Application Details
Council | BCC |
Reference | 23/03826/F |
Address | The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Bristol BS7 0AG
Street View |
Ward |
Proposal | Replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities and concession stalls. |
Validated | 2023-10-06 |
Type | Full Planning |
Status | Decided |
Neighbour Consultation Expiry | 2023-10-30 |
Standard Consultation Expiry | 2023-10-27 |
Determination Deadline | 2024-01-05 |
Decision | GRANTED subject to condition(s) |
Decision Issued | 2023-12-08 |
BCC Planning Portal | on Planning Portal |
Public Comments | Supporters: 436 Objectors: 163 Unstated: 9 Total: 608 |
No. of Page Views | 0 |
Comment analysis | Date of Submission |
Links | |
Nearby Trees | Within 200m |
Public Comments
on 2023-11-08 SUPPORT
I am writing to declare my support for the submitted plans. I live very near the MemorialStadium, admittedly not within direct sight, but near enough for the so-called parkingproblems on matchdays to have an effect.
In my experience, since the Covid lockdowns there has been little or no parkingavailable in the streets surrounding the stadium and I took the opportunity on a recentworking day to photograph all the nearby roads and there was hardly any parkingavailable. I accept there may be more cars on matchdays but the majority seem to beparked on Kellaway Avenue as there are seldom any spaces available in the nearbystreets. Also it should be borne in mind that parking issues are not an everydayproblem as there are only up to 30 games played at the stadium each year, so anyinconvenience would be for a few hours up to 30 times each year. Compare that withthe huge problems caused by parents dropping off children at Ashley Down School andit seems a small issue to me - my own road is used by supporters on matchdays but Ihave never seen anyone parked across driveways.
It seems that the same people who insisted the site must remain a sports ground whenthe Sainsbury's plans were submitted now object to it being made a more acceptablesports ground. The so-called capacity issue is only taking the maximum capacity toabout 200 more than pre-Covid and I believe the capacity was only reached or nearlyreached on a small number of occasions.
The revised plans include all the improvements requested by the local councillor, so Iam fully in support.
on 2023-11-06 SUPPORT
I write in support of Bristol Rovers plans to replace the South & South West "tented"stands with a new stand that will not only increase the capacity of the Stadium but also retain thenoise made within the stand and project it outwards towards the playing area rather than goingbackwards and affect neighboring properties.Bristol Rovers have played football in this area of the city for over 116 years (89 years at Eastville& 23 years at the Memorial Stadium) it is their home and like any home owner should be allowedto make improvements to their home. It is interesting to note that on 17th January 2007, BristolCity Council approved the redevelopment of the Memorial Stadium, if the proposed redevelopmenthad gone ahead the stadium would have had a capacity of 18,500, whilst that number may wellhave been reduced to accommodate new restrictions brought in by the EFL, a president was set in2007 for an increase in the capacity of the stadium. The proposed increase in capacity will bringthe capacity of the stadium back to where it was pre Covid and the improved catering facilities willprovide valuable income for the club. The new stand will also provide better facilities for disabledsupporters.From an environmental point of view it's good to see Bristol Rovers looking to incorporaterenewable energy sources in this project with the installation of PV Panels, LED lighting andlooking to replant trees to the South of the new stand.I urge Bristol City Council to approve this application and to work with Bristol Rovers to improvethe facilities at the stadium for the people of Bristol who regularly visit the Stadium.
on 2023-11-03 SUPPORT
I live about 15 mins walk from the stadium so class myself as a neighbour. On matchdays the long road that I live on has an increased amount of cars parked on it.
The reality is that this is a very small number of days per year and the disruption is minimal. I haveno issue with more people attending and more cars parked on roads nearby. I have neverexperienced an issue with fans etc.
I believe that Bristol rovers are well within their rights to expand the stadium, as one of Bristol'smain sports teams they need to improve facilities to keep up with competition and increase fannumbers to increase revenue. I would imagine that almost every residential neighbour to thestadium has bought their house knowing that a football stadium was next door and therefore quitepossible and likely to expand/improve the stadium.
Yes Bristol rovers should do so with consideration of their neighbours, perhaps in the futureinclude things such as a gym, restaurant etc that local neighbours can use when the stadium is notin use.
If we look at the stadium in south Bristol, that seems to have been rebuilt with no apparent issuesand one stand is huge. The reality is that a stadium is a minor inconvenience as it is used on avery small percentage of days throughout the year and the benefits would actually outweigh thosenegatives. More income for local businesses, more facilities for locals to use etc.
I've been to the stadium a few times and it is very outdated, not fit for purpose. What is the
alternative? A supermarket? More housing? I believe Bristol rovers have tried looking elsewhereand that is even more problematic. Let's not hold back our sports teams, let the stadium berebuilt/improved.
Hindsight is a wonderful things and perhaps if those neighbours didn't want to live next to afootball stadium then they shouldn't have bought a house there.
on 2023-11-03 SUPPORT
I'm a former resident of Kellaway Avenue now resident in Bath and a season ticketholder at Bristol Rovers who I have supported since 1962 (at Eastville).I write in support of the application to erect a new South Stand.
It adds only 285 to the total attendance.
It does however offer improved conditions for around three thousand attendees including visitorsto Bristol and disabled fans who definitely deserve better than the current facilities.
The proposed structure will help contain noise within the field of play compared to the previoustented structures.
The position does not interfere with existing light, vegetation or wildlife and is the same position asthe previous tents.
It will hardly make any difference to parking which is diabolical every day of the week throughoutthe area. My parking space on Kellaway Avenue was regularly parked across during the week buthardly ever at the weekend because I was there. Half a day every other weekend during the winteris not a great imposition is it when all the house purchasers knew the stadium was there beforethey bought?
The structure proposed is demountable and built on foundations designed to span the made upground in the area and minimising disturbance of any contamination (if present).
In my 61 years of attending Rover's games I have never witnessed antisocial behaviour beyondover enthusiastic shouting and chanting on occasions. Yes, the season before last GloucesterRoad was shut the Saturday we were promoted but I believe the police congratulated supporterson their behaviour and no damage was reported?
Given previous planning permission to redevelop the stadium to 18k why has this taken so long?
on 2023-11-02 SUPPORT
This is from a blog when the Mem was declared an Asset of Community Value andadded to the Bristol Local List in 2016, a decision driven by the local residents/pressuregroups/political party who wanted it to remain a sports stadium and (I guess) are a similar group tothose now opposing the South Stand:
"...The Memorial Stadium is embedded in the local community: around it are people's homes andgardens; nearby pubs, cafes and food outlets sustain visiting football fans. The sports groundgives character and historical significance to the residential area..."
"...The Memorial Stadium (or Memorial Ground) has long been a very special local and city asset,inspiring the city's youth to take up sport and to lead healthy lives for almost a century. TheMemorial Stadium is used by Bristol Rovers FC, one of Bristol's two professional football clubs,and is a venue for League level football matches. Spectator sport is part of the entertainmentindustry, and football fans further support the local economy, especially food and drinkbusinesses. Cherished sporting memories of the 'Mem' stadium are renewed every season, andwoven into the social fabric of the city..."
"...The Covenant on the land, explicitly states that it should be used for sport or recreation, for thebenefit of the community, in perpetuity. It should be nurtured and protected, allowed to evolve andadapt to a changing world. Sport in built up areas in England is special but declining, due to greenspaces being sold off for housing..."
on 2023-11-02 SUPPORT
Improved disabled facilities will allow me to attend on a more regular basis. The planalso supports the environment. The removal of a mix of temporary stands with this modern smartlooking stand will benefit all.
on 2023-11-02 OBJECT
We are residents of the area and absolutely object to the build of a new stand. The buildhas been incredibly disruptive for our everyday life, it has been so loud whilst working, playing andhas dramatically reduced our natural lighting in our garden which our 5 year old loves to play in.Mostly, we feel the lack of communication and the blatant disregard from the football club to localresidents has been really upsetting and has created a real rift between residents and the club.
on 2023-11-02 OBJECT
I object to the erection of a new south stand, a stand without planning permission,without full public consultation, and without any confirmed mitigation of the impact of the stand onnear neighbours in terms of the bulk/finish of the stand, and all associated impacts such asincreased noise, additional traffic/parking, loss of daylight and direct sunlight to near neighboursand, in its elevated position, the poor aspect of the stand from a distance across Bristol.
I notice a support comment (2nd November) has mentioned the Covenant on the land. I assumethe writer is referring to the Covenant dated 23 March 1917 which was followed by an Indenturedated 9 December 1921. The support comment is correct in stating the land should be maintainedas a sporting venue.From the covenant:"(c) That the land hereby conveyed shall not be used for any purpose which shall or may be orbecome a nuisance or annoyance to the occupiers of houses erected at any time on landbelonging to the said Testator Provided and it is hereby expressly agreed that nothing hereincontained is intended to prevent the land hereby conveyed from being used for football or anyother athletic sport or recreation."
Yes, I agree the land should be maintained as a sporting venue but, even back in the 1920s it wasnoted that nuisance or annoyance should not be caused. Yes, the covenant written as it is in legalterms takes some interpretation, but it is clear the 'Memorial ground' sporting venue should notonly be a community sporting venue, but also a sporting venue rooted in the local community.
In the case of the most recent planning application the football club has failed to communicate
properly with the community and take on board their apprehensions. It cannot be said that this isthe only occasion the football club has failed to 'talk' to the community concerning planningapplications.
By the way, whilst both myself and the person who made the support comment are in agreementon the maintenance of the football (or another athletic) sport or recreation, I must remind the writerthat it was only a few years ago the football club entered into an agreement to sell the land to asupermarket chain, and even went to Court to try to enforce the agreement.
The Memorial Ground/stadium is now an Asset of Community Value and as such football, or someother sport, should continue, but remember the local community should also be considered andprotected.
on 2023-10-31 OBJECT
Application No 23/03826/F
Dear Sir or MadamI write against further capacity / development at the Memorial StadiumI actually try to LIVE (not visit as a fan or visitor does) by the Memorial Stadium and thisarea cannot cope with the numbers that this application seeks to accommodate - trafficflows, footfall etc.The stadium - with this Planning Application - is rapidly becoming an eye sore for thoseof us actually LIVING hereIt is also inexcusable that the owners of the Memorial Stadium have gone ahead andstarted work without Planning consent - is there really such disregard for theresidents??I note that Bath Rugby Club have had to revise and resubmit Planning Applications toBANES in order to progress development work to their stadium in order to achieve anacceptable outcome - the Memorial Stadium owners need to learn the lesson that theyneed to work WITH the community and not continuously "do unto us at their will"Yours sincerely
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
We write in support of the Bristol Rovers South Stand Application No 23/03826/F. Thisstand will enhance to viewing of Rovers and visiting supporters. In a modern stadiumsafety is paramount and seating better than standing terraces. Bristol Rovers are longestablished and now need a modern stadium to progress and represent the fine city ofBristol.
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
I am giving my support to this application for a number of reasons, not merely becausethe proposed replacement of the South and South West stands will result in a much neededupgrade to this sports stadium. This is a site which has hosted rugby union and then football forover a century.
A professional football club is now seen as an important part of the community and spectatorsbring much needed revenue on match days to Gloucester Road and surrounding areas.
This development will result in an increased number of seats which is of particular importance forelderly spectators (I am 68 years old!) and those in poor health. I am also pleased to see that thisproposal includes provision for disabled spectators.
The inclusion of solar panels on the roof of the stand is also to be commended.
It should be noted that, if approved, the maximum capacity for spectators will be only 258 higherthan it was a few years ago before stricter regulations came into force for football stadia.
I urge the planning committee to support what is a relatively modest development that will result inbenefits beyond providing a much needed improvement to facilities at this sports stadium.
on 2023-10-31 OBJECT
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
In my view the Memorial Stadium is very long overdue for improvements to be made.The new disabled facilities, solar panels & additional seating, enclosed in a modern structure canonly improve all aspects within & the outside appearance of the stadium. Surely this is an overallimprovement for the area.
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
I support this application 100% as a life long supporter of the club, and being registereddisabled myself I am backing them to provide much more improved and adequate facilities fordisabled supporters. The extra seating I believe will bring more fans back to the club, and indeedbring the next generation into it.
on 2023-10-31 OBJECT
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on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
I support the application. The development does not seek to materially alter the agreedcapacity of the stadium. It will enhance the level of comfort the club is able to provide to both homeand away supporters, and, importantly, to those who require assistance or carers.
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
I have been a Rovers supporter since the mid-60's when they used to play at EastvilleStadium. We had to leave there and play in exile at Bath City's Twerton Park for 10 years. TheMemorial Stadium became our home after leaving Bath and there have been just small/ mediumchanges to the basic design in most of the time there. To have a stand that reaches the full widthof the pitch is surely a must in the modern game where a majority of EFL clubs have rebuilt theirexisting ground or moved to a new stadium. Bristol Rovers are one of the best supported Clubs inthe EFL and deserve far better facilities. This South Stand will be a good start bringing seating toattract more families with young children along with it's improved toilet facilities and safetyconsiderations. I fully support this application and hope that the planning committee of BCC dolikewise. Thank you for allowing my comments to be heard.
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
Would be good to lmprove the standards for away fans as they are always stood withoutcover and can also be used by rovers fans when not many away fans attend also would help makethe ground better as,it is not the best rovers are a good club and part of bristol history and bristolfirst pro club I have followed them at eastvilla twerton and the mem and many grounds around thecountry bristol city and glous cricket club have built much bigger stands and it would be unfair tostop us building this stand
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
The new stand would improve the conditions for away fans and home fans make theground better all round I've followed rovers at eastville twerton and the mem bristol city and glouscricket have built bigger stands so I'd say its only fair that we can build ares rovers are a good clubbristol first pro club and are trying to build the club in to something better for the bristol public
on 2023-10-31 SUPPORT
The stand will have minimal impact on local residents as it will return capacity to 2012levels.
It is required so away fans can have wheelchair access, a bar and food outlets and thereforeimprove their match day experience.
The stadium has stood on this site for a huge period of time and all local residents boughtproperties in this knowledge there is a sports stadium on their doorstep. To try to stop thisimprovement to The Mem is plain silly.
More stadium improvements are required which should be supported by local residents andbusinesses. The influx of 8500 people (hopefully higher in the future) is massively beneficial to thisarea of Bristol.
I also hope BCC are supporters of BRFC in this and ongoing planning applications. The clubwants to help this area of the city. I hope BCC mirror this vocally.
on 2023-10-30
I'm not against Rovers improving their ground, but please go about it in the right way.Talk to neighbours, talk to fans, draw up [roper plans, which follow government and football leagueguidelines and requirements.The club have treated local residents terribly - ridiculous to read the planning proposals showingthe "existing site" - no the existing site is a new shiny stand that's already been built!And make sure they replace the green areas they've destroyed plus 10%, as agreed.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I'm in support of this build because, it will bring more income to Bristol not just the club to to thesurrounding areas
It will also be good for Bristol rovers as there are so many other fans that want to come and watchbut can not get tickets as there is no room for them to comeIt is also beneficial to those who can not stand like some supporters as they are old/ or havehealth issues
Yes there will be extra traffic on the roads but if you live near a football ground that is what youhave got to expect
All in all I think it will be good for everyone if this development goes ahead
Thank you for taking the time to readNicola
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
There is a need for modernisation at the stadium, however this application proposesboth modernisation and expansion in a manner that will have a negative impact on theneighbourhood. On match days there is a marked increase of traffic into the area and there is asevere shortage of parking. Residents are forced to either stay away from the area or stay athome in order to not lose parking spaces.
The plans fail to adequately address the need for a manageable transportation plan that supportsthe needs of the local community. If a park and ride option were to be made available that wouldsignificantly improve the plans.
The manner in which this proposal is being submitted with significant work already undertakendoes not demonstrate a fair and open approach with the local community.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
Existing stand needs updating.Local residents mention poor parking on matchdays when most residents have illegal drivewayswith no dropped curbs.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
Too crowded not enough parking space anywat
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The Memorial Stadium is long overdue significant upgrading to bring it up to modernstandards for fan safety, comfort and accessibility. This application appears to make massivestrides towards these goals and should be supported to achieve these positive goals.
Adding seats was a key safety recommendation for stadiums, following Hillsborough, soincreasing the proportion of seats is a positive step for fans. Additionally, it provides a moreinclusive step for the elderly and young children, who might not be able to stand. I also notefacilities for disabled supporters will be significantly improved, giving access to all.
I note the capacity will increase back to previous levels, before stricter safety improvements led toa significant reduction. Being able to accommodate more spectators will give more people theopportunity to watch live sport in Bristol and help Bristol Rovers become a more sustainablebusiness.
The ground has a very restrictive capacity for visiting fans and a lack of comfort, giving a negativeimpression. These improvements will help increase the number of visitors visiting fans and give abetter experience. This should provide economic benefits to Bristol, through expanding spendingin local businesses, accommodation and transport.
I look forward to all these positive benefits for Bristol, the Community and visitors to the MemorialStadium.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
This planning submission now includes all of the reports insisted on by councillor EmmaEdwards (Bishopston ward). It has been adapted to recognise the concerns of local residents andalso now includes the addition of solar panels and planting of trees. This is essentially replacingprevious structures and the footprint is only about One Third larger so with all necessary reportsshowing no issues I feel it should be given permission as soon as it is possible.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I'm in support of this build because, it will bring more income to Bristol not just the clubbut also to the surrounding areasIt will also be good for Bristol Rovers as there are so many other fans that want to come and watchbut can not get tickets as there is not always room for them to comeIt is also beneficial to those who can not stand like some supporters as they are old/ or havehealth issuesAs this will not create an overall additional capacity above that seen previously, I see it as having anegligible effect on surrounding traffic, which could well be reduced if the Ashley Down trainstation opening is utilised correctly,
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
Hi, parking is already difficult with the lesser capacity and I can't park near my home onmatch days. Supporters often park in front of my garage. Will a residence parking scheme bebrought in the manage this?
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
As it is a replacement of an existing stand and will not increase current numbersallowed in the stadium there will be minimal impact for the surrounding area. The stadium hasbeen there a very long time before a lot of the residents. It is more enclosed so will enclose thesound better. It has better seating for disabled of which I am one and better toilet facilities whichhave long been needed.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
The parking and traffic is already terrible when there is a match on and this will make itmuch worse
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I fully support this application.This is a community sports stadium that has existed at this location for more than 100 years. Thewhole of Bristol including the local community must see this as an asset to the City, that needs tobe developed and improved from it's current state poor.The new proposed stand will enhance the facilities for the spectators including a number of spacesprovided for disabled supporters.This proposed structure will increase the stadium capacity, but with Ashley Down railway stationopening in 2024, more people including myself will use public transport to attend the stadium,reducing vehicle congestion in the area on match days.As the propose stand will be better insulated with metal cladding it will reduce the noise level insurrounding areas.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The new stand will bring more fans to the club & more trade around the area downgloucester road.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
This is much needed to update and upgrade the stadium, provide better, safer facilitiesfor people visiting the stadium, and will have no detrimental effect to anyone.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
It's about time Rovers had up to date facilities.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
As a resident and neighbour of the Memorial Stadium for over 40 years I amdisappointed in the way in which Bristol Rovers Football Club have approached planningapplications since they arrived at the ground in 1996. However, this application beats the lot.
My objections stem mainly from the appalling lack of due process undertaken in preparing thisapplication, which seems to reflect a disregard for planning rules and requirements. There was noconsultation with those of us whose homes effectively surround the ground. I cannot imagine ahomeowner proceeding to adapt their home without planning permission and a discussion withtheir neighbours about the potential effect their build may have on others. The 'ConsultationMeeting" meeting held on Thursday 21st September was not advertised widely to residents, henceattendance was low. Those members of BRFC who attended did appear embarrassed, andsomewhat ashamed, at their lack of understanding of community engagement. Seemingly enoughto withdraw the original planning application. I do not understand how Building Inspectors canactually assess the safety of this build with no plans in place from which to work.
Many supporters letters indicate that living next to a football club residents should just put up andshut up. These comments lack understanding that many of us moved in next to a small, amateurrugby club who showed a great deal more respect to us than we currently experience.
I am appalled at the demolition of a wildlife habitat between the South Stand and Downend roadhomes prior to a Biodiversity Impact assessment. This really does show an arrogance on the partof the Club and a lack of understanding of the wider issues that need to be considered in planningfor a major redevelopment.
Traffic is a considerable problem on match days with large numbers of fans arriving by car,causing dangerous parking around the ground which in turn causes obstruction for access to smallroads, particularly those off Downend Road. Emergency services to those homes are severelycompromised. Filton Avenue between Muller Road and Gloucester Road can be gridlocked and itis very difficult for buses to get past each other. No one seems to take this matter seriously and Iwould like to suggest that members of the Planning Committee should visit the area pre and postmatch to see this chaos for themselves. Traffic mitigation plans (if the club are actually planning toaddress this) should involve residents as well as Highways and Avon and Somerset Police.
Finally safety of supporters sitting in the South Stand is of concern, particularly in an emergency.Currently away coaches have to reverse down behind the West Stand to access changing rooms,how on earth would a number of fire appliances be able to access that end of the ground shouldthere be a need. Current plans seem to suggest supporters would have evacuate the standstraight onto the pitch.
All in all this has been a poorly undertaken process and I sincerely hope that the PlanningCommittee, who seemingly know more detail than I do, will look carefully and thoroughly into allaspects presented in the planning documentation, to restore confidence in the planning processesof the Council.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. The ground needs developing for the 21st century andthis is simply replacing an old temporary structure with a fixed one. Also this will help localbusinesses with the ability to attract more fans having a greater seated area
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
It is hard to believe that a project of this size has been allowed to start without properconsultation. The meeting on the 21st was too little too late and as a very close resident, we haveonly received notification from the Council a couple of weeks ago.
- The new structure is much taller than the previous one and this will obstruct the light for theresidents living at this end of the stadium. The assessment done by BNP Paribas doesn't take intoconsideration some of the properties that will no doubt be affected.
- By its sheer size, it also affects the privacy of the residents whose house is overlooked.
- This area of Horfield is already congested and match days are a nightmare regarding traffic andparking. By having more supporters attending games (even a couple of hundred more), this will beeven worse. The argument of the new capacity will only be slightly higher than what it used be isirrelevant. Traffic and parking have been a longstanding issue. Driving in the adjacent streets tothe Stadium pre and post matches is unsafe due to the volume of traffic.
- A large amount of supporters travel by car, rather than using other methods of transport, whichwould have less impact on the area.
- The Stadium is accessible by bike, as stated in the Transport report issued by Calibro. However,they are missing a crucial point: have they attended matches on a regular basis to work out howmany of the 7,000 Bristol Rovers supporters who on average attend a game actually travel to thesite on their bike? As this is nowhere to be seen in the report, I don't think this piece of work has
been done.
- Again, the site is deemed to be located in an area of high bus accessibility but how manysupporters travel on the bus network?
- With regards to the Travel Plan Framework, this is rather minimalist.- Car park surveys should be conducted on a Tuesday night too when a game is on.- Interesting that only 50 spaces for bikes will be made available when in the Transport report it isquoted that the stadium is easily accessible by bike. These will cover only 0.7% of the supportersattending (average attendance to a game).
However, I wonder how this application process will be followed and conducted in an unbiasedway, considering:a) The very advanced building stage of the new standb) The lack of communication from the key stakeholders
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I am writing in support of the revised proposal 23/03826/F for the replacement of theSouth and South West Stands within the Memorial Stadium.Understanding the concerns raised by Cllr Edwards in referring the previous application, it is clearthat the Football Club have engaged with Cllr Edwards and the local community that sherepresents to address the concerns raised and have responded to these positively with careful,professional analysis and modifications to improve specific aspects of the development. Thefollowing addresses the specific points raised by Cllr Edwards:
Impact on Residential Area: The 2015 decision by Bristol City Council to recognising the MemorialStadium as an Asset of Community Value, acknowledged the importance of the Mem to the localcommunity. The Bishopston Society's application affirmed that the Memorial Stadium was a placewhich "fosters and is integral to community cohesion". The society continue: "Preserving andenhancing such well-established community assets, helps to strengthen and sustain strongcommunities". In seeking to improve the facility via this proposal, and potentially throughsubsequent developments, Bristol Rovers as custodians of the Mem are realising these aims tostrengthen and sustain a strong community. The award winning work of the Bristol RoversCommunity Trust Is a clear example of the club's actions that support this community cohesion.The statement of community involvement submitted outlines the public events, communityconsultation activities and follow up meetings conducted with residents, as well as the club'songoing commitment for dialogue.Impact on Light: As demonstrated by the BNP Parisbas Daylight, Sunlight and OvershadowingReport submitted, the design takes into account potential shading issues. There is a slightreduction in daylight to a small number of windows, but the daylight and sunlight impact to local
properties is so minor as not to be material.Sustainability and Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of the stand design isnegligible. However, the club have taken concerns expressed with the previous applicationseriously and conducted thorough Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gainstudies (Wardell Armstrong) that have improved the proposed environmental aspects to meet thelocal and national policy targets via the development. In addition the procedural requirements andthe opportunities identified by the Sustainable City Team have been addressed through theEnergy and Sustainability Statement produced by Method Consulting for the applicant and theaddition of photovoltaic panels to the design.Noise: Concerns expressed about potential increase in noise as a result of the development havebeen addressed by the submitted Noise Impact Assessment by Mach Group. The noise mappingshows that the additional acoustic screening provided by the stand cladding material will result inreduced noise levels at neighbouring properties for the 26 or so 90 minute periods that games arehosted at the Mem each year.Disruption during Construction and Contractors' Care and Attention: Measures are beingimplemented to minimize noise and disruption during the construction phase. The club is workingclosely with contractors to schedule construction activities considerately and to ensure that theconstruction process is executed with the utmost care and attention with activities monitored toensure compliance with safety standards.Safety: In addition to ensuring compliance with Safety standards during the construction phase,the club have liaised closely with BCC Building Control and Planning Department and thedesignated Safety Advisory Group to ensure safety aspects of the design have been fullyconsidered, including fire safety, incorporating the recommendations outlined in the Guide toSafety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide).Flood Risk: The revised application includes a detailed report from Groundsure Insights thatconcludes negligible flood risks associated with the development.Traffic Considerations: The pressure of traffic and car parking in the Horfield area on matchdaysand non-matchdays is acknowleged. Whilst the new stand will increase capacity of the stadiumbeyond the current baseline, it will only return the stadium to the capacity to pre-pandemic levels.However, the inclusion of the Transport Statement and Travel Plan Framework documents identifythe measures that the club will take to mitigate the transport pressures and actions to encouragesafe, healthy and sustainable travel options. Practically this will include measures to promotewalking and cycling, and the use of public transport. The opening of the Ashley Down railwaystation in 2024 will assist greatly in this respect.As Cllr Edwards indicated in her neutral comment for the original application "there is no objectionto a larger and improved stand". I would suggest that the Football Club has been proactive inaddressing all the concerns raised and that the application should be approved.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
Objecting as construction commenced without planning permission and with no publicconsultation. This will greatly impact the locality by causing increased traffic flow and cause carparking issues (such as dangerous parking on double yellows etc.) as no plans have been madeto provide car parking at the stadium to accommodate the huge increase inCapacity. There has been no thought given to the impact on local residents and only to how it willbenefit the club. The increase in capacity will lead to increased levels of noise and light levels withloss of privacy.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The Memorial Stadium is desperate for improved facilities which the new Stand will gosome way to provide. The benifits to the local economy are huge on matchdays. The plans willalso improve the asthetic appearance overall of the stadium
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I support this planning application for the following reasons:
- The stadium has been in place as a sporting venue for more than 100 years.
- The development of the south stand does not 'increase' the capacity of the stadium to apreviously unheard of amount, it simply restores it to it's pre-covid capacity. Equally the club hadpreviously been granted planning permission for an 18,000 capacity stadium in 2007. Although Iappreciate the planning permission has lapsed, the new south stand is within a similar footfall tothe plans that were approved.
- Although the Club should have carried out the consultations and engagement at the start of thefirst application, these have now been comprehensively completed.
- The plans increase the number of disability seating bays and look to significantly improve theexperience for these spectators - something that is very much needed.
- Seating in the stadium is in high demand. Modernising the stadium helps improve the family fanexperience, especially for female spectators.
- Boosting the club's income stream and certainly the local economy.
- The Stadium isn't in constant use - only one sporting club use the ground and games are lessthan weekly. I believe some of comments made about impact of residents lives are over-
- The addition of Ashley Down station makes the ground more accessible to spectators who wishto use public transport.
I would urge the planning committee to grant planning permission.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I cannot support this application unless steps are taken to reduce the negative impact ofmatch day traffic for residents living close to the Memorial Ground. This is a normally quietresidential area with many young families, and the number of football supporters driving into thearea on match days already creates significant challenges with regard to traffic management, roadsafety, air pollution and parking. Any application to increase the capacity of the ground shouldtherefore be considered very carefully in this context and serious thought given to a residents'parking scheme on match days, alongside significant improvements to public transport, to addressthe danger of increased traffic in this community.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The ground is there, it will always be there and a redeveloped stadium will with-holdnoise pollution, unlike the open sided stadium that stands there right now. People should embracethe redevelopment of the Memorial Ground, surely it is better than Sainsburys or Tesco moving innext door with 24-7 traffic ?
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The new stand must be built to allow the club to progress. It is a well and fullyconsidered design which is no more than required. The current stand is/was not fit for purpose. It'san historic ground which must be brought up to modern acceptable standards for the area to beproud of.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
The solid construction of the stands will confine the crowd noise to the inside of thestadium which the previous tents did not.
Also, the additional disabled spaces will enable more people, who would otherwise be excluded, toattend matches. Are the residents who are trying to stop the development really objecting to this?
I trust the planners will see the merits of this proposal and grant planning permission.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I am strongly in favour of this planning application it will greatly improve the Facilitys atthis venue , It also generates business and earnings for local traders . The stadum have beenthere for over 100 years and needs continual updates To enhance spectators enjoyment andsaftey .ITS AN ASSET FOR BRISTOL
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I personally find the parking around my house is already awful and when there isfootball on the parking situation becomes impossible and dangerous. Cars park in all sorts ofplaces and my car has been scratched on more than one occasion. Increasing the capacity of thestadium worries me greatly as it is only going to intensify the issue that already exists. If you wereto introduce permit holder parking zones around the area I would object significantly less.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I absolutely support this application. Bristol needs to support it's local footbal clubs. Acity our size should be pushing to have its two teams at the top level. Without increasing thecapacity at the Memorial Stadium, Bristol Rovers cannot progress. I hope this is the first stage ofdevloping the stadium into one Rovers supporters and the Bristol public can be proud of.
Exciled Rovers supporter and season ticket holder
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I feel that the application replace the South and West stands at the Memorial Ground,Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol should definitely be approved.It will not only give greater protection from inclement weather to supporters, but it will bring morepeople to this area of Bristol, who will in turn create extra revenue to retail traders in thesurrounding areas.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I am strongly opposed to this planning application and the previous planning applicationwhich was withdrawn by request of the council (stated by BNP and Rovers in public meeting), andresubmitted as this one, losing the hundreds of valid comments submitted by locals. I haveobjections for the following reasons:1. The height of the new stand far exceeds any of the neighbouring properties in the area, most ofwhich are 2 story Victorian terraces with an attic conversion at most2. The building structure, materials and colours are not in keeping with the surrounding area, theystand out - I think this is a large target for opposing football fans to set fire to, as there is a historyof doing so - putting the safety of other persons and property at risk3. The new structure is right on the boundary with neighbouring properties, it is much moresignificant than the temporary stand/tend that was there previously4. The height of the building significantly dominates the area, it over shadows neighbouringproperties in both their gardens and their homes5. The use of lighting in the evening and the impact on neighbouring properties for extendedperiods of time late at night (lights do not get switched off after the game is over)6. There are serious concerns from those who have witnessed the works on the safety and duediligence of those working on the construction7. The BNG report submitted with this application does not consider BNG against what was on thesite in June, and so much of the vegetation, nest and wildlife had already been ripped out - theBNG calculation is therefore not reliable, as significantly more would need to be done to get a 10%gain8. The acoustic report submitted with this application is not fit for purpose as it compares the noisethe new stand makes with canvas and temporary stands within it, with the noise the new stand
makes with cladding. It does not consider the impact that the additional 2000 seats will have onlocals compared to the temporary stand that was there before9. The daylight and Sunlight assessment report submitted with this application is not sufficient.Assumptions have been made to discard the impact on neighbours. I would also point out thatthey have counted one bay window as three separate windows, so that it seems there is lessimpact on the rooms which have had their daylight reduced. It does not consider the high groundthat the stand has to these properties and that prior to the construction of the stand the main lightfor Alton Road residents came from the direction where the stand has now been constructed.10. The Arb Report submitted with this application is not fit for purpose as it assesses the trees onthe site following the felling and clearing of a number of trees in June. The assessment wascarried out in September.11. The relationship between the Rovers and local residents has declined significantly because ofthe construction of this stand without planning. There is a complete disregard for the impact of thison locals, and little evidence of Rovers attempting to improve the situation. A public meeting heldin September where promises have been made to locals - has yet to have any notes shared orany of the "quick wins" implemented. Making locals believe this was just a tickbox exercise with noreal intent behind it.12. Local residents have been subject to abuse and threats from Rovers fans for not supportingthe development, and this have been amplified by the Rovers moving forward with thedevelopment13. Rovers have carried out these works, without planning because they believe that they will getthe approval for the site regardless. They have a history of going for retrospective planning, whichprevents full consultation. This sets a dangerous precedent by the council, that anyone can carryout any development they want and there will be no repercussions.14. The transport plan for this application is wholly insufficient. Rovers own website directs thosewho travel by car to park on local residential streets. Traffic on match days is horrendous for allthose who live, work or commute through the area. Cars parked on double yellow lines., nostewarding or marshalling, or responsibility from the ground, no traffic management in place.Roads have been completely blocked to residents and emergency services. It dangerous to allpedestrians, cyclists and cars. The transport plan does not consider the impact of the local roadchanges, closures or disruptions. The travel plan mentions public transport in the form of busesand trans etc, but has no real assessment on how that will work in reality?15. Antisocial behaviour is a real concern, football fans from away and home spill out intoneighbouring residential streets, with damage to cars, and property being a regular occurrence16. Rubbish from the ground is blown into neighbouring streets and not cleaned up, the higherstand will mean that more rubbish is able to be picked up by the wind and blown around.17. Rubble and rubbish from construction has been dumped, and not properly cleared anddisposed of through a waste management plan.18. Construction works have taken place at antisocial times and a there has been a completedisregard by construction workers towards neighbours.19. There is no way of getting hold of the ground staff with an emergency or a concern. Oftenemails go unanswered or claim to follow up only to be met with silence.
If you look at the supporters of this application, most of them, if not all come from Rovers fans whoare only considering the experience from inside the ground. Local neighbours are rovers fans too,however, they have to consider the impact that this is going to have on their homes and day to daylives not just when they want to support their local club.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I object to the planning application on the grounds that the increased capacitysignificantly impacts local residents.The height of the building overshadows neighbours gardens, and affects the light into rooms. Iunderstand that bedrooms impacted are not seen as significant but this does not reflect how manyare now using the rooms in their homes, including those working from home, with now reducelight.The traffic in the residential streets are so impacted during match days that it is not safe foranyone to be using the roads, this includes pedestrians. It is a considerable worry given the closeproximity to a school and the number of young families in the area. Not to mention the impact onthe local emissions. The suggestions for "sustainable" traffic leaves a lot of questions unanswered.
The colour and materials used for the cladding stick out like a sore thumb, and will no doubt attractantisocial behaviour such as graffiti.The Rovers have stated in a public meeting they would replace the trees removed and add afurther 10%- the reports in this application do not state thatThe acoustic report does not assess the impact of the new stand on residents vs what was therebefore. Only improvements which can be made on the new structure.I am deeply saddened by the way this has been managed by both the council and the Rover sground. There is a process for a reason, and the Rovers have done their best to ensure that localsget as little say as possible to prevent them getting their way.Given the announcement made by the clubs owners that they will be further developing theMemorial ground, I think this development could set a dangerous precident.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
I fully support this application by Bristol Rovers. With the women's game increasing allthe time and attendance to games also increasing it is important for fan's comfort and safety to becatered for. The South Stand application increases the number of seats and toilets to encourageyoung children and female fans to attend matches. The whole build looks far more suited to themodern game compared to what was there before. I urge the council to support this fully and grantplanning permission. Thank you.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
The lack of communication and transparent consultation has been a problem from thestart of this project, as has the fact that major work began before any planning permission waseven sought, let alone granted.I am concerned about the impact of further increased traffic on match days, and reckless parkingand driving that comes with this on these narrow residential streets. If the ground were to reallyincentivise travel by public transport and were to provide parking enforcement officers, this wouldhelp to reassure residents that the increase in capacity would be feasible and sustainable.I also find the biodiversity statement to be particularly troublesome because the first survey wascarried out long after the initial major work had already started, involving trees, bushes and othergreen spaces being removed. There is no way now of knowing the true impact that this work hashad on natural habitats and green spaces.I appreciate that the stadium needs to create a more suitable stand, but the way Rovers havegone about this is deceptive and shows a complete lack of respect for the community.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I have already comment in the previous application, that was cleverly withdrawnremoving all the previous complaints.For start the lack of communication from the Rovers with the community and the start of thebuilding without permission shows the little consideration the may have towards us, they statedbuilding without any consultation or proper consideration of how this would
affect the neighbours. The impact survey was done without updated data and the ecologicalsurvey was carried out once the damaged was done ... too late too little. I think the traffic of thearea with increase and the parking spaces are going to make imposible for my family to go anywere without a massive hassle.I don't think the Rover have any consideration towards our community and I would like the the newstand to be taken down so we can start talking about how to it properly.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
Whilst I understand that the stadium needs improvement I am very unhappy with theway Bristol Rovers have proceeded.We found out after the event that there was a meeting called for local residents to discuss theproposals on June 15th. I received no invitation, and neither did my neighbours in Downend Road,all of whom will be overlooked by the new stand.Work has already commenced without planning permission, surely this shouldn't be happeningand the council should take action.As a consequence we were being woken up very early at 6.30am. After objections work is nowstarting at around 7.30am.It seems that Bristol Rovers are proceeding with their plans without any due care or considerationfor residents who live around the stadium.The proposed new stand is about twice the height of the old structure and as such will dominatethe rear of our garden far more significantly, reducing light and amenity. Also the proposed bluecolour of the rear of the stand is a really bad choice and will make the appearance even moredominating. Surely a lighter more neutral colour would be a better choice and far less dominating?There were a number of trees and bushes in the section of land between the rear of our gardenand the proposed new stand, which provided some screening and were a haven for birds andother wild life. Many of these have already been removed, was this done with due consideration ofthe effect it would have on wild life?The proposed increase of the capacity of circa 2500 to 3000 spectators will have a hugedetrimental impact on the streets surrounding the stadium, and those within walking distance,which on match days are already overcrowded with parking both legal and illegal. Bristol Roversappear to have no plan in place to deal with the extra congestion or parking problems which the
increased capacity in the stand will lead to.It is not surprising that there are many comments in favour of the new stand from Bristol Roversupporters, particularly as I understand the club emailed their fan base asking them to do so.However, most of the fans don't live in the area and only visit once a fortnight. This is aneighbourhood issue and the views of the neighbours should take prominence.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I object to this development on the following grounds:-with recent and planned housing developments and the removal of a significant number ofparking spaces on Muller Road because of the bus lane/gate the infrastructure simply cannotabsorb safely the increase in traffic.-parking on match days is already thoughtless and very often dangerous. An increase indangerous parking could result in injury to pedestrians and motorists alike.-the south stand structure is seemingly MUCH different and bigger than original plans and has amassive negative impact on immediate neighbours who now have a blue wall as their outlookwhereas before there was sky! It has also had an immediate negative impact on house prices.Why should people suffer financially?-there has been little or no consideration given to neighbours by Rovers as indicated by theminitially just giving a matter of days notice to only a handful of immediate neighbours. Surely theyshould be working with residents not against them?
It all feels incredibly underhand. And, as residents, in light of the articles in the press today sayingthe application has been fast-tracked to approval makes us feel that the Council (who surely havea duty to fairly consider the implications of these sorts of projects on their taxpayers) simply do notcare and that we have lost our right to a voice.
I would urge you to listen to and act upon our objections.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
This new stand will have a huge effect on all residential amenities!
To name a few examples; the parking is already difficult for residents on match days and this willonly be made worse with the extra capacity, the wildlife behind the stadium has already beenhorribly disturbed by the works they've started (e.g. neighbour reports of foxes crying out as theirhomes have been destroyed), the noise will be even more of a disturbance than it is currently and,overall, we have concerns for the safety of local residents (a huge amount of whom are youngfamilies with small children - given the proximity to a primary school) due to the increase inattendance on match days (both with regard to people around and traffic on the roads).
For this stand to have already been pretty much built with very little consultation with the localresidents is unbelievable!
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
A football club in the heart of the city, especially in the lower leagues should pride itselfas being part of the very fabric of the community. Part of that responsibility is engaging effectivelyand clearly with residents when any proposed works, big or small, are in the pipeline. Theconstruction of a new stand is no exception to this. Local residents should have been consulted,engaged and involved in the process before planning permission was submitted or work started.By not doing so, the majority of the local community have been completely left out of the wholeprocess. The only communication we've received has been an after thought and as the stands isalready largely completely, is also useless. It is my view that the club should be made to takedown this new stand which was already being constructed before full planning permission wassought. Why are football clubs allowed to by pass the system and carry out such a substantialproject without first gaining approval. The new stand is almost double the height of the old one,blocking out light from a lot of gardens which back onto it. We have also been subjected to livingnext to a construction site 5 days a week, which is a big inconvenience for those who work fromhome. How are local residents going to be compensated for this?
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
Following the original application which garnered so many objections and having heardfrom the club. I am not surprised we're in a position where they've withdrawn and dines newapplication now that the stand is effectively finished. It feels like this was all a ploy to get what theywanted.
I thoroughly object to this application. As a resident who backs onto the ground the lack of respectand dignity they have shown local residents has been appalling. The club do not care about thepeople who are continuously kind and good neighbours to them.
