of people. Alsothe new facilities will fit into the current footprint, so no new disruption for local residents. Overallthe changes will bring many positive changes for those attending on match days and will improvethe flow of people and therefore mean a quicker dispersal after games bringing benefits to thelocal infrastructure and residents.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

As an integral part of our community, Bristol rovers needs this expansion to enableprogression which will also benefit the local area with the extra revenue this project will generate

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I am absolutely behind this build. Having lived in the area the club brings fantasticbenefits to local shops and business's especially on matchdays. Rather than a not so attractivelooking tent they'll be a state of modern architecture built which will have less noise distribution tolocals rather than a open tent.

As a non supporter I have a completely neutral view on this.


on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The stand proposal will have a very limited impact on the neighbourhood , while addingsufficient revenue to a club. The traffic in the area will be back at pre-pandemic levels for fancapacity, so this argument that it will add congestion not seen before is invalid.

The building work of this stadium will be for a limited period. The permanent structure suggestedwill offer a far safer alternative to the previous tent stand that could collapse under adverseweather conditions.

Build the stand into a permanent structure.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The ground has been there much longer than any resident

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This is essential to BRFC, this would restore the capacity of the stadium with saferconditions for all.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Bringing the stadium back to the capacity figure with the build of the new stand will bringback extra revenue to the local businesses.There will not be an increase in parking from just a couple of years ago as the build is just bringingthe capacity back to what it was.

on 2023-08-02   OBJECT

Even with the current numbers of seats the whole area can be brought to a trafficstandstill on match days. I cannot park anywhere near my house. There is not adequate roadinfrastructure to support even more people coming to the stadium on match days. The proposedextra stand also makes a huge difference to the view. This is not a stadium out of the way with lotsof space it's in a very heavily residential area that already struggles with traffic demand. I suggestyou make your existing seating more accessible for disabled people rather than adding hundredsmore seats.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC is an incredibly crucial part of North Bristol's identity. The role the clubplays in the community is paramount and brings joy to many, many supporters. It is incrediblydisappointing to here there is such a snag in the planning application and that Bristol City Councilhave not treated nor prioritised the case in the manner that it should have been. As such, thedelay will cause for a lack of full capacity at the club's opening home games for what looks like theforeseeable. Whilst the club looks to make supporting The Gas more comfortable and safer withthese upgrades it is not a good look that such causes are being stifled by the council. It is difficultto see how the replacement of the south stand with something safer and increased capacity has abearing impact structurally on what lies behind. There is sufficient space for this to be achieved.Bristol City football club have been allowed over the years to increase their capacity of AshtonGate; all the while, that stadium impacts more residential dwellings with its structure than theMemorial Stadium does. With a lack of support from the EFL on the matter, it's imperative inmoments like these that the council, the ones responsible for passing applications at an urgentrate, react to support their local business being hampered by rules and regulations by those aboveit. As a keen supporter of Bristol Rovers and a local business owner, I am deeply disappointed inBristol City Council's ineffective approach and behaviour to this urgent matter that will impactmany supporters for the foreseeable.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Definitely support this application so bring back capacity pre covid, more fans again willcontribute back into local business and community and allowing more disabled supports back towatch their team

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I have had a season ticket for more than 30 years, a supporter since childhood whenmy 97 year old auntie took me to my first game in the 1960s. My husband and children andgrandchildren attend games too, it's a family outing! I've retired from working in education in 2014and since then I have had two joint replacements do to arthritis so for the last two years I haveneeded a seat to comfortably watch football but availability is very limited at the Memorial Stadium.For this season I have bought a season ticket , with one of my young grandchildren, for the standthat hasn't been constructed yet, so I am extremely disappointed. Football is such wonderfulescapism for people, for me when my sister passed away at 43 years old, and at other times I'vespoken to strangers that have becomes friends, as a community activity football is so important.Please allow the stand to be constructed, for elderly and less physically mobile, and children thatare unable to stand for long periods, it's very important and will enable me and others to enjoy anexperience that gives me/ them huge pleasure! Thank you

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Don't see what all the fuss is about. A stand was there before and is being replaced byanother stand. Just local residents be awkward as usual.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I have watched Bristol Rovers for over 50 years. I have been a season ticket holdersince they moved to the Memorial Ground. All these years I have stood on a terrace, getting bakedor soaking wet. When I saw this proposal I was delighted that now I could afford a seat in the newstand and at last see a small improvemet on what is a pretty poor ground compared to the majorityof FL clubs. I am also pleased that disabled supporters can now enjoy a game under a roof. I haveread some of the objections. I have seen every home game at the Mem. Trouble? No, I cannotremember any major problems. Those days have gone, and the games are well policed and lots ofstewards in place. What I have notice though is the amazing amount of females and children thatattend. Surely any improvement in the ground infrastructure will benefit them and of course an oldfogey like myself who struggles to stand for 90+ minutes. The benefit for the local residents is thatthe new structure will keep the noise in. Objections regarding privacy; well I can guarantee that99.999% percent of people will be facing inwards, watching the action on the pitch. there is alreada good view of the area from the East stand, which has been in place for decades. Regarding theremoval of foliage, well at best you could describe it as scrub with a few overgrown bushes. I canunderstand them being annoyed at not being consulted. Nor was I consulted when they put trafficlights at the end of my road. But I live close to the main road and I accept it.This develoment is good for an old man like myself, and the young supporters as well. Not tomention the club, and local businesses.

on 2023-08-02   OBJECT

I strongly object to this proposal due to the increase of car traffic it will bring togetherwith the increased pollution. The area is already overwhelmed on match days so increasing analready existing problem shows a complete disregard for the well-being of local residents andclearly prioritises business profit over people!

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

It will create a better stadium and I think it will be easier to empty the stadium quicker soit would be better for the local residents

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

The football club is at the heart of the community - widely supported by many fromacross the city and country. It has a community of supporters, especially working class youngerpeople, who can come together and unite behind something and give them something to do. Inrecent seasons the mem has sold out several times, depriving many fans who couldn't get ticketsto matches of the opportunity to come together on a Saturday afternoon. I think football clubs dogreat work for our communities and I think maximizing the the number of residents who can attendmatches is a positive for the mental well-being of our city - in particular for those in less privilegedcircumstances in a challenging financial environment. I think the benefits of this development forthe city as a whole far outweigh any inconvenience for a minority of neighbours - for most of whichthis development would have little effect.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Support your local club to allow them to survive following a tough few years. This ispretty much a like for like construction and should not be objected to

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This development represents a huge improvement from all perspectives. Twodilapidated structures with scruffy tall chain Mail fencing and a huge ugly scoreboard replaced witha modern clean lined facility catering for far more members of the community. The previousfacilities were a disgrace making a mockery of the city of Bristol with away support particularlyderogatory in their comments.With regard to parking, I attended my first game at Eastville in 1966 with a crowd of in excess of25000. Living in Filton we could never get parked closer to the ground than just the other side ofthe Frome opposite Eastville Park. I'm not aware of confrontations with residents the majority ofwhich are always friendly. I travel from Cardiff for every home game and always park safely.Having moved to Cardiff in 1972 I have witnessed in excess of 6 developments including 3 at theArms Park, the replacement of that with the Millenium Stadium. 2 Athletics stadiums and latterlythe Cardiff City relocation to a new stadium. All of these developments have been welcomed andapplauded by the people over here and without doubt add to the reputation and respect for thiscity some 6 times smaller than Bristol. This development is for one decent stand behind thegoalmouth and another smaller stand alongside the pitch. It seems little to ask that thisdevelopment should go ahead as planned.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I am a Loyal Supporter of Bristol Rovers. I feel Bristol Rovers needs to be able tocomplete the improved stand. To support our Disabled fan's. As our current stand isn't assessableto all. The ground is so important to the loyal fan base of Bristol Rovers and should be allowed tostay current. Like other teams in Bristol.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

Please approve the south stand being built ASAP.The stadium is in drastic need for an upgrade and is something that is long overdue.The supporters of BRFC deserve thisThank youDave Harries

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This will bring back added business to the local shops and amenities.

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I would like to support the development. The ground has not had any major works donefor a number of years. Increased attendance would not only benefit the football club but alsobenefit local businesses with increased footfall

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

I am a season ticket holder at Rovers having lived in Bristol all my life until recently. Ibelieve this development represents minimal negative impact upon residents since the heightincrease is negligable. Furthermore, this development is vital for the survival of the football club asstadia move towards seated venues therefore I am fully in favour of the proposed development.

on 2023-08-02   OBJECT

To start building work without planning permission should be a punishable offence

on 2023-08-02   SUPPORT

This is an existing sports ground that has existed on this site for many years. Whileother sports facilities have been developed and upgraded to meet the needs safety and comfort ofsupporters the memorial stadium has stagnated. I see no valid reasons to object to this longneeded development and should proceed In a timely manner.

on 2023-08-01   SUPPORT

The home of BRFC is the historic sporting venue in the heart of north Bristol where toplevel rugby and football matches have been played for 100 years. I recall watching rugby at thestadium with over 16000 people in attendance. The replacement of the tented stands is long overdue to provide a fit for purpose facility for people paying £30 for a seat and bringing the capacity ofthe stadium back to something approaching the former 12500 football capacity which has beenachieved on several occasions. The enclosed nature of the stand will surely improve the privacyfor residents behind the stand and will improve the visual aspect as it will of course be a brandnew structure. Across the country people see their football team as the heart and soul of theircommunity, not just the match days but providing a whole spectrum of services - and this area ofNorth Bristol is no different.

on 2023-08-01   SUPPORT

This is a long overdue improvement to the Memorial Stadium to replace the existingtemporary tented structures and improve the facilities for both home and away fans. The newstand will provide added privacy to the homes at the rear of the south stand & reduce any noisethat would carry over to these houses.

on 2023-08-01   SUPPORT

Football clubs need to grow and this redevelopment of the ground is a naturalprogression. Not so long ago local residents decided they'd rather have a football club as theirneighbours rather than a supermarket. The new stand will only bring the maximum attendanceback to a previous figure that the stadium allowed before new rules were applied.

on 2023-08-01   OBJECT

Rovers games are already chaotic to the local area. The traffic is diabolical. The fanspark everywhere they can get away with and some are verbally abusive to locals just trying to getto their own properties.

Rovers are already a bad neighbour and have no consideration for local residents as it is.

Significantly they have the arrogance to have started work on increasing the crowds without evennotifying their neighbours or waiting for planning permission. This tells you all you need to knowabout their cavalier attitude.

I live in Trubshaw Close, and we already cannot access or leave our properties at the beginning ofgames or for several hours afterwards just with the existing numbers

on 2023-08-01   OBJECT

The parking provision is already substantially detrimental to neighbours as drivewaysare constantly blocked, roads and access are also blocked and restricted, there is no provisionrelating to this along side the increased capacity.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Why can't bristol rovers have a break away from all this, i am a massive fan thatcommutes with my little boy every home game all the way from Oxford the work that will beprovided won't take long and everything is back to normal for Christ sake give the gas a break foronce how can we improve our club when so much stupidity is in the way of it, this is great forbristol let them get on with it fed up of constant let downs because of bristol city council give us abreak for god sake

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This stand is absolutely imperative if Bristol is going to look like the go ahead andrelavant city that that it should be. We have been a sporting backwater for too long and the standis a small way to prove that we are as forward thinking as any other major city.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

We need to support local sport,this is a temporary solution to a long term product

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

We need to support local revenue and entertainment, this is a short term solution to along term project.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This is a temporary solution, we need to support local sport. It's an improvement to theprevious stand, an improvement for the club and a slight increase in numbers for the holding in theground, this is a good step foward not a bad one. This shouldn't be held back.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Given that the stadium capacity is not going to be more than it was a few years ago, theargument that there will be more traffic / people is flawed. Dis some one actually say the schoolswould be affected OMGIf you don't like the noise from a football ground don't buy a house next to one ...There is also planning in place ,which has been granted for a whole new stadium on this site sowhat is the issue with one stand which is replacing a dilapidated tent stand .

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The proposed new development of these stands will bring the standard of seating andsupporter facility up to the required level and is wholly commensurate with the rest of the stadiumand it's footprint. It is not a significant departure from the existing arrangements.

It will bring much needed modernisation to the stadium and will crucially attract more familieswhich will further enhance the matchday experience and reduce the perception of a maledominated preserve and the problems that brings. Indeed, over recent years the club has seenincreasing percentages of younger persons, females and families attending resulting in anincreasingly enjoyable and inclusive matchday experience.

The development will also bring greater prosperity to the immediate Gloucester Road and it'sindependent traders.

