Application Details
Council |
Reference | 23/03102/F |
Address | 513 Stockwood Road Brislington Bristol BS4 5LR
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of 9no.residential dwellings with associated parking. |
Validated | 2023-08-07 |
Type | Full Planning |
Status | Pending decision |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2023-09-04 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2024-05-09 |
Determination Deadline | 2023-10-02 |
on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 5 Total: 5 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
Not Available on 2023-08-29 OBJECT
There will be no privacy , there is no enough spaces and we already experience crimearound the area.
This is not a land that houses can be built.
I bought my first home spending all the money and paid over £20 thousand extra for my flat to beon top floor for the tranquility and the green area view and now there is a plan to built to block this?Please reconsider this.Residents in the building 515/517 are already frustrated and in bad situations caused by claddingand feel stuck in there affecting people life no able to remortgage, sell or move .Don't need more disruptions
Not Available on 2023-08-23 OBJECT
The existing conifer tree at the rear of the proposed unit 4 should not be removed as itis well established (over 30 years) and is a nesting site for a variety of birds.Stockwood Road is already a very busy road (not only at opening/closing time of Oasis Academyas suggested) and any increase of traffic entering or exiting the road will exacerbate that.In view of the vicinity of existing residential development working hours on the site should berestricted to 0800 to 1800 weekdays, 0800 to 1300 on Saturdays and none on Sundays.
Not Available on 2023-08-22 OBJECT
1. The proposal is for a gross over-development of the site2. There would appear to be provision for only 9 parking spaces for the 9 plots and no provision forvisitor parking which would encourage parking on the grass verges on both sides of the roadwhich are visibility splays3. Plots 3,4&5 should be no more that two storey as they would otherwise be oppressive to 511 &509 Stockwood Road and 261 to 267 Hungerford Road4. It would appear that the NE elevation of plot 4would be only 2 metres from the boundary of 511Stockwood Road and the windows of that elevation would not only overlook the garden but alsooppose a bedroom window of 511 Stockwood Road5. The SE elevation of plot 5would directly overlook the garden of 511 Stockwood Road at littlemore than 2 metres thus depriving it of any privacy
Not Available on 2023-08-19 OBJECT
I object to this as the plans are the same as his last ones 22/03642/F
As the building plans have not changed I object this due to the house being right at the bottom ofmy garden giving no privacy into my garden or the back of my house due to the rear will beoverlooking into mine.
Not Available on 2023-08-19 OBJECT
The plans are the same as the original one thats he put in last time. The houses wouldbe built to close to houses already built and would cause them to have no privacy in there ownhomes from the plans he submitted you would be able to see straight in to the houses windowsbehind while in the second and third floor. Theres not enough space within that land to build 9houses. My children wouldnt be able to play in the garden without being seen closely. Having awindow at the top of the house would enable them to see clearly through the houses windowsbehind. When we had issues with the owner and stuff on his land hes been very rude andunhelpful. This is not a land that houses can be built on