Application Details

Council BCC
Reference 24/01630/M
Address Arnold Laver Brabazon Hangar West Way Bristol BS34 7DU  
Street View
Ward Henbury and Brentry
Proposal Application for approval of reserved matters application for landscaping following grant of outline application 19/05500/P - Hybrid planning application comprising: the demolition of existing ancillary buildings and structures; full details associated with the change of use of, and associated external alterations to, the Brabazon Hangar buildings from Class B8 use to a mixture of Class D1, D2, A1, A3, A4 and B1a uses, along with outline details associated with infrastructure works including: revised vehicular access arrangements; redevelopment and reorganisation of the former aircraft apron to provide parking, servicing and associated infrastructure provision; plus associated landscaping, service infrastructure and other associated works and improvements.
Validated '24-04-26
Type Reserved Matters
Status Pending consideration
Neighbour Consultation Expiry '24-06-06
Standard Consultation Expiry '24-06-12
Determination Deadline '24-08-16
BCC Planning Portal on Planning Portal
No. of Page Views 0
Comment analysis   Date of Submission
Nearby Trees Within 200m

BTF response: NEUTRAL