Notwithstanding planning regulations, it would be great to see the Council supporting our localfootball club - please therefore approve this application.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Although I do not live in the immediate vicinity I do work in the area. I fully support theapplication by Bristol Rovers to develop the South Stand firstly because it will provide a muchbetter structure than the previous one that was in some respects temporary. The old South Standalready accommodated a large section of both home and visiting supporters so I do not believe anew development will have a much greater or significant detrimental impact on the area orresidents in terms of numbers of fans. In fact a new Stand will actually enhance the visual impactof the stadium and be less of an eyesore than the temporary one. Many fans attending the groundalready use local transport, car share, cycle or use motorcycles to help keep traffic moremanageable. I seriously doubt that the new Stand will actually significantly increase traffic as it willaccommodate a section of away supporters, many of whom come by coaches laid on by their ownsupporters clubs and park in the ground.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The stadium has had reduced capacity since covid. The replacement stand will onlyincrease the capacity back to what it was prior.

Will not have an impact on local residents due to this fact. Not only that but all residents knewwhen moving to there house that a stadium was there.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I fully support this application which will provide much needed improvement to the wellestablished Memorial Stadium. The proposed development is modest and much smaller than thepreviously approved plans for the stadium. The immediate neighbours behind the stand purchasedtheir properties in 2021 so would have been well aware such a development was likely.

This will return the stadium to the same capacity as it had been for many years so objectionsbased on increase crowds noise and transport are not valid.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I think this should be done I can't see why it a problem

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Improved spectator facilities wpuld be most welcome, the stand would result in capacitybeing the same as previous maximum and well within the previously agreed 18,500redevelopment that was approved.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I am in support of the proposed application by Bristol Rovers Football Club to replacethe temporary South and South West standa with a new temporary structure.

The previous structures were only mean to be temporary and yet were used for nearly twentyyears. As a frequent visitor to the Memorial Stadium, I know first hand what an eyesore the oldtents were.The old structures were not aprticularly safe to sit in either, the South West stand roof would swayfrom side to side on a windy day. I have felt for a while now that it was an accident waiting tohappen.From a safety point of view, the old temporary stands need to be replaced before somebody gothurt.

The record attendance at The Memorial Stadium was 12,011 on the 9th March 2008 (BristolRovers vs West Bromich Albion), and the effecive capacity last season was 10,086 (Bristol Roversvs Bolton Wanderers). The new structure will bring the attendance back up to around thepreviously granted capacity of the stadium.

The football club has not invested in the Memorial Stadium site since 2005, and I welcome thismodernisation initiative, both from a safety and aesthetic perspective. It is long overdue.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

About time this eyesore was replaced, can't believe people object when somethingwhich will enhance their view is planned. The new stand will also keep more noise in which mustbe a positive!

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I feel this application should be supported, this is a shot term fix for the football club andhardly differs from what was there previously

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Would enhance the stadium , provide much needed cover for home & away supporters .Also , may bring more money to local economy outlets .

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This club provides income to the local community and to ensure the clubs successcontinues these developments must go ahead.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Fully support the replacement of the temporary units with a much more tidier structurethat will reduce the noise to local residents.Cannot understand light issues as there are already trees obstructing peoples views and giventhat sunrise/sunset is east to west this shouldn't affect the light to adjacent properties as stand issouth to north facing.As for parking this is only an issue on match days roughly once a fortnight during theseason.Those residents who object because they cannot return to park near their homes shouldbear in mind that when they go elsewhere with their vehicles they are creating the same problemfor other residents in the area to which they have travelled

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Fully support Bristol Rovers application. Many of the objections being raised have nosubstance and are highly likely to originate from organised action from non resident fans ofopposing teams.

Eyesore objections - the previous tent structure that has been in situ for many years is arguably aneven bigger eyesore than the proposed structure. It also posed more a risk to nearby residents inthe event of any high winds given its temporary nature.

Traffic / noise objections - the new capacity will not be in excess of previous record crowds at thestadium before reductions in capacity in recent years. Unless the team has an exceptional Leaguecampaign - 10,000 fans is unlikely to be breached on more than 40% of games. So the extradisruption is minimal. But the additional revenue is meaningful for the club and their futureprogression.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Long overdue update of the stadium back to its original capacity

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Please approve the new small stand at the Memorial stadium.Been no improvements in50 years!!!!!!!!!!

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I just love the Rover's

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I have been a resident of North Bristol for 40 years and it saddens me when comparedto other major cities there is a lack of progress in promoting facilities that will enhance the localcommunity. There are many businesses that benefit and thrive from Bristol Rovers home games atthe Memorial stadium. I understand worries about capacity and traffic but this stand will only bringattendance levels back to pre Covid times so parking and foot traffic will be manageable. BristolRovers community trust done lots for the local community suing the pandemic so the evidencewould suggest the more progressive Bristol Rovers are the more the community will benefit.This is not a whole new stadium and I appreciate Kate the worries if that was proposed butplanning permission was previously granted for that so I fail to see how this could be declined

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

i support the new temporary stand.A much needed improvement for spectators, comfort and safety wise.The capacity will only return to what it always used to be when two clubs, Bristol Rugby and BristolRovers used the stadium.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

i support the new temporary stand.A much needed improvement for spectators, comfort and safety wise.The capacity will only return to what it always used to be when two clubs, Bristol Rugby and BristolRovers used the stadium.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

As a regular visitor to the memorial stadium I am always disappointed and saddened bythe appearance an facilities of the stadium. It has been left behind for many years with temporaryad hoc measure to try and improve match day experiences. The construction of a purpose builttemporary south and west stand would go a long way to making stadium fit for purpose and theincrease in attendances will surely be welcomed by the local businesses that already benefit onmatch days.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The addition of this stand is an important addition to the facilities of Bristol Rovers FC.The new stand will give better covered facilities for supporters on match day and make watchingthe game more accessible for a more diverse range of supporters.

The stand will be of benefit to those in the locality of the ground as it will enclose the stadium morehence reducing noise and light pollution( for night games). It will also give more privacy for homesadjacent to the ground.

Without a firm plan for a new stadium for Bristol Rovers this will also allow the football club toprovide additional seating in line with requirements if Bristol rovers were to secure promotion to ahigher level.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The new stand only replaces the amount of people allowed into the stadium pre covid.Bristol needs to move forward with sporting facilities which we are being left behind smaller townsand cities. The amount of community work Rovers do with the local community should berewarded and supported.This also helps local buisness to thrive.We need to make Bristol a big player in sport not a sporting backwater

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

About time the council showed some support towards sport in Bristol. For decades sporthas been dismissed in Bristol and when rovers are starting to show some initiative it gets shutdown by the council once again? Traffic will not increase as capacity is only increasing to pre-covid values. Neighbours have moved and lived next to a football stadium that has been on thesite for over 100 years. These improvements should come as no surprise! Issues ofcommunication and mess caused by the initial prep work is unfortunate but should not reflect onthe outcome of the planning application. Show some support of your great alternative footballclub!!

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I support this application as the proposed structure will only add around 2000 people ( iffull), which is a small amount compared to the amount of people that drive to local supermarkets inthe area every day ( e. g Golden Hill. So an influx of a few hundred cars for 3 hours 25 times ayear is negligible. In actual fact, many would travel by public transport, and the opportunity forretail outlets on the Gloucester Road and beyond to sell their wares to passers by would increase.As for potential loss of light etc in neighbouring streets such as Alton Road, this is impossible, asthe proposed structure is north of those streets, so would only cast a shadow on the actual footballpitch, if you bear in mind that the sun is always in the south in the northern hemisphere.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The construction of the new stand will not greatly increase the capacity,but merely bringit up to pre Covid numbers.

The new stand will be more substantial than the existing "tents" so the noise levels could well bereduced rather than increased.

It will provide better facilities for supporters and make more money for the club,and probablysurrounding businesses.

It is used normally once a fortnight so its not as if its used on a daily basis.

If you buy a property adjoining a football stadium you must logically expect occassionalinconvenience.

On behalf of the thousands of people who attend matches i fully support the new construction.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The club are looking to build 1 stand, slightly bigger than the previous south stand butonly returning the ground capacity to pre covid levels.

There was planning agreed not long ago for an 18,500 capacity stadium to be built on the site.That would have not only increased capacity but taken over a year to build.

The proposed stand can be put up in a matter of weeks, meaning very little disruption to localresidents, and as previously mentioned, the capacity of the ground will only be returned to what iswas for many years prior to covid.

This is essential for the future of the club and residents should understand that if you purchase ahouse next to a sports stadium there will be changes over the years.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This stand is helping the football Club return to its original capacity. It will help to bringthe stadium standards up and allow more families to watch the game in a better facility. This isgood for people's mental health and gives people something to look forward to while working hardthrough the week. It will bring in more revenue for Gloucester Road by supporting all our localbusinesses that were hit hard during the pandemic. It will also be more appealing for visitingsupports to attend and visit our City. The fact the capacity would return to its original figure wouldmean that traffic and parking would be no different than it was before COVID. It would be brilliantto see the council support this move as this city is miles behind most cities in this country infootballing terms and if things like this aren't approved how can we compete.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This redevelopment will help sustain a local sporting club which does much for the localcommunity through various charities they run. The increased capacity is easily within previouslyagreed numbers and the size of the stands if anything would block our more light and noise frommatchdays than it does now so that should be a positive for the locals not a negative.

Turning this application down will only drag out multiple appeals which will either be a waste oftime & resource when they eventually get approved, or will ultimately push the club away from thelocal area, having a significant detrimental effect on local businesses (just look at how many pubsclosed near Twerton).

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I Fully support this application. The Stadium is in dire need of some modernisation toimprove the safety of all attending.Not much different to the temporary stand that this application is replacing.Will improve the matchday experience for fans and bring additional economic benifits to localbusinesses

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

My wife and I live in Buckinghamshire but are both Rovers supporters and try to get toevery home game. The club is trying its hardest to survive in an extremely competitiveenvironment and at a time of a cost of living crisis. It deserves support from the council, who, let'sremember, gave permission for the ground to be redeveloped entirely in 2008, to enable it to moveahead and continue to be financially stable. In any event we all hope this is a temporary solution.Should the Mem be sold in a year or two's time would the council even hesitate for one minute togrant a developer permission to build houses on the site.....I doubt it!

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Most of the objections talk about an increase to the ground capacity. However, the newstand will only return capacity to roughly the same level as it was for many years prior to covid.

The stand itself can be put up in a matter of weeks meaning minimal disruption compared to thecomplete stadium rebuild that was passed a few years ago. That would have seen the capacityincrease to 18,500 and taken over a year to build.

It's a very minor build compared to stadium upgrades I see across the country every year and isessential to the future of the football club.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I am in support of the proposed application.BRFC have been in residence at the Memorial Stadium for over 25 years with very little/limitedimprovements made to the building's appearance. Surely the proposed New modern temporarystructure can only improve the appearance of the structure from the previous temporary tentedversion.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This new stand is essential to the future of the football club. It will offer more seating,encouraging more women and children to attend games, and include much needed disabled baysthat are in very high demand.

The capacity of the ground will only be returned to pre covid levels and far less than the 18,500stadium rebuild that was passed a few years ago.

The new stand can be up in a matter of weeks, meaning very little disruption.

All local residents new they were purchasing a home near a sports stadium because it's beenthere for over 100 years, and they must realise that all stadiums need updating from time to time.

This is a very minor build which will benefit the club, it's supporters, and local businesses.

on 2023-07-31   OBJECT

This has gone against everything the council stands for without Consultation

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Seems like a complete no brainer to me and everyone wins. After the restrictionsimposed for the last 2 years, Rovers will now be able to accommodate the full 12,000 fans again,and more safely and comfortably than previously. The more solid structure will mean that noiseand light is more likely to be contained within the stadium, rather than the old canvas setup. I reallycan't see how the new structure will cast much of a shadow over neighbouring properties. In short,I see absolutely no reason why this development shouldn't go ahead ASAP

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The new stand will not add much by the way if footfall to the original capacity pre covidand the facilities are much needed for fan comfort and welfare .A precedents surely set when permission was previously granted for an 18k seater stadium on thisvery site Inc a much larger stand on the very area the football club wish to build on.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The planned new structure will be an improvement for home & away fans. The newmodern clean appearance can only be better for local residents.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Please allow as it will enhance area

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The improved stand will provide a more suitable, safe and inclusive matchdayexperience for fans, whilst not increasing pre covid capacity & ensuring no additional traffic, orinconvenience to residents, matchday footfall will not be re routed or changed to make it moredifficult for local residence. improved facilities to an ageing sports ground is a must to keep up withregulations and fan safety.