The do not respect the council having had the application 'called in' and told to stop. Theycontinued anyway. What example does that teach people - have money and power, do what youwant, the rules don't apply.
The fact that they ignored requests for months for details of what was going on, ignored rules ofplanning that every other household impacted by their actions has to follow and caused hugeamounts of stress to those living here.
The meeting they called with local residents wasn't nothing but a tick box exercise. And insincereway to plaster over the gaping wholes they've created. Saying 'they'll do better', it's too late,they've done it all. Wheeling out consultants to talk but not actually saying anything.
We were shocked and appalled that the CEO didn't even know there was a school close by. Itshowed how little they care or acknowledge the local residents.
I standby all of the points detailed with my first objection.
1. Overbearing and unsightly structure which will ruin our aspect but also really overwhelming andunsightly. The new structure is double the height of the old stand and feel like we are living nextdoor to ikea. It will remove light and feels like its presence would bring down the value of ourhomes. The height is so big in comparison to what we had previously and it will negatively changeand impact our lives living up against it. The structure is ugly and it's now all we will see.2. Bristol Rovers began this work way before we were notified. To start with unlawfully makingnoise from as early as 6.15am and have gone ahead to do the work without seeking permissionsfirst. The audacity that theyve already sold tickets for these seats. As residents we feel like Riversdo not care, and have been strategic in how they have done this knowing that once the structure isin place, they won't have to remove it.3. They have done this work with no engagement with their local community and those who live ontheir doorstep. We are good, gracious neighbours, never complaining about the impact the clubhas on us and they have treated us appallingly. No one was notified of the work or its scale, theyheld one meeting giving less than 24 hours notice and only invited a handful of people. It feels thatthey have arrogantly gone about their way, not caring for those of us who live here 24/7. It isprofoundly disappointing that they have treated us so appalling.4. The wildlife and destruction they have caused during the work so far. Trees have been pulleddown, we hear foxes crying whose dens have been destroyed, squirrels food has gone and theyare rampaging through our gardens eating flora which is needed for pollinators, especially bees.We have previously had woodpeckers in our trees, the bird have gone. They have torn down suchvital land and the wider wildlife and environmental impact is already been seen.5. Increasing the stadium size - Rover have argued that their previous application was for moreseats however the landscape around the ground has changed and will continue to. And 2100+more seats and attendees is too much for the infrastructure. With roads being permanently closed,Downend rod buckled before its temp closure whilst the work to muller road continues. But withthousands of housing going into lockleaze, we cannot cope with more cars. The pollution alonewould be too much let along the lack of parking and access. It is irresponsible for the council androvers to put even more of the local residents.6. Privacy - now that so many trees have been pulled down, spectators will be able to see rightinto so many of the residents gardens. The loss of privacy is unfair but also puts our homes at risk.7. Safety - since rovers removed the wildlife behind the new structures location, houses are beingbroken into. The work is causing major issues for residents due to the poor planning and constantlack of respect of consideration for the residents.
Furthermore, having now seen the ugly big blue structure it feels like the value of our house hasbeen impacted.
We would support a structure the same height at the one previously in place. We would alsowelcome some respect and consideration from the club. With that ensuring we're not subjected to
having to see that ugly, mammoth stand that's now there.
As previously said, rovers have treated us in the most disgusting manner.
Shame on both rovers and the council if this is allowed.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
After commenting on the previous application, I'm here again to reiterate my objections-since none of the residents, like myself, are actually aware of the changes Rovers are claiming tohave made in this new application.There have been no improved parking plans for the substantial increase in size, such as a park &ride, shuttle buses etc. Currently on match days the area is swamped with dangerously highvolumes of traffic and illegal parking with no regulation. I frequently arrive home to many carsdangerously perched on corners with no traffic wardens in sight. Rovers doesn't provide security/stadium officials to direct traffic or supervise any further than their gates like other venues such asAshton Gate do. Rovers is completely unprofessional expanding their capacity with noinfrastructure for its effects. The area they have put the new stand into didn't undergo any type ofconservation examination- we simply watched as they chopped down shrub and trees etc whichwas habitat to masses of wildlife. The shrub and trees also hid the previous stand that was therebefore. The new much much larger stand is an obnoxious "Rovers" blue, which is completelyunnecessary since the back is only facing the residents. Rovers could have made any effort tomake the stand a little less opposing by choosing a neutral colour for the back and/or plantingmore trees to eventually grow and help shield it. For the increase in attendees I also highly doubtthat local policing will increase etc or any plans that Rovers have to maintain order in an area withlots of families with children remains unknown. On match days I always see antisocial behaviourby both Rovers and away fans- this includes urinating, violence, littering, excessive drinking etc.What is going to be done to keep the area safe with even more fans able to come? The stand iscompletely up from where I can see from my house and yet their is still no official planningpermission- demonstrating further how little regard Rovers has for doing things the official way andrespecting the residents surrounding what's meant to be a community club. I'll just extend my
house up by 4 stories and 3 houses wide into other people's view, without planning permission-disgusting how this hasn't been handled in the same way as private expansions would. We movedhere when it was a small rugby club and Rovers were down at the Gas works- many of us havelived here way before Rovers came. This area can't cope with the expansion/the size of the club,Rovers needs to move.
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
This stand is a much needed upgrade in facilities to this dilapidated old stadium. BristolRovers have been left decades behind other clubs with our poor stadium facilities.These and future developments are very much needed for the future of the club.The stadium has been on this site for over a century and the facilities have barely been upgradedin the last 25 years.The supporters deserve better, the club deserve better and so do the people of Bristol.This small expansion will only see a couple hundred more fans to watch football than a couple ofyears ago due to recent reductions in capacity.The less people that can come through the turnstiles the harder it is for a club like Bristol Roversto survive.It is vital to the future of Bristols oldest professional football club that they are aloud to developethe Memorial Stadium.
on 2023-10-30
I would like to support the application but am appalled by the way the club has behavedand there are still unresolved issues.
I'm pleased the trees will be replaced and hope that this is monitored to ensure it happens.
I still don't feel the traffic and parking issues have been addressed. This seems to be ignored. Iwould like to see the club and the council engaging with local people to resolve these issues.
The club's disregard for their neighbours has been quite shocking - starting work without planningor any consultation, carrying out work early in the morning, the meeting that hardly anyone knewabout. It now seems likely that further work will be carried out in the future. While I'm happy thatthe question mark over the club moving seems to have been resolved for now, I would like to seethe club engaging with its neighbours in a constructive way rather than seeing them as a nuisance.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I was disappointed and saddened to see that work on the memorial stadium new southstand had already begun without planning permission. Trees were cut without any thought on theenvironmental consequences and the end of our street now has a towering large blue wallblocking natural light to the rest of the street. There has been little effort from the club to engagewith local residents and this only occurred when there was outcry from the residents due toongoing works despite no planning permission. I am very concerned about how traffic may affectthe local area given the fact that parking is already difficult on a non match day, never mind amatch day. With the expansion of the stand, there will inevitably be more cars and fans needing aplace to park, causing traffic delays etc and we have yet to hear from the club on their plan tomanage traffic/parking within the area on match days. I hope that Bristol City Council consider theapplication carefully given the club's considerable planning breach.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
It is becoming increasingly apparent that this will be retrospectively granted without anypenalty or mitigation of local residents concerns from the original application. This would be blatantevidence that the decision is based on popularity with supporters - or worse, pressure/bribery fromthe club - rather than following a diligent planning process.
Obviously, an increase in capacity will result in an increase in noise and traffic issues and loss ofbiodiversity unless specific mitigation efforts are put in place. The proposals put forward aremisleading and incredibly weak. If the club get away without following planning process, whatincentive would they possibly have to follow the loose suggestions made in the travel plan forexample?
Even if they did report an inevitable increase in traffic issues, there is absolutely no plan tomitigate it in the future, it would just mean ongoing misery for local residents and businesses. It isnow known that the club intends to double overall capacity and yet there are still no apparentplans to mitigate local traffic and parking issues. It is now publicly obvious that they will repeat thesame tactics to incrementally increase capacity without providing the necessary transportinfrastructure to support it.
Match day traffic and parking already poses a significant risk to emergency services andvulnerable residents, clearly any expansion in capacity needs to address existing issues otherwiseit will simply compound them.
This is a decision that will have lasting impact on the community and now local and national media
will be monitoring and holding to account all those involved.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
First things first - I, and I believe most of the residents around here, don't object to thestadium. It's an important and integral part of Bristol. What I DO object to is the underhand andillegal way in which the redevelopment has been approached. If the proper legal process had beenfollowed in the first place all this could have been avoided and may well have resulted in a betterstand design and happier neighbours.
The changes in the second application are welcome but it seems pretty clear that the clubintended to build what they wanted and present it as a done deal. How can you have anenvironmental impact assessment when you've already ripped everything up? There's been noproper consideration of the traffic impacts and who believes that potential problems will beaddressed once the data comes in, 6 months after the extra capacity is in use?
At the end of the day, as many others have said, if this was an ordinary person doing massivebuilding without permission, the council would be down on them like a ton of bricks. But as there'sbig money involved they can get away with it. I actually hope the fans get the facilities they need inthe end but let's not piss on the little people on the way, eh?
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I vigorously object to the development application ref 23/03826/F as proposed in currentplans on the basis that it will have a significant detrimental impact upon residential amenities.
1)The proposed development is twice the height of the previous structure, meaning that theproposed new stand will significantly overshadow the neighbouring properties. This in turn willnegatively impact on the light available in those neighbouring properties both in habitable roomsand garden spaces. The BRE report submitted with the new application admits as much. It willsignificantly overshadow the neighbouring property/ies due to the proposed development being onland higher than the neighbouring street, the fact it's closer to neighbouring properties than the oldstand and the height of the development itself. Reducing the light by unacceptable levels.
As the club have now stated that further development is planned, I am concerned if these levels inlight are accepted, it sets a precedent whereby any further development would only be comparedto levels they have already reduced rather than what they were pre new south stand, leavingneighbours significantly detrimentally impacted.
2) Due to the height and open nature of the stands (as it appears on the plans) the proposeddevelopment would result in a loss of privacy by overlooking the neighbouring property/ies andgardens when the proposed development is occupied. This is compounded by the fact the sitealready sits higher than the neighbouring properties. This would also be true of individuals whocould overlook private gardens when using the under stand concourse.
3) The proposed addition of seating capacity by 2000, would further adversely affect the traffic
safety and parking in the area by increasing cars visiting the area, which is already adverselyaffected on match days. The local road closures affecting the area have already led to unsafeparking on double yellows and it will onlyBe compounded by increased traffic that would come with the football fans
4) The additional 2000 person capacity will lead to an increase in noise and disturbance. Thenoise report states that the increase will be cancelled out in 'most' cases due to the rebound affectthe the cladding (not all) suggesting that some residents may be affected by the increased noiselevels (which are published in the report) The negative impact is compounded by the proposedground level concourse containing toilets and food outlets, meaning additional foot traffic (andassociated noise) on the boundary between the proposed development and neighbouringproperties.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I object to the development application ref 23/01441/F as proposed in current plans onthe basis that it will have a significant impact upon residential amenities.
The proposed development is twice the height of the previous structure, meaning that theproposed new stand will significantly overshadow the neighbouring properties.
The proposed addition of seating capacity by 3000 would further adversely affect the traffic safetyand parking in the area by increasing cars visiting the area, which is already adversely affected onmatch days.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
The increased capacity of the stadium really concerns me. Traffic and congestion isreally bad during match days already. Increased volume of spectators will cause increasedcongestion, poor air quality, poor road safety, etc.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
I cannot support this application unless steps are taken to reduce traffic to the area andways implemented to improve parking. The number of football supporters driving into the area onmatch days already creates havoc with regard to traffic management, road safety, air pollution andparking.The fact that Rovers have already built the new stadium quite frankly makes all of this farcical.They don't care what local residents think. The hideous blue colour that they have painted theOUTSIDE facing the residents and therefore not seen by any of the fans is proof of this. Can therenot be a modicum of effort applied into trying to blend the monstrosity into the area? A bettercolour, some decent planting of trees (of which 100's have already been decimated)Rovers put simply, are bullies. Us as neighbours have no say and that is the bottom line.
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
If Rovers had waited for planning permission to be granted before actually building thestand, I'd feel more inclined to support this.
If Rovers had engaged with their neighbours more constructively I'd feel more inclined to supportthis (instead they held an initial meeting which barely anyone was invited to, at a few days notice,at a time when many people were at work!) They used to start work at 6:30am at the start ofconstruction, until people complained about the noise.
I remain unconvinced that Rovers or the Council have genuinely considered the impact for localpeople of the increased traffic this will bring. Lots of people banging on about attendance onlygoing back to pre-COVID levels - but Ralph Rd and Springfield Ave are now blocked at the MullerRd end. I fully expect Downend Rd to be choked with traffic on Match days once it reopens atMuller Rd. There is also a large residential development planned just off Dovercourt Rd, whichagain will have a big impact on traffic and parking in the immediate area.
I'd like to see more detail about how Rovers or the council will manage the traffic.
Good news if this goes through will be that you can literally build anything and the Councilplanners will green light it retrospectively!
on 2023-10-30 SUPPORT
Commenter Type: Other
Stance: Customer made comments in support of the Planning Application
Comment Reasons:
I'm in support of this build because, it will bring more income to Bristol not just the club to to the
surrounding areas
It will also be good for Bristol rovers as there are so many other fans that want to come and watch
but can not get tickets as there is no room for them to come
It is also beneficial to those who can not stand like some supporters as they are old/ or have
health issues
Yes there will be extra traffic on the roads but if you live near a football ground that is what you
have got to expect
All in all I think it will be good for everyone if this development goes ahead
Thank you for taking the time to read
on 2023-10-30 OBJECT
We observe the regular state of traffic in the local area daily from living in such closeproximity to the stadium, and also the flux/change when a match day is on.
At the moment, the area swells to the point of breaking every match day, and particularly so onpopular match fixtures. The locals lose the ability to be able to park within a 'reasonable' distanceof their homes (up to a mile away depending on the popularity of the event), but we all moved intothe area knowing this, so it is tolerated in the main, and we think it's a positive cultural activity onbalance.
Our objection is solely based on the unnecessary expansion of the already over-sized stadium(given the lack of space in the surrounding area and closeness of the residential homes). We thinkadding 2000 extra seats, and therefore cars (or even if only half that number) on top of the alreadystrained local parking facilities (not to mention the additional noise and social unrest caused bythat crowd) is untenable and smacks of greed instead of need.
Improving the existing facilities and increasing the costs of tickets by a fraction could serve thesame financial increase without upsetting the local community.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The redevelopment of the Memorial Stadium will bring much needed opportunities forboth local residents and local businesses. In addition this will improve both the match dayexperience and other activities during non match days. It will also increase employmentopportunities for the Bristol public.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I am apalled at the way rovers have gone about expanding their stadium. Zeroengagement with local residents before building began. Woodland destroyed before environmentalimpact studies performed. Noise studies completed after building already began. No plans fortraffic management on game day (they say they will do studies later). Organised retrospectivemeetings with residents once building had already commenced which felt like nothing other than atick box exercise to say it had been done. Local residents have not been consulted fairly, planningpermission has not been sought before construction, if this was anyones normal house extensionit would be rejected! Why one set of rules for the club, and another for local comminity?
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
As a local resident, we are already effectively forced to stay at home on match days dueto the overwhelming parking situation where every single local street and pavement becomes aparking space. Unless a park n ride can be created or a local ban on parking in local streets canbe created then I strongly object.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I would like to object this proposal. I live several streets down from the stadium and stillhave massive issues with people parking in my street and the roads around my street. It makesthe whole Horfield area congested and noisy. Cars are already parked on corners and block visionfor both cars driving and causing risks to pedestrians/ children on our street.Adding more seats without any plans for providing the stadiums own parking will mean furthercongestion and people choosing more dangerous places to park. This will effect a huge residentialarea.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I object to the expansion of the football ground, which will significantly increase thecapacity of the venue and therefore exacerbate the existing challenges and safety risks associatedwith people travelling to and from the stadium. The influx of vehicles to the area on match daysalready presents significant risks to the safety of pedestrians, locals and other drivers on matchdays - with poor parking, too many vehicles in a densely populated area consisting of small, ofteneffectively single lane, roads, and risky pedestrian behaviours (e.g., crossing the roads away fromdesignated crossings and ignoring signals for crossings). No measures to reduce/ease increasedvehicles associated with match days have been proposed, and I do not believe that a formal riskassessment has been conducted to capture and record how these risks will be mitigated. In theevent of an incident, I believe that this leaves the council and stadium liable, both legally andmorally. A local sporting venue, proportionate in size to the area and proactively working with thecommunity to manage the risks it introduces, would be a welcome addition to the area. Reckless,commercially -driven expansion with no consideration of the wider safety and well-being impactson the community should not be allowed by the local planning authority in one of Britain's mosttraffic-congested cities, whose strategic objectives include reducing car travel (includingspecifically to sporting and leisure venues), developing a city of sustainable travel, and supportingsustainable communities that optimise the safely, health and well-being of their residents.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I support the application as the South and South West Stands are, as with the stadiumas a whole, in need of modernisation and improvement to provide safe seated viewing andimproved catering and other visitor facilities to meet current access and safety regulations.
If Bristol City Council wish to support and promote the city as a city of sport and entertainment at asite that has provided a sporting venue for over a hundred years, it must recognise the need formodernisation and improvements on the grounds of safety and comfort, providing for a safer,family friendly environment.
Football fans can no longer be treated as cattle, and the council must realise that in order toprovide the basic facilities of a seat providing safe viewing, covered from the elements, withaccess to clean and safe toilet facilities for families, together with basic catering options, then thestadium must be allowed to provide these requirements for home and visiting supporters alike.
It is evident that improved safe and modern facilities at other stadiums, has helped generate agreater female, and family friendly fan-base, for all, and has provided an opportunity for greatersocial inclusion for those requiring assistance in terms of wheelchair access or other facilities toenable their inclusion in the support of their club.
I would urge the planning committee to consider the current facilities and whether they woulddeem them acceptable for themselves and their families to attend now and in the future.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
There has been minimal engagement from Bristol Rovers with the local residents refurther development. Engagement only came about after concerns were made about developmentprior to a planning application having been approved! If they continue with this, who's to say whatthey will do in future without council approval.
The current traffic management surrounding the stadium is inadequate and unsafe. This will onlyget worse if the capacity increases. Proper planning for traffic and further development needs totake place before any development. On game days at present, there is noticeably more carsparking illegally on double yellow lines, in front of drives/garages, and in disabled spaces withoutdisabled badges.
The local flora and forna will also be negatively impacted by this and should be respected.
Finally, noise will substantially increase. There is already a lot of football chanting and aggressivebehaviour happening surrounding the stadium before and after matches. This will only increase.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
There has been minimal engagement from Bristol Rovers with the local residents refurther development. Engagement only came about after concerns were made about developmentprior to a planning application having been approved! If they continue with this, who's to say whatthey will do in future without council approval.
The current traffic management surrounding the stadium is inadequate and unsafe. This will onlyget worse if the capacity increases. Proper planning for traffic and further development needs totake place before any development. On game days at present, there is noticeably more carsparking illegally on double yellow lines, in front of drives/garages, and in disabled spaces withoutdisabled badges.
The local flora and forna will also be negatively impacted by this and should be respected.
Finally, noise will substantially increase. There is already a lot of football chanting and aggressivebehaviour happening surrounding the stadium before and after matches. This will only increase.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Firstly the 'temporary' stand does not in any way look temporary. It's vast, and thatRovers thought they could stick this up without seeking permission, or any consultation withneighbours, says much about how they operate as a business. Allowing this to proceed sets aprecedent for any person or business to just crack on with whatever development they wish, in thehope that no one is bothered enough to complain. Presumably there's good reason too for anyimpact assessment (e.g. biodiversity) to take place before rather than after ground clearancebegins?
Rovers dubious assertion that an enormous new stand will not result in increased capacity doesnot mean that disruption to traffic will be akin to 2018.
The revised application and many of the supporter comments make much of this increase incapacity only matching pre-2018 levels. However, the local landscape has changed a great deal inthat time, with new housing developments, supermarkets and closed roads all increasing theamount of traffic on already overstretched roads.
Match day traffic at their current levels are unsafe. The hazardous parking, impatient andaggressive driving and volume of traffic are a tragedy waiting to happen. Yesterday (28th Oct) theestimated attendance was 8.5k, yet on the junction of Gloucester road/ChurchwaysAve/Strathmore Rd alone, at least six cars were parked on double yellow lines. This happensnearly every match day/eve.
The inclusion of a travel plan is an improvement on the previous application, but having read it, it
does not go far enough.
Much of the focus appears to be encouraging the reduction of single occupancy travel- you'd hopethis was already a focus for Rovers? If not, why not? And if it has been, it's clearly not working!
The traffic plan also mentions Wednesday fixtures. What Wednesday fixtures? This statementdemonstrates a lack of basic fact checking and puts into doubt the rest of the document.
The plan also highlights that local supporters can walk to the stadium. As Rovers do nothing toengage their immediate neighbours and local community, preferring instead to infuriate them withtheir aggressive and arrogant behaviour, any chance of increasing the number of local supportersfeels optimistic.
Stipulated surveys that form part of this plan must be done during the season and during universityterm time when the significant student population are in residence. A similar traffic survey foranother application was done in august when the local streets are at their quietest.
Most critically though, given Bristol Rover's repeated demonstration that the rules everyone elsehas to follow, aren't for them (planning permission, noise abatement, H&S) , is there really anyconfidence that Rovers will even produce this travel plan, let alone enable it to make anymeaningful difference to match day traffic?
While I have little issue with Rover's desire to improve their ground, it cannot come at the expenseof the local community. Objection.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I would like to remind everyone that the locals who live near the ground stated that theywish that the memorial ground to stay as a sports venue for the fallen, the ground has been theremany years and has provided sporting facilities for over a 100 years, the facilities today are anembarrassment to the city of Bristol, the infrastructure is so dated and to be honest it needs toprovide better facilities in all areas of the ground, disabled facilities is a priority along with actualseating facilities to provide better improvements for paying public, more supporters will give localbusinesses more business, on a final note there are many local homes that all have upgraded witheither extensions/loft conversions etc etc, you ask the question why is that? the memorial groundneeds to upgraded and now the locals ask the question why is that?
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
At what point is it acceptable for a business to build a new stand without planningpermission. This type of behaviour sets a tone for everyone else. Why should anyone seekpermission before starting works.The impact this and the future planned extensions has on the light available to residents isunacceptable. With this unapproved development, can the local infrastructure support thousandsmore supporters, I suggest not.There was no engagement with local residents, no thought for the impact and the unapproveddevelopment already had c300 objections that the council have chosen to ignore. Fulltransparency should be ensured as to who is engaged from the council with the business and isallowing this behaviour
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
The works have already started without permission. With works being started atunsociable hours including pre 7:30am causing noise pollution.This has already destroyed local wildlife with the removal of habitat without a survey.There has been poor to little engagement with locals.Visually it has increased the size and quality will reduce the light to the houses surrounding.The increase noise will have an impact on local children. The ground currently has impacted withspeakers being left on. This will further the noise pollution.Parking has also been an issue on game days and with increased capacity without improvingtravel or parking will only further the problem.With the introduction of the diesel ban in the centre this has increased the traffic and pollution inthe local area with people diverting through Muller road this improvement would only compoundthe problem.In summary:No planning,Destruction of wildlife habitatIncreased pollutionIncreased noise pollutionIs an eyesore with the current choice for cladding (looks like an ikea)
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
This new stand will allow more disabled people and visiting supporters to have a muchbetter experience of their visit to Bristol.Also any noise from the ground on the 23 days out of 365 a year will be more contained.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
From my perspective there are two impacts of this and all future stadium extensions thatcan easily and should be addressed by the club and planning officials; first the environmentalimpact of the unlicensed tree felling and habitat removal, and second the increased vehicle trafficon match days.
1. Please can we see an enforced habitat restoration project - whether it's trees on local roads (ifimpossible to replant where the previous have been removed), or eco focused buildingadjustments (green roofs, bat and bird boxes, trees and shrubs planted where space is available).
2. I don't see any other solution than residents parking in the roads within ten minutes walk of thestadium. Currently parking on match days is dangerous and illegal and desperately needs to beaddressed.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I firmly believe that these improvements will greatly assist visiting supporters who areguests after all to the city. Also, improved facilities are very badly needed for elderly and disabledpeople who attend match days. I definitely support these improvements.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
As a local neighbour I support the proposed development. The improvements will bringmuch needed extra facilities for disabled supporters, increase capacity to meet demand and willcreate a club the local community can be proud of.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The Stadium desperately requires improvement. The clubs new owners are willing andable to redevelop the site.This club cannot move on or improve until this work is carried out.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Firstly, I think it is worth reflecting on the level of arrogance Bristol Rovers have shownduring this process and also the contempt they and their fans (as evidenced by many of the'Support' submissions here) have towards local residents. The local engagement has been a farceand barely improved on the second attempt (well after building commenced).
What this new application does show is that they completely messed up on the first attempt and itis good to see actual documents that talk about energy consumption, biodiversity, and trafficmanagement. However, the fact that these were not thought important originally really makes mequestion any commitment Bristol Rovers claims to have now towards addressing these aspects.Any approval needs a mechanism to hold Rovers to account to actually deliver on what amountsto vague promises. This is especially important given their demonstrated propensity to carry onregardless of approvals.
On these new documents specifically:a) I note - perhaps unsurprisingly given efforts to date - that the Travel Plan Coordinator (TPC) hasno plan to 'consult and engage' (3.3) with the local community.b) The travel plan mentions Ashley Down Station and ½ hourly connections to Gloucester/BTM.Given this will not be a direct service (ADS being on the Henbury Line not the Parkway Line) let'snot pretend that is going to help.c) Air pollution numbers seem to have been arrived at by averaging any increase in driving overthe entire year, how does this reflect the reality of how the grounds are used and subsequentimpact?d) The Biodiversity Net Gain document states the "UK Habitat Survey that was undertaken on the
7th September 2023". This is after demolition and building commenced both of which resulted insignificant alteration of the green space through contractor rubbish dumping, earth works andtree/shrub removal. How can this realistically be used as the metric of "Habitat BeforeDevelopment" (section 2.2.3)?e) The Biodiversity Document indicates the required 10% increase in biodiversity could be met, butit remains unclear what Bristol Rovers will actually do to achieve this or in what time frame it wouldbe delivered. Given this area remains the outlook for many residents who value it, how will they beincluded in any discussions around further proposed alterations?
Some of the documents (i.e Proposed Site elevations 2) contain additional new buildings labelToilet, Bar, Food in the south west corner - although these do not appear on some otherdocuments (i.e Front and Rear View). Given these appear to contain windows which face towardcurrent residential buildings and the new stand design and access routes naturally attract peopleto congregate in this area, it is not clear what mitigation has been designed to reduce the impactboth of noise and possible oversight. Vague mention of a fence is made but this is not shown onthe rear view, and given tree cover has already been removed it would seem an important aspectof the overall design.
Finally, does anyone really think this out of town, 1980s business park level of design is worthy ofresidential Bristol in 2023? Or worthy of somewhere that wants to be a modern football stadium?Even modern industrial estates that back on the M4 have taken greater care about how they areseen within the environment (i.e. the shifting colour of the Vertex Business Units cladding). I reallythink, had this proposal gone through a proper process of design and consultation a moreappropriate solution that could have added to the area (rather that subtracting from it) could havebeen found - but I guess Bristol Rovers knew that and could not be bothered with the effort hencetheir current approach of build first and assume (likely correctly) that Bristol Council is too weak todo anything about it.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The Stadium is in desperate need of an upgrade and the proposed stand will offer astart to what is required to bring this ground into the 21st Century and offer supporters a far bettermatch day experience , it will also bring in extra jobs & income to the area .
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers FC provide a valuable source of entertainment and escapism forthousands of people who regularly attend the Memorial Stadium . it is an important part of the City's sporting history and will thrive in the future if allowed to do so.
The existing structure has served its purpose well but is now outdated and needs to be replaced toenable the club to develop and grow in the modern age.
The club has sought alternative locations with the Councils assistance but with out success andare now looking to develop and improve their existing facilities to suit their needs .
The reality is that the use of the site has remained unchanged since it was first built and all of theneighbours purchased their properties knowing that the ground was there and their house pricesreflected that.
The complaints about the traffic situation are difficult to understand. Speaking as someone whodoes travel in - it just means that if an extra 3000 people attend fixtures then people like me willpark further away and the existing situation with onsite parking close to the ground will remain as itis today. The new plans have no affect on that situation.
The reality is that before new safety regulations were introduced at Sports Stadiums - biggercrowds than the new potential capacity attended games and the situation was accepted.
It is in my opinion important that Bristol City Council pass this application .
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Attended yesterday's game at the memorial stadium, seeing thousands of peoplegetting drenched whilst a nearly completed covered seating area stands empty really brought ithome home much this is needed.I can't see how any light is blocked to the houses behind the structure, I would have thought thatlight pollution and noise is now decreased for those properties.The increased revenue for the traders around the area will surly be welcomed as the capacitywould return to pre covid levels, helping to keep the independent shops that glos road arerenowned for trading.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
As previously pointed out the planning for this development is essential for the future ifBristol Rovers The stand is a vast improvement on what was there before and should be better forthe residents too once finished. I appreciate the concerns around noise etc but this in onlytemporary. On too many occasions the club has been turned down for a new stadium and now arebeing forced to redevelop the current one. The residents cannot have things both ways theyinitially didn't want a supermarket next to them, that was all rejected but now are complainingabout the redevelopment.It is important that the club work with residents to iron out any issues but this will improve things.Parking will always be an issue with stadiums in a built up areas but surely this can be rectified infuture planning applications. This football club needs to have modernised facilities as the olderfacilities are getting into disrepair. Most clubs have been allowed to improve things but this clubhas not.The club must be allowed to progress. A lot of the residents would have moved into the areaknowing a stadium was next door and what concerns that may bring them.I 100 per cent support this application.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
As a Born and Bred Bristolian I fully support any sporting development that will enhancemy city's reputation especially this one.I live five minutes walk from the ground and have never experienced any problems
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I think that an increase in the number of seats and new toilet facilities is long overdue atthe Memorial stadium.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
To make the facilities at the Memorial Stadium fit for purpose and modernized for thefans and community is a must. Temporary tent-like structures are an embarrassment to the greatlocal football club that we have in Horfield. I fully support this application
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Long overdue improvement to facilities at long standing sporting arena that will helpsupport local business and improve facilities for fans
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
How about supporting your local football club instead of constantly complaining aboutthem for no other reason than hating the fact there's a football stadium in there near vicinity .People complain of pathetic things such as noise and the fact it gets busy. What do they expect,it's a football stadium !!! Which has been there for over a hundred years, long before any of themoaning residents.. remember, it was these people who decided to buy a property near a stadium,they weren't forced to. Did they honestly think that there would never be any construction, building,upgrading in the future when buying there property...
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I object to any plans to building without any provision for extra parking to alleviate thealready dire parking situation on the surrounding streets.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I fully support this application, being a female who attends with my friend from Patchwayto redevelop this South Stand is a must for safety and comfort of supporters and the general publicthat attend the Memorial Stadium for other events. The game of football is hugely increasing forthe women's game and to encourage more women and girls of all ages is dependant a lot on thestandard of facilities, including toilet facilities, seating and disabled fans as well. This proposedstand is a first step to improving the Memorial Stadium and bringing it into the 21st century. Wehope the BCC agree with my comments and support the application.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
My husband and I writing to fully support the planning application for the MemorialStadium in Horfield.
I have lived in Horfield for 37 years and live within easy reach of the sports stadium which hasexisted there for more years than most residents in the vicinity of the ground. Parking on matchdays has always been an issue since the early rugby days. Providing better facilities at this familycentred ground will provide a general boost to local businesses on match days as well as provideadditional employment. It will also encourage more local residents like ourselves to go to thegames, again injecting cash into the local community.
I hope the the City Council will consider the application on its merits.
on 2023-10-29
Honestly I'm sick of all the toxicity from the neighbours, the organised WhatsApp groupsand local councillors getting involved for their own publicity. The reality is we moved here about 15years ago and were strongly against the redeveloped stadium plans. This stand is half the size ofthat, which was actually approved anyway.
Honestly the stand will bring more to the community than it takes away. We complained againstthe redevelopment, then against Sainsburys and stated the stadium must stay and now we'recomplaining about a temporary stand to modernise facilities. So what is it? We can't complainabout parking on Alton Rd (mine) because it's private, so it's just complaining for the sake of it.
Let's just get on with it and work together for once rather than the constant complaining and tryingto stop the club progressing.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I would like to add my support to the planning application for a redeveloped SouthStand.
I am a local resident who has a clear view of the stadium. The stadium has been there for over100 years yet the quality of facilities on offer is pretty poor and the stadium is in desperate need ofupgrades.
While the headline news that the stand will have over 3,000 seats sounds a lot, it barely takes thecapacity back above pre pandemic levels before restrictions on terracing were introduced.
The club's offering for people with mobility issues is poor but the new stand would vastly improvethis.
It will also be of benefit to visiting supporters who wish to sit as the previous tented stand wasbasic at best.
While many objections try and focus on parking, they fail to acknowledge that the Ashley Downstation construction is well under way and is due to be completed in 2024. This could offset a lotcar journeys, particularly from away fans who prefer to travel by train to away games.
It is about time that Bristol Rovers finally had a stand that actually looks fit for purpose and I seeno reason why this application should be refused.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
100% support the redevelopment of The Mem which cannot come soonenough.Increased revenue for the club and the shops in the surrounding area on matchdays.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I support this application for the following reasons:1) The stadium has been in place as a sporting venue for over 100 years.2) The application is not expanding the capacity of the stadium, merely restoring it to its pre-CoVidcapacity.3) The stadium is only used for football matches on alternate Saturday afternoons (and occasionalTuesday nights) between Sept and July, so I believe the impact on residents' ability to park, noise,etc is being vastly over-exaggerated.4) Residential parking permits are already enforced in most of the surrounding areas, which againpoints to objections surrounding parking being over-exaggerated.5) The club have carried out consultations, engaged with the local communities, complied with allthe points raised by local councillors previously and he re-submitted
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Please consider the infrastructure needed to support the increase in capacity at thestadium. I have reduced mobility and already can't park near my home or access public transportduring match days. If the council or club management were to make an effort to address theparking/ access issues I would not object to the growth of the club. Please:- introduce residents only parking during match days.- enforce existing parking restrictions (ie. Stop people parking on double yellow lines).
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Planning should be given for the new south stand and also any future plans for thememorial stadium for a number of reasons1.The club needs to move forward and this will only happen if the stadium is improved with seatingand better facilities2.Many local businesses relay heavily on the income that is generated on match days especiallythe pubs, bars and cafes in the local area of Gloucester Road3.A ongoing project to improve the stadium will create more jobs not only in the construction phasebut also within Bristol rovers fc4.with public transport being improved in the area with better bus links and now with the pendingopening of the new Ashley down train station many supporters coming from outside the area willuse rather than driving. I live in Weston super mare and always travel by public transport viamountpellier station5. And the community side of things will only improve with hopefully more young fans wanting togo to the mem and support there local football clubI grew up in lockleaze and even though rovers played at eastvile they were a massive part of mylife and hopefully any new supporters going the a newly developed mem will become life longsupporters like many others.I whole heartedly support the further development of the memorial stadium and I hope Bristol citycouncil also does by allowing planing permission not only for the south stand but for futuredevelopments of the stadium
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I believe this planning application should be supported by the council as it will bebeneficial for all in and around bristol as it will also bring more money into the deprived areaaround the stadium
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
My draft comment:Bristol Rovers have adversely affected the quiet enjoyment of my tenanted property and thisplanning application increases current capacity that will worsen the situation.(1) Match day dangers and anti social behaviourMy tenants are adversely impacted already by antisocial behaviour, by match day parking, by frontgarden litter and shouting foul language every match day. I mentioned in my comment on theprevious Bristol rovers planning application that busy streets are a real hazard. Yet again thisseason fans are insisting on driving to the adjacent streets in large numbers. We see poor parkingincluding parking on pavements in our street on match day. The pavements are already narrow.Bristol Rovers appear to have negligible sustainable travel strategy for fans. The clubs ownwebsite has a parking and travel webpage that says at the top:There may be street parking available in the roads close to the stadium, ensuring you adhere tolocal road signs
This is positively encouraging fans to drive to the narrow roads adjacent to the stadium like ours!This is completely irresponsible from Bristol Rovers and demonstrates the lack of respect forneighbours.
(2) Retrospective application and poor relationship with neighbouring residentsAs a home owner on Downend Road who lets out their house I am very concerned that thefootball club uses its history in the area to justify circumventing consultation with neighbours. Wehave merely been sent an updated planning letter by the council because of my comment on theprevious application. The club has flouted planning rules as this build is complete at the time of
this second application.I understand from neighbours who are owner occupiers that whilst Bristol Rovers had a lateconsultation meetings with neighbours, no notes or minutes have been shared as promised andno plans have been implemented as agreed in that meeting.
(3) Local environmental / visual impactThe stand is massive and visually jarring in an environment of two storey terraced housing. It doesnot try to blend in. There is no planting to soften the impact. The stand is in fact a monstrosity thattowers over the neat housing below it. Nothing is in sympathy with the local environment. BristolRovers have only sought to maximise ticketing revenue. The previous stand scale and height hasbeen clearly been breached and the resulting impact on local residents cannot be understated.The building process continues to leave waste and hazards at the rear on Downend Roadproperties like ours though neighbours have complained to the builders dumping there.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
It's smaller than what has already been passed. It brings the capacity to what it wasbefore covid. It increases/improved facilities for disabled. It brings more money to localbusinesses. It contributes further to the area and economy. It makes the stadium greener with thepanels.
Why shouldnt it be approved? Because of false arguments over parking? Because of falsearguments over trees? If the objectors could put together true arguments instead of smearingmud, it could be worth debate. Sadly that's not the case. Stadium has been there over 100 years,far longer than any resident
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I firmly support this application on the basis it will offer clear benefits to the supporters ofthe football club, increasing facilities and adding a modicum of improvement to an ageing anddilapidated facility.
It is a sporting facility, and has been for 100+ years, with negligible historical investment. Pleaseconsider the needs of the supporters of Bristol's oldest football club as part of the planningdecision process.
The football club cannot or should not be held responsible for parking or the road infrastructure ofBS7.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The stadium has been there a lot longer than many of the houses and residents.The stadium needs to be modernised to make a more enjoyable experience, used nbly every otherweek mainly.These people object when it was not going to be a stadium and now object when it remains astadium .I got soaked watching the game on saturday, this cannot be acceptable in this day and age.The capacity is no more than what it used to be.Also, the stadium is mainly used every other Saturday, not every week as it was when there wasfoorball one week and rugby the next week.It wasnt very long ago a complete rebuild of the stadium was approved but didnt go aheadbecause of the financial crash.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I am a supporter of Bristol Rovers and had a seat in the SW Stand since it wasconstructed. I am elderly with conditions that require an easy access seat. I have found the seat inthat stand good and have enjoyed the easy access to it. I support plans for the new stand and donot believe that it will have a negative impact on the surrounding area. Its design will lead to lessnoise emanating from the ground. Its visual impact will be less intrusive. It will provide safer andbetter facilities for fans such as myself who have conditions and special needs. The area forwheelchair users will be much better.It will be a much more inclusive environment. The club hasdone much to link with the community and has developed a range of strategies to ensure it isinclusive and embraces diversity. It leads the way in developing women's soccer teams. The planwill incorporate retail refreshment outlets inside and under the stand, thus reducing noise pollution.Rejecting the plans for this upgrade of existing buildings will result in many disadvantaged groupsbeing unable to access the stadium and will remove their ability to enjoy the game they love andthereby removing the essential social dimension that visits to this club bring which bringshappiness to their lives.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The Memorial stadium needs updating , it's not a big development .
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The Memorial Stadium has been a sporting venue for over 100 years. Theredevelopment of the South Stand and the modest increase to the current meagre stadiumcapacity is a much needed improvement to this amenity and I fully support it.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
As an ex Horfield resident I find it somewhat surprising to see the negativity towards thestadium. Sports team have played at the memorial ground / stadium since the 1920s, with crowdseven in recent times higher than what Bristol Rovers are proposing now. If Bristol wishes toprogress as a city it's important that it can show that it is progressive and supportive ofimprovements to infrastructure which a) will assist disabled and away supporters, portraying amuch better image of Bristol b) bring one part of the stadium up to modern day standardsproviding much improved facilities to Bristolians c) act as a catalyst to improved facilities for boththe football club and the surrounding area in the future.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I fully support the application as the Memorial stadium has been there for over 100years & in desperate need of improvement to provide a safe environment for able & disabledsupporters.Out of 365 days the stadium will only be in use a maximum of 30 of those days.In Bristol we are fortunate to have 4 professional sporting clubs,Bristol Rovers, Bristol City,Bristol Rugby & Gloucestershire CC & every effort should be providedto allow these clubs to improve their stadiums, to give 1000's of current & future generations ofBristolians the opportunity to watch sport in a safe & fit for purpose facilities.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I am in support of the proposed application by Bristol Rovers Football Club to replacethe temporary South and South West stands with a new temporary structure.
The previous structures were only mean to be temporary and yet were used for nearly twentyyears. As a frequent visitor to the Memorial Stadium, I know first hand what an eyesore the oldtents were.
The old structures were not particularly safe to sit in either, the South West stand roof would swayfrom side to side on a windy day. I have felt for a while now that it was an accident waiting tohappen.
From a safety point of view, the old temporary stands need to be replaced before somebody gothurt.
The record attendance at The Memorial Stadium was 12,011 on the 9th March 2008 (BristolRovers vs West Bromich Albion), and the effecive capacity last season was 10,086 (Bristol Roversvs Bolton Wanderers). The new structure will bring the attendance back up to around thepreviously granted capacity of the stadium.
