Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 24/01818/COND
Address The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Horfield Bristol BS7 0BF  
Street View
Ward Bishopston and Ashley Down
Proposal Application for approval of details reserved by condition 8 and 10 of permission 23/03826/F Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls. (Major)
Validated '24-05-09
Type Approval/Discharge of conditions
Status Decided
Standard Consultation Expiry '24-06-11
Determination Deadline '24-07-04
Decision Condition application decided
Decision Issued '24-06-27
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
Public Comments Supporters: 0 Objectors: 0  Unstated: 1  Total: 1
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: OBJECT

We have submitted these comments - BTF Comments - 16 May 2024

Public Comments

on 2024-05-16  

BTF Comments – 16 May 2024


the contribution which the retained tree(s) give(s) and will continue to give to the

amenity of the area in line with Policy DM17.

This is Drawing No: BR10304-002 A (Tree Protection Plan). It is annexed to the Arboricultural

Impact Assessment dated October 2023.1

The detail below shows the location of the tree protection fencing (the broken mauve lines):


BTF Comments – 16 May 2024


These two undated images, submitted by the applicant, purport to show the location of the

protective fencing:

BTF Comments – 16 May 2024


In fact, they show Heras fencing erected in front and to the right of the blue toilet block (shown

in Drawing No: BR10304-002 A) on the south-west corner of the site. This is not part of the tree

protection fencing identified in the drawing.

Figure 1 below shows part of the site boundary from the south with the blue toilet block clearly

visible. It shows that trees T4 and T5 have been removed (contrary to the grant) and that a

large amount builder’s spoil and other waste has been left on the area set aside for the proposed

soft landscaping/planting and the 30-year Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)

required under condition 11 of planning application 23/03826/F.

Figure 1: Part of the site boundary from the south with the blue toilet block.

No evidence has been presented that the images submitted with this application, or any other

images, were sent before ‘further construction work of any kind shall take place on the site’

to the Local Authority Case Officer, or that they were verified in writing by the Tree Officer. If

such evidence exists, please produce it.

Nor is there any evidence that the Local Planning Authority was given ‘not less than two weeks

prior written notice by the developer of the commencement of works on the site’ or that the

Council verified in writing that the approved tree protection measures were in place when the

work commenced. If such evidence exists, please produce it.

On the evidence so far presented, the applicant is in breach of condition 10. We invite the

Local Planning Authority to commence enforcement proceedings.