Without sufficient growth, Bristol Rovers will struggle to operate as a competitive football club. theclub has suffered greatly in the last few years and now post covid, it is imperative for the club torebuild & to maintain its existence. the Memorial ground has been a mainstay in the city but willalways require updating to ensure it doesn't become a costly and unsafe ground for the localcommunity to enjoy ad support their local club.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Occasional attendee at the Memorial Stadium. The stadium would benefit from the newstands. some of the increased footfall would Help local businesses particularly those onGloucester Road.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I am in support of the proposed application by Bristol Rovers Football Club to replacethe temporary South and South West stand with a new temporary structure.

The previous structures were only meant to be temporary and yet were used for nearly twentyyears. As a frequent visitor to the Memorial Stadium, I know first hand what an eyesore the oldtents were.

From a safety point of view, the old temporary stands need to be replaced - safety of fans isimperative and the new replacement stand will only bring the capacity of the stadium back up toprevious levels. It is not increasing capacity from previous levels.

The record attendance at The Memorial Stadium was 12,011 on the 9th March 2008 (BristolRovers vs West Bromich Albion), and the effecive capacity last season was 10,086 (Bristol Roversvs Bolton Wanderers). The new structure will bring the attendance back up to around thepreviously granted capacity of the stadium.

The football club has not invested in the Memorial Stadium site since 2005, and I welcome thismodernisation initiative, both from a safety and aesthetic perspective. It is long overdue.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I support this application. We need to enable our local sports teams to progress andspark the imagination of the young and the local communities. Bristol is sorely lagging behindother cities when it comes to sports and music venues to be proud of. This stand will add to thematch day experience for home and away fans, and create a better impression for fans visitingfrom other cities. The stand should look better than what was there previously, so a better outlookfor local residents.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I fully support BRFC application to erect a replacement stand. This will improve thematch day experience for thousands of fans, both home and away.The capacity of the ground will only increase to what it previously was and well below the 18,500proposed when a planning application for a new stadium was approved.The stand will not overlook any residential properties, it faces the pitch!The stand will not cause a shadow or block the sun.Rovers fans are well aware of the traffic issues in Bristol and parking. From my observations manyfans now car share to reduce the number of vehicles. Sometimes we have 6 people in one vehicle.In addition hundreds use local buses and then there must be a sizeable percentage that walk tothe ground.Overall the new stand is unlikely to have any significant impact on traffic and parking.Compared to other activities football only takes place once a fortnight on average. So any possibleinconvenience caused is minimal.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I fully support this application. There is a huge need to enhance the faciliaties at theMemoril Stadium in order to provide better comfort and seating, especially for those withdisabilities and for away supporters. The current facilities are braely fit for purpose in the 21stcentury and the club should be applauded for this application. It should be noted that theincreased seating that will be provided by this development merely brings overall capacity in linewith pre - covid levels. It should also be noted that the use of the stand is no more than 30 timesper year.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Progress the stadium to a suitable standard to represent Bristol as a whole

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

It is my view that this construction should go ahead as it will bring the ground capacityup to it's previous level but no more . Also being a temporary stand this can be constructed veryquickly which should give minimum disruption to residents. The stand will also be no higher thanthat previously in place ,and be benefial for BRFC to thrive in what is a crucial season ahead andafter difficult times ie Covid

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This development of the stadium merely brings the capacity back up to what it waspreviously before the Safety Advisory Group recommended a reduction. It will have no impact onresidents daily life, in fact it will contain sound better than the previous tented structures. I fullysupport the proposal.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Surely it is the job of the City Council and its elected members to support Bristol'ssporting clubs in order to at least enable them to survive and develop. Any other city in the countrywould laugh at the fuss being made about what is a very small structure (in stadium terms) andone that will in reality only return the stadium to its previous capacity. BCC's apparent inability toprovide sensible and pragmatic support to the clubs that bare our name and represent us as a citywithin the UK is laughable. Its time for the City Council to do the right thing!

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers football club is the oldest pro team in the city with a long history andtradition. This temporary 'small' stand should be put up to meet its original capacity before Covid.The club has always took residents into its planning considerations ,and I feel there is onlyopposition for the tiniest of reasons. This stand needs to replace the original sub standard 'tent'both for practicle and visual reasons. Please give us the go ahead .

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

The new development looks to be within the original footprint of the stadium. Any heightchange would have little affect on local residents regarding sunlight as the neighbouring residentsare south of the proposal. A more modern stand would also be an aesthetic improvement. Thecurrent official capacity has only been reduced due to other issues. Expected traffic and parkingwould be no different than what is already been noted/recorded for the grounds capacity.No change for local residents parking as those close by would have had the same situation whenBristol Rugby Club were owners.Unlike another local professional team the ground is surrounded in all directions by street parkingtherefore diluting parking issues. Also has a bus services and I believe a local rail station is in thepipeline. I am a blue badge holder but cannot use this as my stay would normally exceed the 3hour limit. Without this I am still able to park legally and respectfully within reasonable distance ofthe ground despite my limited ability to walk excessive distances.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I can see only good in this application. From the clubs point of view it will enhance thestadium giving more fans the opportunity to sit if they so wish rather than stand on an openterrace. Surely it will also benefit residents as the new structure will trap sound in the stadiummuch more efficiently than the previous structure and will be easier on the eye.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Neighbours bought their houses close to The Memorial Stadium.They are complaining about a very minor alterations to the ground.The new South Stand looks better than the previous one

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

From the perspective of the club ,a new if temporary stand was imperative for the shortterm.The old so called stand was not only an eyesore but a disaster waiting to happen ( tentedroof blowing off in a gale for exmpl ).This structure will bring the ground capacity to as it was inearly 2020 ,hardly a talking point!Remember the sole aim of the gas is to be in the Fruit market site , so this small stand is a shortterm thing to help the club progress. Surely that cant be a bad thing?

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

I support this application as its not an increase in supporters or traffic.It will take the attendance numbers back to pre-covid numbers only.It will be a very quick construction as only a temporary build so disruption will be minimal.Bristol Rovers are a community Club and do a lot of good work around the area.There will be extra employment offered on match days.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

In general BRFC are a family club bringing great joy to thousands. The objections Ihave seen are spurious and ill.gounded, they are designed to cloud the issue and has no merit.For example, stating that a new stand will increase capacity is rubbish, it will only bring it backto.what it was in the past and I remember that Bristol Rugby club had larger crowds thanBRFC have ever had at the Memorial stadium. I presume the majority of objections come fromresidents who knowingly purchased properties in the vicinity of a football ground. This appears tobe an attempt to move the goalposts. I.also suspect that some of the objections come fromconcerns who are trying to sabotage BRFC attempts to improve the site. If I was still in myoccupation before retiring I would certainly verify that addresses were truthful.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Much needed ground improvements to bring capacity back to previous levels withimproved spectator experience and disabled access. Without this type of investment the club willstruggle to meet EFL requirements and those of our supporters and visiting fans. I am proud tohave supported Bristol Rovers for almost 50 years and hope that the planning department are ableto balance the concerns of local residents against the wider benefits for Bristol and localbusinesses.

on 2023-07-31   OBJECT

The Memorial Stadium was initially called the Memorial Ground, the playing field beingconstructed after the First World War and opened as an amateur Rugby Football club ground in1923.

Bristol Rovers moved to the 'Ground' to join Bristol Rugby in 1996, and the name changed toMemorial Stadium after ownership of the ground transferring wholly to Rovers a few years later.

The Stadium has a capacity for just under 12,000 spectators which includes seating for a goodproportion of the spectators with the remaining areas providing terraced standing areas. TheStadium was used on average twice a week when both Bristol Rovers and Bristol Rugby used thefacility but the number of matches per week declined after Bristol Rugby moved to Ashton GateStadium. However, with new cup competitions, friendlies, and other football matches such as thewomen's and reserve teams events, the number of games per season has increased over the pastfew years.

There is an extensive planning history of applications for the stadium of which a few are listedbelow:

In 2004 an application (04/04684/F) was made to redevelopment the North Stand. Thisdevelopment would increase the current stadium capacity by 1269 spectators from 11,916 to13,185. This application was approved on the 8 June 2005 subject to the signing of a S106agreement. The S106 agreement for this proposal had been drafted but it is not known if it hadbeen concluded.

Comment: The existing North stand is totally enclosed at the back and is some distance awayfrom housing.

In 2006, planning approval was given for a complete redevelopment of the stadium, to include ahotel, student flats, a gym, a shop etc. with a 18000 supporter capacity. There were manyconditions attached to the granting of permission, including transport requirement such as parkand ride, residents parking zone, supporter's buses, and finance to the Council for Highwayschemes.

Members of the planning committee stated at the time that- other locations had been thoroughly investigated and were found to be too expensive orunsuitable,- Bristol was one of the few major cities without a major stadium, and- A number of piecemeal applications had been made to improve the ground over a number ofyears, this type of proposal was exactly what was required, and with the measures put in place tomanage the traffic and discourage non-car modes of transport it would be a positive feature of thecity of Bristol.

The officer's report was clear in that, in order to achieve the planning benefit of a new stadium, theenabling development (student flats, hotel, etc.) which would not normally be allowed on thestadium site be approved.

There was a S106 agreement attached to this application which was apparently signed but neverimplemented.

Comment: The development plans were for a perimeter road (one way) around the new stadiumwith a significant number of parking places adjacent to the road and extensive planting of treesand bushes around the perimeter of the site to break up the profile of the stadium from a resident'spoint of view. The were also conditions on student car ownership, general noise, etc. In otherwords extensive mitigation was required for the development to go ahead.

However, the above planning application, with significant amendments, was re-submitted in 2008as 06/00061/F. There was the removal of a basement area where the gum would have been andchanges to the number of hotel rooms, flats, etc. The S106 agreement mentioned above wouldstill be a component of the planning approval which was, in due course, given.

Comment: the footprint of the stadium did not vary significantly from the 2006 application and stillhad the one-way perimeter road with associated parking, tree and bush planting, and a largenumber of conditions attached.

Comment: All the mitigation measures of the 2006 approval were repeated in the approval for thisapplication.

With reference to the current application 23/01441/F.The above 'major' applications had significant mitigation associated with them (see commentsabove), including transport facilities, noise conditions, planting and above all, having some 'space'between the stadium development and the boundary of the site thereby putting a little distancebetween the stadium and nearby housing. The main advantage of the 'complete' stadium plans isthe total encirclement of the supporters seating and playing area though there was stillconsiderable opposition to the development in general due, in the main, to potential activitiesassociated with the massive enabling developments attached.

In the case of the current planning application, the new stand is the full width of the pitch right upto the edge of the playing field plateau constructed in 1923. It is much higher than the nowremoved temporary stands, all vegetation has been removed, it is open backed, overlooks nearproperties, and the finish is likely to be plain and distractive.

No meaningful public consultation has taken place so the football club does not know what issuesresidents have, and therefore cannot investigation possible mitigation measures.And of course, work has taken place to install what is a major development at the stadium, yetanother 'piecemeal development' which should have stopped after the 2006 planning applicationand subsequent approval, construction work which has infuriated near neighbours, and perhapswork that should be totally un-necessary as it has been reported that a site for a new stadium hasbeen found in the City.

