Application Details
Council |
Reference | 24/00885/F |
Address | The Glebe House 1 Mclaren Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9FE
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Demolition of The Glebe House and the erection of three townhouses and five self-contained flats (Use Class C3) with associated car parking, cycle storage, refuse storage and private amenity space. |
Validated | 2024-03-05 |
Type | Full Planning |
Status | Withdrawn |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2024-04-02 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2024-05-21 |
Determination Deadline | 2024-04-30 |
Decision | Application Withdrawn |
Decision Issued | 2024-07-24 |
on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 5 Objectors: 6 Total: 11 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
on 2024-05-24 OBJECT
Living opposite this proposed site will cause issues with parking on a road that is alreadyoverloaded with parking issues, including mobile homes that are being lived property will look directly onto the proposed properties and the proposed hight will causeissues with lack of daylight and view why do these have to be 3 stories high is an area that are 2story homes and will be obtrusive on the landscape and unwelcome. This may affect the value ofmy property.what is in place to stop these becoming HMO's further adding to the issue, more rubbish and alsoincreased traffic and dirt for construction on a roundabout that is small and subject to heavy trafficalready for the port.There will be increased noise from building and inconvenience to current residents with sitedeliveries and workers producing noise which will impact residents living nearby.I have read all the supporting comments and they do indeed look to be written by the same personie the applicant.There's squirrels that live on the trees around the park and birds that regularly nest that willdisrupted with the change in landscape and trees as well as the noise.I am also surprised the church have not objected die to closeness of the development
on 2024-03-31 SUPPORT
Our property overlooks the site and we would like to see the existing buildingdemolished and replaced with new build. We like the plans and feel that this is the sort ofbrownfield development the council should support. We have seen the size of the 2x blocks of flatsopposite the Royal Hotel that has been given planning approval and the former vicarage site plansare of far less a scale.
on 2024-03-31 SUPPORT
I live directly opposite the site and after studying the plans I would welcome planningapproval.
I have been living here for approximately 9 years and have witnessed an enormous amount of antisocial behaviour due to the site being in its current state. The derelict house is an eyesore, whichnegatively impacts the surrounding area.
The new plans would enhance the area significantly and provide much needed housing. I reallylike the build design, which seems proportionate to the site and has additional tree planting andmodern landscaping. I trust the council will support the much needed development of a brown fieldsite rather than encouraging more housing on green belt sites.
on 2024-03-31 SUPPORT
We are local residents and have lived in Avonmouth for 11 Years.We regularly walk past this run down site and have watched with interest in the hope it will finallybe rejuvenated.We didn't comment on the previous planning application as we weren't overwhelmed with thedesign as it was a bit overpowering. These plans however look excellent with a sizeable centralopen space and extensive landscaping. We have seen similar successful developments in otherfloodplain areas where the loft spaces are utilised to maintain standard building heights and wesee no reason why this neglected unused land can't finally be modernised to provide some superbhousing for future generations.
on 2024-03-31 SUPPORT
We fully support these development plans, which appear to be greatly improvedcompared to the 2019/20 planning applications.
We think the redesigned layout of the site, with increased space between the new buildings andthe neighbouring properties, and the church, will help make the redeveloped site feel morespacious than previous plans.
The design of the roofline of the buildings seems to be in keeping with the surrounding aesthetic ofthe neighbourhood, so is far more sympathetic than building blocks of flats with flat roofs.
Overall we are delighted to finally see something being done with the derelict vicarage site. Itseems to be an ideal brown field location to provide greatly needed accommodation in the village.
on 2024-03-31 OBJECT
Please note the 4 support comments are from the applicant !!!!!
on 2024-03-31 SUPPORT
My house directly overlooks the front of the site and I have a vested interest. Whilst Irespect the rights to object and negative opinions I would like to make the following facts.The proposed developments ridge line is similar to the existing and neighbouring properties andthe height is no different to conventional two story properties with loft conversions on adjacentstreets. The design is to accommodate the flood zone that part of the site sits on where groundfloor accommodation is prohibited.The design is very sympathetic to overlooking windows and the plans clearly demonstrate this.The large open space to the middle of the site will significantly reduce overlooking and thepotential of blocking out natural light.This is a modern development with enclosed bin stores for recycling, secure bike parking,adequate parking that meets council requirements and energy efficient housing.The derelict site is dangerous and has been subject to persistent anti social behaviour for anumber of years that has affected neighbours and the church. The new development will eradicatethis and greatly improve the area.
on 2024-03-21 OBJECT
The town houses, if built, will overlook the whole of the back of our house including ourgarden, and the future occupiers would be able to see clearly into literally all of our windows too.We would have no privacy at all at the back.
2 or so years ago, you sent one of your staff around, who took photo's from the garden of theproposed site, and was in agreement that our privacy would be compromised badly.
We would have no objection to the application if it were 2 storey houses, but that extra storeyseems very unfair.
We would also have an entrance road to the buildings right behind our fence, which is about 1yard from our garden where we sit in the good weather,which would be noisy with cars comingand going.
This objection may appear petty, but if you were to come and see our property, you wouldunderstand.
This is also a very delicate matter, as we live next door to the applicant, so it's not really beenpossible to brooch the subject without the risk of falling out, which we don't want.
on 2024-03-21 OBJECT
If this project were to go ahead, the proposed 3 storey townhouses would overlook notonly every part of our garden, but the future occupiers would be able to see into every windowvery clearly at the back of our house.
2 years or so ago, you sent one of your staff around to look at the view from the property, wherethe dwellings would be built, and agreed strongly that it would be a total invasion of our privacy.
Also, they propose to build an access road to the properties, which would be right behind our backfence (literally) so we would have terrible noise while out in our garden in the good weather.
We would have no objection to the project, if the applicant would build 2 storey houses, but the 3levels seem very unfair to us and although this may seem like so minor an objection to BCC, I'msure that if you visited our property ( which is next door to the applicant) you would see our point.
on 2024-03-15 OBJECT
This planning application should be rejected due to the fact that:
1. There is no evidence to show this is needed in Avonmouth. Who is it catering for? How will thecouncil prevent this being used, secretly, for a HMO under C4 licensing? It is a significantdevelopment, it is really quite possible2. Look at the destruction of the existing healthy trees they will need to destroy. Why on earth arewe destroying the land?3. How much can we be sure that the refuse waste is going to be secure? Not going to be blowneverywhere? Added to easily by passers by? How will they prevent fly tipping? I hope that theboundary they are using to store the bins in will be sufficiently high so that the refuse is secure, noteasily accessible by the public so we can be confident this is not a new fly tipping hot spot such asGloucester Road is.
I am super shocked the church haven't heavily objected to this and are actively working to get thisthrough. This is not a great look at all.
on 2024-03-13 OBJECT
Another application for something that has already been refused as detrimental tosurrounding properties. This historic house should not be turned into a small housing estate. Thereis no need for more flats in Avonmouth with the recent development in Gloucester Road.Potentially up to 22 vehicles or more if granted and absolutely no parking outside the site.Avonmouth is full and does not have the support of schools, shops and parking space for anymore. Purely trying to squeeze every penny out of this with no regard for the area or the peoplewho live here.