Application Details
Council |
Reference | 25/10602/M |
Address | Hengrove Leisure Park Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Application for the approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, layout, landscape and scale) pursuant to outline permission 21/00531/P - Approval sought for demolition and redevelopment to provide 321 dwellings (Class C3) and 400sqm of flexible Class E (commercial, business, and service) floorspace with supporting infrastructure, drainage, parking and landscaping. |
Validated | 2025-02-11 |
Type | Reserved Matters |
Status | Pending consideration |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2025-03-17 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2025-03-17 |
Determination Deadline | 2025-05-13 |
on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 1 Objectors: 17 Unstated: 1 Total: 19 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
BTF response:
We have submited our preliminary comments date 05 March 2025
Public Comments
on 2025-03-07 OBJECT
Hello City Council,
This is in regards to the Applicaiton No. 25/10602/M.
I have found out via council letter that there is a plan for demolition and redevelopmentat Hengrove Leisure park BS14 0HR which I am not happy with. This was always aleisure site with park, some restaurants and eating places with good amount of parkingspaces. Having this leisure site near our property has been very helpful and useful forfamilies like mine with young children.
Moreover having this leisure site nearby was one of the main reasons for me topurchase a property nearby.
Additionally I believe this is a commercial site with the restaurants, cafes and parking,and it is not a residential site therefore demolition of Lesiure site to build residentialhouses is not ideal and I am not in support of this.
I have also spoken and discussed with few of my neighbours and they have the similarthoughts.
I would appreciate if my email/comments are taken into consideration prior to acceptingany such applications.
Thank you,
Not Available on 2025-03-03 OBJECT
There is not enough facilities to make way for this new housing!
Not Available on 2025-03-02 OBJECT
The traffic is Whitchurch is already terrible, aswell as the GP surgery already unable tocope, It's hard enough trying to get an appointment as it is. Also the lack ofschools/secondary schools in the area to cover the amount of people is bad enough. All our localamenities have already been taken away leaving a lack of social things to do in the area, Cinema,restaurants ect.Aswell as the rise of anti social behaviour & crime in the area, I feel like more houses is the lastthing Whitchurch currently needs. It used to be a lovely little area but sadly it seems to be on thedecline & building more houses is only going to add to the on going issues.
Not Available on 2025-03-02 OBJECT
There is already vase amount of housing planned for this area, this is beyondmanagable for the area. There's is already a massive shortage of services for local people ie GPs,dentists, schools. Local peoples physical and mental well being is being impacted by not beingable to access the services they need ie not being able to get a GP appointment. Another housingdevelopment is going to make this far worse. Please consider the impact on the environment, thisnew housing is going to bring more traffic and polision to the area effecting the widelife that we aredesperately trying to protect. The green spaces are vital to peoples well being as evidence durringcovid yet you wish to build housing on every green area you can get. Why not consider lookingafter the people that already live here.....turn the buildings into the services needed ie the oldcinema into a small school, the bingo hall into a GP surgery, the restaurant into a dentist???
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
The airfield is perfect for dog walkers, kids riding their bikes, kids playing with theirelectric toys, lots of people having picnics, the park & skate park is always full of life. It's alwaysbusy over there and it's so lovely to see. Why do you want to keep building on things? The schoolsare bursting as it is, you can't get a doctors or dentist appointment because they are to busy!! Stopruined the open space for our kids, for the nature life. Your going to ruin the a perfectly goodspace for horrible buildings that really don't need to be there. Let the kids play, they don't haveanywhere to go as it is. Your just encouraging more crime to happen by taking this away from us!!
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
Firstly, south Bristol is overcrowded with new houses and consistent blocks of flats withno available parking.Where is the plan for a news school, youth provision and doctors surgery to accommodate all thenew residents.The area you are planning on building on already accommodates several new homes/ flats andanew estate that's just finished in Hartcliffe.Can I ask why you do not ever consider building upon the Downs in Clifton?
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
Ridiculous idea of replacing leisure facilities with yet more houses, no surroundinginfrastructure, insufficient doctors, already overcrowded road system, no thought to quality of livingfor existing and these future residents
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
We don't not need more housing with no support we need green spaces for the animalsand nature
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
Having lived in Whitchurch all my life I have watched the roads become busier theamenities that we once had disappear. The doctors surgery struggling under the pressure and nogreen spaces left. Schools are coming under additional pressures. No infrastructure has been putin place to cope with additional housing. The sports centre disappeared, the cinema disappearedwe have no choice but to drive if we want to socialise. I have watched the Whitchurch I calledhome disappear and people move away because it's not the same. Like a lot of Bristol it'sbecoming a concrete jungle which is such a shame. We should have a city to be proud of andunfortunately this is not the case. I know there is a housing crisis but we don't ever look at thebigger picture and look at what other options there may be available.