I therefore Object to the current planning application for the above reasons.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

Given that the planning application is effectively an application to improve facilitieswithout increasing crowd capacity, objections on the grounds of increased footfall, traffic, parking,CO2 emmissions etc do not make sense. Furthermore, the stadium has existed for almost 100years, so by definition every house holder in the vicinity has purchased a property with the clearknowledge that facilities would need to be improved at some future point.The football club deserves to get the Councils support and the application should be approved.

on 2023-07-31   SUPPORT

This city needs to get behind its sports clubs. In the name of progression, this city hasalways had an issue with new ideas that would put Bristol on the map. We fall behind other citiesin the UK due to lack of investment so this application, however small, must be supported. Let'snot be afraid to move forward.

on 2023-07-30   OBJECT

Increasing capacity at the stadium will further add to the misery caused by matchesbeing played at the Memorial Stadium.The increase in traffic in a heavily populated residential area, alongside the total disregard for localresidents, multiple incidents of dangerous and illegal parking, littering, alcohol consumption andviolence, that are brought to the area are almost unbearable as it is The increase in size of thestand will also significantly negatively impact light and noise pollution to those resident'simmediately neighbouring the ground.This has been done in an extremely underhand way by the club, with no consultation or regard forresidents opinions - presumably because they are aware of the damage this will cause and didn'twant to give residents the opportunity to highlight this.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

We have lived in Horfield since 1986 about half a mile from the Mem. Anyone livingnear the stadium - before or after 1996 when Bristol Rovers moved - should be well aware that onmatch days all available street parking near the ground will be occupied and that traffic increases.This was also true when it was Bristol Rugby in the ground. So increased traffic is NOT a reasonto decline the application. The area is busier on match days giving local businesses a boost andbecause BR are a family club, many Horfield residents are part of that.I agree that Bristol Rovers shouldn't have gone ahead without planning permission. However thisapplication is nowhere near the scale of previous applications for the ground eg Sainsbury andstudent accommodation. There has been a stand there since BR moved so they are replacing anexisting structure. It has been public knowledge for many months that the intention was to replacethe stand so I cannot understand the objections based on lack of awareness of what is happeningin our community.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I want to make clear that I don't live anywhere near to the ground, and so I understandthat my objection will carry much less weight than the views of local people, but I'm objecting assomeone who lives within the same Local Authority area and I'm appalled that work can start - andbe carried out in such an apparently unprofessional manner - before planning permission hasbeen granted. I strongly object because if this is allowed to continue any developer or powerfulorganisation within Bristol will be able to do the same thing and act outside the law. How dare theystart work when the democratically elected city council hasn't given permission yet? This illegalchallenge to its authority cannot be allowed to continue, and sets an example that could adverselyaffect ANY Bristol resident.

on 2023-07-30   OBJECT

Gloucester Road is famed for it's independent trading, it is also popular due to thealmost limitless watering holes on the route to the Stadium. Match days along Gloucester Road beit Football, Cricket or Concerts will always bring a minority of people that will behave badly andperhaps those numbers will rise.

The area has been recently blighted by what appears to be a poorly designed and mismanagedtraffic "improvements" along Muller Road and neighbouring side streets.

Bristol Rovers Management and the building contractors appear to show little consideration fortheir neighbours and show little respect for the Council and the Planning process.

I am not a football supporter and I live about a half mile away but this does not stop me fromunderstanding the need to improve the experience for visitors to the Stadium, any business needscustomers. But it must not be done to the detriment of it's immediate neighbours, or to distantneighbours either. The noise, pollution and congestion extends much further than just theStadium.

Currently the UK is striving to become Zero Carbon, the environmental impact of the stadiumimprovements such as Diesel vehicles bringing materials, removal of wild habitat, concrete andsteel production for what in essence will be a temporary structure if they still plan to build anotherstadium elsewhere.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

In full support of this project, capacity at the stadium will be restored to its original figure,which was only reduced by the league for a safety principle. This will allow the club to safelyaccommodate it's fans. Will enable greater trade and footfall on the High Street on match days.The structure is marginally bigger than the previous temporary structure.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

After witnessing the fantastic work Bristol Rovers Football Club did through it'scommunity trust both during & since the pandemic, I urge that planning is approved to enableimproved facilities for both present & future generations of supporters.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers FC bring 10,000 customers to local businesses on each and everymatchday. They are without doubt the biggest contribution to the local economy, yet, every singletime an improvement is attempted at the Memorial Stadium, the very same names are seen doingtheir best to hamper improvements with spurious and unprovable claims. The cynical nature ofthose opposing this application can be seen on this very comments list. There has been an arenafor sport on the Memorial Stadium site long before any complainants were born, let alone livedhere. I would therefore request that exaggerated and nonsensical Oppose comments aredisregarded why the Council in favour of a positive decision that will actually benefit the localcommunity.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Fully support the regeneration of Bristol rovers football ground

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The Club is Bristol Rovers the clue is in the title the Stand brings back the capacity tothe original before the Pandemic allowing Fans to get back to supporting their team. Objecting to aProject that improves the lives of 40 thousand supporters who all can get to the game is not veryneighbourly

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I fully support the proposal of the replacement stand at the memorial ground.Not only will it improve the look but benefit the club with better facilities

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Great for the local area, better stadium, more visitors, more local trade. Not really muchdifference between what was already in place so why the objections?

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Better stand and better facilities for fans

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I'm in support of the upgrade to the stadium pre COVID the stadium capacity was 3000more than the current capacity it would bring much better facilities for families to attend localfootball and help local businesses in the area. The mem as been used for sports a lot longer thanany of us as been on this earth and needs updating asap the capacity would only increase toaround 12000 when previously we had planning for a 18500 stadium on the same site

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Ground needs updating , been there 100years , will need to be made upto 2023 spec .Football club have had plans posted over social media letting people know . No added extracapacity to pre covid era .Travel out the area to Match days spending money at local shops, like many others support localbusiness.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Will be a big improvement from the tents before. The club bring a lot of revenue to thelocal area and this capacity increase will only improve that.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Massive rovers supporter and this club deserves/needs a improvement on the currentstadium.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I live in avonmouth now but have previously lived on Gloucester Rd, I support thisapplication because I believe it will help bristol rovers achieve their ambitions to grow and helpdraw business leisure and commercial to our city creating jobs . I don't believe it will have anegative impact on congestion in the area as I quite often use public transport train to Redland busup Gloucester Rd and with the new train station opening in Ashley down next year it willencourage more people to use public transport . I understand the locals objections but why movenext to a stadium thts been their overall hundred years surely improvements to the ground will onlybenefit them as it will look more appealing and give them more security

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers are a club trying to progress and improve match day facilities for bothhome and away support. We have had a stand at that end of the ground for years with noobjections from the local residents so I for one can't understand how anyone can object to a newstand being put up. Those residents at that end of the ground have there light already restricted bytrees and bushes that are clear to see now the temp stand has been removed. I hope BCCapprove the application and show support for there local professional football club as this club alsoprovides good trade to local shops and pubs in the area. Allow us to increase our home gates toback to what they were before all the rules and regs came in and cut our capacity.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I'm in support of the Memorial Stadium redevelopment. I will bring in more revenue to alllocal shops. The extra seating will only bring attendance numbers back to pre covid attendance.The Memorial Stadium is the home of local football, and it brings families and friends together. Alot of people car share, walk or bus to the Stadium. So traffic impact will not be much more then itis at the moment, and just once a fortnight. I hope this amazing family club can move forward.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I personally believe planning permission should be given for the new South Stand. Itwould provide a better match day experience for both home fans and away fans visiting the area,create more jobs due to the increase needed in stewarding and catering and provide somethingthat the club can be proud of in comparison to the previous temporary stand.

The concerns to do with parking in the area are not valid as the parking is always at a high levelon match days anyway, so it won't make any difference to the previous situation, especially as it isgoing to used predominantly by away supporters who tend to either arrive by coach or trainanyway.

To have the stand denied would be a ludicrous decision and the majority of objections are beingmade by Bristol City fans due to the local rivalry of which the south stand will have zero impact ontheir lives anyway.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I can only see benefits to the local area. Those objecting to the upgrade of an 100 yearold stadium because of noise, etc, perhaps should have considered these possibilities whenmoving to the area.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

It is essential this stand is built to help with the noise and light pollution that will hit theneighbours to the south now that the temporary stand has been removed

I can only imagine the noise that will escape that end of the stadium will be insufferable for thosethat are not fans of the club

The new stand should deal with a lot of the noise issues that will arrive once the new season starts

Also of note is that the increased capacity as o understand it just puts it back to pre Covid levelssince increased safety measures were adopted

There are a few complaints of litter and bad parking etc., that is a minority and I normally witnessthese acts from visiting supporters and not proud BRFC fans

It is extremely shortsighted to not grant planning for this pretty simple improvement and get thework completed asap to cause minimum disruption to the neighbours and thousands of supporters

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I am in full support of the new stand, the club has been located at the mem for a numberof years & quite possibly before a lot of the residents.

The revenue that match day brings to the local area is huge, Speaking just yesterday to bar staff inone of the local pubs they commented how they look forward to the season starting & biggerfootfall for their business,

The improvements at the stadium are virtual for the club to progress. As a family club BRFC puts alot back into the community via its trust & that benefits all.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The club needs this to move forward and develop. To allow us to have a fighting chanceof attracting new fans and sustaining this football club for years to come. Them down the roadwere allowed to develop so why shouldn't we be allowed. Improved facilities will also lead toimproved feedback of us and the city from away fans. It may also be a good thing for the localresidents having a bigger permanent stand instead of tents and should limit the amount of ballsthat end up in gardens causing disruption

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I support these plans as someone who is not a neighbour but someone who enjoys thefacilities and entertainment offered by the site. This is a family club who are simply looking tomake the facilities and attendance better so that more people can enjoy a sport they love. In timeswhen there is a lot of negative things in the world it would be good for projects like this to besupported and to celebrate progress, not cause more disappointment for people.

This facility is existing with all the necessary structure in place to be able to manage this facility.

I support it 100%

on 2023-07-30  

This structure is required to improve the spectator experience and the MemorialStadium and also bring the capacity back to its original level. It will also benefit local businesses bybringing increased footfall in the Gloucester Road area.BRFC have been working tirelessly to increase the profile of the club and Bristol in general andsome support from the local council will aid in this endeavour.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers fc should be allowed to Persue there desire to renovate the new southstand, in spite of so much opposition I would find the previous canopy structure a hazard, andbelieve this would be a more safer option for all supporters

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This is a sports ground that is in badly need of improvement. The club has said that itwishes to move to a new site long term but in the short term this improvement is vital to the club.The stadium used to have a capacity of approximately 12,000 until the recent health and safetylaws have reduced this to less than 10,000 . This development with take the capacity back up tothe original number so no increase in traffic as what was there before. The plans seem to show aSimilar stand to what was there before so don't see much of an impact to our neighbours.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

When residents brought the houses they knew about the ground and what it would bringevery time the club wants planning permission it gets turned down usually for silly reasons give letthem build the stand as it's only replacing what was already there if the neighbours don't like toughas like I've already said they knew what they were moving next too when they moved

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Creates extra jobs for the community and will only be used twice a week so disruptionwill be minimal

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I write in support of the application as it will replace existing structures with a similar ifslightly larger facility that will:

1) provide better facilities for supporters2) improve the internal and external appearance of the South end of the stadium3) provide for improved and increased number of disabled places4) reduce the escape of noise and light to nearby properties because of the enclosure of most ofthe South end of stadium5) allow for the increase of capacity safely back to previous levels6) potentially generate more money into the local economy from both visiting and Bristol basedsupporters

This will be achieved with minimal impact on neighbour properties due to the movementnorthwards of the pitch.

All the above due to an improvement to a long-standing sports stadium that has existed in the areafor more than 100 years.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I fully believe that this new structure should go ahead it will not be any bigger in size.

It is to bring the stadium back up to its correct capacity after covid 19.

Not only will it improve the experience for travelling fans and home fans it will bring great revenueto the city of Bristol.

For a long time bristol rovers have needed an improvement for the stadium.

At some point the neighbours living near the stadium must of knew the ground would needimprovement at some point.

This will not make any difference to the surrounding area of the locals they can still live in peacewithout any obstruction of there day to day lives.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The erecting of this replacement stand will not impact on the neighbouring propertiesand will enhance the overall appearance of the memorial stadium, whilst making a communityasset more attractive.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Increase in crowd.will boost the local.economy by more people in bars shops.andrestaurants also it will bring the capacity back up to around. pre covid levels

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The expansion of the stand is a small expansion to what was already in place. With thecouncil previously approving a complete stadium redevelopment on the site, which would be muchlarger than this application, this must be one of the easiest applications the council will receive toapprove.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Sport is very important for the community not just football. With an increase in capacityfor Bristol Rovers it will allow more supporters to attend games. Especially the younger generationwhich is the life blood of any club.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Providing more seating for families, older supporters and general fans.Local residents objecting should have considered the future development of the south standbefore buying there houses.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Please find my support for the Bristol Rovers new stand application.Not only will it be beneficial to the club, but make the ground more appealing to the eye.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Definitely in favour of the updated stand. We need better facilities at Bristol Rovers and Ithink this will add to the overall game experience. It's only a little bit bigger than what was therelast season with a solid roof instead of canvas and only a temporary stand.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Will be good for local economy

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The stand will only take the club to its previous limit and it's not a permanent fixture andhopefully we won't be there that longWe are a growing club which every other Saturday bring a lot of business to the area

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The club needs a new stand.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Needed to help the club generate more income and survive

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Terrific idea bringing the faculties into 2023. Bravo.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers need the new stand for a sustainability point of view, under the currentguidelines the Memorial Stadium will be under capacity for EFL guidelines to host league games.