The football club has not invested in the Memorial Stadium site since 2005, and I welcome thismodernisation initiative, both from a safety and aesthetic perspective. It is long overdue.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
The stadium has been part of the community for over a century. It now needs to bebought up to a 21st century standard, this enables a much higher degree of safety and helpspeople with disabilities much easier access ti the stadium.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I am 64 year old season ticket holder at the Memorial stadium. We have some of theworst facilities in the football league. I struggle to stand on the terraces in all weathers, but due tothe lack of seating expect to do so for years to come. For this reason I support the application..surely it is not too much to expect a decent level of comfort whilst watching any sport.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
This will enable more jobs in the area and help businesses on Gloucester Road to carryon and generate more money. The Memorial ground helps the local community and they need anarea to make it viable for fans by rebuilding. This could be a good time to sort the public transportin the area and maybe create a park and ride at a suitable place to stop the busy match days withcars. The Memorial Stadium has been a sporting venue for over 100 years and it wouldn't befitting to keep this than it ever being sold.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I support this application for the following reasons:
1) The stadium has been in place as a sporting venue for over 100 years; the use of the site hasremained unchanged since it was first built as a memorial to those Bristol rugby players who gavetheir lives in the First World War, and as such is an important part of the City' s sporting history.This point is clearly lost on the non-Bristolians who now appear to form the majority of residentsliving in close proximity to the ground. All of those neighbours purchased their properties in the fullknowledge that the ground was there and their house prices would have reflected that fact.However, with house prices in nearby roads such as Alton Rd and Trubshaw Close hoveringaround the £400000 - £490000 mark, being in close proximity to the Memorial Stadium does notappear to be stopping the area from being one of the more expensive areas of Bristol in which tobuy a house.
2) The club has sought alternative locations with the Councils assistance but without success andare now looking to develop and improve their existing facilities to suit their needs and those of thesupporters - including many who are elderly and/or disabled.
3) The application is not expanding the capacity of the stadium as many objectors have claimed,merely restoring it to its pre-Covid capacity of around 12,500.
4) The stadium is only used for football matches on alternate Saturday afternoons (and occasionalTuesday nights) between Sept and July, so I believe the impact on residents' ability to park, noise,etc is being vastly over-exaggerated.
5) Residential parking permits are already enforced in most of the surrounding areas, which againpoints to objections surrounding parking being over-exaggerated.
6) The club have carried out consultations, engaged with the local communities, complied with allthe points raised by local councillors previously and have re-submitted revised plans; I fail to seewhat more they can do in order to placate the objectors, many of whom seem to be inventing theirgrounds for objection.
7) To conclude, I believe the existing structure has definitely served its purpose, but is now veryoutdated and needs to be replaced by an upgraded and improved version, in order to enable theclub to develop, flourish and grow in the modern age.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I support this application for the following reasons:
1) The stadium has been in place as a sporting venue for over 100 years; the use of the site hasremained unchanged since it was first built as a memorial to those Bristol rugby players who gavetheir lives in the First World War, and as such is an important part of the City' s sporting history.This point is clearly lost on the non-Bristolians who now appear to form the majority of residentsliving in close proximity to the ground. All of those neighbours purchased their properties in the fullknowledge that the ground was there and their house prices would have reflected that fact.However, with house prices in nearby roads such as Alton Rd and Trubshaw Close hoveringaround the £400000 - £490000 mark, being in close proximity to the Memorial Stadium does notappear to be stopping the area from being one of the more expensive areas of Bristol in which tobuy a house.
2) The club has sought alternative locations with the Councils assistance but without success andare now looking to develop and improve their existing facilities to suit their needs and those of thesupporters - including many who are elderly and/or disabled.
3) The application is not expanding the capacity of the stadium as many objectors have claimed,merely restoring it to its pre-Covid capacity of around 12,500.
4) The stadium is only used for football matches on alternate Saturday afternoons (and occasionalTuesday nights) between Sept and July, so I believe the impact on residents' ability to park, noise,etc is being vastly over-exaggerated.
5) Residential parking permits are already enforced in most of the surrounding areas, which againpoints to objections surrounding parking being over-exaggerated.
6) The club have carried out consultations, engaged with the local communities, complied with allthe points raised by local councillors previously and have re-submitted revised plans; I fail to seewhat more they can do in order to placate the objectors, many of whom seem to be inventing theirgrounds for objection.
7) To conclude, I believe the existing structure has definitely served its purpose, but is now veryoutdated and needs to be replaced by an upgraded and improved version, in order to enable theclub to develop, flourish and grow in the modern age.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I object to this proposal on several grounds listed below, in no particular order:
This proposal does not appear to be part of any long-term plan for the stadium, it looks to be areplacement for the existing temporary stands rather than a cohesive part of the overall site.
This leads me to think that the stands may be demolished in a short period of time when therovers move to their new ground or a full stadium plan is enacted. This means the resources andcarbon expended to build it will have been wasted.
The application states the development does not destruction of trees and hedges but this isinaccurate; we have already seen a large area of wildlife habitation to the rear of the standdestroyed and used as a dumping ground for waste from the development.
Lack of long term vision:
There is no long term viable stadium plan at play here, what are the objectives of this developmentin relation to the overall use of the area? Is there any intention to link it to existing structures or isthe ground to remain a mish-mash of buildings that altogether make an unsightly mess, difficult tonavigate and incohesive.
Noise pollution and lack of privacy
It appears that toilets and concessions stands are being proposed outside of the structure - why?This is such poor design and looks like an afterthought. Surely these should be contained withinbuilding making use of power facilities within. I cannot tell from the plans if these are temporary"burger vans" which are noisy and add pollution through the use of temporary generators.
Outdoor toilets are also more prone to antisocial behaviour such as public urination
The fact that the structures are shown on some of the documented elevations and not others reallydoes make me think these are an afterthought, which with better planning would have beenincluded within the main structures.
The planning process is important and mistakes like this precisely why it exists - I do not think theexternal amenities should be allowed, instead the club should include them within the mainconstruction. Yes, this may cost more to do at this stage but that is an important lesson to learn.Plan first - it's cheaper in the long run.
Lack of consideration for disabled access and accessibility
I can see limited provision in the view of the stands for disabled fans, with the age of the otherbuildings on the site there is already a lack of dedicated disabled facilities, this would be an idealopportunity to create a friendlier environment.
There are no wheelchair platforms within the stands and just a cursory 10 positioned in the front inwhat seems like an afterthought - "oh yeah we forgot, we don't get many disabled supportersanyway, just shove them on the flat bit at the front".
Again, this appears to be a higher value being placed on speed over sustainability and long termplanning - this time to the disadvantage of disabled football supporters both home and away.
It seems the club is saying there is a lack of demand for spaces but are missing the fundamentalpoint that, of course, there will be low demand in an environment that is intentionally hostiletowards you. This is a club that earlier in the season told disabled fans from away clubs that theyhad to stay away and weren't welcome as they had no provisions for them.
This attitude alone should warrant a stern response from our political representatives whose ownorganisations are forbidden from building or developing spaces that ignore the needs of thedisabled population.
Temporary build
The plan describes how the stand can be easily dismantled in the future should the need arise.
With little amenity improvement for fans included, it does beg the question - why bother? Why rushat this now when another season with the temporary stands would have provided time to see howthe fruit market plans developed or to create a long term sustainable plan for the memorialstadium. There's a lack of strategic long term planning at play here meaning the site is just goingto be a site of random structures.
Piling tons of concrete into the ground and a few more tons of steel for a construction that by it'son admission isn't really a long term plan seems a waste of the resources.
General comment
The general approach to planning, communicating with residents and working with the electedlocal government has been poor from the outset. It seems this local sports club is above everyoneelse in Bristol and can pretty much do what they like whilst the council capitulate and offer adviceon how to work around due process.
This is disappointing and sets a dangerous precedent for any future developments on the site orindeed for any dodgy developer that wishes to just press on and force the council to simply acceptwhatever is built. Prepare yourselves for several unplanned demolitions and HMO's being builtbecause there is seemingly no problem with business coming first and no fines for doing whateveryou want.
Overall, I think this is a disappointing, unimaginative and uninspiring plan that has limitedarchitectural merit and undervalues the fans of the club. It offers little more than the temporarystands currently do and shows a lack of commitment from the stadium owners to think about thesite in a long term strategic and sustainable way.
I think this application is being put through "on the cheap" with the only thought being to the clubitself.
This brings little benefit to the local community, which is a shame as with a little bit more thought,the investment could produce so much more. After so little investment in the Memorial Stadium forsuch a long period of the time, the fans of the club and its surrounding community deserve somuch more than is on offer here.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I object as this whole project has been undertaken and is nearing completion withoutplanning permission being properly applied for or granted by Bristol City Council.In April Bristol Rovers announced their intention to build the South Stand.They then submitted anincomplete planning application without the required information leaving the Council unable topublish the application and local residents and community unable to have a clear understanding ofscale and dimensions of what was proposed.Bristol Rovers then began a programme of land clearance, uprooting trees and bushes in thewooded area to the rear of the South Stand showing complete contempt for the ecology and biodiversity of the area.None of the required surveys on ecology and bio diversity had been madewith the original application and these could no longer be made due the damage done by Roversactions.They then began a programme of construction including piling for the foundations in defiance Iunderstand of the Councils instructions not to begin construction until they had obtained planningpermission.In addition there was no local community or neighbour consultation until the strength of localprotest forced the club to hold a meeting.This was organised at 24 hours notice at 4.00 pm in theafternoon,school pick up or work time.Rovers fielded the club safety officer and thegroundsman/site manager at the meeting neither of whom were aware of the requirement forplanning consent.More recently Rovers have withdrawn their original planning application to remove the manyobjections from the record,forcing their neighbours to resubmit their many concerns.Our local community all made a conscious decision to live near this ground and had the clubengaged properly with their neighbours and the community to build a structure of a scale and size
to complement the existing stadium via the planning process then they might have found theirneighbours might have been proactive about the outcome.However their utter disregard for the planning and building control process has foisted on the localcommunity a structure of a size and scale completely at odds with the local building scale.The club should be told to take it down and start again using the correct approach and consultingwith the local community.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I welcome the improvement to the Memorial Ground as it will provide better facilities forthose with disabilities, better enclose the sound of the crowd within the stadium from theneighbouring properties and finally will provide a more updated stadium to honour thoseBristolians who gave the ultimate sacrifice
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Seriously concerned with the additional volume of traffic (on top of what we alreadyhave to deal with on match day - which is totally gridlocked and has knock-on effects on our homelife). Also, the extra parking is a huge issue. We also have concerns with the extra footfall whenwe already have supporters using our private back lane as a walk through.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Improved facilities bring more people to match days, bringing more money into the area.The environment and existing transport infrastructure should easily cope, as the increasedcapacity just comes back to the level it was at a few years ago.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I am local to the stadium and live on an adjoining road. Home fixtures at the memorialstadium cause massive disruption to the the small residential streets around the stadium. Duringgames we are unable to park within a mile of our house, which is especially disruptive on the weekday fixtures. Cars park on double yellows, block driveways and park on pavements restrictingpedestrian and vehicular access.
As this poses an already major issue, adding 2500 additional seats will only compound this.
This issue could be simply be alleviated by the introduction of residents only parking on matchdays. Unless this is addressed prior to the expansion of the stadium, the proposal is not viable andnegatively impacts local residents.
Separately, for the council to allow the stand construction to commence prior to consulting thelocal residents is unlawful.
Furthermore the owner of the club has expressed plans to expand the capacity to 17,000-18,000.If this initial works is allowed to go ahead without planning and involvement of local communities, itsets a dangerous president for further development to continue without involvement of the peopleaffected most affected
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I'm writing to register my strong objection to this planning application. My objection restson four grounds. First, traffic and parking. Already, on match days, traffic is gridlocked and parkingis impossible for the residents who live in and around the stadium. The proposed increase in thecapacity of the stadium will see a corresponding increase in the number of people attendingmatches, which will greatly exacerbate the problem. Second, noise. Match days have of late havebecome intolerably noisy for the residents of the neighbourhood. The noise on match days boomsthrough the walls of my four-year-old's bedroom, making it impossible for my child to sleep, andgenerally causing us misery. An increase in the capacity of the stadium will see a correspondingincrease in the noise level. Third, wildlife. The development (which has already started due to theflouting of planning procedures) has caused rats to move into the gardens of the neighbouringhouses, and also disturbed local bats. I understand that a full survey of the damage to wildlife hasnot even been possible since the building had already begun when the wildlife surveyors werecalled in, meaning they had no baseline. Finally, appearance of the development. The new standis enormous and unsightly, overhanging houses and blocking light for the residents. My four-year-old's bedroom used to look out onto blue sky. Now it will look out onto an unsightly metal stand,full of people, which is also - incidentally - a gross invasion of my child's privacy.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
As a local resident, it is a nightmare on home match days to park or drive anywherearound the stadium. The local residential streets get flooded with vehicles which park in front ofdriveways, on double yellows and on the pavements. The additional 2500 seats proposed will onlymake this problem worse.
As per the transport travel plan it says the following: "The stadium is situated in a sustainableurban location which has excellent connections to public transport and enables access by activemodes of travel including walking and cycling".
To appease the locals a residential parking permit could be introduced on match days to dissuadefans from driving to the games and clogging up the small streets surrounding the stadium. As agreen city with a clean air zone, the council should be incentivising the use of public transport toaccess the stadium to reduce congestion, disruption and improve air quality.
I am on board with the club wanting to expand and the benefits that increased jobs and money intothe club will bring but the local residents have to be considered with this proposal. For the works tohave commenced without proper process on a major development is not acceptable and sets abad precedent for the further expansion plans the owner of the club has expressed publicly.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I understand the need for accessibility at the stadium which I believe should beincorporated into plans. But increased capacity at the stadium is not acceptable. There is alreadya huge traffic and parking problem on match days, with no focus from rovers on providingalternative travel, or encouraging this with incentives (a discount on ticket with a bus ticket forexample).The fact that building work has gone ahead without planning shows a total disregard to theplanning process which as local residents, we all have to comply with.Of course, we all moved in knowing that the stadium was there and that on match days therewould be fans in the area. And that is usually not a problem. But local infrastructure is not suitablefor increased capacity.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of RoverStadium. This expansion is a matter of concern for our local community for the following reasons:
1) Traffic and Parking Challenges: On match days, our area experiences unsustainable trafficcongestion. Crossing Gloucester Road and finding parking become nearly impossible tasks.Illegally parked vehicles pose risks to drivers and, more importantly, pedestrians, includingchildren. Instances of inconsiderate behaviour have even led to car damage. Expanding thestadium's capacity would only exacerbate this already unacceptable situation.
2) Antisocial Behaviour: Local residents have been subjected to numerous incidents of antisocialbehaviour, including urination at property boundaries, the use of offensive language, and litteringof our front yards and gardens. Expanding the stadium's capacity is likely to escalate these issues,further impacting our community's quality of life.
4) Toilets and Food Stalls: The expansion has brought with it unwelcome guests in the form of ratsin our gardens. Additionally, the strong odours emanating from the expanded food stalls and toiletspermeate our houses. An increase in stadium capacity would only exacerbate these problems.
4) Noise Pollution: The recent construction of a bandstand with live music has had a significantnegative impact on the well-being of local residents. Noise levels far exceed what is consideredacceptable for a stadium, and live music has been extended beyond the announced schedules. Inaddition, the noise of the crowds can be challenging as well. We are genuinely concerned that anincrease in stadium capacity would only intensify this disruption, considering the larger crowds and
a possible institutionalisation as well as increase of music and food stands making it increasinglychallenging to find peace and quiet in our own homes, including in our bedrooms.
5) Lack of Resident Consultation: It is disheartening that Rovers management has not engaged inmeaningful conversations with our community. Critical decisions, such as the construction of thebandstand, have been made without our input, despite ongoing complaints. We believe thatRovers should take their neighbours seriously and work collaboratively to address our concerns.
The supporting evidence is likely to come from fans who enjoy match games, but who do not bearthe burden local residents have to put up with. We really hope that the authorities can take theconcerns of local residents seriously.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
This planning application comes rather late as the stand in question is almost built. Thesite is landlocked and increasing the number of supporters able to attend just puts even morepressure on the small streets around the stadium in terms of traffic and parking issues.The building work started without any consultation of the stadium's neighbours, any environmentalreports and no information on impact of the surrounding area.I feel that before the planning is approved all of the above should be undertaken even if thatmeans that changes have to be made to the new stand.This is the process of planning and building in this country and all should have to comply.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Bristol Rovers have absolutely refused to engage with local residents to address theirconcerns over the impacts of this stadium development. On match days the traffic and parkingnear the stadium (where I live) is already at a dangerous level - adding potentially 2000+ morecars to this without plans in place for the additional traffic is disgusting. Public transport in Bristol isvery poor and it is utterly delusional to suggest that fans will simply catch a bus to matches insteadof driving when the infrastructure is not there to support that notion. This development will doabsolutely nothing to support or enhance the local community and the fact that residents have notbeen consulted in any way shows Bristol Rovers' lack of care or thought to their neighbours. Theheight of the stand will impact negatively on the light and space of immediate neighbours' homes.No environmental assessment has been carried out on the impact to local homes and wildlife.Bristol Rovers have treated local people with absolute contempt and I strongly believe thatincreasing the capacity of the ground will simply cause even more bad feeling between the club/itssupporters and the local community.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Stadium expansion is not an asset to the neighbourhood. Existing infrastructure alreadycan't cope with the numbers of match attendees. It is impossible to park anywhere near my ownhouse on match days. The new stand is a huge eyesore and utterly dominates the neighborhoodskyline.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
My objection is built round the level if traffic that this additional number of supporters willgenerate. There is already frequent gridlock round match days, with very poor driving and parking.This can only become more dangerous and tense for residents and motorists alike. Buses cannotmove along Filton Avenue near the Memorial ground.The fact that the club is proceeding with their build before obtaining permission indicates how littleconcern they have for residents' worries.The residential nature of the area round the ground makes it completely unsuitable for expansionon this scale.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I support this development as it provides improved facilities for disabled, female andyoung families. The previous stands were open at the back and sides so noise spilled out around.The new structure is enclosed projecting sound out in the direction of the ground and blocking itfrom spilling out to nearby houses so it will be quieter for local residents. Also, 5 years ago andbeyond the capacity of the ground was considerably more but has been reduced by safety officersand due to Covid, this new stand increases the current capacity but that still won't be as high as itused to be and everything was fine back then regarding traffic and parking so this simply puts theground capacity back to pre-Covid levels. An increase in capacity will also boost much neededlocal businesses revenues.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
This new stand should be approved. The old stand was not fit for purpose. The need fornew toilet facilities is crucial, with the new seating, I will have a better chance of getting a ticket fora seat. With my arthritic knee it is important that I am able to purchase a seating ticket.An increase in capacity is good for local businesses. The stadium has been a sporting venue forover 100 years and by not accepting the upgrade on faculties then the stadium will go to ruin.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
It's hard to credit the club with the underhanded manner in which this whole expansionhas been conducted. Along with many locals, I am appalled at the lack of consultation with thelocal community. Interesting how many fans, by contrast, were fully aware of the development,and naturally, were in full support.
I'm not alone in finding this retrospective application an absolute disgrace. It makes a mockery ofthe whole planning application process. While I realise that realistically, there's nothing we can donow; I feel I need to object as this is the only voice I have.
It's beyond me that this increase in seats has even been proposed. It is untenable. This area ishighly populated and Muller Road one of the most congested in the city. The recent ongoingroadworks are testament to this, as an attempt to better manage the high volume of existing traffic.With new housing developments in the area it is even more of an issue when the fans needsomewhere to park. Two thousand more fans is just ridiculous. The extra cars often result ininconsiderate and dangerous parking, such as on double yellows.
Aside from the annoyance (and stress) of knowing you probably won't be able to find anywhere topark near your home on a match day, it's hard to understand the thinking from an environmentalpoint of view. We're increasingly aware of the dangers of air pollution, and there appears to be nothought for how the extra fans will travel here. This area is congested enough as it is. We canlikewise expect a rise in noise pollution and antisocial behaviour.
I have no objection to improving existing facilities, but this proposal is not simply that. Of course,
the majority of fans are in favour of this development, but it's very hard to find similar support fromthose of us who actually have to live with the consequences. This whole process has been adisgrace, and I am thoroughly disappointed that, given where we are, this proposal will likely gothrough. The club has a lot to answer for. Full objection.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I fully support this planning application. Bristol Rovers have been searching for a newhome for most of my lifetime, unsuccessfully. Following the latest setback with a new site, the clubhave committed to improve the facilities at the Memorial Stadium, our home for approaching 30years.This application will approve the match day experience and facilities for both home and visitingsupporters and simply boosts the capacity to pre-Covid numbers.I hope this application will be approved by the council to enable the club to move forward withimproved facilities.
on 2023-10-29 OBJECT
Permission for development should be delayed until parking arrangements can beconsidered & agreed with neighbouring streets now badly affected by traffic congestion &indiscrimate parking on match days. The problem will only get worse & at present there is nocontrol whatsoever.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers have been playing at the Memorial Stadium for almost 30 years now.A lot of residents would have moved here during that time, so surely they would have been wellaware of the pros and cons of living near a football stadium. In fact for half that time rugby wasalso played there as well, so it was in use every weekend, rather than every other (for 9 months ofthe year).The club was given planning permission to build a 20k stadium previously, so surely a presidenthas been set now for ground redevelopment?The stand increases the capacity to what it originally was, before it was decreased a few yearsago for safety reasons. Therefore the concerns of residents surely are invalid since this capacity iswhat they have been used to for 20 years?Matches are played on Saturday afternoons, with the occasional Tuesday evening game. Theobjection that crowd noise would affect children in school is nonsensical, as schools are not openwhen matches are played.We are trying to improve our ground and need council support to progress. We've had it beforeand need it again.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I fully support this application as a born and bred Bristolian of over 70 years as I feelthat we as a city need to support both our local sporting clubs and our local trades people andshopping areas and by allowing this proposed upgrade to a stadium that has been in use for over100 years to a more modern and of a far better standard with much better facilities for away fansand improved comfort for elderly fans and families.This would in my opinion be a very positive step in how the city of Bristol is viewed by those fromoutside the area.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
My reasons for supporting this application are that at present the existing stadiumleaves a lot to be desired and is clearly in need of modernism and updating and and the proposedchanges would provide.much better facilities for away fans and a greater level of comfort forelderly fans and families.I also feel that this would be of benefit to both the local economy and Bristol as a whole.
on 2023-10-29 SUPPORT
I would like to register my support for this application. The stadium needs to becomemore modern as the facilities at the moment our not really suitable for children/elderly anddisabled as there are not enough seats. This new stand would increase the seating and bring thecapacity back to previous levels.
on 2023-10-28 SUPPORT
The proposed Stand is an improvement on the broader Stadium plans previouslyapproved by Bristol City Council.
Additional consideration has been given towards the environment, such as the inclusion of solarpanels plus Bristol Rovers Football Club becoming a member of the Football Associationenvironmental project.
The plans show consideration for improvements towards noise and steps for traffic andneighbourhood consideration.
Overall the Stand would help to develop and improve the appearance and matchday experiencefor local and travelling football supporters. Further it will increase the quality of the sportingfacilities in North Bristol.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
As a sports fan, I believe that a sports club in the community is a huge asset and canbring a good sense of community to the surrounding area. However, as someone who lives in theneighbourhood, I am aware that the area is already overwhelmed on match day and I fear thatincreasing the capacity without alternative parking solutions will make the area very congestedand become even more of a risk than it is at the moment to pedestrians. I cannot support theseplans without seeing proper provision for creating a safer local environment on match days.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
1. As a neighbour of the ground who will be materially impacted by both the constructionof and the eventual new build, why was there no consultation by the owners about this project?2. The ground already causes immense problems on match days- massive traffic congestion in the small streets within a large area around the ground- it is already impossible for residents to park in their own streets on match days - we areeffectively blocked in or out from 2 hours before a game and for up to an hour afterwards.- unruly behaviour and litter both increase markedly on match days- as well as the smaller side streets, the larger roads (Gloucester Rd, Filton Ave, Muller Rd) allbecome completely congested before and after gamesAll these issues will only become worse with an increased capacity3. The increased height of the new stands will have a negative impact on the housing in theimmediate area, and an application for increasing the height of a building close to the ground wasdenied this year for the same reason, so why is this appropriate?4. Why has the construction already begun if planning permission has yet to be given?5. It is completely inappropriate for a sports stadium to be situated in a densely populated area,consisting of Victorian/Edwardian terraced properties and narrow streets. Any move to increasecapacity will simply make this anachronistic situation worse for all the local residents, and thatstretches some way from the ground.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
1. As a neighbour of the ground who will be materially impacted by both the constructionof and the eventual new build, why was there no consultation by the owners about this project?2. The ground already causes immense problems on match days- massive traffic congestion in the small streets within a large area around the ground- it is already impossible for residents to park in their own streets on match days - we areeffectively blocked in or out from 2 hours before a game and for up to an hour afterwards.- unruly behaviour and litter both increase markedly on match days- as well as the smaller side streets, the larger roads (Gloucester Rd, Filton Ave, Muller Rd) allbecome completely congested before and after gamesAll these issues will only become worse with an increased capacity3. The increased height of the new stands will have a negative impact on the housing in theimmediate area, and an application for increasing the height of a building close to the ground wasdenied this year for the same reason, so why is this appropriate?4. Why has the construction already begun if planning permission has yet to be given?5. It is completely inappropriate for a sports stadium to be situated in a densely populated area,consisting of Victorian/Edwardian terraced properties and narrow streets. Any move to increasecapacity will simply make this anachronistic situation worse for all the local residents, and thatstretches some way from the ground.
on 2023-10-28 SUPPORT
I would like to put my name forward in support of the application by Bristol Rovers FC intheir proposed plan to build a new stand in the south and south west sections of the Memorialstadium.I feel this is necessary and will greatly benefit the people who support the club and it willprovide them with a much better experience by giving them more comfort and more importantlygreater safety on match days. I think that those who live directly behind the proposed site will alsobenefit by it reducing the noise level as the new stand will act as a buffer and therefore the noiselevels will be very much muted. As a football club Bristol Rovers are only applying to regain theattendance capacity it had prior to Covid . I feel that many of the people who are objecting to thechanges are the same people who rejected the proposed site being sold to make way for asupermarket a few years back , so they should make their minds up to what they want to see onthis historical site after all it has been used as a football and rugby stadium for many many yearsnow. In conclusion I feel it would be nice if Bristol City council could provide the blue half of the citythe same support when asking for planning permission to improve their stadium as they allow thered half of the city.
on 2023-10-28 SUPPORT
I support the planned development of the stands. They will contain the noise inside thestadium much better than the previous temporary arrangements.With the addition of solar panels on the roof and the planting of more trees on the land behind, thisshould appease the environmentalists and nullify their objections.I urge the planners to grant permission for the construction.
on 2023-10-28 SUPPORT
The local people who are now objecting are the same ones who demanded that thestadium should be made a community asset and made a great fuss to prevent the football clubfrom selling it off.They should now embrace the proposed improvements to the asset and indeed support any futuredevelopments should they materialise.I support the construction of the new stands and hope the planning committee do likewise.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
The impact of this on the neighbouring properties and communities is huge and it is soinconceivable that it could go ahead before planning permission has even been granted. This isnegatively effecting people's homes, outlooks, well-being and massively the value and saleabilityof their property! All without any prior consultation. It is not an appropriate position for such a largecapacity stadium for so many different reasons and I am amazed that anyone could possibly thinkthis is a good idea.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
The proposed development is too big with regard to the local houses. The new standwill take a lot of their light away
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
I object to this on the basis of impact to parking for local residents. It's already anightmare on match days trying to find a parking space, with people parking on double yellows etc.We quite often have to spend ages trying to find a space which is usually much further from thehouse than usual, with a young family this is a real problem. Expanding the capacity of thestadium will therefore make the existing problem even worse.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
The erection of this stand is in complete disregard for surrounding home and residentsquality of life.It has a direct negative impact on light on Alton road and will devalue the propertiesnext to it.The expansion also doesn't take into account the congestion already around the stadium withdifficulty in parking on any surrounding streets on match days.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
The extension of the stand proceeded without any consultation with local residents orindeed planning permission. There has been no acknowledgement of the impact on local residentseg less light, more noise, more traffic parking. They have shown scant regard for the residentsmental well-being as this is their home and local area they are spoiling
on 2023-10-28 SUPPORT
Redeveloping the memorial stadium as a sports facility is the sustainable choice for thecity, the football club and the neighbourhood. It will help protect the economy of the area and themixed use of the land. Need to sort out parking / public transport but that should not stop thisdevelopment. Please give permission.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
The new stand obstructs a huge amount of natural light from the houses adjacent to thestadium. The infrastructure is not in place to support the increased numbers attending matches,which will lead to a huge impact on traffic, parking, noise levels.Constructing the stand without consent, applying retrospectively and then getting approval sets abad president for the club continuing to expand in ways that encroach upon neighbours and thecommunity.I strongly object to this application.
on 2023-10-28 OBJECT
I think the general feeling amongst the community is that this appears to be a 'donedeal' despite numerous objections on the original planning application that was put in after workswere commenced and after the most recent meeting. There has been complete disregard by theclub of the neighbouring community who have valid concerns regarding parking on match days,increase in traffic with a knock on effect on pollution and sustainability of the local area. As Roversare now planning further development of other parts of the stadium we would hope that dueprocess is followed, that the local community are considered and consulted and that real plans forsustainability are also included to provide alternate means of travelling to the stadium and for thecouncil to consider permit parking in the streets around the stadium for residents.
on 2023-10-27 OBJECT
This application is retrospective. The stand has been built. I wholly object to it for thefollowing reasons.
1. No representation from neighbours or local residents. We were not contacted before thebuilding began, engagement with local residents has been extremely poor. I have only beencontacted once by the club to discuss this build, several months after construction began andgiven minimal notice to attend a meeting in the middle of a working day. No consideration on theimpact of a) the construction work itself, b) the new stand physically c) how the increase capacityaffects local area
2. Effects on the area. Increasing capacity with no consideration of impact on local infrastructure. Ialready can not park around my property on a match day. Traffic is terrible already, with peopledriving down busy, narrow residential terraced streets. The size of the stand is much increasedand much more imposing for the local area.
3. Highway safety issues. Increasing capacity in an already busy area with many residentialproperties. concern over road capacity, means of access (many supporters walking in the road,parking on corners, blocking residential parking).
4. Effect on individual buildings. Local residents have lost natural sunlight and are grosslyovershadowed. I have reduced natural light in the front of my property and lost evening sun in myback garden. The visual impact is overpowering and looming, and a huge change from what wasthere before. The increase capacity will impact noise and smell from the stadium.
5. There is an area of tree/foliage coverage that they have not considered when building thisstand. It is home to much wildlife such as foxes, birds, hedgehogs and I saw bats last summer.The constant construction for months and disturbance of this area does not appear to have beenconsidered at all.
6. Precedent. I have huge concerns that Bristol Rovers have been allowed to build this standwithout planning permission and therefore the proper review processes and regulations in place.The fact that the stand has significantly increased in size (height and width) without anyconsideration of local residents makes me hugely concerned with what will be built next. Thisconcern was compounded further by the new owner being a known property developer.
In summary, I am very upset and disappointed by this process. I have been disturbed most daysby construction noise since May, when they first started, they started drilling at 6:30am, and onlystopped when residents pointed out it was not acceptable.
The stand is enormous and hugely adversely affects my property and the street with its loomingvisual impact and reduction of light at the front and rear of my property. I am concerned about theimpact on local infrastructure, noise and pollution of the increased capacity. I feel totallyunsupported by the council and wholly unrepresented in this process. Bristol Rovers show noconsideration for the fact they are in a residential area, with no engagement with us. We all knowthey want to move because the site is not appropriate for them, so why and how has increasingthe capacity been allowed.
The stand is too big, it needs to be reversed to much lower in height and width and reducedcapacity.
on 2023-10-27 SUPPORT
I would like to support the application. The new stand will give much better facilities forhome and away supporters. Being a more permanent structure with a fixed roof it should be lessnoisy for local residents. Bristol rovers needs to update the stadium if it is to progress but also sothat supporters from the wider community have a better overall experience. Other cities havemuch better stadiums and arenas so this would be a small step to improving our facilities. Theparking won't be any worse for local residents as the capacity will still be lower than past years.
on 2023-10-27 OBJECT
As a neighbour living close to the site of the proposed stand I have the followingobjections:
The stand is now almost complete and is double the height of the previous one, closer to theboundary with the end of our road and a third longer than the original one.This has a direct impact on my house and garden. As the new stand is built on an elevated site(about 2 metres higher than the land in our street) and is itself about 3 storeys high, it looms over,blocking out the sky and has the effect of feeling like I'm living in the middle of an industrial estate.It greatly overshadows my home and garden. I see the blue steel from all parts of my home.There's no getting away from it.The stand is made of steel and is bright blue so doesn't blend in with the landscape at all. It looksand feels exactly like having an IKEA warehouse in my garden. It's that close. I haven't really usedthe garden since work started and the garden has lost it's feeling of peace and quiet.Before the development began the area was very peaceful and quiet - aside from the occasionalmatch day. The area behind the street was filled with trees which provided a beneficialenvironment for the residents and a small haven for nature. All I could see from my garden wastrees which had grown to shield the old stand and offered a useful buffer for the noise.Parking on match days has always been a massive problem - what additional parking facilities willrovers be including to ensure that the neighbours in the local areas aren't even more badlyaffected by the additional fans that may come? As it stands, parking is impossible anywhere nearmy home on a match day/evening, and will be even more difficult if you have disabilities, childrenor shopping.There has been no consultation with the neighbours in the community about the proposals before
work started and very little during the process. The 2 meetings that have been held has notresulted in any action from Rovers to mitigate the impact on its neighbours and as one who lives inclose proximity there's been no proactive communication at all.Over the last few months there has been a litany of issues:- Noise- Health and safety- Construction work outside standard hoursThe fact that construction has started and almost finished without any planning permission makesthis consultation process seem pointless. As a Bristol resident who applied for planningpermission, had to change my planned build to a more expensive design to accommodate aneighbour's property (despite the fact that they supported my build) and then complied with theterms of consent - this process seems farcical. If a large high-profile local business like Roverscan just build what they want, how they want it and with complete disregard for their neighbours,why would anyone follow planning rules?
Lastly I know that in the plans for a new stadium previously approved this stand would have beenbigger but those out-of-date plans relate to a time when Rovers' staff owned the homes (includingmine) directly neighbouring the area and so there would have not been the direct and damagingimpact on the neighbours that there is now or the objections.
on 2023-10-27 SUPPORT
Dear Conrad Rodzaj
I write in support of the Planning Application: 23/03826/F.
I have FIVE discrete topic areas on which I wish to comment at this point:
Bristol is the major city in the West of England region. The population of the two nearby countiesof Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Bristol itself total nearly 2.5 million people. The residents of the
Greater Bristol region and the surrounding environs are fortunate to live in an area with a city thathas an outstanding cultural, arts and heritage reputation. Participation in arts and culture, such asmuseum visits, harbourside festivals and arts events have a positive impact on health, well-being,and overall life satisfaction.
Unfortunately, the same welcome pattern has not been visibly discernible in terms of sportsparticipation and sporting activity in Bristol. Research demonstrates that the social interaction sideof sports is beneficial, giving people a community to belong to and interests outside their workinglife. Thankfully, in recent times, planning consent for the necessary floodlights and flats atGloucester County Cricket Club and the new stands at the Ashton Gate ground have helped bringmore international sporting events to Bristol.
Over many decades Bristol has been justly viewed as a sporting backwater. This has begun tochange in the last decade but there is much still to do. Bristol Rovers have been tryingunsuccessfully to find a suitable location for a stadium befitting a professional football club sincethe 1980's. During that time BRFC have held back from making the sort of improvements to theMemorial Stadium that are required for visiting supporters, family groups and those who need tohave a seat at the stadium. The strategy of "mend and make do", with much hindsight, can nowbest be regarded as a mistaken approach. Encouraged not to do piecemeal changes by localplanners, BRFC have spent nearly 30 years avoiding some of the basic improvements that arefound everywhere elsewhere.
It is now time to make amends for this neglect. The Memorial Stadium has been an eyesore for fartoo long and a massive negative in judging the wider reputation of the entire city and region.Bristol has an aspiration to become a great European city and sporting excellence is a keyingredient and component. There are huge positive benefits for residents and the wholecommunity in having a modern, fit for purpose stadium.
It will be wonderful when it can be rightly judged that Bristol has top quality arts, cultural, heritageand SPORTS provision.
There has been a sports stadium present on Filton Avenue in Horfield for over 100 years. Formost of that time the Memorial Ground was occupied by amateur players who participated in rugbyunion. Bristol Rugby was founded in 1888 as Bristol Football Club and played their home matchesat the Memorial Ground between 1921 and 2014. Beside the rugby pitch there was a full-sizedtraining pitch and a car park of a similar size. In 1996 Bristol Rovers returned to Bristol to sharethe facilities with the now-professional Bristol Rugby Club.
For 18 years two professional sports teams used the ground for first team matches. In addition,reserve and youth matches, pre-season friendlies, rugby league internationals and other fixtureswere held in a low standard facility. Approximately once each week the ground and the vicinitywere a hive of activity with supporters on most Saturdays. Bank holidays at Christmas and Easterwould be busy, noisy, and full of excitement. Most of the long-standing residents of Bristolunderstand the role of the Memorial Stadium and are genuinely happy that it has remained asports facility rather than change its use.
The gentrification process that is taking place in Bristol has a particular impact on the area ofBristol in which the Memorial Stadium is located. I respect the motto "Think Globally-Act Locally". Ido not support the new motto of "Think Globally-Halt Locally". A well organised negative campaignhas been organised on every occasion that BRFC have looked to make changes to/around TheMemorial Stadium. There is clear evidence of lies, untruths, and disingenuous allegations in thecomments opposing the new and the original South Stand application. The stand is NOT the issuefor many "locals". Many of the newly arrived residents near the Memorial Stadium want the footballclub OUT. It is not the case that their house values will increase if the football club cease to exist.
The homes near the Memorial Stadium are much newer than the ground and the vast bulk ofresidents in the immediate vicinity of the stadium moved in after Bristol Rovers returned to Bristolin 1996. For a large proportion of nearby residents, they moved into the area when both BristolRugby and Bristol Rovers played at the stadium. Apart from one house in the middle of Alton RoadALL the other homes in that specific street were purchased after Bristol Rovers began sharing withBristol Rugby club. The parking and traffic issues have diminished by up to 50% in comparisonwith the situation faced by those who lived in the immediate vicinity between 1996 and 2014.Memories are short or the resident is a newcomer to Bristol.
In 2006 and 2007 half of the previous car park and half of the full-sized training pitch were builtupon. The homes that were constructed on that area of land is now known as Trubshaw Close. Allthose residents who have moved into Trubshaw Close must have been aware that the access totheir cul-de-sac homes is the main vehicle entrance into the Memorial Stadium. It meant that in the90 minutes before and after matches there would be problems if they wanted to enter or leavetheir home by vehicle. Complaints about match day traffic from the owners of these properties areunbelievable.
Objections to the development of the new South Stand from "locals" do not and must not beconsidered more important than all others. Born and bred Bristolians, living locally and in otherparts of the city or region, deserve to have their views equally considered. The Memorial Stadiumis highly valued by long-standing Bristolians and is a key part of the history of Horfield and Bristol.The sports venue has been present on the site for over 100 years and must be allowed to evolveand adapt to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions.
Over recent years the changes to The Memorial Stadium, both internally and by externalregulations, have seen the full capacity of the venue rise and fall. Changes made at the venuehave been minimal and largely involve roofs being built on standing terraces and the installation oftemporary seating. At modern football stadiums seating is required by law in the top two levels ofthe English football game. BRFC has a stadium with an inadequate number of seats. Hardly anyfootball club in the entire football league has so few seats. It is madness that it has taken so longbefore the lightly used side of the Memorial Stadium is developed to reflect the changedrequirements of modern-day consumers/supporters. Very few grounds in the professional spherehave had so little modernisation. This is a situation that needs to change.
The increase in capacity of the whole stadium with the construction of the South Stand takes thelicenced capacity to 12,534, which is only 258 more than was the case prior to the 2018application. Standing on terraces at professional sports grounds has been actively discouraged fordecades and the comfort, safety and convenience of spectators is enhanced by the South Standseating development. Family groups have very little choice of suitable viewing areas at thestadium. Visiting supporters will have much enhanced catering facilities, more appropriate toiletprovision and a viewing section that is vastly superior.
The South Stand development/improvement at The Memorial Stadium is long overdue. Visitors toThe Memorial Stadium to watch matches have often travelled very long distances. They deservebetter treatment and more suitable facilities. This South Stand is good for visitors, for BristolRovers supporters and for the reputation of Bristol. Building a modern and fit for purpose SouthStand demonstrates the continued evolution of the venue which needs massively updating.
The new South Stand will have a traditional and semi-permanent football ground aesthetic, thusmoving away from the use of temporary and demountable structures in this area of the stadium.The new facility will have significantly improved comfort, sightlines and wheelchair provision andprovide more seamless access/egress arrangements, thus providing more flexibility in instanceswhere the structure is to be split between home and away spectators.
The design of the stands reflects those of the existing East and West stands. A revised SouthStand will be more visually appealing than the former temporary stands.
Among the many modifications that have been made because of the very constructive feedbackfrom the original application there are several that need mentioning. The reports and statements inthe revised application are thorough and clearly demonstrate that there are no significant groundsupon which planning consent should be refused.
Among the topics that were frequently mentioned was the Noise Impact of the new stand. Thenoise mapping investigations show that the proposed changes to the stands will not result in anysignificant changes in noise level to the immediate residential properties. Most dwellings to thesouth of the stadium are expected to benefit from a reduction in noise level from the proposedstand. The acoustic benefits of the additional cladding/screening will negate any increase in noiseand even reduce noise levels at the properties. Overall, due to the cladding of the proposed stand,it will result in an overall improvement in noise levels to the surrounding area.
A second topic that was raised and has commendable value was the possibility of utilising theSouth Stand roof in some positive way. Photovoltaics are to be installed on the roof of the newsouth stand. The roof of the stand is South facing and the planned photovoltaic array can beexpanded, as and if required, in the future. The South Stand development will utilise photovoltaicsto generate renewable energy on site and offset 20% carbon emissions from the use of electricity.This is a good first step which could be developed over time.
