Application Details
Council |
Reference | 24/02254/F |
Address | Certini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Demolition of existing retail unit and redevelopment to create 47 dwellings (Use Class C3), community space (Use Class E) and replacement retail unit (Use Class E), with associated car parking, landscaping and ancillary development.(Major) |
Validated | 2024-06-25 |
Type | Full Planning |
Status | Pending consideration |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2024-09-17 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2024-09-19 |
Determination Deadline | 2024-09-24 |
on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 0 Objectors: 3 Total: 3 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
Not Available on 2024-12-20 OBJECT
I object to this application.
Firstly due to lack of consultation. I have only now found out about this application by coincidence.Being a neighbour I would have expected to received a letter in regards to this application, buthave not. This is also evident with the lack of replies from any other neighbours (has there beenan error issuing the postal notification). Please can this the application be rejected or at least puton hold whilst the council write to neighbours to obtain feedback.
Secondly, my home backs on to the embankment/cycle path. Creating flats comprising of 47dwelling will lead to a lot of noise coming from them from a quite and peaceful area especially after6 when the current shop closes.
Thirdly, I am concerned about the lack of parking being proposed for these dwellings. There isalready congestion in the area and lack of parking. I am concerned that the proposed developmentwill further exacerbate this congestion. With 47 dwellings but only 26 parking spaces, the proposaldoes not meet thepractical needs of future residents, many of whom may require personal vehicles. Additionally, theproposal's limited parking provision does not align with the recommended planning standards,which suggest that parking availability should be proportionate to the number of units in residentialdevelopments. Without adequate parking, this proposal risks increasing roadside parking, causingfurther congestion. Moreover, while the transport report mentions that there are currently 99spaces on-site, it does not acknowledge that approximately 20 of these spaces are rented to theneighbouring office building. If these spaces become unavailable due to the new development, the
displaced office vehicles will likely park on nearby residential roads, further worsening the existingparking difficulties for local residents and increasing congestion in the immediate vicinity.
Thank you for considering this objection.
Not Available on 2024-10-31 OBJECT
Dear Sir or Madam,While we are supportive of the creation of new housing in the area and welcome developmentsthat will enhance our community, I am writing to formally object to the proposed development ofCertini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX [24/02254/F] in its current layout due toconcerns about the inadequate parking provision and the potential impact on local infrastructure.As the area surrounding Certini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX [24/02254/F] isalready experiencing limited parking availability due to demand generated by nearby offices andbusinesses, I am concerned that the proposed development will further exacerbate thiscongestion. With 47 dwellings but only 26 parking spaces, the proposal does not meet thepractical needs of future residents, many of whom may require personal vehicles. Additionally, theproposal's limited parking provision does not align with the recommended planning standards,which suggest that parking availability should be proportionate to the number of units in residentialdevelopments. Without adequate parking, this proposal risks increasing roadside parking, causingcongestion, and diminishing accessibility for both emergency and service vehicles.Moreover, while the transport report mentions that there are currently 99 spaces on-site, it doesnot acknowledge that approximately 20 of these spaces are rented to the neighbouring officebuilding. If these spaces become unavailable due to the new development, the displaced officevehicles will likely park on nearby residential roads, further worsening the existing parkingdifficulties for local residents and increasing congestion in the immediate vicinity.Additionally, I am concerned that the notification process for this development was insufficient.Given that our building is only two buildings down from the proposed development site, we aresurprised and concerned that we were not more directly informed of these plans. Ensuringtransparent communication with all nearby residents and businesses is essential in any
development process, especially in cases where the impact on the community will be significant.In light of the above concerns, I respectfully request that the planning committee reconsider thisapplication. Either the parking provision should be increased to adequately serve the proposednumber of dwellings, or further modifications should be made to address these issues and avoidadditional strain on local infrastructure.Thank you for considering this objection. I trust that the planning committee will carefully evaluatethese concerns to safeguard the well-being of the current residents and future occupants of theproposed development.Yours sincerely,Raymond Chow
on 2024-10-31 OBJECT
Commenter Type: Neighbour
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Comment Reasons:
Comment:Dear Sir or Madam,
While we are supportive of the creation of new housing in the area and welcome developments
that will enhance our community, I am writing to formally object to the proposed development of
Certini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX [24/02254/F] in its current layout due to
concerns about the inadequate parking provision and the potential impact on local infrastructure.
As the area surrounding Certini Bicycle Company Eastgate Road Bristol BS5 6XX [24/02254/F] is
already experiencing limited parking availability due to demand generated by nearby offices and
businesses, I am concerned that the proposed development will further exacerbate this
congestion. With 47 dwellings but only 26 parking spaces, the proposal does not meet the
practical needs of future residents, many of whom may require personal vehicles. Additionally, the
proposal's limited parking provision does not align with the recommended planning standards,
which suggest that parking availability should be proportionate to the number of units in residential
developments. Without adequate parking, this proposal risks increasing roadside parking, causing
congestion, and diminishing accessibility for both emergency and service vehicles.
Moreover, while the transport report mentions that there are currently 99 spaces on-site, it does
not acknowledge that approximately 20 of these spaces are rented to the neighbouring office
building. If these spaces become unavailable due to the new development, the displaced office
vehicles will likely park on nearby residential roads, further worsening the existing parking
difficulties for local residents and increasing congestion in the immediate vicinity.
Additionally, I am concerned that the notification process for this development was insufficient.
Given that our building is only two buildings down from the proposed development site, we are
surprised and concerned that we were not more directly informed of these plans. Ensuring
transparent communication with all nearby residents and businesses is essential in any
development process, especially in cases where the impact on the community will be significant.
In light of the above concerns, I respectfully request that the planning committee reconsider this
application. Either the parking provision should be increased to adequately serve the proposed
number of dwellings, or further modifications should be made to address these issues and avoid
additional strain on local infrastructure.
Thank you for considering this objection. I trust that the planning committee will carefully evaluate
these concerns to safeguard the well-being of the current residents and future occupants of the
proposed development.
Yours sincerely,