Entrance to any new stand will still be via the existing entrance to the ground on Filton Avenue,therefore there will be negligible disruption to residents on Alton Road.

Any comment about increased attendances are also without merit, as recently as 10 years ago thestadium had regular crowds in excess of 11,000 people, even with the new stand this will still notbe exceeded.

The football club has continually insisted its long term aim is to move to a purpose built site, so anew stand would only be temporary.

In light of my above points, I feel that Bristol City Council should utilise common sense andapprove the planning application.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Help get the club back to the support pre covid with a more sustainable stand for thecomfort of season ticket holders who use them seats.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The memorial stadium has been in existence long before any of the local neighbourswere even born.When these residents moved into their properties the stadium was there, yet still they made thedecision to move into the properties next door to the stadium.The stand in question has been there for a long time with permission granted and the club wish toreplace it with another stand. I feel that for the club to move forward with the standard of footballand move up the leagues, they must have better facilities. This in turn will put more money backinto the local economy as well the local council. I cannot see any reason why permission shouldnot be granted

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

It has been a stadium for a long time and needs to keep up with the times.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The new stand is badly needed to replace the previous stand which was dilapidated andhad very poor facilities, especially for disabled supporters.

I note that many of the concerns raised by objectors are rather unfounded, and seem to beNIMBYistic and malicious in nature . The new stand will not be considerably higher than the oldstand, and certainly no higher than the existing trees. As it is situated at the north end of AltonRoad, it will have very little impact as far as direct sunlight is concerned. There will also be no lossof privacy due to the design of the stand.

As a number of other comments have stated, the new stand will bring the stadium's capacity backto pre-covid levels so it will not result in vastly increased traffic; any increase in traffic will likely becentred around Gloucester Road and Filton Avenue and not the residential streets immediatelysurrounding the south end of the stadium. There would also be no increase in noise, especially asmidweek games tend to attract smaller attendances.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Much needed development, my son is in a wheelchair and the lack of a available spaceto accommodate him has meant that we have been unable to attend games for 6+ years.Attending football is one of the few things he can do to help with his mental health and feel a partof the club which feels like a extended family to all of us.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

A new stand being built on the space/area of the old stand. Would local residents ratherhave the eyesore or a huge Sainsbury's/shopping centre, with huge increase in traffic 7 days aweek, or a lower league football team once every couple of weeks?The football club should have been more open & clear on their intentions.This stadium has been there for hundreds of years, if you don't want to live next to a footballstadium, don't move next to a football stadium.This improvement will bring more local jobs, increase in footfall to local shops, pubs.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I have to support this application where I'm getting to an age that I need to have a seatto watch football, an upgraded stand with seats will not only help myself but many more, if theplanning department decided in the past a 18,500 stadium was passed, one stand of 3,425 seatswith the added benefit of space with seats for the disabled/wheel chair access is a bonus on itsown

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This stand will help return Bristol Rovers Capacity to pre-covid standards. Bristol RoversCommunity Trust does a lot for the community. The previous stand was only ever meant to betemporary.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I have lived in horfield about a quarter mile from the ground for the last 37 years of mylife. Not once have I been annoyed or found any problem with Bristol Rovers or Bristol Bears beingwhere they were or are. I cannot seem to see why people are becoming so arrogant about thesituation not knowing how much good it actually brings to the community. Not only does the clubbring people together to enjoy something they all like. But it also brings money for local strugglingbusinesses, helps bring new businesses up and earn income and it also helps to fund for charitiessuch as Bristol Rovers Community Trust who help within schools and college programmes to bringthe best out of the community and the younger generations. I think its time people got behind theclub and helped them become the best they could be. I also think the fact they are only replacing astructure rather than creating a whole new one means there should not be a fuss from thecommunity around as it will make little to no difference to them and they are simply exaggeratingto make themselves centre of attention. It is a selfish and ludicrous act.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The stand will benefit businesses around the area due to increase in attendance back toprevious years. When you buy a house next to a stadium you will always have the chance ofdevelopment. Council need to support the club and businesses.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I support this as it's for the greater good for the city of Bristol.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

It's about time we supported the football club as a city, look what has happened to otherteams without support.Does Bristol only want one team, surely not, it's every other week and no difference to thetemporary structure that was already there.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Rovers are a family friendly club which has been enjoyed since 1883 so why put ourfuture supporters in jeopardy by rejecting the south stand?They are our future!

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Increased capacity to pre covid level.Better experience for away supporters with vastly improved facilitiesPotential for increased revenue for the club in these difficult economic conditions

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This is a great opportunity to create more jobs in the area. The previous temporarystructure has been in place for a long time and causes no issue for residents. This is an update tothe facilities making them better and safer for fans visiting the stadium. The structure falls in linewith all legislation and won't affect local residents. The capacity of the stadium has been reducedsince the covid pandemic and the new structure will take the capacity back to the same level. So itwill have no effect on the area on match day to what it did previously. This stand will help progressthe stadium and bring it more into the 21st century rather than keep it looking like a run downrugby stadium. Please support this proposal both fir BRFC and Bristol.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I support this application for the city of Bristol and the need for adequate sportingfacilities this project brings to bring Bristol in line with with other cities in the UK. Whether this isRovers, Glos cricket, Bristol bears or even City, we need facilities in this city to watch back teamsfrom for the city to prosper.

A site without rovers could only attract developers and the like to build supermarkets, flats or thelike on. This is a exciting opportunity to better the site that rovers are on and should be supportedthe decision makers at BCC and wider residents

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers are an important part of the community and bring economic and socialbenefits. A new stand with additional setting would be of benefit to both the local area and Bristolas a whole.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers need to upgrade, so the club can progress. We sadly lack ambition in thiscity when it comes to football. We need a Premiership club... preferably, with Rovers.. & thatneeds to be supported by the council.Although Rovers fans have been the most loyal & true supporters, throughout the years, despiteattempts to grind us down by the council, with no support from them, we are still going strong &could be the first Bristol club at top flight.A new stand is a step in the right direction. The stadium was there before the residents..

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I'd like a new stand.

on 2023-07-30   OBJECT

As someone who lives close to the ground, I feel there has been absolutely noconsideration into the possible influx of people into the ground.

The ground has been on reduced capacity for a while now and although people will say it has hadbigger capacity in the past, over recent times this has not been the case.

There has been no improvements to the road lay outs, there are no additional bus services, parkand ride etc providing parking for fans.

My nephew is a Brighton fan and how they have their ground set up is a credit to the community, itfeels that Bristol rovers do not care for the surrounding people. Not only will this impact manypeople with views from their garden, there is also the nature aspect to consider.

By ripping down their current stands they are already excepting this to be passed, I currently feelsick that any company can act in this manner.

Please refuse this application.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The club 'BRFC' need this planning application approved to move forward in thesecurrent times.This will generate more income for the club in there search for a new stadium.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I am supporting this application of a new stand at Bristol Rovers Stadium. The backdropalready exists of a line of trees which create a visual greenery and provide a habitat for the wildlifeand an aesthetic appearance.This stand is definitely needed to create more seating for the spectators due to the attendancefigures which have increased to maximum capacity at most games. Additional refreshmentfacilities and amenities located within the stand are required for the stadiums spectators who areattending this section of the stadium.Due to the increase in spectator numbers the current facilities are not meeting the needs of theattendees.To improve and modernise this area of the stadium will create increased covered capacity.The football games played during the season are not every weekend as this ground is onlyfootball.and not shared with another sport, thus not creating any additional activitiesfor the community.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Help support the local club and small businesses associated.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The club 'BRFC' need this planning application approved to move forward in thesecurrent times.This will generate more income for the club in there search for a new stadium.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The stand will provide more capacity for home and travelling fans. There was a standthere before so cannot see how it will be any different to that in terms of the height. This will bebeneficial to the local area as it will bring business into the area.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol Rovers football club have never had any real proper home of their own. TheMemorial Stadium has been in situ for over 100 years and therefore people living in that area havealways known that they're buying a house near to a football stadium. This isn't new.

The new stand won't increase the capacity by anymore than there has been in the past, andtherefore no more traffic will be created as some believe. This also won't create a huge stadium,this will still be a small stadium in comparison to other stadia in the Football League.

I support this application and I hope that the council will also support sport in this city by approvingthe application.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This is an a very important move for Bristol Rovers FC to move forward, a club veryimportant to many many people in Bristol, bringing employment and a fair amount of enjoyment tothe people of Bristol. It's been a very long standing sports stadium with historic significance to thearea. The part of the ground in question suffered very much from a visually poor temporarystructure that was in dire need of updating.

It will not only improve the facilities for the football club but also bring further revenue to the localarea and independent shops and restaurants, shops and cafes through an increased capacity.

As we all know sports play a vital role in the development of children and families, which improvethe general health and well being, anything that encourages people to get into sport is a goodthing.

I'm very upset and quite confused to read some of the objections of the local residents, many if notall have chosen to move close to a venue such as this.

I agree that anti social behaviour should be reduced, but feel small capacity increase will have littleto no impact. I think we can all agree a decrease in police numbers has probably had a negativeinfluence on these figures in the last 10 or so years.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The stand proposed should not impact on those living behind the stand as the sun risesfrom east to west so light will be minimally affected if at all. The sun goes across and well behindthe west stand!Further if the stand is of reasonable height, as before, there should bot be any adverse effect.Bristol and the West Country need decent sporting facilities. Sadly, compared to probably all citiesof similar size, Bristol has been sadly lacking behind for decades.Further, the football club draws massive support from the West and Wales. This brings insignificant revenue to the city! I drive from London for home games and usually spend 1 or 2 daysin Bristol depending! Last year I did not miss a home game!Thank you

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Please support this renovation, lessons shall be learnt from errors in this process, andplease do not follow the residents of eastville, the higher volume of traffic etc in the area is forpotentially one game in 2 weeks... The same people who complained about eastville, you can seewhat they have to put up with... This will create more jobs in the area, generate more income fornear enough all businesses in the close proximity of the stadium, and bring more people fromaway clubs to our wonderful city. Please support this!

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I would like to register my support for the proposed new south stand at the memorialstadium. It will only increase capacity to pre covid attendances. Th increased capacity would bringsome much needed revenue to local businesses.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

As a local resident in Horfield for the last 13 years I'm fully aware of the congestion andparking issues caused when there games at the Memorial Stadium. However, that is faroutweighed by the benefits the football club brings to the local area. I believe this proposeddevelopment is essential for the growth of the club and the local area. As a resident I fullywelcome the proposal.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The new planned structure would add much needed seating in a comfortable and safeenvironment. I would assume that having a more enclosed stadium will reduce noise pollution forthe surrounding residential properties.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I am.supporting this plans for the reason most are thinking. The stand being built Isn'tany taller than before, the capacity the Same as before covid came about and peoplecomplaining about this stadium are the same people who bought one knowing it was talk of noise is outrageous. Please for the foothalling community of North Bristol pleaselet the club actually move forward rather than always stalling progression

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This league club requires adequate stands and decent facilities , Bristol Rovers werethe only club in the league with tents. This was totally inadequate for 2023. A purpose built standwill create improved facilities for all.attendees, additionally those using wheelchair and their carers,therefore meeting everyone's needs to create a covered area. The increasing number ofattendees home and away will benefit from this new stand not a tent, therefore providingrefreshment facilities, amenities and an adequate area to watch the football. The potential of theclub to increase the capacity is evident and provide quality facilities for the community andattendees.The backdrop already is tree lined therefore providing a visual and sound barrier and a habitat forlocal wildlife.There will be less noise impact due to the steel construction of the stand as opposed to a previoustented roof.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers and there community trust do more for the local area than most if thecommunity cannot give a little back to the club then it's a sad state of affairs.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I support the plan

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol rovers really require a new stadium. Also need to bring in more revenue, morepeople attending home matches bring more revenue to local businesses in the area. I fully supportthis application.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol needs excellent sporting facilities and the proposed stand is a contributiontoward that objective. Although now living outside the city, I have been a regular visitor to theMemorial Stadium since the 1960s when I watched rugby there, and now watch Bristol Rovers.There has always been minor noise disruption to residents on match days but football matchescurrently happen at the Memorial Stadium on about 25 days in a year. This is hardly a hugedisruption for local residents, and the impact of a few more seats is negligible even on those 25days. I strongly support the application to enable an upgrade to the comfort and overall spectatorexperience of supporters watching matches at the Memorial Stadium.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This stand will be more attractive than the previous one.It will allow the stadium to reach its previous capacity.Having had a larger capacity in previous seasons the local area has and will be able to cope withthe traffic/ foot traffic in and around the areas it won't have any new or detrimental effect.More people at the games is increasing financial opportunities for local businesses.Bristol rovers is the first football club in the city heaped with history , allow it to make more.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