Thirdly, questions have been posed about the bio-diversity impact of the development overall. Thenew South Stand at The Memorial Stadium can achieve a Bio- Diversity Net Gain of 10.58% forhabitats. The results of the investigations demonstrate that enhancement measures to offsitehabitat which is within the football club's ownership are adequate to deliver the desired biodiversityoutcomes. Off-site mitigation through an offset provider is not necessary for this South Standdevelopment.
Fourthly, questions were raised about travel, parking, and access because of the new SouthStand. The revised planning application covers in detail how a Travel Plan Co-ordinator and thedevelopment of a Travel Plan Framework will be valuable.
The Memorial Stadium is situated in a sustainable urban location which has excellent connectionsto public transport and enables access by active modes of travel including walking and cycling.These existing connections could be exploited by the proposed travel plan to encourage a greatershare of travel by more sustainable modes.
Among the varied topics that are outlined in the Transport Statement/Travel Plan:
Provision of Off-Site Signage Linked to the New Ashley Down Station
Installation of Digital Stadium Entrance Signage
Provision of 50 Cycle Parking Spaces with suitable dry facilities
Provision Of 50 Scooter Hire Parking Places
Road Closures Around Match Times in the Immediate Vicinity
Improvements to the Car Park Management Arrangements
Exploration of Car Travel Disincentives in Co-Operation with B.C.C. and Residents
Methods to Encourage Car Sharing Among Spectators
Methods to Promote and Encourage Walking to the Match
A Range of Techniques to Promote More Cycling to Matches
Consideration of Extra Public Transport Measures with Partners/Stakeholders
Ideas for Promoting the Awareness and Use of Rail Services/Stations
This extensive range of ideas together with the key appointment of the Travel Plan Co-ordinatorand the development of the Travel Plan, to be agreed shortly, are a proportionate and balancedsolution/approach to the concerns raised in the original application.
There are other areas explored in the planning application which are not raised in thesecomments. For instance, the issue of claimed lack of privacy and the possibility of some limitedovershadowing. I have not covered all the aspects raised because the reports and statements inthe planning application do not need any extra support from me.
I fully support the revised planning application for the South Stand at The Memorial Stadium. Iurge you to approve the plans without any further delay.
on 2023-10-27 OBJECT
I am objecting for these reasons:
1) On principle, as the work is nearly complete without planning permission.
2) Bristol Rovers are poor neighbours - consulting neighbours happens reluctantly, if at all... Noisefrom bands / amplified music, well in excess of agreements, and agreed times, has been anongoing problem.
3) Traffic and parking. Match attendees park on corners, parking restrictions, on pavements, onHorfield Common. BCC do not seem to have the resources to patrol and enforce. Drivers goesaround and around in circles looking for parking, clogging the roads and polluting the area.
If permission is granted Rovers need to pay the council to enforce parking regulations on matchdays. A Residents Parking Zone should be considered. Rovers should have a Travel Plan, andencourage sustainable travel to the stadium.
This could all be different if the Rovers management worked constructively with neighbours, but itdoes really seem that they just don't care.
on 2023-10-27 OBJECT
I would like to object because I believe the new stand will bring even greater traffic onmatch days to an already very polluted and congested area. I am also aware of the impact onfriends' houses around Strathmore and Downend Rd. It is shocking that the stand has been builtwithout permission being granted and without proper community consultation. We are a BristolRovers supporting family so we understand the need for more seating but not at this cost.
on 2023-10-26
Comments – 25 October 2023
1. We do not agree that the onsite trees should be classified as Woodland and forest - Other
woodland; broadleaved habitat. These trees are clearly Individual trees – Urban habitat
under paragraph 8.3.5 of the BNG 4.0 User Guide: ‘Individual trees may also be found in
groups or stands (with overlapping canopies) within and around the perimeter of urban
land. This includes those along urban streets, highways, railways and canals, and also
former field boundary trees incorporated into developments. For example, if groups of
trees within the urban environment do not match the descriptions for woodland, they may
be assessed as a block of individual urban trees.’
2. We calculate that this habitat covers an area of 0.0147 hectares (ha) and that none has
been retained. We accept that it is in Poor condition but has Medium Strategic Significance
- Location ecologically desirable but not in local strategy. On this basis, it is worth 0.06
Habitat Units (HUs) and the whole onsite baseline habitat is worth 0.28 HUs. We have
adjusted the online baseline area to 0.307 ha by adjusting one of the zero-rated habitats
so that this has no impact on the overall calculation.
3. We accept the Woodland and forest - Other woodland; broadleaved habitat classification
of the offsite trees that fall within the Blueline area to the south-east of the site, even
though they too fall within the Individual trees – Urban habitat classification. This is
because they form a cohesive group, and no information has been provided to allow their
habitat area as Individual trees – Urban habitat to be calculated; and there is evidence to
suggest that this habitat is not woodland.1
4. We calculate that this offsite habitat area is 0.104 ha, of which 0.02 will be retained and
0.084 ha will be enhanced. We accept the applicant’s other baseline parameters. On this
basis, the habitat is worth 0.46 HUs.
5. We also accept the applicant’s offsite enhancement proposals, which will achieve 0.63
6. We recommend that the six replacement trees required under DM17/BTRS also be planted
in this habitat so that, at the end of the 27 year time-to-target period they will have
achieved Medium condition and contribute 0.08 HUs to BNG.
On this basis, we calculate that these changes will achieve a BNG of 51.06% and contribute net
0.14 HUs to the development rather than the 10.53% BNG and the net 0.03 HUs proposed.
Our BNG 4.0 calculation has been submitted with these comments.
Before we endorse this plan, however, we will want to see the applicant’s Landscape Ecological
Management Plan (LEMP) and the Conservation Covenant required under Part 7 of the
1 By viewing a sequence of Google Earth Images between June 2017 and May 2023.
Comments – 25 October 2023
Environment Act 2021 (EA 21).2 Whilst the full effect of the EA 21 has not come into force, the
requirement to provide a Conservation Covenant came into force on 30 September 2022.3
The site where offsite habitat creation and enhancement are proposed is currently landlocked.
We suggest that it be made accessible to the local community and designated an Asset of
Community Value.4 In this way the site’s future could be secured and provided as part of the
mitigation the local community is entitled to as a result of these proposals. This could benefit
the applicant because the community could be involved in helping to provide long-term care
and maintenance.
We hope that the applicant will take up our suggestion.
2 3 4
on 2023-10-26 SUPPORT
Bearing in mind that resident groups have long campaigned to maintain a sports arenaon the site (in preference to other proposals) I would hope that everyone sees the replacement ofthe south and southwest stands as an opportunity to greatly enhance the matchday experience ofspectators enjoying the venue.Concerns regarding potential increases in traffic due to increased attendances are unlikely to bewell-founded as the site has previously received approval for a much larger development with amuch increased capacity, and no significant changes to the road network in the area haveoccurred since that time.The structure of the proposed stand should also help to prevent noise and light from spilling intothe surrounding area.
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
I'm a resident overlooking the stadium. I'm really disappointed in the local planningauthority's lack of authority and oversight. The club was permitted to carry out developmentillegally, the they tactically withdrew their application to remove the objections and lodge a freshapplication. The LPA is familiar with th process and the planning tactics so it's rather strangebehaviour to allow the development to complete without permission. This would not be allowed if aresident built a structure in their garden without planning consent. It seems like different rulesapply to this planning application.
Appar from the above failings, the club has destroyed a large part of the natural habitat used bybats. They were disturbed and we're flying around more after the trees have been removed. Thereis so much in the press about biodiversity net gain but this has been disregarded here.
There is no additional provision for the public transport and on a match day, it's impossible for theresidents to find a parking space with the fans cars parked on double yellow line blocking accesfor ambulances and fire service. Without sufficient number of car parking spaces or a dedicatedtransport the added seat capacity will result in serious disruption to the parking and will cause roadsafety issues.
I strongly object to this application and the entitled behaviour of the club. I would urge the LocalPlanning Authority to exercise their discretion and serve a notice on the club to pull down theillegal structure and replant the lost habitat. They can then engage in a proper consultation withthe residents and the LPA about the best way forward.
I'd like to add that there has been no consultation with the residents prior to the commencement ofthe development.
The whole thing is very suspicious and concerning for those who follow the due process.
Kind regards
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
I am opposed to this development, again. It is cynical in the extreme to put in a new,virtually unchanged, retrospective application when plenty of people had made their opinions clearthe first time. The new stand is much larger than previously and I still wish to object on grounds ofincreased traffic and parking. No where in these plans are there mitigation made by the Rovers toimprove the parking situation for those who live here, to introduce/sppnsor better transport to thestadium or address the issues with air quality that these bring to the area. There is a primaryschool next door and many children in this area and their respiratory health is relevant whenincreasing capacity like this. Furthermore the engagement with residents has been negligible ashas the continued noise violations from the live band which plays at every match.
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
The stand is an extremely vibrant blue, which does not fit in with the surroundings at all.If I painted my house this colour, I would be asked to change the colour. Why are there doublestandards? Rovers should not be allowed to do whatever they want without planning permissionsimply because they have money and power behind them. This colour should be changed togreen so it doesn't stand out so much. And if not, should we all be painting our houses the samecolour blue, so that we fit in with the now extremely dominant architecture of the area?
Who does this blue colour benefit? Residents have to see this on a daily basis, just so that fanscan see it briefly on a match day before they watch the football. It's not even the Rover's brandcolour. It's just an eyesore.
Parking in this area is awful - we need to be granted residents only parking on the surroundingstreets. Rovers have not planned parking for all the extra fans visiting the area on match days.Parking here is already near impossible, on a match day I can't park anywhere near my ownhouse. Sort this out please. This area is not fit for a venue of this size. Other areas in Bristol haveresidents only parking, and these areas do not have thousands of extra people passing through ona regular basis.
There is a toilet block which is being built at the end of my garden on the stadium side of ourshared wall. I am concerned that this could be a public health issue due to the smell. Again, if Ibuilt a toilet next to my neighbour's fence I would expect at the very least that I would speak tothem about it first. The way Rovers have pushed this whole project through without planningpermission is unethical, illegal, and inconsiderate.
Also noise pollution - capacity for more fans means more noise. Rovers have denied this but it'sridiculous to claim that thousands of extra people will make no extra noise.
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
Strongly object to proposed stand on grounds of high levels of noise impacting residentsand unacceptable/unsafe parking/transport implications.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
This planning proposal to improve the Memorial Stadium is long overdue. The newstands will improve the health and safety of the thousands of people that regularly attend events atthe stadium.In terms of light and visual impact, I believe the new stands will have a minimal impact upon localresidents. These replacement stands are on the footprint of those they replace. The new standshould reduce the level of noise generated by spectators because the original stand was only cladin a canvas type material.These improvements will be of great benefit to the football club by updating facilities which arebadly needed. I support these planning application on this basis.
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
Parking is awful when the match is on. Football supporters park everywhere even ondouble yellow line and aggressive. As a resident, we have no parking space and feel feareddriving or even walking in the area with young children. It's nonsense Increasing seats withoutsorting the parking problem!
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
I fully support the new stand. The development will bring much needed improvements tothe ground in an entirely sustainable/location.
The club should be congratulated in considering many of the initial concerns raised in theirresubmission in particular in the use of renewable energy and ecological benefits at this time of aclimate emergency.
I understand the concerns raised but while the new structure is marginally larger than the previousstructure(s) the difference us not significant. This is a proposal for the development andenhancement of an existing ground not the creation of a new one. The work of the club to try andaccommodate some of the concerns is commendable.
Please support the proposal
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
This development is essential to improve facilities at the football stadium. Improvedfacilities for both home and visiting supporters, and particularly, disabled fans and their helpers.The reduced capacity that has been in place for some time now reduces the clubs income andtherefore it's ability to be the viable community asset it should be. This upgrade in facilities servesto bring crowd capacity back to the levels it was some 5 years ago, no more than that - about timelocal government gave some support to a long standing local sporting institution, as there hasbeen precious little of it in the past.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
Having lost the zoo in a sustainable location and the loss of the arena project to an outof town location surely the city council should seek to support and enhance our remaining culturaland sporting facilities. I note that the new local plan supports this vision
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
I support this application as it will bring the Memorial Stadium back to its originalcapacity to house more home and away fans.
The new stand will also feature much needed seating for visiting supporters with mobility needsand their companions allowing them to watch games in much better facilities than the previoustented stands.
It will also promote the image of Bristol as a forward thinking City that supports modern sportingfacilities which other areas of the Country already have.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
The vital redevelopment is required to bring local sports facilities up standardThis development will provide vital covered seats enable all ages groups to safely watch localprofessional supportThe provision for increased facilities is badly neededThis development only puts the ground capacity back to that before recent reductions based onsafety groundsWe are falling behind other local cities with our facilities and cannot continue to see this happenThis development will create more tourism revenue for the local economy .It has been a stadium for over a 100 years in this residential area and is deeply connected as alasting memory of those who lost there lives in the first work war , it needs updating to properlypay respect to this past and maintain its presence as a lasting memory for those who supportedour country in times of war
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. The previous structure was an embarrassment not only tofootball club but also the city of Bristol. Football stadia are visitor attractions and withoutinvestment and restructuring the current stadium experience can only leave a poor memory to thevisitor not only of the venue but also city in which it sits. Bristol Rovers must be one of the longestrunning businesses in the city having commenced in 1883. The importance of such a longstanding business should not be underestimated and I am sure any one objecting to this proposalhas resided in the city for a far shorter time than the football club. The wider community and localcommercial benefits of a successful and progressive football club are probably immeasurable andthis new stand is an important building block insuring a bright future for what is a major Bristolinstitution.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
This is an excellent opportunity to bring the capacity of the ground back to what it was18 months ago and despite the increase in seating at this end of the ground- this has been offsetthrough reductions in other sections. This improved structure will offer a modern area for locals,supporters from further afield and tourists to Bristol to enjoy.
It is critical to rememebr that due to fact that there has been no increase to capacity, the impact onparking, noise, light, traffic management and carbon emissions on a match day will be minimalwhen compared to what was already experienced within the local area, and the inclusion of solarpanels will actually present a more environmentally sustainable solution than what has ever beenat the Memeorial Stadium in its history.
The Memorial Stadium has had no real improvement made for 20 years and sadly is not at thestandard of facility worthy of representing those lost in conflicts over the years as per the nameand war memorial suggests. This is an opportunity to move the stadium forward and make it afacility for all Bristolians to be proud of that is viewed as a modern rememberence center piece forthe entire city.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
Because the ground has always been an sports venue. The residents who decided tobuy right now door, should have considered that one day the club might improve the facilitiessomewhat.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
Time to upgrade facilities at one of only 3 sporting venues in the city.
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
A much needed stand which will help keep noise down
on 2023-10-25 SUPPORT
Much needed upgrade to a ageing stadium. Hopefully more in the planning for the rest.
on 2023-10-25 OBJECT
Commenter Type: Neighbour
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Comment Reasons:
Comment:I'm a resident overlooking the stadium. I'm really disappointed in the local planning
authority's lack of authority and oversight. The club was permitted to carry out development
illegally, the they tactically withdrew their application to remove the objections and lodge a fresh
application. The LPA is familiar with th process and the planning tactics so it's rather strange
behaviour to allow the development to complete without permission. This would not be allowed if a
resident built a structure in their garden without planning consent. It seems like different rules
apply to this planning application.
Appar from the above failings, the club has destroyed a large part of the natural habitat used by
bats. They were disturbed and we're flying around more after the trees have been removed. There
is so much in the press about biodiversity net gain but this has been disregarded here.
There is no additional provision for the public transport and on a match day, it's impossible for the
residents to find a parking space with the fans cars parked on double yellow line blocking acces
for ambulances and fire service. Without sufficient number of car parking spaces or a dedicated
transport the added seat capacity will result in serious disruption to the parking and will cause road
safety issues.
I strongly object to this application and the entitled behaviour of the club. I would urge the Local
Planning Authority to exercise their discretion and serve a notice on the club to pull down the
illegal structure and replant the lost habitat. They can then engage in a proper consultation with
the residents and the LPA about the best way forward.
I'd like to add that there has been no consultation with the residents prior to the commencement of
the development.
The whole thing is very suspicious and concerning for those who follow the due process.
Kind regards
on 2023-10-24 SUPPORT
I hearby vote in favour of the construction of a new south stand based at Bristol roversfootball club,This will undoubtedly help support the surrounding areas of not only retail but food andbeverages increasing the numbers that currently reside.
Also allowing a local Team of Bristol to fulfill its potential to move up the leagues withadded support would be critical in there quest to become a successful football club andreach its ambitions.
Yours sincerely
on 2023-10-23 OBJECT
While it's good to hear of investment in the local area, the plan to increase the capacityof these stands will surely have a negative impact on the surrounding neighbourhoods when thestadium is in use. We already see huge issues with traffic and parking in the area whenever thereis an event or match at the stadium, this development will only make matters worse. I wouldsuggest, if increased capacity is given the go ahead, that significant investment should be madeinto the public and active transport facilities locally to allow more of those attending the stadium totravel their by means which cause less traffic, disruption and congestion in the surroundingneighbourhoods.
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
I lived for a time in Bromley Rd. I knew when I moved in that there was a football andrugby ground nearby that might cause parking issues on occasions but the clubs had been theresince long before I moved in. Living there actually got me interested in Bristol Rugby and Rovers.Gloucester Road is vibrant and alive during matchdays and I never once experienced troubletherefore I wholeheartedly support this application.
on 2023-10-23 OBJECT
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
Having read the planning application I agree with it's conclusion that it would not have adetrimental effect on the area.
Capacity at the ground will revert to almost the same as previously and not change the availabilityof parking in the immediate area.
As a supporter of the club I always consider residents and park responsibly and within reasonablewalking distance from the ground.
Residents should bear in mind that the stadium was there before them and a small amount ofdisruption on match days is less than experienced by people who live near schools and otheramenities on a daily basis
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
It is my view that the application for the stands should be givenapproval. This structures will bring the capacity to as it was precovid , and be an improvement aesthetically and contain noise levels as against the previousstructure.Bristol Rovers has been an important part of the city for 140 years,and of Horfield for the last 27 years. For the club to thrive as apart of the community , this new structure needs to be approved.
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
This application needs to be approved. The stand is an improvement on the previousone , and will be a progressivemove for the club in the 2020's.It not only looks better , but will contain noise better.Parking due to the new stand will be NO differnt to as is current.It is time the community recognised an important institution( BRFC 1883 ) , and welcomed it as an important part of thecity and Horfield , both financially and leisurely.Football and the local community should go hand in hand.
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
I would like to lodge my support for the aforementioned application , although i do notlike directly next to the proposed development i believe the benefit far out ways the objection.
In respect to the residents who back onto the stadium , in the vast majority of cases they havepurchased their properties since the stadium has been occupied by the current owners so if theydid not like the stadium use etc you were happy enough to buy it in the first place.
The increase in stand size does not impact any noise , light etc to any great effect , increasedcapacity will only marginally increase traffic etc the recent traffic changes have a far bigger impacteveryday as opposed to once or at worst twice a week during the season.
The stadium is used as above for around 30 - 40 days a year , if the stadium was to be sold andturned into housing that impact will be far higher and everyday.
Bristol Rovers also have massive implications for the local businesses , any slight increase will bebeneficial to those businesses and help the area thrive , if the area thrives property prices increaseso they win as homeowners.
on 2023-10-23 SUPPORT
This new stand is flagged by trees at the rear providing a visual greenery and providingaddional habitats for birds and wildlife. The frequency of matches is minimal, some Saturdays andsome Tuesdays with half of the matches away. This is a very low frequency level of peopleattending these games. The stadium needs improvement and development to provide for anincreased capacity for spectators , the current provision needs expanding to accommodateincreasing numbers of people who want to participate. The total quantity of spectators is still arelatively low figure in comparison to other Stadium and Arenas. This stand will providerefreshment facilities which is desperately needed for the spectators. These new Facilities will beavailable for disabled spectators
on 2023-10-22 SUPPORT
I wish to support the above application.
The Memorial Ground has been a sports stadium since 1921 so presumably currentneighbourhood residents were aware and accepted this when moving to the locality.
Improving the stadium by redeveloping the South Stand and bringing it up to modern standardsusing current regulations should surely be encouraged. Increased and better seating for home andaway supporters with more accessible seating being provided is long overdue.
This is exactly the right time to improve facilities with the current high interest in the gamefollowing the Women's World Cup. It should encourage more young people to watch games andthen hopefully participate, leading to an increase in their fitness levels.
When the club previously tried to relocate and sell the ground to Sainsburys numerous obstaclesand objections were placed in their way until it fell through. Are the same people also objecting tothis proposal? If this application is similarly blocked I will be left wondering if the decisions arepolitical.
on 2023-10-22 OBJECT
As a resident I strongly object to this proposal due to the increase of people descendingon this residential area.On match days we already witness terrible congestion, traffic gridlocked' illegal and inconsiderate,dangerous parking with no enforcement action being taken.Emergency services unable to get through.This proposal will increase emissions and goes against the councils green transport policy's.I was surprised to receive a letter from BCC after the work as already commenced.
on 2023-10-22 OBJECT
As a resident for the past 40 years, my family and I moved to this residential area whenthe Memorial ground was host to Bristol Rugby and on match days there was no traffic connectionor impact on this residential area, or necessity for police presence.I strongly object to this proposal due to the increase of people descending on this residential area.On match days we already witness terrible congestion, traffic gridlocked' illegal and inconsiderate,dangerous parking with no enforcement action being taken.Emergency services unable to get through.This proposal will increase emissions and goes against the councils green transport policy's.I was surprised to receive a letter from BCC after the work as already commenced.Is this a sign that it's a forgone conclusion and the letters to residents is just a formality?
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
I live near the stadium and am fully behind renovating the new stand. The stadium isdesperately in need of improvement so hopefully this will be a positive step towards that.
The club has a long proud history within Bristol and this stand is crucial to its sustainability. Theextra capacity can have a positive impact generating more revue into the local community and forthose reasons I strongly support this application.
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-21 OBJECT
Whenever there is a match at the ground visitors park really inconsiderately as it is. Ourdriveway is often blocked. People park on pavements so pushchairs and wheelchairs have tomove into the road. People park on corners so pulling out in your car is dangerous as you cannotsee oncoming traffic. I live a reasonable distance from the ground and the terrible parking stillaffects my road and neighbouring roads. There simply isn't enough parking. Adding more seatswill bring more visitors and will make people behave even more inconsiderately with their parking.
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
I fully support this project to be helpful for the club and local community. The originalstand has long been due an overhaul.
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
This development would massively benefit the club, its supporters and visitingsupporters, bringing a much improved match day experience. It would also bring extra revenue tothe club and surrounding businesses, boosting the local economy
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-21 OBJECT
I don't mind if there is increased capacity at the stadium if they are providing travel orparking infrastructure. I object on the basis that currently match days leave residents in the areano where to park and increased capacity will only make this worse. I suggest they increase theirparking capacity before increasing seating at the stadium.
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
I have been a supporter for 45 years. I fully support the proposed redevelopment of thesouthern end of the stadium. The redevelopment of the south/south west corner stand is longoverdue and will provide a much improved appearance to this part of the stadium. The new standwill provide much needed increased seating, which will give more families, older and disabledsupporters a greater opportunity to attend matches. In addition, visiting supporters will get a muchimproved experience, which is currently one of, if not, the worst in the football league. Despiteclaims to the contrary the stadium's capacity will not lead to increased issues, as the capacity willbe near to pre-Covid levels. Improved transport infrastructure is coming on stream very soon andwill give supporters greater options when travelling to matches. A previous approved applicationfor a total redevelopment of the site showed greater massing than this stand proposes. Soundpollution will be reduced with an enclosed permanent structure, rather than tented covers. Lightpollution should also be improved with a higher roofline. The application is far more detailed thanthe previous submission and has sought to address all concerns effectively. The club needs to besustainable and plays a vital role within the community, both in terms of its work with numerousagencies and charities, as well as supporting local businesses through increased revenues onmatch days.
on 2023-10-21 SUPPORT
This application should be approved in full given that it is based on improvements toexisting facilities which had been given prior approved by BCC. It does not increase crowdcapacity beyond previously approved numbers and therefore will not have a material impact onissues such as road traffic, parking, or noise/light pollution. What it will do is improve the generalfabric of the stadium and further enclose the pitch so that noise pollution will be reduced comparedto the former temporary stand.The football club is endeavouring to improve the general appearance of the stadium with theminimum of disruption or loss of amenities to local residents - all of whom would have been fullyaware that they were purchasing property next to a sports stadium which would need periodicalup-grading and modernisation.
on 2023-10-21 OBJECT
Totally object to this application. No consideration to residents in Alton Rd. Erection ofstand continues in the meantime without planning permission. Makes a mockery of the wholeprocess.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I would like to give my full support to this long awaited improvement to the MemorialGround. This is something that has been needed for decades now. All credit to BRFC for trying toimprove the facilities for many home & away fans & disabled fans who require a seat to watchthere team & improvements to toilet facilities & seating for older fans who have followed they'refavourite football club for many years.This will also bring capacity back to pre Covid levels. This is only a temporary stand & will encloseany noise generated better than the previous tented structures. I fully support this application.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
Having reviewed the submitted documentation including the 'Travel Plan' I would like toexpress my objection to the proposed development.The documentation submitted appears to make the argument that since the proposeddevelopment does not seek to increase capacity above that approved in 2008, there is no furtherrequirement to address transportation other that to encourage alternative forms of transport to thesite.This takes no account of a 2.4% increase in car ownership in Bristol since 2001 nor an increase of6.6% for South Gloucestershire over the same period all of which will contribute to increased trafficand disruption for residents on match days.Notwithstanding the statistical arguments, it would appear that no assessment has been made ofthe real impact on local residents on match days, with the providers seemingly having not visitedthe area on a match day to determine the nature of such impact.As of today (and with a reduced capacity), provision for parking is wholly unsatisfactory, with carsparked unsafely (and illegally) around the local area on match days, presenting a substantialsafety risk to footpath (and road) users.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I cannot go to every game because I cannot stand for a full game so we need the standfor people like me to be able to enjoy matches in a little comfort
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
The memorial stadium needs the extra seating and facilities to accommodate andencourage more travelling fans.I give my support to this application.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
There is no way the area can cope with the increased number of vehicles and pressurethe new stands will cause. Local streets are already overwhelmed day to day let alone with 3000more capacity. The infrastructure cannot cope as it is. As a resident with a disabled family memberthis is a disaster. We already have blocked streets, drivers on the pavement, aggressive drivers -this is on a non-match day. Add thousands more visitors the area will be unable to cope. Noregard to residents welfare or safety has been given. With no extra parking where do you expectvehicles to park? I see the vast majority of comments are in support. However this is from fans,not residents. How can you reassure residents their views are going to be fairly treated? Residentsshould have considerable more say than football fans coming into the area once a month. Thisapplication is outrageous, unsafe, dangerous, ill considered with no regard for residents.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
As a local neighbour to the stand I would like to object to this.There was no public consultation with us who live nearby before they started work and theystarted the work before the planning permission was granted!!This has had a very detrimental affect to those that live right next to the stadium which used to seegreen trees from their windows- they now see a metal structure which not only ruins their view butclearly has resulted in the destruction of wildlife. And all this has happened before planning waseven given!! It feels like the club have been rather underhand with their approach to this withoutconsideration for the local residents.If the stand is eventually built. The issues around extra traffic in the area and the terrible parkingsituation will be made even worse. There needs to be consideration of those that live nearby whocannot park anywhere near their houses on a match day as it is. What is being done to help withthis situation?I really feel like this should be opposed. If nothing else, the stadium is actually rarely full so do theyreally need the extra seats?
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I support the new stand at the Memorial Stadium as a local resident. I recognise thatthere will be neighbours for whom the stand affects more than me but I personally am happy forthe club to improve their facilities and bring more revenue into the local area as a result ofincreased capacity. I love the stadium being in the heart of a community, the same as the cricketground is. That stadium is in great need of improvement and this will hopefully be a first steptowards that.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
This is a heavily residential area and already doesn't have the traffic and parkingcapacity to accommodate match days as it is. Increasing the seating capacity will only make a badsituation worse- PLEASE NO. we are breathing in the fumes of the stationary traffic and it gets sogridlocked I don't think emergency vehicles could get through if they needed to. I'm aware lots offans who sometimes use the stadium may be pledging their support but this has a much smallerimpact on them than on those of us who actually live there.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
Parking is already horrendous with the current number of seats. On match days I can'tpark anywhere near my property. I take my son to football on Saturdays and we drive around forages trying to find somewhere! Where are all the extra cars going to park?! Surely you need toaddress the parking situation if you're proposing 3000 more seats???!
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
The proposed / existing stand does not blend in at all with the surrounding buildings andhas completely affected the view of the stadium from the south. It is much bigger that the previousstand and the colour is completely inappropriate in the area.The transport assessment depends on previous applications which were submitted when publictransport links were much better than they are post pandemic. Most travelling rovers fans attendby car and there are no personnel in the area to stop the existing fans parking on junctions, doubleyellows, blocking footways etc. There are no proposals improve this situation and this applicationwill only make it worse.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
The impact of match days is felt for a considerable distance with cars parkedinconsiderately, illegally and dangerously throughout the area. Local residents are negativelyimpacted, and local traffic is slowed with buses being significantly delayed by the poor access tothe ground which results in backed up traffic.Any plan to increase capacity must come with a consideration of where these extra people willpark.I'm not against the extension in theory, but the area is not set up to cope with the traffic thestadium already generates and this surely must be solved before any increase in capacity isallowed.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
Im all for it. The stadium is in massive need of an upgrade, and a better stadium meansmore income to the club, and local shops, bars, restaurants, takeaway's etc, which can only be agood thing. There is some noise coming from the works, but that's the risk of choosing to live inthis area off the back of a football stadium. There was always going to be a renovation at theground at some point, so this should come as no real surprise to us residents. The noise pails intoinsignificance anyway when you live in a packed, busy street with a school, dogs, kids, families,students etc just off muller rd and gloucester road, where we have been stuck in the middle ofsome major roadworks for about a year. In comparison, the rovers stand rebuild is minimal. Up theGas.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
i support this ... its time we had better facilities especially as the football is so muchbetter now :)
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
As a resident living approx 0.4 mile away I can attest to the parking chaos which alreadyexists on match days. Having read the new application it does not seem that there is a realtransport plan, other than encouraging people to seek alternative forms of transport. Given thestate of public transport in Bristol that is not sufficient. We are fans of sport, and are happy to livenear a facility, however any such facility needs to coexist alongside its neighbours. The fact thatwork has started well before planning permission is granted is a grave concern and has thepotential to set a precedent. The lack of meaningful engagement with locals prior to work startingis shameful, and submitting a new application supposedly addressing this, after work has alreadycommenced and continues at pace, is shameful at best. Parking in the area on weekend matchdays is dangerous with cars parked on pavements, across driveways, partially or fully on thecommon, and I see nothing in the application to suggest this has been properly addressed. Theincrease in seat numbers can only make it worse. Bristol City Council has a duty to bear the needsof residents in mind, not simply to bow to pressure from a club with relatively deep pockets. Thereis a proper way to engage and apply for permission, and this is not it.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
The surrounding area simply can't take the additional cars that this proposal will bring.Football supporters are already ruining the surrounding areas by parking all over the common landand I cannot see how further footfall will help this! There needs to be better transport links in placebefore the stands are agreed
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I would urge approval of this proposal which will benefit both the club and supporters ofthe club as well as local residents and businesses.
The Club have taken on board comments around the original plan and made necessaryamendments which will, in the longer term create a much better experience for all concernedaround match days.
I would hope approval can be expediated to ensure completion of the build as soon as possible.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I support the application for the stand as when people buy houses around the area theywould know that there is a football stadium and also there was a stand there before
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
The new stands have been built without a full community consultation and have hugelyaffected the skyline due to how much higher they have become. This not only impacts on our view- with an encroachment on our sense of space - but also greatly increases the sound pollutionfrom the stadium whenever it is in use. It is extraordinary that this was built without a properconsultation given the enormous difference it has made to residents' lives in the surrounding area.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I understand the need for accessibility at the stadium which I believe should beincorporated into plans. But increased capacity at the stadium is not acceptable. There is alreadya huge traffic and parking problem on match days, with no focus from rovers on providingalternative travel, or encouraging this with incentives (a discount on ticket with a bus ticket forexample).The fact that building work has gone ahead without planning shows a total disregard to theplanning process which as local residents, we all have to comply with.Of course, we all moved in knowing that the stadium was there and that on match days therewould be fans in the area. And that is usually not a problem. But local infrastructure is not suitablefor increased capacity.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
Having read the submitted documents, I wholly support this application, and urge theplanning department to pass it without delay.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I object to the new stand at memorial stadium. As a local resident, this structure and itsincrease in stadium capacity will negatively impact our homes and lives considerably. Whilst itbenefits the supporters of the club, most do not live next to the stadium, who then return to theirhomes free of the inconveniences and stress that matchdays cause.
1. Congestion and trafficThe local area on matchdays is already extremely congested. The locals streets are packed withcars, both parked and in transit. The aggression of drivers getting stuck on Downend, Strathmore,Quarrington and Muller Roads is intense during matchdays. The number of parked cars that lineevery inch of every street around the stadium is incredible. The area simply cannot support largevolumes of cars - the streets are barely wide enough for one car! Adding 2000 seats will make abad situation much worse. This is easily surveyed on any match day, and i suggest the councilsends someone to look.
2. NoiseThe noise from the stadium is extremely high, both from supporters and the PA systems that blastmusic. Adding 2000 extra supporters will only increase this noise and make our homes/gardensunbearable on matchdays.
3. StructureThe height of the new structure is extremely imposing for those homes both adjacent and in sightof it, blocking light and substantially lowering the value of those homes.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I object because I don't understand how construction has already started - how is thislegal before planning permission?
Also I know there are benefits of a redevelopment but you must have to consider the constraints ofthe environment e.g., lack of parking and high volume public transport. There must be a limit.
I think that an increase in capacity has to be done at the same time as resident parking permits formatch days or just permanent parking permits.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
Although in principle I support the football club as a positive community activity bringingpeople together, the lack of consideration for local residents during the building process of the newstand is unacceptable.
The new stand will allow many more people into the stadium during already busy match dayswhere traffic and parking in the area is already a serious issue. I also find the fact building workhas commenced without planning permission very disrespectful and it should be stopped untilinvestment into local community infrastructure such as parking and new road layouts has beenmade by the football club and through the CIL they should be paying towards Bristol City Council.This will help support the additional pressure the new stand will bring but the infrastructure shouldcome first.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I support the replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a newimproved facility. This will allow the club to grow slowly and provide fit for purpose facilities foraway and home fans alike.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I own a property on Trubshaw Close. The traffic in the area around match days isalready crazy - the stadium is already at max capacity for the infrastructure around it. There is noadditional parking provision - which means people park all over the place, on curbs, acrossdriveways etc. On matrch days. - It would take an hour just to pull into my own road due to all ofthe traffic leaving the match. - nightmare.
The higher stadium will be an eyesore and devalue properties around it.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I support this application for community reasons
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
The fact that this stand was half built before the application was even submitted, letalone approved, sets a dangerous precedent.
The club have proceeded without any meaningful engagement with local residents who'sproperties have now been overshadowed by a much larger structure.
For these reasons, I believe the club should be ordered to demolish what has already been built,and start the process again, this time doing it in a proper and professional manor.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
Allow the club to build the stand, it helps push the club forward and bring it back to thepre-pandemic levels of crowd capacity.
If the council are concerned with traffic on the 1 fortnight of the week, perhaps they should provideadditional methods of public transport in the area to reduce traffic levels.
There is limited space within Bristol to build a fresh site, so the club are faced with limited optionsbut to develop this site further to bring it closer to a facility of the 21st century.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
It is very important that this stand is built in order to house supporters of Bristol Roversand away fans in order that the club grow and become more successful. It is a great benefit toboth Bristol Rovers and the wider community. Especially the business sector who would benefitfinancially.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
We strongly object this application. The current size of the stadium is too large for thelocal area with respect to the impact on parking. There is not an infrastructure sufficient to supportthe current size. We have a young family and it is a nightmare on match days to park anywherenear our home. We have to plan our days around match times to avoid getting caught out which isfrustrating. There is already some antisocial behaivour locally on match days and increasing theseat capacity will only increase this. This cannot go ahead unless parking is provided for theadditional seats. Traffic is also a nightmare on match days and again this would only be increasedwith more capacity if this application were to be successful. Please do not do this to the local area.Improving the current stadium with respect to improved concession and toilet facilities is absolutelyfine. Many thanks.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I am writing to formally object to the planning application 23/03826/F submitted byBristol Rovers Football Club for the construction of a larger stand at their premises. While Iunderstand the desire for progress and development within the sporting community, I firmlybelieve that this proposed expansion would have detrimental effects on the surrounding area andits residents. The following are my reasons for objecting to this application:
1. Consultation: It is pretty appalling that there has been no consultation with the neighbours andno correspondence from Bristol City Council and it appears that the development is already goingahead without any form of planning permission being granted. There is already bad damage to thepavement on Filton Avenue by the main entrance to the Memorial Ground caused by largeconstruction vehicles trying to manoeuvre into the entrance. This is a really bad trip hazard and isanybody from Building Control actually monitoring what is going on as it is well known that workhas already started?
2. Excessive Noise and Disturbance: A larger stand would inevitably lead to increased spectatorcapacity, resulting in amplified noise levels during matches and events. The noise generated,including cheering, chanting, and the use of loudspeakers, would disrupt the peace and tranquillityof the surrounding residential neighbourhoods. This disturbance would significantly impact thequality of life for residents, particularly during evenings and weekends when matches often takeplace.
3. Traffic Congestion and Parking Issues: The proposed expansion would attract larger crowds tothe stadium, leading to an influx of vehicles in the vicinity. Insufficient parking facilities already
pose a significant problem during matches and events, causing congestion on nearby roads andinconvenience to local residents. An increase in capacity without a corresponding improvement inparking infrastructure would exacerbate these issues, resulting in a further burden on thesurrounding road network and potential safety hazards.
4. Environmental Impact: The construction of a bigger stand would likely require the removal oftrees, green spaces, or other natural elements, leading to the loss of valuable wildlife habitats andreducing the aesthetic appeal of the area. Additionally, the increased number of spectators wouldcontribute to higher levels of waste generation, including plastic bottles, food packaging, andgeneral litter, which may strain local waste management systems and have a negative impact onthe environment.
5. Security and Safety Concerns: The proposed expansion would necessitate an evaluation of thestadium's security measures to ensure the safety of an increased number of attendees. With alarger crowd, there may be a higher risk of crowd control issues, potential hooliganism, or othersecurity-related incidents. Adequate measures must be implemented to mitigate these risks andmaintain the safety of both spectators and nearby residents.
6. Loss of Visual Amenity: The construction of a larger stand could potentially result in a significantalteration to the visual character of the area. The proposed development may tower over thesurrounding properties, leading to a loss of scenic views and potentially devaluing nearby homes.The stadium should be mindful of its impact on the local environment and ensure that anydevelopments are in harmony with the existing architecture and landscape.
In light of these concerns, I respectfully request that the planning application for the construction ofa bigger stand at the Memorial Stadium be denied. The adverse effects on the local community,including increased noise pollution, traffic congestion, environmental degradation, security risks,and visual disruption, outweigh any potential benefits that may arise from this expansion.
I would also like to point out that as with previous applications, most of the letters of support comefrom Bristol Rovers supporters who have been encouraged to submit letters via online forums andthe vast majority don't live in the vicinity of the ground but just turn up on match days. Previouslywhen the support letters were checked, they came from other parts of the country or the world.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I object to increasing capacity at the Mem without dedicated parking. On match day (orevening) parking is already a nightmare for local residents within a half mile radius of the stadium.I am frequently unable to find parking at all and sometimes have a 20 minute walk back to myhouse with a young child and toddler. At other times (when there isn't a game on) I can parkoutside my house or at least within 50 metres. There is strong local resistance to a residentsparking scheme, so this shouldn't be seen as a solution - indeed it is uneccesary most of the time.Instead there needs to be parking provided for football traffic, and if this isn't possible to implementthen neither should the club be adding capacity to their ground.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
The increase in capacity at the ground is required for the sustainability of the club. Theclub generates a lot of income for the surrounding businesses on match days and a bigger footfallcan only benefit those business more.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I am a Bristol Rovers fan and think having a football club close by could be a positivething for the community by encouraging people to get into sports etc. However, Bristol Rovershave done little to no consultation/engagement with the residents nearby, and have alreadystarted construction activities despite not having secured planning permission. We have noticedthat some construction waste has simply been dumped behind the retaining wall which we areconcerned about. We also feel that the proposal will lead to further increases in traffic and issueswith parking on our road and other nearby roads. Match days already cause parking issues andleads to our road being used as a rat run. This will also likely to cause a loss of privacy to ourproperty and with an increase to stadium capacity, we will undoubtedly get an increase in matchday noise.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
Although I support the continued use and development of the stadium, I object stronglyto the way that this development has progressed.
As a neighbouring, whose garden backs on to the stadium, I always knew there would be noise,traffic etc and I don't object to the stadium being redevelopped.
However, I object to the way the stadium rebuild has been pushed through. The stand is almostup, yet it is only now I recieve a letter from Bristol city council regarding planning permission andwork still goes on.
If the stand has no planning permission granted, why is it still being allowed to continue?
This would appear a case of, "let them do whatever they want without consulation" and we'll donothing about it.
I believe Bristol City Council have been very weak is letting the stand just get built. Does this meanthat seeking planning permission is a waste of time and anyone can just build whatever they wantto build. It would appear so, which is why Bristol Rovers have done it the way they have, with littleto no consulation.
