Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 23/02896/VP |
Address | 8-10 Station Road Shirehampton Bristol BS11 9TT
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | T01 - Beech - Fell (TPO 1421). |
Validated | 2023-07-24 |
Type | Tree Preservation Order |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2023-08-10 |
Determination Deadline | 2023-09-17 |
Decision | REFUSED |
Decision Issued | 2023-09-14 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 19 Total: 19 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
on 2023-08-16 OBJECT
I object to this application on the grounds that the tree is protected, and for goodreason. It is a lovely native beech that adds character to the area and if given the chance, willmature into a valuable natural asset.
on 2023-08-09 OBJECT
Dear Sirs,I wish to object to the above application by the developer of 10-12 Station Road,Shirehampton - to fell a young, beautiful and protected beech tree by LEGAL means.The developer shows a complete disregard for the local natural environment asevidenced by the disgusting, untidy state that he has let the site degenerate to. Thisunsympathetic request is al-of-a-piece with that attitude.Yours truly,
on 2023-08-08 OBJECT
Dear Mr Luck
With regards to the following
I wish to strongly oppose to this application on the grounds that the tree in question iscovered by a tree preservation order, and I am sure that that means just that, the tree iscovered by a tree preservation order which means surely that this beech tree isprotected thus meaning that this beech tree is of a particular value to the localcommunity, this beech tree and the OTHER TREES which were felled WITHOUTplanning permission (which to date have still not been REPLACED), gave AvonwoodClose many benefits it reduced noise pollution, they also create, and created essentialwildlife habitats giving shelter and nesting to birds.
I hope that you can see the significance of having such trees placed under theprotection order and there for make the correct decision and leave the beech tree as isand also replace the trees that were originally felled.
on 2023-08-08 OBJECT
Further objections from Members of Shirehampton Planning Group
Shirehampton Planning Group most strongly objects to this application to fell the protected (TPO1421) Beech Tree at 8-10 Station Road, Shirehampton on the following grounds:
This perfectly healthy mature tree is in the Shirehampton Conservation Area and is aestheticallybeautiful and environmentally important for birds and wildlife in the area
It is the last remaining tree on the site after the wanted and unlawful destruction of all other treeson the site by the developer
What's the point of having a TPO granted, when the developer can just apply to have it removedjust because it gets in the way of their potential development - which has not been approved - sopotentially felling this tree would be pointless
on 2023-08-06 OBJECT
We strongly object to the felling of this perfectly healthy tree . we have watched thislovely tree mature for 39 years since we lived in Avonwood Close . Every morning we open ourcurtains to see the healthy specimen full of bird activity . We also missed to the opportunity toobject to the crowning of 3 meters off the top which would of been horrific ! Not forgetting thedevastation this landowner has already carried out on all the other trees on the site .
on 2023-08-06 OBJECT
We strongly object to the felling of a perfect healthy Beech tree , its always full of birdactivity . We are still devastated by the destruction of all the other trees within this site . We cansee this tree from our garden and love to see it all year round . The previous application to crown itby 3m was bad enough , not content with that the greedy destructive landowners want to destroy aperfectly healthy tree that gives surrounding neighbours so much joy to see out of their windows.Being in a conservation area , we need to fight all we can for future generations to enjoy thewildlife , and watch these lovely trees change throughout the different seasons , its good foreveryone's mental health . Therefore its a STRONG OBJECTION FROM US !
on 2023-08-06 OBJECT
I strongly object to this worthless application. Not only has the applicant made a falsestatement, in that this last remaining tree on the site IS within the Conservation Area, but thereason given for the proposed action is not supported by any valid arguements or details.There are outstanding applications for development of this site, and no decision should be takenon the future of this tree until after those applications have been deteermined.I fully support the objection made by the Bristol Tree Forum and consider the TPO was correctlymade.
on 2023-08-03 OBJECT
I strongly object to the removal of the beautiful Beech tree. The developers havealready unlawfully removed other trees from the site, now they have their sights set on the lastremaining one. Replanting a few bushes on a new development may bluff the council but it doesn'treplace trees which have taken a number of years to grow and given home to many birds andinsect life. As a protected tree with a preservation order on, an application to fell the last remainingtree on the site should be rejected by Bristol City Council.