As a former resident of Lockleaze and as someone who has been attending theMemorial Ground since 1959 it is time the stadium was improved so it truly reflects the pride we asBristolians have for those young men who gave of their lives in WWI and who this ground was builtin memory of.The capacity of the Memorial Ground will not exceed it's pre Covid era but will improve andprovide better facilities for those in attendance plus will reduce noise levels for local residents byproviding a more enclosed stadium.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Great opportunity for the club to grow and expand and offer more options to reinvestand offer more facilities within the local community.The proposed expansion does not create any more traffic to when the current sanctions were putin place reducing the capacity.The club needs this stand to meet the requirements of a football league club within the the EFL tomeet the standards and also expected comforts any visiting supporter would expect of a footballclub in this great city,This opportunity enables rovers to move away from the ragbag tag they have and to compete on abetter financial level to bring more success to the city

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

As a lifelong Gashead I support the decision for the club to redevelop the south stand.BRFC are crying out for a new stadium, however in the meantime I believe increasing the capacityat the mem will help the club achieve its short term goals, and increase revenue on match days forthe club. Local residents should realise that the stadium was there long before them, and youshould know what to expect if you purchase property anywhere close to a stadium. Increasing thecapacity by a couple of thousand in the grand scheme of things, should not make much of adifference to match days for local residents.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

Bristol CC seems to be stuck in the dark ages when making planning decisions. Ibelieve progress should be made to an out dated stadium. This will be an improvement to the localarea and should be supported.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I have been a regular visitor to this ground since i moved to Bristol in 1990 - initially forRugby and since then to watch Football. The improvements that have been made to the groundover the last few years have made it almost unrecognizable both from a safety and experienceviewpoint and the new stand is the next logical step. Increased focus on safety has in fact reducedthe capacity over the last few years and even with the new stand the figure would then return it tothe capacities of 2008 - when Rovers had a very successful team. The motor traffic on match daysaround the stadium will not increase as the car park is already full and most visitors park away andwalk in. The great work that Rovers do in the community is acknowledged and shows them to be acaring club and it will only enhance the reputation of the area if the latest improvement to thisunique stadium is allowed to proceed

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I am full support of this project, capacity at the stadium will be restored to its originalfigure,which was only reduced by the league for a safety principle. This will allow the club to safelyaccommodate it's fans. Will enable greater trade and footfall on the High Street on match days.The structure is marginally bigger than the previous temporary structure

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

This will only be a temporary structure ,when the club moves to the fruit market site thewhole stadium will be demolished. This is the only way the club can move forward. With theincreased capacity will come more financial help for local shops and businesses in the area. I grewup in lockleaze and lived in kingswood before moving out of Bristol.I have followed rovers since1974 so it's about time the club had decent facilities for the next few years until the new stadiumgets the go ahead and built

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The city & wider West Country needs a vibrant and viable sporting culture & Roversneed to upgrade their stadium to at least attempt to accommodate fans in their reduced capacitystadium. This temporary structure is in the footprint of an existing & long-standing structure. Tostop this going ahead is extremely short sighted and deleterious to an important cultural andsporting pillar of Bristolian and West Country life.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I fully support the proposal for the new South Stand at Bristol Rovers football club, I feelthat it can only be a positive thing for Bristol and the sporting community, it will bring in a muchneeded revenue for the club

I don't think it will impact on the neighbouring houses etc as home games are generally onceevery two weeks for a couple of hours so any noise won't last long and maybe 3 evening games aseason,

Fans generally don't tend to park in the street behind the South Stand anyway and there is noentry to the stadium from that street

I feel that regeneration of that part of the ground is vital and a necessity

There has always been a stadium/rugby ground there for over a hundred years with fans & noiseso the people that bought houses there knew that there was a football stadium there when theychose to buy

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

The clubs needs this. It will make no difference to the match day "issues" which i haveread on this portal. BCC HAS held the club back far too much in the last 30 years and needs to letthis happened.

Also, do not be blinkered by the objections which are clearly Bristol City fans putting a spanner ineh works, and Nimbys/tree huggers trying to save the world.

Let it happen. To not do so would be an absolute debacle.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

A much needed facility to update the stadium and to Improve the safety and comfort ofsupporters.

on 2023-07-30   SUPPORT

I first attended a rugby match at the Memorial Ground in 1961. I have watched soccerthere since 1996 and am a season ticket holder.The proposed replacement stand does not raise the capacity above preCovid levels so does notaffect traffic.The design is no more obtrusive than and probably neater than the previous tents. It isn't closer tohouses nor obstructs any light.Bristol and its surroundings needs better sports facilities and I note that the Greens campaigned tomaintain this stadium.It isn't being used as often as it was since Bristol Rugby left.I therefore support the application.

on 2023-07-29   OBJECT

I understand the need for accessibility at the stadium which I believe should beincorporated into plans. But increased capacity at the stadium is not acceptable. There is alreadya huge traffic and parking problem on match days, with no focus from rovers on providingalternative travel, or encouraging this with incentives (a discount on ticket with a bus ticket forexample).The fact that building work has gone ahead without planning shows a total disregard to theplanning process which as local residents, we all have to comply with.Of course, we all moved in knowing that the stadium was there and that on match days therewould be fans in the area. And that is usually not a problem. But local infrastructure is not suitablefor increased capacity.

on 2023-07-29   OBJECT

I strongly object to this proposal due to the increase of car traffic it will bring togetherwith the increased pollution. The area is already overwhelmed on match days so increasing analready existing problem shows a complete disregard for the well-being of local residents andclearly prioritises business profit over people!

on 2023-07-29   SUPPORT

The Football club has my full support for trying to improve facilities for supporters, it islong overdue.The club currently impose it's own capacity for the comfort of supporters post pandemic andsimply want to revert to the official capacity by installing more seating so the figure of 2000 moreseats does not mean 2000 increase on the official capacity.This upgrade is for both some home and mostly away supporters so that they can have a morecomfortable civilised experience at the game.Most away supporters arrive by coach or Train so there will minimal increase in cars exceptmaybe for those with mobility issues, who are also catered for in this plan.The new structure will be the full width of the pitch, slightly higher than the previous structure butnot as high as previous plans that were granted a few years ago so blocking of daylight andshadows should not be an issue. The structure will also wrap around to the south west area whichwill give a more enclosed feel and should therefore contain sound and light much better.I see absolutely no valid reason why permission should not be granted as soon as possible withthe new season looming.

on 2023-07-29   OBJECT

The traffic/congestion/parking in the local area on match days is already beyondcapacity. People park dangerously and without consideration for the people who live here. Quiteoften we have to postpone events when they happen on match day due to us not being able topark next to or anywhere near our home. By expanding the amount of seating at the memorialstadium will make this already painful experience worse and so I object to the amount of seatingbeing increased. However, if they want to update the stands WITHOUT additional seating thenthat I'm sure would bring benefits to the club and I support that.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

This would be very intrusive as such a big stadium with noise and light pollution.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

I'm objecting on the basis that at current capacity (so no further increase in capacity)parking on my street is impossible on match days. Adding a further 2000 seats will only compoundthis problem. I have two very young children and carrying them one at a time when they havefallen asleep in the car, from three or four streets away when I can't park on my own street due tohome/away fans parking on my road is very challenging. This can be when I have picked them upfrom nursery after work and get home to no spaces. In addition the noise on match days haswoken my children during nap times. I was hopeful the ground was moving.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

I am Landlord in Trubshaw close. I am concerned that current issues currently causedby the stadium will be exacerbated and thereby reduce the quality of life for the residents andtherefore my tenants.I have the following concernsTraffic will be increased without consideration for parking. Parking is already an issue on matchdays

Safety issues, noise and rubbish; there is an increase in antisocial behaviour by a minority of fanspost match that has been witnessed by residents in Trubshaw close as fans return to theirvehicles. This will now increase as the number of attendees increase. And the facilities for them topark elsewhere has not been facilitated.

I understand the stadiums desire and need to be able provide capacity for fans but this shouldn'tbe at a cost to local residents standard of living

Thank you

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

There has not been sufficient consideration to the impact on the local community andinfrastructure from both construction and the increased capacity.

On match days, there are already examples of emergency services not able to access roads,essential workers not able to get to work, elderly neighbours not able to get food deliveries andparents with young children having to park very far from their houses.

If construction continues without addressing the legitimate concerns raised by local residents thenit is sending a very clear message to all building owners that the planning process is completelyredundant or, worse, that corruption allows the wealthy to bypass regulations and requirementsthat would be expected of everyone else.

Beginning construction before even consulting neighbours is a clear indication that any concernswill be ignored regardless.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

Absolutely object. Traffic and parking is appalling anyway. Matchdays is impossible.

This would be the straw that would make me move.

We need residents only parking.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

Traffic is already ridiculous on match days if I leave the house in my car before thematch starts there is no point coming back until at least an hour after the match as there will benowhere to park. If more people are encouraged to come to the area traffic will be chaos and willadd to the already crazy amounts of dangerous parking.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

I object to this proposal on several grounds listed below, in no particular order:


This proposal does not appear to be part of any long term plan for the stadium, it looks to be areplacement for the existing temporary stands rather than a cohesive part of the overall site.

This leads me to think that the stands will be demolished in a short period of time when the roversmove to their new ground or a full stadium plan is enacted. This means the resources and carbonexpended to build it will have been wasted.

The application states the development does not include trees and hedges but this is inaccurate;we have already seen a large area of wildlife habitation destroyed and used as a dumping groundfor waste from the development.

Lack of long term vision:

There is no long term viable stadium plan at play here, what are the objectives of this developmentin relation to the overall use of the area? Is there any intention to link it to existing structures or isthe ground to remain a mish-mash of buildings that altogether make an unsightly mess.

Noise pollution and lack of privacy

The openness of the new stands both from behind and at the sides create a lack of privacy and

increases noise pollution due to a lack of containment.

No traffic plan:

Increasing the capacity by 2100 people would surely warrant a re-look at the traffic plan for thearea on match days, especially in light of the recent changes to muller road and the surroundingareas?

This would have been an ideal opportunity to create a combined improvement plan with the newAshley Down station to reduce traffic numbers but it is disappointing that no consideration hasbeen made for this in the application. Indeed, no consideration is made for anything outside of thewant of the club to quickly build something to appease its fanbase.

I think this application is being put through "on the cheap" with the only thought being to the clubitself.

Lack of consideration for disabled access and accessibility

I can see no provision in the view of the stands for disabled fans, with the age of the otherbuildings on the site there is already a lack of dedicated disabled facilities, this would be an idealopportunity to create a friendlier environment.

There are no wheelchair platforms within the stands and just a cursory 10 positioned in the front ofthe stand in what seems like an afterthought. Again a higher value being placed on speed oversustainability and long term planning - this time to the disadvantage of disabled football supportersboth home and away.

Temporary build

The plan describes how the stand can be easily dismantled in the future should the need arise.With little amenity improvement for fans included, it does beg the question - why bother? Why rushat this now when another season with the temporary stands would provide time to see how thefruit market plans develop or to create a long term sustainable plan for the memorial stadium.

Piling tons of concrete into the ground and a few more tons of steel for a construction that by it'son admission isn't really a long term plan seems a waste of resources.

Lack of amenities

There are no permanent concessions stands in the plan meaning a continuation of noisy vans anda generally unkempt look and feel of the stadium. If time and effort is being put into something, itreally should meet all the requirements of the people who are going to use it.

General comments

Overall, I think this is a disappointing, unimaginative and uninspiring plan that has limitedarchitectural merit and undervalues the fans of the club. It offers little more than the temporarystands currently do and shows a lack of commitment from the stadium owners to think about thesite in a long term strategic and sustainable way.

This brings little benefit to the local community, which is a shame as with a little bit more thought,the investment could produce so much more. After so little investment in the Memorial Stadium forsuch a long period of the time, the fans of the club and its surrounding community deserve somuch more than is on offer here.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

As a local resident, I have to completely oppose the increase in seating capacity. WhileI understand the need to renovate outdated seating, there appears to have been no considerationfor the additional numbers of people coming to the stadium.

The area is incredibly congested at the best of times. With the new housing development plannedfor Muller road and those in Lockleaze, things are already at a limit. We've had roadworks for thepast 11 months on Muller Road purely because there is already a huge issue with traffic volumeand accessibility at the best of times. Adding 2000 fans to the games is simply untenable, andquite astonishing that this could even be considered at a time when we are ever more aware of theharm of air pollution and the chaos caused by so many cars trying to find parking spaces. I cannotbelieve that such an increase in seating capacity, with no measures taken for how those peoplewill get to the stadium, has even been proposed.