I support the redevelopment of the stand in principal, but I strongly object to the way Bristol Rovershave gone about building it without permission and the position of the council doing nothing aboutit.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I object to the planning application because even with the resubmission the issuesidentified previously have still not been addressed. I am a local resident with my garden backingonto the grounds. Traffic management is still without a plan, just a promise to undertake somedata collection. Environmental disruption and ongoing pollution increase due to significant volumesof additional traffic coming in the area, still unaddressed. I went to the residents meeting andasked specifically about how Rovers will abide by the planning application submission and still notyet having planning permission - given works have started and they said they would complete thesteel structure then hold. That hasn't happened - works have continued apace. The managementat Rovers are disengaged with working with local residents and if a simple statement cannot betaken at face value then how can any trust be built with this new stand. Additionally themanagement were asked to issue an apology for the way local residents have been treated todate - we were assured that would happen; in the next match programme (where the apology wasmeant to be seen) there was nothing - no ownership of the mess created, just a 'we're workingwith the local community' - which they're still not. There needs to be concrete plans in deliveringthis project sustainability, responsibly and with the local community in mind and I do not see thatyet with this proposal. I object on this basis.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I am fully behind the re-development of the south side of the stadium. It will providemany more seats so as to attract more families to attend. The extra footfall will be beneficial to thelocal businesses in the area.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
As someone who lives in the road that backs onto the ground I would much rather thisbe a football ground than a supermarket that has a constant flow of traffic every day!It brings in local jobs and also puts money back into the local community (Gloucester Road isalways busy on match days which is great for independent shops)The matches are not every night so it doesn't cause a problem for parking or traffic for most of theweek and the road works on muller road cause a way bigger issue compared to the stadium.More seating for people who want to watch the match but are unable to stand has got to be apositive thing. For those of us who live close by will always have been aware we are living next toa stadium (unless people had their eyes closed when moving into their house!!) so if people wanta quite, no traffic area to live then maybe a street just off Gloucester Road was the wrong choiceof location for them!!!Let's do more to support the community and stop moaning about things that really are not life ordeath!!
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
I do not object to living next to a sports stadium - and I do not object to the stadiumbeing developed. However, I do object to the stadium's current occupiers riding roughshod overthe planning process, and the views of their immediate neighbours.
The plans before the council are currently all but built - yet we have had little or no chance tocomment on the effect that the extra capacity will bring to the area on match days. The parkingand traffic is already a huge problem, as is some anti social behaviour. If there is no change to thecurrent exit and egress to the stadium then a large scale fire or other emergency could pose anincreased risk to all.The club has not been a community minded neighbour in the past (not taking responsibility foraddressing the increase in litter, the dangerous parking and the behaviour of spectators) and thisapproach to planning and building a new stand has ensured that their immediate neighbours haveno say in anything to do with the design, or it's affect on their everyday lives.
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
Documents which should have been supplied with the original stand planningapplication (23/01441/F) have now been made available with the current application. Havingperused all the documents and after researching various issues mentioned in these documents,on balance I wish to object to the planning application and have given reasons why below.
1) The Air quality Assessment report states "The proposed stand is expected to increaseattendance at the stadium by approximately 500 spectators on average. There were 28 matchesat the ground in the 2022-23 season. Over the course of a year, the increase in attendance isestimated to be approximately 13,800 spectators. This is equivalent to approximately 38spectators per day, when averaged over a year."
The report goes on to say that it can be concluded the proposed development will not have asignificant impact on local roadside air quality.
The Council's Transport Development Management (TDM) plan acknowledges a statutoryrequirement to assess the transport impacts of development on the built environment as poor airquality affects every single resident of Bristol and visitors to Bristol. The TDM confirms thefollowing points:
- To deliver an environmentally healthy city for our communities and visitors, and- ensuring the transport network is accessible, well maintained and safe, creating an inclusive cityby connecting people to jobs, education and leisure opportunities.
"We therefore need an environment that maximises physical activity and prioritises publictransport".
It is clear that, to improve a healthy environment including air quality, less reliance on petrol/dieselpowered vehicles is needed to reduce pollution.
From the 2022 Air Quality Annual Status Report:
"2021 monitoring data for a diffusion tube site on Muller Road towards the junction with the M32(junction of Muller Road with Glenfrome Road) showed an exceedance of air quality objective withan annual NO2 concentration of 44.4µg/m3. The Council's analysis of the monthly diffusion tubemonitoring data indicates that from 2020 there may be an additional source of NO2 pollutionaffecting this site but presently the new source is not known. However, as a result of the aboveinformation Bristol City Council decided to add several new diffusion tube monitoring locationsalong Muller Road in August 2019.
Diffusion tube monitoring was apparently chosen over modelling as it provides more robust dataaccording to the report.
At the present time Gloucester Road (A38)from the City Centre to the border with SouthGloucestershire is an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The 2022 Status report consideredthe air quality situation of Muller Road and concluded monitoring will continue, to include othernew diffusion tube locations along Muller Road, and consideration will be made in the near futureas to whether the AQMA needs to be extended to cover part or all of Muller Road.
And of course, it must not be forgotten that pollution due to PM10 and PM2.5, and O3 (Ozone), isalso a citywide issue being monitored by the Council and cannot be disregarded when consideringpollution hot spots.
Taking the above information into consideration and being fully aware as a local resident of theimpact on air quality of match day traffic on Filton Avenue (between Gloucester Road and MullerRoad) and on Downend Road, the additional adverse impact on air quality could be significant withincreased match attendance if the new stand comes into full use. The diffusion tubes placed atvarious points around the local road network provide 'average' monthly data on NO2 pollution onlyand do not cater for localised peaks in pollution levels so cannot be considered an accuratereading for a match day event.
It cannot be stressed enough that traffic movements along the mentioned roads above either sideof a match event are problematic due to traffic congestion and parking in side streets delayingtraffic movements, not forgetting parking vehicles ignoring parking restrictions.
The report prepared for Bristol Rovers Football club (BRFC) on air quality does not consider the
road conditions around the stadium when they are at their worst.
And to state the "proposed stand is expected increase attendance at the stadium by approximately500 spectators on average" when I'm sure BRFC would wish to pack the stand (and otherspectator areas) to full capacity every match if only to ensure maximum financial return to the clubis, in my opinion, totally misleading and rather annoying.
I am yet to be convinced relevant screening thresholds will not be exceeded and there is currentlyno requirement for a detailed assessment of road traffic impacts. It cannot therefore be concludedthe proposed development will not have a significant impact on local roadside air quality and assuch a much more detailed report is necessary to ensure air quality is not harmed. Indeed, theonus should be on reducing pollution to improve air quality whenever any development orredevelopment is applied for.
2) I have no comment on the Broadband Connectivity Assessment.
3) According to the Community Involvement statement a public meeting for local residents washeld by the club on 15 June 2023. The statement goes on to say invites were hand delivered toresidents in the streets immediately surrounding the Stadium.The session was used to brief residents on the South Stand application and included a Question-and-Answer session.
A further consultation Meeting was held on the 21st September 2023 at 7.00pm and it has beenconfirmed the following actions are to be progressed by BRFC or the club's advisors:
- Travel planning, including surveys, match day highways management and the promotion ofactive travel modes;- Enhancements to the green area to the south west of the stadium, including BNG provision,tidying up and landscaping;- Fencing to the rear of the concessions to the south west of the stadium;- Regular 6-monthly engagement meetings with local residents;- A resident's information page on the club website;- Review of the distribution list for future events;- Improvements to the gates on Alton Road; and- Communication to supporters around the need for respect for local residents.
It should be noted that public engagement has been slow, and certainly after the stand build hadstarted, but has also been limited in scale by the number of residents contacted. Indeed, a numberof close neighbours were not aware of the meetings at all, or could not attend due to short noticeof the meeting(s) arrangements.
Whilst a direct comparison with the Sainsbury's Supermarket (12/02090/F) planning application
consultation cannot be made simply because of the differences in size of the two developments,but it cannot be ignored as Sainsbury's consultation process was carried out in depth and in detailwith full resident and Local Councillor involvement.
To start with everyone who wanted to be involved in the consultation were welcomed, and theconsultations started well before the planning application was made to the Council.
- Meeting with Ward Councillors started in June 2011 followed by letter to residential neighbours,- Follow-up meetings took place in December with drop-in sessions for residents in January 2012,- Meeting with particular organisations in February 2012 and again in March 2012,- Further meeting with residents took place in February and May 2012,- A meeting with Bristol Former Players re Memorial Square designs also took place on Friday 23March, and- the list of consultation meetings goes on.
As said above, the Quantum of the supermarket development and the South stand developmentare completely different. However, BRFC must understand early consultation can be verybeneficial in identifying issues and finding solutions to persuade the local community to be on theirside, but over the years they have completely failed in this regard.
4) The Daylight and Sunlight assessment drawings provide a limited insight into the effects of thenew build stand on local residents at the addresses quoted in the assessment. What is apparent isthe lack of detailed shadowing reports for the period September through the winter months toMarch, a period when the Sun is lower in the sky and the new stand will likely cause shadow to therear of properties and gardens of Strathmore Road in the mornings and the same affect toproperties and gardens of Alton Road in the evenings.
The external finish to the new stand is quoted as being Cornflower Blue or a similar colourthroughout. More on this aspect of the build is below, but for the Daylight and SunlightAssessment, besides the structure casting shadow as suggested above, the new stand will simplyadd a permanent 'dark cloud' presence due to its colour and will not be conducive to improving theoutlook, and thereby wellbeing, of near residents.
5) The Design and Access Statement lists minor deviations from the best practicerecommendations and associated comments and/or remedial actions have been highlighted in redin the document.
Whilst most of the remedial actions appear to have been approved it is apparent seat separationhas been reduced which may be beneficial to the club in term of maximising the capacity of thenew stand, but may well be an uncomfortable experience for many home and away supporters
when sitting for two 45-minute sessions in what could be very cramped seats for some.
The 'tunnel' under the rear section of the South part of the stand is open ended but it is still aconfined space, especially with the toilet blocks as shown in some drawings in place, which maythemselves have associated queues causing an obstruction. Also, the food and alcohol stallslocated at either end of this 'tunnel' with likely queuing before and after a match, and at half time,could reduce space for movement, especially if there is a need for an immediate evacuation of thenew stands.
The building code specifies over 30 seats must be provided for disabled spectators in a stand with3400 seats but the plans show only 10. 10 seats for Disabled spectators may be considered betterthan the previous number but could and should be substantially better and more in line with thebuilding code for spectator facilities.
Considering the seating arrangements as shown on the plans and visualising the likelymovements of match day occupants of the stand, perhaps there is a need to strengthen theDesign and Access study in this regard.
Returning to the finish of the stand. Whilst it is perfectly acceptable for the BRFC logo to appear ata few places on the stand the proposed colour finish is not aesthetically pleasing and does nothingbreak up the silhouette of such a massive structure. There is definitely a need to reduce the over-bearing impact of the stand on the local environment.
6) The Ecological / BNG Assessment proposed enhancement of the green space to the south ofthe new stand is welcome though it must be remembered that tree and scrub clearance took placeat the top of the slope at the edge of the surface plateau in May 2013 during the bird nestingseason. With this in mind a net gain in biodiversity greater than the stated 10.58% should beconsidered to compensate for the early loss of biodiversity to the South of the new stadium.
Also, there is a need to improve the stadium grounds as a whole in terms of biodiversity, and treesand bushes in particular should be planted around the site to improve the local environment. Forexample, tree islands could be created within the car park areas similar to the planting schemeused within the Tesco Golden Hill car park.
Bearing in mind there is a declared climate emergency in Bristol every planning application shoulddemonstrate enhanced measures to tackle environmental issues.
Referring to the approved stadium redevelopment applications of 2006 and 2008, the FootballClub agreed to allow residents access to the green space to the South of the stadium land thisdetail was incorporated in the associated S106 agreement. Indeed, the land was an orchard longbefore the Football club acquired it and having fruit trees on part of this land would beenvironmentally beneficial, if only to enhance the local insect life.
As the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) report states, when applying the 10 Good Practice Principlesto the development plans, the habitat scored 23 out of a total of 39 points on the conditionassessment criteria. The woodland is therefore considered to be in a 'Poor' condition.
The report also states Habitat surveys can be undertaken any time of the year but specified theoptimal period for botanical surveys as between April and August. The report confirms thewalkover survey took place on the 7th September 2023, after the start of the South standconstruction.
Whilst this is just outside the optimal time of year, the report stresses the survey represents a validsample of ecological evidence present on that date as the habitats present on site (being modifiedgrassland and broadleaved woodland) would not significantly affect the outcome of the UKHabsurvey or condition assessment undertaken, which is a welcome statement.
Trees have been cut down and land clearance carried out on an ad-hoc basis in the past, butthere does not appear to have been a management plan for the land to the South of the stadium.This may be the reason why Variegated yellow archangel Lamium galeobdolon (the report statesthat this plant is a Schedule 9 Invasive Non-Native Species) has been found on the land.
A detailed habitat management plan is therefore essential for this area together with obligations forplanting and residential access.
7) The Foul and Drainage Statement is clear but there is an anomaly concerning toilet locationsassociated with the new stand. Some plans show multiple toilet units withing the tunnel beneaththe stand whilst the drainage plans show just one withing the tunnel and other toilet blocks eitherend of the new stand. The toilet arrangements need to be confirmed as quantity/location will affectthe foul water drain arrangements and of course the capacity to handle the volume(s) expected.The number of supporters expected in the new stand suggests these facilities will have to beincreased significantly over the current number of WCs.
It is surprising the foul discharge may require a pumped connection to the existing public networkas a powered connection could fail at any time. A review of this (potential) arrangement should becarried out.
Whilst drainage gullies are shown at either end of the new stand these may not have the capacityto remove rain water from the guttering of such a large structure.
There does not appear to be a reference to a SUDS report in the application documentation.
8) The Noise assessment carried out for the club simply concludes that "Overall, it is seen thatdue to the cladding of the proposed stand, it will result in an overall improvement in noise levels to
the surrounding area."
The new stand must produce more 'noise' since it will have a much larger supporter capacity thanprevious (temporary) stands on matchdays, the mitigation quoted in the assessment being the'single skin' cladding on the sides and rear of the stand.
There is no evidence of any noise insulation being applied to the inside of the single skin cladding,and it should be noted the tunnel could be a source of noise in itself given the confined space andthe number of supporters likely to traffic this through route.
Further, the manufacturers guide for the use of C32 cladding states that single skin constructionhas relatively low mass which means, for airborne noise, there will be very little energy absorption.This suggests airborne noise can be generated by vibration leading to 24/7 noise affecting nearbyresidents.The level of noise can change depending on the thickness of the material and the position of thecladding supports but, with the details given in the various drawings showing the cladding, windnoise may be a problem.
Similarly, rain impact noise will probably be directly transmitted through the single skin of thestand, and without some form of acoustic dampening or insulation, the guide suggests this noisecould be high, both internally and externally, and of course affecting nearby residents at any timeof day or night.Unfortunately, the Noise assessment did not include noise generated by the new stand materials.
9) The Contaminated Land Desk Study is detailed and the conclusions appear to be clear and tothe point, but the Hadrock report does state that the findings of the report should be updated ifthey have receipt of the Atkins (2007) report.
This report is published rather late in the day given the advanced state of the stand construction atthe report publishing date but more importantly, the report is suggesting more work is required tocomplete the details on the geology of the land where the stadium, and the new stand, is located.
The recommendation is for further work to be undertaken following the ground investigation workscarried out up to September 2013. It is clear from the report and associated documents that areview is recommended of the Atkins (2007) report, undertaken on behalf of Bristol RoversFootball Club, prior to the building of the proposed redeveloped stadium as approved in 2006(06/03850/F) ,to confirm the ground conditions onsite with further discussions taking place withregulatory bodies and the warranty provider.
A combination of Worked Ground and Made Ground created the 'plateau' to allow the build of theoriginal Memorial Ground (which was opened in 1923) to allow rugby matches to take place.Whilst other areas close to the stadium are shown in the various (Hydrock) reports associated with
geology and landscape of the surrounding area as 'Worked Ground' and 'Made Ground', and ofcourse highlighting contaminated and industrial land, this information is not apparent for thestadium site itself, a detail which may influence construction details associated with the new standbuild.
To summarise this point, the work to investigate the ground conditions for the new stand at theMemorial stadium appears to have not been completed, a situation which should be rectified at theearliest opportunity, and definitely before the stand is occupied by any significant number ofpeople.
10) The Planning Obligations Statement refers to a Unilateral Undertaking being made underSection 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as it may be appropriate in support of theproposed development to secure any necessary planning obligations.
When planning application 06/03850/F, the first Memorial Stadium redevelopment, was approvedit was followed by a S106 agreement which included direct supporters' buses from various parts ofthe City and Kingswood and additional park and ride buses for average home attendances of 8000and above, and other measures. The agreement was signed and sealed approximately 9 monthsafter the approval of the planning application.
If this S106 agreement is still 'legal' then it should now be enacted given the proposed capacity ofthe Memorial Stadium. If it is not 'legal' at the present time, then it could be used as a template fora new agreement though, given the Climate Emergency, perhaps the public transport measuresshould be set at lower attendance trigger points.
The S106 agreement also included other matters such as a residents parking zone supported byBRFC, but perhaps another form of control such as buses and residents only be allowed into thesection of Filton Avenue outside the entrances into the Stadium, except for cars and hopefullymore buses entering the stadium car park with the correct authority. This restriction can be in forcetwo hours before kick off and perhaps an hour after the final whistle.
11) The Transport Statement supplied does not, in my opinion, come to any meaningful conclusionconcerning 'Transport'. The fundamental reason for building the new stand I would suggest, is toincrease the capacity of the stadium as a whole but to say the increased capacity would not leadto an increase in match day attendance seem to be totally illogical.
The report goes on to say the stand will help with larger audience events which would be relativelyrare and infrequent but if these events are to take place, then further information must berequested of the applicant. As stated above the noise attenuation of the new stand fabric (seesection 8 above) appears to be very limited, so events which require loud noise generation (musicfor example) will have to be conditioned accordingly.
12) Many of the actions listed in the Travel Plan Framework report should be included in the S106agreement as mentioned above, but some of the actions should be completed in support of theplanning application.
For example, it is usual for a car parking survey to take place before a planning application ismade, thus allowing residents to comment on the survey findings. The report suggests the Councilshould express possible days/times a survey should take place and to what extent.
Comparing a non-match day Saturday to a match day Saturday at about 3.00pm on all roadswithin a circle of 500 metres of the stadium centre would demonstrate the highest parkingdemand.
Similarly, a (Tuesday) evening at about 8.00pm using the same criteria above would provide theuseful data.
Referring to the Planning Obligations Statement section above, more bus parking capacity couldbe provided in the Stadium car park to try to enhance the use of supporter's buses, and electricvehicle charging points could be installed to persuade the use of this type of vehicle.
On the whole the Travel Plan Framework document is not, in my opinion, incisive enough in thedetail and cannot be considered a means to persuade travellers to the Memorial Stadium to usean alternative means of transport to the car.
13) Other than the points made above in the Ecological / BNG Assessment section, no furthercomment on the Tree Survey information report.
14) Two further points,a) On many of the drawings supplied with the planning application the outline of the 2008approved stadium is shown as a comparison to the stand currently being built. It should be notedthat the 2006 and 2008 stadium plans included extensive enabling developments including studentflats, a hotel, a gymnasium, shops, etc. and it is these additions that influenced the height anddesign of the stadium.
Indeed, the recommendation for approval stated that the quantum of enabling development wasonly found acceptable if the primary requirement, the football stadium, was properly fundedthrough the enabling developments and built accordingly to plan.
The 2006/2008 stadium was obviously never built and to use its profile, given that the size wasdriven by the enabling development, to (try) to show size of the new stand is within acceptablestandards for the site is not acceptable given the current circumstances.
b) The use of solar panels on the roof is to be welcomed, but the extent of the array is rather
limited and will accordingly will be very limited in its power supply. A larger array with on-sitebattery storage can be and should be incorporated in the plans, possibly to provide backup powerto emergency lighting in the new stand and other buildings on the stadium.
on 2023-10-20
I am in support of the above application.
I purchased a property in Downend Road, Horfield prior to the football club arriving in1996, in the full knowledge that the Rugby Club played at the Memorial Ground. Withthat I accepted all the issues of parking and noise that went with it and that wasreflected in the purchase price.
It has been noted that all the properties in the roads where the objections are comingfrom, have been purchased since the football arrived. They knew rhere would be issueswith noise and parking.
The ground ìs widely regarded as one of the worst in the EFL which does not reflectwell on the City of Bristol. We need facilities to be proud of and promote the city.
Finally, many councils around the country have been pro active in assisting their clubsto thrive rather than thwart their success.Peterborough and Wrexham are just two clubs of the many I could name.
I would the council to grant this application without any undue delay.
Yours faithfully
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
There is no other option but to approve this. Otherwise, yet again Bristol city council are steppingin the way of progression for the club.
Without the extra revenue received from increased ticket sales, and food and drink takings for the2500 extra tickets per match, the club has not got the ability to challenge at the top end of leagueone. Therefore, if this isn't supported the council are effectively standing in the way of a club fromthe city fulfilling their potential.
The increase in attendance also means greater job opportunity for locals and also ensures greatlocal trade up and down Gloucester Road.
People who object say it will affect their kids sleep due to the light and noise. I don't think 2500 willadd greatly to most of this, largely because the majority of the stand will include either Away fans(less usually attend night matches) and the floodlights will go on regardless. In addition, themajority of these people knew there would be noise coming from the stadium when theypurchased their house, plus the capacity was at 12,500 only going back a few years.
In addition, there would be no need for the extension if the council 'safety officer' didn't restrictattendances at the start of last season. Apparently no standing is allowed at the front of terracesanymore which has reduced the capacity of the North Terrace- how can Forest Green Rovers andCheltenham Town have seats literally on the pitch without even advertising to separate the seatsfrom the pitch?
Being honest, the club is also the pride and joy of a large bunch of Bristolians and not approvingthis planning permission will make 400 season ticket holders unable to watch the matches. I'msure their mental well-being should be considered as a lot of people live their lives dependant onwatching the gas on a fortnightly basis.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I hereby support the planning application to build a new stand at the memorial stadium,This will help the football club to increase its revenue thus helping Bristol rovers to build on therelong term plans !
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I am in support of the development, if the ground was developed it would not only bringin revenue for the club and also the businesses in and around the Gloucester Road area, theStadium is only used once a fortnight on the weekend and maybe a day during the week, theimpact on the community IE parking etc will not have a massive impact to what a match daycurrently does,
on 2023-10-20 OBJECT
As a resident, I find the number of extra vehicles taking up parking on match day isuntenable. Trying to park close to your own home is practically impossible and makes managingalready difficult situations even more challenging e.g. dealing with the kids, the weekend shop,trying to load the car with large items etc. More capacity at the stadium will only make vehicleovercrowding worse.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
I moved to Bristol from the London area in 1979. Working with Rovers supporters inNorth Bristol I was invited to a Rovers home game in the late 90s.Ever since I have been a Roverssupporter. The community around this football club is better than any objection groups could everachieve. This club plays maybe 30 home games a year and each game probably inconvenienceslocal residents for 6 hours a game, so about 180 hours a year.
on 2023-10-20 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The rebuild of the stands is an important improvement not for just rovers but the localcommunity. The new Stand will direct noise back into the stadium meaning lower noise levelstowards local neighbours. It will create more capacity meaning more people putting money in thelocal area such as food and drink on Gloucester Road and muller road from near by supermarkets.It is important to support our local sports amenities for the up and coming next generation. It's alsovery important for people with disabilities to be able to attend a team/sport they support, thisstands allows for more disabled viewing as the current memorial ground doesn't have manyspaces for wheelchairs etc sucluding some of its fans.I am therefor supporting the application as its a great investment for both the neighbours andBristol rovers FC. Why not let them improve their own facilities.
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
It is about time our council supported one of our local football clubs Rovers are majorfactor within the area and a lot of local business need the business that a match day creates forthem the ground has been there for a very long time and when residents bought there homes theyknew the ground was there so get behind this so our club has a future
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I think the new stand should be allowed as it will be a safer structure than the temporarystructure that was there before, which would also create a better sound barrier between thestadium and the houses surrounding the proposed development.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Developing the ground improves match day experiences and increases revenue whichimproves the playing squad which means better competition and bigger clubs visiting! Anyobjections clearly don't understand sport in the city and more than likely never wash more thanonce a week. UTG
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
A much needed addition to the Memorial Ground, bringing in lots of extra revenue forthe area.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
They need this for disabled people and it looks nice
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The stadium needs updating if the council will not support a new stadium in Bristol.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I write in support of the new South and South West Stand at the Memorial Stadium.Development of the stadium is essential to the future success of the club. Bristol Rovers havebeen part of the local community for 27 years now and many hope to remain there for the future.However, to do so Development of the stadium, which currently is not fit for purpose in line withthe club's ambitions, is essntual. The football club brings lots of footfall and revenue to the localarea and local businesses, so it's important for Bristol Rovers to remain there. Only by developingthe stadium can this be sustainable, so this Development is essential and one which I support.Thank you.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
There is a need for better facilities for the away fans and the Disabled. Building this newstand will achieve that. Giving them a better match day experience.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol rovers is the heartbeat of north Bristol that has been neglected for too long. Theclub is tremendously supported with the stadium being regularly close to being sold out (9000people) every other Saturday. Couple this with over 100,000 followers on Facebook, the clubdeserves to be backed and shown the love its supporters have.
Look at the other professional team in South Bristol. Bristol Rovers crying out for development totheir stadium in order for the club to move forward and not become the next Bury, Scunthorpe orSouthend all of which were well established clubs that fell behind.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
A much needed facility that will that will help supporter's of of Rover's and away fansenjoy a match day experience with modern facilities.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I write to give full support to the above planning application. The proposal would bring ahistorical site which is in need of updating and modernisation back into positive use which wouldbenefit the area by attracting more visitors and boosting money spent in the local community. Theremoval of the existing buildings would improve the visual appearance of the area also.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am a valid Rovers supporter and this stand will impact many more fans being able tobe seated at the stadium including more disabled people and their carers. So this is for many morepeople to watch football within a great atmosphere at the game. For the neighbouring people whobought a house near the stadium it is only used twice a month on a Saturday afternoon for a fewhours between 2-5pm.
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
I support the application for replacement of the current South and South West Standswith a new improved facility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, andnew toilet facilities and concession stalls. This expansion will not only enhance the overall fanexperience but also contribute to the growth and success of our local sports community. It not onlypromises additional seating but also potential economic benefits for our town. This expansion willbring more fans to the area, boosting local businesses and fostering a sense of community pride.
I feel there are so many positives. A larger, more modern stadium can become our point ofcommunity pride and a symbol of a progressive and thriving local sports culture. The expansioncould lead to more job opportunities, both in terms of construction and stadium operations.
In conclusion, enlarging a football stadium has multifaceted benefits, encompassing economic,cultural, environmental, and social advantages, which collectively contribute to the well-being andvibrancy of the local community.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I write to give full support to the above planning application. The stadium has significanthistorical meaning and value to many. It has become old and worn so developing the stadium canonly benefit area. It will increase revenue spent in the local community and keeps the stadium inBristol opposed to looking at other sites that may full under other local authorities. The removal ofthe existing buildings would improve the visual appearance of the area and increase foot fall andpublic support for the local team.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I believe this will be beneficial for bristol rovers and the surrounding area . Biggercapacity helping the club financially, better facilities for disabled supporters and enabling awaysupporters to go straight to the ground making it easier to police and with the solar panels systemreducing the grounds impact on the environment. A win win for everyone.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers are a huge part of Bristols history and heritage and a community asset.
Generations of Bristolian families have followed this club.
A new stand would provide home and away supporters with much needed facilities, the footprint isnot vastly different from what was allready there.
Without these new facilities it makes it difficult for the club to compete and progress.
Whilst I currently live in North Devon for work, I will be returning to Bristol in the next couple ofyears. I attend most home games and have a season ticket.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Resubmitting as my previous comment said it objected. I strongly support theapplication for replacement of the current South and South West Stands with a new improvedfacility to increase the number of seats within the Memorial Stadium, and new toilet facilities andconcession stalls. This expansion will not only enhance the overall fan experience but alsocontribute to the growth and success of our local sports community. It not only promises additionalseating but also potential economic benefits for our town. This expansion will bring more fans tothe area, boosting local businesses and fostering a sense of community pride.I feel there are so many positives. A larger, more modern stadium can become our point ofcommunity pride and a symbol of a progressive and thriving local sports culture. The expansioncould lead to more job opportunities, both in terms of construction and stadium operations.In conclusion, enlarging a football stadium has multifaceted benefits, encompassing economic,cultural, environmental, and social advantages, which collectively contribute to the well-being andvibrancy of the local community.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Will bring more jobs to the area
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed enlargement of our localfootball stadium. As a passionate sports enthusiast and a member of this community, I believe thatexpanding the stadium will bring numerous benefits to our town.
First and foremost, a larger stadium will allow for more fans to attend games, creating a vibrantatmosphere that not only benefits our beloved football team but also boosts local businesses.Increased attendance means more revenue for the town, which can be reinvested in importantcommunity projects.
Additionally, a larger stadium will make us a more attractive destination for hosting larger sportingevents, which could further stimulate our local economy and tourism industry. This developmenthas the potential to put our town on the map as a sports hub.
I understand that concerns about traffic and noise may arise, but I firmly believe that with properplanning and community involvement, these challenges can be effectively managed. It is crucial toconsider the long-term benefits for our community and its future growth.
In conclusion, I urge the council to approve the enlargement of our football stadium. It's aninvestment in the future of our town, one that can strengthen our community spirit, boost our localeconomy, and bring recognition to Bristol as a sporting destination.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The BRFC brings people to the area twice a week supporting local pubs, shops,restaurants etc surely in an economical climate where shops and pubs are closing, increasedfootfall can only be a good thing.
I am therefor supporting the application as its a great investment for the local area and the club.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Will be fantastic for the club, local business would benefit from the more supporters,
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am definitely in favour of the change at the memorial stadium, it is needed for theadded comfort of supporters. The structure is only a bit bigger than the old temporary stand butwill greatly increase the match day experience of supporters that use it, I think the applicationshould be approved asap
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I feel this would benefit the area I'm bringing more business through Gloucester road.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
This is what the club needs, an great update to its facilities, attracting more people towanting to visit the memorial ground.We have been in that stadium for years and are just keeping up with the times.Will add more revenue to the club too with the extra facilities.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers is a club that has existed for over 140 years, and has been at theMemorial Stadium since 1996. The club is a vital part of the community, with 10,000 gasheadsdescending on the ground every other Saturday, providing business to the pubs, shops and otheramenities in the area. And with the club having aspirations of getting promotion to the 2nd tier ofEnglish football, the time for an expansion of the ground is now in preparation for the bestoutcome for the club. With an expansion of the ground, it means more gasheads will be able tocome to the games, as well as there will be an increased capacity for away teams, herebyincreasing business to the local community as some away teams are able to bring 1000+ fans tosupport their team against Bristol Rovers. The expansion of the South Stand will bring onlypositives to the area and to the club.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am in support of this application. The replacement of the tented south stand with a newimproved permanent structure will allow additional supporters to attend thus increasing therevenue of the club who do an awful.lot of good in the local and general community. There willalso be new toilets for the fans and new concession stands which the fans have been desparatelyneeding for a long time.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I really feel in favour of this application as the Mem needs upgrading to improve the fansmatch day experience for both home and away supporters.Even with these new stands we are only getting back to the kind of capacity the Mem had precovid and pre health and safety interventions.Also it's good for the surrounding areas business, as more people would be using them on matchdays, bringing in more revenue.Also the more people that are able to attend to watch their beloved teams play, can only be a goodthing for people's mental health !!!
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I wish to support the application to improve facilities at the Memorial Stadium
The premises have needed updating for too long and if Bristol Rovers FC make the progress thefans are hoping for, the facilities will have to improve to accommodate the larger crowds
The local community has no case to complain since everyone living close to the ground knew verywell what was in their area when purchasing their property
I believe that the City Council should support Rovers in the same way they have enabled the otherteam in Bristol to have nice facilities Rovers fans are fed up of looking for a home to be proud ofIts our turn now
Please allow this application to pass through without any further delay
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
This development is replacing the temporary structure that was in place and will provideimproved facilities for football supporters and local community held events.It will also bring the capacity of the stadium in line to what it was prior to the pandemic.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
We need this stand so much the fans keep Gloucester rd going from the pubs to thetake aways
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I regularly travel up to Bristol with my son to watch the football at the memorial ground.My now elderly father struggles to attend as it's difficult for him to stand for over 2 hours. Theinstallation of this stand will improve the facilities for him and my son and start to bring the stadiumup to modern standards with our affecting the capacity which was available pre COVID.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The detailed work (impact etc) shows clearly the positive aspects of this construction.The impact on those living near by will be extremely minimal despite what some have said.Concerns over increased traffic and congestion are unfounded, that end of the ground is mainly foraway support who mostly travel by coach or train. The increase in capacity will not greatly exceedthe capacity of the stadium pre-Covid /H&S restrictions which led to the overall capacity beingreduced. The addition of a permanent stand will add to the comfort and safety of visiting fans (theprevious tent structures were not great in high winds for example). The additional concessions willhelp create income and employment for local people. there will be no noticeable increase in noiselevel on match day, rather the permanent enclosure will help keep the noise contained. Theaddition of better disabled facilities will also be much welcomed. Local business, shops and pubswill also benefit.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I strongly support this application. In recent years the capacity has lowered to a levelthat the football Club has outgrown. By approving this application, the football club can return tothe original capacity. This will offer great business for Gloucester Road and more income for thosebusinesses still hit by Covid. There won't be an issue with parking as there wasn't when theground had this capacity before. With the new Ashley down train station on the horizon this will bea popular option for football fans to arrive by this will result in traffic being eased. On the wholeBristol is a long way behind the rest of England in football terms. If clubs trying to grow like thisaren't approved, it would be so disappointing. Finally, by allowing this big improvement to thestadium it will allow families to enjoy days out as well as assisting with people's mental health.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. It can only be seen as a benefit to Bristol Rovers F C, it'ssupporters and also the supporters of visiting teams.
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
To the Committee processing this planning application,
I write to underscore the importance of adhering to proper planning procedures, especially in thecontext of a multimillion-pound construction project within our city. The consequences of failing todo so would likely result in the Bristol City Council withholding approval. My concerns are focusedon the Memorial Ground, which seems to lean on the hope of passionate supporter backing ratherthan the rigorous processes outlined by the council.
Allowing this approach to become precedent sets a troubling trend for the council, potentiallyopening the door for other large-scale projects to bypass necessary planning procedures andpermissions. This could lead to an influx of projects with delayed applications and disregard forestablished regulations. The consequences reach beyond mere development; they threaten theorderly progression of our city's infrastructure and pose potential issues for the local community.
Of specific concern is the behaviour of supporters arriving just before matches, often engaging inunsafe parking practices. This results in illegal parking and obstructed critical areas. The newstand, designed to offer seating for those unable to stand for extended periods, may lead toincreased car usage, exacerbating existing traffic and parking challenges. These problems aremost acute on Darnley Avenue, Parkstone Avenue, and Filton Grove.
The club's assertion that they will assess the new stand's impact six months after planningapproval is problematic. By then, it's too late to address emerging issues. It is crucial for the clubto collaborate with the BCC ahead of time to discuss local road improvements, ensuring thatnecessary measures are in place prior to any upsurge in local traffic.
Considering these factors, it's imperative to distinguish between local residents and devotedfootball fans when assessing support for this stadium expansion. The well-being and quality of lifeof local residents, who directly experience increased traffic, noise, and parking issues, must takeprecedence over the preferences of occasional visitors attending football matches.
I appreciate your attention to these concerns and anticipate a comprehensive evaluation of theplanning application, with the best interests of our community at heart.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The new stand will bring much needed improvements to the Memorial Stadium. BristolRovers need these improvements to progress and continue to bring joy to the many manythousands that support them both now and in years to come.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I give my support for permission to build the new south stand a much needed facility .
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
As a frequent visitor to the stadium, I am well aware of the below par standards,especially for away supporters.Any improvements for visitors has to be encouraged and approved. At present it reflects poorly onour city.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
A much needed improvement to the ground to make more accessible with improvedfacilities for fans
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers have been at the Memorial Stadium for 27 years and there has been littlemajor improvement to the stadium in that time. The stadium has fallen further and further behindmany other similar venues. Football fans who visit this hub of the community deserve better, a lackof seating and cover is a major concern, especially for those that cannot stand for long periods.The new stand is being built on the site of and existing stand, it will not increase the capacitysignifacanly, and will still be below some of the previouse capacities of this stadium . In view of thisthe traffic and footfall in and out of the stadium is unlikely to change much, with little if no affect onthe neighbourhood.The stand is higher than the previouse stand, but this will help contain noise with in the ground.The football club have put a new application in to cover all the former objections, so any newobjections are likely to be spurious as there was plenty of time for objectors to make theirconcerns felt under the first application , which could then be dealt with within this new application.
People should remember that through the community trust this club put alot into the localcommunity, so investment and improvements in the club (such as the stadium ) are needed tocarry on this community support.There is little or no fauna or flora within the stadium boundary , so there will be little impact on theEvironment.In view of this and all the hard work that has been put in to meet the local communities concerns, Irecommend the planning authority pass this application.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I whole heartedly support the improvement to the south and south west stands
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
With this expansion of the stadium we are creating more jobs ,more peopleattending,and more money being spent at the stadium and surrounding local shops.This is a familyclub with generations of supporters only wishing for a decent stadium which will ensure manygenerations of families enjoying this .This is our future for many of us .Kids need to enjoy sportsand be proud of their heritage.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The current facilities at the Memorial Stadium is sub standard and needs improving andif a football team wants to grow, then It needs good facilities, which Rovers are clearly lacking - weare also not talking building a ground like Bristol City's, in comparison it is a miniscual expansion.
The improvements albeit slightly larger than the previous tent is only bringing the ground up to thecapacity it was prior to covid, of which to the residents at that point in time never seemed to be anissue; unsure how it can be used as a counter argument now.
All of Bristols road networks are nowhere where they need to be but in saying this, the new standwill not bring any new traffic to the roads in the surrounding area that the network can't deal withas it was deemed fit for purpose then, I'd argue what's changed to make it less fit for purpose?Poor performances on the pitch and a pandemic off it have led to less cars being on the road overthe course of couple years but that is the byproduct of those two events, and it is not guaranteedbringing the ground up to capacity will ensure the rovers achieve sell's outs each week, which iswhat is assumed by the objectors, football is more complex than that.
In respect of environmental damage, noise pollution, air pollution again, and objectors basingarguments around these are no more than guess. Surely a new built stand in line with todaysbuilding criteria will satisfy you in all these areas, and all self respecting QS and architect willfollow your strict guidance in respect of achieving compliance
Objections in respect of the size of the stand are also ridiculous because within the same built uparea there are some eye sores which are not being improved to look any better as well as
improvements made to other grounds (country ground) where you can see the lights from all overthe city, but assume these were still given approval - IMO more of an eyesore that is more obviousto more of Bristol's population than a small increase in size of a stand that will be safer for all.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I note that most objections point to so called problems caused by the increased crowdcapacity and the loss of light to neighbouring properties etc.
I would like to point out that even with the proposed increase the crowds will still be less than theprevious limits in seasons gone by.Therefore that particular reason has no foundation.
It should also be said that any alleged inconveniences to neighbouring properties dont hold water.
The stadium has been there since 1921,didnt anyone notice this when they purchased theirhomes?
Personally I wouldnt of even considered buying a property near any sports arena, or come to thatany nearby airport unless I was desperate to live in that particular area.Why do people buy into a known possible problem then bleat about it afterwards?
As a long suffering Gashead I fully support the application to improve the matchday experienceespecially if it benefits our less than abled supporters,Its high time that we moved into the 21stcentury.UTG
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The club and the fans deserve more modern facilities. Frankly, given the MemorialStadium is a memorial to the fallen, it deserves updating as it's current state is arguablydisrespectful to the memory of those that have fallen!
The increase in capacity will be negligible. Noise will arguably be less as the new stand wouldhave better noise reducing qualities than the old tent that was used as a stand.
Any increase in parking will again be negligible and - please let us not forget - football matches(given teams play away) are roughly only once a fortnight and only for a part of the year on top ofthat!
Most of the objections are over-reactionary nonsense by people who have bought houses next toa very long-standing sport stadium and now object to it being used as such.
Hopefully common sense will prevail - as I'm sure it will - and this small improvement forthousands of loyal fans can be given back to Bristolians.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
As a supporter of Bristol Rovers but not local to the area.I believe that this new stand will help the club progress to become a better supporter experiencewhile also allowing the supporters to continue to spend money in the local area, which will surelyhelp the local businesses in a very important time.I am also a believer that if you give people better facilities then they tend to respond in a betterand more responsible way.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Will improve the experience for all supporters, with the benefit of better containment ofany noise for the local residents
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
I live nearby and parking is horrendous when there's a match on so for this reason Ioppose this planning application.
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
This application increases the capacity of the stadium while providing no extra parkingspaces for the attendees or other transport arrangements. Parking on match days is currently aconsiderable imposition on the residents in the area and this will only make life worse. Pleaserefuse this application on these grounds.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I support the application to replace the current South and South West Stands as thisalong with the new toilet facilities and concession stalls will make the football stadium moreaccessible for people with mobility problems, the elderly/very young or people that have troublestanding for long periods of time as there will be more places for them to sit as at the moment themajority of the Bristol Rovers stadium is for standing which excludes a lot of people fromattending. I feel this will benefit several people in the local community as it will give them access tolocal sport which will be of benefit to peoples emotional and physical health and will enablefamilies and friends to meet up in a safe and comfortable environment. I feel that this outweighsany minor disruption to the local area and as the stadium has been there since 1921 and BristolRovers established in 1883 that any people who have moved into the area since would have beenaware that there was a stadium there and also would have benefitted from a cheaper houseprice/rent as market conditions allow for this (just the same as when people buy houses next doorto prisons/schools/pubs etc) so I feel that they wouldn't object to a little bit of work going on or alarger structure going up as they would have been aware that this would be a strong possibilitywhen moving to the area. On that basis I support the application as it will benefit the localcommunity as a whole.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am in full support of the development of the south and south west stand at theMemorial Stadium.
The current facilities at the stadium are not fit for purpose and unable to cater for the old, young,and supporters who are unable to stand. The development will also increase and improve thefacilities to both home and away supporters who suffer from disabilities. By improving the stadiumand allowing supporters who are otherwise unable to attend will secure the viability of the club andstadium for the future, which is of great importance to the local community as demonstrated by thework carried out by (local resident groups) The Bishopston Society and Friends of the MemorialGround, as well as others, in 2015, to have the site locally listed and marked as an Asset ofCommunity Value. This shows that despite the minor inconvenience that a match day brings, thebenefits that the football club offers to the residents and traders in the local area outweighs thenegative aspects. To ensure these benefits to the local area can continue the stadium needs itscapacity to return to the levels to which it was pre-pandemic, to help preserve the future of thestadium.