on 2023-08-02 OBJECT
I thought the idea of a T.P.O. Was to preserve the tree as long as it was in good shape,if this can be overturned for no good reason what's the point of having the T.PO. In the first place.This tree is a fine specimen and should remain on this site there were a number of trees that werefelled this is the only remaining tree and in the time of climate change it should be saved.
on 2023-08-01 OBJECT
This company have already illegally felled many trees in the nurseries and nothing hasbeen done by Bristol City Council, and now they want to fell a tree with a preservation order - in aconservation area. The amount of different planning applications put in by this company toeffectively try and obfuscate is obvious - they will probably keep trying and hope no-one has theenergy left at some point to fight. The council are not bothering to hold them to account for any ofit: their illegal tree felling, the fact that they are allowing the school building to be vandalised andburgled, the greenhouses being destroyed, the dire state of the site, etc.. Why is this companybeing allowed to do any of this? Who is going to be held accountable?
on 2023-07-31 OBJECT
The Beech tree in question is subject to a preservation order. The developers havealready removed many trees and much flora from the site with no intention of offsetting,remediating or mitigating the loss to the environment or biodiversity in any way. This order must beobserved for the sake of the environment, local amenities and aesthetics. The application is onceagain based on greed and avarice with no regard for the wishes and feeling of local residents, andno regard for the conservation status of the area or for local biodiversity.I reject this application for the destruction of a mature and established tree.
on 2023-07-31 OBJECT
The Bristol Tree Forum objects to this application for the following reasons:
1. The tree is protected with a TPO - TPO1421. Application form 'Application for Tree Works:Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and/or Notification of Proposed Worksto Trees in a Conservation Area Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)' states that'your application MUST be accompanied by the necessary evidence to support your proposals.'No such evidence has been presented to justify its removal as the applicant is obliged to do.
2. The tree is part of a Conservation area and is integral to the reasons why the area is protected.If the tree did not already have a TPO, its prominence and amenity value would justify one beinggranted.
3. The only reason given is that the 'tree as considered not worthy TPO and to allow developmentof the site.' This is not sufficient justification.
4. The site and the tree are subject to two pending applications - 22/05967/F & 23/00151/F - so itwould be improper to allow this application whilst a decision on these applications is outstanding,especially given that the application expressly states that it is 'to allow development of the site.'Any decision about the removal of this last remaining tree should be made as and when theseapplications come to be decided.
on 2023-07-29 OBJECT
I object to this as tree is in a conservation area and is good for the environment andwildlife
on 2023-07-28 OBJECT
Please will you read all the reports from the Bristol Tree ForumThis is a Protected Beech Tree
There is an Enforcement out to this Company for Unlawfully carrying out works withoutpermission.The Only reason the Developers Horizon/Shirehampton Land want this Tree Removed is to useAvonwood Close as an entrance to their Develi
on 2023-07-28 OBJECT
My previous Objection Comment got submitted in error due to urgent interuptions
The ONLY reason the Developers want this Protected Tree removed is so they can build theirDevelopments in the small, quiet Cul de Sac of Avonwood Close.Residents in the Close and the larger area of the Village of Shirehampton Object to this moststrongly as it will be detrimental to our village and cause major traffic issues into the village as wellas noise & parking issues to the Residents of the Close
Despite losing their Appeal on their 1st Application they have made new submissions on their 2nd(duplicate) Application despite BCC recommendations they should raise a new application? Suchis their cheek to say it is to allow BCC Planners 'time to consider their options' ??
We are very concerned about the site which has been left open to vandalism & arson
I Object most strongly to this Application
on 2023-07-28 OBJECT
I'm extremely annoyed and upset to see this application as the tree in question has apreservation order.. if this is allowed it makes a mockery of preservation orders etc., even more soin the era of climate change we need trees and even more trees to help combat pollution etc in thearea
on 2023-07-28 OBJECT
Absolutely disgusted that their are still plans to remove this PROTECTED Beech tree.We strongly OBJECT to this tree being removed due to its PROTECTED status - there is no pointin protecting anything if people are able to come along and apply to have them removed with theintent of building properties in order to make money.The previous row of trees were all felled without permission and that was a disgrace if thisPROTECTED tree goes the same way as the rest of them then shame on you Bristol City Council.The residents of Avonwood Close are fed up with the constant round of planning application's forthis piece of land - build something in keeping with the conservation area it lies within but makethe entrance on Woodwell Road, it's not rocket science is!!!!!!!!!