Finally, it would seem as though the whole planning process has been underhand, with worksstarting and almost no local consultation. This is a disgrace. I appreciate we moved into the areawith the stadium; but you can't simply increase its capacity with no thought. Match day chaos isalready bad enough.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

We observe the regular state of traffic in the local area daily from living in such closeproximity to the stadium, and also the flux/change when a match day is on.

At the moment, the area swells to the point of breaking every match day, and particularly so onpopular match fixtures. The locals lose the ability to be able to park within a 'reasonable' distanceof their homes (up to a mile away depending on the popularity of the event), but we all moved intothe area knowing this, so it is tolerated in the main, and we think it's a positive cultural activity onbalance.

Our objection is solely based on the unnecessary expansion of the already over-sized stadium(given the lack of space in the surrounding area and closeness of the residential homes). We thinkadding 2000 extra seats, and therefore cars (or even if only half that number) on top of the alreadystrained local parking facilities (not to mention the additional noise and social unrest caused bythat crowd) is untenable and smacks of greed instead of need.

Improving the existing facilities and increasing the costs of tickets by a fraction could serve thesame financial increase without upsetting the local community.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

Again we who have been opposed to the Memorial Stadium redevelopment have notbeen notified by the council or the stadium regarding the extra seating capacity.The applicationwas submitted in April and it was only today28July I heard the news from a neighbour who alsonew nothing of the application and was told by another neighbour!!

Why do they need to increase the capacity when they cannot fill the seats on most match days??Do they have a hidden agenda regarding pop concerts or other means of making money at theexpense of the local neighbourhood??What has happened to the proposed move to the Fruit Market in St Phillips Marsh??What about all the additional parking problems on match days and evenings??Has anybody considered the proposed redevelopment of the houses on the corner of GloucesterRoad & Filton Avenue to increase to 40 plus residences plus the cars and other problems that willbring??I just hope the planners will think long and hard and reject this application.

on 2023-07-28   SUPPORT

The current stadium is falling apart and is in danger of not meeting the criteria of theTaylors report or SAG standards. This new stand will be inclusive in attracting families : Personswith Disabilities and other groups. Currently : the ground is a macho looking facility not inclusive inits appearance .

The new stand will take the overall capacity to just over 12000 which was always the capacityhistorically . It will not add to traffic congestion as 1) there is no overall capacity increase 2) Therugby club have left and combination games are played elsewhere.

The local campaign group TRASH thought hard to stop a retail set up and celebrated theprotection of the Memorial stadium as a ' protected Assett' with ' community protection '. Itwelcomed talks with the present owner ' The site to be saved and upgraded to meet modernneeds ' in a splinter ground ' Freinds of memorial stadium'.

It is a tiny ground in comparison to Ashton gate 27000 and cricket for 20/ 20 International games.

I support this application as it is still within the historical capacity of 12000. It brings the stadium upto modern standards which will attract a wider section of society and protects the Memorialstadium from retail or large housing.

on 2023-07-28   OBJECT

Dear Development Management, Bristol City Council

Thank you for your consultation regarding the above proposed development.

I object to this proposal.

I have been a neighbour of Bristol Rovers for over 25 years and have often found theminconsiderate and untrustworthy. This was first illustrated by their failure to provide thepark and ride system they agreed to introduce which they said would alleviate problemsassociated with football matches when they first moved into the Memorial Stadium in1996. This agreement was not enforced by the council at that time, giving littleconfidence that any other planning obligations or conditions associated with thisapplication would be met.

Traffic and a lack of parking on match days continues to be an issue and results incongestion and air pollution and forces local people to park further away puttingpressure on neighbouring areas too. Clearly this problem will be exacerbated should theproposed new stand be granted planning permission, as it seeks to generate 2000 ormore additional match attendees.

Bristol Rovers owners have shown no respect for neighbours or, apparently, theplanning requirements the rest of us have to abide by, in relation to this latest proposeddevelopment, having spent the last few months forging ahead with the constructiongroundworks, which began with the removal of many mature trees that provided anattractive visual and noise buffer between the football ground and residential properties,as well as habitat for birds and other wildlife. These ground/construction works began

immediately at end of the football season, seemingly many weeks before a planningapplication was submitted - they involved noisy machinery and a workforce arrivingearly in the morning, initially before 7am, more recently at 8am, with no consultation orwarning to the owners of neighbouring properties. These works continue to this daydespite having no planning permission.

Bristol Rovers have for many years shown no interest or concern for the wildlife orhabitats in their ownership, every year in Spring/ early summer they cut and strim thegreen space and vegetation between the grounds and Downend Road during birdnesting season. I have also heard guns going off this year and have been told foxeshave been shot. I understand a licence is not required to shoot foxes but they are stillprotected by the Animals Welfare Act 2006 and I can only hope any killing was donehumanely.Since the old stand has been removed the only increase in wildlife seems to be thenumbers of rats which appear to have been displaced due to the construction works andare now frequent visitors in my garden, which is worrying.

The very close proximity of the proposed new stand to my and other residentialproperties in Alton Road and its very large scale and unsympathetic design would resultin a considerable loss of light to my house and garden and create an ugly, overbearingpresence. I am also concerned that the partially open design of the stand would benoisy (with many more supporters using aggressive sounding badlanguage/chanting/foot stamping) and I fear it would also enable people using the standto overlook my garden and into my windows impacting directly on my privacy and senseof personal safety and wellbeing.

The stand design also includes a concourse with toilet facilities and food outlets beingproposed and I am concerned this would result in unpleasant odours and potentially ahygiene hazard that could affect neighbouring properties including mine.

The need for a new stand of the scale and design being proposed is not at all clear andseems totally inappropriate in a residential area like Horfield and I strongly object to it.

Yours sincerely

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This will have an enormous negative impact on the residential properties immediatelyadjacent to the stadium as their gardens will be overshadowed by the increased size if thestadium.The increased capacity will also have a massive impact on a wider residential area as there is notthe transport, parking and supporting amenities to cope with the increase in numbers and thedisturbance this makes to our neighbourhood.The fact that this application has been submitted with zero neighbourhood consultation is insultingand upsetting.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I am a local resident and have only today found out about this application. Much greaterconsultation and community engagement is required for a development like this. We love havingRovers local to us and appreciate the footfall and atmosphere it brings to our beloved GloucesterRoad. Traffic and parking however with the stadium in it's current state is completely insufficient.This will only make a terrible situation worse. This plan needs to come with some significantcommitment to providing decent public transport to and from the ground on match days, to make iteasy for fans to leave their vehicles at home.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

My house directly backs into the stadium grounds. The first I knew of this newapplication was a huge amount of noise of machinery and trees felled at the back of the property,we assumed they were doing some maintenance. Two weeks later we get one letter about theapplication made a long time ago without any community involvement. In my opinion theapplication was very stealthily and deliberately made to get approved without any pushback. Theworks have been ongoing since, which have been rattling the foundations of my victorian terracedhouse. It is obvious the application is already a done deal and nothing will stop it now. The newstand will completely tower over my property completely changing the aspect and devaluing myproperty. I feel very angry about this application with no attempt to contact neighbouring propertiesfor consultation. There has been no plans for transportation of the extra stand worth of fans onmatch days. The traffic situation is completely impossible and dangerous already during and aftermatch times. The increased capacity of the new stands will hugely impact the community. I usedto feel really positive towards the grounds and the club but these underhand tactics are shamefuland a disgrace.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I object to this planning application on the grounds that the proposed structure is doublethe height of the previous iteration, which will impact our privacy and right to light. Right to light is alegal requirement that must be considered with all local residents. Proper and consistentdiscussion with local residents has not taken place from the Club, nor compensation or alterationsto the structure considered. Additionally, adding so many additional seats will increase alreadyhighly problematic parking issues and increase traffic on match days significantly. It is already verychallenging for residents to find parking on match days, which is particularly difficult with a youngfamily or those with access needs. Finally and not least, the environmental costs of this are verytroubling. We should NOT be encouraging even more car use in an already polluted inner & outercity area. The air quality is already severely compromised and long-term impact on children well-documented.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Bristol Rovers have absolutely refused to engage with local residents to address theirconcerns over the impacts of this stadium development. On match days the traffic and parkingnear the stadium (where I live) is already at a dangerous level - adding potentially 2000 more carsto this without plans in place for the additional traffic is disgusting. Public transport in Bristol is verypoor and it is utterly delusional to suggest that fans will simply catch a bus to matches instead ofdriving when the infrastructure is not there to support that notion. This development will doabsolutely nothing to support or enhance the local community and the fact that residents have notbeen consulted in any way shows Bristol Rovers' lack of care or thought to their neighbours.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This development has been carried out in the most underhand and unprofessional waypossible. Starting work months before even asking for planning permission, utterly disregardingthe views or any engagement with people living around, selling tickets before they've even beengranted permission - all demonstrate the arrogance and "f- you" attitude that Rovers have.

Calling a token residents' meeting because they have to, with less than 24 hours notice and duringworking hours seems deliberately designed to stop anyone adjoining the ground from participating.Surely as a "community" club they should pay some attention to their immediate community?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the infrastructure around here is not sufficient to deal evenwith existing capacity, let alone 2000 more people and will inevitably worsen parking, traffic andchild safety issues that already exist. There is apparently no plan to offer improved public transportlinks, parking restrictions etc to address these issues.

We have had a temporary stand at the end of our garden for several years and have tolerated it,but a development twice the height will be horrendous, ugly and devalue our house. On top ofruining the summer by continuous works that we had no say in.

Planning applications have to balance the views and needs of multiple stakeholders but this hasseemingly been done in a way that aims to silence and disenfranchise anyone who lives nearby.It's a disgrace and makes a mockery of the planning system - Rovers simply don't care andbelieve they can railroad the council and residents in order to increase their profits, leaving us allto carry the mess. Please reject!!

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I object to the new stand being built. There has been no thorough public consultation,giving time and opportunity for local residents to speak and challenge this expansion of theMemorial Stadium.

In support of the direct neighbours of Downend Road, this is a significant impact to the ongoingwellbeing of the local residents who will not only be affected by the building work but by a hugestand bring built at the end of their gardens!

Moreover, there has been no thought towards the potential thousands more fans who willinevitably be parking in the local area, something that is already frustrating for Downend Park butalso dangerous in other areas where people have been parking in dangerous spots.

There needs to be proper local consultation on this issue. Obviously fans of Rovers will bepetitioning for this to be approved but the voices of those who will be impacted 24/7 need to beheard.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This will cause an unacceptable traffic and parking impact on local roads. Residentsalready suffer significant distribution on match days, this includes but is not limited to: blockeddriveways, unsafe and illegal parking on corners, aggressive drivers, noise (horns) and pollutionas well as increased risk of accidents due to the volume of traffic trying to fit on narrow residentialroads.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

My objection is mainly concerned with the height and size of the new stand. Localresidents have not had plans made available to them (in any reasonable way, at least), and workwas started before the planning application was ever submitted - so it has been impossible for usto review the imminent changes.

The club cut down lots of trees at the start, which has further increased visual impact of the newstand, is that legal?

I request they stop work until planning has been approved and all residents have seen thedrawings and been given a fair chance to give their point of view.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I object to the new stand at memorial stadium. As a local resident, this structure and itsincrease in stadium capacity will negatively impact our homes and lives considerably. Whilst itbenefits the supporters of the club, most do not live next to the stadium, who then return to theirhomes free of the inconveniences and stress that matchdays cause.

1. Congestion and trafficThe local area on matchdays is already extremely congested. The locals streets are packed withcars, both parked and in transit. The aggression of drivers getting stuck on Downend, Strathmore,Quarrington and Muller Roads is intense during matchdays. The area simply cannot support largevolumes of cars - the streets are barely wide enough for one car! Adding 2000 seats will make abad situation much worse.

2. NoiseThe noise from the stadium is extremely high, both from supporters and the PA systems that blastmusic. Adding 2000 extra supporters will only increase this noise and make our homes/gardensunbearable on matchdays.