As the development will only raise the capacity in line with its pre-pandemic levels, it is proven thatthe local infrastructure is able to cope with the number of people that will be present during a rarefixture that reaches maximum capacity. In recent years the introduction of MetroBus and hirablebikes and scooters has freed up capacity on the roads in the area and that the opening of AshleyDown train station will open another car free route of transportation to the stadium, furtherreducing the strain on the local road network. With some additional measures that the football clubhas stated that they will be looking into, the traffic situation will be no worse than it currently is or
has ever been.
Demonstration of intent of further development of the site has been visible for over 20 years withplans of a much greater scale being approved during this time, so nearly all residents would havebeen conscious that, at some point work to make the stadium larger and modernised would occur.From 1996 to 2014 both Bristol Rovers Football Club and Bristol Rugby Club were joint tenants atthe site and, as since Bristol Rugby Club have moved, the number of fixtures played in a givenyear at the site has significantly reduced.
The comprehensive studies commissioned by the football club, in preparation of this application,have demonstrated that the negative impact of the development relating to noise, blocking of lightand environmental factors, will be nil to minimal. I am sure that any resident moving to the areawould have been fully aware of the implications of living in a property within the vicinity of aprofessional sports stadium.
I trust the planning authority will put the best interests of the community at heart and accept thisplanning application which will be of benefit to; Bristol Rovers Football Club and its supporters,traders, as well as the local and wider community.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Much needed much deserved.
Madness anyone could object.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
As many have previously stated, the Stadium is used for 23 games + a few cup gamesper season only. If Bristol City Council at this moment in time are not able to help us relocate, thenuntil that day arrives, which I and many many more have been hoping for for a very long time, thenthis small project needs to be approved.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I fully support this application, restoring the capacity of the ground in that area, making itsafer, accessible and more inclusive.
on 2023-10-19 OBJECT
I object to planning permission being given without the provision of adequate parkingspaces to match the additional people. The whole of the BS7 area is affected by lack of parkingissues on match days already. This affects residents parking and organisations holding events inthe area on match days. Cardiff provides a coach system where they can drop off and then park atallocated coach parks leaving the area clear of parking issues.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I commented in support of the original, recently withdrawn application. I understand thatBRFC withdrew the original application in order to submit a more complete application whichseeks to address a number of objections regarding the mechanism of that application. I feel thefootball club should be congratulated on its determination to address these issues, even though ithas pushed back the entire process.
My comments in support of the application remain the same. With the benefit of seeing the nearlycompleted structure it becomes apparent the new stand is a vast improvement on the ramshacklecollection of temporary tented stands that disgraced the stadium before. I am convinced thatresidents local to the stadium will be delighted with the uniform sight lines and professionalappearance of the new structure. It will enhance their privacy by blocking the almost uninterruptedview users of the stadium had into the gardens and windows, and will provide further benefits inshielding the surrounding houses fron noise pollution during the 90 minutes duration of footballaction, once every 2 weeks or so.
I recall there being a number of complaints regarding the generation of mud in the surroundingstreets during the removal of the temporary stands, shrub and tree clearance and the preparatorygroundworks for the new structure. All of these objections are but a distant memory as that phasehas for ever passed, and blame couldn't really be placed at the football club's door as they werenot responsible for the heavy rain during this phase of the development.
The Memorial Stadium has been in existence long before, in fact many decades before any of thecurrent residents were in situ, and the occupier of the stadium is as entitled as any of the residents
to improve the stadium facilities, just as most of the houses in the area have been altered andimproved beyond all recognition of their original appearance.
The additional spectators the improved stadium will be able to accommodate will only increase tothe same numbers that were permitted before the swingeing cuts advised by the SAG, thiscapacity will still be several thousands below that which was allowed in years past when BristolRugby Club were playing at the stadium..
I fully support this application.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
DEAR SIR/MADAMI respectfully contact you to give my support to the above application. Although notresiding within the City of Bristol at this time Bristol was and always will be my homeCity, a fact i am immensely proud of and to this effect I am always proud when the Cityis mentioned in a positive light by visitors and the media. Bristol is by and largeacknowledged to be a wonderful place to live and visit ,whether the reason is forbusiness, cultural or leisure , sporting pastimes.Regarding the latter ,I have always been a follower and passionate supporter of thevarious sporting teams that represent and carry the name of Bristol .My foremost interest has always been the fortunes/misfortunes of Bristol RoversFootball club who are the proposers of this application.At the moment The club play in the third tier of English football but for a variety ofreasons the facilities the club are able to provide do not match their position in thefootball pyramid.Visitors to the stadium from all over the UK do not take away a very good impression ofthe facilities, impressions of the club and loyal fan base are largely positive but of thestadium not so. The application seeks to address some of the negativity surrounding thestadium providing improved spectator facilities for both home and visiting supporters. Itprovides for a modest increase in present capacity taking it back to levels of a fewseasons ago and will go a little way to prepare the club for hoped for rise up the footballpyramid. This improvement is essential if this Bristol institution is to survive and prosperfor the good of Bristol as a City and the thousands of Bristolians for whom the club isclose to their heart. The club always encourage fans to use public transport to travel togames and i always do so , parking away from the area and catching local buses. Therehas been a stadium on the site for many, many years and this very modestimprovement will not in my opinion have any negative impact on the surrounding area
and i therefore write to give my full support to the application.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
No reason to refuse building the new stand.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am a 64 year old lifelong Bristol Rovers supporter but have been unable to attendhardly any games since 2016 as my health has deteriorated and I need to sit now to watch agame.This new small stand will enable me,and many others in a similar position,to attend gamesagain as the number of seats available will increase by about 2 thousand in comparison to thestand it is replacing.Just to add there were no seats available in the old stand for most games andgoing back to supporting the football team vocally and financially would be fantastic for myself andmy grandson who would attend with me as I couldn't get in the ground without him as mycareer/helper.Please allow this long and much needed improvement to the dilapidated MemorialStadium go ahead.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Upgraded infrastructure greatly needed in the football community of everybodyconnected with Bristol Rovers Football Club.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I support Bristol Rovers' application to improve the facilities at the Memorial Stadium. Iregularly attend matches with my wife and two young children. Having a much needed largerseated stand will be more inclusive for them in terms of comfort, being able to see the wholeplaying area and general easy access to facilities.
The football club is very much part of the history and fabric of Bristol and the large community itserves. As so many other football clubs up and down the country have already done, modernisingthe stadium is essential to preserve this, especially given how long overdue and outdated thestadium currently is.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
In reality, this is a minor improvement to the stadium which is in dire need of anupgrade. It will have minimal impact on the surrounding areas but at least provide someimprovement to the facilities at the Mem. Everything moves on and Bristol Rovers are being leftbehind - just look at the facilities some non-league teams have. Bristol is a big city and needs toimprove its' amenities across the board.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers have for so long been called "rag bag rovers "so come on lets get thisplanning application passed so they can move on up the pyramid of league football and fulfil theirambition
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I am in favour of the application and feel that it will improve the local area.As a life long supporter it is great to see the club climbing up the league and and continuing toimprove.Plus it will make a good addition to the city itself.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
There is a history of an even larger building than the South West Stand backing ontoStrathmore Road. I have a photo taken in 1965 from the back garden of 54 Strathmore Roadwhere the building can be clearly seen, but this site doesn't support uploading of images. It is mycontention that there is a history of a large building in this area, meaning the plan should beapproved. If I can be provided with an email address and reference, I will happily submit the photoas evidence.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I fully support the new proposals which will enhance the match day experienceespecially for supporters with special needs with much improved toilet facilities. I am pleased therehas been greater consultation with our neighbours and this has been reflected in the new planningproposals.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
This will bring much needed business to the local community as it seeks to restore thecapacity of the Stadium back to its original capability.
This will also drastically improve the sustainability of Bristol Rovers Football Club as added matchday revenues is crucial to the survival of the club.
The alternative maybe a large supermarket chain or more houses to out the local amenities undermore pressure.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The current supporter facilities and viewing experience at the Memorial Stadium arepoor. Having followed Rovers for nearly 55 years this has always been the case at each of our'homes' in that time and surely any improvement is, by now, long overdue. This new facility will atleast provide a better match day experience, with little real disruption for local residents.
Providing more seats will encourage more youngsters and families to the ground, together withbetter facilities for disabled and more elderly supporters which will make the club even morewelcoming and inclusive to all sectors of our society. The increased footfall will also greatly benefitbusinesses and traders along Gloucester Road and the wider local area in these challengingtimes.
I therefore fully support this application and really hope that it will be successful and thus provide amuch needed and improved recreational amenity to North Bristol.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I wholeheartedly support the proposed application to build a new south stand at theMemorial Stadium.This is for the benefit to supporters & the community plus more disabled fans spaces, better toiletfacilities with better safety.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Travelling from out the area . Always support local business (chipy , shop,pub) the newstand would be better for football club to give more supporters chance to watch football seatingdown.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
I fully support this development. The existing facilities offered at the site are barely fit forpurpose, with a lack of seats and limited other facilities. This is especially the case for awaysupporters who currently are left with a poor impression of the city. It is essential that facilities areimproved - currently the stadium is without question one of the poorest in the entire footballleague.This development will greatly enhance the site, including reducing noise outside the confines ofthe stadium. The increase in capacity will merely bring potential licenced numbers up to pre Coviclevels.It is important to note that the stadium has been in existance for 100 years and deserves to bedevelped in accordance with spectator and customer expectations more in line with 2023.Finally, it is acknowledged that parking is a significant challenge generally in this area of Bristol365 days per year, as in other areas of the city. A visit along Gloucester Road any day of the weekmakes this apparent. However it is important to remember that the use of the stadium by footballsupporters is no more than 25 - 30 times per year. This is negligable in context. It is alsosignificantly less than historic usage levels of 45-50 times per annum when the stadium was alsoused by Bristol Rugby club.I commend this application and the Council should fully support this development - it is high timethat this site was brought up to acceptable standards in terms of spectator comfort and spectatorprovision
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
This new structure is replacing existing stand, will give disabled supporters more spaceand better conditions. Traffic will not increase as ground will go back to pre covid attendance.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers Football Club has always supported and benefited the community with allthe hard work they do on and off the football field.
This development would only benefit businesses around them and the community further,providing a future for our younger generation for years to come.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
The new planning application (23/03826/F) is an improvement over the previousapplication. The enhanced stadium facilities with the new South stand are of benefit to BRFC andthe wider community. Extra revenue will be brought to the club and many local businesses, notjust on match days. The solar panels are a great addition, although it would be better if a muchlarger number were added, than shown on the current plans.As the stand is to the South side of the stadium, it will not block much light from most of theneighbours within a few metres of the stand because the sun is mostly in the south during daylightso any shade will be over the pitch, not on adjacent gardens.I urge Bristol City Council planning department and councillors to take a positive step forward forthe wider south west community and approve this application as soon as possible.
on 2023-10-19 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
I have just waded through countless 'supporting' positions for this planning application,which of course are simply Rovers fans wishing for their stadium to be upgraded. I understandwhy a fan would want that, but the overriding consideration has to be the impact upon both publicservices, and more importantly local residents.
As yourself this. If a planning application for a massive new football stadium with no parkingfacilities (or any park and ride offering) in this urban location were to be submitted today, it wouldbe outright refused, as the impact upon the local area would be intolerable (as it already is). Sowhy then are we even entertaining an expansion of the facility?
As someone who lives very close to the stadium, match days are an absolute scourge upon thelocal area. We already regularly see fights in the street, lots and lots of litter, men urinatinganywhere they please (including in people's gardens), a heavy and intimidating police presence,the local pubs packed to the rafters with drunk football fans and cars parked/abandoned literallyeverywhere, including blocking private driveways. It is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians,cyclists and motorist alike (i.e. everyone). Some match days are so bad that we simply don't feelsafe to leave the house with our child.
To increase the capacity of the stands will require more police, increase the need for more fans topark more cars locally (on narrow roads), and will inevitably lead to more 'flash points' of isolatedviolence that we are already seeing now. This is of course in addition to more litter, many morepeople and more general antisocial behavior.
To say that i am heavily against the proposals are an understatement, and i would urge thedecision makers to reflect upon why there are so many statements of support in favor of thisapplication. They are of course all coming from the thousands of football fans who congregate onthis area each week to support their team; not from the local residents who are heavily (andunfairly) impacted by this football stadium already.
As a local resident, the first i heard of this proposal was a letter through my door from the Council.There has been no formal public consultation beyond this, and no engagement with the localcommunity to explain and justify the proposals. It all feels like we are being hoodwinked intoallowing this stadium to further impact upon our lives in a negative way.
Why they can't sell the site for much needed brownfield housing and move further out of town isutterly beyond me. That option would be a win/win for everyone, and give fans dedicated parkingand the state of the art facility they desperately require.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
I have just waded through countless 'supporting' positions for this planning application,which of course are simply Rovers fans wishing for their stadium to be upgraded. I understandwhy a fan would want that, but the overriding consideration has to be the impact upon both publicservices, and more importantly local residents.
As yourself this. If a planning application for a massive new football stadium with no parkingfacilities (or any park and ride offering) in this urban location were to be submitted today, it wouldbe outright refused, as the impact upon the local area would be intolerable (as it already is). Sowhy then are we even entertaining an expansion of the facility?
As someone who lives very close to the stadium, match days are an absolute scourge upon thelocal area. We already regularly see fights in the street, lots and lots of litter, men urinatinganywhere they please (including in people's gardens), a heavy and intimidating police presence,the local pubs packed to the rafters with drunk football fans and cars parked/abandoned literallyeverywhere, including blocking private driveways. It is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians,cyclists and motorist alike (i.e. everyone). Some match days are so bad that we simply don't feelsafe to leave the house with our child.
To increase the capacity of the stands will require more police, increase the need for more fans topark more cars locally (on narrow roads), and will inevitably lead to more 'flash points' of isolatedviolence that we are already seeing now. This is of course in addition to more litter, many morepeople and more general antisocial behavior.
To say that i am heavily against the proposals are an understatement, and i would urge thedecision makers to reflect upon why there are so many statements of support in favor of thisapplication. They are of course all coming from the thousands of football fans who congregate onthis area each week to support their team; not from the local residents who are heavily (andunfairly) impacted by this football stadium already.
As a local resident, the first i heard of this proposal was a letter through my door from the Council.There has been no formal public consultation beyond this, and no engagement with the localcommunity to explain and justify the proposals. It all feels like we are being hoodwinked intoallowing this stadium to further impact upon our lives in a negative way.
Why they can't sell the site for much needed brownfield housing and move further out of town isutterly beyond me. That option would be a win/win for everyone, and give fans dedicated parkingand the state of the art facility they desperately require.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
Absolutely support this development. The ground has been there for one hundred years- and vital that it continues to modernise. Many people will benefit. Should be supported by thecouncil.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
It will improve the facilities for supporters. Most likely will act as a baffle to reduce noiseduring a game being heard by neighbours.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
I support this application I strongly feel Bristol Rovers (Bristols oldest football team)would benefit from having a modern fairly modest new stand. Brining the capacity up to itsprevious capacity would help local cafes pubs restaurants etc. And also let's remember Roversonly play at the mem once every 2 weeks with an occasional mid week game. So anyinconvenience to locals is really not that bad.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
No reason to refuse building the new stand. If you buy a house next to a pub, you can'tcomplain about the noise.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
As per previous, applications by this club will not be worth the paper it is written on.Whybother to obtain relevant permissions when they have already nearly finished the build withoutmeeting the documentation requirements for the planning application.
No regard to the increase in parking and congestion on match days or evenings.The fans onlythink of themselves and park anywhere and everywhere they can find a spot,regardless of doubleyellow lines or obstructing back lanes and residents driveways.
No consultation with local residents, no planning permissions, no parking surveys or considerationto loss of light for the immediate houses backing on to the new stand.Do and be damned seems tobe the watchword and worry about the consequences later.Not a very professional way to run abusiness,which it is at the end of the day.Not necessarily done just for football or sport in general.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
The local area is not the same as it was in terms of traffic and road layout as it was pre-covid when the capacity was less than planned with the addition of the new stand. I believe theincreased capacity afforded by the new stand will be detrimental for traffic in the local area.- Aldi and Lidl, along with the associated bus lane and road closures on Ralph and Brent roadshave made Downend road more of a rat run, this should be made into a one-way road but BCChave said they don't have the money to implement changes here.- There are also housing developments planned both on Muller road and behind the Aldi site, bothof which will increase the pressure on local roads.- A lot of supporters currently show up just before the game starts and look for spaces on localroads and invariably end up parking illegally across corners etc. If you follow the argument that thestand is for more seating room for people who can't stand for long periods then they are also likelyto arrive by car and not by walking.- The club used to engage with the community on parking issues and provide residents onlysignage but this stopped many years ago and any attempt at contact is now ignored.- The club say they will only report on the impact of the new stand 6 months after planningapplication has been approved but this is far too late. They should be talking to BCC about whatimprovements could be made to local roads and putting those in place before the increase in localtraffic happens.
I appreciate that the stadium has been part of the local area for a considerable amount of time andin reality the noise and additional footfall is not really an issue. However, the way in which the clubhave handled the planning and community engagement surrounding the new stand is prettyshambolic. I do object to the planning being approved but I can't see it being rejected at this point.
If it is approved then I feel that the club should be required to pay a CIL charge (communityinfrastructure levy) which could then be used to improve outstanding traffic issues locally, such asmaking Downend Road one way. I would very much hope that any future plans the club have arediscussed with local residents and planning permission is submitted before works are started.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
The stadium is at the back of my house. I have no objections to the new stand beingbuilt as I think it would be great for Rovers fans to have a more suitable stand to support theirteam. I'm not a Rovers supporter but I am a supporter of arts and culture in the city and sport is animportant part of popular culture and I see no reason to stop the expansion if done properly andconsiderately.
I moved to the area, and as someone who's moved to an area that has a stadium, then Iunderstand that I need to be aware that games will happen every fortnight and all that this brings.
It's lovely to hear people enjoying themselves. I've never been aware of any issues. There may beextra litter after matches but this all seems to be sorted not long after. I know when games are onhaving downloaded the app and plan travel accordingly.
As I said sport is a part of the city's culture and to object would be petty. Match days bring extrapeople to local businesses and it would be a shame for this to stop.
If Rovers do not get planning approval and they leave the area then I'd be way more concerned. Ifit gets turned into a massive supermarket or worse sold on to developers then the local communitywould have way more to moan about. Constant parking issues and not enough amenities forlocals etc.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
Parking is already bad enough when Bristol Rovers play, increasing the capacity with noincreased parking or change in parking restrictions is going to make it even more difficult to park.We often have to park 0.75-1 mile from home when we are out on match days.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
I strongly support this application. This will not have any detrimental effects on the localresidents as follows:The new stand will help to minimise the noise from the stadium to residents living behind it bycontaining the sound inside the stadium much better than the previous temporary, canvas walled,seating. The new stand will not impact on the light reaching the houses behind it as it's to the northof those residences. Bristol City Council has obstructed the past attempts of Bristol Rovers to builda new stadium elsewhere for far too long and needs to get behind the club and help Rovers build astadium Bristol can be proud of.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
Where is the consideration for the local residents? No community consultation hastaken place.I notice works have commenced with out planning permission gained.I do hope that all the support comments are thoroughly gone through and any comments from notresidents are dismissed, as football club supporters would of course only support such anapplication, without giving the slightest thought to the local community being impacted.
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
I fully support the new stand which brings a new fresh look for bristol rovers movingforward, who have been held back for years, politics should not come into decisions by the greensupporters. Bristol is a sporting back water and needs a massive boost which gives great incometo the city of bristol, be proud of the community it helps as a club and over the last few decadesthe business it has helped on glos Rd and beyond. The negative vibes green agenda is just tacticsto stop anything positive.Bristolians and visitors should have adequate seating for the elderly and disabled,
Please support the stand and bristol rovers going forward they will achieve alot more witheveryone behind them on the pitch and in the community which is great for our great city.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
If it is a case of numbers and Supports v Objects then Bristol Rovers will win the day,but we all know its very easy to mobilise fans to agree to a bigger ground. As a neighbour andlocal resident I would hope that our views will hold more weight, after all we live here, we see andexperience the issues, and to be honest things are not so great for us as it is, and that is beforeany development and expansion gets completed
I was disappointed to hear about the latest planning application and surprised that the buildingwork seems to be already underway before the plans have been agreed? - How does that work?and how do you get away with that? A walk past the site recently brought it all home - the structureof the south stand looks far too high and far too close to neighbouring residents homes - the standwill block out light for those living along side , and more people at the ground will obviously createmore disturbance, parking issues, and more anti social behaviour - it is inevitable. In my opinionthe development will have a negative impact on the neighbourhood and it will have a negativeimpact for neighbours and local residents - sure local shops and pubs will sell more alcohol but I'mnot so sure that is always a good thing. We have lived neighbouring the stadium for approximately20 years and have witnessed all sorts of development plans, schemes and dreams in that time.The constant theme is re-developing the ground to try and increase capacity and it's been goinground and around in circles for as long as I can remember. To be honest, I am surprised that anyfootball club, even with modest ambitions, seems to want to cling on to the belief that they will beable to sufficiently re-develop and "shoe horn" more and more supporters, into a ground which ishampered by its size and by its location within a densely populated urban residential area. Theground was originally designed for smaller scale rugby crowds. Times have changed, butexpanding the site for what should be, a proud and ambitious football club, is in my opinion
delusional. As others have pointed out, the increased traffic, pollution, noise, and anti-socialbehaviour from the increased capacity will all have a negative impact on the surroundingcommunity. The top of our road is regularly turned into a public toilet on match days, itsunpleasant for young families and for more vulnerable residents who should be able to enjoy theirneighbourhood and surroundings without feeling intimidated by a minority drunk and unrulyelement that the ground seems to attract I assume the current facilities within the ground must belacking so the proposed new toilet facilities for the south stand are welcome, but maybe Roversshould concentrate on extending those improved facilities to existing stands so that the localstreets are not turned into a public toilet following every match. I feel that consultation andcommunity engagement from the club over all sorts of issues and particularly the proposed newstand has been poor. Being cynical, its all about making money, rather than working with theneighbours or any concern for the local environment and community. For a long term future I ampuzzled why Rovers do not concentrate on finding a bigger and better ground elsewhereparticularly if they feel they have outgrown their current home - Bristol needs new and moreaffordable housing development rather than development that spoils the existing communities. Ithink the current proposal for expanding and redeveloping the south stand is a backward step onmany levels, so I hope some good sense prevails and this planning application is turned down.
on 2023-10-18 OBJECT
on 2023-10-18 SUPPORT
Will be a positive enhancement to the local area. Strongly in favour.
on 2023-10-17 OBJECT
I object to this proposal as there will be an increase in noise levels and will exacerbatethe already considerable traffic congestion on roads surrounding the Memorial Ground. This willhave an impact on general highway safety. Residents are already adversely affected on matchdays as those attending matches park in nearby roads.
The new structure is larger than the pre-existing structure and impacts on light to those propertiesnear the structure. Trees and bushes have been ripped out which will have an impact on wildlife.
Reading through the comments for support for this application I can understand why there isfavourable support for this application and it shows that most of those commenting in favour don'tlive in the neighbourhood. Rovers need to step up here and have more accountability to theimpact on their "neighbours".
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I believe that the new facilities will specifically benefit accessibility for both disabled andyounger supporters . This will allow the football club become more inclusive to new and existingsupporters adding benefit to the local community.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. Bristol and South Glos are poor relations to the rest of thecountry in terms of sports and leisure developments. This is an attempt to modernise what is quitean old fashioned stadium for the benefit of all visitors.The extra 2,000 or so seats is only bringing capacity back to what it was before and that theneighbours would have experienced previously.This in turn boosts the local economy, and importantly, the whole match day experience forsupporters with disabilities would be hugely improved with the new south stand.Parking is only busy on a Saturday afternoon every other week and occasional evenings whenmost residents would have parked up before football fans arrive).I trust the council will do the right thing and SUPPORT this well intentioned application.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I am a Bristol Rovers season ticket holder. The Memorial Stadium desperately needsmore seating. I used to be able to take my father-in-law on an occasional basis but the limitedavailability of seating has been a deterrent. The Stadium is probably one of the worst in the topfour divisions on English football, better facilities would be good for the city in attracting visitorsand away supporters.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Every stadium needs upgrading and better facilities to attract supporters. At the momentthe memorial stadium is an embarrassment for Bristol Rovers and Bristol as a whole.The increase in capacity is very small.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Although I no longer live in Bristol, I am a Bristol Rovers season ticket holder whoregularly visits the city to watch Bristol Rovers play. I, together with away team fans bring financialbenefit to the local area. The Memorial Stadium is desperately in need of modernisation not only toattract more revenue into the local economy but also provide a better and safer experience forfans.
The proposed stand is modest in comparison to most football stadium developments. The overallcapacity of the ground when completed will be similar to the pre-covid maximum. There willtherefore be no significant extra traffic. There should be no noise issues for the local neighboursas sound will be more retained within the stadium than the previous structure. There should be nolighting issues and no real negatives for the neighbours although many will complain ignoring thefacts.
The ground has been there for a very long time and neighbours should expect there to bemodernisation in the future especially when they previously objected to a change of use.
The Bristol Rovers Community Trust does a lot of good charitable work in the local area and it isvital that the club has a modern stadium and facilities to help support this work.
I urge you to approve this planning application as soon as possible.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
the quicker the stand is in use the better. i can then bring my grandchildren to watch thegas.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Please grant consent for this great historic football club. The stadium is in desperateneed of modernisation and the ability to attract added revenue, just to stay competitive with otherclubs in the country.
on 2023-10-17 OBJECT
Parking is already incredibly difficult for local residents on match days, and theproposed increase in capacity will only exasperate this. Not only does parking on local roads makeit difficult for neighbours to park, but inconsiderate parking (on pavements, across driveways etc)is dangerous. Although the application notes that the proposed capacity is similar to that approvedin previous years, I note that the parking situation more recently (when the capacity has beenlower) is still incredibly challenging. I therefore object to this application, unless the football clubagree to measures to mitigate this, such as on-site parking or increased park-and-ride facilities toreduce the impact on local residents. Otherwise, I will have to support a permit parking scheme forresidents only.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Please grant permission of this application to allow the club to go part way of achievingits potential and ambitions and make the thousands of supporters proud.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I have supported Bristol Rovers since the Eastville days and attended games there,Twerton Park in Bath and now the MemorialGround in Horfield. The club have never had what you would call decent facilities and I believe theimproved stand area will be a step in the right direction which I fully support.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Not sure why we have been sent a letter this far away from the ground however I havebeen reading this in the press. Whilst it seems that the club has been eager to get on with thisthere is valid reasons I can see. Having seating at a sporting venue for the city of Bristol to enjoyand all the facilities that comes with that is key. If I wanted to take family to a ground mostlystanding it is not an enjoyable experience. Other parts of the country seem to have no issuesgetting grounds rebuilt or improved when they are in a centre location like London. How can thisbe right. My knowledge suggests that the memorial stadium is a very long standing site andimproving that for the benefit to the community must be a good thing. This is a very important partof the community and that includes the labour market. People being able to work and pay theirbills in a cost of living crisis is key especially on weekends when the ground is used I assumemostly. The council should be looking to support these initiatives like other councils in the country.Kind regards
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Having this modern stand is essential to Bristol Rovers and enables theground capacity to increase and provides away supporters and disabled to have quality facilitiesProper toilet facilities with organised food outlets is a must and brings this end of the stadium up tothe 21 st century.This project is way overdue and only provides facilities that all or most already have.Well done to Bristol Rovers for spending a large amount of money to give supporters what theyshould have had many years ago and should be applauded.I am in full supportThanks
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
This stand is required to help bring the stadium up to date. It is backed by manythousands of bristolians who have supported the club through 3 different grounds and yes we'restill here, so please pass the application it will bring hope for our future.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Though I no longer live in the area, I have a huge passion for BRFC that goes backthrough generations, and indeed continues with my sons, who were born in Southampton!Bristol is the 2nd biggest city in southern England and vitally needs as much decent Stadia aspossible. Cardiff has 3 good stadiums!Rovers are historically the oldest football team in the city, and deserve their place and right tohave a stadium for the whole city to be proud of.Ashton Gate is now a wonderful stadium, and so too should The Memorial Stadium. Bristol shouldhave 2 good stadiums. And I am fully behind not just the south stand development, but the wholestadium eventually being brought up to modern standards. Let's not forget what this stadium wasoriginally built for! It should be preserved and improved.At present it is an embarrassment, and visitors see that! That's unacceptable for the great City ofBristol, and needs to be addressed. While people are prepared to put their hands in their pocketsto do this, it can only be a plus for everyone, not just football fans.I understand that not everyone wants to live next to a football ground. But the Stadium was therefirst! People knew where they were moving!You maybe need to look at Bournemouths ground, it has Kings park on one side, but on the otherit is surrounded by very substantial houses of very high value. But nobody moans, they just acceptit.Please Bristol, get it done and don't put up barriers. It's been too long now.
on 2023-10-17 OBJECT
I think the investment to the area is brilliant, as is increasing accessibility for manyyoung and less abled fans. However, I cannot support this until transportation, parking andcongestion are considered. Every second Saturday is an absolute nightmare for parking ascapacity stands now. Increasing stadium capacity without a supporting traffic management plan iscareless to all neighbouring homes, the pedestrian traffic that surrounds them, and traffic up anddown Gloucester Road, Muller Road, Ashley Down, and others.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
This will be a much needed asset for both the club and it's fans alike. Too long nowRovers fans have had to tolerate tired and outdated amenities and this will help improve thematchday experience greatly....I believe it will make little or no difference to neighbouring housesor traffic volume.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
The new stand will provide a much needed improvement for visiting and homesupporters alike over the old temporary stand. This will make for a far more enjoyable match dayexperience for entire families, and visiting supporters will no doubt be impressed by their visit tothe stadium as a whole and Bristol Roverswill be viewed as part of a progressive City, one that should be visited as a tourist.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Two years ago my 11 year old Grandson who plays for a local football club asked me if Iwanted to go with him on a Stadium Experience at Bristol Rovers, his club had arranged it. He wasan Arsenal supporter, wore their kit and followed them on Sky. I have been a Rovers supporter fordecades so was more than happy to oblige.I must say Rovers put on a good experience. It included a training session with a club coach,lunch, a tour of the stadium with a entertaning guide. After we met the players and manager whochatted and signed autographs and then we watched the game. I must say, because of theshortage of seats in the two main stands we had pretty poor seats in a tent.Despite the poor seats, most of the boys and their parents enjoyed the day. In fact my grandsonasked if I could take him to more Rovers games, and he forsook Arsenal.
Since then, because of the poor quality of seating available we have been standing on theterraces, not ideal. We would like to sit with a decent view of the game.
I now see more of my grandson This new stand I'm sure would encourage a more family basedsupport if parents and family could watch games with better facilities, which the new stand wouldprovide.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I believe this new development of the stand is a massive step in the right direction. Notonly will it bring the stadium closer to the 21st century it will provide additional revenue for thelocals businesses etc. It will also provide much needed disabled facilities for supporters visiting thestadium. I fully support this application 100%
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
This is an application that must be allowed to proceed. The football club need to movewith the times and offer its own and visiting supporters better facilities to watch football in the 21stcentury, and this includes disabled supporters. As well as improved match day experience - itsimply puts capacity back to its pre-covid levels. This stadium has been here for decades - itsshort sighted to think it will always remain as it is - every structure needs to be improved over thepassing of time.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
Support wanting admission cannot attend some matches because of limited capacity.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
With Bristol City Council previously approving a significantly larger redevelopment of theMemorial Stadium, and with this proposal to bring capacity back to pre-pandemic levels, I cannotsee any logical reasons as to why the council would object this application.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I support the application because the stadium is in need of much improved facilities thanit is currently. This will give families, disabled fans, local schools and other fans alike a muchbetter matchday experience.Having more fans able to attend will boost the local economy and in turn give much neededincome to the local businesses. Also, with a higher away capacity, this also means more of thosevisiting will be seeing what Bristol has to offer as a place on the map, when staying in the area.
It has to be said that The Memorial Stadium was already given planning permission, previously, foran 18,500 all seater stadium, with a maximum of future development capped off at 27,000.The Alton Road End would have been a much larger construction of what is currently proposedand holding a higher capacity of fans. Therefore this proposal is not having a larger impact to localresidents, than what was already passed previously for planning.The site has been a sports field for 130 years, so like any sports ground there is always a chancedevelopment will take place at some point.In saying this, buying a property next to a sports field opens up this possibility.The Memorial Stadium is used byBristol Rovers FC a minimum of23 days and more than likely no more than 30 to 35 days (cup games included, if drawn at home)out of a calender year of 365 days, so disruption for local residents is minimal throughout the yearin the grand scheme of things.
on 2023-10-17 SUPPORT
I fully support this application, I believe that it will not only enhance the supportersmatch experience and enjoyment but, at the same time block a lot of the sound coming from the'North' Terrace at the opposite side of the ground reducing impact upon neighbours.everyone wins.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As a supporter of the club, would be beneficial for the club to get the stadiumattendance back to pre pandemic maximum capacity to be able to progress financially andultimately this increase in revenue will benefit the community in the long run.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I support the scheme
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This is a necessary improvement to the match day facilties at the memorial stadium andwill restore the capacity of the venue to previous levels.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Long overdue modernisation of the stand that will improve the look of the whole ground.Instead of a mismatch of tent like structures a modern stand will benefit all with updated facilitiesto improve match day experience.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I support this application to provide a much needed improvement in the facilities and toenhance the overall aesthetic of the Memorial Stadium
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As a long time visitor to the area I support the improvements asked for.
In addition to the benefits outlined I believe there is a wider benefit to Bristol as a whole withvisitors to the area seeing an improved public space.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This application should go through, all Rovers are doing are bringing the capacity backup to what it use to be. 15 years ago approval was given to redevelop the whole ground upto 20k.This will not affect the residents as they will still have privacy of there homes. It is time the councilto back the club for once. If Rovers were to ever move this area would be loaded with housing andthe residents would not be happy. Bristol Rovers are simply trying to make a minor improvement.Which will help fans as well. The extra fans would also boost the local economy with them going topubs and cafes. Public transport is not a Rovers issue this is a national problem.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I wish to give my full support to the Bristol Rovers FC proposal to replace the oldtemporary stands with a more permanent structure which has been required for years.
I feel one of the main benefits with the extra seats will be that it will give families more opportunityto bring their children to matches. In addition the new improvements will give greater access tothose who are disabled and cannot at present attend matches which is a major and importantmove forward.
From a neighbours point of view there is no loss of privacy as the stand has no windows openingin the Alton Road direction and in addition as the new stand will face north this will not cause ashadow on the local houses.
When you travel to other football grounds the facilities for away supporters are often excellent andRovers plans will improve the current poor facilities for those travelling from around the countrywhich is important and gives visitors a good impression of Bristol.
One aim of the development is simply to go back to the previous stadium capacity so there will notbe major affect on the local community.
I urge the Council to approve the Bristol Rovers Planning application.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
It's good to note that residents concerns have all been addressed in this new planningapplication. This is a much needed development for the football club, which will greatly improvethe facilities on offer, whilst having little, if any impact on the surrounding area. I can see very littlereason why this application cannot now be passed.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
It is high time the eyesore that has embarrassed Bristol was given a chance to beupdated. The club will not have more attending as it's mostly for away fans and up to datedisabled access, something that is badly needed. Surely those that bought houses knew theywere next to a sports ground and i am highly skeptical of many of the objections being of the sametype, mainly due to an active WhatsApp group. Please just allow this modernisation to go throughas it is a travesty to see the ground as it was. Bristol needs to be represented in a decent manner.Thank you
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
The club is an asset to the community, and the improvement in facilities by allowing thisdevelopment will help supporters (due to the current lack of available seating at the ground)especially disabled supporters.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
It is essential for Bristol to improve all its sporting facilities. The Memorial Stadium isfalling into disrepair and is not worthy of an ambitious football club i.e. Bristol Rovers FC. It canonly be for the good of Bristol to attract as many visitors/spectators as possible to promote notonly Bristol Rovers but the City of Bristol in it's entirety.I consider it vital that this planning application is approved - it is a 'memorial stadium' and shouldbe maintained as such in good order
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
The Memorial Stadium, Filton Avenue, BRISTOL BS7 0AG.
I fully support the above application as I feel this will give Bristol Rovers FC betterfacilities for supporters, and increase the numbers able to attend home matches whichcan only be good for everyone concerned, as well as the intended new toilet facilitiesand concession stalls.I very much look forward to seeing the project completed.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As a season ticket holder and life-long supporter I support the improved facilities forbenefit of the community, especially elderly through increased seating, as well as experiences forthe many thousands of visitors to Bristol on match days from across the country.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I visit the memorial stadium for matches on a regular basis. The matches take place onapproximately 30 days per year, meaning that for 92% of the days o the year there is no impact onlocal residents. Even on match days any noise impact in only for about 2 hours maximumtherefore the total impact on neighbours is for 60 hours which is 0.68% of the year i.e negligible.
The new stand will add significantly to the spectators match day experience and to the sportingfacilities of Bristol.
For these reasons I recommend the granting of planning permission without delay.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I have supported rovers for 60 years. I've lived in southmead. Patchway. StapletonBradley Stoke and now Banwell. Due to age and difficulty in standing and travelling. I've notwatched rovers this season. This new stand would make it possible for me at the age of 69. Andmy brother who is 81. To be able to watch them again with more seats available. Please give it theok.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Construction of this new stand is vital for the future of the club - attracting newsupporters and thereby giving the area much needed football - which can only be good news forlocal business. The opening of the nearby Ashley Down railway station will also attract supportand hopefully reduce the number of cars parking in the area on matchdays.
I wholeheartedly support this application.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I am a regular attendee at the Memorial Stadium.
Many times over the last couple of seasons Bristol Rovers have had attendances larger than thecurrent maximum attendance. Therefore there is a clear need for additional capacity at theMemorial Stadium.
Due to recent reductions in capacity required by the Safety Advisory Group, the proposed newstand will only return the capacity of the Stadium to a similar level as a few years ago, thereforeshould not lead to new issues with parking, noise etc.
The proposal will provide additional seating at the stadium, so improving accessibility for disablesand elderly supporters.
The seating is likely to be more comfortable than the old South Stand, with greater protection fromwind and rain.
The structure of the new stadium is likely to reduce noise on matchdays experienced byneighbours, due to it's more enclosed structure and hard roof, and the fact that it will extendacross the whole width of the pith.
As a regular user of the facility, I support this vital change.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I object to the planning application and some of it's findings.
They've stated that having an additional 2,000 people won't produce any extra noise which I findincredibly hard to believe.
We've also noted in this new application that outside of the new stand there will be Food, Bar andtoilet blocks. This we object to as it will produce more noise and I really hope the smell of thetoilets doesn't drift over to our gardens!
The colour of the stand is also a bright blue, which is only visible to the neighbours and not to anyfan or passer by. Surely trying to blend it in to the natural surroundings should be a bare minimum.
It's currently impossible to park if a game is on, with an additional 2,000 people even an extra 200cars would have a significant impact.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
The plans to upgrade the South Stand will go some way to making match dayexperience more enjoyable not only for home fans but also away fans visiting our city instead ofhaving to stand on a open terrace in all winds and weather. I except that for 4 hours, 23 times ayear their is a increase in footfall around the Stadium but this would have been apparent to theresidents for many years, and the new Stand will not have any more impact than is alreadyhappening.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
The stadium is a community asset and deserves improvement which this developmentwill bring
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I believe North Bristol needs an improved sports facility with additional facilitiesavailable 365 days a tear and this development is a good step towards this.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Need better facilities in the stadium for families and the elderly . I currently have 2young daughters and can't bring them to the game as there are not enough seats in the stadiumand they are too young / small to stand up for the game .