Whitchurch needs to be great again and we need to think of the future generations and what theywill need, we talk about mental health and people getting out and about but with all of the greenspaces disappearing this doesn't help the issue. We need the parks the green spaces and theareas that could have a re-focus on what can be adapted or change for future potential use ratherthan let's just build houses which we all know there is quite a high percentage of people that won'tbe able to afford. How about ask the people of Whitchurch what they would like to see or have intheir community ask rather than assume or bring someone in to make decisions that has eithernever visited, know about Whitchurch or have any connection to it.
The council can let us all know when our council tax goes up by letter do a local survey and listen
to the people make the news by doing something positive and not negative make the people of thecity proud of their council and the decisions they make rather than the opposite.
Sad to see many comments on social media of people thinking there only option is to move out ofthe place that they have called home.
Not Available on 2025-03-01
Looking at the planning regarding Hengrove Leisure Park and the alterations you wantto make, there are so many documents to look at (116?) that I'm lost to start with.Why can't you make it easier for people to see what's going to happen?No wonder people don't argue with you as it's too hard to see what's going to happen.You want to build more houses. If the illegal immigrants didn't keep coming in, we wouldn't needmore houses!What about doctor's surgeries? Dentists, etc that people would need? We haven't got enoughdoctors nor dentists etc being trained. All of that needs to be taken into account.And I don't like the thought of 'affordable' homes having druggies, drinkers, people who swear, etclowering the tone of the area and, therfore, letting the value of properties.
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
Object. There are already too few services and far too much traffic in the area. Theinfrastructure for more housing developments simply isn't there.
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
You cannot take away more local amenities there are no other local swimming poolsand the gym and facilities are used by many local residents
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
More congestionIncrease strain on roads, schools, and GP practices that are already broken.
Instead of housing, you need facility's for current resident's.
Not Available on 2025-03-01 OBJECT
Please can outline in these plans where the extra school is to house all the extrachildren?! Where the new GP surgery will be to accommodate the thousands of new people In thearea. The sheer fact that the council think it is acceptable to continue to build houses withoutproviding any further infrastructure is absolutely ludicrous and irresponsible!!! South Bristol seemsto be the dumping ground for new development at the moment. The area is already incredibly overcrowded with GP surgeries literally at bursting point. The traffic is ridiculous even outside of rushhour. How can adding this many houses along with all the other developments literally not even amile away be a thought!!!! The council have not considered the local people off the area and bythe looks of it none of you care!!! You're all absolutely selfish and have no consideration for thepeople that are living here and the impact this is going to have on the already existing localcommunities!!!
Not Available on 2025-02-28 OBJECT
With the proposed plans to build 1400+houses on the airfield and the and the otherproposed plans in and around Whitchurch/ Hengrove the area is dangerously becomingoverpopulated with no facilities or space for leisure not toMention lack of services such as a struggling GP service no dental services with availability andschool places are far and few between! The roads are already over congested in the area and lackof affordable housing is adding to an area already overcrowded. We have opposed this applicationsince the original proposals were submitted and will continue to do so.
Not Available on 2025-02-28 OBJECT
I highly object to these plans. Whilst I agree Bristol needs housing, it should NEVER beat the expense of local leisure facilities. Losing leisure spaces for homes, with no replacementleisure facilities in the area is not only detrimental to current residents, but detrimental to thosewho would move into the new homes. No cinema, no bingo hall, no restaurants, no athletics track,no cycling centre and less green space. Not to mention the dire circumstances of an overcrowdeddoctors surgery, a supermarket that is sub-standard and insufficient at best, and non-existentaccess to dentist appointments. All of these things need to be considered FIRST, before justbuilding homes and stuffing hoards of people into South Bristol.
Not Available on 2025-02-28 SUPPORT
This is a much needed asset to our community and should be saved for the manychildren and adults who are here now also the many families who are coming to this area in futurehousing. A healthy life makes for a happy life.
Not Available on 2025-02-28 OBJECT
Please no more houses in Whitchurch/ Hengrove .We have no dentist ,no room at thedrs,schools are full ,and limited shopping areas,