3. StructureThe height of the new structure is extremely imposing for those homes in sight of it, blocking lightand substantially lowering the value of those homes.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This will cause an unacceptable traffic and parking impact on local roads. Residentsalready suffer significant distribution on match days, this includes but is not limited to: blockeddriveways, unsafe and illegal parking on corners, aggressive drivers, noise (horns) and pollutionas well as increased risk of accidents due to the volume of traffic trying to fit on narrow residentialroads.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

There is simply no capacity for the footfall this will cause. The parking is dire anddangerous for residents as it is. This has not been thought through sensibly or safely at all.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This proposal will have a hugely negative impact on the local community impacting onlight for residents, parking and traffic issues and increased noise pollution. As a local resident Iobject to this application and would like also to take the opportunity to advise that I have triedrepeatedly to engage with Rovers community liaison in respect of issues and have never had aresponse. They are not interested in working with local residents and I have no confidence thatthey will going forward.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I object to the new stand at memorial stadium. The consultation of local residents hasclearly been minimal, and timed in a way to clearly avoid scrutiny.

This structure and its increase in stadium capacity will negatively impact our homes and livesconsiderably. Whilst it benefits the supporters of the club, the local residents will have to sufferconsiderably for them. What is most galling is that the capacity of the stadium is being expandedwith virtually no mitigation for increased congestion of cars and people.

1. Congestion and trafficThe local area on matchdays is already extremely congested. The locals streets are packed withcars, both parked and in transit. The aggression of drivers getting stuck on Downend, Strathmore,Quarrington and Muller Roads is intense during matchdays. The area simply cannot support largevolumes of cars - the streets are barely wide enough for one car! Adding 2000 seats will make abad situation much worse. Introducing residents parking permits on the streets around the stadiumwould be helpful here.

2. NoiseThe noise from the stadium is extremely high, both from supporters and the PA systems that blastmusic. Adding 2000 extra supporters will only increase this noise and make our homes/gardensunbearable on matchdays.

3. StructureThe height of the new structure is extremely imposing for those homes in sight of it, blocking lightand substantially lowering the value of those homes.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Totally unacceptable. Traffic, size and disruption.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

As a neighbour and supporters of the club I must object to this.

1. Due Process has not been followed. The development was underway long before permissionwas sought. It has been a noisy process that has caused issues for neighbours it would be adisappointment if due process were something that only has to be followed by individuals but notrelevant to larger businesses.

2. The club has treated its neighbors with contempt over the last 18 months. Noise issues with livemusic have not been considered and no sense of give and take has been noticed. The clubappears to not take a great amount of interest in keeping good relations with the local community.

3. The proposed increased seat numbers in the new stand will mean more issues with parking inthe local.area on match days. What plans have the club made to ameliorate the effect of this onresidents?

4. Increased traffic on match days will have a negative effect on air quality in an area with manyyoung children and a primary school very close.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

If this application is granted it will increase the pressure on local amenities especiallyparking which is already at crisi point on match days.There has been little or no meaningful consultation with near neighbours who will suffer the impactof increased numbers. Rovers have over the years proved themselves to be totally uncaring of theimpact of their activities on local residents. This increase of numbers beyond the 11,916 agreed inapplication 06/02073 will be detrimental to local people.The construction of the larger South stand will severely limit access to the Alton Road 'escaperoute'. In the event of a major incident this could prove dangerous and even fatal if people struggleto get out. I urge the committee to turn down this application

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I am not directly affected by the building of the new stand as my property does notborder the Memorial Stadium.I will be affected by the increased numbers of football supporters who will be able to attendmatches. Parking in the neighbourhood is already an issue and there is no mention of parking orpublic transport in the application. An extra 2,100 people travelling to the ground will cause hugetraffic and parking issues and put stress on local transport links and are a safety concern.I am also concerned about the noise levels emanating from this higher stand.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

While I have no objection to the football stadium in general, the current owners are notgood neighbours. Noise of amplified music is a frequent problem, going well beyond what hadbeen agreed by planners. This proposal to replace the stands and increase capacity was takenwith practically zero consultation with neighbours, and work already well underway, as if planningpermission would be a foregone conclusion.

My main objection is the increased pressure on our narrow and congested residential roads.During games, drivers frequently drive around and around looking for parking, and end up blockingcorners, crossing points, driveways, parking on pavements etc. BCC used to enforce illegalparking but no longer seem to have the resources to. This development will only make this worse.

If the development is to go ahead, Bristol Rovers need a Travel Plan and effective measures todiscourage travel by car to the site. Rovers also need to pay towards parking enforcement. Ideallythe area would have a residential parking zone, operational on mach days, paid for by Rovers.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

We have not been engaged at all with this and are very surprised to hear about thisapplication via our immediate neighbours just today 27/07/2023, the deadline day for comments.I would object to this change to increase the capacity due to the lack of local infrastructure tosupport an additional 2000 people arriving in this area every 2 weeks for 9 months of the year!Traffic is a significant issue already on game days and parking is almost impossible.The new stand is considerably larger and would have a significant impact on the views ofsurrounding houses and the general feel to the neighbourhood. Currently, other than the lights it'snice an hidden outside of match days. I understand the club wanting to modernise but this shouldbe done in the existing space not increasing its height.I am also concerned about the noise that this larger stand will have, it already feels noisier than itused to. I don't want to be able to hear the speakers inside my house, which is currently possiblewith windows shut.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Residents face significant traffic issues during match days and the addition of 2000seats will make this extremely challenging.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I am a local resident who has lived adjacent to this ground since 1995. Residents aresignificantly impacted on matchdays by ability to freely move around the local area between 11am-6pm. Whilst accepting by living near a stadium, as a resident, it has some impact on matchdays ,there has been little or no consultation with residents who will be impacted by this newdevelopment on lack of traffic management or what public transport provision in a congested areaof the city. If capacity is increased by 2000 then this is conservatively a 25% increase on pressureon local traffic and public transport requirements on a matchdays plus associated policingrequirements. Matchgoers will always park on the adjacent residential streets to the ground and inthey regularly obstruct private driveways or park on pavements making it difficult for olderresidents or those with children to safely navigate the pavements or residents with driveways toaccess or leave their property - these safety issues are not policed in our road.It is not acceptable for the football club to avoid consulting with those most affected by thedevelopment and to not make provision or explain how they are going to mitigate the effects ofmore traffic polluting the environment in central Bristol and to fund the additional costs to policeand public transport requirements.I am objecting on the grounds of significant concern for environmental (traffic pollution, publicsafety (parking issues) and public transport and further on the grounds of insufficient notificationand consultation of residents.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Living on Downend rd we already struggle with the impact of the club. The new standwill further impact our living conditions, affecting light, provocative and increasing problematictraffic and parking on the street. We have not had any public engagement from the club.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

We strongly advise that the council refuse this application in its current form on thebasis of a lack of any adequate sort of transplant plan at the club for match days as it standsalready, before any proposition of increased capacity is even mentioned.

As local residents, we have noticed a hugely negative change (especially since the club'spromotion) to the sheer volume of match day attendance that is by car and the almost dangerousnow scale of the parking problem this causes to not only the immediate surrounding streets but thewhole Gloucester Road area which affects not only local residents, families, shop owners but alsoaccess for emergency vehicles and access to Southmead Hospital just around the corner. Largeand wholely inappropriate numbers of cars are regularly dumped on yellow lines, corners, busyjunctions for hours on end and sometimes overnight making an already congested area anaccident waiting to happen beyond just the immediate surrounding streets.

It is clear that the club have hugely overlooked offering any adequate alternative to travel to theclub in the first place, let alone with regards to their promotion to a higher league, before we evenmention yet another additional pressure cooker in terms of increasing capacity and it needsaddressing regardless of whether this application is approved or refused. However, in response tothis specific application, this therefore urgently needs looking in significantly greater detail and witha large community consultation process before this application should even be able to besubmitted for public consideration like this. It is bordering on negligent for this to be allowed to beproposed without all the existing impacts adequately being addressed first.

When the existing transport pressures have been adequately addressed first, this application itselfmight well be a huge benefit to the club and the wider Bristol sporting community. However, at this

moment in time it is ill advised, frankly dangerous to both the local community and to attendees atthe ground. It will also ultimately come at a cost and a detriment of the whole of this side of thecity, including leaving a negative experience/opinion of the safety of their visit for those travellingfrom supporter clubs.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Object on the basis of knock on impact on parking and increased trafic on match days.This is already a congested area which will be made worse by the arena in Filton and this wouldmake traffic even worse.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

The traffic and parking situation in the surrounding area is already a nightmare onmatch days with residents not being able to park on their own streets or even the surroundingstreets so if the stadium capacity is going to be increased then the parking situation needs to beconsidered i.e. including a larger car park at the stadium.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

We live near the Rovers ground and find match days disruptive in general. Our roads fillup with cars, making parking anywhere near our house very difficult. The outpouring of fans at theend of the match clogs the roads and makes it difficult to drive anywhere, and with drinkingantisocial behaviour is a concern. Adding thousands of extra seats to the stadium will compoundall of these issues, so we really don't agree with the proposed work. Please can you take this intoconsideration with the application?

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I have strong concerns about this application; primarily, how the increased height of thestand will impact on my neighbours in Alton Road and Downend Road, in terms of loss of light andprivacy, and secondly, in terms of what Bristol Rovers will be doing to mitigate for the extra trafficthat the increased spectator capacity will no doubt bring to the surrounding roads. It's not goodenough for the club to say that those additional visitors on match days will arrive at the ground bypublic transport, because we all know that this will just not happen and it's very likely that theincreased capacity will put extra pressure on the already congested roads surrounding the stadiumon match days.Furthermore, to add to this, I'm extremely unhappy that Bristol Rovers have already started workon this new stand without having the necessary planning agreement in place; this once againshows how the club views their neighbours, i.e. with contempt.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This construction and the addition of 2000 more sears to the Robers stadium wouldseriously impede my enjoyment of the area, that already has problematic parking on most days.Also - the additional noise, and the additional large structure, none of this is acceptable - I don'tcare how many fans they've got!

Naturally the existing residents' privacy matters just as much. It sounds like the interests of tnelocals are not being considered at all in this development, which is not very Bristol.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

This stadium needs to be moved out of an already massively congested area.Parking anywhere hear your house on match days is impossible. Queues of traffic along everyroad and all this will be made worse. The environmental impact- car pollution, removal of trees etcis massive.I don't see there will be any economic value-most businesses have to shut or only let in certainfans because of confrontation which as someone with young children I find distressing.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I strongly object to this application as it stands.

The Design and Access statement makes no provision for how to account for the access andegress of an additional 2000 visitors. There is no Transport plan or impact assessment.

Bristol Rovers match day parking is currently a significant blight on the area, and increasing thecapacity would exacerbate this further.

Filton Avenue is a key bus route which is impassable for two way traffic as it is, impacting onjourney times, bus reliability and further disincentivising people from choosing public transport. It isnot solely Bristol Rovers fault but the situation is signficantly worsened on match days and theimpact of the bus route disruption impacts people right across north Bristol.

Rovers needs to identify suitable parking away from the site and provide a shuttle bus betweenthis and the ground, and ideally fund additional services to the stations.

Highways desperately need to redesign the traffic management on FIlton Avenue, preferablyremoving parking on at least one side of the road and providing a bus lane. Rover should maketheir car park available to residents when the ground is shut as compensation for the disruption

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

Hi, I am objecting to this proposal due to a lack of adequate consultation and concernsover increases in traffic/decreases in parking availability on match days, with no plans toaccommodate either.

This area of Bristol is already extremely overloaded with cars on match days and I am concernedthat increasing the capacity of the Mem will overwhelm the narrow local roads and cause trafficproblems for much of north Bristol.

I am also concerned about the lack of transparency to the local residents who will be most affectedby this proposal. There have been little to no efforts made to bring onboard local residents in thesurrounding streets. This shows a lack of interest by the proposers in working with and for thecommunity and is something that I hope the case officers will take into consideration.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

My family and I have been really appalled by Rovers failing to obtain planningpermission before the demolition and then building of their new stand, with complete disregard forlocal regulations and their neighbours. The rules apply to everyone, no matter if you are a footballclub or not. Their subsequent failure to engage with the local community and half- heartedattempts to arrange meetings to gauge feedback from neighbours whilst continuing to build theirstand in unsociable hours to the detriment of nearby young families has been disgraceful. If theyknew they were going to build a new stand, why not submit their proposals and engage with thelocal community in a timely manner? The people who run the club have a lot to answer for.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I live in Brynland Avenue where parking is already at a premium. On match days I oftenhave to park 3or 4 streets away . Any expansion will exacerbate an already difficult situation forlocal residents. It is an unsuitable place for a football ground, let alone an expanded one.

on 2023-07-27   OBJECT

I believe the extension to this stadium will be totally out of place in a residential areawith the height blocking out light for many residents. I live nearby and believe this should not goahead. If Rovers need a bigger stadium, there need to build one elsewhere where it doesn'timpact on residents.