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This will enclose the ground, and therefore reduce any unwanted noise to neighbours.There will be no discernible increase in local traffic as the proposed capacity is no more thanprevious attendances present on a match day. There will no loss of light for local residents, as, thesun will always be to the South of the proposed stand, and any loss of light will therefore affect theactually football pitch.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
Firstly this application has been entered because the football club have been 'caught'making changes without permission or consultation. So one should infer they are trying to avoidlocal people's commentsSecondly there is a huge list of cut and paste support letters , few making any proper case, whichwere all entered on the same day. This again is indicative of a stitch up ( or an attempted one)designed to convince planners of genuine support.In the light of these two somewhat underhand attempts the club should not be allowed to succeed.The increase in capacity will severely impact local roads and residents' freedom of movement asmore spectators means more parking problems. Already fans are accessing the area earlier andearlier , in desperate search of parking places.The bus lane on Muller Road will further diminish parking and the consequent scramble couldmean friction, illegal parking and lack of access to our own homesThe huge stand will overshadow nearby properties and there are clear safety issues withemergency access.This application is late, ill conceived , has not been consulted over, will cause yet more miserylocally on match days and if the planners are concerned about proper lawful procedures , it shouldbe turned down
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Looks alot better already, its about thime this stadium was improved, its been there avery long time and needs to be upgraded
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As a Bristolian of nearly 74 years standing (and I use the word "standing" advisedly, Iam aware of the importance of Bristol Rovers in the City's identity.The proposed development would not (as many seem to think) significantly raise the capacity ofthe stadium. What it would do is raise the seated capacity.Those mostly attracted by these improvements would be the elderly the disabled and families(particularly young children.hopefully this will soon pass and I can be less "long standing" than at present
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This application will provide much needed facilities for local and visiting football fansincluding better disabled facilities. The proposed stand is smaller and much less imposing than thepreviously approved planning permission for the site. The documents submitted shows thedevelopment will have minimal impact on light and noise of local residents, and the traffic surveyssuggest no increase in disruption to local residents on match days. Additionally there are excellentexisting bus links on Gloucester Road and Filton Avenue and we can look forward to the openingof Ashley Down railway station which makes the site an idea location for fans to travel to withoutthe use of cars.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
Concerns over the roads around the ground. The traffic is already horrendous duringmatch days. Provision needs to be made for parking away from the site.Also destruction of wildlife habitat where it has been built.No public consultation prior to starting building.No environmental assessment carried out prior to start of building.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I have previously commented on this with the original application but will reiterate mypoints. The stadium is in desperate need of modernisation and would hope this is not the onlyimprovement proposed. The increase in capacity will only bring it back to levels enjoyed in thepast which can only benefit the local economy. The match day experience for all supportersespecially those with disabilities would be hugely improved with the new south stand.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Will be a good and safe place to go and in more comfort.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
To move the stadium forward making better access for all
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
It is a progress for the club as it brings it up to the previous capacity before it wasreduced . It will help with much needed revenue and the stand is not much bigger than the laststructure. This is an area which has hosted football and rugby matches for over 100 years so youcan't be surprised that crowds attend and much needed stadium upkeep is carried out.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers have been trying to find a site for a new ground for a number of years,this proposal is to update the previous fan accommodation which was a tent across part of theSouth end of the ground. The facilities were bad to non-existent, including poor toilet facilities andcatering facilities. The new proposed temporary stand will give much better experience for somehome fans as well as away fans, who visit Bristol on match days, many staying for the weekendspending money in Bristol helping the local economy. The new stand would increase the groundcapacity to what it has been previously, so there should be no increase in burden of traffic orparking issues. The new stand will also shield the residents behind the stand from noise and lightpollution which is to their benefit. The better facilities will lead toa much better fan experiencewhich in turn reflects well on Bristol and also will probably improve fan behaviour.I am fully in support of the new stand and hope that the council will support the application.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This has to be a positive upgrade to old and run down structure which has to make thewhole experience safer. This upgrade to the current facilities with help and enhance the match dayexperience for the disabled home and visiting supporters, which i am one of them. in the long termthis enhanced facilities will draw more away supporters to the city giving the local retail outlets amuch needed boost in difficult times
on 2023-10-16
I am new to the area but have already experienced how impossible it is to park onmatch days. I also don't feel that the club is doing enough to engage with and benefit the localcommunity. I would have expected there to have been children's/youth football opportunities andother community programmes connected with the club.In terms of the development work itself, I think that going ahead with some construction withoutpermission in the hope of retrospective permission was a sly move and has only undermined trustand respect. The stadium itself looks to be very large and pronouncedly different from what wasthere before.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I fully support this applicationThe new stand will bring the stadium capacity back to its previous level and provide badly neededupdated facilities for both home and visiting supporters.The design of the stand will mean that noise which previously had escaped from the stadium willnow be enclosed within thereby providing a better atmosphere inside the ground as well as lessnoise outside.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I objected to the first plan and objecting again to this resubmitted one. As a neighbour ofthe club I am appalled at how Big Business has given two fingers to the rules the other Bristolresidents need to abide by. The work started in April with no communication to adjoiningneighbours, diggers turning up behind my back garden ripping down trees. The stand is no waylike for like, its at least double the size of what was there before and will look like 'Ikea' in our backgarden by the time it's finished. Its blocking light for our neighbours on Alton Road. When workcommenced the contractors ruthlessly started chopping trees down in the inner city sanctuarybehind our houses and have used the space to dump rubbish, displacing local wildlife and givingus a nice rubbish tip to look at as well as the bright blue monstrosity. Cancelling the originalapplication and putting in a new one feels like an attempt to hopefully get less people to resubmittheir comments and make the 'consultation' meeting held on the 21st September appear as somesort of success... a consultation meeting that was 5 months after the work started! Its horrendoushow we have been treated by a club who no doubt call themselves a community club. The stand isalso nearly done so what is the point in this all, its not like the council are going to get them to takeit down? Whats the point in me waiting for approval of my own planning application, why can't Ijust start now, my neighbour has done it? Why can't I!
on 2023-10-16
I have no problem with a stadium improvement and associated amenities. However, Ifeel that the question of transport, parking and safety when games are on has not beenconsidered, which will get worse if an increase in the number of seats occurs.I feel that consideration to parking restrictions around matches should occur, to avoid antisocialparking, blocking of main roads and parking on green places. This should be through enforcementsuch as restrictions with parking enforcement officers as well as encouraging other means ofgetting to games such as park and ride etc.If these are met then I support the application, however, if no consideration for local communitieswith regards to Street safety around matches is proposed then I am against the application
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I commend the long overdue upgrading of facilities at the Memorial Stadium, inparticular the new South and South-West Stand. This facility is much needed by the spectatorsand essential for the Football Club to operate within the requirements of the English FootballLeague. The Stadium and it's facilities are an important and historic asset to Bristol, modernisationwould be welcome by Bristolians like myself.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I am writing as we do not support this application. We live on Downend Rd and footballdays are already incredibly disruptive, with parking almost impossible, and local roads congested.Increased seating capacity would increase these problems. Additionally, we are very disappointedthat there has been minimal engagement with the community regarding this application, whichleaves us incredibly untrusting that this would then be dealt with with any sensitivity in the future,either in terms of the building process or any further management. We do not support thisapplication.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I object to this application on the following grounds (and resent the fact that I have hadto resubmit my objections following the previous application being withdrawn by the applicant):
1) Noise pollution: The club have ripped out trees to go ahead with the erection of the stadium, notonly disturbing local wildlife and actively working against BCC's commitment to tree planting, butalso removing a natural noise barrier. The noise on match days is already intolerable for residentsand with thousands of more fans attending this is not going to improve
2) Loss of light: Having attended the very poorly publicised "community engagement meeting" theclub admitted that there are properties on Elton and Strathmore Road that will have light reducedby 10%. This is not acceptable.
3) Traffic: The club have continually failed to engage in any way with me around issues caused byfans parking on local streets and the associated anti social behaviour of these fans. Having livedlocally for many years there was a time when the club put out resident parking signs on matchdays which helped the situation. This stopped for no reason about 7 years ago and all of myattempts to contact the community engagement worker (who lives in Reading) have resulted in noreply. The club informed residents at the poorly publicised "engagement meeting" that they wouldbe submitting a travel plan 6 months after planning was approved. This is ridiculous as it meansresidents will suffer for months without any coordinated plan, and even when the plan is produced,there is no assurance that it will meet the needs of the local residents.
4) Anti-social behaviour: I have witnessed fans urinating on local streets, hurling abuse at local
residents and getting in to fights. The Police presence associated with the club is only focussed onGloucester Road. The increase in capacity will naturally lead to an increase in these incidents, andI can see no evidence of any efforts to minimise the impact on residents.
5) Retrospective application: The stands are pretty much built so this whole process feels like afait accomplis. The club did not publicise the engagement meeting-I only found out about it bychance-and they held it on the same evening as a supporters meeting which I think was donedeliberately in an attempt to intimidate local residents. The club has shown time and time again awoeful lack of respect for the local community, and I feel strongly that this application (andpreviously withdrawn ones) have been fast tracked by BCC. Given that this application is likely tobe approved I feel the least that can be done is to ensure that the club has to engage with thelocal community and invest in the local infrastructure e.g. closing off the "gate" on Alton Road andbuilding a wall, tree planting to replace the trees it ripped out etc.
6) It's just plain ugly: The plan to build a steel frame and then paint it bright blue is beyond thepale. No thought has been given to how to reduce the environmental impact of the structure andimprove the aesthetics.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Would be good ideal for this to proceed so more people can watch and better facilitiesfor disabled people and elderly would help businesses in local area
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Hi I sincerely hope you grant rovers permission to grant South west improvedmatch day experience,and more revenue for the city of Bristol,eg more spectators usingpublic transport,supports local business,eg shops....also give Bristol another venue formore events....and rovers been link to Bristol for over a 100 years,giving them supporton improving facilities.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I strongly object to the new stand. I already have to look at lights and have them comingin to my bedroom and bathroom when they are on, and now I have to look at a block of warehousetype building. Workmen on the roof are able to see into the back of my house and it is clear thatextra noise will come from the building when it is in use.Match time noise penetrates the double glazing and is even worse if I want the windows open orwant to sit outside. Any room for extra supporters is going to create extra noise.Traffic and parking are a nightmare on match days / eves. Roads are full of stationary traffic, a lotof drivers do not know where they are going and people get frustrated. Non local people do notknow how to park in the area and cause obstructions. Space for more fans does not equate tospace for more cars, there is no space on the roads. There is no evidence of any parking officialson the roads during matches.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
It's good for the community that Bristol Rovers continues to grow and welcome morefans
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As part of the entertainment industry on offer in Bristol, Bristol Rovers should be valuedand allowed to upgrade their facilities for the benefit of their patrons rather than being held back. Ifredevelopment is denied it may be the start of a slippery slope into non existence which the city ofBristol can ill afford.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I strongly object this application. We live on Ellicott Road and football days are alreadyincredibly disruptive, with parking almost impossible, and local roads congested.Increased seating capacity would increase these problems. Additionally, the new stands massivelyimpacts quality of live for those living in close proximity to the stadium, due to the size of the standadjacent to many gardens as well as the increased noise level.Finally, we are very disappointed that there has been minimal (if not none) engagement with thecommunity regarding this application, which leaves us incredibly untrusting that this would then bedealt with with any sensitivity in the future,either in terms of the building process or any further management.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers need this stand its is crucial to their survival . There will be no furtherimpact on the residents of Alton road as there is no direct access to the ground from there. Theattendance level will be the same as pre covid times . As fir the residents of Trubshaw gardenssimple answer is if you don't like the fact there is a fully functioning sports ground on your doorstep . why did you buy a property there in the first place ? incredible
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Bristol needs better facilities and is falling behind other cities, so I'm supporting this.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I fully support the plans for the improvements of a dilapated ground that has been in thecommunity for over 100 years. Bristol is consistently behind other major cities in terms ofapproving large social projects that benefit the whole community, like sports and concert venues. Ihope this will be the first of many improvements that finally bring this stadium into the 21stCentury.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Surely it is the job of the City Council to support our sports clubs in order to promote theCity, the value of succesful football and rugby clubs to the economy of Bristol should not beunderestimated. I would encourage you to keep this in context. It is an application for a relativelysmall stand that will bring the capacity up to a very low 13500 or so. Look at the bigger picture,see what is happening elsewhere around the UK, take a look at how some Local Authoritiesencourage the growth and development of there towns and cities. Stop holding the City of Bristolback!! We are not some mickey mouse backwater as some elected members seem to want us tobe.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
As a Bristol resident I wholeheartedly support this excellent proposed investment andwould urge the City Council Planning Department to grant its approval.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
The memorial stadium is already so busy that during match days you cannot parkanywhere near your property, unless you have a driveway. Muller Road is also at a standstillduring people arriving or leaving for matches, which is worsening air pollution in the area. I fearmore seats will mean this situation will be even worse, and the roads around the stadium arealready struggling to cope. If its a match day I fear going out as I won't be able to get back or parkon return.Those who visit the stadium are also disrespectful of the local area, they are loud, litter, and attimes have resulted in marches of people in the road, blocking the traffic. Matches also causepolice services to be needed as well as security staff for local pubs and ambulances. More seatswill mean more resources from police and ambulance needed, putting a further stretch onrescources which are already in low supply nationally. There will also need to be more security tomanage antisocial behaviour, and it makes using local facilities on Gloucester Road whenmatches have finished difficult and unpleasant for locals.When matches are on singing and shouting from the grounds, aswell as bright lightening andmusic can be heard from many of the streets around, disrupting neighbourhoods, with more seatsthis will only worsen.This is not a long term solution as this stadium is already in the wrong place with poor transportlinks, and will further choak up an area that the council are trying to improve traffic flow for.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Good all round for buisness owners, the football club and the surrounding area. I am aregular visitor to the memorial stadium and never witness bad behaviour or aggression towardsanyone
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
The Government are looking to encourage young people to be active. Bringing thecapacity of the Memorial Stadium back to what it was previously will allow more youngsters towatch the games than currently can, and the likely outcome is that they will want to emulate theirheroes during their leisure time. Watching sport is also good for mental health, giving peoplesomething enjoyable to focus on after a week at work/college/school. Again, mental health is apriority for the current Government, so something which enables good mental health should besupported. Although I do not live in the area, I spend money in the local businesses before andafter attending games at the Memorial Stadium, thus, contributing to the local economy. Thefootball club is very community focussed, and encourages people of all ages to attend theactivities which they organise. If the attendance level returns to what it was previously, there ismore scope for people to be informed about what is on offer. Again, these are acitivities whichpromote and enable good physical and mental health for diverse groups of people.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
An overdue ground improvement that is much needed. The development will improvethe stadium and improve the matchday experience for fans attending a game. Will encouragemore away fans to travel to the stadium for matches featuring their team, which will have positiveknock-on effects for local economy.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
The stand is a monstrosity, far too big to be in a residential area. It will block the light forsurrounding houses and was erected without any consultation with local residents.
There has been no thought given to how the extra 3000 fans will travel to and from the ground. wealready cannot park on match days and evenings.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
Much needed improvements to the ground which which will offer much better facilitiesfor supports and accessible spaces for supports who need it. The stadium is a asset to both thelocal communities and wider population of Bristol who come to watch and support football to aprofessional level and for families and children to be able to enjoy a much improved experience.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This stand is essential to provide visitors from all around the country with coveredseating and reasonable facilities (food/drink/toilets). Instead of the uncovered last century terracethey had to endure.It puts Bristol as a city in a better light .The improved viewing and cover for disabled football supporters (both home and away) will begreatly appreciated. Its the least the city of Bristol should offer to disabled visitors.Having a better stand should please locals as it will look more pleasing than the previous tents,which frankly gave the Horfield area the look of a refugee camp.One would hope nearby residents would be proud to have a good stadium near to them. For theiruse and to reflect the quality and success the neighborhood should be represented by.The current stadium is at 1950s standards.Bristol as a city needs it to become upto date.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This development is required for the future of the football club.As it's more of a fixed steel stand it would contain more noise than the previous canvas version.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I fully support the replacement of the South Stand. As part of the community the newstand can only improve the match day experience.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
This stand is long over due, the facilities for supporters including Away fans will begreatly enhanced. The facilities have for years been inadequate for enough supporters to watchmatches. This will enable the football club to have more income and hopefully we will see moresuccess. The stadium has been there for a long time, so residents knew when moving there thatparking would be busier on the occasional Tuesday and Saturdays for a few hours.
on 2023-10-16 SUPPORT
I whole heartedly support the application for the memorial stadium.I feel that the clubneeds to move into the 21st century and to improve facilities for all.
on 2023-10-16 OBJECT
I've read through documents of the resubmitted planning application. The size of thestand has not changed and therefore the impact on the view of the area is still existing.They have completed a travel assessment which seems to claim there's no impact on localresidents due to the old capacity being similar. Since 2018 several houses in the area have beenconverted to HMOs and other plots of land have had new houses built. There's several more carsaround and parking is simply a nightmare on match days for locals. Either the club or the councilneed to address this.They have also said they've engaged local residents, the invite to the meetings were handed to alimited number of locals. Only directly beside the stand. We are 2 streets away and heavilyimpacted but have not heard anything. I don't see how this can suffice as proper engagement.I'm keen to see the local team thrive and for local sport to be a positive in the area. However forme this change is still detrimental to the local residents, mainly due to parking concerns.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I want to reiterate my support for this planning application.Our football teams are parts of our city's culture and fabric that are immensely important to a veryhigh number of - predominantly working class - people in Bristol. Clubs the size of Bristol Roversstruggle in an extremely difficult economic climate and Rovers should (like any important andpositive part of our city's fabric) be supported by the city to survive and prosper.I understand the frustration of some local people - the club could have done more to engage withthem and will hopefully learn for the future, but the new facility won't lead to a massive increase inthe capacity of the Memorial stadium - it will return to roughly the point it was at pre-covid; so therewon't be a sharp increase in footfall and cars from number previously. Not every game will be asell-out; so number will not be massively different (so there won't be much difference in parking /disturbance etc).The stand is an increase on the temporary stand that stood until the previous season, but it is stillnot as big as the stadium changes that were agreed in 2007 (? might have got that year wrong!)and will represent some modernisation to a stadium which is years behind Ashton gate and mostother grounds in the football league.I sympathise with nearby residents, but they have chosen to live near a sports stadium, so thereplacement of a 'temporary' stand couldn't have come as too much of a shock.Complaints about traffic are understandable, but a temporary increase on matchday may beinconvenient for a short period of time, but - as someone who cycles around the city every day -the chronic problems with too much traffic / too little parking / poor air quality are not the fault ofBristol Rovers; and localised increases in traffic volumes is something that is part of nearly everyhousing development / supermarket / school / in the city - and has not been considered grounds tostop those developments.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I support the application from Bristol Rovers and hope the council can vote yes it seemslike it is all ok for lots of other applications part from football
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
In favour of the improved facilities at the Memorial Stadium as very little has beenimproved there over the last 25 years so the new facility will improve the comfort for home andaway fans. From where I sit in the West stand surely this application will also benefit the localresidents in Alton Road and the surrounding area.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
This application needs to be approved because it is a substantial improvement of theexperience when visiting the ground.It will enable the club to go forward and prosper and becomemore self sufficient without affecting the neighbourhood to any greater extent.It will also provide amuch needed business boost to the local area which has suffered during years of austerity.Bristolcouncil needs to show they are open to businesses making improvements and showing supportwithour fear or favour
on 2023-10-15 OBJECT
I feel that the Rovers stand will impact negatively on the houses in close proximity to thestand as it is too close to their properties. The increased capacity will not help the parking issuesin the area or the narrow road network. I can envisage the antisocial behaviour I regularlyexperience when my house is used as a public toilet on match days will.just continue .I appreciatethat the ground and team is part of the fabric of this community but feel a serious consultation wasnot undertaken .I feel I live close enough to the ground to have been asked about my opinion andthis planning application does not feel like it has been open and honest.
on 2023-10-15 OBJECT
I object to this proposal Application No. 23/03826/F, mainly on the basis that the areacannot sustain the increased pedestrian and vehicle numbers. It already cannot cope and the areais made very unsafe and unruly. The Rovers management have done very little in the past toensure the locals have not been inconvenienced by the footfall, traffic and conduct associated withthe matches and therefore I believe it is either out of their control or they will not manage thisadditional strain on local residents with the dignity or respect they deserve.
Observations and experiences of the below list will outline the areas which will be furtherproblematic with the increased stadium capacity and demonstrates the reasons for my objectiontherewithin:
- Increased traffic causing congestion and erratic driving in the area.- Closures of the Brent Road, Draycott Road, Springfield Avenue which has not been consideredand will add to the added gridlock on the Filton Avenue/Muller Road/Gloucester Road network,and rat run which has been recently created along the Rovers access part of Filton Avenue.- Parking strains creating congestion, obstruction (including visual) for local traffic and pedestrians.- Increased pollution and litter, myself and fellow residents often resort to litter-picking after matchdays.- Increased probability of crime - already being aware of Bristol Rovers fan arrests for violentdisorder, public disorder, throwing missiles, drunk driving, possession of pyrotechnics andpossession of class A drugs.- Overuse of Trubshaw Close's privately maintained bricked road at the repair expense of thehomeowners, when Rovers could be using their own tarmacked road further up for fans and
vehicles to access their car park and stands; this is apparently due to the lack of turning space forcoaches at the Memorial gate but they could at least direct 'only coaches' to the Trubshaw Closeentrance and the cars and pedestrians through the memorial gates.- The Rovers Managements execution and planning of this stand has been very deceitful; the buildcommenced before permission was granted and only a handful of local residents were invited tothe meetings, furthermore, the application was withdrawn so that those who objected lost theirvote and communications seemed purposefully withheld so as to not allow for resubmittedobjections.- Increased violent conduct towards local residents, everyone I have spoken to locally has been avictim of misconduct or aggression/intimidation from a fan, usually on leaving the grounds whenthe right of way to residents' homes is denied or obstructed.- Increased noise pollution for all nearby residents.- Reduction of natural light for those houses falling in the shadow of the new stand, particularlyAlton Road and areas of Downend Road.- Finally, the provision of concession and disabled facilities should always be a priority to anyreputable organisation and is hopefully considered in all areas of their ground, hopefully not just aSouth and West stand improvement proposal to sway votes.
Thank you.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Reference 23/03826/FFully support this much needed and long overdue improvement to the Memorial Stadium & itsfacilities to improve the comfort of the spectator experience at this valuable North Bristolcommunity asset for the benefit of everyone who uses it
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
The stadium is in desperate need of the following facilities that this development willdeliver;Modern toiletsFood outletsMore seating & disabled accessShelter from the elementsFor the dwellings behind the new facility there will be reduced noise, reduced Light pollution andstray balls in their gardens.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers are only improving facilities for all supporters, not increasing capacity.The stadium badly needs upgrading and modernising which this will do as well as increasingfacilities for disabled supporters.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I support the application 100%. I have followed Bristol rovers for just over 60 years.They are a family club and incidents of unsocial behaviour are very very rare. Some of gheobjections are ludicrous and unbelievable. There is no application to increase capacity other thanto what it has been in the past. Residents who have lived in the rea all their lives or who havemoved on, knew full well that there was a sports stadium in their vicinity but still moved in.Suggesting that one residents property is used as a toilet all the time is ridiculous. Why ghatpersons property and not everyone else's. Other reasons objecting such as disturbing wild life ornesting birds and felling trees really is sinking as low as they can get. There appears to be aconspiracy going on to try and destroy Bristol rovers and I suspect supporters on another clubhave joined the bandwagon to try and thwart ghe club, indeed I know this to be a fact. To losesuch a club as Bristol rovers would be a tragedy and a great loss to the city of Bristol.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I support the application 100%. I have followed Bristol rovers for just over 60 years.They are a family club and incidents of unsocial behaviour are very very rare. Some of gheobjections are ludicrous and unbelievable. There is no application to increase capacity other thanto what it has been in the past. Residents who have lived in the rea all their lives or who havemoved on, knew full well that there was a sports stadium in their vicinity but still moved in.Suggesting that one residents property is used as a toilet all the time is ridiculous. Why ghatpersons property and not everyone else's. Other reasons objecting such as disturbing wild life ornesting birds and felling trees really is sinking as low as they can get. There appears to be aconspiracy going on to try and destroy Bristol rovers and I suspect supporters on another clubhave joined the bandwagon to try and thwart ghe club, indeed I know this to be a fact. To losesuch a club as Bristol rovers would be a tragedy and a great loss to the city of Bristol.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
The building of the South Stand is a welcome move, and vital in order to improvefacilities,at what is one of the most inadequate football stadiums of the 92 clubs in the country.The lack of shelter from the elements, and seating, is a disgrace and embarrassment in 2023.Citizens of Bristol deserve far better than what is current provided, as do opposition supporters,and I have complained about the wretched toilets in the stadium on many occasions.Supporters, like myself, aged 74, are unable to risk standing for a 90 + minute football match, andobjectors need to understand how poorly the Memorial Stadium compares facilities in otherstadiums in the country.The club has made virtually no improvements since moving to the stadium in 1986, and thisopportunity must not be missed.
on 2023-10-15 OBJECT
This construction will help contain noise, and stop excess light during evening matchesfrom spilling into neighbouring properties. It will also provide much improved facilities for peopleattending fixtures at the stadium including those with disabilities and require seatedaccommodation. Thank you for reading my comments
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
It's a sports ground ,it has been for around 100 years . It badly needs updating andmore seats. Just let them get on with it.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I fully support the application which will bring comfort and shelterto a stadium that is in dire need of modernisation.It has been the laughing stock throughout the sporting world for far too long.Why it it every other town and city in England have little or no hassle in what is a very modest andlog overdue improvement.Why is Bristol so anti everything?
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Further to my other comments, I would like to add, that the present stadium, and itsfacilities, are so often ridiculed by fans of visiting clubs.Bolton supporters referred to the Memorial Stadium as Chernobyl!I hope the Planning Department will take this jibe as a reminder as to how important this newstand is to the prestige of the football club, and also the city of Bristol.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Please consider a common sense decision regarding amenities and facilityimprovements for our city. NIMBYs who of course knew they were moving near to a sports groundat the time crying foul on spurious grounds with ulterior motives are far too common in the areaand we mustn't continually allow this city to be held back all the time by a tiny vocal minority.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
I write as a neutral sports enthusiast and resident of Bristol for nearly 50 years whowants to see all sporting facilities within the city and surrounding areas to be something the city ofBristol can be proud of. This proposed upgrade to the stadium is much overdue and very modestwith little to no change in the historical capacity of the ground.Facilities at the current Memorial Stadium are not fit for purpose, particularly for the disabled,elderly and children who without this upgrade will continue to be essentially discriminated againstand excluded from being able to watch their chosen sport.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Rovers need to improve facilities for disabled spectators this would help massively.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
Living in North Bristol we need better facilities for sports and recreation.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
The length of time this has taken to sort out makes no sense at all. The design is clearlya massive upgrade on what was previously there. Not only does it look much better, it isenvironmentally friendlier and has brought much needed commerce to the building industry. It willprovide jobs and employment for the foreseeable when operational. It will contain the sound insidethe stadium much more efficiently than the tents that were there. It shouldnt take this long in 2023to replace tents with a proper football stadium stand on the site where a stadium has sat for over100 years. Residents purchased houses in surrounding streets knowing a stadium was next doorso havnt got a leg to stand on when improvements are trying to be made for the whole community.
on 2023-10-15 SUPPORT
It's about moving on and improving facilities rather than eventually letting things rot intoa site that no-one would want to buy or develope thus becoming a waste land and everyone loses.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
1. With a more sturdy, permanent fixture, noise being contained within the stadium.2. Job creation opportunity.3. The increase in capacity will enhance footfall for local businesses.
on 2023-10-14 OBJECT
Whilst I have no objection in principal to improving the facilities, the additional stand isan eyesore - especially to those whose houses back on to the stadium. Why does it have to beblue facing those houses? A 'mural' of natural colours painting to at least look like trees and sky,etc., might be a bit more acceptable. Given the fact that the stand is currently under construction,isn't inviting comments on the proposal from residents a bit like closing the door after the horsehas bolted?
A larger crowd, means more noise, more congestion and potentially increased security, requiring ahigher police presence - how is the additional cost of policing being funded?
Traffic around the area is bad enough on match days. Creating an additional 2000 seatssignificantly increases traffic in the area - even if 4 supporters shared a car (highly unlikely), that'san additional 500 vehicles at least in the area. What provision has been made for parkingfacilities?
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
l fully support Bristol rovers application for a new stand ,the memorial stadium needsupdating and a new stand would go someway towards achieving that.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
The Memorial Stadium is a part of Bristol's local heritage and culture and has been foryears, but it is looking dated, is not overly welcoming due to its condition and is almost a bit of alaughing stock across the football league with away supportes.
Bristol Rovers Football Club has a long and rich history and should be embraced for the icon that itis. To enhance the stadium with improved facilities and increase its capacity to a level ofattendance, above its current much reduced levels, can only be beneficial for the club and thelocal businesses, of which there are many.
The increased capacity would welcome greater numbers to the stadium from outside the area, andlike many of its own supporters (when they travel away) the increased numbers through theturnstiles from across the country can only benefit the immediately close and central businesses tothe positive.This would include, shops, local bars, hotels, restaurants and also include many of Bristols toursistattractions.
There would be an uplift in public transport usage as a result of increased capacity. This, alongwith increased revenue to businesses as outlined can only be a positive.
Bristol Rovers, as a football club deserve an opportunity to flourish in the same way as many clubshave, as a result of improved facilities, and increased capacities. The fan base are deserving of alittle success and can easily make use of the improved facilities. These improvements will beused, the stadium will not be an empty bowl, it will be a success for the football club, its fans and
the local authority.
on 2023-10-14 OBJECT
This would be a great opportunity for the local community. Bringing more fans on matchdays spending money in the local Shops. As well as allowing more travelling fans to Bristol
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
Fully support this
Bristol in general are behind the rest of the UK with sports and venues. It would be silly not to goahead with the stand.
I am fully aware of residents etc but this needs to happen.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
I really think that Bristol rovers need this new stand for the fans and the shops andrestaurants who are around the area more people using the ground generates more income forthe all area it's the right thing to do
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
I wish to register my support for the South Stand redevelopment at the MemorialStadium. Having read through a lot of the comments for and against, and also media reports, thekey points I want to make are:
- The stand improves the dated facilities at the Mem, allowing more families, and disabledsupporters to attend games.
- The stand barely increases capacity beyond what it was previously. Until health & safetylegislation reduced the capacity, the stadium could accommodate over 12,000 supporters.
- The stand is only meant to be a temporary measure to improve facilities, until the club managesto find a new permanent home.
- The Memorial Stadium has existed for 100 years and has periodically undergone improvements.The East & West stands were built in the late 80's & mid 90's respectively. So for me, to choose tolive near a sporting venue, and not expect it to be developed seems strange.
- Finally, Bristol Rovers and also our rivals across the city, are institutions critical to the culture,history and identity of Bristol and wider parts of the west country. When I look at the support localauthorities give to clubs in other parts of the country, I feel Bristol has been sadly lacking.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
I think planing for a new stand should be approved as it is much needed as a upgradeto the poor facility it would be replacing.The current facility is a poor reflection on Bristol .When people watch sport and go to other sportsgrounds and see what improvements have been made.local people bought there homes Knowingthere was a stadium in the area ,I do not think there would be a great deal more inconvenienceand any facility needs improving over time.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers need to improve their ground and this will benefit both the city andcommunity in general.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
BRFC need to be given the opportunity to grow, in the current financial climate thelikelihood of a new stadium coming to fruition is quite low in my opinion. Granting this permissionwill allow the club a further revenue stream and the ability to invest and progress the club to ahigher level. There appears to be little impact to the surrounding residential area
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
i support the application.It is much needed to improve disabled peoples seating and for all people visiting the stadium,fellow Bristolians and people from other areas coming to watch a match.The overall capacity of the stadium will return to what it used to be.Except of course it is now only football played there and not both Rugby and football , so half asmuch use and traffic.
on 2023-10-14
Before allowing to proceed, there must be a fully detailed plan to improve against thecurrent situation and mitigate against further deteriation of situation due to proposed works andnumbers of people catered for, upon the entry and exit of the grounds during match days, causingobstruction and delays for Trubshaw residents. Further, there must be a process of consultation, indetail, on said matter with residents, to their satisfaction. In addition, the club must provide a planfor ongoing proactive positive engagement with residents, so issues can be raised and solved.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
An opportunity to help bring the stadium into the 21st Century. Let the club improve thisground and make it something Bristol can be proud of. There is a history of people or groupsrejecting good plans in this city and stopping going forward let's not let this happen to this greatclub.i support these plans fully
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
The proposed new South Stand will be an upgrade all round with facilities for all footballsupporters. More disabled seating, improved toilets which are desperately needed, and an allround better experience on match days. The increase in seats only takes the club back to itsoriginal capacity. The higher sides to the stand will contain noise better than the existing structure.
on 2023-10-14 SUPPORT
I fully support this application. These improvements are long overdue. The MemorialStadium really is in need of these improved facilities.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Whilst I understand that there is a process to follow and people will want to give a view,many of the views will be formed by allegiances to either Rovers or City. So, all Rovers fans willwant it to go ahead (I am a Rovers fan) and City fans will object. I appreciate people living close tothe ground will have a view but this is such a limited number of people. It really needs the councilto make a decision based on previous criteria set and whether they feel, from a hopefully neutralperspective, if it is reasonable.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This is a welcome development and well over due. This has been a sporting venue foraround 100 years and for the people of Bristol to enjoy. It has been in need of up grades for manyyears to allow more people to attend live sport, which has massive benefits for physical andmental health fitness & social inclusion for thousands of people every week.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This is a critically needed development to support the continued growth of Bristol'soldest football club.
It is a sensitive development which is very considerate to local residents and will indeed become avery valuable community asset.
I strongly support this application and sincerely hope it receives the approval it richly deserves.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I support this new stand for several reasons. The current stadium lacks seating forPersons with disabilities: young people and families. Additionally : it needs to adhere to theTaylors report since the trajic events at English football stadiums .
The current stadium is deemed as ' the worst in England football' on the latest editions of footballgrounds by areoplan. Only wimbeldon and Accrington Stanley were considered worst. However :the local council approved a brand new stadium for wimbeldon . Similarly the council at Accringtonapproved a new stadium. Please Google.
Sadly Bristol Rovers hold the record as the only club who haven't improved the stadium in the last20 years. The overall capacity will be the same as pre covid.
I would like to point out Bristol City Council spupported a major 27000 revamp of Ashton Gate anda 18000 capacity at G..C .C. C along with towering floodlights and gigantic private flats.
The club have been made aware of another group formed ( 4th protest group) in 15 years whoopposes this work. It as been consulting and listening to local concerns. If this stand is rejected Ifear for the future of the club.
It will be best to recommend approval so we can ' safeguard' the ground as a local communityasset and avoid development like retail. Afterall the protest groups opted for this motion and evenpressured the city council to recommend the Memorial stadium as a ' community place of interest'.
It would be prejudice to allow Bristol City to have one of the finest stadiums on the championshipand Rovers to have the worst . A new stand will benefit the community of fans.
I hope the council supports this application !.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This needs to be approved asap, the football club is a community asset and many localresidents are also fans of Rovers.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This's a great project to support and be helpful for the club and local communiry. Theoriginal stand has long been due an overhaul.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Travel to every home game ,a round journey of 160 miles.Memorial Stadium is soDickensian in comparison to other grounds and even non league grounds.P L E A S E support itbefore the EFL tell us to modernise or find somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I support this application for the following reasons:1. Bristol Rovers ground requires improvement to raise the standard of facilities offered for bothhome and away supporters to meet the needs and expectations of users.2. Bristol Rovers are part of the sporting heritage of the city and current facilities do not show theclub or city in the best light - real progress needs to be made in developing the current ground orthrough building a new stadium3. The new stand will help bring the ground capacity back to original levels - traffic will not increasesignificantly4. Similar and more significant ground improvements take place around the country at othersporting facilities as well as in Bristol so the improvements at the Memorial Stadium should not beopposed5. The improved facilities will help attract future generations to enjoy not only the facilities at theground but also establishments in Bristol - shops, pubs, hotels etc.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Strongly support the following proposal this expansion is needed to bring the Memorialstadium back up to the levels of Pre-Covid levels and to bring back lost revenue since stadiumchanges have been enforce for health and safety reason
Any arguments about it bringing more traffic to the area don't have any basis as the stadium washosting regular attendances of around 10-11k with no issues or complaints from locals in the 16/17season
the city council need to also need to start recognising there are 2 football teams in this city andwith rising cost on everything the club needs to be able to make more money which this stand willgo some way to doing
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
As a local resident I fully support the application, as the new stand is currently beingbuilt I can see it is much smarter than the old tatty tents that were there for ages and I wouldexpect it to reflect noise away from the local houses. I also note that the main reasons are toincrease seating rather than capacity and to introduce more disabled and better visitor facilitieswhich I understand are long overdue
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Given the chance of bristol rovers fc purchasing a new stadium seems a long why off,improving the memorial stadium with a new stand is a must to increase revenue and improve tomatch day experience.
on 2023-10-13 OBJECT
There is not enough parking available locally to support existing matches, let alone afterincreasing the capacity of the stadium. The plans don't include any improvements on how apotential increase in attendees will park. Match days are already often very inconvenient for localresidents, and sometimes dangerous, even with an increased police attendance.There would be a considerable impact on the local community during building works. Local streetsare already very busy and any increase in lorries is extremely dangerous for all road users but inparticular pedestrians, many of who, are children, and cyclists.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This is a really important development for the club and the local area, they are seekingto return the capacity to pre Covid levels so complaints about increased traffic surely can't bevalid.
Concerns about being overshadowed are also unfair when considering that the previous approvedredevelopment was much larger than the latest proposal.
If you buy a property next to a stadium that has been there for 100 years then complain about itbeing potentially returned to full capacity after a Covid enforced reduction I don't feel yourcomplaint has merit.
This development will be a positive thing for the club as well as the local businesses that willbenefit from the return of larger matchday crowds.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I would like to add my support to the proposed planning of a new and improved stand. Itwill improve a very old and important part of Bristol history.It will also enhance the fans and all supporters of games played at the Memorial Stadium.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I would like to offer my support to this application as I believe the long term future ofbristol rovers depends on it be successful.Not only will this application benefit supporters given us a better match day experience it will alsobenefit the local neighbours as will reduce noise from match day crowds , it will also benefit thelocal economy by increasing crowds who will spend money around the ground in local businesses.
I don't think it will impact local roads anymore than it does now due to the regular public transportservices that serve the area around the stadium also with the new train station being built atAshley down will further encourage fans to use trains , I myself will utilise this form of travel when itopens
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I travel to Bristol regularly to watch my team Bristol Rovers, having moved away fromBristol, as a supporter for more than 50 years.
The Mem is our home and has been badly in need of improvement and a greater capacity formany years. The South Stand would be a great progression towards this and provide muchneeded additional seating for those who are unable or unwilling to stand for a couple of hours tosupport their team. It is also a great improvement on the unsightly tent like temporary stand inplace previously. As such local residents should welcome it as it improves the appearance of theground.
The design of the new stand looks modern and progressive, including energy saving devices.
This stadium has been in existence since 1921 I believe, and, as such, all residents living locallyhave purchased their homes with the knowledge of its existence. It brings much needed revenueinto the area for local shops and businesses and this will expand further with the greater capacitycreated by the new stand.
I would urge the planners to approve this proposal in order that the thousands of Bristol Roversfans can gain even greater enjoyment from watching their team
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This is a desperately needed upgrade to a significant commercial and community facilitythat serves thousands of residents from Bristol and the greater Bristol area. The stadium is clearlyin need of modernisation to allow it to continue to serve the community and the loyal fan base whoprovide such a regular economic boost to the many small businesses that are nearby. I fullyrespect residents concerns however this stadium has been on this site for generations; itspresence would clearly have been a factor when deciding whether to live in the area. I would alsoimagine that house prices would have been adjusted downward accordingly. I wholeheartedlysupport this application.
on 2023-10-13 OBJECT
I am sympathetic towards Bristol Rovers trying to improve their facilities, indeed, I'drather have a football stadium near my house than either a big supermarket or a new housingdevelopment. However...
The way that the football club has gone about the improvements have been somewhere betweenopaque and devious. They haven't included any community engagement until it was too late, andthe fact that this planning permission has been submitted retrospectively, betting on the fact thatBCC won't ask them to demolish the new stand is certainly not okay - I wouldn't do the same if Iwere extending my house.
Things that I object over are - the lack of alternative options than driving for fans. They shouldimprove their cycling facilities and put on buses from train stations. I live on Downend Road, whichsees obstructive parking by fans, and dangerous levels of traffic as the density is too high down aroad that is only one car wide in many places. I'd like to see parking patrols on matchdaysincrease and ticket illegal parking. I'd like to see traffic management of fans to prevent themcoming down the small side streets nearby (Downend, Strathmore, Quarrington etc.). Betterpolicing could make the situation bearable.
Aside from that, the new stand is twice the height of the temporary stand before it, and looks set tobe bright blue. I'd be annoyed if I lived nearer by the blockage of light into my house. The standshould not be allowed to be blue and should be a more neutral colour, more sympathetic to thehouses nearby.
Finally, the noise report indicates an increase of 3-6dB in noise. While this doesn't sound likemuch, an increase if 3dB is a doubling of the sound energy, so has the potential to beconsiderably louder than before. There doesn't appear to be any mitigation to reduce the impact ofthis noise increase.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I support new stand cus good for local business and create jobs .take capacity up towhat it used to be before conv .ground was there long before the houses,neobours every otherclub seems doing development with no prop .look at Luton middle off houses built new stand andlot more refurbished ready for prem yours sincerely a shattock
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
The stand will bring much improved food outlets, toilet facilities, seating, shelter from theelements and atmosphere within the stadium.It will reduce light and noise pollution to houses behind the stand but not reduce sunlight, and alsoreduce the chance of misplaced footballs entering their gardens ( unless we play c**y )The capacity would be no bigger than before the temporary stands were removed, so no increasein traffic and parking.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This is a welcome development and well over due, it must go ahead. This has been asporting venue for around 100 years and for the people of Bristol to enjoy. It has been in need ofup grades for many years to allow more people to attend live sport, which has massive benefits forphysical and mental health fitness & social inclusion for thousands of people every week. PleaseBristol City Council let it happen
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
The proposed stand is a replacement for an existing one and will improve the facilitiesat the stadium for both home and away fans with improved W.C.'s and seating, also there hasbeen a stadium at this site for over 100 years with improvements ongoing in this period.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I've been reading and hearing objections to the work going on at the Memorial Stadium.and have noted that the majority of objectors are commenting on light, views, noise and traffic.I would like to ask some of these objectors, "Why decide to move into a house/area that has afootball stadium?"
This stadium was there before most off these residents, surely they considered thisand anticipated noise and traffic2. There was a stand there before, all be it temporary, so in hindsight the light should notbe any worse. With regards to disrupting the view, what view? From what I recall theonly view would have been rooftops or the stadium!3. Regarding noise levels the temporary stand was canvas. The new stand will be solidtherefore this should improve as the noise will be more retained within the ground.4. The capacity in the ground when Rovers first moved there was 12,000 plus so thebuilding of the new stand will only bring back the capacity to what it previously was. Ifresidents were living there then why object now. It is only over the recent years that thecapacity has decreased.
I personally have been going to the Memorial Stadium since Rovers moved there. At which timethere were 2 teams playing there. Traffic has always been poor and this is mainly due to the poorpublic transport links. This I remark is not only around the Horfield area but across the city and Iam sure it affects the City ground too.We are only talking about a possible 30 games a year equating to 30 days out of 365 which isabout 8%
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I think it's imperative that this application gets approval, for far too long Bristol roverssupporters have suffered with poor facilities and I think this development will bring much neededimprovements. The capacity will increase but no more than what have been in attendance inprevious years.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I support the building of the new stand with improved facilities (this new stand isreplacing an existing stand) as this will not only be beneficial to the home supporter but also theaway supporters, the new plans also have extra w/c's and concession stalls.
