Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 23/01990/M
Address Former School Site New Fosseway Road Bristol BS14 9LN  
Street View
Ward Hengrove and Whitchurch Park
Proposal Application for approval of Reserved Matters for Phase one of the development for 130 dwellings, following consent granted under application no. 22/01199/PB - Outline application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for the provision of up to 200 residential dwellings (including as extra care facility) (Use Class C3) and up to 250 sqm of flexible Class E, F1 and F2 uses (as part of the extra care facility) along with car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Means of access from New Fosseway Road and Petherton Road (Major). Approval now sought for reserved matters of Appearance, landscaping, layout , and scale.
Validated 2023-07-10
Type Reserved Matters
Status Decided
Neighbour Consultation Expiry 2023-10-04
Standard Consultation Expiry 2023-10-11
Determination Deadline 2023-10-09
Decision Approve details of Reserved Matters
Decision Issued 2024-01-26
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 9  Unstated: 2  Total: 11
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

We have now submitted our preliminary Comments -

Public Comments

on 2023-08-10   OBJECT

1. it's about getting the balance right, i.e. the new buildings design are not inkeeping with the area, they are encroaching and overlook existing residential propertiesthe majority of which were built in the 1930s…they need to be set far away from theboundary, in particular three/four storey buildings to be sited in the middle of thedevelopment with the boundaries of the development designed to accommodategreenery (new trees/hedging etc.) and gardens to enhance the environment and thussoften views and noise levels.. . therefore creating distance/space between existingproperties and new development build; Currently some of the proposed buildingsappear to be close/on the boundary of those residents on the Wells Road and not a trueclear indication of the height of new build properties some of which are not finalised.

2. Bristol City Council/Partners need to bear in mind that homes on the Wells Roadbacking onto the proposed build and some houses located at the Fosseway Roadentrance/exit are those to be most affected than others and pay high Council Tax, oneof the highest in Bristol; own property implications include: devaluation of property;potential difficulty to sell in the future if back garden overlooked; invasion of privacy andspace in an over-crowded area; vast increase in noise and pollution levels - how canBristol be deemed a smoke-free zone when BCC is cramping more homes in smallspaces, putting people of all ages at risk, including children nursery on the corner of

Wells/New Fosseway Road, not to mention the two St Bernadettes schools sited onNew Fosseway Road, the secondary opposite the proposed entrance/exit to theproposed build, not logical or ethical.

3. Effect on the wild-life, i.e. birds, squirrels - all established trees need to remain,in particular those sited around the boundaries/back of residents gardens - appearsfrom the 'Outline Plan' NOT all established trees will remain, Why?

4. Access via New Fosseway Road - already a very congested area, increasingtraffic issues around St Bernadette's school and Mama Bears nursery/pre-school,potential for the area to become a bigger health and safety hazard for children/and localresidents trying to access properties together with noise and pollution affecting thechildren in later life!

5. What plans are in place to up-grade Whitchurch Health Centre? hence moreimpact, currently it can take 4-5 weeks to get a virtual call and a face-to-faceappointment if virtually non-existant…this will dramatically increase with the increase ofan additional 600 plus people, together with additional mature people living in the Extra-Care area, even more compacted with COVID-19 which is rising and not declining asthe Government had predicted or hoped…

6. What plans are in place to improve and upgrade the Bus Service (which is a'Country' bus service) ? Currently only a No. 376 from Wells, Somerset travels to BristolCity centre/bus station - with more people living in the area there will be an increase inthe use of buses. Current service a bus every 30 mins, though can prove difficult to gethome, early evening some buses don't run around 8-9pm;

7. What will happen in the event the developer appointed goes bust half-waythrough the project, highly likely in the current climate, compacted by COVID-19 andBrexit, building materials scarce; high rising costs, especially when margins are beingcut to the bone; the budget doubles; developer increases the cost of homes and howwill they sell with so much economic uncertainty? Goram Homes; Electricity projectand Metro system - failures by Bristol City Council and huge cost to Bristol tax payers!