This stadium has been in Filton Avenue for over 100 years with improvements being madethroughout this period so I support the the new plans.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
This Stand will bring additional capacity to the Memorial Stadium, as such the increasedfootfall could bring additional revenue into local amenities.For that reason I would like to see this build given early planning approval.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I can not see why this should be opposed as this is only replacing what was therebefore, with a safer and more secure structure that is not altering the landscape.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I believe in first class facilties for disabled supporters like my self and others. Also theupgrading and addition of seating to help support and create local jobs.In over 50 years in supporting Bristol Rovers it has given me my family and many other people joyto have this football club and somewhere to meets friends on a Saturday afternoon and enjoywatching a game of football.As Bristol City has set a presidence extending and upgrading then I believe so should theMemorial Stadium.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I'm in full favour of this development as it will benefit The area for extra income toshops,bars and restaurants.Plus it will help building a bigger club to help support need for morefans to attend the Best team in Bristol,until comes a time a new state of art stadium can be built orfurther develop this stadium for Bristol to be proud of.UTG these two stands ..south andsouth west
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Comments: The proposed stand shall improve nearby residents amenity as it shall:1. Provide an illuminated surface for the sun to reflect light into nearby homes. To this end thesurface should be light in colour on the externally facing elevations, not the blue shown;2. It may be expected to contain noise from goal celebrations.3. The higher building height shall contain footballs that would otherwise land in adjacent gardens/hit houses.The proposed travel plan and photo-voltaic panels are good.Suggest additional stops by intercity trains at Ashley Down Station on match days around matchtimes for long-distance fans.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
First significant building for many years & will enhance the stadium . The club are tryingto progress on & off the pitch & this development is a step in the right direction
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I am in support for a number of reasons and believe most concerns have already beendealt with.Parking has always been a concern and always will be for all large entertainment venues. Thecapacity change will only bring the stadium back to its original capacity, so there will be no moretraffic than originally planned for. Those close to the stadium won't be affected as parking for themwill be the same whether 1000 or 10000 people turn up. Those further away won't notice muchdifference as the catchment area gets wider the further away from the ground you go. AshleyDown is also due a new station which will be beneficial.As a person with a chronic illness that will only get worse my attendance at games would benefitwith new facilities as my disability worsens (Multiple sclerosis)Gloucester Road businesses would benefit from the footfall.Potential solar panels and landscaping would help with 'green' issuesI have not heard of any major complaints since the cricket ground expanded despite the extracapacity and floodlights that many would seem more of an eyesore than an enclosed stand.For these reasons I am for the development
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Born 3 miles north of the Ground and now living in Cornwall, I fully support the proposal.It will make my visits to home games far more enjoyable. - I now only make it to half of thematches due to age and distance.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Although I live very close to the memorial Ground, I found the football never caused anissue. If the ground was to be developed, it would create more job vacancies. Much more revenuealso along the Gloucester rd. Which will really help the small businesses. Its also keeps youngpeople busy, with family days attending a football game. Also taking into consideration, its once afortnight for the home games. With the occasional Tuesday evening. Also with a better enclosedstadium it will reduce the noise factor. So taking all this into consideration I'm in approval of theplanned redevelopment of the Memorial Ground.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Expanding the stadium will bring an improvement to the local area. The extra capacitywill bring more people and more money to businesses as well as creating a buzz around the area.The extra seats in the stadium will also encourage fresh investment in the club and help to pushforward sport in Bristol.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
Bristol Rovers desperately need this new stand. The ground has been there for a verylong time, longer than most people living nearby have been alive. If you buy a house near a sportsstadium you have to expect that it will grow over the years. Please support this application.
on 2023-10-13 SUPPORT
I have been supporting Bristol Rovers for 53 years and have reached a point where it ispreferable to sit rather than stand. This revised application by Rovers seeks to increase thenumber of seats by approx. 3,500 which will benefit a lot more home and away fans. Theproposed stands are no more than what you would expect at many grounds. In many ways theyare quite modest.Overall the capacity of the ground will still be at a lower level than that proposed by previousapplications.Considering that matches only occur about 30 times a season and for a very limited timeframe,there is no real impact on local residents.I hope that the application can be approved asap so that 1,000's of football supporters can enjoybetter facilities.
on 2023-10-12 OBJECT
Firstly, regards the title of the submission, there was no 'stand' there before this newstructure was built without planning. There was a temporary structure more akin to a group oftents. To say that this is replacing a current stand is misleading and wrong and tries to portray alike for like swap out which this is most definitely not.I live in the area and when I walk past I cannot believe how much bigger the stand is than thetented structure that was previously there.The club have behaved incredibly unfairly towards the local residents - especially those in theimmediate vicinity whose right to light has been hugely affected and whose view has also beennegatively impacted.For the council to retrospectively agree this build would set a worrying precedent and would behugely unfair on the local community. It would also send out the ring message - that clubs can justride roughshod over proper procedure.The club should be made to amend the structure so that it's at the previous height. Or remove it alltogether and hold a proper consultation with the local residents about what is to be built.I strongly object to this application.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
This development is a crucial upgrade to a sports stadium, that has existed on this site,for over 100 years to help modernise a dilapidated ground and provide much better facilities forthousands of people and increasing and vastly improving the much needed disabled facilities.
I strongly support this proposal.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I fully support the application for this much needed constructionWith the additional tree planting proposed and the solar panels on the roofMuch needed additional disabled viewing facilities and toiletsAdditional employment for local peopleResidents all bought their houses knowing they lived next to a stadium, I am not really sure whatreasons for complaints there could be
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
This development is much needed to try and bring the clubs facilities to an acceptablelevel, the structure will be slightly taller than the previous tents but not enough to warrant a refusalof this application, this is probably the only objection I can see that has some standing.The increased traffic/parking is not an issue as the ground originally before Covid had the samecapacity that it will have again.Because the stand will be a proper structure, the level of noise will be less, simply because it willbe self contained and not open as previously with the tented stands. The club also plan to housewithin the concourse new toilets, food and drink options again reducing the noise/outside toiletsand eating places that is presently on offer.Please show some sense and approve this facility to Bristol's oldest football club, residents comeand go but this ground has been there since 1921 and is vastly in need of some redevelopment.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Bristolian by birth, 60 years supporting the Rovers, attend every home game, finallyseeing genuine progress to stability.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
As a supporter this application requires action immediately to help the rest of the groundcome up to better facilities. This stadium is an important part of the community. The stands fromwhere I see it does not impact the houses surrounding it if anything it would help enclose thecrowd cheers. I support this application.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Bristol needs a modern stadium in this side of Bristol.This a much needed improvementto help Bristol become a better place for sport.Bristol is sadly lacking venues of a good quality fora city in top 5 in UK.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Lets be clear here, we are talking about 23 home league matches and lets say 5 homecup matches. Rovers aren't a great side so 5 cup matches seems likely (even excessive).Out of 365 days in a year ? I really don't think noise and congestion is therefore particularly validand so I think everyone can compromise on this. Neighbours will have 337 days without a match.Put it in to context with say a noisy pub that is asking to extend its licence on Fridays & Saturdayswhich is 104 days a year ?Who arrived first ? the Memorial Ground or the residents ? don't buy a house next to a sportsstadium or a pub if you want to live in a quiet cul de sac for the rest of your life.Lets look at positives to the local community. Shops, pubs & local businesses will have extrafootfall, more away fans will come and stay in Bristol to visit the City and its attractions and themore successful Rovers are the more focus on Horfield and surrounding area which can make thearea more attractive to live in so property prices increase. Around Ashton Gate neighbours takeadvantage of the demand for parking and rent their driveways out.For a City to move on, be successful and attractive to visit and invest in it is so important to moveforward, improve facilities and what's on offer generally.Be brave, support the plans.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
As a regular supporter and father of two small children I'm supporting this application.The existing facilities at the stadium sadly leave a lot to be desired. At present, there are fewoptions other than standing for me and my young family. We attend whenever possible but are notseason ticket holders and sadly most of the seats are already occupied. Recently we haven'tattended the matches attracting larger attendances as I'm reluctant to take my children in what isquite a small confined arena.This new structure with its increased capacity will offer, I feel a more comfortable and safer optionfor us and other young families in a similar position.It is, I believe in every Bristolians interest that the next generation support and are encouraged tosupport their local teams, sadly these days there are too many distractions to do otherwise.Thankyou for this opportunity to support Rovers applicationSincerelyPaul Craine, Dylan Craine & Eden Craine
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I totally support the application.The stadium has been here for 100 years and as with all assets, they need updating occasionallyand bringing up to the required standard of the day, i.e. disabled facilities, toilets etcThe solar panel will help towards environmental concerns, alongside new tree planting.Having food outlets etc, will bring extra employment for the local community.The height of the building and, although slightly taller, I do not think will have a signifacant effecton surrounding properties due to the positioning of the sun during the course of the day.As the ground will now be surrounded on the South and South West the noise of the crowd shouldbe now enclosed within the stadium.The toilets and food outlets will now be enclosed, again with the effect of the lessening of noise.Gloucester Road and Filton Avenue has plenty of buses servicing it, hopefully, Muller Road willhave its services continuing. Perhaps special bus services could be thought about to the newdevelopments on the outskirts of North Bristol.
I trust the planning department to concur and grant planning permission without delay.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Fantastic opportunity for the club to start progressing into the future to make it morefinancially secure and viable. Which in-turn will let it caring on its fantastic community work
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Comment from the Disabled Supporters Association on new stand at Memorial Ground
The Disabled Supporters Association has met with the club in the lead up to this application.
We support the proposal.
The first point we wish to make is this development returns the capacity of the Ground to that ofonly a few years ago following specific reductions enforced on all clubs by EFL etc. It follows thatthe impact (if any) on our local neighbours is minimal compared to the stadiums similar capacityonly a couple of years ago.
However this development has a major impact on the provision of capacity and facilities for all fansbut particularly our accessible needs community.
Our support is based on assurances over the vastly improved and increased number of wheelchairspaces for disabled fans. We would hope to see improvements in the number of wheelchairspaces in any future improvements across this stand and the stadium as a whole.
But the focus should not simply be on numbers of wheelchair spaces.
The proposal also helps deal with the poor toilet facilities for less able fans using the old Southstand which were either in the other existing stands or temporary toilet cabins.
In addition the club is increasing the numbers of seated and step free or limited step access for thepermanently less mobile or elderly fans. This group is often forgotten in discussions of "disability".
As are the needs of fans temporarily less able due to illness, surgery etc.
This proposal will allow the club more flexibility in meeting the needs of ALL supporters.
But specifically increased and improved seating will be of huge benefit to our less mobilesupporter community.
We hope fans and local residents (and of course the Planning Committee) appreciate is a vitaldevelopment in what is otherwise a compromised facility for the less able supporter.
Clive MarshallChairmanDisabled Supporters Association
Ian SamsSecretaryDisabled Supporters Association
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I have already supported the original application. For Bristol Rovers to progress theyneed to develop their ground and provide better facilities for their supporters. There is no reason todecline this application as a whole new stadium on the site has previously been approved, and inaddition this is just reinstating the capacity as before. The ground has been there for many yearsand clearly renovation will be required as with any home / business to meet modern requirements.This will provide better facilities for all supporters - home and away fans and a better option fordisabled fans.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I write to SUPPORT the application for the following reasons.
The application is effectively to replace an existing temporary structure with another. Although theproposed structure is larger than existing the application documents make it clear that this doesnot significantly negatively affect any neighbouring property for light or noise issues.
Indeed there will improvement to some due reduced noise and improved aesthetic due to the newdevelopment.
The proposal will provide much needed improvements to facilities at the South end of the stadiumalong with improved and increased disabled facilities.
The proposal provides for much needed increase in seated capacity at the stadium, but onlyserves to bring the overall capacity back to previous levels. Therefore inherently this leads toimprovement in safety and comfort for the whole stadium.
Although larger than existing stand, the proposed new stand is still within the previously approvedelevations for a full stadium redevelopment.
The ability to have a larger capacity safely and in comfort, will not detrimentally affect traffic issuesas the capacity number is still relatively similar to previous years and well below the previouspermission.
More traffic and parking issues are created in the area by the increase in houses of multipleoccupation serving the student community - which is noticeable outside of term times.
The stadium has existed on the site for more than 100 years and it is unrealistic to not acceptdevelopments that are largely insignificant to local neighbours in houses that post date thestadium.
The proposal will allow the level of capacity to return safely to previous levels which will provide foradditional economic activity and jobs for local businesses - including at the stadium itself.
To conclude there appear limited planning reason to reject and many reasons to APPROVE theapplication at the earliest opportunity and certainly within statutory deadlines.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
This application will benefit both the local community and the fans alike, bringing thestadium capacity back to numbers before covid, and being a permenant structure it will be saferfor fans and will be a massive improvement on the old temporary structure, more fans onmatchday will bring much needed money to local businesses in this time of finacial difficulty
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I have to say I am disappointed with this further delay to this process . This applicationis quite straightforward and meets to councils ambitions of being good for the City overall. Morepeople visiting generating more travel and income for our growing city. If you have granted Bristolcity the right to build in a real close knit city area then why would you have grounds to decline this.The cricket club have also had building much taller than this built. I accept a number of buildingmay be slightly effected on match days, but they would have know that when those werepurchased, rugby and football has been here for ages now, if you look at a full year then the hourseffected are very small overall. I support this application strongly and expect this to be a messageto all The Bristol supports all teams and wants to help and support business
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I am in support of this project as it can only be good for the area and for Bristol, it willbring in jobs and support local business's, as well as make a great experience for home and awayfootball fans. Won't it be great to have two championship clubs in Bristol or even premiership, wellto do this Bristol Rovers need the right facilities
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
A big improvement on the tents previously in place. In the absence of a new stadiumwhich now seems unlikely the addition of a new stand will add to the experience of sports fans inBristol. Obviously there will be an impact on near neighbours but as long as the club engages withthem properly this time I think this can be overcome.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
It would improve the way supporters facilities which is so needed Also provide betterdisabled facilities within the Memorial Stadium also the toilets and outlets to get food and drink.enhance the atmosphere , update the stadium which is much needed as it's looking tired and outdated.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
Important addition to the ground in order to bring capacity back up to pre-covid levels tohelp the club raise revenue supporting local community jobs. as no increase in overall capacityfrom pre-covid levels this wont adversely effect traffic levels or noise.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I would like to support this decision as it is much needed to bring extra revenue intobristol
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
This development is essential to improve this sports stadium, that has been on the sitefor more than 100 years. It will improve the Memorial Ground which has had it's capacity reducedby 3000 in recent years, so that is provides a safer environment for supporters. The increase incapacity will not be more than the capacity 5 years ago so should not negatively impact localparking. It will also provide much better facilities such as additional toilets & disabled facilities,which are much needed. Bristolians and supporters from outside Bristol deserve this and BCPlanning should support this application, as there are thousands of Bristol Council Tax payers whowill benefit and want this.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
As a lifelong supporter of Bristol Rovers I believe that granting permission for thisreplacement stand will not only benefit the club but also surrounding businesses as it will increasethe capacity of the ground which in turn will bring more business to the surrounding area.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
As a supporter of all things in Bristol, I believe this application should be approved as it'llfar outweigh the positives than the negatives. For a start, it's a local team that is striving towardsprogress and this will help the club massively. Not only is it an all seater stand which will improvevisitor experience but it will increase the capacity to what it was originally only a couple of yearsago (12,500) so any objections relating to increased 'traffic' should be acknowledged but kindlyrefuted. Let's get behind a Bristol club in the name of progress.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I strongly support the application as it brings much needed revenue to local businessesand the new stand will also help improve facilities for the club. I really hope that this goes aheadas Bristol rovers have over the years been thwarted by various political parties and if this doeshappen would send a message that Bristol really is a place to invest and not a city of NIMBY's
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I am in support of the new structure to the Memorial Stadium for the following reasons.1) The structure will replace temporary stands that were not fit for purpose.2) The additional seating will not increase the capacity but take the stadium back to its originalcapacity before the SAG restrictions.3) The additional seating will allow for increased revenue for BRFC, and this will help promotesport in the Bristol area which will in turn increase Bristol's profile.4) There will be benefit to businesses on the Gloucester Rd of additional footfall allowing for moreprosperity.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I am in support of this application. The new stand will be a huge improvement to thetemporary tented stand. The stadium will not increase the capacity to anymore than it has been inthe past, therefore this should not impact parking/traffic issues any more than they have beenpreviously. The new stand will look a lot better and provide a better match day experience for bothhome and away suporters, creating a better impression of Bristol tp supporters from other areas.Local businesses will benefit from more footfall, if the capacity is brought back to what it once was.
on 2023-10-12 SUPPORT
I have been a supporter of Bristol Rovers for over 50 years.
The new south and south west stand will substantially improve seating for older home and awaysupporters and the disabled or less mobile. What is even more important is that facilities like toiletswill be improved.
In view of the distance I travel to get to the stadium at my age I need to travel by car. I park abouta mile from the stadium and walk (at my age slowly) into the ground.
I have taken the time to read through the supporting documents for this application and it evidentthat any impact of restoring the ground capacity to previous levels will be minor.
I worked in Gloucester Road in the 1960's and it has always been a busy road and vibrant locationwith good public transport. The stadium has been part of the community for 100 years. When therewas a ground share with Bristol rugby the stadium was used much more intensively and now thethey left the local community is only impacted 3 or 4 times a month (and then for say 5 hours onmatch days/evenings)and we very rarely have a full capacity crowd.
I fully support the new stands.
on 2023-10-11 SUPPORT
This is a very necessary construction to help bring the stadium into a fit for purposefacility. With the additional tree planting proposed, in the land behind and the solar panels on theroof, it will surely satisfy any environmental issues which may arise.I fully support the application and trust that the planning committee do likewise.
on 2023-10-11 OBJECT
I object to the development application ref 23/03826/F as proposed in current plans onthe basis that it will have a significant detrimental impact upon residential amenities.
1)The proposed development is significantly taller than the previous structure, meaning that theproposed new stand will overshadow the neighbouring properties. This in turn will negativelyimpact on the light available in those neighbouring properties both in habitable rooms and gardenspaces. It will overshadow the neighbouring properties due to the proposed development being onland higher than the neighbouring street, and the height of the proposed development itself.Reducing the light by unacceptable levels. The proposed development is also closer to the Altonroad boundary further increasing the reduction in sunlight and daylight as well as overshadowing.To be acceptable the development would need to be smaller and further away from the boundarywith Alton Road.
2) The proposed addition of seating capacity by 2000, would further adversely affect the trafficsafety and parking in the area by increasing cars visiting the area, which is already adverselyaffected on match days.
3) The additional 2000-person capacity will lead to an increase in noise and disturbance. Thenegative impact is compounded by the proposed ground level concourse containing toilets andfood outlets, meaning additional foot traffic (and associated noise) on the boundary between theproposed development and neighbouring property.
Finally, to borrow a phrase used by Declan Moen, Planning Officer - Householder Applications,
Development Management, Bristol City Hall " Each case is different and needs to be assessed inthe context of the area it is located in as well as the drawings we have". There are no other 14mtall cornflour blue Wearhouse looking structures in the area and this one should not be allowed tostay.
I extend an invitation for a representative of the planning department to attend my property toallow illustration of my objections at first hand.
on 2023-10-11 OBJECT
The club's actions inA) starting building before submitting planning in the hope of sneaking the development throughretrospectively; andB) then resubmitting this planning application to the loss of hundreds of (very valid) objectionsfrom local neighbours and interest groups speaks volumes about how much has been neglected inthe application about the overall impact of the build and it's detriment to the local area. Moreupsettingly perhaps for the local community, the way in which this specific development processhas been conducted serves as a prime example about how little regard generally (and, if ever,only token involvement) is given to the general local community and overall Bristol population bythe club and its management. Most importantly however, the application is yet another example ofhow the club continues to significantly compromise the overall local safety on match days (to bothattendees and local residents), and will only do this further when the stand is in use with theproposed numbers of attendees within it, due to their oversights on numerous issues with theirmatch day operations.
I shall further explain these below for greater context:
1. Road and pedestrian safety on match days/evenings:
The current situation is already extremely dangerous. The overwhelming majority of attendees,both home and away, travel to the ground by private car, insisting on parking these in more andmore dangerous positions as the club's attendance has increased (and thus has the number ofcars being parked during match days.) This has significantly worsened since the club's promotion
to a higher league in recent years. This is before the numbers attending are set to increase withthe use of the additional seats within the new stand.
The whole of this end of the Gloucester Road now regularly has cars parked for a good half a mileor so on yellow lines and pavements down it when the ground is in use for matches, making itextremely hazardous for pedestrians to attempt to cross at any point. The interactive planning mapalready contains an overwhelming number of comments that this section of road desperatelyneeds a pedestrian crossing due to being unsafe in usual day to day terms, without these addedpressures that match day volume of traffic creates. Disabled and pram users are unable to crossat all when cars are parked bumper to bumper for this whole stretch because of the match dayparking along here on curbs and yellows. Ambulances to the nearby Southmead hospital, of whichthere is always a steady stream at any time of day or night, and other emergency vehicle access isslower/much more dangerous at speed due to the combination of both large volumes of parkedcars on pavements and yellows, plus pedestrians appearing into the road without prior visibilitybecause of the blind spots this volume of parking problem creates.
To use the most recent example of weekday evening matches to demonstrate further specificsaround the point of road safety and parking issues experienced under the club's current operation,the match against Port Vale on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 brought with it both home and awayattendees arriving predominantly by car. At one stage our street as one example became blockedat the lower T junction due to cars being left in the middle of the road between a parked car oneither side, i.e. the road was completely blocked with cars three abreast. For context, this wasn'tjust one but several who then followed suit and created their own makeshift 'car park' and anunplanned dead end road for 2+hours which wasn't visible from the turning into the road (causingsome vehicles to enter the road and have to proceed to reverse into the oncoming traffic onGloucester Road itself.) It would also have caused a significant and possibly fatal issue shouldaccess have been required by the emergency services to any residents on this road that evening,or surrounding streets as the new traffic layout has prevented access in certain directions fromthose ours adjoins. Additionally there were cars parked around the corner directly onto theGloucester Road making this busy and already dangerous junction completely blind to oncomingtraffic for the same duration to any driver needing to pull out/in here (not to mention those enteringthe street and then having to reverse directly back onto the main road on a blind junction createdby additional poor parking of attendees on double yellow lines and around corners.)
The police are never in attendance and there is currently no traffic or parking stewardingwhatsoever on the following streets on match days: Gloucester Road, Ashley Down Road, MullerRoad, Downend Road, Quarrington Rd, Strathmore and Rudthorpe Rds, Alton Rd, Ellicott Rd etc.
2. Recent changes to the road layout due to the Muller Road bus lane changes, associated withthe Lockleaze housing development plan:
The flow of the traffic to/from the club and on the surrounding streets has recently changed sincethe introduction of permanent modal filters at Springfield Avenue etc, plus a subsequentunplanned closure of Downend Road due to the chaos and standstill caused along it once thesefilters were implemented. For note, the worst and most significant of these standstills occurred onthe first home match of the season last year which happened to be the first occurring since theroad layout changes, which is perhaps telling in itself of the unsustainable and frankly unsuitablevolume of traffic associated with attendance by car at the ground currently.
In summary to this point, the club's current attendance by car needs urgent and in depth reviewdue to the now permanent road changes in which the club is situated within. This is before theattendance is further increased if this application were to be permitted.
3. Lack of sustainable transport planning to support the club's current attendance:
As mentioned, current road safety on match days/evenings in the area surrounding the club isalready a dangerous melting pot of the above two issues.
The transport and travel study provided by the club within this application is not fit for purpose onthree grounds: firstly, it makes no regard of these issues, nor the recent road changes and theimpact this has on those attending by car. It therefore should be re-undertaken, ideally with greaterinstruction from the council by way of involvement from the traffic planning department, roads &policing about what is necessary to overcome the current issues to allow for this development tothen be applied for. It is not adequate to simply allow for it to refer to what was suitable volumeswith the previous stand and in previous seasons, as this fails to consider the current context androad and access safety associated with these changes.
Secondly, the transport study currently provided refers to public transport provision on Wednesdayevenings. This is of no relevance seeing as the evening matches at the ground take place onTuesdays - surely it can't simply be assumed that they are identical and should actually bechecked in order to be of valid consideration?
Thirdly, the fact that the proposed station at Ashley Down is considered within the means to whichthe additional attendees will be able to travel to support this application is flimsy as:a) there is no guarantee of this station ever being completed and fully operational for theforeseeable; b) no indication as yet whether trains would even be in operation at suitable times/insuitable volumes to support match attendance travel; and c) no consultation between the club andthe future train provider yet as to how to safely escort opposing football team supporters safely onthe network, seeing as in other towns this causes significant difficulty and requires carefulmanagement and appropriate stewarding/policing.
In addition to the safety considerations above, the design is also of poor architectural quality andvastly overwhelming in height and scale in what is a regulated and tightly packed housing area ofsolely low density (no higher than 2 stories with dormer loft extensions as a maximum.) It bears noconsideration for the local streetscape in general with it's choice of materials which are jarring withthe historic palette of brick, render and other historic detailing such as glazed tiles.
As others have also commented, on both this application and the previous where the commentshave now been disregarded, the height of the roof is significantly overbearing and far overreachingof what was existed previously. No renders or CAD models have been provided by the club withinthis application to demonstrate its scale in comparison to the local housing volumes and heights,and/or its elevated position in the topography (the local area sits on a steep slope, with the clubalready sitting in the highest section of the hill it's built on, meaning that any increase in height ofthe stand becomes significant in terms of numerous locations it previously wasn't in view.)
As a local resident, as an example, we can already see from our bedroom that the structure whichhas currently been built our bedroom is visible well above the rooflines of the rows of terracedhousing in between our property and the ground. This was not the case previously, nor were weconsulted on this as local residents or provided with anything which suggested this newoverbearing at any point in the planning process. Subsequently this will have multiple negativeimpacts on the local residents and area in general as it's legacy if the development is permitted(for E.g. increased noise into bedroom areas in family homes on evening matches which has notbeen mitigated against at any point in the planning process nor considered in line with anyregulations/restrictions; additional light pollution if safety/ambient lighting is provided in the roofingsystem of the stand when it is finished which I highly suspect is likely in order to be compliant onother parts, not to mention at a detrimental angle because of the angled roofline which will addfurther glare into surrounding properties; and a general daily eyesore which is not in keeping witha low density residential area of otherwise late 1800s/early 1900s construction through poorchoice of materials and large swathes of inappropriately vivid colours and unsympatheticmaterials.
Additionally, whether the scale of the new stand and it's excessive height impacts on the rights tolight of the any property owners and properties which back onto the stand itself has possibly beeninsufficiently addressed. Re the 'Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Report' - was it taken intoaccount that the stand sits at the highest position on a slope and the neighbouring properties itrefers to further down this?
Again, this feels neglected as a consideration in an otherwise solely low density area (i.e. allneighbouring and surrounding properties are solely of 2 stories, with regulations on the maximumheight of a third if a homeowner were to apply for this, for reasons of 'overbearing on neighbouringproperties' and how tightly packed the houses are in this locality.)
I would therefore urge that the planning department conducts its own visits to the houses which
immediately back onto the new stand, PLUS Strathmore, Downend and Rudthorpe Roads whichpoint towards the new stand, and that photo documentation is provided for the decision-makingcommittee to provide context of this as it is apparent that the club saw no need to have conductedor provided this themselves as part of this application. Due to their actions of proceeding withoutthe required planning however, the scale in terms of the height-depth of the development whenfinished can be very clearly seen now from the steel shell that has been erected, when viewedfrom the houses on these roads specifically - perhaps even more.
In summary, the application should be refused on the grounds that the scale of the development isnot suitable, for all of the points raised above. It pains me to say this as it is my belief that sportingfacilities and residential areas can coexist and be of benefit to one other if considerate andeffective management and broad-reaching match day stewarding is put in place. However, if theclub wish to increase overall seating capacity like this to facilitate greater attendance withoutsimultaneously facilitating greater measures for a more harmonious environment on match days, itis sadly perhaps time for them to consider that this will require a move to a more suitable siterather than jeopardising the local area and residents of the one which they are currently strugglingto do so safely in.
If the application is to be permitted, I would strongly urge the planning department insist on anumber of conditions relating to match day safety being met, including road stewarding to directand oversee attendees arriving by car are using safe and legal places in which to park as anabsolute minimum (with consultation/partnership with the police if needed). This needs to coverthe entire Ashley Down residential area and main traffic arteries into this and the streetssurrounding the club where these problems are seen and experienced more intensely (i.e.Gloucester Road from Filton Ave to the Ashley Down junction, Downend Road and Ashley DownRoad from which traffic enters it, as well as the streets accessible from both in the immediatesurroundings of the club such as Quarrington Rd, Strathmore and Rudthorpe Rds, Alton Rd,Ellicott Rd etc.) If this fails or is deemed necessary in addition, perhaps residents parking permitsshould also be explored on these streets on Saturdays and Tuesday evenings to preventdangerous volumes of parked cars from accumulating and circling when the ground is in use. Isuspect if this were to occur, attendance at the ground would drop considerably due to lack ofinterest/availability in accessing the ground via alternative means which is perhaps very telling ofits suitability in this area with the current public transport take-up.
on 2023-10-11 OBJECT
I object to this on grounds that Bristol rovers have a vastly inadequate transport planand parking strategy in place. As a resident we've seen match days make the roads around theground dangerous, cars dumped, no enforcement from the CC allowing fans to abandon cars onyellow lines and junctions. The ground and its owners can't service the capacity it holds currentlywithout increasing this. It will have a further impact on local residents, the local high street andemergency services heading for southmead hospital. For a city that has just implemented a CAZand is working towards green transport / public transport plans - having a large audience site withno transport alternative to fans driving to 2 streets away from the stadium. No busses, no park andrides. It's unacceptable. Also interesting theyve started building without planning in place....
on 2023-10-11 OBJECT
The proposed development is much much bigger than the previous structure, whichclearly will have a determiental impact on local houses. How would the club feel if it was theirhome? The light impact and effect on wildlife is already awful.- Parking on match days is already, hazardous , intimidating and stressful. The impact of an extra2000 fans will only exacerbate an already terrible situation.-As a local resident with young children we don't leave the house on match days. On foot, thecrowd is intimidating and we don't take the car out because we can't park.- Seeking retrospective planning permission after they've already begun (illegally) to build,completely sums ups the clubs attitude. They are disgraceful neighbours, they have never madeany attempt to engage with the local community. They do nothing to mitigate the impact of crowdsor parking on match days. In ten years living here I've never seen a steward to assist, there is noreliable contact at the club for local residents.- Simply put, the local area, roads and parking cannot cope as it is, an extra 2000 fans will beabsolutely devastating- I emphatically oppose this plan
on 2023-10-11 OBJECT
It is a joke that work has started, and is rather cocky of the club to assume it will besigned off without any consultation for locals. Our narrow roads are already used as rat runs andcan be very dangerous.
Additional noise also for locals.
For the club to do so much work and be near completion is a slap in the face to the whole processof planning applications.
Why should i not do the exact same?
Disappointed local.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
This stand needs to happen, people should stop trying to object to everything Roversdo. Why not get behind your local football club, or is this to much to ask.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
Whilst the increased traffic burden on matchdays if of course a concern for a localresident like myself, I believe it won't actually make much difference as our road is already alwaysfull anyway.
That just leaves the positives of the plan which will provide the football club with improved facilitiesand additional employment for local people like my son.
We all bought our houses knowing we lived next to a stadium, so lets make the best of it andensure the stadium has the best facilities possible.
With games limited to Saturday afternoons and the odd evening game which always finish wellbefore what could be considered 'unsociable', I am not really sure what possible reason forcomplaint there is.
on 2023-10-10 OBJECT
This is a very large development, which is nearly completed. There has been no wordfrom the applicant regarding arrangements for additional parking and traffic management onmatch days. The situation is already horrendous, and the plan is to increase capacity of theground. No account has been taken of the additional noise from bigger crowds.A large area of previous well secluded wildlife has been disrupted during this major build.The large size and dramatic blue colour of the new stand ..the rear of which is only seen byresidents of Strathmore and Downend Roads is an eyesore. At present the lower part is partiallyconcealed by trees in leaf, but as winter approaches the eyesore will be visible in all its blueness.No account has been taken of the visual impact of the design.
on 2023-10-10 OBJECT
The application refers to replacement of the South and South West Stands. There wasno stand previously extending from the Thatchers Stand into the corner of the site. There is now avery large blue stand there.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
Fully support this as it benefits all relevant stakeholders and the wider community.
on 2023-10-10 OBJECT
The fact that Bristol Rovers have progressed with the building of their new standswithout permission shows a total disregard for both the law and the local community, and thecouncil should take action against them for this. Instead, Rovers are permitted to resubmit theirapplication which is an insult. Councillors should actually visit the site to see how much the newstructures overshadow residents' property. Previous comments about Rovers' actions have beenremoved due to this plan being resubmitted, which seems to be an underhand tactic by the club.All previous criticisms of the club's actions still apply, if councillors have actually bothered to readthem, because at the moment the council don't have much credibility locally. Some of the mainpoints are that enlarged stands will mean:- Overshadowing neighbouring residents' property and a threat to privacy.- Increased noise pollution.- Increased traffic and parking problems.- Increased risk of anti-social behaviour and litter.- The possibility of wider use of the grounds leading to further issues.- Decreased property values.All the points have been made before, but the council should also consider whether the club reallyneeds to make these changes anyway given its status in the league.
Here's hoping that common sense and consideration for residents can prevail and not beoutweighed by vocal elements who do not even live in this area.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
I fully support the building of the new stands which will improve the spectatorexperience and bring much needed additional disabled viewing facilities.I trust the planning department to concur and grant planning permission without delay.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
I am writing in support of Memorial stadium South/southwest development.
The new stands will replace the outdated tented standsThey will provide fit for purpose seated area so home & visiting supporters can watch football in asafe environment.The new stands will help reduce noise & light leakage into nearby residential building's.The increase in the number of seats will allow the football club to be able to attract families toattend, as this option was limited previously due to limited number of seats.The new Ashley Down railway station that is due to be opened in the near future, which will be inwalking distance of the Memorial stadium, should help reduce the traffic & parking issues.The new facilities will allow Bristol Rovers FC to improve as a business & enable the clubscommunity department to carry on the excellent work it does in the local community.
on 2023-10-10 SUPPORT
This proposal has been thoroughly looked into and will provide a massive improvementto the previous South Stand of scruffy and fragmented, tent like structures. Consultation with thoseliving close to the site has been conducted and their input given close consideration. The site hasbeen a sports venue long before any current residents living nearby moved to the area. As withany residential dwelling improvements are always carried out over time whist home owners arepresent, in this case, Bristol Rovers F.C. continue to use the facilities and seek improvement fortheir residents, the fans and other members of the community that use the facilities. The playingsurface has been improved beyond recognition since the Club have been at the Memorial Stadiumit is now the turn of the spectators to have their facilities improved to bring the stand into the 21stcentury. The Club works closely with the community on a number of fronts and provides importantfacilities for non-matchday activities of which everyone around the area benefits. This should bestrongly supported and encouraged. I, therefore, support this application.
on 2023-10-09 SUPPORT
This should be appoved for the benefit of the club , local community and businesses ,The gound is also in much need of the added concession stalls and facilities.
on 2023-10-09 OBJECT
Whilst I support the football club in building a fit for purpose environment for home andaway supporters, the adjacent neighbours need to be taken into account and I think thisapplication will have an adverse impact upon them.
I do not accept the findings of the Noise Impact Assessment which indicates an overall reductionin noise. An additional 2,000 people will quite obviously create more noise for the neighboursregardless of the construction. That is common sense and a "friendly" report cannot disguise that.
The sight lines for the neighbours will also be impacted as will the light. The "friendly" impactassessment for this has glossed over the issue. Where are the sight lines from a neighboursperspective ?
There are several missing documents in the application including S10581-PP-3 and S10581-PP-4which are the sightlines.
on 2023-10-09 SUPPORT
Having reviewed the updated application, this seems to answer 90% of the objectionspreviously raised, leaving what appear to be two possible objections - traffic on matchdays andnoise pollution. Frankly, both these objections are nonsense - the new stand being a solidconstruction, will reduce the noise levels to Alton Road and Downend Road and the capacity willonly increase to the pre-Covid levels. The objectors seem to believe the ground will be filled tocapacity every match - whilst this could happen in theory, the fact is that the capacity has onlybeen reached on about half a dozen occasions during the nearly 30 years Rovers have played atthe ground.The new facility is far superior to the previous "tent" and should be approved urgently.
on 2023-10-09 SUPPORT
The memorial Stadium plans are an improvement to the football stadium increasing thecapacity to that we have had prevoiusly but with new stands will be far safer and provide betterfacilities for both away and home fans. This ground has been in existence for over 100 yearsserving the local community which the football club does so much for all ages from children toOAPs. Yhe increased capcity will also provide additional business for businesses on gloucesterroad and surrounding areas. There is good bus services and train services. Whilst traffic can getbusy before and after kick off I witnessed the club make every effort to help yhs traffic in and out ofthe ground. The club supports lots of fund raising including for the local foodbank. From readingthe plans it is clear that thd new stand will be a vast improvement for the Stadium and Localenviroment.
I fully support this application.
on 2023-10-09 OBJECT
why does the roof go up at the front creating an unnecessary even bigger eyesore forlocal residents. also miffed how this lot can build this ugly prehistoric shed before planning haseven been considered.
on 2023-10-09 SUPPORT
As I accompany a disabled fan, they are very much looking forward to being able to sit(not stand) in a prominent area of the stadium and have more modern toilet facilities to use.Things like this are absolutely necessary in a stadium which has had very little improvements in 20years.
on 2023-10-09 SUPPORT
As a Bristolian and Bristol Rovers supporter -and therefore a very long termstakeholder- I consider it vital that this ground improvement is given permission.
The previous temporary stands lasted over 20 years, but were largely unfit for purpose[accessibility]. The proposed development does not exceed the height of existing structures andthe additional seating will allow the stadium to return to a similar capacity to previously.
It is a sustainable development that considers all stakeholders: fans, fans with accessibility needs,visiting/away fans, neighbours and players.
The stadium dates back to 'Buffalo Bill's Field' and has sports/recreation on it for over 100 years,allowing this development is in line with maintaining cultural/heritage of sports at this location.
The planning committee should support what is a relatively modest development that continuesaccessible spectator professional sport at the Memorial Stadium site.
on 2023-10-08 OBJECT
I have read the traffic impact and while this development in isolation is not deemedsignificant enough to require additional transport work, Rovers need accountability for reducing theimpact of fans travelling to the game. The traffic around the stadium is unacceptable despite thisapplication. This issue needs addressing planning application or not. Bristol rugby put on matchday buses to get their fans to the Mem. Something more than bland media statements and'surveys' needs to be done whether this development is approved or not. We are in a climatecrisis. We cannot keep looking at developments in isolation and giving them the thumbs up.
on 2023-10-08 SUPPORT
The club have reviewed a few issues brought up and rectified them with this newapplication. There is no reason why planning should not be granted for the new stand. All whilstworking with the correct authorities and local community who wished to have their voice heard.
Many comments still objecting offer no genuine reasons why planning should not be granted andrely on lies and factors irrelevant to the application.
With this new stand Rovers are investing and maintaining a historical Bristol sporting venue.Which is something which should be respected by its neighbours.
on 2023-10-08 SUPPORT
The Football club has my full support for trying to improve facilities for supporters, it islong overdue.The club currently impose it's own capacity for the comfort of supporters post pandemic andsimply want to revert to the official capacity by installing more seating so the figure of 2000 moreseats does not mean 2000 increase on the official capacity.This upgrade is for both some home and mostly away supporters so that they can have a morecomfortable civilised experience at the game.Most away supporters arrive by coach or Train so there will minimal increase in cars exceptmaybe for those with mobility issues, who are also catered for in this plan.The new structure will be the full width of the pitch, the extra length just replacing the giant screen,it will be slightly higher than the previous structure but not as high as previous plans that weregranted a few years ago so blocking of daylight and shadows should not be an issue. As Thestructure has already started this has been proven by the fact that shadows are cast over theplaying surface and not on the houses, it will also wrap around to the south west area which willgive a more enclosed feel and should therefore contain sound and light much better.Let's not forget that the local community had the stadium registered as an asset of communityvalue as they wanted it to remain as a sporting venue, details of which can be found here: is their wish but it must be accepted that the club must be allowed keep it sustainable andupgrade it to a standard to be a fitting Memorial.I see absolutely no valid reason why permission should not be granted.
on 2023-10-07 OBJECT
This new stand is much bigger and taller than the previous temporary structures and willblock light to the nearby gardens and houses. It has not been discussed fairly with theneighbouring streets and work is already causing noise pollution around the local area. Also byincreasing the size of the stadium seating you will increase the amount of traffic in an alreadycongested area.
on 2023-10-07 SUPPORT
on 2023-10-07 OBJECT
I object to the new stand and I find it appealing that this towering structure has beenbuilt without planning approval first. The only good news about them building first, ask permissionlater approach is we can now see exactly how much of an impact and eye saw it is to theneighbours of Horfield. The new stand stands out like a saw thumb. We had a lovely tree viewacross Bristol before this wall of metal was thrown up. Speaking with fellow neighbours who backonto the project, trees and bushes have been ripped out to make way for it. I do hope these werelogged and accounted for in the planning application. I do hope a full wildlife study was conductedbefore these green elements were removed. Personally I think a simple update to the current'previous' stand would have been welcomed, but for Rovers to ignore the planning process andjust throw up whatever they like is deeply unfair to the people who call Horfield their home.
on 2023-10-07 OBJECT
The new grandstand is absolutely massive compared to the old structure. The colour isunsightly and does not blend into the neighbourhood. It could benefit from being painted green asthis is visible from our property and looks horrendous.
The amount of additional traffic this will cause will affect neighbours as we are already badlyaffected on match day, and are unable to park anywhere near our properties when Robers areplaying.
The fans also park badly, on pavements, corners and double yellow lines, with no trafficenforcement in sight.
on 2023-10-07 SUPPORT
I hope everyone that previously objected or has already made ridiculous comments,please read all the supporting documents... especially the ones about the stand Not affecting theDay Light to neighbouring homes. Also, the stand doesn't increase the capacity of the Mem, so theamount of traffic will be the same!
I supported the last application and definitely support this one and hopefully it it answers all thedoubters.Please approve this much needed development.