8. Fosseway Road: One entrance/exit does seems to be absolutely ridiculous for adevelopment of this size in an already congested area on a side road, opposite a school- surely there needs to be another entrance/exit to ease traffic flow for cars, plus all theheavy building works during construction, roads caked with mud during foundationscreation? Petherton Road to be considered as an additional entrance/exit forbikes…what advantage is this when improved road infrastructure is not apparent on theplans. This is even more compacted by proposed plans to alter road access in/out ofthe Wells Road to Airport Road - rat runs will develop on roads like Davids Road toWest Town lane.9. Fosseway Road: entrance/exit - how can it accommodate safely two carspassing with footpath - currently only one car can enter/exit at a time?

10. If 200 homes are planned how do you plan to accommodate potentially 240vehicles based on the fact that 1.2 average cars per UK household NOT 1.0 as

proposed 'Outline/Concept Plan' - Bristol has one of the largest cars per household inUK! Where will the additional cars park - encroach the overcrowded development oronto the busy Fosseway Road, surrounding side roads and Wells Road?

11. Extra Care Accommodation - what is the size of this proposed development, nomention of people numbers?

12. What plans will be put place to accommodate Constructors transportation -assume facility will be on site and that roads around the New Fosseway & Wells Roadsresidential areas will NOT be used as a car park or waiting area?

13. Fosseway Road traffic camera just off the entrance to Bush Training Centre,WHY has traffic been monitored in the school holidays, a quieter time? This will NOTachieve a true reflection of busy traffic on Fosseway Road and surrounding area!

The proposed 'OUTLINE PLAN' is still as vague and very much incomplete as the'CONCEPT PLAN' currently NOT showing any clear true evidence of how Bristol CityCouncil/Partners actually plan to improve all the local services experienced by localresidents to be even more impacted by a new development; how will you keep residentsup-to-date with proposed Notification of Application information - communication is key;what is the duration of the proposed project, i.e. start date/work day timings; what will bedone to keep the pollution of dirt and dust in the air to a minimum; impact and disruptionon back gardens in our current clean living environment?

There have been two previous failed attempts to build similar projects on the land since2011 - it's a pity Bristol City Council were too short-sighted to close the Bush Schoolwhen Bristol is now currently 250 plus spaces short for children/young people withlearning difficulties, and the rising cases of so many more young children beingdiagnosed with Autism - a special needs school would benefit those in need ultimatelyand thus add more value as a service to the area and Bristol!

We look forward to hearing from you and keeping us up-to-date.

on 2023-08-09   OBJECT

I am very concerned about the new access to the development off Petherton Road.That part of the Petherton Road is already very busy, with school / vets / health centre around thatarea, there have been traffic congestions and parking issues, blocking driveway or entrance alongthe road. I would like to see more or better access arrangement to be proposed.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

After careful consideration we have decided that we have many concerns regarding thisdevelpoment. Like another neighbour who is worried re: plot 120, we also have concerns inrespect of plots 8 through 1. These will be very intrusive being so close to the existing boundariesand will undoubtedly block light and will greatly affect privacy. Why so close and why so tall?There are no tall buildings in this area and will totally change the community in an extremelynegative way. In the preliminary comments made previously, we asked for hedgerows to be keptas they were. Why is this not happening? Our other concerns are increase in traffic/pollution andlack of infrastructure here as there are further proposals going ahead in the surrounding area withincreased building that now seems to be excessive.

on 2023-08-08   OBJECT

I object to the heights of plot numbers 112 & 120 with the 2 storey, potentially 3 storeyhouses. These need to be brought down in line with the other 2 storey properties to save myprivacy and potential loss of light.

on 2023-08-06   OBJECT

I have reviewed the extensive amount of information on this application .My concernsare from my original contact with Christiana Makariou at Goram Homes which i have spoke to inperson and also have written confirmation from her that the 3 story houses have been reduced to2 ,and the hedge row will remain in place at the present heightOn looking at the plans I see 112 plot and 120 plot can go up to 3 story ,and you will see thatthese are the closest ones to me and will effect my privacy ,but plot 116,117,118 and 119 will beonly 2 story .Having been told in person and written to by Christiana this is not what she said as in her writtencorrespondence .I have enclosed video and pictures to Goram homes to express my concerns and would stronglyobject to any 3 story being built plot 112 and plot 120 as this would effect my light .I have sent an email directly to Christiana Makariou on the 2/08/2023 but have not received anyreply to the comments i have raisedIf required would be happy to supply the written communication I have sent and received

on 2023-08-06   OBJECT

Commenter Type: Neighbour

Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application

Comment Reasons:

Comment:i received a email 0n the 9.5.2023 from from goram homes, follow

recent feed back & a petition sent in to them they from effected residents, have changed the

properties closest to 637-647 wells road from 3 storey to 2-storey.

lookin at the plans this is not the case for properties 112 & 120 one either end which are 2 story

but can go up to 3 story which is another 3meaters in height!

original concerns were privacy and loss of light which i still stand by where this is located is 5

bungalows which will allready be over powered by two stories behind. as i live in the rear of my

property and my kitchen is at the rear if these went to 3story it will effect my privacy an also could

effect my loss of light. 112 & 120 need to be restricted to the same as 113 116 117 118 119

maximum of two stories.

if you wish to receive a copy of the email i had received from from goram

homes or thr petition, please contact me ill happy copy you in as i cant attach this.

on 2023-08-05   OBJECT

I do not object to a housing development; however, four-storey apartment blocks areexcessive for a site which is a plot of land at the rear of homes. The proposal needs to be inkeeping with the area; similar recent developments in the area (Eva Turner Close, Acer Village,John Hall Close) are limited to a maximum of three-storey properties. In contrast, four-storeyapartments with balconies are proposed here, dominating the site and having views into the rearsof homes. The new John Williams School buildings, which are three storeys in height, can be seenfrom the rear of houses; these proposed four-storey apartments will be closer and, with theaddition of balconies, are a privacy and noise concern.

on 2023-08-05   OBJECT

There is already excess traffic causing congestion and pollution on New FossewayRoad, from 7am to 9am and 2.30 to 6.30pm and at the traffic lights around Wotton park on theWells Road, especially but not exclusively. Adding further cars is like pouring fuel on a fire, in thiscase more traffic causing increased journey times, pollution degrading the area.

on 2023-07-31   OBJECT

This is an Objection (not to the housing solution which is needed especially aroundaffordable units) but to the poor access proposals for Petherton Road.

This is on basis of concerns around highway safety and traffic matters on Petherton Rd; theassociated parking issues and increased noise for residents of same road/area.

The plans do not explain how the means of emergency vehicle only access on Petherton Rd willbe "signed" to make it no entrance to residents /drivers or actually restricted /managed (via gatesor bollards/control system) so it is only used by the emergency services in these situations.

Do emergency vehicles mean fire service and include ambulance and police etc? This could meanungated access/non restricted so the entrance will become by convenience a default second mainaccess for households over the whole estate/development or visitors.

This could also become a rat run. Petherton Rd is already a major cut through for vehicles of alltypes off/onto the Wells Rd via Airport Rd.

There is already a parking issue and restricted vehicle flow /safety issue on Petherton Rd via OJW'school run' parents and or staff/visitors to vets and health centre blocking drives and parking up to

entrances at the corner of the proposed Petherton Rd access.

With the erratic and increasingly high speed of vehicles exiting Wells Rd or accelerating upPetherton, the parking issues on the oblique bend and potential increase in vehicles using thisnew access there is a highway safety issue for vehicles, residents, and pedestrians (includingschool children).

The plans show proposed access via Petherton Rd junction is suggested as double car widthwhen it is only single due and this can lead to increased potential blocking of Petherton Rd at peakand other times causing road safety issues.

The scheme for this entrance needs better design and clarity. It needs to offer practical solutionsfor existing residents and action to ensure this entrance is only ever used as a pedestrian andcycle entrance. The scheme would do well to help elevate parking and highway safety that alreadyexist on Petherton Rd.

If it is used as a construction phase entrance the above issues will equally apply. It should not beused as such.

The street scene drawings of houses do not provide any detail regarding the houses no 130 to 128(defined as type / area A) so it is unclear what size these properties are and their aspect /view.

on 2023-07-27  

We have concern over the privacy due to the elevations of some of the properties. Canyou confirm there will be no side windows in the two storey properties shown in the plans.

Also will additional tall planting be made between the new and existing homes, as shown in theplans in an attempt to offer more privacy.

Finally, the plans were submitted a month ago, yet we are only informed a month later and told wehave a short time to submit comments.